#include "util_server.qh" #include "common.qh" #if defined(CSQC) #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #include #endif #include "common.qh" void WarpZoneLib_ExactTrigger_Init() {SELFPARAM(); vector mi, ma; if (this.movedir == '0 0 0') if (this.angles != '0 0 0') { makevectors (this.angles); this.movedir = v_forward; } if(this.model == "") { // It's a box! No need to match with exacttriggers. this.warpzone_isboxy = 1; } else { mi = this.mins; ma = this.maxs; precache_model(this.model); _setmodel(this, this.model); // let mapper-set mins/maxs override the model's bounds if set if(mi != '0 0 0' || ma != '0 0 0') { // It's a box! No need to match with exacttriggers. this.mins = mi; this.maxs = ma; this.warpzone_isboxy = 1; } } setorigin(this, this.origin); if(this.scale) setsize(this, this.mins * this.scale, this.maxs * this.scale); else setsize(this, this.mins, this.maxs); this.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; this.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; this.model = ""; }