// ================================================================= // Master config for managing various command aliases and settings // ================================================================= // This alias allows for common commands to be executed, even on both // dedicated servers and normal clients. If dedicated, then it remains // as sv_cmd... If a normal client, then it is changed to menu_cmd. alias qc_cmd "sv_cmd $*" // Execute commands based on whether it is dedicated a server or a client. alias "_detect_dedicated_$qport" "${* asis}" alias "_detect_dedicated_0" "" alias _if_dedicated "_detect_dedicated_$qport ${* asis}" alias if_client "${* asis}" alias if_dedicated "${* asis}" _if_dedicated alias if_client "" if_client alias if_dedicated "" // ======== // common // ======== if_client alias teamstatus "cmd teamstatus" if_dedicated alias teamstatus "sv_cmd teamstatus" if_client alias who "cmd who" if_dedicated alias who "sv_cmd who" alias w who if_client alias vote "cmd vote ${* ?}" if_dedicated alias vote "sv_cmd vote ${* ?}" alias g_hitplots_add "qc_cmd rpn /g_hitplots_individuals g_hitplots_individuals ${1 !} union def" alias g_hitplots_remove "qc_cmd rpn /g_hitplots_individuals g_hitplots_individuals ${1 !} difference def" alias g_maplist_add "qc_cmd maplist add ${* ?}" alias g_maplist_remove "qc_cmd maplist remove ${* ?}" alias g_maplist_putfirst "qc_cmd maplist remove ${* ?} ; qc_cmd maplist add ${* ?}" alias g_maplist_shufflenow "qc_cmd maplist shuffle" alias g_maplist_cleanup "qc_cmd maplist cleanup" // removes maps that don't exist from the map list alias addfav "qc_cmd addtolist net_slist_favorites ${* ?}" alias addvote "qc_cmd addtolist sv_vote_commands ${* ?}" // ======================== // engine command aliases // ======================== alias bsp "ls maps/*.bsp" alias chmap "changelevel ${* ?}" alias rec "record demos/${1 !}" alias ply "playdemo $1" alias tdem "timedemo $1" alias sv_loadconfig "exec $serverconfig" alias sv_restart "say \"Server will restart at the end of the match, you will all be reconnected automatically. ${* ?} \"; quit_and_redirect self" // =============================================== // menu_cmd (menu command) - menu/gamecommand.qc // =============================================== alias menu_showteamselect "menu_cmd directmenu TeamSelect" alias menu_showhudexit "menu_cmd directmenu HUDExit" alias menu_showhudoptions "menu_cmd directpanelhudmenu ${* ?}" alias menu_showsandboxtools "menu_cmd directmenu SandboxTools" // command executed before loading a map by the menu // makes sure maxplayers is at least minplayers or bot_number + 1 alias _menu_loadmap_prepare_maxpl "maxplayers $_menu_loadmap_maxplayers" alias menu_loadmap_prepare "disconnect; wait; g_campaign 0; menu_cmd rpn /_menu_loadmap_maxplayers menu_maxplayers minplayers bot_number 1 add max max def; _menu_loadmap_prepare_maxpl; g_maplist_shufflenow" // ========================================================= // cl_cmd (client console command) - client/gamecommand.qc // ========================================================= alias radar "cl_cmd hud_panel_radar_maximized" alias scoreboard_columns_set "cl_cmd hud scoreboard_columns_set ${* ?}" alias scoreboard_columns_help "cl_cmd hud scoreboard_columns_help ${* ?}" // =========================================================== // TODO: FIGURE OUT ANY CONFLICTS WITH NORMAL COMMANDS // cmd (client-to-server command) - server/clientcommands.qc // =========================================================== set sv_clientcommand_antispam_time 1 "Amount of seconds after a command before another command can be called again without being considered spam. (Use -1 for no antispam limit)" set sv_clientcommand_antispam_count 5 "Amount of commands considered spam before commands are rejected. seta sv_status_privacy 1 "hide IP addresses from \"status\" and \"who\" replies shown to clients" seta cl_autoswitch 1 "automatically switch to newly picked up weapons if they are better than what you are carrying" alias autoswitch "cmd autoswitch ${* ?}" alias checkfail "cmd checkfail ${* ?}" alias clientversion "cmd clientversion ${* ?}" alias cvar_changes "cmd cvar_changes" alias cvar_purechanges "cmd cvar_purechanges" alias getmapvotepic "cmd getmapvotepic ${* ?}" alias info "cmd info ${* ?}" alias join "cmd join" alias ladder "cmd ladder" alias lsmaps "cmd lsmaps" alias lsnewmaps "cmd lsnewmaps" alias maplist "cmd maplist" alias rankings "cmd rankings" alias ready "cmd ready" alias records "cmd records" alias reportcvar "cmd reportcvar ${* ?}" //alias say "cmd say ${* ?}" // engine already has this declared as a command //alias say_team "cmd say_team ${* ?}" // engine already has this declared as a command alias selectteam "cmd selectteam ${* ?}" alias sentcvar "cmd sentcvar ${* ?}" alias spectate "cmd spectate" alias suggestmap "cmd suggestmap ${* ?}" alias teamstatus "cmd teamstatus" //alias tell "cmd tell ${* ?}" // engine already has this declared as a command alias timein "cmd timein" alias timeout "cmd timeout" alias voice "cmd voice ${* ?}" alias vote "cmd vote ${* ?}" alias who "cmd who" // other aliases for client-to-server commands alias autoswitch "set cl_autoswitch ${1 ?} ; cmd autoswitch ${1 ?}" // todo alias team_red "cmd selectteam red; cmd join" alias team_blue "cmd selectteam blue; cmd join" alias team_pink "cmd selectteam pink; cmd join" alias team_yellow "cmd selectteam yellow; cmd join" alias team_auto "cmd selectteam auto; cmd join" alias spec "spectate" // mutator aliases alias sandbox "cmd g_sandbox ${* ?}" // ========================================================= // sv_cmd (server console command) - server/gamecommand.qc // ========================================================= alias adminmsg "sv_cmd adminmsg ${* ?}" alias allready "sv_cmd allready" alias allspec "sv_cmd allspec ${* ?}" alias anticheat "sv_cmd anticheat ${* ?}" alias bbox "sv_cmd bbox" alias bot_cmd "sv_cmd bot_cmd ${* ?}" alias cointoss "sv_cmd cointoss ${* ?}" alias cvar_changes "sv_cmd cvar_changes" alias cvar_purechanges "sv_cmd cvar_purechanges" alias database "sv_cmd database ${* ?}" alias defer_clear "sv_cmd defer_clear ${* ?}" alias defer_clear_all "sv_cmd defer_clear_all" alias delrec "sv_cmd delrec ${* ?}" alias effectindexdump "sv_cmd effectindexdump" alias extendmatchtime "sv_cmd extendmatchtime" alias find "sv_cmd find ${* ?}" alias gametype "sv_cmd gametype ${* ?}" alias gettaginfo "sv_cmd gettaginfo ${* ?}" alias gotomap "sv_cmd gotomap ${* ?}" alias ladder "sv_cmd ladder" alias lockteams "sv_cmd lockteams" alias make_mapinfo "sv_cmd make_mapinfo" alias modelbug "sv_cmd modelbug" alias moveplayer "sv_cmd moveplayer ${* ?}" alias nospectators "sv_cmd nospectators" alias onslaught_updatelinks "sv_cmd onslaught_updatelinks" alias playerdemo "sv_cmd playerdemo ${* ?}" alias printstats "sv_cmd printstats" alias radarmap "sv_cmd radarmap ${* ?}" alias rankings "sv_cmd rankings" alias records "sv_cmd records" alias reducematchtime "sv_cmd reducematchtime" alias setbots "sv_cmd setbots ${* ?}" alias shuffleteams "sv_cmd shuffleteams" alias stuffto "sv_cmd stuffto ${* ?}" alias teamstatus "sv_cmd teamstatus" alias time "sv_cmd time" alias trace "sv_cmd trace ${* ?}" alias unlockteams "sv_cmd unlockteams" alias warp "sv_cmd warp ${* ?}" // other aliases for server commands alias endmatch "timelimit -1" alias savedb "sv_cmd database save \"${1 ?}\"" alias dumpdb "sv_cmd database dump \"${1 ?}\"" alias loaddb "sv_cmd database load \"${1 ?}\"" alias movetoteam_red "moveplayer ${1 ?} red" alias movetoteam_blue "moveplayer ${1 ?} blue" alias movetoteam_pink "moveplayer ${1 ?} pink" alias movetoteam_yellow "moveplayer ${1 ?} yellow" alias movetoteam_auto "moveplayer ${1 ?} auto" // ======================================================= // Aliases for settemp subsystem. Warning: Do not touch. // Usage: settemp variable value, next map resets it. // ======================================================= set settemp_list 0 set settemp_idx 0 set _settemp_var UNUSED alias settemp "_settemp_var \"_settemp_x$settemp_idx\"; qc_cmd rpn /settemp_idx settemp_idx 1 add def; _settemp \"$1\" \"$2\"" alias _settemp "settemp_list \"1 $1 $_settemp_var $settemp_list\"; set $_settemp_var \"${$1}\"; $1 \"$2\"" alias settemp_restore "_settemp_restore_${settemp_list asis}" alias _settemp_restore_0 "set settemp_var 0; set settemp_list 0" alias _settemp_restore_1 "$1 \"${$2}\"; _settemp_restore_${3- asis}" // =========================== // banning - server/ipban.qc // =========================== alias bans "sv_cmd bans" alias ban "sv_cmd ban ${* ?}" // usage: ban address(maybe incomplete, like 1.2.3) bantime(seconds) alias kickban "sv_cmd kickban ${* ?}" // usage: kickban # playerno bantime(seconds) masksize(bytes) alias unban "sv_cmd unban ${* ?}" // usage: unban 3 (number from bans) // ========================= // voting - server/vote.qc // ========================= set sv_vote_call 1 "Allow users to call a vote for the commands in sv_vote_commands" set sv_vote_change 1 "Allow voters to change their mind after already voting" set sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto" "these commands can be voted" set sv_vote_only_commands "" set sv_vote_master_commands "movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink" "maybe add kickban here (but then sv_vote_master 0)" set sv_vote_master 1 "Allows the use of the vote master system" set sv_vote_master_callable 1 "When set, users can use \"vmaster\" to call a vote to become master of voting commands" set sv_vote_master_password "" "when set, users can use \"vlogin PASSWORD\" to log in as master" set sv_vote_master_playerlimit 2 "Minimum number of players needed for a player to be allowed to vote for master" set sv_vote_singlecount 0 "set to 1 to count votes once after timeout or to 0 to count with every vote" set sv_vote_timeout 30 "a vote will timeout after this many seconds" set sv_vote_wait 120 "a player can not call a vote again for this many seconds when his vote was not accepted" set sv_vote_stop 15 "a player can not call a vote again for this many seconds when he stopped this vote (e.g. to correct it)" set sv_vote_majority_factor 0.5 "What percentage of the PLAYERS constitute a majority? (Must be at least 0.5, recommended: 0.5)" set sv_vote_majority_factor_of_voted 0.5 "What percentage of the VOTERS constitute a majority too? (Must be at least 0.5, recommended: 0.5)" // when disabled, don't allow game type changes "note: set these two equal to JUST support simple majorities" set sv_vote_override_mostrecent 0 alias vhelp "cmd vote help" alias vstatus "cmd vote status" alias vcall "cmd vote call ${* ?}" alias vstop "cmd vote stop" alias vmaster "cmd vote master" alias vlogin "cmd vote login ${* ?}" alias vdo "cmd vote do ${* ?}" alias vyes "cl_cmd handlevote yes" alias vno "cl_cmd handlevote no" alias vdontcare "cmd vote dontcare" alias vabstain "cmd vote abstain" alias vmap "vcall gotomap ${1 ?}" alias vnextmap "vcall nextmap ${1 ?}" alias vkick "vcall kick ${1 ?}" alias vkickban "vcall kickban ${1 ?}" alias vend "vcall endmatch" alias vdomap "vdo gotomap ${1 ?}" alias vdokick "vdo kick ${* ?}" alias vdokickban "vdo kickban ${* ?}" alias vdoend "vdo endmatch" // ====================== // rcon server commands // ====================== rcon_secure 1 set rcon_restricted_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick kickban \"sv_cmd bans\" \"sv_cmd unban *\" status \"sv_cmd teamstatus\" movetoteam_auto movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink"