import datetime import logging import math from xonstat.models import PlayerElo log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class EloParms: def __init__(self, global_K=15, initial=100, floor=100, logdistancefactor=math.log(10)/float(400), maxlogdistance=math.log(10), latency_trend_factor=0.2): self.global_K = global_K self.initial = initial self.floor = floor self.logdistancefactor = logdistancefactor self.maxlogdistance = maxlogdistance self.latency_trend_factor = latency_trend_factor class KReduction: def __init__(self, fulltime, mintime, minratio, games_min, games_max, games_factor): self.fulltime = fulltime self.mintime = mintime self.minratio = minratio self.games_min = games_min self.games_max = games_max self.games_factor = games_factor def eval(self, mygames, mytime, matchtime): if mytime < self.mintime: return 0 if mytime < self.minratio * matchtime: return 0 if mytime < self.fulltime: k = mytime / float(self.fulltime) else: k = 1.0 if mygames >= self.games_max: k *= self.games_factor elif mygames > self.games_min: k *= 1.0 - (1.0 - self.games_factor) * (mygames - self.games_min) / float(self.games_max - self.games_min) return k # parameters for K reduction # this may be touched even if the DB already exists KREDUCTION = KReduction(600, 120, 0.5, 0, 32, 0.2) # parameters for chess elo # only global_K may be touched even if the DB already exists # we start at K=200, and fall to K=40 over the first 20 games ELOPARMS = EloParms(global_K = 200) class EloWIP: """EloWIP is a work-in-progress Elo value. It contains all of the attributes necessary to calculate Elo deltas for a given game.""" def __init__(self, player_id, pgstat=None): # player_id this belongs to self.player_id = player_id # score per second in the game self.score_per_second = 0.0 # seconds alive during a given game self.alivetime = 0 # current elo record self.elo = None # current player_game_stat record self.pgstat = pgstat # Elo algorithm K-factor self.k = 0.0 # Elo points accumulator, which is not adjusted by the K-factor self.adjustment = 0.0 # elo points delta accumulator for the game, which IS adjusted # by the K-factor self.elo_delta = 0.0 def should_save(self): """Determines if the elo and pgstat attributes of this instance should be persisted to the database""" return self.k > 0.0 def __repr__(self): return "".\ format(self.player_id, self.score_per_second, self.alivetime, \ self.elo, self.pgstat, self.k, self.adjustment, self.elo_delta) class EloProcessor: """EloProcessor is a container for holding all of the intermediary AND final values used to calculate Elo deltas for all players in a given game.""" def __init__(self, session, game, pgstats): # game which we are processing = game # work-in-progress values, indexed by player self.wip = {} # used to determine if a pgstat record is elo-eligible def elo_eligible(pgs): return pgs.player_id > 2 and pgs.alivetime > datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) elostats = filter(elo_eligible, pgstats) # only process elos for elo-eligible players for pgstat in elostats: self.wip[pgstat.player_id] = EloWIP(pgstat.player_id, pgstat) # determine duration from the maximum alivetime # of the players if the game doesn't have one self.duration = 0 if game.duration is not None: self.duration = game.duration.seconds else: self.duration = max(i.alivetime.seconds for i in elostats) # Calculate the score_per_second and alivetime values for each player. # Warmups may mess up the player alivetime values, so this is a # failsafe to put the alivetime ceiling to be the game's duration. for e in self.wip.values(): if e.pgstat.alivetime.seconds > self.duration: e.score_per_second = e.pgstat.score/float(self.duration) e.alivetime = self.duration else: e.score_per_second = e.pgstat.score/float(e.pgstat.alivetime.seconds) e.alivetime = e.pgstat.alivetime.seconds # Fetch current Elo values for all players. For players that don't yet # have an Elo record, we'll give them a default one. for e in session.query(PlayerElo).\ filter(PlayerElo.player_id.in_(self.wip.keys())).\ filter(PlayerElo.game_type_cd==game.game_type_cd).all(): self.wip[e.player_id].elo = e for pid in self.wip.keys(): if self.wip[pid].elo is None: self.wip[pid].elo = PlayerElo(pid, game.game_type_cd, ELOPARMS.initial) # determine k reduction self.wip[pid].k = KREDUCTION.eval(self.wip[pid], self.wip[pid].alivetime, self.duration) # we don't process the players who have a zero K factor self.wip = {e.player_id:e for e in self.wip.values() if e.k > 0.0} # now actually process elos self.process() def scorefactor(self, si, sj): """Calculate the real scorefactor of the game. This is how players actually performed, which is compared to their expected performance as predicted by their Elo values.""" scorefactor_real = si / float(si + sj) # duels are done traditionally - a win nets # full points, not the score factor if == 'duel': # player i won if scorefactor_real > 0.5: scorefactor_real = 1.0 # player j won elif scorefactor_real < 0.5: scorefactor_real = 0.0 # nothing to do here for draws return scorefactor_real def pingfactor(self, pi, pj): """ Calculate the ping differences between the two players, but only if both have them. """ if pi is None or pj is None or pi < 0 or pj < 0: # default to a draw return 0.5 else: return float(pi)/(pi+pj) def process(self): """Perform the core Elo calculation, storing the values in the "wip" dict for passing upstream.""" if len(self.wip.keys()) < 2: return ep = ELOPARMS pids = self.wip.keys() for i in xrange(0, len(pids)): ei = self.wip[pids[i]].elo pi = self.wip[pids[i]].pgstat.avg_latency for j in xrange(i+1, len(pids)): ej = self.wip[pids[j]].elo si = self.wip[pids[i]].score_per_second sj = self.wip[pids[j]].score_per_second pj = self.wip[pids[j]].pgstat.avg_latency # normalize scores ofs = min(0, si, sj) si -= ofs sj -= ofs if si + sj == 0: si, sj = 1, 1 # a draw # real score factor scorefactor_real = self.scorefactor(si, sj) # expected score factor by elo elodiff = min(ep.maxlogdistance, max(-ep.maxlogdistance, (float(ei.elo) - float(ej.elo)) * ep.logdistancefactor)) scorefactor_elo = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-elodiff)) # adjust the elo prediction according to ping ping_ratio = self.pingfactor(pi, pj) scorefactor_ping = ep.latency_trend_factor * (0.5 - ping_ratio) scorefactor_elo_adjusted = max(0.0, min(1.0, scorefactor_elo + scorefactor_ping)) # initial adjustment values, which we may modify with additional rules adjustmenti = scorefactor_real - scorefactor_elo_adjusted adjustmentj = scorefactor_elo_adjusted - scorefactor_real # DEBUG # log.debug("(New) Player i: {0}".format(ei.player_id)) # log.debug("(New) Player i's K: {0}".format(self.wip[pids[i]].k)) # log.debug("(New) Player j: {0}".format(ej.player_id)) # log.debug("(New) Player j's K: {0}".format(self.wip[pids[j]].k)) # log.debug("(New) Ping ratio: {0}".format(ping_ratio)) # log.debug("(New) Scorefactor real: {0}".format(scorefactor_real)) # log.debug("(New) Scorefactor elo: {0}".format(scorefactor_elo)) # log.debug("(New) Scorefactor ping: {0}".format(scorefactor_ping)) # log.debug("(New) adjustment i: {0}".format(scorefactor_real - scorefactor_elo)) # log.debug("(New) adjustment j: {0}".format(scorefactor_elo - scorefactor_real)) # log.debug("(New) adjustment i with ping: {0}".format(adjustmenti)) # log.debug("(New) adjustment j with ping: {0}\n".format(adjustmentj)) if scorefactor_elo > 0.5: # player i is expected to win if scorefactor_real > 0.5: # he DID win, so he should never lose points. adjustmenti = max(0, adjustmenti) else: # he lost, but let's make it continuous # (making him lose less points in the result) adjustmenti = (2 * scorefactor_real - 1) * scorefactor_elo else: # player j is expected to win if scorefactor_real > 0.5: # he lost, but let's make it continuous # (making him lose less points in the result) adjustmentj = (1 - 2 * scorefactor_real) * (1 - scorefactor_elo) else: # he DID win, so he should never lose points. adjustmentj = max(0, adjustmentj) self.wip[pids[i]].adjustment += adjustmenti self.wip[pids[j]].adjustment += adjustmentj for pid in pids: w = self.wip[pid] old_elo = float(w.elo.elo) new_elo = max(float(w.elo.elo) + w.adjustment * w.k * ep.global_K / float(len(pids) - 1), ep.floor) w.elo_delta = new_elo - old_elo log.debug("{}'s Old Elo: {} New Elo: {} Delta {}" .format(pid, old_elo, new_elo, w.elo_delta)) w.elo.elo = new_elo += 1 w.elo.update_dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow() def save(self, session): """Put all changed PlayerElo and PlayerGameStat instances into the session to be updated or inserted upon commit.""" # first, save all of the player_elo values for w in self.wip.values(): session.add(w.elo) try: w.pgstat.elo_delta = w.elo_delta session.add(w.pgstat) except: log.debug("Unable to save Elo delta value for player_id {0}".format(w.player_id))