import logging import sqlalchemy as sa import sqlalchemy.sql.functions as func import sqlalchemy.sql.expression as expr from beaker.cache import cache_regions, cache_region from collections import namedtuple from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pyramid.response import Response from xonstat.models import * from xonstat.util import * from xonstat.views.helpers import RecentGame, recent_games_q from webhelpers.paginate import Page log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @cache_region('hourly_term') def get_summary_stats(scope="all"): """ Gets the following aggregate statistics according to the provided scope: - the number of active players - the number of games per game type Scope can be "all" or "day". The fetched information is summarized into a string which is passed directly to the template. """ if scope not in ["all", "day"]: scope = "all" try: ss = DBSession.query("num_players", "game_type_cd", "num_games").\ from_statement( "SELECT num_players, game_type_cd, num_games " "FROM summary_stats_mv " "WHERE scope = :scope " "ORDER BY sort_order " ).params(scope=scope).all() i = 1 total_games = 0 other_games = 0 for row in ss: # the number of players is constant in each row total_players = row.num_players total_games += row.num_games # we can't show all game types on the single summary line, so any # past the fifth one will get bundled in to an "other" count if i > 5: other_games += row.num_games i += 1 # don't send anything if we don't have any activity if total_games == 0: stat_line = None else: # This is ugly because we're doing template-like stuff within the # view code. The alternative isn't any better, though: we would # have to assemble the string inside the template by using a Python # code block. For now I'll leave it like this since it is the lesser # of two evils IMO. # Also we need to hard-code the URL structure in here to allow caching, # which also sucks. in_paren = "; ".join(["{:2,d} {}".format( g.num_games, "{0}".format(g.game_type_cd) ) for g in ss[:5]]) if other_games > 0: in_paren += "; {:2,d} other".format(other_games) stat_line = "{:2,d} players and {:2,d} games ({})".format( total_players, total_games, in_paren ) except Exception as e: raise e stat_line = None return stat_line @cache_region('hourly_term') def get_ranks(game_type_cd): """ Gets a set number of the top-ranked people for the specified game_type_cd. The game_type_cd parameter is the type to fetch. Currently limited to duel, dm, ctf, and tdm. """ # how many ranks we want to fetch leaderboard_count = 10 # only a few game modes are actually ranked if game_type_cd not in 'duel' 'dm' 'ctf' 'tdm': return None ranks = DBSession.query(PlayerRank).\ filter(PlayerRank.game_type_cd==game_type_cd).\ order_by(PlayerRank.rank).\ limit(leaderboard_count).all() return ranks def top_players_by_time_q(cutoff_days): """ Query for the top players by the amount of time played during a date range. Games older than cutoff_days days old are ignored. """ # only games played during this range are considered right_now = datetime.utcnow() cutoff_dt = right_now - timedelta(days=cutoff_days) top_players_q = DBSession.query(Player.player_id, Player.nick, func.sum(PlayerGameStat.alivetime)).\ filter(Player.player_id == PlayerGameStat.player_id).\ filter(Player.player_id > 2).\ filter(expr.between(PlayerGameStat.create_dt, cutoff_dt, right_now)).\ order_by(expr.desc(func.sum(PlayerGameStat.alivetime))).\ group_by(Player.nick).\ group_by(Player.player_id) return top_players_q @cache_region('hourly_term') def get_top_players_by_time(cutoff_days): """ The top players by the amount of time played during a date range. Games older than cutoff_days days old are ignored. """ # how many to retrieve count = 10 # only games played during this range are considered right_now = datetime.utcnow() cutoff_dt = right_now - timedelta(days=cutoff_days) top_players_q = top_players_by_time_q(cutoff_days) top_players = top_players_q.limit(count).all() top_players = [(player_id, html_colors(nick), score) \ for (player_id, nick, score) in top_players] return top_players def top_servers_by_players_q(cutoff_days): """ Query to get the top servers by the amount of players active during a date range. Games older than cutoff_days days old are ignored. """ # only games played during this range are considered right_now = datetime.utcnow() cutoff_dt = right_now - timedelta(days=cutoff_days) top_servers_q = DBSession.query(Server.server_id,, func.count()).\ filter(Game.server_id==Server.server_id).\ filter(expr.between(Game.create_dt, cutoff_dt, right_now)).\ order_by(expr.desc(func.count(Game.game_id))).\ group_by(Server.server_id).\ group_by( return top_servers_q @cache_region('hourly_term') def get_top_servers_by_players(cutoff_days): """ The top servers by the amount of players active during a date range. Games older than cutoff_days days old are ignored. """ # how many to retrieve count = 10 top_servers = top_servers_by_players_q(cutoff_days).limit(count).all() return top_servers def top_maps_by_times_played_q(cutoff_days): """ Query to retrieve the top maps by the amount of times it was played during a date range. Games older than cutoff_days days old are ignored. """ # only games played during this range are considered right_now = datetime.utcnow() cutoff_dt = right_now - timedelta(days=cutoff_days) top_maps_q = DBSession.query(Game.map_id,, func.count()).\ filter(Map.map_id==Game.map_id).\ filter(expr.between(Game.create_dt, cutoff_dt, right_now)).\ order_by(expr.desc(func.count())).\ group_by(Game.map_id).\ group_by( return top_maps_q @cache_region('hourly_term') def get_top_maps_by_times_played(cutoff_days): """ The top maps by the amount of times it was played during a date range. Games older than cutoff_days days old are ignored. """ # how many to retrieve count = 10 top_maps = top_maps_by_times_played_q(cutoff_days).limit(count).all() return top_maps def _main_index_data(request): try: leaderboard_lifetime = int( request.registry.settings['xonstat.leaderboard_lifetime']) except: leaderboard_lifetime = 30 leaderboard_count = 10 recent_games_count = 20 # summary statistics for the tagline stat_line = get_summary_stats("all") day_stat_line = get_summary_stats("day") # the three top ranks tables ranks = [] for gtc in ['duel', 'ctf', 'dm', 'tdm']: rank = get_ranks(gtc) if len(rank) != 0: ranks.append(rank) right_now = datetime.utcnow() back_then = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=leaderboard_lifetime) # top players by playing time top_players = get_top_players_by_time(leaderboard_lifetime) # top servers by number of total players played top_servers = get_top_servers_by_players(leaderboard_lifetime) # top maps by total times played top_maps = get_top_maps_by_times_played(leaderboard_lifetime) # recent games played in descending order rgs = recent_games_q(cutoff=back_then).limit(recent_games_count).all() recent_games = [RecentGame(row) for row in rgs] return {'top_players':top_players, 'top_servers':top_servers, 'top_maps':top_maps, 'recent_games':recent_games, 'ranks':ranks, 'stat_line':stat_line, 'day_stat_line':day_stat_line, } def main_index(request): """ Display the main page information. """ mainindex_data = _main_index_data(request) # FIXME: code clone, should get these from _main_index_data leaderboard_count = 10 recent_games_count = 20 for i in range(leaderboard_count-len(mainindex_data['top_players'])): mainindex_data['top_players'].append(('-', '-', '-')) for i in range(leaderboard_count-len(mainindex_data['top_servers'])): mainindex_data['top_servers'].append(('-', '-', '-')) for i in range(leaderboard_count-len(mainindex_data['top_maps'])): mainindex_data['top_maps'].append(('-', '-', '-')) return mainindex_data def main_index_json(request): """ JSON output of the main page information. """ return [{'status':'not implemented'}] def top_players_by_time(request): current_page = request.params.get('page', 1) cutoff_days = int(request.registry.settings.\ get('xonstat.leaderboard_lifetime', 30)) top_players_q = top_players_by_time_q(cutoff_days) top_players = Page(top_players_q, current_page, items_per_page=25, url=page_url) top_players.items = [(player_id, html_colors(nick), score) \ for (player_id, nick, score) in top_players.items] return {'top_players':top_players} def top_servers_by_players(request): current_page = request.params.get('page', 1) cutoff_days = int(request.registry.settings.\ get('xonstat.leaderboard_lifetime', 30)) top_servers_q = top_servers_by_players_q(cutoff_days) top_servers = Page(top_servers_q, current_page, items_per_page=25, url=page_url) return {'top_servers':top_servers} def top_maps_by_times_played(request): current_page = request.params.get('page', 1) cutoff_days = int(request.registry.settings.\ get('xonstat.leaderboard_lifetime', 30)) top_maps_q = top_maps_by_times_played_q(cutoff_days) top_maps = Page(top_maps_q, current_page, items_per_page=25, url=page_url) return {'top_maps':top_maps}