import datetime import logging import re import time from collections import OrderedDict from pyramid import httpexceptions from pyramid.response import Response from sqlalchemy import desc, func, over from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import * from webhelpers.paginate import Page, PageURL from xonstat.models import * from xonstat.util import page_url from xonstat.views.helpers import RecentGame, recent_games_q log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _game_info_data(request): game_id = int(request.matchdict['id']) # show an extra column if "show_elo" is a GET parameter show_elo = bool(request.params.get("show_elo", False)) try: (game, server, map, gametype) = DBSession.query(Game, Server, Map, GameType).\ filter(Game.game_id == game_id).\ filter(Game.server_id == Server.server_id).\ filter(Game.map_id == Map.map_id).\ filter(Game.game_type_cd == GameType.game_type_cd).one() pgstats = DBSession.query(PlayerGameStat).\ filter(PlayerGameStat.game_id == game_id).\ order_by(PlayerGameStat.scoreboardpos).\ order_by(PlayerGameStat.score).\ all() # Really old games don't have latency sent, so we have to check. If at # least one player has a latency value, we'll show the ping column. show_latency = False for pgstat in pgstats: if pgstat.avg_latency is not None: show_latency = True break q = DBSession.query(TeamGameStat).\ filter(TeamGameStat.game_id == game_id) if game.game_type_cd == 'ctf': q = q.order_by(TeamGameStat.caps.desc()) elif game.game_type_cd == 'ca': q = q.order_by(TeamGameStat.rounds.desc()) # dom -> ticks, rc -> laps, nb -> goals, as -> objectives q = q.order_by(TeamGameStat.score.desc()) tgstats = q.all() stats_by_team = OrderedDict() for pgstat in pgstats: if not in stats_by_team.keys(): stats_by_team[] = [] stats_by_team[].append(pgstat) captimes = [] if game.game_type_cd == 'ctf': for pgstat in pgstats: if pgstat.fastest is not None: captimes.append(pgstat) captimes = sorted(captimes, key=lambda x:x.fastest) pwstats = {} for (pwstat, weapon) in DBSession.query(PlayerWeaponStat, Weapon).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.game_id == game_id).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd == Weapon.weapon_cd).\ order_by(PlayerWeaponStat.actual.desc()).\ all(): if pwstat.player_game_stat_id not in pwstats: pwstats[pwstat.player_game_stat_id] = [] pwstats[pwstat.player_game_stat_id].append((weapon.descr, weapon.weapon_cd, pwstat.actual, pwstat.max, pwstat.hit, pwstat.fired, pwstat.frags)) except NoResultFound as e: raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("Could not find that game!") except Exception as e: raise inst return {'game':game, 'server':server, 'map':map, 'gametype':gametype, 'pgstats':pgstats, 'tgstats':tgstats, 'pwstats':pwstats, 'captimes':captimes, 'show_elo':show_elo, 'show_latency':show_latency, 'stats_by_team':stats_by_team, } def game_info(request): """ List the game stats (scoreboard) for a particular game. Paginated. """ return _game_info_data(request) def game_info_json(request): """ List the game stats (scoreboard) for a particular game. Paginated. JSON. """ return [{'status':'not implemented'}] def _rank_index_data(request): if request.params.has_key('page'): current_page = request.params['page'] else: current_page = 1 # game type whitelist game_types_allowed = ["ca", "ctf", "dm", "duel", "ft", "ka", "tdm"] game_type_cd = request.matchdict['game_type_cd'] if game_type_cd not in game_types_allowed: raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound() ranks_q = DBSession.query(PlayerRank).\ filter(PlayerRank.game_type_cd==game_type_cd).\ order_by(PlayerRank.rank) ranks = Page(ranks_q, current_page, url=page_url) if len(ranks) == 0: ranks = None return { 'ranks':ranks, 'game_type_cd':game_type_cd, } def rank_index(request): """ Provide a list of gametype ranks, paginated. """ return _rank_index_data(request) def rank_index_json(request): """ Provide a list of gametype ranks, paginated. JSON. """ return [{'status':'not implemented'}] def game_finder_data(request): if request.params.has_key('page'): current_page = request.params['page'] else: current_page = 1 query = {} server_id, map_id, player_id = None, None, None game_type_cd, start_game_id, end_game_id = None, None, None game_type_descr = None # these become WHERE clauses when present if request.params.has_key('server_id'): server_id = request.params['server_id'] query['server_id'] = server_id if request.params.has_key('map_id'): map_id = request.params['map_id'] query['map_id'] = map_id if request.params.has_key('player_id'): player_id = request.params['player_id'] query['player_id'] = player_id if request.params.has_key('start_game_id'): start_game_id = request.params['start_game_id'] query['start_game_id'] = start_game_id if request.params.has_key('end_game_id'): end_game_id = request.params['end_game_id'] query['end_game_id'] = end_game_id if request.params.has_key('type'): game_type_cd = request.params['type'] query['type'] = game_type_cd try: game_type_descr = DBSession.query(GameType.descr).\ filter(GameType.game_type_cd == game_type_cd).\ one()[0] except Exception as e: game_type_cd = None rgs_q = recent_games_q(server_id=server_id, map_id=map_id, player_id=player_id, game_type_cd=game_type_cd, start_game_id=start_game_id, end_game_id=end_game_id) try: recent_games = [RecentGame(row) for row in rgs_q.limit(20).all()] if len(recent_games) > 0: query['start_game_id'] = recent_games[-1].game_id + 1 # build the list of links for the stripe across the top game_type_links = [] # clear out the game_id window gt_query = query.copy() if 'start_game_id' in gt_query: del gt_query['start_game_id'] if 'end_game_id' in gt_query: del gt_query['end_game_id'] for gt in ('overall','duel','ctf','dm','tdm','ca','kh','ft', 'lms','as','dom','nb','cts','rc'): gt_query['type'] = gt url = request.route_url("game_index", _query=gt_query) game_type_links.append((gt, url)) except: raise httpexceptions.HTTPBadRequest("Malformed Query") return { 'recent_games':recent_games, 'query':query, 'game_type_cd':game_type_cd, 'game_type_links':game_type_links, } def game_finder(request): """ Provide a list of recent games with an advanced filter. """ return game_finder_data(request) def game_finder_json(request): """ Provide a list of recent games in JSON format. """ data = game_finder_data(request) return [rg.to_dict() for rg in data["recent_games"]]