#ifndef KEYBINDER_H #define KEYBINDER_H #include "listbox.qc" CLASS(XonoticKeyBinder, XonoticListBox) METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, configureXonoticKeyBinder, void(entity)); ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, rowsPerItem, int, 1) METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, drawListBoxItem, void(entity, int, vector, bool, bool)); METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, doubleClickListBoxItem, void(entity, float, vector)); METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector)); METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, setSelected, void(entity, float)); METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, keyDown, float(entity, float, float, float)); METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, keyGrabbed, void(entity, float, float)); ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, realFontSize, vector, '0 0 0') ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, realUpperMargin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, columnFunctionOrigin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, columnFunctionSize, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, columnKeysOrigin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, columnKeysSize, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, previouslySelected, int, -1) ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, inMouseHandler, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, userbindEditButton, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, keyGrabButton, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, clearButton, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, userbindEditDialog, entity, NULL) METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, editUserbind, void(entity, string, string, string)); ENDCLASS(XonoticKeyBinder) entity makeXonoticKeyBinder(); void KeyBinder_Bind_Change(entity btn, entity me); void KeyBinder_Bind_Clear(entity btn, entity me); void KeyBinder_Bind_Edit(entity btn, entity me); void KeyBinder_Bind_Reset_All(entity btn, entity me); #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION const string KEY_NOT_BOUND_CMD = "// not bound"; const int MAX_KEYS_PER_FUNCTION = 2; const int MAX_KEYBINDS = 256; string Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[MAX_KEYBINDS]; string Xonotic_KeyBinds_Descriptions[MAX_KEYBINDS]; int Xonotic_KeyBinds_Count = -1; void Xonotic_KeyBinds_Read() { int fh; string s; Xonotic_KeyBinds_Count = 0; fh = fopen(language_filename("keybinds.txt"), FILE_READ); if(fh < 0) return; while((s = fgets(fh))) { if(tokenize_console(s) != 2) continue; Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[Xonotic_KeyBinds_Count] = strzone(argv(0)); Xonotic_KeyBinds_Descriptions[Xonotic_KeyBinds_Count] = strzone(argv(1)); ++Xonotic_KeyBinds_Count; if(Xonotic_KeyBinds_Count >= MAX_KEYBINDS) break; } fclose(fh); } entity makeXonoticKeyBinder() { entity me; me = NEW(XonoticKeyBinder); me.configureXonoticKeyBinder(me); return me; } void replace_bind(string from, string to) { int n, j; float k; // not sure if float or int n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(from, 0)); // uses '...' strings for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) { k = stof(argv(j)); if(k != -1) localcmd("\nbind \"", keynumtostring(k), "\" \"", to, "\"\n"); } if(n) cvar_set("_hud_showbinds_reload", "1"); } void XonoticKeyBinder_configureXonoticKeyBinder(entity me) { me.configureXonoticListBox(me); if(Xonotic_KeyBinds_Count < 0) Xonotic_KeyBinds_Read(); me.nItems = Xonotic_KeyBinds_Count; me.setSelected(me, 0); // TEMP: Xonotic 0.1 to later replace_bind("impulse 1", "weapon_group_1"); replace_bind("impulse 2", "weapon_group_2"); replace_bind("impulse 3", "weapon_group_3"); replace_bind("impulse 4", "weapon_group_4"); replace_bind("impulse 5", "weapon_group_5"); replace_bind("impulse 6", "weapon_group_6"); replace_bind("impulse 7", "weapon_group_7"); replace_bind("impulse 8", "weapon_group_8"); replace_bind("impulse 9", "weapon_group_9"); replace_bind("impulse 14", "weapon_group_0"); } void XonoticKeyBinder_resizeNotify(entity me, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize) { SUPER(XonoticKeyBinder).resizeNotify(me, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize); me.realFontSize_y = me.fontSize / (absSize.y * me.itemHeight); me.realFontSize_x = me.fontSize / (absSize.x * (1 - me.controlWidth)); me.realUpperMargin = 0.5 * (1 - me.realFontSize.y); me.columnFunctionOrigin = 0; me.columnKeysSize = me.realFontSize.x * 12; me.columnFunctionSize = 1 - me.columnKeysSize - 2 * me.realFontSize.x; me.columnKeysOrigin = me.columnFunctionOrigin + me.columnFunctionSize + me.realFontSize.x; if(me.userbindEditButton) me.userbindEditButton.disabled = (substring(Xonotic_KeyBinds_Descriptions[me.selectedItem], 0, 1) != "$"); } void KeyBinder_Bind_Change(entity btn, entity me) { string func; func = Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[me.selectedItem]; if(func == "") return; me.keyGrabButton.forcePressed = 1; me.clearButton.disabled = 1; keyGrabber = me; } void XonoticKeyBinder_keyGrabbed(entity me, int key, bool ascii) { int n, j, nvalid; float k; string func; me.keyGrabButton.forcePressed = 0; me.clearButton.disabled = 0; if(key == K_ESCAPE) return; // forbid these keys from being bound in the menu if(key == K_CAPSLOCK || key == K_NUMLOCK) { KeyBinder_Bind_Change(me, me); return; } func = Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[me.selectedItem]; if(func == "") return; n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, 0)); // uses '...' strings nvalid = 0; for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) { k = stof(argv(j)); if(k != -1) ++nvalid; } if(nvalid >= MAX_KEYS_PER_FUNCTION) { for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) { k = stof(argv(j)); if(k != -1) //localcmd("\nunbind \"", keynumtostring(k), "\"\n"); localcmd("\nbind \"", keynumtostring(k), "\" \"", KEY_NOT_BOUND_CMD, "\"\n"); } } m_play_click_sound(MENU_SOUND_SELECT); localcmd("\nbind \"", keynumtostring(key), "\" \"", func, "\"\n"); localcmd("-zoom\n"); // to make sure we aren't in togglezoom'd state cvar_set("_hud_showbinds_reload", "1"); } void XonoticKeyBinder_editUserbind(entity me, string theName, string theCommandPress, string theCommandRelease) { string func, descr; if(!me.userbindEditDialog) return; func = Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[me.selectedItem]; if(func == "") return; descr = Xonotic_KeyBinds_Descriptions[me.selectedItem]; if(substring(descr, 0, 1) != "$") return; descr = substring(descr, 1, strlen(descr) - 1); // Hooray! It IS a user bind! cvar_set(strcat(descr, "_description"), theName); cvar_set(strcat(descr, "_press"), theCommandPress); cvar_set(strcat(descr, "_release"), theCommandRelease); } void KeyBinder_Bind_Edit(entity btn, entity me) { string func, descr; if(!me.userbindEditDialog) return; func = Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[me.selectedItem]; if(func == "") return; descr = Xonotic_KeyBinds_Descriptions[me.selectedItem]; if(substring(descr, 0, 1) != "$") return; descr = substring(descr, 1, strlen(descr) - 1); // Hooray! It IS a user bind! me.userbindEditDialog.loadUserBind(me.userbindEditDialog, cvar_string(strcat(descr, "_description")), cvar_string(strcat(descr, "_press")), cvar_string(strcat(descr, "_release"))); DialogOpenButton_Click(btn, me.userbindEditDialog); } void KeyBinder_Bind_Clear(entity btn, entity me) { float n, j, k; string func; func = Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[me.selectedItem]; if(func == "") return; n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, 0)); // uses '...' strings for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) { k = stof(argv(j)); if(k != -1) //localcmd("\nunbind \"", keynumtostring(k), "\"\n"); localcmd("\nbind \"", keynumtostring(k), "\" \"", KEY_NOT_BOUND_CMD, "\"\n"); } m_play_click_sound(MENU_SOUND_CLEAR); localcmd("-zoom\n"); // to make sure we aren't in togglezoom'd state cvar_set("_hud_showbinds_reload", "1"); } void KeyBinder_Bind_Reset_All(entity btn, entity me) { localcmd("unbindall\n"); localcmd("exec binds-xonotic.cfg\n"); localcmd("-zoom\n"); // to make sure we aren't in togglezoom'd state cvar_set("_hud_showbinds_reload", "1"); } void XonoticKeyBinder_doubleClickListBoxItem(entity me, float i, vector where) { KeyBinder_Bind_Change(NULL, me); } void XonoticKeyBinder_setSelected(entity me, int i) { // handling of "unselectable" items i = floor(0.5 + bound(0, i, me.nItems - 1)); if(me.pressed == 0 || me.pressed == 1) // keyboard or scrolling - skip unselectable items { if(i > me.previouslySelected) { while((i < me.nItems - 1) && (Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[i] == "")) ++i; } while((i > 0) && (Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[i] == "")) --i; while((i < me.nItems - 1) && (Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[i] == "")) ++i; } if(me.pressed == 3) // released the mouse - fall back to last valid item { if(Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[i] == "") i = me.previouslySelected; } if(Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[i] != "") me.previouslySelected = i; if(me.userbindEditButton) me.userbindEditButton.disabled = (substring(Xonotic_KeyBinds_Descriptions[i], 0, 1) != "$"); SUPER(XonoticKeyBinder).setSelected(me, i); } float XonoticKeyBinder_keyDown(entity me, int key, bool ascii, float shift) { bool r = true; switch(key) { case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_SPACE: KeyBinder_Bind_Change(me, me); break; case K_DEL: case K_KP_DEL: case K_BACKSPACE: KeyBinder_Bind_Clear(me, me); break; default: r = SUPER(XonoticKeyBinder).keyDown(me, key, ascii, shift); break; } return r; } void XonoticKeyBinder_drawListBoxItem(entity me, int i, vector absSize, bool isSelected, bool isFocused) { string s; int j, n; float k; vector theColor; float theAlpha; string func, descr; float extraMargin; descr = Xonotic_KeyBinds_Descriptions[i]; func = Xonotic_KeyBinds_Functions[i]; if(func == "") { theAlpha = 1; theColor = SKINCOLOR_KEYGRABBER_TITLES; theAlpha = SKINALPHA_KEYGRABBER_TITLES; extraMargin = 0; } else { if(isSelected) { if(keyGrabber == me) draw_Fill('0 0 0', '1 1 0', SKINCOLOR_LISTBOX_WAITING, SKINALPHA_LISTBOX_WAITING); else draw_Fill('0 0 0', '1 1 0', SKINCOLOR_LISTBOX_SELECTED, SKINALPHA_LISTBOX_SELECTED); } else if(isFocused) { me.focusedItemAlpha = getFadedAlpha(me.focusedItemAlpha, SKINALPHA_LISTBOX_FOCUSED, SKINFADEALPHA_LISTBOX_FOCUSED); draw_Fill('0 0 0', '1 1 0', SKINCOLOR_LISTBOX_FOCUSED, me.focusedItemAlpha); } theAlpha = SKINALPHA_KEYGRABBER_KEYS; theColor = SKINCOLOR_KEYGRABBER_KEYS; extraMargin = me.realFontSize.x * 0.5; } if(substring(descr, 0, 1) == "$") { s = substring(descr, 1, strlen(descr) - 1); descr = cvar_string(strcat(s, "_description")); if(descr == "") descr = s; if(cvar_string(strcat(s, "_press")) == "") if(cvar_string(strcat(s, "_release")) == "") theAlpha *= SKINALPHA_DISABLED; } s = draw_TextShortenToWidth(descr, me.columnFunctionSize, 0, me.realFontSize); draw_Text(me.realUpperMargin * eY + extraMargin * eX, s, me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0); if(func != "") { n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, 0)); // uses '...' strings s = ""; for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) { k = stof(argv(j)); if(k != -1) { if(s != "") s = strcat(s, ", "); s = strcat(s, keynumtostring(k)); } } s = draw_TextShortenToWidth(s, me.columnKeysSize, 0, me.realFontSize); draw_CenterText(me.realUpperMargin * eY + (me.columnKeysOrigin + 0.5 * me.columnKeysSize) * eX, s, me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0); } } #endif