float vore_frametime; .float regurgitate_prepare; .float stomachkick_delay, system_delay, action_delay, digest_button_delay_time, regurgitate_button_delay_time; .float complain_vore; .float vore_oldmovetype, vore_oldsolid, vore_oldstomachload; const float system_delay_time = 0.1; const float complain_delay_time = 1; const float button_delay_time = 0.5; const float steptime = 0.1; entity Swallow_player_check() { // check if we can swallow a player instead of firing our weapon float swallow_range; vector vore_w_shotorg, vore_w_shotdir; swallow_range = cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_range"); if(cvar("g_healthsize")) // we can swallow from further or closer based on our size swallow_range *= self.scale; vore_w_shotorg = self.origin; vore_w_shotdir = v_forward; WarpZone_traceline_antilag(self, vore_w_shotorg, vore_w_shotorg + vore_w_shotdir * swallow_range, FALSE, self, ANTILAG_LATENCY(self)); if(trace_fraction < 1) if(trace_ent.classname == "player") return trace_ent; return world; } float Swallow_condition_check(entity prey) { // checks the necessary conditions for swallowing a player if(prey != self) if(prey.classname == "player" && !prey.stat_eaten && prey.deadflag == DEAD_NO) // we can't swallow someone who's already in someone else's stomach if(self.classname == "player" && !self.stat_eaten && self.deadflag == DEAD_NO) // we can't swallow players while inside someone's stomach ourselves if(!self.BUTTON_REGURGITATE && time > self.action_delay) if not(vlen(self.velocity) > cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_speedcap") / (1 + self.stomach_load)) { string swallow_complain; if(teams_matter && prey.team == self.team && !cvar("g_vore_teamvore")) swallow_complain = "You cannot swallow your team mates\n"; else if(!cvar("g_vore_spawnshield") && prey.spawnshieldtime > time) swallow_complain = "You cannot swallow someone protected by the spawn shield\n"; else if(self.stomach_load >= g_balance_vore_swallow_limit) swallow_complain = strcat("You cannot swallow more than ^2", ftos(g_balance_vore_swallow_limit), "^7 players at a time\n"); else if(cvar("g_vore_biggergut") && prey.stomach_load > self.stomach_load) swallow_complain = "You cannot swallow someone with a bigger stomach than yours\n"; else if(cvar("g_vore_biggersize") && prey.scale > self.scale) swallow_complain = "You cannot swallow someone larger than you\n"; if(swallow_complain != "") { if(time > self.complain_vore && self.BUTTON_ATCK) { play2(self, "misc/forbidden.wav"); sprint(self, swallow_complain); self.complain_vore = time + complain_delay_time; } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } float Stomach_TeamMates_check(entity pred) { // checks if a player's stomach contains any team mates entity head; if(teams_matter) { FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) { if(head.predator == pred && head.team == pred.team) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } float Vore_CanLeave() { if(self.stat_eaten) { if(!cvar("g_vore_kick")) // you are defenseless in the stomach if you can't kick, so allow leaving return TRUE; if(teams_matter && self.team == self.predator.team) return TRUE; if(g_rpg && cvar("g_rpg_canleave")) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // position the camera properly for prey void Vore_SetPreyPositions() { // self is the predator and head is the prey local entity head; local vector origin_apply; local float position_counter; // In order to allow prey to see each other in the stomach, we must position each occupant differently, // else all players overlap in the center. To do this, we run a loop on all players in the same stomach. // For each player, the origin is updated, then a new origin is used for the next player. // This requires that no more than 9 players may be in the stomach at a time! FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) { if(head.predator == self) { switch(position_counter) { case 0: origin_apply = '0 0 0'; // first occupant sits in the middle break; case 1: origin_apply = '1 0 0'; // second occupant sits in the front break; case 2: origin_apply = '-1 0 0'; // third occupant sits in the back break; case 3: origin_apply = '0 1 0'; // fourth occupant sits in the right break; case 4: origin_apply = '0 -1 0'; // fifth occupant sits in the left break; case 5: origin_apply = '1 1 0'; // sixth occupant sits in the front-right break; case 6: origin_apply = '-1 1 0'; // seventh occupant sits in the back-right break; case 7: origin_apply = '1 -1 0'; // eigth occupant sits in the front-left break; case 8: origin_apply = '-1 -1 0'; // ninth occupant sits in the back-left break; default: break; } // since prey have their predators set as an aiment, view_ofs will specify the real origin of prey, not just the view offset head.view_ofs = PL_PREY_VIEW_OFS + origin_apply * cvar("g_vore_neighborprey_distance"); head.view_ofs_z *= self.scale; // stomach center depends on predator scale // change prey height based on scale float prey_height; prey_height = (head.scale - self.scale) * cvar("g_healthsize_vore_pos"); head.view_ofs_z += prey_height; position_counter += 1; } } } .float gurgle_oldstomachload; void Vore_GurgleSound() { if(time > self.gurglesound_finished || self.gurgle_oldstomachload != self.stomach_load) { GlobalSound(self.playersound_gurgle, CHAN_TRIGGER, VOICETYPE_GURGLE); self.gurglesound_finished = time + 11; // yes, hard coded sound length. I know it's bad but what can I do? self.gurgle_oldstomachload = self.stomach_load; } } void Vore_WeightApply(entity e) { // apply stomach weight that makes you heavier the more you eat // slowing the player is done in cl_physics.qc if(e.stomach_load != e.vore_oldstomachload) e.gravity += 1 + (e.stomach_load * cvar("g_balance_vore_weight_gravity") - e.vore_oldstomachload); if(e.gravity == 0) e.gravity = 0.00001; // 0 becomes 1 for gravity, so do this to allow 0 gravity e.vore_oldstomachload = e.stomach_load; } void Vore_AutoDigest(entity e) { // if the predator has the autodigest preference enabled, begin digesting new prey automatically if(!cvar("g_vore_digestion") || e.digesting) return; if(!e.cvar_cl_vore_autodigest || clienttype(e) != CLIENTTYPE_REAL) return; // this feature is only for players, not bots if(e.stomach_load > 1) return; // don't start digestion if we already ate someone, as that means we manually disabled it after the first prey and want it off if(Stomach_TeamMates_check(e)) return; // never begin automatic digestion if we've swallowed a team mate e.digesting = TRUE; } .entity swallow_model; void Vore_SwallowModel_Think() { //update the position of the swallow model to match our swallow progress float dist; dist = (-0.5 + self.owner.swallow_progress_prey) * cvar("g_vore_swallowmodel_range"); // the model is centered at 0.5 progress if(cvar("g_healthsize")) dist *= self.scale; self.view_ofs = '1 0 0' * dist; // if our swallow progress is gone or we are dead, the swallow model also goes away if(!self.owner.swallow_progress_prey || self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO || self.owner.classname != "player") { remove(self.owner.swallow_model); self.owner.swallow_model = world; return; } // properties that should update whenever possible, but when the predator is not available self.alpha = self.owner.cvar_cl_vore_swallowmodel; self.nextthink = time; } void Vore_SwallowModel_Update(entity prey, entity pred) { // if we don't have a swallow model already, spawn one if(!prey.swallow_model) { prey.swallow_model = spawn(); prey.swallow_model.movetype = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW; prey.swallow_model.solid = SOLID_NOT; // apply the properties of the prey prey.swallow_model.viewmodelforclient = prey; // use the same system as the weapon model //prey.swallow_model.effects |= EF_NOGUNBOB; // let it bob prey.swallow_model.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST; // don't hide behind walls prey.swallow_model.colormap = prey.colormap; // pants and shirt color prey.swallow_model.glowmod = prey.glowmod; // glow color prey.swallow_model.owner = prey; // owned by the prey prey.swallow_model.think = Vore_SwallowModel_Think; prey.swallow_model.nextthink = time; } // properties that should update whenever possible, but when the predator is available string player_swallowmodel; player_swallowmodel = strcat(substring(pred.playermodel, 0, strlen(pred.playermodel) - 4), "_swallow.md3"); // 4 is the extension length if(prey.swallow_model.model != player_swallowmodel) // player model can be changed while the predator is active setmodel(prey.swallow_model, player_swallowmodel); if(prey.swallow_model.skin != pred.skin) // player skin can be changed while the predator is active prey.swallow_model.skin = pred.skin; if(cvar("g_healthsize")) prey.swallow_model.scale = pred.scale / prey.scale; // player size difference if(prey.swallow_model.enemy != pred) prey.swallow_model.enemy = pred; // enemy is the predator } .entity pusher; .float pushltime; void Vore_Swallow(entity e) { // this player is being swallowed by another player, apply the proper changes e.vore_oldmovetype = e.movetype; e.vore_oldsolid = e.solid; e.predator = self; setorigin(e, e.predator.origin); e.velocity = '0 0 0'; e.movetype = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW; e.solid = SOLID_NOT; e.aiment = e.predator; // follow the predator, automatically unset when regurgitated // drop keys (KH) and flags (CTF) when we get swallowed kh_Key_DropAll(e, FALSE); if(e.flagcarried) DropFlag(e.flagcarried, world, e.predator); if(stov(cvar_string("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_release"))) e.colormod = stov(cvar_string("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_release")); if(teams_matter && e.team == e.predator.team) { if(cvar("g_vore_kick")) centerprint(e, "^3You have been swallowed by a team mate, don't kick!"); if(cvar("g_vore_digestion")) centerprint(e.predator, "^3You have swallowed a team mate, don't digest!"); } PlayerSound(e.predator, playersound_swallow, CHAN_VOICE, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); setanim(e.predator, e.predator.anim_pain1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); // looks good for swallowing / regurgitating e.predator.punchangle_x -= cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_punchangle"); e.predator.stomach_load += 1; e.predator.regurgitate_prepare = 0; e.predator.spawnshieldtime = 0; // lose spawn shield when we vore e.predator.hitsound += 1; // play this for team mates too, as we could be swallowing them to heal them Vore_WeightApply(e.predator); Vore_AutoDigest(e.predator); // block firing for a small amount of time, or we'll be firing the next frame after we swallow e.predator.weapon_delay = time + button_delay_time; e.predator.action_delay = time + cvar("g_balance_vore_action_delay"); e.system_delay = e.predator.system_delay = time + system_delay_time; e.stomachkick_delay = time + cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_delay"); // don't kick immediately after being swallowed } void Vore_SwallowStep(entity e) { if(!cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_fill")) { Vore_Swallow(e); return; } Vore_SwallowModel_Update(e, self); // increase the progress value until it reaches 1, then swallow the player if(e.swallow_progress_prey < 1) { float fill; fill = cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_fill") * frametime; if(cvar("g_healthsize") && cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_fill_scalediff")) // fill rate depends on predator size compared to prey size fill *= pow(self.scale / e.scale, cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_fill_scalediff")); if(cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_fill_stomachload") && e.stomach_load) // fill rate is influenced by the prey's stomach load fill /= e.stomach_load; e.swallow_progress_prey += fill; } else { Vore_Swallow(e); e.swallow_progress_prey = 0; } // the predator's progress is how much the prey got swallowed self.swallow_progress_pred = e.swallow_progress_prey; } void Vore_Regurgitate(entity e) { // this player is being regurgitated by their predator, apply the proper changes e.movetype = e.vore_oldmovetype; if(e.health > 0) // leave SOLID_NOT for dead bodies e.solid = e.vore_oldsolid; e.view_ofs_z = PL_VIEW_OFS_z; // apply velocities local vector oldforward, oldright, oldup; oldforward = v_forward; oldright = v_right; oldup = v_up; makevectors(e.predator.v_angle); e.velocity = v_forward * cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_force"); e.predator.velocity += -v_forward * cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_predatorforce"); v_forward = oldforward; v_right = oldright; v_up = oldup; e.pusher = e.predator; // allows us to frag players by regurgitating them in deadly pits e.pushltime = time + cvar("g_maxpushtime"); // regurgitated prey is given this amount of swallow progress, to simulate being more vulnerable if(cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_fill") && cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_swallowprogress")) { e.swallow_progress_prey = cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_swallowprogress"); Vore_SwallowModel_Update(e, e.predator); } // apply regurgitation damage to the predator if(cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_damage")) { float regurgitate_dmg; regurgitate_dmg = cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_damage"); if(cvar("g_healthsize")) regurgitate_dmg *= e.scale / e.predator.scale; Damage(e.predator, e.predator, e.predator, regurgitate_dmg, DEATH_REGURGITATION, e.predator.origin, '0 0 0'); } PlayerSound(e.predator, playersound_regurgitate, CHAN_VOICE, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); setanim(e.predator, e.predator.anim_pain1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); // looks good for swallowing / regurgitating pointparticles(particleeffectnum("vore_regurgitate"), e.predator.origin, '0 0 0', 1); e.predator.punchangle_x += cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_punchangle"); e.predator.stomach_load -= 1; e.predator.regurgitate_prepare = 0; e.predator.action_delay = time + cvar("g_balance_vore_action_delay"); Vore_WeightApply(e.predator); // block firing for a small amount of time, or we'll be firing the next frame e.weapon_delay = time + button_delay_time; e.system_delay = e.predator.system_delay = time + system_delay_time; e.predator = world; } void Vore_DeadPrey_Configure(entity e) { // ran when the keepdeadprey feature is enabled and prey stays inside the stomach after dying if(e.fakeprey || !e.stat_eaten) // we already configured everything return; // this entity is like e.predator but for dead prey, to avoid conflicts e.fakepredator = e.predator; e.fakeprey = TRUE; // first release the prey from the predator, as dead prey needs to be attached differently // the predator's stomach load is also decreased, as dead prey doesn't count any more e.predator.stomach_load -= 1; Vore_WeightApply(e.predator); e.predator = world; // now put our dead prey inside the predator's stomach, but only as an effect e.movetype = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW; e.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; e.solid = SOLID_NOT; e.aiment = e.fakepredator; } void Vore_DeadPrey_Detach(entity e) { // ran when dead prey must be detached from the stomach (eg: they are respawning) // should only execute after Vore_DeadPrey_Configure has ran first if not(cvar("g_vore_keepdeadprey")) return; e.fakepredator = world; e.fakeprey = TRUE; // keep fakeprey status e.stat_eaten = 0; e.aiment = world; e.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; } void Vore_PreyRelease(entity e, float pred_disconnect) { if(pred_disconnect) { if(e.fakeprey) Vore_DeadPrey_Detach(e); else Vore_Regurgitate(e); } else if(self.stat_eaten && !self.fakeprey) { // if the keepdeadprey feature is on, don't spit a dead prey's carcass out if(e.deadflag != DEAD_NO && random() < cvar("g_vore_keepdeadprey")) Vore_DeadPrey_Configure(e); else Vore_Regurgitate(e); } } void Vore_Disconnect() { // frees prey from their predators when someone disconnects or goes spectating, or in other circumstances // prey disconnects or goes spectating while inside someone's belly if(self.stat_eaten) Vore_PreyRelease(self, TRUE); // pred disconnects or goes spectating with players in their belly entity head; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) { if(head.predator == self || head.fakepredator == self) Vore_PreyRelease(head, TRUE); } Vore_GurgleSound(); // stop the gurgling sound self.stomach_load = self.gravity = 0; // prevents a bug } .float digestion_step; void Vore_Digest() { // apply digestion to prey if(time > self.digestion_step) { // if distributed digestion is enabled, reduce digestion strength by the number of prey in our stomach float reduce; if(cvar("g_balance_vore_digestion_distribute")) reduce = self.predator.stomach_load; else reduce = 1; float damage; damage = cvar("g_balance_vore_digestion_damage") / reduce; // apply player scale to digestion damage if(cvar("g_healthsize") && cvar("g_balance_vore_digestion_scalediff")) damage *= pow(self.predator.scale / self.scale, cvar("g_balance_vore_digestion_scalediff")); Damage(self, self.predator, self.predator, damage, DEATH_DIGESTION, self.origin, '0 0 0'); if(cvar("g_balance_vore_digestion_vampire") && self.predator.health < cvar("g_balance_vore_digestion_vampire_stable")) self.predator.health += cvar("g_balance_vore_digestion_vampire") / reduce; if (self.predator.digestsound_finished < time) { PlayerSound (self.predator, playersound_digest, CHAN_PLAYER, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); self.predator.digestsound_finished = time + 0.5; } self.digestion_step = time + steptime; } if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) if(stov(cvar_string("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_digest"))) self.colormod = stov(cvar_string("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_digest")); } .float teamheal_step; void Vore_Teamheal() { // apply teamheal if(cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal") && self.health < cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable")) if(time > self.teamheal_step) { self.health += cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal"); self.teamheal_step = time + steptime; // play beep sound when a team mate was healed to the maximum amount, to both the prey and the predator if(self.health >= cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable")) { play2(self, "misc/beep.wav"); play2(self.predator, "misc/beep.wav"); } } } .float kick_pressed; void Vore_StomachKick() { // allows prey to kick the predator's stomach and do some damage or attempt to escape if(time > self.stomachkick_delay && !self.kick_pressed) { float damage, vol; vector force; damage = cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_damage"); force = v_forward * cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_force"); vol = VOL_BASE; // apply player scale to the damage / force of the kick if(cvar("g_healthsize") && cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_scalediff")) { damage *= pow(self.scale / self.predator.scale, cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_scalediff")); force *= pow(self.scale / self.predator.scale, cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_scalediff")); vol *= pow(self.scale / self.predator.scale, cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_scalediff")); // kick sound volume based on the same scale } vol = bound(0, vol, 1); Damage(self.predator, self, self, damage, DEATH_STOMACHKICK, self.predator.origin, force); sound(self.predator, CHAN_PROJECTILE, strcat("weapons/hit", ftos(floor(random() * 8)), ".wav"), vol, ATTN_NORM); self.predator.punchangle_x -= cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_predator_punchangle"); self.punchangle_x += cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_prey_punchangle"); // abort the predator's scheduled regurgitation if(random() < cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_cutregurgitate")) self.predator.regurgitate_prepare = 0; self.stomachkick_delay = time + cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_delay"); if(cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_repress")) if not(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) // not for bots, to prevent an issue self.kick_pressed = TRUE; } } void Vore_StomachLeave() { // allows players to get out of their predator at will in some circumstances, such as team mates if(Vore_CanLeave()) Vore_Regurgitate(self); else if(time > self.complain_vore) { play2(self, "misc/forbidden.wav"); sprint(self, strcat("You cannot get out of ", self.predator.netname, "\n")); self.complain_vore = time + complain_delay_time; } } void Vore_AutoTaunt() { // triggers ambient vore taunts, for both pred and prey float taunt_time; // predator taunts if(self.stomach_load && !Stomach_TeamMates_check(self)) { if(!self.taunt_soundtime) // taunt_soundtime becomes 0 once the taunt has played { taunt_time = random() * (cvar("sv_vore_autotaunt_repeat_max") - cvar("sv_vore_autotaunt_repeat_min")) + cvar("sv_vore_autotaunt_repeat_min"); SetAutoTaunt(self, time + taunt_time, TAUNTTYPE_VOREPRED); } } else if(self.taunt_soundtype == TAUNTTYPE_VOREPRED) { // we have a predator taunt scheduled, but are no longer a (suitable) predator, so remove it SetAutoTaunt(self, 0, 0); } // prey taunts if(self.stat_eaten && !(teams_matter && self.team == self.predator.team)) { if(!self.taunt_soundtime) // taunt_soundtime becomes 0 once the taunt has played { taunt_time = random() * (cvar("sv_vore_autotaunt_repeat_max") - cvar("sv_vore_autotaunt_repeat_min")) + cvar("sv_vore_autotaunt_repeat_min"); SetAutoTaunt(self, time + taunt_time, TAUNTTYPE_VOREPREY); } } else if(self.taunt_soundtype == TAUNTTYPE_VOREPREY) { // we have a prey taunt scheduled, but are no longer a (suitable) prey, so remove it SetAutoTaunt(self, 0, 0); } } void Vore_SetSbarRings() { // first clear the ring stats, then configure them if needed self.stat_sbring1_type = self.stat_sbring1_clip = 0; self.stat_sbring2_type = self.stat_sbring2_clip = 0; if(self.stat_eaten) { if(time <= self.stomachkick_delay) { self.stat_sbring1_type = 3; // ring shows stomach kick delay, empties with progress self.stat_sbring1_clip = bound(0, (time / self.stomachkick_delay - 1) / ((self.stomachkick_delay - cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_delay")) / self.stomachkick_delay - 1), 1); } } else { if(self.swallow_progress_pred) { self.stat_sbring1_type = 1; // ring shows predator swallow progress, fills with progress self.stat_sbring1_clip = bound(0, self.swallow_progress_pred, 1); } else if(time <= self.action_delay) { self.stat_sbring1_type = 2; // ring shows vore action delay, empties with progress self.stat_sbring1_clip = bound(0, (time / self.action_delay - 1) / ((self.action_delay - cvar("g_balance_vore_action_delay")) / self.action_delay - 1), 1); } if(self.swallow_progress_prey) { self.stat_sbring2_type = 1; // ring shows prey swallow progress, fills with progress self.stat_sbring2_clip = bound(0, self.swallow_progress_prey, 1); } else if(time <= self.regurgitate_prepare) { self.stat_sbring2_type = 2; // ring shows regurgitation preparing, fills with progress self.stat_sbring2_clip = 1 - bound(0, (time / self.regurgitate_prepare - 1) / ((self.regurgitate_prepare - cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_delay")) / self.regurgitate_prepare - 1), 1); } } } void Vore() { // main vore code, this is where it all happens if(vore_frametime > time) //account system frametime return; vore_frametime = time + sys_frametime; Vore_AutoTaunt(); // wash the goo away from players once they leave the stomach if(!self.stat_eaten) if(stov(cvar_string("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_release"))) if(self.colormod) if(cvar("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_release_fade")) { self.colormod_x += cvar("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_release_fade") * frametime; if(self.colormod_x > 1) self.colormod_x = 1; self.colormod_y += cvar("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_release_fade") * frametime; if(self.colormod_y > 1) self.colormod_y = 1; self.colormod_z += cvar("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_release_fade") * frametime; if(self.colormod_z > 1) self.colormod_z = 1; } // set all vore stats Vore_SetSbarRings(); if(self.fakepredator.classname == "player") self.stat_eaten = num_for_edict(self.fakepredator); else if(self.predator.classname == "player") { self.stat_stomachload = self.predator.stomach_load; // necessary for the stomach board self.stat_digesting = self.predator.digesting; // necessary for the stomach board self.stat_eaten = num_for_edict(self.predator); } else { self.stat_stomachload = self.stomach_load; self.stat_digesting = self.digesting; self.stat_eaten = 0; } self.stat_canleave = Vore_CanLeave(); // don't allow a player inside a player inside another player :) // prevent this by checking if such has happened, and taking the proper measures // this code has a high priority and must not be stopped by any delay, so run it here if(self.predator.stat_eaten) { entity target_predator, target_predator_predator, oldself; target_predator = self.predator; target_predator_predator = self.predator.predator; Vore_Regurgitate(self); // now steal our prey's prey if this probability applies if(random() < cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_stealprey")) { oldself = self; self = target_predator_predator; if(Swallow_condition_check(oldself)) if not(teams_matter && self.team == target_predator.team) // don't steal a team mate's prey if not(teams_matter && self.team == oldself.team) // if the prey we would be stealing is a team mate, don't do it Vore_Swallow(oldself); self = oldself; } } // the swallow progress of prey and preds idly decrease by this amount if(cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_decrease")) { if(self.swallow_progress_pred) { self.swallow_progress_pred -= cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_decrease") * frametime; if(self.swallow_progress_pred < 0) self.swallow_progress_pred = 0; } if(self.swallow_progress_prey) { self.swallow_progress_prey -= cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_decrease") * frametime; if(self.swallow_progress_prey < 0) self.swallow_progress_prey = 0; } } // apply delays and skip the vore system under some circumstances if(!cvar("g_vore")) // the vore system is disabled { Vore_Disconnect(); return; } if(time < game_starttime || (time < warmup && !inWarmupStage)) // don't allow vore before a round begins { Vore_Disconnect(); return; } if(self.spectatee_status) return; if(time < self.system_delay) return; // -------------------------------- // Code that addresses predators: // -------------------------------- entity prey; prey = Swallow_player_check(); // attempt to swallow our new prey if we pressed the attack button, and there's any in range self.stat_canswallow = 0; if(Swallow_condition_check(prey)) { // canswallow stat, used by the HUD if(teams_matter && prey.team == self.team) self.stat_canswallow = 2; else self.stat_canswallow = 1; if(self.BUTTON_ATCK) Vore_SwallowStep(prey); } else if(prey != world) self.stat_canswallow = -1; // toggle digestion, if the player has someone in their stomach if(self.BUTTON_DIGEST && cvar("g_vore_digestion")) { if(self.stomach_load) { if(time > self.digest_button_delay_time) { self.digesting = !self.digesting; self.digest_button_delay_time = time + button_delay_time; } } else if(time > self.complain_vore) { play2(self, "misc/forbidden.wav"); sprint(self, "There is nothing to digest\n"); self.complain_vore = time + complain_delay_time; } } if(!self.stomach_load || !cvar("g_vore_digestion")) self.digesting = FALSE; // predator wishes to regurgitate his prey if(self.BUTTON_REGURGITATE && time > self.action_delay) { if(self.stomach_load) { if(time > self.regurgitate_button_delay_time) { self.regurgitate_prepare = time + cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_delay"); PlayerSound(self, playersound_regurgitate_prepare, CHAN_VOICE, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); setanim(self, self.anim_pain2, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); // looks good for preparing regurgitation self.regurgitate_button_delay_time = time + button_delay_time; } } else if(time > self.complain_vore) { play2(self, "misc/forbidden.wav"); sprint(self, "There is nothing to regurgitate\n"); self.complain_vore = time + complain_delay_time; } } if(cvar("g_vore_gurglesound")) Vore_GurgleSound(); // -------------------------------- // Code that addresses the prey: // -------------------------------- Vore_SetPreyPositions(); // keepdeadprey - detach dead prey if their predator died or got swallowed if(self.fakeprey) if(self.fakepredator.deadflag != DEAD_NO || self.fakepredator.stat_eaten) Vore_DeadPrey_Detach(self); if(!self.stat_eaten) return; if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { Vore_PreyRelease(self, FALSE); return; } if(self.predator.deadflag != DEAD_NO) Vore_Regurgitate(self); else if(vlen(self.predator.velocity) > cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_speedcap") / (1 + self.predator.stomach_load)) Vore_Regurgitate(self); // apply delayed regurgitating if it was scheduled if(self.predator.regurgitate_prepare && time > self.predator.regurgitate_prepare) { self.predator.regurgitate_prepare = 0; self.predator.complain_vore = time + complain_delay_time; // prevent complaining the next frame if this empties our stomach Vore_Regurgitate(self); } // execute digesting and team healing if(self.predator.digesting == TRUE) Vore_Digest(); if(teams_matter && self.team == self.predator.team) if(cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal") && cvar("g_vore_teamvore")) Vore_Teamheal(); // execute prey commands if(self.BUTTON_ATCK) { if(cvar("g_vore_kick")) Vore_StomachKick(); } else self.kick_pressed = FALSE; if(self.BUTTON_JUMP) Vore_StomachLeave(); // Ugly workaround for a Keyhunt issue. Your team's key can still be given to you while in the stomach // (at round start), which is pretty ugly and wrong. So attempt to drop keys each frame for prey kh_Key_DropAll(self, FALSE); }