extern cvar_t r_skyquality; #define TPOLYTYPE_ALPHA 0 #define TPOLYTYPE_ADD 1 extern void transpolyclear(void); extern void transpolyrender(void); extern void transpolybegin(int texnum, int glowtexnum, int fogtexnum, int transpolytype); extern void transpolyend(void); extern void wallpolyclear(void); extern void wallpolyrender(void); extern void skypolyclear(void); extern void skypolyrender(void); extern void skypolybegin(void); extern void skypolyvert(float x, float y, float z); extern void skypolyend(void); #define MAX_TRANSPOLYS 65536 #define MAX_TRANSVERTS (MAX_TRANSPOLYS*4) #define MAX_WALLPOLYS 65536 #define MAX_WALLVERTS (MAX_WALLPOLYS*3) #define MAX_SKYPOLYS 2048 #define MAX_SKYVERTS (MAX_SKYPOLYS*4) typedef struct { vec_t s, t; byte r,g,b,a; vec3_t v; } transvert_t; typedef struct { // vec_t mindistance, maxdistance; // closest and farthest distance along v_forward // vec_t distance; // distance to center // vec3_t n; // normal // vec_t ndist; // distance from origin along that normal unsigned short texnum; unsigned short glowtexnum; unsigned short fogtexnum; unsigned short firstvert; unsigned short verts; unsigned short transpolytype; } transpoly_t; // note: must match format of glpoly_t vertices due to a memcpy used in RSurf_DrawWall typedef struct { vec_t vert[VERTEXSIZE]; // xyz st uv } wallvert_t; typedef struct { byte r,g,b,a; } wallvertcolor_t; typedef struct { unsigned short texnum, lighttexnum, glowtexnum; unsigned short firstvert; unsigned short numverts; unsigned short lit; // doesn't need to be an unsigned short, but to keep the structure consistent... } wallpoly_t; typedef struct { float tex[2]; float v[4]; // 4th item is only for padding } skyvert_t; typedef struct { unsigned short firstvert; unsigned short verts; } skypoly_t; extern transvert_t *transvert; extern transpoly_t *transpoly; extern unsigned short *transpolyindex; extern wallvert_t *wallvert; extern wallvertcolor_t *wallvertcolor; extern wallpoly_t *wallpoly; extern skyvert_t *skyvert; extern skypoly_t *skypoly; extern int currenttranspoly; extern int currenttransvert; extern int currentwallpoly; extern int currentwallvert; extern int currentskypoly; extern int currentskyvert; #define transpolybegin(ttexnum, tglowtexnum, tfogtexnum, ttranspolytype)\ {\ if (currenttranspoly < MAX_TRANSPOLYS && currenttransvert < MAX_TRANSVERTS)\ {\ transpoly[currenttranspoly].texnum = (unsigned short) (ttexnum);\ transpoly[currenttranspoly].glowtexnum = (unsigned short) (tglowtexnum);\ transpoly[currenttranspoly].fogtexnum = (unsigned short) (tfogtexnum);\ transpoly[currenttranspoly].transpolytype = (unsigned short) (ttranspolytype);\ transpoly[currenttranspoly].firstvert = currenttransvert;\ transpoly[currenttranspoly].verts = 0;\ }\ } #define transpolyvert(vx,vy,vz,vs,vt,vr,vg,vb,va) \ {\ if (currenttranspoly < MAX_TRANSPOLYS && currenttransvert < MAX_TRANSVERTS)\ {\ transvert[currenttransvert].s = (vs);\ transvert[currenttransvert].t = (vt);\ if (lighthalf)\ {\ transvert[currenttransvert].r = (byte) (bound(0, (int) (vr) >> 1, 255));\ transvert[currenttransvert].g = (byte) (bound(0, (int) (vg) >> 1, 255));\ transvert[currenttransvert].b = (byte) (bound(0, (int) (vb) >> 1, 255));\ }\ else\ {\ transvert[currenttransvert].r = (byte) (bound(0, (int) (vr), 255));\ transvert[currenttransvert].g = (byte) (bound(0, (int) (vg), 255));\ transvert[currenttransvert].b = (byte) (bound(0, (int) (vb), 255));\ }\ transvert[currenttransvert].a = (byte) (bound(0, (int) (va), 255));\ transvert[currenttransvert].v[0] = (vx);\ transvert[currenttransvert].v[1] = (vy);\ transvert[currenttransvert].v[2] = (vz);\ currenttransvert++;\ transpoly[currenttranspoly].verts++;\ }\ } #define transpolyvertub(vx,vy,vz,vs,vt,vr,vg,vb,va) \ {\ if (currenttranspoly < MAX_TRANSPOLYS && currenttransvert < MAX_TRANSVERTS)\ {\ transvert[currenttransvert].s = (vs);\ transvert[currenttransvert].t = (vt);\ if (lighthalf)\ {\ transvert[currenttransvert].r = (vr) >> 1;\ transvert[currenttransvert].g = (vg) >> 1;\ transvert[currenttransvert].b = (vb) >> 1;\ }\ else\ {\ transvert[currenttransvert].r = (vr);\ transvert[currenttransvert].g = (vg);\ transvert[currenttransvert].b = (vb);\ }\ transvert[currenttransvert].a = (va);\ transvert[currenttransvert].v[0] = (vx);\ transvert[currenttransvert].v[1] = (vy);\ transvert[currenttransvert].v[2] = (vz);\ currenttransvert++;\ transpoly[currenttranspoly].verts++;\ }\ }