/* ============================================================================== SOURCE FOR GLOBALVARS_T C STRUCTURE MUST NOT BE MODIFIED, OR CRC ERRORS WILL APPEAR ============================================================================== */ // // system globals // entity self; entity other; entity world; float time; float frametime; float player_localentnum; //the entnum float player_localnum; //the playernum float maxclients; //a constant filled in by the engine. gah, portability eh? float clientcommandframe; //player movement float servercommandframe; //clientframe echoed off the server string mapname; // // global variables set by built in functions // vector v_forward, v_up, v_right; // set by makevectors() // set by traceline / tracebox float trace_allsolid; float trace_startsolid; float trace_fraction; vector trace_endpos; vector trace_plane_normal; float trace_plane_dist; entity trace_ent; float trace_inopen; float trace_inwater; // // required prog functions // void() CSQC_Init; void() CSQC_Shutdown; float(float f, float t, float n) CSQC_InputEvent; void(float w, float h) CSQC_UpdateView; float(string s) CSQC_ConsoleCommand; //these fields are read and set by the default player physics vector pmove_org; vector pmove_vel; vector pmove_mins; vector pmove_maxs; //retrieved from the current movement commands (read by player physics) float input_timelength; vector input_angles; vector input_movevalues; //forwards, right, up. float input_buttons; //attack, use, jump (default physics only uses jump) float movevar_gravity; float movevar_stopspeed; float movevar_maxspeed; float movevar_spectatormaxspeed; //used by NOCLIP movetypes. float movevar_accelerate; float movevar_airaccelerate; float movevar_wateraccelerate; float movevar_friction; float movevar_waterfriction; float movevar_entgravity; //the local player's gravity field. Is a multiple (1 is the normal value) //================================================ void end_sys_globals; // flag for structure dumping //================================================ /* ============================================================================== SOURCE FOR ENTVARS_T C STRUCTURE MUST NOT BE MODIFIED, OR CRC ERRORS WILL APPEAR ============================================================================== */ // // system fields (*** = do not set in prog code, maintained by C code) // .float modelindex; // *** model index in the precached list .vector absmin, absmax; // *** origin + mins / maxs .float entnum; // *** the ent number as on the server .float drawmask; .void() predraw; .float movetype; .float solid; .vector origin; // *** .vector oldorigin; // *** .vector velocity; .vector angles; .vector avelocity; .string classname; // spawn function .string model; .float frame; .float skin; .float effects; .vector mins, maxs; // bounding box extents reletive to origin .vector size; // maxs - mins .void() touch; .void() use; .void() think; .void() blocked; // for doors or plats, called when can't push other .float nextthink; .entity chain; .string netname; .entity enemy; .float flags; .float colormap; .entity owner; // who launched a missile //================================================ void end_sys_fields; // flag for structure dumping //================================================ /* ============================================================================== OPTIONAL FIELDS AND GLOBALS ============================================================================== */ // Additional OPTIONAL Fields and Globals float intermission; // indicates intermission state (0 = normal, 1 = scores, 2 = finale text) vector view_angles; // same as input_angles vector view_punchangle; // from server vector view_punchvector; // from server /* ============================================================================== CONSTANT DEFINITIONS ============================================================================== */ const float MASK_ENGINE = 1; const float MASK_ENGINEVIEWMODELS = 2; const float MASK_NORMAL = 4; const float RF_VIEWMODEL = 1; const float RF_EXTERNALMODEL = 2; const float RF_DEPTHHACK = 4; const float RF_ADDATIVE = 8; const float RF_USEAXIS = 16; const float VF_MIN = 1; //(vector) const float VF_MIN_X = 2; //(float) const float VF_MIN_Y = 3; //(float) const float VF_SIZE = 4; //(vector) (viewport size) const float VF_SIZE_Y = 5; //(float) const float VF_SIZE_X = 6; //(float) const float VF_VIEWPORT = 7; //(vector, vector) const float VF_FOV = 8; //(vector) const float VF_FOVX = 9; //(float) const float VF_FOVY = 10; //(float) const float VF_ORIGIN = 11; //(vector) const float VF_ORIGIN_X = 12; //(float) const float VF_ORIGIN_Y = 13; //(float) const float VF_ORIGIN_Z = 14; //(float) const float VF_ANGLES = 15; //(vector) const float VF_ANGLES_X = 16; //(float) const float VF_ANGLES_Y = 17; //(float) const float VF_ANGLES_Z = 18; //(float) const float VF_DRAWWORLD = 19; //(float) const float VF_DRAWENGINESBAR = 20; //(float) const float VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR = 21; //(float) const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES = 33; //(vector) const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_X = 34; //(float) const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Y = 35; //(float) const float VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Z = 36; //(float) const float VF_PERSPECTIVE = 200; const float STAT_HEALTH = 0; const float STAT_WEAPONMODEL = 2; const float STAT_AMMO = 3; const float STAT_ARMOR = 4; const float STAT_WEAPONFRAME = 5; const float STAT_SHELLS = 6; const float STAT_NAILS = 7; const float STAT_ROCKETS = 8; const float STAT_CELLS = 9; const float STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON = 10; const float STAT_TOTALSECRETS = 11; const float STAT_TOTALMONSTERS = 12; const float STAT_SECRETS = 13; const float STAT_MONSTERS = 14; const float STAT_ITEMS = 15; const float STAT_VIEWHEIGHT = 16; // Quake Sound Constants const float CHAN_AUTO = 0; const float CHAN_WEAPON = 1; const float CHAN_VOICE = 2; const float CHAN_ITEM = 3; const float CHAN_BODY = 4; const float ATTN_NONE = 0; const float ATTN_NORM = 1; const float ATTN_IDLE = 2; const float ATTN_STATIC = 3; // Frik File Constants const float FILE_READ = 0; const float FILE_APPEND = 1; const float FILE_WRITE = 2; // Quake Point Contents const float CONTENT_EMPTY = -1; const float CONTENT_SOLID = -2; const float CONTENT_WATER = -3; const float CONTENT_SLIME = -4; const float CONTENT_LAVA = -5; const float CONTENT_SKY = -6; // Quake Solid Constants const float SOLID_NOT = 0; const float SOLID_TRIGGER = 1; const float SOLID_BBOX = 2; const float SOLID_SLIDEBOX = 3; const float SOLID_BSP = 4; const float SOLID_CORPSE = 5; // Quake Move Constants const float MOVE_NORMAL = 0; const float MOVE_NOMONSTERS = 1; const float MOVE_MISSILE = 2; // Boolean Constants const float true = 1; const float false = 0; const float TRUE = 1; const float FALSE = 0; const float EXTRA_LOW = -99999999; const float EXTRA_HIGH = 99999999; const vector VEC_1 = '1 1 1'; const vector VEC_0 = '0 0 0'; const vector VEC_M1 = '-1 -1 -1'; const float M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846; vector VEC_HULL_MIN = '-16 -16 -24'; vector VEC_HULL_MAX = '16 16 32'; // Quake Temporary Entity Constants const float TE_SPIKE = 0; const float TE_SUPERSPIKE = 1; const float TE_GUNSHOT = 2; const float TE_EXPLOSION = 3; const float TE_TAREXPLOSION = 4; const float TE_LIGHTNING1 = 5; const float TE_LIGHTNING2 = 6; const float TE_WIZSPIKE = 7; const float TE_KNIGHTSPIKE = 8; const float TE_LIGHTNING3 = 9; const float TE_LAVASPLASH = 10; const float TE_TELEPORT = 11; const float TE_EXPLOSION2 = 12; // Darkplaces Additions const float TE_EXPLOSIONRGB = 53; const float TE_GUNSHOTQUAD = 57; const float TE_EXPLOSIONQUAD = 70; const float TE_SPIKEQUAD = 58; const float TE_SUPERSPIKEQUAD = 59; // PFlags for Dynamic Lights const float PFLAGS_NOSHADOW = 1; const float PFLAGS_CORONA = 2; const float PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC = 128; const float EF_ADDITIVE = 32; const float EF_BLUE = 64; const float EF_FLAME = 1024; const float EF_FULLBRIGHT = 512; const float EF_NODEPTHTEST = 8192; const float EF_NODRAW = 16; const float EF_NOSHADOW = 4096; const float EF_RED = 128; const float EF_STARDUST = 2048; const float EF_SELECTABLE = 16384; const float PFL_ONGROUND = 1; const float PFL_CROUCH = 2; const float PFL_DEAD = 4; const float PFL_GIBBED = 8; /* ============================================================================== BUILTIN DEFINITIONS EXTENSIONS ARE NOT ADDED HERE, BUT BELOW! ============================================================================== */ void(vector ang) makevectors = #1; void(entity e, vector o) setorigin = #2; void(entity e, string m) setmodel = #3; void(entity e, vector min, vector max) setsize = #4; void() break = #6; float() random = #7; void(entity e, float chan, string samp) sound = #8; vector(vector v) normalize = #9; void(string e) error = #10; void(string e) objerror = #11; float(vector v) vlen = #12; float(vector v) vectoyaw = #13; entity() spawn = #14; void(entity e) remove = #15; float(vector v1, vector v2, float tryents, entity ignoreentity) traceline = #16; entity(entity start, .string fld, string match) find = #18; void(string s) precache_sound = #19; void(string s) precache_model = #20; entity(vector org, float rad) findradius = #22; void(string s, ...) dprint = #25; string(float f) ftos = #26; string(vector v) vtos = #27; void() coredump = #28; void() traceon = #29; void() traceoff = #30; void(entity e) eprint = #31; // settrace optional float(float yaw, float dist, float settrace) walkmove = #32; float() droptofloor = #34; void(float style, string value) lightstyle = #35; float(float v) rint = #36; float(float v) floor = #37; float(float v) ceil = #38; float(entity e) checkbottom = #40; float(vector v) pointcontents = #41; float(float f) fabs = #43; float(string s) cvar = #45; void(string s, ...) localcmd = #46; entity(entity e) nextent = #47; void(vector o, vector d, float color, float count) particle = #48; void() ChangeYaw = #49; vector(vector v) vectoangles = #51; vector(vector v, vector w) vectoangles2 = #51; float(float f) sin = #60; float(float f) cos = #61; float(float f) sqrt = #62; void(entity ent) changepitch = #63; void(entity e, entity ignore) tracetoss = #64; string(entity ent) etos = #65; string(string s) precache_file = #68; void(entity e) makestatic = #69; void(string var, string val) cvar_set = #72; void(vector pos, string samp, float vol, float atten) ambientsound = #74; string(string s) precache_model2 = #75; string(string s) precache_sound2 = #76; string(string s) precache_file2 = #77; float(string s) stof = #81; void(vector v1, vector min, vector max, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent) tracebox = #90; vector() randomvec = #91; vector(vector org) getlight = #92; vector(vector org, float lpflags) getlight2 = #92; vector getlight_dir; vector getlight_ambient; vector getlight_diffuse; const float LP_LIGHTMAP = 1; const float LP_RTWORLD = 2; const float LP_DYNLIGHT = 4; const float LP_COMPLETE = 7; float(string name, string value) registercvar = #93; float( float a, ... ) min = #94; float( float b, ... ) max = #95; float(float minimum, float val, float maximum) bound = #96; float(float f, float f) pow = #97; entity(entity start, .float fld, float match) findfloat = #98; float(string s) checkextension = #99; // FrikaC and Telejano range #100-#199 float(string filename, float mode) fopen = #110; void(float fhandle) fclose = #111; string(float fhandle) fgets = #112; void(float fhandle, string s) fputs = #113; float(string s) strlen = #114; string(...) strcat = #115; string(string s, float start, float length) substring = #116; vector(string) stov = #117; string(string s) strzone = #118; void(string s) strunzone = #119; // FTEQW range #200-#299 float(float number, float quantity) bitshift = #218; //float(string str, string sub[, float startpos]) strstrofs = #221; float(string str, string sub, float startpos) strstrofs = #221; float(string str, float ofs) str2chr = #222; string(float c, ...) chr2str = #223; string(float ccase, float calpha, float cnum, string s, ...) strconv = #224; string(float chars, string s, ...) strpad = #225; string(string info, string key, string value, ...) infoadd = #226; string(string info, string key) infoget = #227; float(string s1, string s2, float len) strncmp = #228; float(string s1, string s2) strcasecmp = #229; float(string s1, string s2, float len) strncasecmp = #230; // CSQC range #300-#399 void() clearscene = #300; void(float mask) addentities = #301; void(entity ent) addentity = #302; float(float property, ...) setproperty = #303; float(float property) getproperty = #309; vector(float property) getpropertyvec = #309; void() renderscene = #304; void(vector org, float radius, vector lightcolours) adddynamiclight = #305; void(vector org, float radius, vector lightcolours, float style, string cubemapname, float pflags) adddynamiclight2 = #305; //void(string texturename, float flag[, float is2d, float lines]) R_BeginPolygon = #306; void(string texturename, float flag, float is2d, float lines) R_BeginPolygon = #306; void(vector org, vector texcoords, vector rgb, float alpha) R_PolygonVertex = #307; void() R_EndPolygon = #308; vector (vector v) cs_unproject = #310; vector (vector v) cs_project = #311; void(float width, vector pos1, vector pos2, float flag) drawline = #315; float(string name) iscachedpic = #316; string(string name, float trywad) precache_pic = #317; string(string name) precache_cubemap = #317; vector(string picname) draw_getimagesize = #318; void(string name) freepic = #319; float(vector position, float character, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawcharacter = #320; float(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawstring = #321; float(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawpic = #322; float(vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawfill = #323; void(float x, float y, float width, float height) drawsetcliparea = #324; void(void) drawresetcliparea = #325; float(vector position, string text, vector scale, float alpha, float flag) drawcolorcodedstring = #326; vector(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawcolorcodedstring2 = #326; float(float stnum) getstatf = #330; float(float stnum) getstati = #331; string(float firststnum) getstats = #332; void(entity e, float mdlindex) setmodelindex = #333; string(float mdlindex) modelnameforindex = #334; float(string effectname) particleeffectnum = #335; void(entity ent, float effectnum, vector start, vector end) trailparticles = #336; //void(float effectnum, vector origin [, vector dir, float count]) pointparticles = #337; void(float effectnum, vector origin , vector dir, float count) pointparticles = #337; void(string s, ...) centerprint = #338; void(string s, ...) print = #339; string(float keynum) keynumtostring = #340; float(string keyname) stringtokeynum = #341; string(float keynum) getkeybind = #342; void(float usecursor) setcursormode = #343; vector() getmousepos = #344; float(float framenum) getinputstate = #345; void(float sens) setsensitivityscale = #346; void() runstandardplayerphysics = #347; string(float playernum, string keyname) getplayerkeyvalue = #348; float() isdemo = #349; float() isserver = #350; void(vector origin, vector forward, vector right, vector up) SetListener = #351; void(string cmdname) registercommand = #352; float(entity ent) wasfreed = #353; string(string key) serverkey = #354; // Use proper case; refer to the id1 Write* functions! float() ReadByte = #360; float() ReadChar = #361; float() ReadShort = #362; float() ReadLong = #363; float() ReadCoord = #364; float() ReadAngle = #365; string() ReadString = #366; float() ReadFloat = #367; // LordHavoc's range #400-#499 void(entity from, entity to) copyentity = #400; entity(.string fld, string match) findchain = #402; entity(.float fld, float match) findchainfloat = #403; void(vector org, string modelname, float startframe, float endframe, float framerate) effect = #404; void(vector org, vector velocity, float howmany) te_blood = #405; void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, float explosionspeed, float howmany) te_bloodshower = #406; void(vector org, vector color) te_explosionrgb = #407; void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color, float gravityflag, float randomveljitter) te_particlecube = #408; void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color) te_particlerain = #409; void(vector mincorner, vector maxcorner, vector vel, float howmany, float color) te_particlesnow = #410; void(vector org, vector vel, float howmany) te_spark = #411; void(vector org) te_gunshotquad = #412; void(vector org) te_spikequad = #413; void(vector org) te_superspikequad = #414; void(vector org) te_explosionquad = #415; void(vector org) te_smallflash = #416; void(vector org, float radius, float lifetime, vector color) te_customflash = #417; void(vector org) te_gunshot = #418; void(vector org) te_spike = #419; void(vector org) te_superspike = #420; void(vector org) te_explosion = #421; void(vector org) te_tarexplosion = #422; void(vector org) te_wizspike = #423; void(vector org) te_knightspike = #424; void(vector org) te_lavasplash = #425; void(vector org) te_teleport = #426; void(vector org, float colorstart, float colorlength) te_explosion2 = #427; void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning1 = #428; void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning2 = #429; void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_lightning3 = #430; void(entity own, vector start, vector end) te_beam = #431; void(vector dir) vectorvectors = #432; void(vector org) te_plasmaburn = #433; float(entity e, float s) getsurfacenumpoints = #434; vector(entity e, float s, float n) getsurfacepoint = #435; vector(entity e, float s) getsurfacenormal = #436; string(entity e, float s) getsurfacetexture = #437; float(entity e, vector p) getsurfacenearpoint = #438; vector(entity e, float s, vector p) getsurfaceclippedpoint = #439; float(string s) tokenize = #441; string(float n) argv = #442; void(entity e, entity tagentity, string tagname) setattachment = #443; float(string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet) search_begin = #444; void(float handle) search_end = #445; float(float handle) search_getsize = #446; string(float handle, float num) search_getfilename = #447; string(string s) cvar_string = #448; entity(entity start, .float fld, float match) findflags = #449; entity(.float fld, float match) findchainflags = #450; float(entity ent, string tagname) gettagindex = #451; vector(entity ent, float tagindex) gettaginfo = #452; void(vector org, vector vel, float howmany) te_flamejet = #457; entity(float num) entitybyindex = #459; float() buf_create = #460; void(float bufhandle) buf_del = #461; float(float bufhandle) buf_getsize = #462; void(float bufhandle_from, float bufhandle_to) buf_copy = #463; void(float bufhandle, float sortpower, float backward) buf_sort = #464; string(float bufhandle, string glue) buf_implode = #465; string(float bufhandle, float string_index) bufstr_get = #466; void(float bufhandle, float string_index, string str) bufstr_set = #467; float(float bufhandle, string str, float order) bufstr_add = #468; void(float bufhandle, float string_index) bufstr_free = #469; float(float s) asin = #471; float(float c) acos = #472; float(float t) atan = #473; float(float c, float s) atan2 = #474; float(float a) tan = #475; float(string s) strippedstringlen = #476; float(string s) strlennocol = #476; // This is the correct name for the function, but not removing the decolorizedstring mapping. string(string s) decolorizedstring = #477; string(string s) strdecolorize = #477; // This is the correct name for the function, but not removing the decolorizedstring mapping. string(float uselocaltime, string format, ...) strftime = #478; float(string s) tokenizebyseparator = #479; string(string s) strtolower = #480; string(string s) strtoupper = #481; string(string s) cvar_defstring = #482; void(vector origin, string sample, float volume, float attenuation) pointsound = #483; string(string search, string replace, string subject) strreplace = #484; string(string search, string replace, string subject) strireplace = #485; vector(entity e, float s, float n, float a) getsurfacepointattribute = #486; #ifdef SUPPORT_GECKO float gecko_create( string name ) = #487; void gecko_destroy( string name ) = #488; void gecko_navigate( string name, string URI ) = #489; float gecko_keyevent( string name, float key, float eventtype ) = #490; void gecko_mousemove( string name, float x, float y ) = #491; void gecko_resize( string name, float w, float h ) = #492; vector gecko_get_texture_extent( string name ) = #493; #else #endif /* ============================================================================== EXTENSION DEFINITIONS ============================================================================== */ // DP_CSQC_SPAWNPARTICLE // idea: VorteX // darkplaces implementation: VorteX // constant definitions: // particle base behavior: float PT_ALPHASTATIC = 1; float PT_STATIC = 2; float PT_SPARK = 3; float PT_BEAM = 4; float PT_RAIN = 5; float PT_RAINDECAL = 6; float PT_SNOW = 7; float PT_BUBBLE = 8; float PT_BLOOD = 9; float PT_SMOKE = 10; float PT_DECAL = 11; float PT_ENTITYPARTICLE = 12; // particle blendtypes: float PBLEND_ALPHA = 0; float PBLEND_ADD = 1; float PBLEND_INVMOD = 2; // particle orientation: float PARTICLE_BILLBOARD = 0; float PARTICLE_SPARK = 1; float PARTICLE_ORIENTED_DOUBLESIDED = 2; float PARTICLE_BEAM = 3; // global definitions: float particle_type; // one of PT_ float particle_blendmode; // one of PBLEND_ values float particle_orientation; // one of PARTICLE_ values vector particle_color1; vector particle_color2; float particle_tex; // number of chunk in particlefont float particle_size; float particle_sizeincrease; float particle_alpha; float particle_alphafade; float particle_time; float particle_gravity; float particle_bounce; float particle_airfriction; float particle_liquidfriction; float particle_originjitter; float particle_velocityjitter; float particle_qualityreduction; // enable culling of this particle when FPS is low float particle_stretch; vector particle_staincolor1; vector particle_staincolor2; float particle_staintex; float particle_stainalpha; float particle_stainsize; float particle_delayspawn; float particle_delaycollision; float particle_angle; float particle_spin; // builtin definitions: float(float max_themes) initparticlespawner = #522; // check fields/globals for integration and enable particle spawner, return 1 is succeded, otherwise returns 0 void() resetparticle = #523; // reset p_ globals to default theme #0 void(float theme) particletheme = #524; // restore p_ globals from saved theme float() particlethemesave = #525; // save p_ globals to new particletheme and return it's index void(float theme) particlethemeupdate = #525; // save p_ globals to new particletheme and return it's index void(float theme) particlethemefree = #526; // delete a particle theme float(vector org, vector vel) spawnparticle = #527; // returns 0 when failed, 1 when spawned float(vector org, vector vel, float theme) quickparticle = #527; // not reading globals, just theme, returns 0 when failed, 1 when spawned float(vector org, vector vel, float delay, float collisiondelay) delayedparticle = #528; float(vector org, vector vel, float delay, float collisiondelay, float theme) quickdelayedparticle = #528; // description: this builtin provides an easy and flexible way to spawn particles, // it is not created as replace for DP_SV_POINTPARTICLES but as an addition to it. // With this extension you can create a specific particles like rain particles, or entity particles // notes: // 1) 0 is default particle template, it could be changed // 2) color vectors could have value 0-255 of each component // restrictions: max themes could be between 4 and 2048 // warning: you should call initparticlespawner() at very beginning BEFORE all other particle spawner functions // function to query particle info // don't remove this function as it protects all particle_ globals from FTEQCC/FRIKQCC non-referenced removal optimisation void() printparticle = { // vortex: this also protects from 'non-referenced' optimisation on some compilers print("PARTICLE:\n"); print(strcat(" type: ", ftos(particle_type), "\n")); print(strcat(" blendmode: ", ftos(particle_blendmode), "\n")); print(strcat(" orientation: ", ftos(particle_orientation), "\n")); print(strcat(" color1: ", vtos(particle_color1), "\n")); print(strcat(" color2: ", vtos(particle_color2), "\n")); print(strcat(" tex: ", ftos(particle_tex), "\n")); print(strcat(" size: ", ftos(particle_size), "\n")); print(strcat(" sizeincrease: ", ftos(particle_sizeincrease), "\n")); print(strcat(" alpha: ", ftos(particle_alpha), "\n")); print(strcat(" alphafade: ", ftos(particle_alphafade), "\n")); print(strcat(" time: ", ftos(particle_time), "\n")); print(strcat(" gravity: ", ftos(particle_gravity), "\n")); print(strcat(" bounce: ", ftos(particle_bounce), "\n")); print(strcat(" airfriction: ", ftos(particle_airfriction), "\n")); print(strcat(" liquidfriction: ", ftos(particle_liquidfriction), "\n")); print(strcat(" originjitter: ", ftos(particle_originjitter), "\n")); print(strcat(" velocityjitter: ", ftos(particle_velocityjitter), "\n")); print(strcat(" qualityreduction: ", ftos(particle_qualityreduction), "\n")); print(strcat(" stretch: ", ftos(particle_stretch), "\n")); print(strcat(" staincolor1: ", vtos(particle_staincolor1), "\n")); print(strcat(" staincolor2: ", vtos(particle_staincolor2), "\n")); print(strcat(" staintex: ", ftos(particle_staintex), "\n")); print(strcat(" stainalpha: ", ftos(particle_stainalpha), "\n")); print(strcat(" stainsize: ", ftos(particle_stainsize), "\n")); print(strcat(" delayspawn: ", ftos(particle_delayspawn), "\n")); print(strcat(" delaycollision: ", ftos(particle_delaycollision), "\n")); print(strcat(" angle: ", ftos(particle_angle), "\n")); print(strcat(" spin: ", ftos(particle_spin), "\n")); } // DP_CSQC_ENTITYTRANSPARENTSORTING_OFFSET // idea: VorteX // darkplaces implementation: VorteX float RF_USETRANSPARENTOFFSET = 64; // enables transparent origin offsetting // global definitions float transparent_offset; // should be set before entity is added // description: offset a model's meshes origin used for transparent sorting. Could be used to tweak sorting bugs on very large transparent entities or hacking transparent sorting order for certain objects // example: transparent_offset = 1000000; // entity always appear on background of other transparents // note: offset is done in view forward axis // DP_CSQC_ENTITYWORLDOBJECT // idea: VorteX // darkplaces implementation: VorteX const float RF_WORLDOBJECT = 128; // description: when renderflag is set, engine will not use culling methods for this entity, e.g. it will always be drawn // useful for large outdoor objects (like asteroids on sky horizon or sky models) // DP_CSQC_ENTITYMODELLIGHT // idea: VorteX // darkplaces implementation: VorteX const float RF_MODELLIGHT = 4096; .vector modellight_ambient; .vector modellight_diffuse; .vector modellight_dir; // description: allows CSQC to override directional model lightning on entity // DP_CSQC_SETPAUSE // idea: VorteX // darkplaces implementation: VorteX // builtin definitions: void(float ispaused) setpause = #531; // description: provides ability to set pause in local games (similar to one set once console is activated) // not stopping sound/cd track, useful for inventory screens, ingame menus with input etc. // DP_CSQC_QUERYRENDERENTITY // idea: VorteX // darkplaces implementation: VorteX // constant definitions: // render entity fields: float E_ACTIVE = 0; // float 0/1 float E_ORIGIN = 1; // vector float E_FORWARD = 2; // vector float E_RIGHT = 3; // vector float E_UP = 4; // vector float E_SCALE = 5; // float float E_ORIGINANDVECTORS = 6; // returns origin, + sets v_* vectors to orientation float E_ALPHA = 7; // float float E_COLORMOD = 8; // vector float E_PANTSCOLOR = 9; // vector float E_SHIRTCOLOR = 10; // vector float E_SKIN = 11; // float float E_MINS = 12; // vector float E_MAXS = 13; // vector float E_ABSMIN = 14; // vector float E_ABSMAX = 15; // vector float E_LIGHT = 16; // vector - modellight // builtin definitions: float(float entitynum, float fldnum) getentity = #504; vector(float entitynum, float fldnum) getentityvec = #504; // description: allows to query parms from render entities, especially useful with attaching CSQC ents to // server entities networked and interpolated by engine (monsters, players), number of entity is it's SVQC number // you can send it via tempentity/CSQC entity message. Note that this builtin doesnt know about entity removing/reallocating // so it's meaning to work for short period of time, dont use it on missiles/grenades whatever will be removed next five seconds //DP_GFX_FONTS //idea: Blub\0, divVerent //darkplaces implementation: Blub\0 //console commands: // loadfont fontname fontmaps size1 size2 ... // A font can simply be gfx/tgafile (freetype fonts doent need extension), // or alternatively you can specify multiple fonts and faces // Like this: gfx/vera-sans:2,gfx/fallback:1 // to load face 2 of the font gfx/vera-sans and use face 1 // of gfx/fallback as fallback font // You can also specify a list of font sizes to load, like this: // loadfont console gfx/conchars,gfx/fallback 8 12 16 24 32 // In many cases, 8 12 16 24 32 should be a good choice. // for slots see: //constant definitions: float drawfont; // set it before drawstring()/drawchar() calls float FONT_DEFAULT = 0; // 'default' float FONT_CONSOLE = 1; // 'console', REALLY should be fixed width (ls!) float FONT_SBAR = 2; // 'sbar', used on hud, must be fixed width float FONT_NOTIFY = 3; // 'notify', used on sprint/bprint float FONT_CHAT = 4; // 'chat' float FONT_CENTERPRINT = 5;// 'centerprint' float FONT_INFOBAR = 6; // 'infobar' float FONT_MENU = 7; // 'menu', should be fixed width float FONT_USER0 = 8; // 'user0', userdefined fonts float FONT_USER1 = 9; // 'user1', userdefined fonts float FONT_USER2 = 10; // 'user2', userdefined fonts float FONT_USER3 = 11; // 'user3', userdefined fonts float FONT_USER4 = 12; // 'user4', userdefined fonts float FONT_USER5 = 13; // 'user5', userdefined fonts float FONT_USER6 = 14; // 'user6', userdefined fonts float FONT_USER7 = 15; // 'user7' slot, userdefined fonts //builtin definitions: float findfont(string s) = #356; // find font by fontname and return it's index float loadfont(string fontname, string fontmaps, string sizes, float slot, float fix_scale, float fix_voffset) = #357; // loads font immediately so stringwidth() function can be used just after builtin call // returns a font slotnum (which is used to set drawfont to) // first 3 parms are identical to "loadfont" console command ones // slot could be one of FONT_ constants or result of findfont() or -1 to not use it // if slot is given, font will be loaded to this slotnum and fontname become new title for it // this way you can rename user* fonts to something more usable // fix_* parms let you fix badly made fonts by applying some transformations to them // fix_scale : per-character center-oriented scale (doesn't change line height at all) // fix_voffset : vertical offset for each character, it's a multiplier to character height float stringwidth(string text, float allowColorCodes, vector size) = #327; // get a width of string with given font and char size float stringwidth_menu(string text, float allowColorCodes, vector size) = #468; // in menu.dat it has different builtin # //description: engine support for custom fonts in console, hud, qc etc. // limits: // max 128 chars for font name // max 3 font fallbacks // max 8 sizes per font //DP_GFX_FONTS_FREETYPE //idea: Blub\0, divVerent //darkplaces implementation: Blub\0 //cvar definitions: // r_font_disable_freetype 0/1 : disable freetype fonts loading (uttetly disables freetype library initialization) // r_font_antialias 0/1 : antialiasing when loading font // r_font_hint 0/1/2/3 : hinting when loading font, 0 is no hinting, 1 light autohinting , 2 full autohinting, 3 full hinting // r_font_postprocess_blur X : font outline blur amount // r_font_postprocess_outline X : font outline width // r_font_postprocess_shadow_x X : font outline shadow x shift amount, applied during outlining // r_font_postprocess_shadow_y X : font outline shadow y shift amount, applied during outlining // r_font_postprocess_shadow_z X : font outline shadow z shift amount, applied during blurring //description: engine support for truetype/freetype fonts //so .AFM+.PFB/.OTF/.TTF files could be stuffed as fontmaps in loadfont() //(console command version will support them as well) //DP_CSQC_BINDMAPS //idea: daemon, motorsep //darkplaces implementation: divVerent //builtin definitions: string(float key, float bindmap) getkeybind_bindmap = #342; float(float key, string bind, float bindmap) setkeybind_bindmap = #630; vector(void) getbindmaps = #631; float(vector bm) setbindmaps = #632; string(string command, float bindmap) findkeysforcommand = #610; // float(string key) stringtokeynum = #341; // string(float keynum) keynumtostring = #340; //description: key bind setting/getting including support for switchable //bindmaps. //DP_CRYPTO //idea: divVerent //darkplaces implementation: divVerent //builtin definitions: (CSQC) float(string url, float id, string content_type, string delim, float buf, float keyid) crypto_uri_postbuf = #513; //description: //use -1 as buffer handle to justs end delim as postdata //DP_CSQC_MAINVIEW //idea: divVerent //darkplaces implementation: divVerent //constant definitions: const float VF_MAINVIEW = 212; //use setproperty(VF_MAINVIEW, 1); before calling R_RenderView for the render //that shall become the "main" view, which is e.g. used by PRYDON_CLIENTCURSOR //this flag is set for the first scene, and not cleared by R_ClearScene //this flag is automatically cleared by R_RenderView //so when not using this extension, the first view rendered is the main view //DP_CSQC_MINFPS_QUALITY //idea: divVerent //darkplaces implementation: divVerent //constant definitions: const float VF_MINFPS_QUALITY = 213; //use getproperty(VF_MINFPS_QUALITY); to do CSQC based LOD based on cl_minfps //1 should lead to an unmodified view