#ifndef CAP_H #define CAP_H #ifdef CONFIG_VIDEO_CAPTURE #include "qtypes.h" #include "qdefs.h" #include "fs.h" #include "snd_main.h" #include "glquake.h" typedef enum capturevideoformat_e { CAPTUREVIDEOFORMAT_AVI_I420, CAPTUREVIDEOFORMAT_OGG_VORBIS_THEORA } capturevideoformat_t; typedef struct capturevideostate_s { double startrealtime; double framerate; int framestep; int framestepframe; qbool active; qbool realtime; qbool error; int soundrate; int soundchannels; int frame; double starttime; double lastfpstime; int lastfpsframe; int soundsampleframe; unsigned char *outbuffer; char basename[MAX_QPATH]; int width, height; // precomputed RGB to YUV tables // converts the RGB values to YUV (see cap_avi.c for how to use them) short rgbtoyuvscaletable[3][3][256]; unsigned char yuvnormalizetable[3][256]; // precomputed gamma ramp (only needed if the capturevideo module uses RGB output) // note: to map from these values to RGB24, you have to multiply by 255.0/65535.0, then add 0.5, then cast to integer unsigned short vidramp[256 * 3]; // stuff to be filled in by the video format module capturevideoformat_t format; const char *formatextension; qfile_t *videofile; // always use this: // cls.capturevideo.videofile = FS_OpenRealFile(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s.%s", cls.capturevideo.basename, cls.capturevideo.formatextension), "wb", false); void (*writeEndVideo) (void); void (*writeVideoFrame) (int num, u8 *in); void (*writeSoundFrame) (const portable_sampleframe_t *paintbuffer, size_t length); // format specific data void *formatspecific; // GL backend #define PBO_COUNT 3 // bones_was_here: slightly faster than double buffering GLuint PBOs[PBO_COUNT]; GLuint PBOindex; GLuint FBO; GLuint FBOtex; } capturevideostate_t; #endif #endif