#ifndef SCREENSHOTIMAGE_H #define SCREENSHOTIMAGE_H #include "image.qc" CLASS(XonoticScreenshotImage, XonoticImage) METHOD(XonoticScreenshotImage, configureXonoticScreenshotImage, void(entity)) METHOD(XonoticScreenshotImage, load, void(entity, string)) METHOD(XonoticScreenshotImage, draw, void(entity)) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotImage, focusable, float, 1) // mousePress and mouseDrag work only if focusable is set METHOD(XonoticScreenshotImage, mousePress, float(entity, vector)) METHOD(XonoticScreenshotImage, mouseDrag, float(entity, vector)) METHOD(XonoticScreenshotImage, mouseMove, float(entity, vector)) METHOD(XonoticScreenshotImage, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector)) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotImage, realFontSize, vector, '0 0 0') ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotImage, fontSize, float, SKINFONTSIZE_NORMAL) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotImage, showTitle, float, 1) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotImage, screenshotTime, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticScreenshotImage, screenshotTitle, string, string_null) ENDCLASS(XonoticScreenshotImage) entity makeXonoticScreenshotImage(); #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION entity makeXonoticScreenshotImage() { entity me; me = NEW(XonoticScreenshotImage); me.configureXonoticScreenshotImage(me); return me; } void XonoticScreenshotImage_configureXonoticScreenshotImage(entity me) { me.configureXonoticImage(me, string_null, -2); me.zoomLimitedByTheBox = false; // enable this to forbid enlarging the image more than the containing box (if making use of draw_SetClip is a too bad thing) me.zoomSnapToTheBox = false; // disabled: it's cooler } void XonoticScreenshotImage_load(entity me, string theImage) { me.screenshotTime = time; me.src = theImage; if (me.screenshotTitle) strunzone(me.screenshotTitle); me.screenshotTitle = strzone(substring(me.src, 13, strlen(theImage) - 13)); //strip "/screenshots/" me.initZoom(me); // this image may have a different size me.setZoom(me, 0, 0); } float XonoticScreenshotImage_mousePress(entity me, vector coords) { return me.drag_setStartPos(me, coords); } float XonoticScreenshotImage_mouseDrag(entity me, vector coords) { return me.drag(me, coords); } float XonoticScreenshotImage_mouseMove(entity me, vector coords) { return me.drag_setStartPos(me, coords); } void XonoticScreenshotImage_draw(entity me) { if (me.src != "") { float theAlpha; SUPER(XonoticScreenshotImage).draw(me); if (me.showTitle && time < me.screenshotTime + 4) // 3 seconds at full alpha, 1 second fading out { theAlpha = (4 - (time - me.screenshotTime)); draw_CenterText('0.5 0 0', me.screenshotTitle, me.realFontSize, '1 1 1', theAlpha, false); } if (time < me.zoomTime + 2) // 1 seconds at full alpha, 1 second fading out { string zoomString; float z; z = me.zoomFactor * 100; if (z - floor(z) == 0) zoomString = sprintf("%d%%", z); else zoomString = sprintf("%.2f%%", z); theAlpha = (2 - (time - me.zoomTime)); draw_Text('0.05 0.95 0', zoomString, me.realFontSize, '1 1 1', theAlpha, false); } } } void XonoticScreenshotImage_resizeNotify(entity me, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize) { SUPER(XonoticScreenshotImage).resizeNotify(me, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize); me.realFontSize_y = me.fontSize / absSize.y; me.realFontSize_x = me.fontSize / absSize.x; } #endif