#include #include "dpsoftrast.h" #include #include #undef true #undef false #ifndef __cplusplus typedef enum bool {false, true} bool; #endif #if defined(__GNUC__) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400) #define RESTRICT __restrict #else #define RESTRICT #endif #define GL_NONE 0 #define GL_FRONT_LEFT 0x0400 #define GL_FRONT_RIGHT 0x0401 #define GL_BACK_LEFT 0x0402 #define GL_BACK_RIGHT 0x0403 #define GL_FRONT 0x0404 #define GL_BACK 0x0405 #define GL_LEFT 0x0406 #define GL_RIGHT 0x0407 #define GL_FRONT_AND_BACK 0x0408 #define GL_AUX0 0x0409 #define GL_AUX1 0x040A #define GL_AUX2 0x040B #define GL_AUX3 0x040C #define GL_NEVER 0x0200 #define GL_LESS 0x0201 #define GL_EQUAL 0x0202 #define GL_LEQUAL 0x0203 #define GL_GREATER 0x0204 #define GL_NOTEQUAL 0x0205 #define GL_GEQUAL 0x0206 #define GL_ALWAYS 0x0207 #define GL_ZERO 0x0 #define GL_ONE 0x1 #define GL_SRC_COLOR 0x0300 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 0x0301 #define GL_DST_COLOR 0x0306 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR 0x0307 #define GL_SRC_ALPHA 0x0302 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 0x0303 #define GL_DST_ALPHA 0x0304 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA 0x0305 #define GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE 0x0308 #define GL_CONSTANT_COLOR 0x8001 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR 0x8002 #define GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA 0x8003 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA 0x8004 typedef enum DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_e { DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD7, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL } DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY; typedef struct DPSOFTRAST_Texture_s { int flags; int width; int height; int depth; int sides; DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER filter; int mipmaps; int size; unsigned char *bytes; int mipmap[DPSOFTRAST_MAXMIPMAPS][5]; } DPSOFTRAST_Texture; typedef struct DPSOFTRAST_State_User_s { int colormask[4]; int blendfunc[2]; int blendsubtract; int depthmask; int depthtest; int depthfunc; int scissortest; int cullface; int alphatest; int alphafunc; float alphavalue; int scissor[4]; int viewport[4]; float depthrange[2]; float polygonoffset[2]; float color[4]; } DPSOFTRAST_State_User; #define DPSOFTRAST_MAXSUBSPAN 16 typedef struct DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span_s { int start; // pixel index int length; // pixel count int startx; // usable range (according to pixelmask) int endx; // usable range (according to pixelmask) unsigned char mip[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS]; // texcoord to screen space density values (for picking mipmap of textures) unsigned char *pixelmask; // true for pixels that passed depth test, false for others // [0][n][] is start interpolant values (projected) // [1][n][] is end interpolant values (projected) // [0][DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL][] is start screencoord4f // [1][DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL][] is end screencoord4f // NOTE: screencoord4f[3] is W (basically 1/Z), useful for depthbuffer float data[2][DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL+1][4]; } DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span; #define DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANQUEUE 1024 typedef struct DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_s { int numvertices; int maxvertices; float *in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL]; float *post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL]; float *screencoord4f; // spans are queued in this structure for dispatch to the pixel shader, // partly to improve cache locality, partly for batching purposes, spans // are flushed before DrawTriangles returns to caller int numspans; DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span spanqueue[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANQUEUE]; } DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw; #define DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB 1 #define DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC 2 #define DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC 4 #define DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DRAW (DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB | DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC | DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC) typedef enum DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_e { DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADDALPHA, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADD, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVMOD, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL2, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_SUBALPHA, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_PSEUDOALPHA, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_TOTAL } DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE; typedef struct DPSOFTRAST_State_s { // DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_ flags int validate; int fb_colormask; int fb_width; int fb_height; unsigned int *fb_depthpixels; unsigned int *fb_colorpixels[4]; const float *pointer_vertex3f; const float *pointer_color4f; const unsigned char *pointer_color4ub; const float *pointer_texcoordf[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXCOORDARRAYS]; int stride_vertex; int stride_color; int stride_texcoord[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXCOORDARRAYS]; int components_texcoord[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXCOORDARRAYS]; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texbound[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS]; int shader_mode; int shader_permutation; float uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TOTAL*4]; int uniform1i[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TOTAL]; // derived values (DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB) int fb_clearscissor[4]; int fb_viewport[4]; int fb_viewportscissor[4]; float fb_viewportcenter[2]; float fb_viewportscale[2]; // derived values (DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC) int fb_depthfunc; // derived values (DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC) int fb_blendmode; int texture_max; int texture_end; int texture_firstfree; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; int bigendian; // error reporting const char *errorstring; DPSOFTRAST_State_User user; DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw draw; } DPSOFTRAST_State; DPSOFTRAST_State dpsoftrast; extern int dpsoftrast_test; #define DPSOFTRAST_DEPTHSCALE (1024.0f*1048576.0f) #define DPSOFTRAST_BGRA8_FROM_RGBA32F(r,g,b,a) (((int)(r * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 16) | ((int)(g * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 8) | (int)(b * 255.0f + 0.5f) | ((int)(a * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 24)) #define DPSOFTRAST_DEPTH32_FROM_DEPTH32F(d) ((int)(DPSOFTRAST_DEPTHSCALE * (1-d))) #define DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH 256 void DPSOFTRAST_RecalcFB(void) { // calculate framebuffer scissor, viewport, viewport clipped by scissor, // and viewport projection values int x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6; int y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6; x1 = dpsoftrast.user.scissor[0]; x2 = dpsoftrast.user.scissor[0] + dpsoftrast.user.scissor[2]; x3 = dpsoftrast.user.viewport[0]; x4 = dpsoftrast.user.viewport[0] + dpsoftrast.user.viewport[2]; y1 = dpsoftrast.fb_height - dpsoftrast.user.scissor[1] - dpsoftrast.user.scissor[3]; y2 = dpsoftrast.fb_height - dpsoftrast.user.scissor[1]; y3 = dpsoftrast.fb_height - dpsoftrast.user.viewport[1] - dpsoftrast.user.viewport[3]; y4 = dpsoftrast.fb_height - dpsoftrast.user.viewport[1]; if (!dpsoftrast.user.scissortest) {x1 = 0;y1 = 0;x2 = dpsoftrast.fb_width;y2 = dpsoftrast.fb_height;} if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if (x2 > dpsoftrast.fb_width) x2 = dpsoftrast.fb_width; if (x3 < 0) x1 = 0; if (x4 > dpsoftrast.fb_width) x4 = dpsoftrast.fb_width; if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0; if (y2 > dpsoftrast.fb_height) y2 = dpsoftrast.fb_height; if (y3 < 0) y1 = 0; if (y4 > dpsoftrast.fb_height) y4 = dpsoftrast.fb_height; x5 = x1;if (x5 < x3) x5 = x3; x6 = x2;if (x6 > x4) x4 = x4; y5 = y1;if (y5 < y3) y5 = y3; y6 = y2;if (y6 > y4) y6 = y4; dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[0] = x1; dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[1] = y1; dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[2] = x2 - x1; dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[3] = y2 - y1; dpsoftrast.fb_viewport[0] = x3; dpsoftrast.fb_viewport[1] = y3; dpsoftrast.fb_viewport[2] = x4 - x3; dpsoftrast.fb_viewport[3] = y4 - y3; dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[0] = x5; dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[1] = y5; dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[2] = x6 - x5; dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[3] = y6 - y5; dpsoftrast.fb_viewportcenter[0] = dpsoftrast.user.viewport[0] + 0.5f * dpsoftrast.user.viewport[2] - 0.5f; dpsoftrast.fb_viewportcenter[1] = dpsoftrast.fb_height - dpsoftrast.user.viewport[1] - 0.5f * dpsoftrast.user.viewport[3] - 0.5f; dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscale[0] = 0.5f * dpsoftrast.user.viewport[2]; dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscale[1] = -0.5f * dpsoftrast.user.viewport[3]; } void DPSOFTRAST_RecalcDepthFunc(void) { dpsoftrast.fb_depthfunc = dpsoftrast.user.depthtest ? dpsoftrast.user.depthfunc : GL_ALWAYS; } int blendmodetable[][4] = { {DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, false}, {DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, false}, {DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADDALPHA, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, false}, {DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADD, GL_ONE, GL_ONE, false}, {DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVMOD, GL_ZERO, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, false}, {DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL, GL_ZERO, GL_SRC_COLOR, false}, {DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL, GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO, false}, {DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL2, GL_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_COLOR, false}, {DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_PSEUDOALPHA, GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, false}, {DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_SUBALPHA, GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ONE, true} }; void DPSOFTRAST_RecalcBlendFunc(void) { int i; dpsoftrast.fb_blendmode = DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE; for (i = 0;i < (int)(sizeof(blendmodetable) / sizeof(blendmodetable[0]));i++) { if (dpsoftrast.user.blendfunc[0] == blendmodetable[i][1] && dpsoftrast.user.blendfunc[1] == blendmodetable[i][2] && dpsoftrast.user.blendsubtract == blendmodetable[i][3]) { dpsoftrast.fb_blendmode = blendmodetable[i][0]; break; } } } #define DPSOFTRAST_ValidateQuick(f) ((dpsoftrast.validate & (f)) ? (DPSOFTRAST_Validate(f), 0) : 0) void DPSOFTRAST_Validate(int mask) { mask &= dpsoftrast.validate; if (!mask) return; if (mask & DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB) { dpsoftrast.validate &= ~DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB; DPSOFTRAST_RecalcFB(); } if (mask & DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC) { dpsoftrast.validate &= ~DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC; DPSOFTRAST_RecalcDepthFunc(); } if (mask & DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC) { dpsoftrast.validate &= ~DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC; DPSOFTRAST_RecalcBlendFunc(); } } DPSOFTRAST_Texture *DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(int index) { if (index >= 1 && index < dpsoftrast.texture_end && dpsoftrast.texture[index].bytes) return &dpsoftrast.texture[index]; return NULL; } int DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New(int flags, int width, int height, int depth) { int w; int h; int d; int size; int s; int texnum; int mipmaps; int sides = (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CUBEMAP) ? 6 : 1; int texformat = flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COMPAREMASK; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; if (width*height*depth < 1) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: width, height or depth is less than 1"; return 0; } if (width > DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_MAXSIZE || height > DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_MAXSIZE || depth > DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_MAXSIZE) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: texture size is too large"; return 0; } switch(texformat) { case DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BGRA8: case DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA8: case DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ALPHA8: break; case DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DEPTH: if (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CUBEMAP) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DEPTH only permitted on 2D textures"; return 0; } if (depth != 1) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DEPTH only permitted on 2D textures"; return 0; } if ((flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP) && (texformat == DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DEPTH)) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DEPTH does not permit mipmaps"; return 0; } break; } if (depth != 1 && (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CUBEMAP)) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CUBEMAP can not be used on 3D textures"; return 0; } if (depth != 1 && (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP)) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP can not be used on 3D textures"; return 0; } if (depth != 1 && (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP)) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP can not be used on 3D textures"; return 0; } if ((flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CUBEMAP) && (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP)) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP can not be used on cubemap textures"; return 0; } if ((width & (width-1)) || (height & (height-1)) || (depth & (depth-1))) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: dimensions are not power of two"; return 0; } // find first empty slot in texture array for (texnum = dpsoftrast.texture_firstfree;texnum < dpsoftrast.texture_end;texnum++) if (!dpsoftrast.texture[texnum].bytes) break; dpsoftrast.texture_firstfree = texnum + 1; if (dpsoftrast.texture_max <= texnum) { // expand texture array as needed if (dpsoftrast.texture_max < 1024) dpsoftrast.texture_max = 1024; else dpsoftrast.texture_max *= 2; dpsoftrast.texture = (DPSOFTRAST_Texture *)realloc(dpsoftrast.texture, dpsoftrast.texture_max * sizeof(DPSOFTRAST_Texture)); } if (dpsoftrast.texture_end <= texnum) dpsoftrast.texture_end = texnum + 1; texture = &dpsoftrast.texture[texnum]; memset(texture, 0, sizeof(*texture)); texture->flags = flags; texture->width = width; texture->height = height; texture->depth = depth; texture->sides = sides; w = width; h = height; d = depth; size = 0; mipmaps = 0; w = width; h = height; d = depth; for (;;) { s = w * h * d * sides * 4; texture->mipmap[mipmaps][0] = size; texture->mipmap[mipmaps][1] = s; texture->mipmap[mipmaps][2] = w; texture->mipmap[mipmaps][3] = h; texture->mipmap[mipmaps][4] = d; size += s; mipmaps++; if (w * h * d == 1 || !(flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP)) break; if (w > 1) w >>= 1; if (h > 1) h >>= 1; if (d > 1) d >>= 1; } texture->mipmaps = mipmaps; texture->size = size; // allocate the pixels now texture->bytes = (unsigned char *)calloc(1, size); return texnum; } void DPSOFTRAST_Texture_Free(int index) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; if (texture->bytes) free(texture->bytes); texture->bytes = NULL; memset(texture, 0, sizeof(*texture)); // adjust the free range and used range if (dpsoftrast.texture_firstfree > index) dpsoftrast.texture_firstfree = index; while (dpsoftrast.texture_end > 0 && dpsoftrast.texture[dpsoftrast.texture_end-1].bytes == NULL) dpsoftrast.texture_end--; } void DPSOFTRAST_Texture_CalculateMipmaps(int index) { int i, x, y, z, w, layer0, layer1, row0, row1; unsigned char *o, *i0, *i1, *i2, *i3; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; if (texture->mipmaps <= 1) return; for (i = 1;i < texture->mipmaps;i++) { for (z = 0;z < texture->mipmap[i][4];z++) { layer0 = z*2; layer1 = z*2+1; if (layer1 >= texture->mipmap[i-1][4]) layer1 = texture->mipmap[i-1][4]-1; for (y = 0;y < texture->mipmap[i][3];y++) { row0 = y*2; row1 = y*2+1; if (row1 >= texture->mipmap[i-1][3]) row1 = texture->mipmap[i-1][3]-1; o = texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[i ][0] + 4*((texture->mipmap[i ][3] * z + y ) * texture->mipmap[i ][2]); i0 = texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[i-1][0] + 4*((texture->mipmap[i-1][3] * layer0 + row0) * texture->mipmap[i-1][2]); i1 = texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[i-1][0] + 4*((texture->mipmap[i-1][3] * layer0 + row1) * texture->mipmap[i-1][2]); i2 = texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[i-1][0] + 4*((texture->mipmap[i-1][3] * layer1 + row0) * texture->mipmap[i-1][2]); i3 = texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[i-1][0] + 4*((texture->mipmap[i-1][3] * layer1 + row1) * texture->mipmap[i-1][2]); w = texture->mipmap[i][2]; if (layer1 > layer0) { if (texture->mipmap[i-1][2] > 1) { // average 3D texture for (x = 0;x < w;x++, o += 4, i0 += 8, i1 += 8, i2 += 8, i3 += 8) { o[0] = (i0[0] + i0[4] + i1[0] + i1[4] + i2[0] + i2[4] + i3[0] + i3[4] + 4) >> 3; o[1] = (i0[1] + i0[5] + i1[1] + i1[5] + i2[1] + i2[5] + i3[1] + i3[5] + 4) >> 3; o[2] = (i0[2] + i0[6] + i1[2] + i1[6] + i2[2] + i2[6] + i3[2] + i3[6] + 4) >> 3; o[3] = (i0[3] + i0[7] + i1[3] + i1[7] + i2[3] + i2[7] + i3[3] + i3[7] + 4) >> 3; } } else { // average 3D mipmap with parent width == 1 for (x = 0;x < w;x++, o += 4, i0 += 8, i1 += 8) { o[0] = (i0[0] + i1[0] + i2[0] + i3[0] + 2) >> 2; o[1] = (i0[1] + i1[1] + i2[1] + i3[1] + 2) >> 2; o[2] = (i0[2] + i1[2] + i2[2] + i3[2] + 2) >> 2; o[3] = (i0[3] + i1[3] + i2[3] + i3[3] + 2) >> 2; } } } else { if (texture->mipmap[i-1][2] > 1) { // average 2D texture (common case) for (x = 0;x < w;x++, o += 4, i0 += 8, i1 += 8) { o[0] = (i0[0] + i0[4] + i1[0] + i1[4] + 2) >> 2; o[1] = (i0[1] + i0[5] + i1[1] + i1[5] + 2) >> 2; o[2] = (i0[2] + i0[6] + i1[2] + i1[6] + 2) >> 2; o[3] = (i0[3] + i0[7] + i1[3] + i1[7] + 2) >> 2; } } else { // 2D texture with parent width == 1 o[0] = (i0[0] + i1[0] + 1) >> 1; o[1] = (i0[1] + i1[1] + 1) >> 1; o[2] = (i0[2] + i1[2] + 1) >> 1; o[3] = (i0[3] + i1[3] + 1) >> 1; } } } } } } void DPSOFTRAST_Texture_UpdatePartial(int index, int mip, const unsigned char *pixels, int blockx, int blocky, int blockwidth, int blockheight) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; // FIXME IMPLEMENT dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_UpdatePartial: Not implemented."; } void DPSOFTRAST_Texture_UpdateFull(int index, const unsigned char *pixels) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; memcpy(texture->bytes, pixels, texture->mipmap[0][1]); DPSOFTRAST_Texture_CalculateMipmaps(index); } int DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetWidth(int index, int mip) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return 0; return texture->width; } int DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetHeight(int index, int mip) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return 0; return texture->height; } int DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetDepth(int index, int mip) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return 0; return texture->depth; } unsigned char *DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetPixelPointer(int index, int mip) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return 0; return texture->bytes; } void DPSOFTRAST_Texture_Filter(int index, DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER filter) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; if (!(texture->flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP) && filter > DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_Filter: requested filter mode requires mipmaps"; return; } texture->filter = filter; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetRenderTargets(int width, int height, unsigned int *depthpixels, unsigned int *colorpixels0, unsigned int *colorpixels1, unsigned int *colorpixels2, unsigned int *colorpixels3) { dpsoftrast.fb_width = width; dpsoftrast.fb_height = height; dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels = depthpixels; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] = colorpixels0; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[1] = colorpixels1; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[2] = colorpixels2; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[3] = colorpixels3; } void DPSOFTRAST_Viewport(int x, int y, int width, int height) { dpsoftrast.user.viewport[0] = x; dpsoftrast.user.viewport[1] = y; dpsoftrast.user.viewport[2] = width; dpsoftrast.user.viewport[3] = height; dpsoftrast.validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB; } void DPSOFTRAST_ClearColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) { int i, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, x, y; unsigned int *p; unsigned int c; DPSOFTRAST_Validate(DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB); x1 = dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[0]; y1 = dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[1]; x2 = dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[2]; y2 = dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[1] + dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[3]; w = x2 - x1; h = y2 - y1; if (w < 1 || h < 1) return; // FIXME: honor dpsoftrast.fb_colormask? c = DPSOFTRAST_BGRA8_FROM_RGBA32F(r,g,b,a); for (i = 0;i < 4;i++) { if (!dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[i]) continue; for (y = y1;y < y2;y++) { p = dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[i] + y * dpsoftrast.fb_width; for (x = x1;x < x2;x++) p[x] = c; } } } void DPSOFTRAST_ClearDepth(float d) { int x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, x, y; unsigned int *p; unsigned int c; DPSOFTRAST_Validate(DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB); x1 = dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[0]; y1 = dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[1]; x2 = dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[2]; y2 = dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[1] + dpsoftrast.fb_clearscissor[3]; w = x2 - x1; h = y2 - y1; if (w < 1 || h < 1) return; c = DPSOFTRAST_DEPTH32_FROM_DEPTH32F(d); for (y = y1;y < y2;y++) { p = dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels + y * dpsoftrast.fb_width; for (x = x1;x < x2;x++) p[x] = c; } } void DPSOFTRAST_ColorMask(int r, int g, int b, int a) { dpsoftrast.user.colormask[0] = r != 0; dpsoftrast.user.colormask[1] = g != 0; dpsoftrast.user.colormask[2] = b != 0; dpsoftrast.user.colormask[3] = a != 0; dpsoftrast.fb_colormask = ((-dpsoftrast.user.colormask[0]) & 0x00FF0000) | ((-dpsoftrast.user.colormask[1]) & 0x0000FF00) | ((-dpsoftrast.user.colormask[2]) & 0x000000FF) | ((-dpsoftrast.user.colormask[3]) & 0xFF000000); } void DPSOFTRAST_DepthTest(int enable) { dpsoftrast.user.depthtest = enable; dpsoftrast.validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC; } void DPSOFTRAST_ScissorTest(int enable) { dpsoftrast.user.scissortest = enable; dpsoftrast.validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB; } void DPSOFTRAST_Scissor(float x, float y, float width, float height) { dpsoftrast.user.scissor[0] = x; dpsoftrast.user.scissor[1] = y; dpsoftrast.user.scissor[2] = width; dpsoftrast.user.scissor[3] = height; dpsoftrast.validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB; } void DPSOFTRAST_BlendFunc(int smodulate, int dmodulate) { // FIXME: validate dpsoftrast.user.blendfunc[0] = smodulate; dpsoftrast.user.blendfunc[1] = dmodulate; dpsoftrast.validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC; } void DPSOFTRAST_BlendSubtract(int enable) { dpsoftrast.user.blendsubtract = enable != 0; dpsoftrast.validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC; } void DPSOFTRAST_DepthMask(int enable) { dpsoftrast.user.depthmask = enable; } void DPSOFTRAST_DepthFunc(int comparemode) { // FIXME: validate dpsoftrast.user.depthfunc = comparemode; } void DPSOFTRAST_DepthRange(float range0, float range1) { dpsoftrast.user.depthrange[0] = range0; dpsoftrast.user.depthrange[1] = range1; } void DPSOFTRAST_PolygonOffset(float alongnormal, float intoview) { dpsoftrast.user.polygonoffset[0] = alongnormal; dpsoftrast.user.polygonoffset[1] = intoview; } void DPSOFTRAST_CullFace(int mode) { // FIXME: validate dpsoftrast.user.cullface = mode; } void DPSOFTRAST_AlphaTest(float enable) { dpsoftrast.user.alphatest = enable; } void DPSOFTRAST_AlphaFunc(int alphafunc, float alphavalue) { // FIXME: validate dpsoftrast.user.alphafunc = alphafunc; dpsoftrast.user.alphavalue = alphavalue; } void DPSOFTRAST_Color4f(float r, float g, float b, float a) { dpsoftrast.user.color[0] = r; dpsoftrast.user.color[1] = g; dpsoftrast.user.color[2] = b; dpsoftrast.user.color[3] = a; } void DPSOFTRAST_GetPixelsBGRA(int blockx, int blocky, int blockwidth, int blockheight, unsigned char *outpixels) { int outstride = blockwidth * 4; int instride = dpsoftrast.fb_width * 4; int bx1 = blockx; int by1 = blocky; int bx2 = blockx + blockwidth; int by2 = blocky + blockheight; int bw; int bh; int x; int y; unsigned char *inpixels; unsigned char *b; unsigned char *o; if (bx1 < 0) bx1 = 0; if (by1 < 0) by1 = 0; if (bx2 > dpsoftrast.fb_width) bx2 = dpsoftrast.fb_width; if (by2 > dpsoftrast.fb_height) by2 = dpsoftrast.fb_height; bw = bx2 - bx1; bh = by2 - by1; inpixels = (unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0]; if (dpsoftrast.bigendian) { for (y = by1;y < by2;y++) { b = (unsigned char *)inpixels + (dpsoftrast.fb_height - 1 - y) * instride + 4 * bx1; o = (unsigned char *)outpixels + (y - by1) * outstride; for (x = bx1;x < bx2;x++) { o[0] = b[3]; o[1] = b[2]; o[2] = b[1]; o[3] = b[0]; o += 4; b += 4; } } } else { for (y = by1;y < by2;y++) { b = (unsigned char *)inpixels + (dpsoftrast.fb_height - 1 - y) * instride + 4 * bx1; o = (unsigned char *)outpixels + (y - by1) * outstride; memcpy(o, b, bw*4); } } } void DPSOFTRAST_CopyRectangleToTexture(int index, int mip, int tx, int ty, int sx, int sy, int width, int height) { int tx1 = tx; int ty1 = ty; int tx2 = tx + width; int ty2 = ty + height; int sx1 = sx; int sy1 = sy; int sx2 = sx + width; int sy2 = sy + height; int swidth; int sheight; int twidth; int theight; int sw; int sh; int tw; int th; int y; unsigned int *spixels; unsigned int *tpixels; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; if (mip < 0 || mip >= texture->mipmaps) return; spixels = dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0]; swidth = dpsoftrast.fb_width; sheight = dpsoftrast.fb_height; tpixels = (unsigned int *)(texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[mip][0]); twidth = texture->mipmap[mip][2]; theight = texture->mipmap[mip][3]; if (tx1 < 0) tx1 = 0; if (ty1 < 0) ty1 = 0; if (tx2 > twidth) tx2 = twidth; if (ty2 > theight) ty2 = theight; if (sx1 < 0) sx1 = 0; if (sy1 < 0) sy1 = 0; if (sx2 > swidth) sx2 = swidth; if (sy2 > sheight) sy2 = sheight; tw = tx2 - tx1; th = ty2 - ty1; sw = sx2 - sx1; sh = sy2 - sy1; if (tw > sw) tw = sw; if (th > sh) th = sh; if (tw < 1 || th < 1) return; for (y = 0;y < th;y++) memcpy(tpixels + ((ty1 + y) * twidth + tx1), spixels + ((sy1 + y) * swidth + sx1), tw*4); if (texture->mipmaps > 1) DPSOFTRAST_Texture_CalculateMipmaps(index); } void DPSOFTRAST_SetTexture(int unitnum, int index) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; if (unitnum < 0 || unitnum >= DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_SetTexture: invalid unit number"; return; } texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index); if (index && !texture) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_SetTexture: invalid texture handle"; return; } dpsoftrast.texbound[unitnum] = texture; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetVertexPointer(const float *vertex3f, size_t stride) { dpsoftrast.pointer_vertex3f = vertex3f; dpsoftrast.stride_vertex = stride; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetColorPointer(const float *color4f, size_t stride) { dpsoftrast.pointer_color4f = color4f; dpsoftrast.pointer_color4ub = NULL; dpsoftrast.stride_color = stride; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetColorPointer4ub(const unsigned char *color4ub, size_t stride) { dpsoftrast.pointer_color4f = NULL; dpsoftrast.pointer_color4ub = color4ub; dpsoftrast.stride_color = stride; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetTexCoordPointer(int unitnum, int numcomponents, size_t stride, const float *texcoordf) { dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[unitnum] = texcoordf; dpsoftrast.components_texcoord[unitnum] = numcomponents; dpsoftrast.stride_texcoord[unitnum] = stride; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetShader(unsigned int mode, unsigned int permutation) { dpsoftrast.shader_mode = mode; dpsoftrast.shader_permutation = permutation; } void DPSOFTRAST_Uniform4fARB(DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM index, float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3) { dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+0] = v0; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+1] = v1; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+2] = v2; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+3] = v3; } void DPSOFTRAST_Uniform4fvARB(DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM index, const float *v) { dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+0] = v[0]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+1] = v[1]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+2] = v[2]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+3] = v[3]; } void DPSOFTRAST_UniformMatrix4fvARB(DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM index, int arraysize, int transpose, const float *v) { dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+0] = v[0]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+1] = v[1]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+2] = v[2]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+3] = v[3]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+4] = v[4]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+5] = v[5]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+6] = v[6]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+7] = v[7]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+8] = v[8]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+9] = v[9]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+10] = v[10]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+11] = v[11]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+12] = v[12]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+13] = v[13]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+14] = v[14]; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+15] = v[15]; } void DPSOFTRAST_Uniform1iARB(DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM index, int i0) { dpsoftrast.uniform1i[index] = i0; } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_LoadVertices(int firstvertex, int numvertices, bool needcolors) { int i; int j; int stride; const float *v; float *p; float *data; const unsigned char *b; dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices = numvertices; if (dpsoftrast.draw.maxvertices < dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices) { if (dpsoftrast.draw.maxvertices < 4096) dpsoftrast.draw.maxvertices = 4096; while (dpsoftrast.draw.maxvertices < dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices) dpsoftrast.draw.maxvertices *= 2; if (dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[0]) free(dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[0]); data = (float *)calloc(1, dpsoftrast.draw.maxvertices * sizeof(float[4])*(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL*2 + 1)); for (i = 0;i < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL;i++, data += dpsoftrast.draw.maxvertices * 4) dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[i] = data; for (i = 0;i < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL;i++, data += dpsoftrast.draw.maxvertices * 4) dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[i] = data; dpsoftrast.draw.screencoord4f = data; data += dpsoftrast.draw.maxvertices * 4; } stride = dpsoftrast.stride_vertex; v = (const float *)((unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.pointer_vertex3f + firstvertex * stride); p = dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[0]; for (i = 0;i < numvertices;i++) { p[0] = v[0]; p[1] = v[1]; p[2] = v[2]; p[3] = 1.0f; p += 4; v = (const float *)((const unsigned char *)v + stride); } if (needcolors) { if (dpsoftrast.pointer_color4f) { stride = dpsoftrast.stride_color; v = (const float *)((const unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.pointer_color4f + firstvertex * stride); p = dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[1]; for (i = 0;i < numvertices;i++) { p[0] = v[0]; p[1] = v[1]; p[2] = v[2]; p[3] = v[3]; p += 4; v = (const float *)((const unsigned char *)v + stride); } } else if (dpsoftrast.pointer_color4ub) { stride = dpsoftrast.stride_color; b = (const unsigned char *)((const unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.pointer_color4ub + firstvertex * stride); p = dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[1]; for (i = 0;i < numvertices;i++) { p[0] = b[0] * (1.0f / 255.0f); p[1] = b[1] * (1.0f / 255.0f); p[2] = b[2] * (1.0f / 255.0f); p[3] = b[3] * (1.0f / 255.0f); p += 4; b = (const unsigned char *)((const unsigned char *)b + stride); } } else { v = dpsoftrast.user.color; p = dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[1]; for (i = 0;i < numvertices;i++) { p[0] = v[0]; p[1] = v[1]; p[2] = v[2]; p[3] = v[3]; p += 4; } } } for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL-2;j++) { if (dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[j]) { stride = dpsoftrast.stride_texcoord[j]; v = (const float *)((const unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[j] + firstvertex * stride); p = dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[j+2]; switch(dpsoftrast.components_texcoord[j]) { case 2: for (i = 0;i < numvertices;i++) { p[0] = v[0]; p[1] = v[1]; p[2] = 0.0f; p[3] = 1.0f; p += 4; v = (const float *)((const unsigned char *)v + stride); } break; case 3: for (i = 0;i < numvertices;i++) { p[0] = v[0]; p[1] = v[1]; p[2] = v[2]; p[3] = 1.0f; p += 4; v = (const float *)((const unsigned char *)v + stride); } break; case 4: for (i = 0;i < numvertices;i++) { p[0] = v[0]; p[1] = v[1]; p[2] = v[2]; p[3] = v[3]; p += 4; v = (const float *)((const unsigned char *)v + stride); } break; } } } } void DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(float *out4f, const float *in4f, int numitems, const float *inmatrix16f) { static const float identitymatrix[4][4] = {{1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,0,1}}; // TODO: SIMD float matrix[4][4]; int i; memcpy(matrix, inmatrix16f, sizeof(float[16])); if (!memcmp(identitymatrix, matrix, sizeof(float[16]))) { // fast case for identity matrix memcpy(out4f, in4f, numitems * sizeof(float[4])); return; } for (i = 0;i < numitems;i++, out4f += 4, in4f += 4) { out4f[0] = in4f[0] * matrix[0][0] + in4f[1] * matrix[1][0] + in4f[2] * matrix[2][0] + in4f[3] * matrix[3][0]; out4f[1] = in4f[0] * matrix[0][1] + in4f[1] * matrix[1][1] + in4f[2] * matrix[2][1] + in4f[3] * matrix[3][1]; out4f[2] = in4f[0] * matrix[0][2] + in4f[1] * matrix[1][2] + in4f[2] * matrix[2][2] + in4f[3] * matrix[3][2]; out4f[3] = in4f[0] * matrix[0][3] + in4f[1] * matrix[1][3] + in4f[2] * matrix[2][3] + in4f[3] * matrix[3][3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Array_Copy(float *out4f, const float *in4f, int numitems) { memcpy(out4f, in4f, numitems * sizeof(float[4])); } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProjectVertices(float *out4f, const float *in4f, int numitems) { // NOTE: this is used both as a whole mesh transform function and a // per-triangle transform function (for clipped triangles), accordingly // it should not crash on divide by 0 but the result of divide by 0 is // unimportant... // TODO: SIMD int i; float w; float viewportcenter[4]; float viewportscale[4]; viewportscale[0] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscale[0]; viewportscale[1] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscale[1]; viewportscale[2] = 0.5f; viewportscale[3] = 0.0f; viewportcenter[0] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportcenter[0]; viewportcenter[1] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportcenter[1]; viewportcenter[2] = 0.5f; viewportcenter[3] = 0.0f; for (i = 0;i < numitems;i++) { if (!in4f[3]) { out4f[0] = 0.0f; out4f[1] = 0.0f; out4f[2] = 0.0f; out4f[3] = 0.0f; continue; } w = 1.0f / in4f[3]; out4f[0] = viewportcenter[0] + viewportscale[0] * in4f[0] * w; out4f[1] = viewportcenter[1] + viewportscale[1] * in4f[1] * w; out4f[2] = viewportcenter[2] + viewportscale[2] * in4f[2] * w; out4f[3] = viewportcenter[3] + viewportscale[3] * in4f[3] * w; out4f[3] = w; in4f += 4; out4f += 4; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_DebugEdgePoints(const float *screen0, const float *screen1) { int i; int x; int y; int w = dpsoftrast.fb_width; int bounds[4]; float v0[2], v1[2]; unsigned int *pixels = dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0]; //const float *c4f; bounds[0] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[0]; bounds[1] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[1]; bounds[2] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[0] + dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[2]; bounds[3] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[1] + dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[3]; v0[0] = screen0[0]; v0[1] = screen0[1]; v1[0] = screen1[0]; v1[1] = screen1[1]; for (i = 0;i <= 128;i++) { // check nearclip //if (dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+3] != 1.0f) // continue; x = (int)(v0[0] + (v1[0] - v0[0]) * (i/128.0f)); y = (int)(v0[1] + (v1[1] - v0[1]) * (i/128.0f)); if (x < bounds[0] || y < bounds[1] || x >= bounds[2] || y >= bounds[3]) continue; //c4f = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR] + element0*4; //pixels[y*w+x] = DPSOFTRAST_BGRA8_FROM_RGBA32F(c4f[0], c4f[1], c4f[2], c4f[3]); pixels[y*w+x] = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, float *zf) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; float w = span->data[0][DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL][3]; float wslope = span->data[1][DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL][3]; for (x = startx;x < endx;) { int endsub = x + DPSOFTRAST_MAXSUBSPAN-1; float z = 1.0f / (w + wslope * x), dz; if (endsub >= endx) { endsub = endx-1; dz = endsub > x ? (1.0f / (w + wslope * endsub) - z) / (endsub - x) : 0.0f; } else { dz = (1.0f / (w + wslope * endsub) - z) * (1.0f / (DPSOFTRAST_MAXSUBSPAN-1)); } for (; x <= endsub; x++, z += dz) zf[x] = z; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Finish(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, const float * RESTRICT in4f) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; int d[4]; float a, b; unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelmask = span->pixelmask; unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel = (unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0]; if (!pixel) return; pixel += span->start * 4; // handle alphatest now (this affects depth writes too) if (dpsoftrast.user.alphatest) for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) if (in4f[x*4+3] < 0.5f) pixelmask[x] = false; // FIXME: this does not handle bigendian switch(dpsoftrast.fb_blendmode) { case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; d[0] = (int)(in4f[x*4+2]*255.0f);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)(in4f[x*4+1]*255.0f);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)(in4f[x*4+0]*255.0f);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)(in4f[x*4+3]*255.0f);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ALPHA: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; a = in4f[x*4+3] * 255.0f; b = 1.0f - in4f[x*4+3]; d[0] = (int)(in4f[x*4+2]*a+pixel[x*4+0]*b);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)(in4f[x*4+1]*a+pixel[x*4+1]*b);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)(in4f[x*4+0]*a+pixel[x*4+2]*b);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)(in4f[x*4+3]*a+pixel[x*4+3]*b);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADDALPHA: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; a = in4f[x*4+3] * 255.0f; d[0] = (int)(in4f[x*4+2]*a+pixel[x*4+0]);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)(in4f[x*4+1]*a+pixel[x*4+1]);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)(in4f[x*4+0]*a+pixel[x*4+2]);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)(in4f[x*4+3]*a+pixel[x*4+3]);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADD: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; d[0] = (int)(in4f[x*4+2]*255.0f+pixel[x*4+0]);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)(in4f[x*4+1]*255.0f+pixel[x*4+1]);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)(in4f[x*4+0]*255.0f+pixel[x*4+2]);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)(in4f[x*4+3]*255.0f+pixel[x*4+3]);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVMOD: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; d[0] = (int)((1.0f-in4f[x*4+2])*pixel[x*4+0]);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)((1.0f-in4f[x*4+1])*pixel[x*4+1]);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)((1.0f-in4f[x*4+0])*pixel[x*4+2]);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)((1.0f-in4f[x*4+3])*pixel[x*4+3]);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; d[0] = (int)(in4f[x*4+2]*pixel[x*4+0]);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)(in4f[x*4+1]*pixel[x*4+1]);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)(in4f[x*4+0]*pixel[x*4+2]);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)(in4f[x*4+3]*pixel[x*4+3]);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL2: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; d[0] = (int)(in4f[x*4+2]*pixel[x*4+0]*2.0f);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)(in4f[x*4+1]*pixel[x*4+1]*2.0f);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)(in4f[x*4+0]*pixel[x*4+2]*2.0f);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)(in4f[x*4+3]*pixel[x*4+3]*2.0f);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_SUBALPHA: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; a = in4f[x*4+3] * -255.0f; d[0] = (int)(in4f[x*4+2]*a+pixel[x*4+0]);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255;if (d[0] < 0) d[0] = 0; d[1] = (int)(in4f[x*4+1]*a+pixel[x*4+1]);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255;if (d[1] < 0) d[1] = 0; d[2] = (int)(in4f[x*4+0]*a+pixel[x*4+2]);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255;if (d[2] < 0) d[2] = 0; d[3] = (int)(in4f[x*4+3]*a+pixel[x*4+3]);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255;if (d[3] < 0) d[3] = 0; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_PSEUDOALPHA: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; a = 255.0f; b = 1.0f - in4f[x*4+3]; d[0] = (int)(in4f[x*4+2]*a+pixel[x*4+0]*b);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)(in4f[x*4+1]*a+pixel[x*4+1]*b);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)(in4f[x*4+0]*a+pixel[x*4+2]*b);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)(in4f[x*4+3]*a+pixel[x*4+3]*b);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, const unsigned char* RESTRICT in4ub) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; int d[4]; const unsigned int * RESTRICT ini = (const unsigned int *)in4ub; int a, b; unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelmask = span->pixelmask; unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel = (unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0]; unsigned int * RESTRICT pixeli = (unsigned int *)dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0]; if (!pixel) return; pixel += span->start * 4; pixeli += span->start; // handle alphatest now (this affects depth writes too) if (dpsoftrast.user.alphatest) for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) if (in4ub[x*4+3] < 0.5f) pixelmask[x] = false; // FIXME: this does not handle bigendian switch(dpsoftrast.fb_blendmode) { case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) if (pixelmask[x]) pixeli[x] = ini[x]; break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ALPHA: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; a = in4ub[x*4+3]; b = 256 - in4ub[x*4+3]; pixel[x*4+0] = (in4ub[x*4+0]*a+pixel[x*4+0]*b) >> 8; pixel[x*4+1] = (in4ub[x*4+1]*a+pixel[x*4+1]*b) >> 8; pixel[x*4+2] = (in4ub[x*4+2]*a+pixel[x*4+2]*b) >> 8; pixel[x*4+3] = (in4ub[x*4+3]*a+pixel[x*4+3]*b) >> 8; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADDALPHA: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; a = in4ub[x*4+3]; d[0] = (((in4ub[x*4+0]*a)>>8)+pixel[x*4+0]);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (((in4ub[x*4+1]*a)>>8)+pixel[x*4+1]);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (((in4ub[x*4+2]*a)>>8)+pixel[x*4+2]);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (((in4ub[x*4+3]*a)>>8)+pixel[x*4+3]);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADD: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; d[0] = (in4ub[x*4+0]+pixel[x*4+0]);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (in4ub[x*4+1]+pixel[x*4+1]);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (in4ub[x*4+2]+pixel[x*4+2]);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (in4ub[x*4+3]+pixel[x*4+3]);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVMOD: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; pixel[x*4+0] = ((255-in4ub[x*4+0])*pixel[x*4+0])>>8; pixel[x*4+1] = ((255-in4ub[x*4+1])*pixel[x*4+1])>>8; pixel[x*4+2] = ((255-in4ub[x*4+2])*pixel[x*4+2])>>8; pixel[x*4+3] = ((255-in4ub[x*4+3])*pixel[x*4+3])>>8; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; pixel[x*4+0] = (in4ub[x*4+0]*pixel[x*4+0])>>8; pixel[x*4+1] = (in4ub[x*4+1]*pixel[x*4+1])>>8; pixel[x*4+2] = (in4ub[x*4+2]*pixel[x*4+2])>>8; pixel[x*4+3] = (in4ub[x*4+3]*pixel[x*4+3])>>8; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL2: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; d[0] = (in4ub[x*4+0]*pixel[x*4+0])>>7;if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (in4ub[x*4+1]*pixel[x*4+1])>>7;if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (in4ub[x*4+2]*pixel[x*4+2])>>7;if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (in4ub[x*4+3]*pixel[x*4+3])>>7;if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_SUBALPHA: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; a = in4ub[x*4+3]; d[0] = pixel[x*4+0]-((in4ub[x*4+0]*a)>>8);if (d[0] < 0) d[0] = 0; d[1] = pixel[x*4+1]-((in4ub[x*4+1]*a)>>8);if (d[1] < 0) d[1] = 0; d[2] = pixel[x*4+2]-((in4ub[x*4+2]*a)>>8);if (d[2] < 0) d[2] = 0; d[3] = pixel[x*4+3]-((in4ub[x*4+3]*a)>>8);if (d[3] < 0) d[3] = 0; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_PSEUDOALPHA: for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; b = 255 - in4ub[x*4+3]; d[0] = in4ub[x*4+0]+((pixel[x*4+0]*b)>>8);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = in4ub[x*4+1]+((pixel[x*4+1]*b)>>8);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = in4ub[x*4+2]+((pixel[x*4+2]*b)>>8);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = in4ub[x*4+3]+((pixel[x*4+3]*b)>>8);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; pixel[x*4+0] = d[0]; pixel[x*4+1] = d[1]; pixel[x*4+2] = d[2]; pixel[x*4+3] = d[3]; } break; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVarying(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, float * RESTRICT out4f, int texunitindex, int arrayindex, const float * RESTRICT zf) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; int flags; float c[4]; float data[4]; float slope[4]; float tc[2]; float tcscale[2]; unsigned int tci[2]; unsigned int tci1[2]; unsigned int tcimin[2]; unsigned int tcimax[2]; int tciwrapmask[2]; int tciwidth; int filter; int mip; const unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelbase; const unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel[4]; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture = dpsoftrast.texbound[texunitindex]; // if no texture is bound, just fill it with white if (!texture) { for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4f[x*4+0] = 1.0f; out4f[x*4+1] = 1.0f; out4f[x*4+2] = 1.0f; out4f[x*4+3] = 1.0f; } return; } mip = span->mip[texunitindex]; // if this mipmap of the texture is 1 pixel, just fill it with that color if (texture->mipmap[mip][1] == 4) { c[0] = texture->bytes[2] * (1.0f/255.0f); c[1] = texture->bytes[1] * (1.0f/255.0f); c[2] = texture->bytes[0] * (1.0f/255.0f); c[3] = texture->bytes[3] * (1.0f/255.0f); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } return; } filter = texture->filter & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR; data[0] = span->data[0][arrayindex][0]; data[1] = span->data[0][arrayindex][1]; data[2] = span->data[0][arrayindex][2]; data[3] = span->data[0][arrayindex][3]; slope[0] = span->data[1][arrayindex][0]; slope[1] = span->data[1][arrayindex][1]; slope[2] = span->data[1][arrayindex][2]; slope[3] = span->data[1][arrayindex][3]; flags = texture->flags; pixelbase = (unsigned char *)texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[mip][0]; tcscale[0] = texture->mipmap[mip][2]; tcscale[1] = texture->mipmap[mip][3]; tciwidth = texture->mipmap[mip][2]; tcimin[0] = 0; tcimin[1] = 0; tcimax[0] = texture->mipmap[mip][2]-1; tcimax[1] = texture->mipmap[mip][3]-1; tciwrapmask[0] = texture->mipmap[mip][2]-1; tciwrapmask[1] = texture->mipmap[mip][3]-1; for (x = startx;x < endx;) { float endtc[2]; unsigned int subtc[2]; unsigned int substep[2]; int endsub = x + DPSOFTRAST_MAXSUBSPAN-1; float subscale = 4096.0f/(DPSOFTRAST_MAXSUBSPAN-1); if (endsub >= endx) { endsub = endx-1; subscale = endsub > x ? 4096.0f / (endsub - x) : 1.0f; } tc[0] = (data[0] + slope[0]*x) * zf[x] * tcscale[0] - 0.5f; tc[1] = (data[1] + slope[1]*x) * zf[x] * tcscale[1] - 0.5f; endtc[0] = (data[0] + slope[0]*endsub) * zf[endsub] * tcscale[0] - 0.5f; endtc[1] = (data[1] + slope[1]*endsub) * zf[endsub] * tcscale[1] - 0.5f; substep[0] = (endtc[0] - tc[0]) * subscale; substep[1] = (endtc[1] - tc[1]) * subscale; subtc[0] = tc[0] * (1<<12); subtc[1] = tc[1] * (1<<12); if (!(flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPTOEDGE)) { subtc[0] &= (tciwrapmask[0]<<12)|0xFFF; subtc[1] &= (tciwrapmask[1]<<12)|0xFFF; } if(filter) { tci[0] = (subtc[0]>>12) - tcimin[0]; tci[1] = (subtc[1]>>12) - tcimin[0]; tci1[0] = ((subtc[0] + (endsub - x)*substep[0])>>12) + 1; tci1[1] = ((subtc[1] + (endsub - x)*substep[1])>>12) + 1; if (tci[0] <= tcimax[0] && tci[1] <= tcimax[1] && tci1[0] <= tcimax[0] && tci1[1] <= tcimax[1]) { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { unsigned int frac[2] = { subtc[0]&0xFFF, subtc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { ifrac[0]*ifrac[1], frac[0]*ifrac[1], ifrac[0]*frac[1], frac[0]*frac[1] }; tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[1] = pixel[0] + 4 * tciwidth; c[0] = (pixel[0][2]*lerp[0]+pixel[0][4+2]*lerp[1]+pixel[1][2]*lerp[2]+pixel[1][4+2]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[1] = (pixel[0][1]*lerp[0]+pixel[0][4+1]*lerp[1]+pixel[1][1]*lerp[2]+pixel[1][4+1]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[2] = (pixel[0][0]*lerp[0]+pixel[0][4+0]*lerp[1]+pixel[1][0]*lerp[2]+pixel[1][4+0]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[3] = (pixel[0][3]*lerp[0]+pixel[0][4+3]*lerp[1]+pixel[1][3]*lerp[2]+pixel[1][4+3]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } else if (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPTOEDGE) { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { unsigned int frac[2] = { subtc[0]&0xFFF, subtc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { ifrac[0]*ifrac[1], frac[0]*ifrac[1], ifrac[0]*frac[1], frac[0]*frac[1] }; tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci1[0] = tci[0] + 1; tci1[1] = tci[1] + 1; tci[0] = tci[0] >= tcimin[0] ? (tci[0] <= tcimax[0] ? tci[0] : tcimax[0]) : tcimin[0]; tci[1] = tci[1] >= tcimin[1] ? (tci[1] <= tcimax[1] ? tci[1] : tcimax[1]) : tcimin[1]; tci1[0] = tci1[0] >= tcimin[0] ? (tci1[0] <= tcimax[0] ? tci1[0] : tcimax[0]) : tcimin[0]; tci1[1] = tci1[1] >= tcimin[1] ? (tci1[1] <= tcimax[1] ? tci1[1] : tcimax[1]) : tcimin[1]; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[1] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); pixel[2] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[3] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); c[0] = (pixel[0][2]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][2]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][2]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][2]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[1] = (pixel[0][1]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][1]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][1]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][1]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[2] = (pixel[0][0]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][0]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][0]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][0]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[3] = (pixel[0][3]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][3]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][3]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][3]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } else { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { unsigned int frac[2] = { subtc[0]&0xFFF, subtc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { ifrac[0]*ifrac[1], frac[0]*ifrac[1], ifrac[0]*frac[1], frac[0]*frac[1] }; tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci1[0] = tci[0] + 1; tci1[1] = tci[1] + 1; tci[0] &= tciwrapmask[0]; tci[1] &= tciwrapmask[1]; tci1[0] &= tciwrapmask[0]; tci1[1] &= tciwrapmask[1]; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[1] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); pixel[2] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[3] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); c[0] = (pixel[0][2]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][2]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][2]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][2]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[1] = (pixel[0][1]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][1]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][1]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][1]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[2] = (pixel[0][0]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][0]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][0]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][0]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[3] = (pixel[0][3]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][3]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][3]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][3]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } } else if (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPTOEDGE) { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci[0] = tci[0] >= tcimin[0] ? (tci[0] <= tcimax[0] ? tci[0] : tcimax[0]) : tcimin[0]; tci[1] = tci[1] >= tcimin[1] ? (tci[1] <= tcimax[1] ? tci[1] : tcimax[1]) : tcimin[1]; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); c[0] = pixel[0][2] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[1] = pixel[0][1] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[2] = pixel[0][0] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[3] = pixel[0][3] * (1.0f / 255.0f); out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } else { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci[0] &= tciwrapmask[0]; tci[1] &= tciwrapmask[1]; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); c[0] = pixel[0][2] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[1] = pixel[0][1] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[2] = pixel[0][0] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[3] = pixel[0][3] * (1.0f / 255.0f); out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char * RESTRICT out4ub, int texunitindex, int arrayindex, const float * RESTRICT zf) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; int flags; float data[4]; float slope[4]; float tc[2]; float tcscale[2]; unsigned int tci[2]; unsigned int tci1[2]; unsigned int tcimin[2]; unsigned int tcimax[2]; int tciwrapmask[2]; int tciwidth; int filter; int mip; unsigned int k; unsigned int *outi = (unsigned int *)out4ub; const unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelbase; const unsigned int * RESTRICT pixelbasei; const unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel[4]; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture = dpsoftrast.texbound[texunitindex]; // if no texture is bound, just fill it with white if (!texture) { memset(out4ub, 255, span->length*4); return; } mip = span->mip[texunitindex]; // if this mipmap of the texture is 1 pixel, just fill it with that color if (texture->mipmap[mip][1] == 4) { k = *((const unsigned int *)texture->bytes); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) outi[x] = k; return; } filter = texture->filter & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR; data[0] = span->data[0][arrayindex][0]; data[1] = span->data[0][arrayindex][1]; data[2] = span->data[0][arrayindex][2]; data[3] = span->data[0][arrayindex][3]; slope[0] = span->data[1][arrayindex][0]; slope[1] = span->data[1][arrayindex][1]; slope[2] = span->data[1][arrayindex][2]; slope[3] = span->data[1][arrayindex][3]; flags = texture->flags; pixelbase = (const unsigned char *)texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[mip][0]; pixelbasei = (const unsigned int *)pixelbase; tcscale[0] = texture->mipmap[mip][2]; tcscale[1] = texture->mipmap[mip][3]; tciwidth = texture->mipmap[mip][2]; tcimin[0] = 0; tcimin[1] = 0; tcimax[0] = texture->mipmap[mip][2]-1; tcimax[1] = texture->mipmap[mip][3]-1; tciwrapmask[0] = texture->mipmap[mip][2]-1; tciwrapmask[1] = texture->mipmap[mip][3]-1; for (x = startx;x < endx;) { float endtc[2]; unsigned int subtc[2]; unsigned int substep[2]; int endsub = x + DPSOFTRAST_MAXSUBSPAN-1; float subscale = 4096.0f/(DPSOFTRAST_MAXSUBSPAN-1); if (endsub >= endx) { endsub = endx-1; subscale = endsub > x ? 4096.0f / (endsub - x) : 1.0f; } tc[0] = (data[0] + slope[0]*x) * zf[x] * tcscale[0] - 0.5f; tc[1] = (data[1] + slope[1]*x) * zf[x] * tcscale[1] - 0.5f; endtc[0] = (data[0] + slope[0]*endsub) * zf[endsub] * tcscale[0] - 0.5f; endtc[1] = (data[1] + slope[1]*endsub) * zf[endsub] * tcscale[1] - 0.5f; substep[0] = (endtc[0] - tc[0]) * subscale; substep[1] = (endtc[1] - tc[1]) * subscale; subtc[0] = tc[0] * (1<<12); subtc[1] = tc[1] * (1<<12); if (!(flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPTOEDGE)) { subtc[0] &= (tciwrapmask[0]<<12)|0xFFF; subtc[1] &= (tciwrapmask[1]<<12)|0xFFF; } #if 0 // LordHavoc: an attempt at reducing number of integer multiplies, did not show any improvement in benchmarks, abandoned. if (filter && dpsoftrast_test) { const unsigned int * RESTRICT pixeli[4]; tci[0] = (subtc[0]>>12) - tcimin[0]; tci[1] = (subtc[1]>>12) - tcimin[0]; tci1[0] = ((subtc[0] + (endsub - x)*substep[0])>>12) + 1; tci1[1] = ((subtc[1] + (endsub - x)*substep[1])>>12) + 1; if (tci[0] <= tcimax[0] && tci[1] <= tcimax[1] && tci1[0] <= tcimax[0] && tci1[1] <= tcimax[1]) { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { unsigned int frac[2] = { subtc[0]&0xFFF, subtc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { (ifrac[0]*ifrac[1]) >> 16, (frac[0]*ifrac[1]) >> 16, (ifrac[0]*frac[1]) >> 16, (frac[0]*frac[1]) >> 16 }; tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; pixeli[0] = pixelbasei + (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixeli[1] = pixeli[0] + tciwidth; outi[x] = ((((pixeli[0][0] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[0] + ((pixeli[0][1] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[1] + ((pixeli[1][0] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[2] + ((pixeli[1][1] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[3]) & 0xFF00FF00) | ((((pixeli[0][0] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[0] + ( pixeli[0][1] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[1] + ( pixeli[1][0] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[2] + ( pixeli[1][1] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[3])>>8) & 0x00FF00FF); } } else if (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPTOEDGE) { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { unsigned int frac[2] = { subtc[0]&0xFFF, subtc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { (ifrac[0]*ifrac[1]) >> 16, (frac[0]*ifrac[1]) >> 16, (ifrac[0]*frac[1]) >> 16, (frac[0]*frac[1]) >> 16 }; tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci1[0] = tci[0] + 1; tci1[1] = tci[1] + 1; tci[0] = tci[0] >= tcimin[0] ? (tci[0] <= tcimax[0] ? tci[0] : tcimax[0]) : tcimin[0]; tci[1] = tci[1] >= tcimin[1] ? (tci[1] <= tcimax[1] ? tci[1] : tcimax[1]) : tcimin[1]; tci1[0] = tci1[0] >= tcimin[0] ? (tci1[0] <= tcimax[0] ? tci1[0] : tcimax[0]) : tcimin[0]; tci1[1] = tci1[1] >= tcimin[1] ? (tci1[1] <= tcimax[1] ? tci1[1] : tcimax[1]) : tcimin[1]; pixeli[0] = pixelbasei + (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixeli[1] = pixelbasei + (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); pixeli[2] = pixelbasei + (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixeli[3] = pixelbasei + (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); outi[x] = ((((pixeli[0][0] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[0] + ((pixeli[1][0] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[1] + ((pixeli[2][0] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[2] + ((pixeli[3][0] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[3]) & 0xFF00FF00) | ((((pixeli[0][0] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[0] + ( pixeli[1][0] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[1] + ( pixeli[2][0] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[2] + ( pixeli[3][0] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[3])>>8) & 0x00FF00FF); } } else { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { unsigned int frac[2] = { subtc[0]&0xFFF, subtc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { (ifrac[0]*ifrac[1]) >> 16, (frac[0]*ifrac[1]) >> 16, (ifrac[0]*frac[1]) >> 16, (frac[0]*frac[1]) >> 16 }; tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci1[0] = tci[0] + 1; tci1[1] = tci[1] + 1; tci[0] &= tciwrapmask[0]; tci[1] &= tciwrapmask[1]; tci1[0] &= tciwrapmask[0]; tci1[1] &= tciwrapmask[1]; pixeli[0] = pixelbasei + (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixeli[1] = pixelbasei + (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); pixeli[2] = pixelbasei + (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixeli[3] = pixelbasei + (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); outi[x] = ((((pixeli[0][0] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[0] + ((pixeli[1][0] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[1] + ((pixeli[2][0] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[2] + ((pixeli[3][0] >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[3]) & 0xFF00FF00) | ((((pixeli[0][0] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[0] + ( pixeli[1][0] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[1] + ( pixeli[2][0] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[2] + ( pixeli[3][0] & 0x00FF00FF) * lerp[3])>>8) & 0x00FF00FF); } } } else #endif if (filter) { tci[0] = (subtc[0]>>12) - tcimin[0]; tci[1] = (subtc[1]>>12) - tcimin[0]; tci1[0] = ((subtc[0] + (endsub - x)*substep[0])>>12) + 1; tci1[1] = ((subtc[1] + (endsub - x)*substep[1])>>12) + 1; if (tci[0] <= tcimax[0] && tci[1] <= tcimax[1] && tci1[0] <= tcimax[0] && tci1[1] <= tcimax[1]) { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { unsigned int frac[2] = { subtc[0]&0xFFF, subtc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { ifrac[0]*ifrac[1], frac[0]*ifrac[1], ifrac[0]*frac[1], frac[0]*frac[1] }; tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[1] = pixel[0] + 4 * tciwidth; out4ub[x*4+0] = (pixel[0][0]*lerp[0]+pixel[0][4+0]*lerp[1]+pixel[1][0]*lerp[2]+pixel[1][4+0]*lerp[3]) >> 24; out4ub[x*4+1] = (pixel[0][1]*lerp[0]+pixel[0][4+1]*lerp[1]+pixel[1][1]*lerp[2]+pixel[1][4+1]*lerp[3]) >> 24; out4ub[x*4+2] = (pixel[0][2]*lerp[0]+pixel[0][4+2]*lerp[1]+pixel[1][2]*lerp[2]+pixel[1][4+2]*lerp[3]) >> 24; out4ub[x*4+3] = (pixel[0][3]*lerp[0]+pixel[0][4+3]*lerp[1]+pixel[1][3]*lerp[2]+pixel[1][4+3]*lerp[3]) >> 24; } } else if (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPTOEDGE) { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { unsigned int frac[2] = { subtc[0]&0xFFF, subtc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { ifrac[0]*ifrac[1], frac[0]*ifrac[1], ifrac[0]*frac[1], frac[0]*frac[1] }; tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci1[0] = tci[0] + 1; tci1[1] = tci[1] + 1; tci[0] = tci[0] >= tcimin[0] ? (tci[0] <= tcimax[0] ? tci[0] : tcimax[0]) : tcimin[0]; tci[1] = tci[1] >= tcimin[1] ? (tci[1] <= tcimax[1] ? tci[1] : tcimax[1]) : tcimin[1]; tci1[0] = tci1[0] >= tcimin[0] ? (tci1[0] <= tcimax[0] ? tci1[0] : tcimax[0]) : tcimin[0]; tci1[1] = tci1[1] >= tcimin[1] ? (tci1[1] <= tcimax[1] ? tci1[1] : tcimax[1]) : tcimin[1]; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[1] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); pixel[2] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[3] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); out4ub[x*4+0] = (pixel[0][0]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][0]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][0]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][0]*lerp[3]) >> 24; out4ub[x*4+1] = (pixel[0][1]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][1]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][1]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][1]*lerp[3]) >> 24; out4ub[x*4+2] = (pixel[0][2]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][2]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][2]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][2]*lerp[3]) >> 24; out4ub[x*4+3] = (pixel[0][3]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][3]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][3]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][3]*lerp[3]) >> 24; } } else { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { unsigned int frac[2] = { subtc[0]&0xFFF, subtc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { ifrac[0]*ifrac[1], frac[0]*ifrac[1], ifrac[0]*frac[1], frac[0]*frac[1] }; tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci1[0] = tci[0] + 1; tci1[1] = tci[1] + 1; tci[0] &= tciwrapmask[0]; tci[1] &= tciwrapmask[1]; tci1[0] &= tciwrapmask[0]; tci1[1] &= tciwrapmask[1]; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[1] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); pixel[2] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[3] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); out4ub[x*4+0] = (pixel[0][0]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][0]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][0]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][0]*lerp[3]) >> 24; out4ub[x*4+1] = (pixel[0][1]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][1]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][1]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][1]*lerp[3]) >> 24; out4ub[x*4+2] = (pixel[0][2]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][2]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][2]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][2]*lerp[3]) >> 24; out4ub[x*4+3] = (pixel[0][3]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][3]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][3]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][3]*lerp[3]) >> 24; } } } else { tci[0] = (subtc[0]>>12) - tcimin[0]; tci[1] = (subtc[1]>>12) - tcimin[0]; tci1[0] = ((subtc[0] + (endsub - x)*substep[0])>>12); tci1[1] = ((subtc[1] + (endsub - x)*substep[1])>>12); if (tci[0] <= tcimax[0] && tci[1] <= tcimax[1] && tci1[0] <= tcimax[0] && tci1[1] <= tcimax[1]) { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; outi[x] = pixelbasei[(tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0])]; } } else if (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPTOEDGE) { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci[0] = tci[0] >= tcimin[0] ? (tci[0] <= tcimax[0] ? tci[0] : tcimax[0]) : tcimin[0]; tci[1] = tci[1] >= tcimin[1] ? (tci[1] <= tcimax[1] ? tci[1] : tcimax[1]) : tcimin[1]; outi[x] = pixelbasei[(tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0])]; } } else { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci[0] &= tciwrapmask[0]; tci[1] &= tciwrapmask[1]; outi[x] = pixelbasei[(tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0])]; } } } } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyVarying(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *in4f, int arrayindex, const float *zf) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; float c[4]; float data[4]; float slope[4]; float z; data[0] = span->data[0][arrayindex][0]; data[1] = span->data[0][arrayindex][1]; data[2] = span->data[0][arrayindex][2]; data[3] = span->data[0][arrayindex][3]; slope[0] = span->data[1][arrayindex][0]; slope[1] = span->data[1][arrayindex][1]; slope[2] = span->data[1][arrayindex][2]; slope[3] = span->data[1][arrayindex][3]; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = zf[x]; c[0] = (data[0] + slope[0]*x) * z; c[1] = (data[1] + slope[1]*x) * z; c[2] = (data[2] + slope[2]*x) * z; c[3] = (data[3] + slope[3]*x) * z; out4f[x*4+0] = in4f[x*4+0] * c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = in4f[x*4+1] * c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = in4f[x*4+2] * c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = in4f[x*4+3] * c[3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Varying(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, int arrayindex, const float *zf) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; float c[4]; float data[4]; float slope[4]; float z; data[0] = span->data[0][arrayindex][0]; data[1] = span->data[0][arrayindex][1]; data[2] = span->data[0][arrayindex][2]; data[3] = span->data[0][arrayindex][3]; slope[0] = span->data[1][arrayindex][0]; slope[1] = span->data[1][arrayindex][1]; slope[2] = span->data[1][arrayindex][2]; slope[3] = span->data[1][arrayindex][3]; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = zf[x]; c[0] = (data[0] + slope[0]*x) * z; c[1] = (data[1] + slope[1]*x) * z; c[2] = (data[2] + slope[2]*x) * z; c[3] = (data[3] + slope[3]*x) * z; out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBloom(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *ina4f, const float *inb4f, const float *subcolor) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; float c[4], localcolor[4]; localcolor[0] = subcolor[0]; localcolor[1] = subcolor[1]; localcolor[2] = subcolor[2]; localcolor[3] = subcolor[3]; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { c[0] = inb4f[x*4+0] - localcolor[0];if (c[0] < 0.0f) c[0] = 0.0f; c[1] = inb4f[x*4+1] - localcolor[1];if (c[1] < 0.0f) c[1] = 0.0f; c[2] = inb4f[x*4+2] - localcolor[2];if (c[2] < 0.0f) c[2] = 0.0f; c[3] = inb4f[x*4+3] - localcolor[3];if (c[3] < 0.0f) c[3] = 0.0f; out4f[x*4+0] = ina4f[x*4+0] + c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = ina4f[x*4+1] + c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = ina4f[x*4+2] + c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = ina4f[x*4+3] + c[3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyBuffers(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *ina4f, const float *inb4f) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4f[x*4+0] = ina4f[x*4+0] * inb4f[x*4+0]; out4f[x*4+1] = ina4f[x*4+1] * inb4f[x*4+1]; out4f[x*4+2] = ina4f[x*4+2] * inb4f[x*4+2]; out4f[x*4+3] = ina4f[x*4+3] * inb4f[x*4+3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBuffers(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *ina4f, const float *inb4f) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4f[x*4+0] = ina4f[x*4+0] + inb4f[x*4+0]; out4f[x*4+1] = ina4f[x*4+1] + inb4f[x*4+1]; out4f[x*4+2] = ina4f[x*4+2] + inb4f[x*4+2]; out4f[x*4+3] = ina4f[x*4+3] + inb4f[x*4+3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixBuffers(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *ina4f, const float *inb4f) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; float a, b; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { a = 1.0f - inb4f[x*4+3]; b = inb4f[x*4+3]; out4f[x*4+0] = ina4f[x*4+0] * a + inb4f[x*4+0] * b; out4f[x*4+1] = ina4f[x*4+1] * a + inb4f[x*4+1] * b; out4f[x*4+2] = ina4f[x*4+2] * a + inb4f[x*4+2] * b; out4f[x*4+3] = ina4f[x*4+3] * a + inb4f[x*4+3] * b; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixUniformColor(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *in4f, const float *color) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; float localcolor[4], ilerp, lerp; localcolor[0] = color[0]; localcolor[1] = color[1]; localcolor[2] = color[2]; localcolor[3] = color[3]; ilerp = 1.0f - localcolor[3]; lerp = localcolor[3]; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4f[x*4+0] = in4f[x*4+0] * ilerp + localcolor[0] * lerp; out4f[x*4+1] = in4f[x*4+1] * ilerp + localcolor[1] * lerp; out4f[x*4+2] = in4f[x*4+2] * ilerp + localcolor[2] * lerp; out4f[x*4+3] = in4f[x*4+3] * ilerp + localcolor[3] * lerp; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyVaryingBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *in4ub, int arrayindex, const float *zf) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; float data[4]; float slope[4]; float z; data[2] = span->data[0][arrayindex][0]; data[1] = span->data[0][arrayindex][1]; data[0] = span->data[0][arrayindex][2]; data[3] = span->data[0][arrayindex][3]; slope[2] = span->data[1][arrayindex][0]; slope[1] = span->data[1][arrayindex][1]; slope[0] = span->data[1][arrayindex][2]; slope[3] = span->data[1][arrayindex][3]; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = zf[x]; out4ub[x*4+0] = (int)(in4ub[x*4+0] * (data[0] + slope[0]*x) * z); out4ub[x*4+1] = (int)(in4ub[x*4+1] * (data[1] + slope[1]*x) * z); out4ub[x*4+2] = (int)(in4ub[x*4+2] * (data[2] + slope[2]*x) * z); out4ub[x*4+3] = (int)(in4ub[x*4+3] * (data[3] + slope[3]*x) * z); } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_VaryingBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, int arrayindex, const float *zf) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; float data[4]; float slope[4]; float z; data[2] = span->data[0][arrayindex][0]*255.0f; data[1] = span->data[0][arrayindex][1]*255.0f; data[0] = span->data[0][arrayindex][2]*255.0f; data[3] = span->data[0][arrayindex][3]*255.0f; slope[2] = span->data[1][arrayindex][0]*255.0f; slope[1] = span->data[1][arrayindex][1]*255.0f; slope[0] = span->data[1][arrayindex][2]*255.0f; slope[3] = span->data[1][arrayindex][3]*255.0f; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = zf[x]; out4ub[x*4+0] = (int)((data[0] + slope[0]*x) * z); out4ub[x*4+1] = (int)((data[1] + slope[1]*x) * z); out4ub[x*4+2] = (int)((data[2] + slope[2]*x) * z); out4ub[x*4+3] = (int)((data[3] + slope[3]*x) * z); } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBloomBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *ina4ub, const unsigned char *inb4ub, const float *subcolor) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; int c[4], localcolor[4]; localcolor[2] = (int)(subcolor[0] * 255.0f); localcolor[1] = (int)(subcolor[1] * 255.0f); localcolor[0] = (int)(subcolor[2] * 255.0f); localcolor[3] = (int)(subcolor[3] * 255.0f); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { c[0] = inb4ub[x*4+0] - localcolor[0];if (c[0] < 0) c[0] = 0; c[1] = inb4ub[x*4+1] - localcolor[1];if (c[1] < 0) c[1] = 0; c[2] = inb4ub[x*4+2] - localcolor[2];if (c[2] < 0) c[2] = 0; c[3] = inb4ub[x*4+3] - localcolor[3];if (c[3] < 0) c[3] = 0; c[0] += ina4ub[x*4+0];if (c[0] > 255) c[0] = 255; c[1] += ina4ub[x*4+1];if (c[1] > 255) c[1] = 255; c[2] += ina4ub[x*4+2];if (c[2] > 255) c[2] = 255; c[3] += ina4ub[x*4+3];if (c[3] > 255) c[3] = 255; out4ub[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4ub[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4ub[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4ub[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyBuffersBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *ina4ub, const unsigned char *inb4ub) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4ub[x*4+0] = (ina4ub[x*4+0] * inb4ub[x*4+0])>>8; out4ub[x*4+1] = (ina4ub[x*4+1] * inb4ub[x*4+1])>>8; out4ub[x*4+2] = (ina4ub[x*4+2] * inb4ub[x*4+2])>>8; out4ub[x*4+3] = (ina4ub[x*4+3] * inb4ub[x*4+3])>>8; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBuffersBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *ina4ub, const unsigned char *inb4ub) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; int d[4]; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { d[0] = ina4ub[x*4+0] + inb4ub[x*4+0];if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = ina4ub[x*4+1] + inb4ub[x*4+1];if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = ina4ub[x*4+2] + inb4ub[x*4+2];if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = ina4ub[x*4+3] + inb4ub[x*4+3];if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; out4ub[x*4+0] = d[0]; out4ub[x*4+1] = d[1]; out4ub[x*4+2] = d[2]; out4ub[x*4+3] = d[3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixBuffersBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *ina4ub, const unsigned char *inb4ub) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; int a, b; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { a = 256 - inb4ub[x*4+3]; b = inb4ub[x*4+3]; out4ub[x*4+0] = (ina4ub[x*4+0] * a + inb4ub[x*4+0] * b)>>8; out4ub[x*4+1] = (ina4ub[x*4+1] * a + inb4ub[x*4+1] * b)>>8; out4ub[x*4+2] = (ina4ub[x*4+2] * a + inb4ub[x*4+2] * b)>>8; out4ub[x*4+3] = (ina4ub[x*4+3] * a + inb4ub[x*4+3] * b)>>8; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixUniformColorBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *in4ub, const float *color) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; int localcolor[4], ilerp, lerp; localcolor[2] = (int)(color[0]*255.0f); localcolor[1] = (int)(color[1]*255.0f); localcolor[0] = (int)(color[2]*255.0f); localcolor[3] = (int)(color[3]*255.0f); ilerp = 256 - localcolor[3]; lerp = localcolor[3]; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4ub[x*4+0] = (in4ub[x*4+0] * ilerp + localcolor[0] * lerp)>>8; out4ub[x*4+1] = (in4ub[x*4+1] * ilerp + localcolor[1] * lerp)>>8; out4ub[x*4+2] = (in4ub[x*4+2] * ilerp + localcolor[2] * lerp)>>8; out4ub[x*4+3] = (in4ub[x*4+3] * ilerp + localcolor[3] * lerp)>>8; } } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Generic(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Copy(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Copy(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices); if (dpsoftrast.shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SPECULAR) DPSOFTRAST_Array_Copy(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Generic(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); if (dpsoftrast.shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_DIFFUSE) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_FIRST, 2, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyVaryingBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, 1, buffer_z); if (dpsoftrast.shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SPECULAR) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(span, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8, GL20TU_SECOND, 2, buffer_z); if (dpsoftrast.shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING) { // multiply DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyBuffersBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8); } else if (dpsoftrast.shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING) { // add DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBuffersBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8); } else if (dpsoftrast.shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_VERTEXTEXTUREBLEND) { // alphablend DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixBuffersBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8); } } } else DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_VaryingBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, 1, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_PostProcess(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Copy(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Copy(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_PostProcess(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: optimize!! at the very least there is no reason to use texture sampling on the frame texture float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, GL20TU_FIRST, 2, buffer_z); if (dpsoftrast.shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_BLOOM) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_SECOND, 3, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBloomBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_BloomColorSubtract * 4); } DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixUniformColorBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_FragColorbgra8, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ViewTintColor * 4); if (dpsoftrast.shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SATURATION) { // TODO: implement saturation } if (dpsoftrast.shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_GAMMARAMPS) { // TODO: implement gammaramps } DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Depth_Or_Shadow(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Depth_Or_Shadow(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // this is never called (because colormask is off when this shader is used) float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8, 0, span->length*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_FlatColor(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TexMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_FlatColor(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; int Color_Ambienti[4]; float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; Color_Ambienti[2] = (int)(dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+0]*256.0f); Color_Ambienti[1] = (int)(dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+1]*256.0f); Color_Ambienti[0] = (int)(dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+2]*256.0f); Color_Ambienti[3] = (int)(dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Alpha*4+0] *256.0f); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_COLOR, 2, buffer_z); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = (buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Ambienti[0])>>8; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = (buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Ambienti[1])>>8; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = (buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Ambienti[2])>>8; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = (buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+3] * Color_Ambienti[3])>>8; } DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_VertexColor(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Copy(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TexMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_VertexColor(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; float Color_Ambient[4], Color_Diffuse[4]; float data[4]; float slope[4]; float z; int arrayindex = DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR; data[2] = span->data[0][arrayindex][0]; data[1] = span->data[0][arrayindex][1]; data[0] = span->data[0][arrayindex][2]; data[3] = span->data[0][arrayindex][3]; slope[2] = span->data[1][arrayindex][0]; slope[1] = span->data[1][arrayindex][1]; slope[0] = span->data[1][arrayindex][2]; slope[3] = span->data[1][arrayindex][3]; Color_Ambient[2] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+0]; Color_Ambient[1] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+1]; Color_Ambient[0] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+2]; Color_Ambient[3] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Alpha*4+0]; Color_Diffuse[2] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+0]; Color_Diffuse[1] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+1]; Color_Diffuse[0] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+2]; Color_Diffuse[3] = 0.0f; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_COLOR, 2, buffer_z); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = buffer_z[x]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = (int)(buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+0] * (Color_Ambient[0] + ((data[0] + slope[0]*x) * z) * Color_Diffuse[0])); buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = (int)(buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+1] * (Color_Ambient[1] + ((data[1] + slope[1]*x) * z) * Color_Diffuse[1])); buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = (int)(buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+2] * (Color_Ambient[2] + ((data[2] + slope[2]*x) * z) * Color_Diffuse[2])); buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = (int)(buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+3] * (Color_Ambient[3] + ((data[3] + slope[3]*x) * z) * Color_Diffuse[3])); } DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Lightmap(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TexMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Copy(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Lightmap(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; float Color_Ambient[4], Color_Diffuse[4]; int Color_Ambienti[4]; int Color_Diffusei[4]; float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned int d[4]; //unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelmask = span->pixelmask; //unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel = (unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] + span->start * 4; Color_Ambient[0] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+0]; Color_Ambient[1] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+1]; Color_Ambient[2] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+2]; Color_Ambient[3] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Alpha*4+0]; Color_Diffuse[0] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+0]; Color_Diffuse[1] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+1]; Color_Diffuse[2] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+2]; Color_Diffuse[3] = 0.0f; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); Color_Ambienti[2] = (int)(Color_Ambient[0] * 65536.0f); Color_Ambienti[1] = (int)(Color_Ambient[1] * 65536.0f); Color_Ambienti[0] = (int)(Color_Ambient[2] * 65536.0f); Color_Ambienti[3] = (int)(Color_Ambient[3] * 65536.0f); Color_Diffusei[2] = (int)(Color_Diffuse[0] * 256.0f); Color_Diffusei[1] = (int)(Color_Diffuse[1] * 256.0f); Color_Diffusei[0] = (int)(Color_Diffuse[2] * 256.0f); Color_Diffusei[3] = (int)(Color_Diffuse[3] * 256.0f); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_COLOR, 2, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(span, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8, GL20TU_LIGHTMAP, 6, buffer_z); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { d[0] = (buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+0] * (Color_Ambienti[0] + buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Diffusei[0])) >> 16;if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+1] * (Color_Ambienti[1] + buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Diffusei[1])) >> 16;if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+2] * (Color_Ambienti[2] + buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Diffusei[2])) >> 16;if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+3] * (Color_Ambienti[3] + buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+3] * Color_Diffusei[3])) >> 16;if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = d[0]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = d[1]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = d[2]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = d[3]; } DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_FakeLight(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_FakeLight(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8, 0, span->length*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirectionMap_ModelSpace(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirectionMap_ModelSpace(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8, 0, span->length*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirectionMap_TangentSpace(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirectionMap_TangentSpace(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8, 0, span->length*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirection(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TexMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirection(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8, 0, span->length*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightSource(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightSource(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8, 0, span->length*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Refraction(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Refraction(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8, 0, span->length*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Water(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Water(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8, 0, span->length*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_ShowDepth(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_ShowDepth(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8, 0, span->length*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_DeferredGeometry(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_DeferredGeometry(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8, 0, span->length*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_DeferredLightSource(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.in_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_DeferredLightSource(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8, 0, span->length*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } typedef struct DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeInfo_s { int lodarrayindex; void (*Vertex)(void); void (*Span)(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span * RESTRICT span); } DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeInfo; DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeInfo DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[SHADERMODE_COUNT] = { {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Generic, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Generic, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_PostProcess, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_PostProcess, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Depth_Or_Shadow, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Depth_Or_Shadow, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_FlatColor, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_FlatColor, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_VertexColor, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_VertexColor, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Lightmap, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Lightmap, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_FakeLight, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_FakeLight, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirectionMap_ModelSpace, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirectionMap_ModelSpace, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirectionMap_TangentSpace, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirectionMap_TangentSpace}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirection, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirection, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightSource, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightSource, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Refraction, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Refraction, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Water, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Water, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_ShowDepth, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_ShowDepth, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_DeferredGeometry, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_DeferredGeometry, }, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_DeferredLightSource, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_DeferredLightSource, } }; void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProcessSpans(void) { int i; int x; int startx; int endx; int numspans = dpsoftrast.draw.numspans; // unsigned int c; // unsigned int *colorpixel; unsigned int *depthpixel; float w; float wslope; int depth; int depthslope; unsigned int d; DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span *span = dpsoftrast.draw.spanqueue; unsigned char pixelmask[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; for (i = 0;i < numspans;i++, span++) { w = span->data[0][DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL][3]; wslope = span->data[1][DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL][3]; if (dpsoftrast.user.depthtest && dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels) { depth = (int)(w*DPSOFTRAST_DEPTHSCALE); depthslope = (int)(wslope*DPSOFTRAST_DEPTHSCALE); depthpixel = dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels + span->start; switch(dpsoftrast.fb_depthfunc) { default: case GL_ALWAYS: for (x = 0, d = depth;x < span->length;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = true; break; case GL_LESS: for (x = 0, d = depth;x < span->length;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = depthpixel[x] < d; break; case GL_LEQUAL: for (x = 0, d = depth;x < span->length;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = depthpixel[x] <= d; break; case GL_EQUAL: for (x = 0, d = depth;x < span->length;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = depthpixel[x] == d; break; case GL_GEQUAL: for (x = 0, d = depth;x < span->length;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = depthpixel[x] >= d; break; case GL_GREATER: for (x = 0, d = depth;x < span->length;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = depthpixel[x] > d; break; case GL_NEVER: for (x = 0, d = depth;x < span->length;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = false; break; } //colorpixel = dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] + span->start; //for (x = 0;x < span->length;x++) // colorpixel[x] = (depthpixel[x] & 0xFF000000) ? (0x00FF0000) : (depthpixel[x] & 0x00FF0000); // if there is no color buffer, skip pixel shader startx = 0; endx = span->length; while (startx < endx && !pixelmask[startx]) startx++; while (endx > startx && !pixelmask[endx-1]) endx--; if (startx >= endx) continue; // no pixels to fill span->pixelmask = pixelmask; span->startx = startx; span->endx = endx; // run pixel shader if appropriate // do this before running depthmask code, to allow the pixelshader // to clear pixelmask values for alpha testing if (dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] && dpsoftrast.fb_colormask) DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[dpsoftrast.shader_mode].Span(span); if (dpsoftrast.user.depthmask) for (x = 0, d = depth;x < span->length;x++, d += depthslope) if (pixelmask[x]) depthpixel[x] = d; } else { // no depth testing means we're just dealing with color... // if there is no color buffer, skip pixel shader if (dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] && dpsoftrast.fb_colormask) { memset(pixelmask, 1, span->length); span->pixelmask = pixelmask; span->startx = 0; span->endx = span->length; DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[dpsoftrast.shader_mode].Span(span); } } } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProcessTriangles(int firstvertex, int numvertices, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const unsigned short *element3s, unsigned char *arraymask) { int cullface = dpsoftrast.user.cullface; int width = dpsoftrast.fb_width; int height = dpsoftrast.fb_height; int i; int j; int k; int y; int e[3]; int screenx[4]; int screeny[4]; int screenyless[4]; int numpoints; int clipflags; int edge0p; int edge0n; int edge1p; int edge1n; int extent[6]; int startx; int endx; float mip_edge0tc[2]; float mip_edge1tc[2]; float mip_edge0xy[2]; float mip_edge1xy[2]; float mip_edge0xymul; float mip_edge1xymul; float mip_edge0mip; float mip_edge1mip; float mipdensity; unsigned char mip[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS]; float startxf; float endxf; float edge0ylerp; float edge0yilerp; float edge1ylerp; float edge1yilerp; float edge0xf; float edge1xf; float spanilength; float startxlerp; float yc; float w; float frac; float ifrac; float trianglearea2; float triangleedge[2][4]; float trianglenormal[4]; float clipdist[4]; float clipped[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL][4][4]; float screen[4][4]; float proj[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL][4][4]; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span *span; DPSOFTRAST_State_Draw_Span *oldspan; for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++) { // generate the 3 edges of this triangle // generate spans for the triangle - switch based on left split or right split classification of triangle if (element3i) { e[0] = element3i[i*3+0] - firstvertex; e[1] = element3i[i*3+1] - firstvertex; e[2] = element3i[i*3+2] - firstvertex; } else if (element3s) { e[0] = element3s[i*3+0] - firstvertex; e[1] = element3s[i*3+1] - firstvertex; e[2] = element3s[i*3+2] - firstvertex; } else { e[0] = i*3+0; e[1] = i*3+1; e[2] = i*3+2; } triangleedge[0][0] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[0]*4+0] - dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[1]*4+0]; triangleedge[0][1] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[0]*4+1] - dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[1]*4+1]; triangleedge[0][2] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[0]*4+2] - dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[1]*4+2]; triangleedge[1][0] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[2]*4+0] - dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[1]*4+0]; triangleedge[1][1] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[2]*4+1] - dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[1]*4+1]; triangleedge[1][2] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[2]*4+2] - dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[1]*4+2]; trianglenormal[0] = triangleedge[0][1] * triangleedge[1][2] - triangleedge[0][2] * triangleedge[1][1]; trianglenormal[1] = triangleedge[0][2] * triangleedge[1][0] - triangleedge[0][0] * triangleedge[1][2]; trianglenormal[2] = triangleedge[0][0] * triangleedge[1][1] - triangleedge[0][1] * triangleedge[1][0]; trianglearea2 = trianglenormal[0] * trianglenormal[0] + trianglenormal[1] * trianglenormal[1] + trianglenormal[2] * trianglenormal[2]; // skip degenerate triangles, nothing good can come from them... if (trianglearea2 == 0.0f) continue; // apply current cullface mode (this culls many triangles) switch(cullface) { case GL_BACK: if (trianglenormal[2] < 0) continue; break; case GL_FRONT: if (trianglenormal[2] > 0) continue; break; } // calculate distance from nearplane clipdist[0] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[0]*4+2] + 1.0f; clipdist[1] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[1]*4+2] + 1.0f; clipdist[2] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][e[2]*4+2] + 1.0f; clipflags = 0; if (clipdist[0] < 0.0f) clipflags |= 1; if (clipdist[1] < 0.0f) clipflags |= 2; if (clipdist[2] < 0.0f) clipflags |= 4; // clip triangle if necessary switch(clipflags) { case 0: /*000*/ // triangle is entirely in front of nearplane // macros for clipping vertices #define CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(k,p1,p2) \ frac = clipdist[p1] / (clipdist[p1] - clipdist[p2]);\ ifrac = 1.0f - frac;\ for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL;j++)\ {\ if (arraymask[j])\ {\ clipped[j][k][0] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p1]*4+0]*ifrac+dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p2]*4+0]*frac;\ clipped[j][k][1] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p1]*4+1]*ifrac+dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p2]*4+1]*frac;\ clipped[j][k][2] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p1]*4+2]*ifrac+dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p2]*4+2]*frac;\ clipped[j][k][3] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p1]*4+3]*ifrac+dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p2]*4+3]*frac;\ }\ }\ DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProjectVertices(screen[k], clipped[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][k], 1) #define CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(k,p1) \ for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL;j++)\ {\ if (arraymask[j])\ {\ clipped[j][k][0] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p1]*4+0];\ clipped[j][k][1] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p1]*4+1];\ clipped[j][k][2] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p1]*4+2];\ clipped[j][k][3] = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[j][e[p1]*4+3];\ }\ }\ screen[k][0] = dpsoftrast.draw.screencoord4f[e[p1]*4+0];\ screen[k][1] = dpsoftrast.draw.screencoord4f[e[p1]*4+1];\ screen[k][2] = dpsoftrast.draw.screencoord4f[e[p1]*4+2];\ screen[k][3] = dpsoftrast.draw.screencoord4f[e[p1]*4+3]; CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(0,0); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(1,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(2,2); numpoints = 3; break; case 1: /*100*/ CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(0,0,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(1,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(2,2); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(3,2,0); numpoints = 4; break; case 2: /*010*/ CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(0,0); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(1,0,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(2,1,2); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(3,2); numpoints = 4; break; case 3: /*110*/ CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(0,1,2); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(1,2); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(2,2,0); numpoints = 3; break; case 4: /*001*/ CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(0,0); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(1,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(2,1,2); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(3,2,0); numpoints = 4; break; case 5: /*101*/ CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(0,0,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(1,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(2,1,2); numpoints = 3; break; case 6: /*011*/ CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(0,0); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(1,0,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(2,2,0); numpoints = 3; break; case 7: /*111*/ // triangle is entirely behind nearplane continue; } // calculate integer y coords for triangle points screenx[0] = (int)(screen[0][0]); screeny[0] = (int)(screen[0][1]); screenx[1] = (int)(screen[1][0]); screeny[1] = (int)(screen[1][1]); screenx[2] = (int)(screen[2][0]); screeny[2] = (int)(screen[2][1]); screenx[3] = (int)(screen[3][0]); screeny[3] = (int)(screen[3][1]); // figure out the extents (bounding box) of the triangle extent[0] = screenx[0]; extent[1] = screeny[0]; extent[2] = screenx[0]; extent[3] = screeny[0]; for (j = 1;j < numpoints;j++) { if (extent[0] > screenx[j]) extent[0] = screenx[j]; if (extent[1] > screeny[j]) extent[1] = screeny[j]; if (extent[2] < screenx[j]) extent[2] = screenx[j]; if (extent[3] < screeny[j]) extent[3] = screeny[j]; } //extent[0]--; //extent[1]--; extent[2]++; extent[3]++; if (extent[0] < 0) extent[0] = 0; if (extent[1] < 0) extent[1] = 0; if (extent[2] > width) extent[2] = width; if (extent[3] > height) extent[3] = height; // skip offscreen triangles if (extent[2] <= extent[0] || extent[3] <= extent[1]) continue; // okay, this triangle is going to produce spans, we'd better project // the interpolants now (this is what gives perspective texturing), // this consists of simply multiplying all arrays by the W coord // (which is basically 1/Z), which will be undone per-pixel // (multiplying by Z again) to get the perspective-correct array // values for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL;j++) { if (arraymask[j]) { for (k = 0;k < numpoints;k++) { w = screen[k][3]; proj[j][k][0] = clipped[j][k][0] * w; proj[j][k][1] = clipped[j][k][1] * w; proj[j][k][2] = clipped[j][k][2] * w; proj[j][k][3] = clipped[j][k][3] * w; } } } // adjust texture LOD by texture density, in the simplest way possible... mip_edge0xy[0] = screen[0][0] - screen[1][0]; mip_edge0xy[1] = screen[0][1] - screen[1][1]; mip_edge1xy[0] = screen[2][0] - screen[1][0]; mip_edge1xy[1] = screen[2][1] - screen[1][1]; mip_edge0xymul = 1.0f / (mip_edge0xy[0]*mip_edge0xy[0]+mip_edge0xy[1]*mip_edge0xy[1]); mip_edge1xymul = 1.0f / (mip_edge1xy[0]*mip_edge1xy[0]+mip_edge1xy[1]*mip_edge1xy[1]); for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS;j++) { texture = dpsoftrast.texbound[j]; if (texture) { if (texture->filter <= DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR) { mip[j] = 0; continue; } k = DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[dpsoftrast.shader_mode].lodarrayindex; mip_edge0tc[0] = (clipped[k][0][0] - clipped[k][1][0]) * texture->mipmap[0][2]; mip_edge0tc[1] = (clipped[k][0][1] - clipped[k][1][1]) * texture->mipmap[0][3]; mip_edge1tc[0] = (clipped[k][2][0] - clipped[k][1][0]) * texture->mipmap[0][2]; mip_edge1tc[1] = (clipped[k][2][1] - clipped[k][1][1]) * texture->mipmap[0][3]; mip_edge0mip = (mip_edge0tc[0]*mip_edge0tc[0]+mip_edge0tc[1]*mip_edge0tc[1]) * mip_edge0xymul; mip_edge1mip = (mip_edge1tc[0]*mip_edge1tc[0]+mip_edge1tc[1]*mip_edge1tc[1]) * mip_edge1xymul; // this will be multiplied in the texturing routine by the texture resolution mipdensity = mip_edge0mip < mip_edge1mip ? mip_edge0mip : mip_edge1mip; y = (int)(log(mipdensity)/log(2.0f)); if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y > texture->mipmaps - 1) y = texture->mipmaps - 1; mip[j] = y; } } // iterate potential spans // TODO: optimize? if we figured out the edge order beforehand, this // could do loops over the edges in the proper order rather than // selecting them for each span // TODO: optimize? the edges could have data slopes calculated // TODO: optimize? the data slopes could be calculated as a plane // (2D slopes) to avoid any interpolation along edges at all for (y = extent[1];y < extent[3];y++) { // get center of pixel y yc = y; // do the compares all at once screenyless[0] = y <= screeny[0]; screenyless[1] = y <= screeny[1]; screenyless[2] = y <= screeny[2]; screenyless[3] = y <= screeny[3]; if (numpoints == 4) { switch(screenyless[0] + screenyless[1] * 2 + screenyless[2] * 4 + screenyless[3] * 8) { case 0: /*0000*/ continue; case 1: /*1000*/ edge0p = 3;edge0n = 0;edge1p = 0;edge1n = 1;break; case 2: /*0100*/ edge0p = 0;edge0n = 1;edge1p = 1;edge1n = 2;break; case 3: /*1100*/ edge0p = 3;edge0n = 0;edge1p = 1;edge1n = 2;break; case 4: /*0010*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 3;break; case 5: /*1010*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 3;break; // concave - nonsense case 6: /*0110*/ edge0p = 0;edge0n = 1;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 3;break; case 7: /*1110*/ edge0p = 3;edge0n = 0;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 3;break; case 8: /*0001*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 3;edge1p = 3;edge1n = 0;break; case 9: /*1001*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 3;edge1p = 0;edge1n = 1;break; case 10: /*0101*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 3;edge1p = 1;edge1n = 2;break; // concave - nonsense case 11: /*1101*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 3;edge1p = 1;edge1n = 2;break; case 12: /*0011*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 3;edge1n = 0;break; case 13: /*1011*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 0;edge1n = 1;break; case 14: /*0111*/ edge0p = 0;edge0n = 1;edge1p = 3;edge1n = 0;break; case 15: /*1111*/ continue; } } else { switch(screenyless[0] + screenyless[1] * 2 + screenyless[2] * 4) { case 0: /*000*/ continue; case 1: /*100*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 0;edge1p = 0;edge1n = 1;break; case 2: /*010*/ edge0p = 0;edge0n = 1;edge1p = 1;edge1n = 2;break; case 3: /*110*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 0;edge1p = 1;edge1n = 2;break; case 4: /*001*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 0;break; case 5: /*101*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 0;edge1n = 1;break; case 6: /*011*/ edge0p = 0;edge0n = 1;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 0;break; case 7: /*111*/ continue; } } #if 0 { int foundedges = 0; int cedge0p = 0; int cedge0n = 0; int cedge1p = 0; int cedge1n = 0; for (j = 0, k = numpoints-1;j < numpoints;k = j, j++) { if (screenyless[k] && !screenyless[j]) { cedge1p = k; cedge1n = j; foundedges |= 1; } else if (screenyless[j] && !screenyless[k]) { cedge0p = k; cedge0n = j; foundedges |= 2; } } if (foundedges != 3) continue; if (cedge0p != edge0p || cedge0n != edge0n || cedge1p != edge1p || cedge1n != edge1n) { if (numpoints == 4) printf("case %i%i%i%i is broken %i %i %i %i != %i %i %i %i\n", screenyless[0], screenyless[1], screenyless[2], screenyless[3], cedge0p, cedge0n, cedge1p, cedge1n, edge0p, edge0n, edge1p, edge1n); else printf("case %i%i%i is broken %i %i %i %i != %i %i %i %i\n", screenyless[0], screenyless[1], screenyless[2], cedge0p, cedge0n, cedge1p, cedge1n, edge0p, edge0n, edge1p, edge1n); } } #endif edge0ylerp = (yc - screen[edge0p][1]) / (screen[edge0n][1] - screen[edge0p][1]); edge1ylerp = (yc - screen[edge1p][1]) / (screen[edge1n][1] - screen[edge1p][1]); if (edge0ylerp < 0 || edge0ylerp > 1 || edge1ylerp < 0 || edge1ylerp > 1) continue; edge0yilerp = 1.0f - edge0ylerp; edge1yilerp = 1.0f - edge1ylerp; edge0xf = screen[edge0p][0] * edge0yilerp + screen[edge0n][0] * edge0ylerp; edge1xf = screen[edge1p][0] * edge1yilerp + screen[edge1n][0] * edge1ylerp; if (edge0xf < edge1xf) { startxf = edge0xf; endxf = edge1xf; } else { startxf = edge1xf; endxf = edge0xf; } startx = (int)ceil(startxf); endx = (int)ceil(endxf); if (startx < 0) startx = 0; if (endx > width) endx = width; if (startx >= endx) continue; if (startxf > startx || endxf < endx-1) { printf("%s:%i X wrong (%i to %i is outside %f to %f)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, startx, endx, startxf, endxf); } spanilength = 1.0f / (endxf - startxf); startxlerp = startx - startxf; span = &dpsoftrast.draw.spanqueue[dpsoftrast.draw.numspans++]; memcpy(span->mip, mip, sizeof(span->mip)); span->start = y * width + startx; span->length = endx - startx; j = DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL; if (edge0xf < edge1xf) { span->data[0][j][0] = screen[edge0p][0] * edge0yilerp + screen[edge0n][0] * edge0ylerp; span->data[0][j][1] = screen[edge0p][1] * edge0yilerp + screen[edge0n][1] * edge0ylerp; span->data[0][j][2] = screen[edge0p][2] * edge0yilerp + screen[edge0n][2] * edge0ylerp; span->data[0][j][3] = screen[edge0p][3] * edge0yilerp + screen[edge0n][3] * edge0ylerp; span->data[1][j][0] = screen[edge1p][0] * edge1yilerp + screen[edge1n][0] * edge1ylerp; span->data[1][j][1] = screen[edge1p][1] * edge1yilerp + screen[edge1n][1] * edge1ylerp; span->data[1][j][2] = screen[edge1p][2] * edge1yilerp + screen[edge1n][2] * edge1ylerp; span->data[1][j][3] = screen[edge1p][3] * edge1yilerp + screen[edge1n][3] * edge1ylerp; for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL;j++) { if (arraymask[j]) { span->data[0][j][0] = proj[j][edge0p][0] * edge0yilerp + proj[j][edge0n][0] * edge0ylerp; span->data[0][j][1] = proj[j][edge0p][1] * edge0yilerp + proj[j][edge0n][1] * edge0ylerp; span->data[0][j][2] = proj[j][edge0p][2] * edge0yilerp + proj[j][edge0n][2] * edge0ylerp; span->data[0][j][3] = proj[j][edge0p][3] * edge0yilerp + proj[j][edge0n][3] * edge0ylerp; span->data[1][j][0] = proj[j][edge1p][0] * edge1yilerp + proj[j][edge1n][0] * edge1ylerp; span->data[1][j][1] = proj[j][edge1p][1] * edge1yilerp + proj[j][edge1n][1] * edge1ylerp; span->data[1][j][2] = proj[j][edge1p][2] * edge1yilerp + proj[j][edge1n][2] * edge1ylerp; span->data[1][j][3] = proj[j][edge1p][3] * edge1yilerp + proj[j][edge1n][3] * edge1ylerp; } } } else { span->data[0][j][0] = screen[edge1p][0] * edge1yilerp + screen[edge1n][0] * edge1ylerp; span->data[0][j][1] = screen[edge1p][1] * edge1yilerp + screen[edge1n][1] * edge1ylerp; span->data[0][j][2] = screen[edge1p][2] * edge1yilerp + screen[edge1n][2] * edge1ylerp; span->data[0][j][3] = screen[edge1p][3] * edge1yilerp + screen[edge1n][3] * edge1ylerp; span->data[1][j][0] = screen[edge0p][0] * edge0yilerp + screen[edge0n][0] * edge0ylerp; span->data[1][j][1] = screen[edge0p][1] * edge0yilerp + screen[edge0n][1] * edge0ylerp; span->data[1][j][2] = screen[edge0p][2] * edge0yilerp + screen[edge0n][2] * edge0ylerp; span->data[1][j][3] = screen[edge0p][3] * edge0yilerp + screen[edge0n][3] * edge0ylerp; for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL;j++) { if (arraymask[j]) { span->data[0][j][0] = proj[j][edge1p][0] * edge1yilerp + proj[j][edge1n][0] * edge1ylerp; span->data[0][j][1] = proj[j][edge1p][1] * edge1yilerp + proj[j][edge1n][1] * edge1ylerp; span->data[0][j][2] = proj[j][edge1p][2] * edge1yilerp + proj[j][edge1n][2] * edge1ylerp; span->data[0][j][3] = proj[j][edge1p][3] * edge1yilerp + proj[j][edge1n][3] * edge1ylerp; span->data[1][j][0] = proj[j][edge0p][0] * edge0yilerp + proj[j][edge0n][0] * edge0ylerp; span->data[1][j][1] = proj[j][edge0p][1] * edge0yilerp + proj[j][edge0n][1] * edge0ylerp; span->data[1][j][2] = proj[j][edge0p][2] * edge0yilerp + proj[j][edge0n][2] * edge0ylerp; span->data[1][j][3] = proj[j][edge0p][3] * edge0yilerp + proj[j][edge0n][3] * edge0ylerp; } } } // change data[1][n][] to be a data slope j = DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL; span->data[1][j][0] = (span->data[1][j][0] - span->data[0][j][0]) * spanilength; span->data[1][j][1] = (span->data[1][j][1] - span->data[0][j][1]) * spanilength; span->data[1][j][2] = (span->data[1][j][2] - span->data[0][j][2]) * spanilength; span->data[1][j][3] = (span->data[1][j][3] - span->data[0][j][3]) * spanilength; for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL;j++) { if (arraymask[j]) { span->data[1][j][0] = (span->data[1][j][0] - span->data[0][j][0]) * spanilength; span->data[1][j][1] = (span->data[1][j][1] - span->data[0][j][1]) * spanilength; span->data[1][j][2] = (span->data[1][j][2] - span->data[0][j][2]) * spanilength; span->data[1][j][3] = (span->data[1][j][3] - span->data[0][j][3]) * spanilength; } } // adjust the data[0][n][] to be correct for the pixel centers // this also handles horizontal clipping where a major part of the // span may be off the left side of the screen j = DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL; span->data[0][j][0] += span->data[1][j][0] * startxlerp; span->data[0][j][1] += span->data[1][j][1] * startxlerp; span->data[0][j][2] += span->data[1][j][2] * startxlerp; span->data[0][j][3] += span->data[1][j][3] * startxlerp; for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL;j++) { if (arraymask[j]) { span->data[0][j][0] += span->data[1][j][0] * startxlerp; span->data[0][j][1] += span->data[1][j][1] * startxlerp; span->data[0][j][2] += span->data[1][j][2] * startxlerp; span->data[0][j][3] += span->data[1][j][3] * startxlerp; } } // to keep the shader routines from needing more than a small // buffer for pixel intermediate data, we split long spans... while (span->length > DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH) { span->length = DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH; if (dpsoftrast.draw.numspans >= DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANQUEUE) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProcessSpans(); dpsoftrast.draw.numspans = 0; } oldspan = span; span = &dpsoftrast.draw.spanqueue[dpsoftrast.draw.numspans++]; *span = *oldspan; startx += DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH; span->start = y * width + startx; span->length = endx - startx; j = DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL; span->data[0][j][0] += span->data[1][j][0] * DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH; span->data[0][j][1] += span->data[1][j][1] * DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH; span->data[0][j][2] += span->data[1][j][2] * DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH; span->data[0][j][3] += span->data[1][j][3] * DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH; for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL;j++) { if (arraymask[j]) { span->data[0][j][0] += span->data[1][j][0] * DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH; span->data[0][j][1] += span->data[1][j][1] * DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH; span->data[0][j][2] += span->data[1][j][2] * DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH; span->data[0][j][3] += span->data[1][j][3] * DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH; } } } // after all that, we have a span suitable for the pixel shader... if (dpsoftrast.draw.numspans >= DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANQUEUE) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProcessSpans(); dpsoftrast.draw.numspans = 0; } } // draw outlines over triangle for debugging // for (j = 0, k = numpoints-1;j < numpoints;k = j, j++) // DPSOFTRAST_Draw_DebugEdgePoints(screen[k], screen[j]); } if (dpsoftrast.draw.numspans) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProcessSpans(); dpsoftrast.draw.numspans = 0; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_DebugPoints(void) { int i; int x; int y; int numvertices = dpsoftrast.draw.numvertices; int w = dpsoftrast.fb_width; int bounds[4]; unsigned int *pixels = dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0]; const float *c4f; bounds[0] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[0]; bounds[1] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[1]; bounds[2] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[0] + dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[2]; bounds[3] = dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[1] + dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscissor[3]; for (i = 0;i < numvertices;i++) { // check nearclip //if (dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+3] != 1.0f) // continue; x = (int)(dpsoftrast.draw.screencoord4f[i*4+0]); y = (int)(dpsoftrast.draw.screencoord4f[i*4+1]); //x = (int)(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+0] + 0.5f); //y = (int)(dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+1] + 0.5f); //x = (int)((dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+0] + 1.0f) * dpsoftrast.fb_width * 0.5f + 0.5f); //y = (int)((dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+1] + 1.0f) * dpsoftrast.fb_height * 0.5f + 0.5f); if (x < bounds[0] || y < bounds[1] || x >= bounds[2] || y >= bounds[3]) continue; c4f = dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR] + i*4; pixels[y*w+x] = DPSOFTRAST_BGRA8_FROM_RGBA32F(c4f[0], c4f[1], c4f[2], c4f[3]); } } void DPSOFTRAST_DrawTriangles(int firstvertex, int numvertices, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const unsigned short *element3s) { unsigned char arraymask[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL]; arraymask[0] = true; arraymask[1] = dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] != NULL; // TODO: optimize (decide based on shadermode) arraymask[2] = dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[0] != NULL; arraymask[3] = dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[1] != NULL; arraymask[4] = dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[2] != NULL; arraymask[5] = dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[3] != NULL; arraymask[6] = dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[4] != NULL; arraymask[7] = dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[5] != NULL; arraymask[8] = dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[6] != NULL; arraymask[9] = dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[7] != NULL; DPSOFTRAST_Validate(DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DRAW); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_LoadVertices(firstvertex, numvertices, true); DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[dpsoftrast.shader_mode].Vertex(); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProjectVertices(dpsoftrast.draw.screencoord4f, dpsoftrast.draw.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION], numvertices); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProcessTriangles(firstvertex, numvertices, numtriangles, element3i, element3s, arraymask); } void DPSOFTRAST_Init(int width, int height, unsigned int *colorpixels, unsigned int *depthpixels) { union { int i; unsigned char b[4]; } u; u.i = 1; memset(&dpsoftrast, 0, sizeof(dpsoftrast)); dpsoftrast.bigendian = u.b[3]; dpsoftrast.fb_width = width; dpsoftrast.fb_height = height; dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels = depthpixels; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] = colorpixels; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[1] = NULL; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[1] = NULL; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[1] = NULL; dpsoftrast.texture_firstfree = 1; dpsoftrast.texture_end = 1; dpsoftrast.texture_max = 0; dpsoftrast.user.colormask[0] = 1; dpsoftrast.user.colormask[1] = 1; dpsoftrast.user.colormask[2] = 1; dpsoftrast.user.colormask[3] = 1; dpsoftrast.user.blendfunc[0] = GL_ONE; dpsoftrast.user.blendfunc[1] = GL_ZERO; dpsoftrast.user.depthmask = true; dpsoftrast.user.depthtest = true; dpsoftrast.user.depthfunc = GL_LEQUAL; dpsoftrast.user.scissortest = false; dpsoftrast.user.cullface = GL_BACK; dpsoftrast.user.alphatest = false; dpsoftrast.user.alphafunc = GL_GREATER; dpsoftrast.user.alphavalue = 0.5f; dpsoftrast.user.scissor[0] = 0; dpsoftrast.user.scissor[1] = 0; dpsoftrast.user.scissor[2] = dpsoftrast.fb_width; dpsoftrast.user.scissor[3] = dpsoftrast.fb_height; dpsoftrast.user.viewport[0] = 0; dpsoftrast.user.viewport[1] = 0; dpsoftrast.user.viewport[2] = dpsoftrast.fb_width; dpsoftrast.user.viewport[3] = dpsoftrast.fb_height; dpsoftrast.user.depthrange[0] = 0; dpsoftrast.user.depthrange[1] = 1; dpsoftrast.user.polygonoffset[0] = 0; dpsoftrast.user.polygonoffset[1] = 0; dpsoftrast.user.color[0] = 1; dpsoftrast.user.color[1] = 1; dpsoftrast.user.color[2] = 1; dpsoftrast.user.color[3] = 1; dpsoftrast.validate = -1; DPSOFTRAST_Validate(-1); dpsoftrast.validate = 0; } void DPSOFTRAST_Shutdown(void) { int i; for (i = 0;i < dpsoftrast.texture_end;i++) if (dpsoftrast.texture[i].bytes) free(dpsoftrast.texture[i].bytes); if (dpsoftrast.texture) free(dpsoftrast.texture); memset(&dpsoftrast, 0, sizeof(dpsoftrast)); }