/* * Trow a turret gib */ void turret_gib_damage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector vforce) { self.velocity += vforce; } void turret_trowgib( vector v_from, vector v_to, vector v_colormod, string smodel, float f_lifetime, float f_fadetime, float b_burn) { local entity gib; local entity burn; gib = spawn(); gib.classname = "turret_gib"; setmodel(gib,smodel); setorigin(gib,v_from); SUB_SetFade(gib,time + f_lifetime,2); gib.solid = SOLID_BBOX; gib.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; gib.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; gib.event_damage = turret_gib_damage; gib.health = -1; gib.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; gib.flags = FL_NOTARGET; gib.colormod = v_colormod; gib.velocity = v_to; if (b_burn) { burn = spawn(); burn.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION;//|EF_FLAME; setattachment(burn,gib,""); setorigin(burn,(gib.mins + gib.maxs) * 0.5); SUB_SetFade(burn,time + (f_lifetime * 0.5) ,2); } } void turret_gib_boom() { entity gib; float i; string s; for (i = 1; i < 5; i = i +1) { gib = spawn(); gib.classname = "turret_gib"; s = strcat("models/turrets/head-gib",ftos(i)); s = strcat(s,".md3"); // bprint("s:",s,"\n"); setmodel(gib,s); setorigin(gib,self.origin); SUB_SetFade(gib,time + 5,2); gib.solid = SOLID_BBOX; gib.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; gib.gravity = 0.5; gib.damageforcescale = 2; gib.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; gib.event_damage = turret_gib_damage; gib.health = -1; gib.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; gib.flags = FL_NOTARGET; gib.velocity = self.velocity + (randomvec() * 700); gib.avelocity = randomvec() * 64; } WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, 78); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z); remove(self); } void turret_trowgib2( vector v_from, vector v_to, vector v_colormod, entity e_mimic, float boomtime) { entity gib; gib = spawn(); gib.classname = "turret_gib"; setmodel(gib,e_mimic.model); setorigin(gib,v_from); gib.solid = SOLID_BBOX; gib.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; gib.gravity = 0.75; gib.damageforcescale = 2; gib.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; gib.event_damage = turret_gib_damage; gib.health = -1; gib.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; gib.flags = FL_NOTARGET; gib.colormod = v_colormod; gib.velocity = v_to; gib.avelocity = randomvec() * 32; gib.think = turret_gib_boom; gib.nextthink = boomtime; //gib.effects = EF_FLAME; } /* * Spawn a boom, trow fake bits arround * and hide the real ones. */ void turret_stdproc_die() { vector org2; vector t_dir; self.deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; self.tur_head.deadflag = self.deadflag; sound (self, CHAN_PLAYER, "weapons/rocket_impact.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); org2 = self.origin + '0 0 40'; // Explotion grafix WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_BROADCAST, 78); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, org2_x); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, org2_y); WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, org2_z); // Unsolidify and hide real parts self.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.tur_head.solid = self.solid; self.alpha = -1; self.tur_head.alpha = self.alpha; self.customizeentityforclient = SUB_False; self.tur_head.customizeentityforclient = SUB_False; self.event_damage = SUB_Null; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; self.effects = 0; self.tur_head.effects = self.effects; self.health = 0; // Trow fake parts arround // base if not(self.damage_flags & TFL_DMG_DEATH_NOGIBS) { makevectors(self.angles); if (random() > 0.5) { turret_trowgib(self.origin, '0 0 0','1 1 1',"models/turrets/base-gib2.md3",min(self.respawntime,20),1,1); t_dir = (v_up * 700) + (randomvec() * 300); turret_trowgib(self.origin, t_dir,'1 1 1',"models/turrets/base-gib3.md3",min(self.respawntime,10),1,1); t_dir = (v_up * 700) + (randomvec() * 300); turret_trowgib(self.origin, t_dir,'1 1 1',"models/turrets/base-gib4.md3",min(self.respawntime,10),1,1); } else { turret_trowgib(self.origin, '0 0 0','1 1 1',"models/turrets/base-gib1.md3",min(self.respawntime,20),1,1); } // Blow the top part up into the air turret_trowgib2( self.origin + (v_up * 50), v_up * 150 + randomvec() * 50, '0.2 0.2 0.2', self.tur_head,time + 0.5 + (random() * 0.5)); } // Go boom //RadiusDamage (self,self, min(self.ammo,50),min(self.ammo,50) * 0.25,250,world,min(self.ammo,50)*5,DEATH_TURRET,world); sound(self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "turrets/turret_exp.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); if(self.damage_flags & TFL_DMG_DEATH_NORESPAWN) { if (self.turret_diehook) self.turret_diehook(); remove(self.tur_head); remove(self); } else { // Setup respawn self.nextthink = time + self.respawntime; //self.think = self.turret_spawnfunc; self.think = turret_stdproc_respawn; if (self.turret_diehook) self.turret_diehook(); } } void turret_stdproc_respawn() { // Make sure all parts belong to the same team since // this function doubles as "teamchange" function. self.tur_head.team = self.team; /* COLOR_TEAM1 = 4; // red COLOR_TEAM2 = 13; // blue COLOR_TEAM3 = 12; // yellow COLOR_TEAM4 = 9; // pink */ self.colormod = '0 0 0'; switch(self.team) { case COLOR_TEAM1: // Red self.colormod = '1.4 0.8 0.8'; break; case COLOR_TEAM2: // Blue self.colormod = '0.8 0.8 1.4'; break; case COLOR_TEAM3: // Yellow self.colormod = '1.4 1.4 0.6'; break; case COLOR_TEAM4: // Pink self.colormod = '1.4 0.6 1.4'; break; } self.deadflag = DEAD_NO; self.effects = 0; self.tur_head.effects = self.effects; self.solid = SOLID_BBOX; self.alpha = 1; self.tur_head.alpha = self.alpha; self.customizeentityforclient = SUB_True; self.tur_head.customizeentityforclient = SUB_True; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; self.event_damage = turret_stdproc_damage; self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; self.tur_head.avelocity = self.avelocity; self.tur_head.angles = self.idle_aim; self.health = self.tur_health; self.enemy = world; self.volly_counter = self.shot_volly; self.ammo = self.ammo_max; self.nextthink = time + self.ticrate; self.think = turret_think; if (self.turret_respawnhook) self.turret_respawnhook(); } /* * Standard damage proc. */ void turret_stdproc_damage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector vforce) { // Enougth allready! if (self.health <= 0) return; // Inactive turrets take no damage. (hm..) if not (self.tur_active) return; if (teamplay != 0) if (self.team == attacker.team) { // This does not happen anymore. Re-enable if you fix that. if(clienttype(attacker) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) sprint(attacker, "\{1}Turret tells you: I'm on your team!\n"); if(cvar("g_friendlyfire")) damage = damage * cvar("g_friendlyfire"); else return; } self.health = self.health - damage; //sound on every hit if (random() < 0.5) sound(self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "turrets/turret_hit1.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); else sound(self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "turrets/turret_hit2.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); // thorw head slightly off aim when hit? if (self.damage_flags & TFL_DMG_HEADSHAKE) { //baseent.tur_aimoff_x += (random() * damage); //baseent.tur_aimoff_y += ((random()*0.75) * damage); self.tur_head.angles_x = self.tur_head.angles_x + (-0.5 + random()) * damage; self.tur_head.angles_y = self.tur_head.angles_y + (-0.5 + random()) * damage; } if (self.turrcaps_flags & TFL_TURRCAPS_MOVE) self.velocity = self.velocity + vforce; // FIXME: Better damage feedback // Start burning when we have 10% or less health left //if (self.health < (self.tur_health * 0.1)) // self.effects = EF_FLAME; if (self.health <= 0) { self.event_damage = SUB_Null; self.tur_head.event_damage = SUB_Null; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; self.nextthink = time; self.think = turret_stdproc_die; } }