<%inherit file="base.mako"/> <%block name="title"> Leaderboard <%block name="hero_unit">
% if stat_line is None:

Tracking Xonotic statistics since October 2011.

% else:

Tracking ${stat_line|n} since October 2011.

% endif % if day_stat_line is not None:

${day_stat_line|n} in the past 24 hours.

% endif
##### ACTIVE PLAYERS #####
Most Active Players
% for tp in top_players: % endfor
# Nick Time
${tp.sort_order} ${tp.nick_html_colors()|n} ${tp.alivetime}
##### ACTIVE SERVERS #####
Most Active Servers
% for ts in top_servers: % endfor
# Server Time
${ts.sort_order} ${ts.server_name} ${ts.play_time_str(max_segments=2)}
##### ACTIVE MAPS #####
Most Active Maps
% for tm in top_maps: % endfor
# Map Games
${tm.sort_order} ${tm.map_name} ${tm.games}
*Most active stats are from the past 7 days
##### RECENT GAMES ##### % if len(recent_games) > 0:
Recent Games
% for rg in recent_games: % else: ${rg.nick_html_colors|n} % endif % endfor
Type Server Map Time Winner
view ${rg.server_name} ${rg.map_name} ${rg.fuzzy_date} % if rg.player_id > 2: ${rg.nick_html_colors|n}
% endif