#pragma once // switch between weapons void Send_WeaponComplain(entity e, float wpn, float type); .float hasweapon_complain_spam; bool client_hasweapon(entity cl, Weapon wpn, float andammo, bool complain); .int weaponcomplainindex; float W_GetCycleWeapon(entity pl, string weaponorder, float dir, float imp, float complain, float skipmissing); #define w_getbestweapon(ent) Weapons_from(W_GetCycleWeapon(ent, ent.cvar_cl_weaponpriority, 0, -1, false, true)) void W_SwitchWeapon_Force(Player this, Weapon w); // perform weapon to attack (weaponstate and attack_finished check is here) void W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(entity pl); void W_SwitchWeapon(Weapon imp); void W_CycleWeapon(string weaponorder, float dir); void W_NextWeaponOnImpulse(float imp); // next weapon void W_NextWeapon(float list); // prev weapon void W_PreviousWeapon(float list); // previously used if exists and has ammo, (second) best otherwise void W_LastWeapon(entity this);