import logging import sqlalchemy.sql.expression as expr from datetime import datetime from xonstat.models import * from xonstat.util import * log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RecentGame(object): ''' This is a helper class to facilitate showing recent games data within mako. The idea is to take the results of a query and transform it into class members easily accessible later. It is like a namedtuple but a little easier to form. The constructor takes a query row that has been fetched, and it requires the following columns to be present in the row: game_id, game_type_cd, winner, create_dt, server_id, server_name, map_id, map_name, player_id, nick, rank, team The following columns are optional: elo_delta This class is meant to be used in conjunction with recent_games_q, which will return rows matching this specification. ''' def __init__(self, row): self.game_id = row.game_id self.game_type_cd = row.game_type_cd self.winner = row.winner self.create_dt = row.create_dt self.fuzzy_date = pretty_date(row.create_dt) self.epoch = timegm(row.create_dt.timetuple()) self.server_id = row.server_id self.server_name = row.server_name self.map_id = row.map_id self.map_name = row.map_name self.player_id = row.player_id self.nick = row.nick self.nick_html_colors = html_colors(row.nick) self.rank = row.rank = try: self.elo_delta = row.elo_delta except: self.elo_delta = None def recent_games_q(server_id=None, map_id=None, player_id=None, cutoff=None): ''' Returns a SQLA query of recent game data. Parameters filter the results returned if they are provided. If not, it is assumed that results from all servers and maps is desired. The cutoff parameter provides a way to limit how far back to look when querying. Only games that happened on or after the cutoff (which is a datetime object) will be returned. ''' recent_games_q = DBSession.query(Game.game_id, Game.game_type_cd, Game.winner, Game.create_dt, Server.server_id,'server_name'), Map.map_id,'map_name'), PlayerGameStat.player_id, PlayerGameStat.nick, PlayerGameStat.rank,, PlayerGameStat.elo_delta).\ filter(Game.server_id==Server.server_id).\ filter(Game.map_id==Map.map_id).\ filter(Game.game_id==PlayerGameStat.game_id).\ order_by(expr.desc(Game.create_dt)) # the various filters provided get tacked on to the query if server_id is not None: recent_games_q = recent_games_q.\ filter(Server.server_id==server_id) if map_id is not None: recent_games_q = recent_games_q.\ filter(Map.map_id==map_id) if player_id is not None: recent_games_q = recent_games_q.\ filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id==player_id) else: recent_games_q = recent_games_q.\ filter(PlayerGameStat.rank==1) if cutoff is not None: right_now = datetime.utcnow() recent_games_q = recent_games_q.\ filter(expr.between(Game.create_dt, cutoff, right_now)) return recent_games_q