/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // r_surf.c: surface-related refresh code #include "quakedef.h" int lightmap_textures; // LordHavoc: skinny but tall lightmaps for quicker subimage uploads #define BLOCK_WIDTH 256 #define BLOCK_HEIGHT 256 // LordHavoc: increased lightmap limit from 64 to 1024 #define MAX_LIGHTMAPS 1024 #define LIGHTMAPSIZE (BLOCK_WIDTH*BLOCK_HEIGHT*4) int active_lightmaps; short allocated[MAX_LIGHTMAPS][BLOCK_WIDTH]; byte *lightmaps[MAX_LIGHTMAPS]; short lightmapupdate[MAX_LIGHTMAPS][2]; signed int blocklights[BLOCK_WIDTH*BLOCK_HEIGHT*3]; // LordHavoc: *3 for colored lighting int lightmapalign, lightmapalignmask; // LordHavoc: NVIDIA's broken subimage fix, see BuildLightmaps for notes cvar_t gl_lightmapalign = {"gl_lightmapalign", "4"}; cvar_t gl_lightmaprgba = {"gl_lightmaprgba", "1"}; cvar_t gl_nosubimagefragments = {"gl_nosubimagefragments", "0"}; cvar_t gl_nosubimage = {"gl_nosubimage", "0"}; cvar_t r_ambient = {"r_ambient", "0"}; cvar_t gl_vertex = {"gl_vertex", "0"}; cvar_t gl_texsort = {"gl_texsort", "1"}; cvar_t r_newworldnode = {"r_newworldnode", "0"}; cvar_t r_oldclip = {"r_oldclip", "1"}; cvar_t r_dlightmap = {"r_dlightmap", "1"}; qboolean lightmaprgba, nosubimagefragments, nosubimage, skyisvisible; int lightmapbytes; void gl_surf_start() { } void gl_surf_shutdown() { } void gl_surf_newmap() { } void GL_Surf_Init() { int i; for (i = 0;i < MAX_LIGHTMAPS;i++) lightmaps[i] = NULL; Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_lightmapalign); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_lightmaprgba); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_nosubimagefragments); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_nosubimage); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_ambient); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_vertex); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_texsort); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_newworldnode); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_oldclip); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_dlightmap); R_RegisterModule("GL_Surf", gl_surf_start, gl_surf_shutdown, gl_surf_newmap); } int dlightdivtable[32768]; /* R_AddDynamicLights */ int R_AddDynamicLights (msurface_t *surf) { int sdtable[18], lnum, td, maxdist, maxdist2, maxdist3, i, s, t, smax, tmax, red, green, blue, lit, dist2, impacts, impactt; unsigned int *bl; float dist; vec3_t impact, local; // LordHavoc: use 64bit integer... shame it's not very standardized... #if _MSC_VER || __BORLANDC__ __int64 k; #else long long k; #endif lit = false; if (!dlightdivtable[1]) { dlightdivtable[0] = 4194304; for (s = 1; s < 32768; s++) dlightdivtable[s] = 4194304 / (s << 7); } smax = (surf->extents[0] >> 4) + 1; tmax = (surf->extents[1] >> 4) + 1; for (lnum = 0; lnum < MAX_DLIGHTS; lnum++) { if (!(surf->dlightbits[lnum >> 5] & (1 << (lnum & 31)))) continue; // not lit by this light VectorSubtract (cl_dlights[lnum].origin, currententity->render.origin, local); dist = DotProduct (local, surf->plane->normal) - surf->plane->dist; // for comparisons to minimum acceptable light maxdist = (int) ((cl_dlights[lnum].radius * cl_dlights[lnum].radius)); // clamp radius to avoid exceeding 32768 entry division table if (maxdist > 4194304) maxdist = 4194304; dist2 = dist * dist; if (dist2 >= maxdist) continue; impact[0] = cl_dlights[lnum].origin[0] - surf->plane->normal[0] * dist; impact[1] = cl_dlights[lnum].origin[1] - surf->plane->normal[1] * dist; impact[2] = cl_dlights[lnum].origin[2] - surf->plane->normal[2] * dist; impacts = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[0]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->texturemins[0]; impactt = DotProduct (impact, surf->texinfo->vecs[1]) + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->texturemins[1]; s = bound(0, impacts, smax * 16) - impacts; t = bound(0, impactt, tmax * 16) - impactt; i = s * s + t * t + dist2; if (i > maxdist) continue; // reduce calculations for (s = 0, i = impacts; s < smax; s++, i -= 16) sdtable[s] = i * i + dist2 + LIGHTOFFSET; maxdist3 = maxdist - (int) (dist * dist); // convert to 8.8 blocklights format and scale up by radius red = cl_dlights[lnum].color[0] * maxdist; green = cl_dlights[lnum].color[1] * maxdist; blue = cl_dlights[lnum].color[2] * maxdist; bl = blocklights; i = impactt; for (t = 0; t < tmax; t++, i -= 16) { td = i * i; // make sure some part of it is visible on this line if (td < maxdist3) { maxdist2 = maxdist - td; for (s = 0; s < smax; s++) { if (sdtable[s] < maxdist2) { k = dlightdivtable[(sdtable[s] + td) >> 7]; bl[0] += (red * k) >> 9; bl[1] += (green * k) >> 9; bl[2] += (blue * k) >> 9; lit = true; } bl += 3; } } else // skip line bl += smax * 3; } } return lit; } void R_ConvertLightmap (int *in, byte *out, int width, int height, int stride) { int i, j; stride -= (width*lightmapbytes); if (lighthalf) { // LordHavoc: I shift down by 8 unlike GLQuake's 7, // the image is brightened as a processing pass if (lightmaprgba) { for (i = 0;i < height;i++, out += stride) { for (j = 0;j < width;j++, in += 3, out += 4) { out[0] = min(in[0] >> 8, 255); out[1] = min(in[1] >> 8, 255); out[2] = min(in[2] >> 8, 255); out[3] = 255; } } } else { for (i = 0;i < height;i++, out += stride) { for (j = 0;j < width;j++, in += 3, out += 3) { out[0] = min(in[0] >> 8, 255); out[1] = min(in[1] >> 8, 255); out[2] = min(in[2] >> 8, 255); } } } } else { if (lightmaprgba) { for (i = 0;i < height;i++, out += stride) { for (j = 0;j < width;j++, in += 3, out += 4) { out[0] = min(in[0] >> 7, 255); out[1] = min(in[1] >> 7, 255); out[2] = min(in[2] >> 7, 255); out[3] = 255; } } } else { for (i = 0;i < height;i++, out += stride) { for (j = 0;j < width;j++, in += 3, out += 3) { out[0] = min(in[0] >> 7, 255); out[1] = min(in[1] >> 7, 255); out[2] = min(in[2] >> 7, 255); } } } } } /* =============== R_BuildLightMap Combine and scale multiple lightmaps into the 8.8 format in blocklights =============== */ void R_BuildLightMap (msurface_t *surf, byte *dest, int stride) { int smax, tmax; int i, j, size, size3; byte *lightmap; int scale; int maps; int *bl; surf->cached_dlight = 0; surf->cached_lighthalf = lighthalf; surf->cached_ambient = r_ambient.value; smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1; tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1; size = smax*tmax; size3 = size*3; lightmap = surf->samples; // set to full bright if no light data if ((currententity && (currententity->render.effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT)) || !cl.worldmodel->lightdata) { bl = blocklights; for (i=0 ; istyles[maps] != 255;maps++) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]]; surf->cached_light[maps] = scale; // 8.8 fraction bl = blocklights; for (i = 0;i < size3;i++) *bl++ += *lightmap++ * scale; } } if (r_dlightmap.value && surf->dlightframe == r_dlightframecount) if ((surf->cached_dlight = R_AddDynamicLights(surf))) c_light_polys++; } R_ConvertLightmap(blocklights, dest, smax, tmax, stride); } byte templight[BLOCK_WIDTH*BLOCK_HEIGHT*4]; void R_UpdateLightmap(msurface_t *s, int lnum) { int smax, tmax; // upload the new lightmap texture fragment if(r_upload.value) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lightmap_textures + lnum); if (nosubimage || nosubimagefragments) { if (lightmapupdate[lnum][0] > s->light_t) lightmapupdate[lnum][0] = s->light_t; if (lightmapupdate[lnum][1] < (s->light_t + ((s->extents[1]>>4)+1))) lightmapupdate[lnum][1] = (s->light_t + ((s->extents[1]>>4)+1)); if (lightmaprgba) R_BuildLightMap (s, lightmaps[s->lightmaptexturenum] + (s->light_t * BLOCK_WIDTH + s->light_s) * 4, BLOCK_WIDTH * 4); else R_BuildLightMap (s, lightmaps[s->lightmaptexturenum] + (s->light_t * BLOCK_WIDTH + s->light_s) * 3, BLOCK_WIDTH * 3); } else { smax = ((s->extents[0]>>4)+lightmapalign) & lightmapalignmask; tmax = (s->extents[1]>>4)+1; if (lightmaprgba) { R_BuildLightMap (s, templight, smax * 4); if(r_upload.value) glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, s->light_s, s->light_t, smax, tmax, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, templight); } else { R_BuildLightMap (s, templight, smax * 3); if(r_upload.value) glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, s->light_s, s->light_t, smax, tmax, GL_RGB , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, templight); } } } /* =============== R_TextureAnimation Returns the proper texture for a given time and base texture =============== */ texture_t *R_TextureAnimation (texture_t *base) { texture_t *original; int relative; int count; if (currententity->render.frame) { if (base->alternate_anims) base = base->alternate_anims; } if (!base->anim_total) return base; original = base; relative = (int)(cl.time*10) % base->anim_total; count = 0; while (base->anim_min > relative || base->anim_max <= relative) { base = base->anim_next; if (!base) { Con_Printf("R_TextureAnimation: broken cycle"); return original; } if (++count > 100) { Con_Printf("R_TextureAnimation: infinite cycle"); return original; } } return base; } /* ============================================================= BRUSH MODELS ============================================================= */ extern int solidskytexture; extern int alphaskytexture; extern float speedscale; // for top sky and bottom sky extern char skyname[]; float turbsin[256] = { #include "gl_warp_sin.h" }; #define TURBSCALE (256.0 / (2 * M_PI)) void UploadLightmaps() { int i; if (nosubimage || nosubimagefragments) { for (i = 0;i < MAX_LIGHTMAPS;i++) { if (lightmapupdate[i][0] < lightmapupdate[i][1]) { if(r_upload.value) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lightmap_textures + i); if (nosubimage) { if (lightmaprgba) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, lightmaps[i]); else glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, lightmaps[i]); } else { if (lightmaprgba) glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, lightmapupdate[i][0], BLOCK_WIDTH, lightmapupdate[i][1] - lightmapupdate[i][0], GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, lightmaps[i] + (BLOCK_WIDTH * 4 * lightmapupdate[i][0])); else glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, lightmapupdate[i][0], BLOCK_WIDTH, lightmapupdate[i][1] - lightmapupdate[i][0], GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, lightmaps[i] + (BLOCK_WIDTH * 3 * lightmapupdate[i][0])); } } } lightmapupdate[i][0] = BLOCK_HEIGHT; lightmapupdate[i][1] = 0; } } } float wvert[1024*6]; // used by the following functions void RSurf_DrawSky(msurface_t *s, int transform) { glpoly_t *p; int i; float *v; for (p=s->polys ; p ; p=p->next) { if (currentskypoly < MAX_SKYPOLYS && currentskyvert + p->numverts <= MAX_SKYVERTS) { skypoly[currentskypoly].firstvert = currentskyvert; skypoly[currentskypoly++].verts = p->numverts; if (transform) { for (i = 0,v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE) { softwaretransform(v, skyvert[currentskyvert].v); currentskyvert++; } } else { for (i = 0,v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE) { VectorCopy(v, skyvert[currentskyvert].v); currentskyvert++; } } } } } int RSurf_Light(int *dlightbits, glpoly_t *polys) { float cr, cg, cb, radius, radius2, f, *v, *wv; int i, a, b, lit = false; unsigned int c, d; dlight_t *light; vec_t *lightorigin; glpoly_t *p; for (a = 0;a < 8;a++) { if ((c = dlightbits[a])) { for (b = 0, d = 1;c;b++, d <<= 1) { if (c & d) { c -= d; light = &cl_dlights[a * 32 + b]; lightorigin = light->origin; cr = light->color[0]; cg = light->color[1]; cb = light->color[2]; radius = light->radius*light->radius; radius2 = radius * 256.0f; wv = wvert; for (p = polys;p;p = p->next) { for (i = 0, v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE) { f = VectorDistance2(wv, lightorigin); if (f < radius) { f = radius2 / (f + LIGHTOFFSET); wv[3] += cr * f; wv[4] += cg * f; wv[5] += cb * f; lit = true; } wv += 6; } } } } } } return lit; } void RSurf_DrawWater(msurface_t *s, texture_t *t, int transform, int alpha) { int i; float os = turbsin[(int)(realtime * TURBSCALE) & 255], ot = turbsin[(int)(cl.time * TURBSCALE + 96.0) & 255]; glpoly_t *p; float *v; // FIXME: make fog texture if water texture is transparent? if (s->dlightframe != r_dlightframecount) { vec3_t temp; // LordHavoc: fast path for no vertex lighting cases if (transform) { if (r_waterripple.value) { for (p=s->polys ; p ; p=p->next) { transpolybegin(R_GetTexture(t->texture), R_GetTexture(t->glowtexture), 0, TPOLYTYPE_ALPHA); for (i = 0,v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE) { softwaretransform(v, temp); transpolyvert(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] + r_waterripple.value * turbsin[(int)((temp[0]*(1.0f/32.0f)+cl.time) * TURBSCALE) & 255] * turbsin[(int)((temp[1]*(1.0f/32.0f)+realtime) * TURBSCALE) & 255] * (1.0f / 64.0f), (v[3] + os) * (1.0f/64.0f), (v[4] + ot) * (1.0f/64.0f), 128, 128, 128, alpha); } transpolyend(); } } else { for (p=s->polys ; p ; p=p->next) { transpolybegin(R_GetTexture(t->texture), R_GetTexture(t->glowtexture), 0, TPOLYTYPE_ALPHA); for (i = 0,v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE) { softwaretransform(v, temp); transpolyvert(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], (v[3] + os) * (1.0f/64.0f), (v[4] + ot) * (1.0f/64.0f), 128, 128, 128, alpha); } transpolyend(); } } } else { if (r_waterripple.value) { for (p=s->polys ; p ; p=p->next) { transpolybegin(R_GetTexture(t->texture), R_GetTexture(t->glowtexture), 0, TPOLYTYPE_ALPHA); for (i = 0,v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE) transpolyvert(v[0], v[1], v[2] + r_waterripple.value * turbsin[(int)((v[0]*(1.0f/32.0f)+cl.time) * TURBSCALE) & 255] * turbsin[(int)((v[1]*(1.0f/32.0f)+realtime) * TURBSCALE) & 255] * (1.0f / 64.0f), (v[3] + os) * (1.0f/64.0f), (v[4] + ot) * (1.0f/64.0f), 128, 128, 128, alpha); transpolyend(); } } else { for (p=s->polys ; p ; p=p->next) { transpolybegin(R_GetTexture(t->texture), R_GetTexture(t->glowtexture), 0, TPOLYTYPE_ALPHA); for (i = 0,v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE) transpolyvert(v[0], v[1], v[2], (v[3] + os) * (1.0f/64.0f), (v[4] + ot) * (1.0f/64.0f), 128, 128, 128, alpha); transpolyend(); } } } } else { float *wv; wv = wvert; for (p = s->polys;p;p = p->next) { for (i = 0, v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE) { if (transform) softwaretransform(v, wv); else VectorCopy(v, wv); if (r_waterripple.value) wv[2] += r_waterripple.value * turbsin[(int)((wv[0]*(1.0f/32.0f)+cl.time) * TURBSCALE) & 255] * turbsin[(int)((wv[1]*(1.0f/32.0f)+realtime) * TURBSCALE) & 255] * (1.0f / 64.0f); wv[3] = wv[4] = wv[5] = 128.0f; wv += 6; } } if (s->dlightframe == r_dlightframecount) RSurf_Light(s->dlightbits, s->polys); wv = wvert; for (p=s->polys ; p ; p=p->next) { transpolybegin(R_GetTexture(t->texture), R_GetTexture(t->glowtexture), 0, TPOLYTYPE_ALPHA); for (i = 0,v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE, wv += 6) transpolyvert(wv[0], wv[1], wv[2], (v[3] + os) * (1.0f/64.0f), (v[4] + ot) * (1.0f/64.0f), wv[3], wv[4], wv[5], alpha); transpolyend(); } } } void RSurf_DrawWall(msurface_t *s, texture_t *t, int transform) { int i, lit = false, polys = 0, verts = 0; float *v; glpoly_t *p; wallpoly_t *wp; wallvert_t *out; wallvertcolor_t *outcolor; // check for lightmap modification if (s->cached_dlight || (r_dynamic.value && r_dlightmap.value && s->dlightframe == r_dlightframecount) || r_ambient.value != s->cached_ambient || lighthalf != s->cached_lighthalf || (r_dynamic.value && ((s->styles[0] != 255 && d_lightstylevalue[s->styles[0]] != s->cached_light[0]) || (s->styles[1] != 255 && d_lightstylevalue[s->styles[1]] != s->cached_light[1]) || (s->styles[2] != 255 && d_lightstylevalue[s->styles[2]] != s->cached_light[2]) || (s->styles[3] != 255 && d_lightstylevalue[s->styles[3]] != s->cached_light[3])))) R_UpdateLightmap(s, s->lightmaptexturenum); if (r_dlightmap.value || s->dlightframe != r_dlightframecount) { // LordHavoc: fast path version for no vertex lighting cases wp = &wallpoly[currentwallpoly]; out = &wallvert[currentwallvert]; for (p = s->polys;p;p = p->next) { if ((currentwallpoly >= MAX_WALLPOLYS) || (currentwallvert+p->numverts > MAX_WALLVERTS)) return; wp->texnum = (unsigned short) R_GetTexture(t->texture); wp->lighttexnum = (unsigned short) (lightmap_textures + s->lightmaptexturenum); wp->glowtexnum = (unsigned short) R_GetTexture(t->glowtexture); wp->firstvert = currentwallvert; wp->numverts = p->numverts; wp->lit = lit; wp++; currentwallpoly++; currentwallvert += p->numverts; v = p->verts[0]; if (transform) { for (i = 0;i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE, out++) { softwaretransform(v, out->vert); out->vert[3] = v[3]; out->vert[4] = v[4]; out->vert[5] = v[5]; out->vert[6] = v[6]; } } else { /* for (i = 0;i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE, out++) { VectorCopy(v, out->vert); out->vert[3] = v[3]; out->vert[4] = v[4]; out->vert[5] = v[5]; out->vert[6] = v[6]; } */ memcpy(out, v, sizeof(vec_t) * VERTEXSIZE * p->numverts); out += p->numverts; } } } else { float *wv; wv = wvert; for (p = s->polys;p;p = p->next) { for (i = 0, v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE) { if (transform) softwaretransform(v, wv); else VectorCopy(v, wv); wv[3] = wv[4] = wv[5] = 0.0f; wv += 6; } verts += p->numverts; polys++; } if ((currentwallpoly + polys > MAX_WALLPOLYS) || (currentwallvert+verts > MAX_WALLVERTS)) return; if ((!r_dlightmap.value) && s->dlightframe == r_dlightframecount) lit = RSurf_Light(s->dlightbits, s->polys); wv = wvert; wp = &wallpoly[currentwallpoly]; out = &wallvert[currentwallvert]; outcolor = &wallvertcolor[currentwallvert]; currentwallpoly += polys; for (p = s->polys;p;p = p->next) { v = p->verts[0]; wp->texnum = (unsigned short) R_GetTexture(t->texture); wp->lighttexnum = (unsigned short) (lightmap_textures + s->lightmaptexturenum); wp->glowtexnum = (unsigned short) R_GetTexture(t->glowtexture); wp->firstvert = currentwallvert; wp->numverts = p->numverts; wp->lit = lit; wp++; currentwallvert += p->numverts; for (i = 0;i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE, wv += 6, out++, outcolor++) { if (lit) { if (lighthalf) { outcolor->r = (byte) (bound(0, (int) wv[3] >> 1, 255)); outcolor->g = (byte) (bound(0, (int) wv[4] >> 1, 255)); outcolor->b = (byte) (bound(0, (int) wv[5] >> 1, 255)); outcolor->a = 255; } else { outcolor->r = (byte) (bound(0, (int) wv[3], 255)); outcolor->g = (byte) (bound(0, (int) wv[4], 255)); outcolor->b = (byte) (bound(0, (int) wv[5], 255)); outcolor->a = 255; } } out->vert[0] = wv[0]; out->vert[1] = wv[1]; out->vert[2] = wv[2]; out->vert[3] = v[3]; out->vert[4] = v[4]; out->vert[5] = v[5]; out->vert[6] = v[6]; } } } } // LordHavoc: transparent brush models extern float modelalpha; void RSurf_DrawWallVertex(msurface_t *s, texture_t *t, int transform, int isbmodel) { int i, alpha, size3; float *v, *wv, scale; glpoly_t *p; byte *lm; alpha = (int) (modelalpha * 255.0f); size3 = ((s->extents[0]>>4)+1)*((s->extents[1]>>4)+1)*3; // *3 for colored lighting wv = wvert; for (p = s->polys;p;p = p->next) { for (i = 0, v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE) { if (transform) softwaretransform(v, wv); else VectorCopy(v, wv); wv[3] = wv[4] = wv[5] = r_ambient.value * 2.0f; if (s->styles[0] != 255) { lm = (byte *)((long) s->samples + (int) v[7]); scale = d_lightstylevalue[s->styles[0]] * (1.0f / 128.0f);wv[3] += lm[size3*0+0] * scale;wv[4] += lm[size3*0+1] * scale;wv[5] += lm[size3*0+2] * scale; if (s->styles[1] != 255) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[s->styles[1]] * (1.0f / 128.0f);wv[3] += lm[size3*1+0] * scale;wv[4] += lm[size3*1+1] * scale;wv[5] += lm[size3*1+2] * scale; if (s->styles[2] != 255) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[s->styles[2]] * (1.0f / 128.0f);wv[3] += lm[size3*2+0] * scale;wv[4] += lm[size3*2+1] * scale;wv[5] += lm[size3*2+2] * scale; if (s->styles[3] != 255) { scale = d_lightstylevalue[s->styles[3]] * (1.0f / 128.0f);wv[3] += lm[size3*3+0] * scale;wv[4] += lm[size3*3+1] * scale;wv[5] += lm[size3*3+2] * scale; } } } } wv += 6; } } if (s->dlightframe == r_dlightframecount) RSurf_Light(s->dlightbits, s->polys); wv = wvert; if (isbmodel && (currententity->render.colormod[0] != 1 || currententity->render.colormod[1] != 1 || currententity->render.colormod[2] != 1)) { for (p = s->polys;p;p = p->next) { v = p->verts[0]; transpolybegin(R_GetTexture(t->texture), R_GetTexture(t->glowtexture), 0, currententity->render.effects & EF_ADDITIVE ? TPOLYTYPE_ADD : TPOLYTYPE_ALPHA); for (i = 0,v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE, wv += 6) transpolyvert(wv[0], wv[1], wv[2], v[3], v[4], wv[3] * currententity->render.colormod[0], wv[4] * currententity->render.colormod[1], wv[5] * currententity->render.colormod[2], alpha); transpolyend(); } } else { for (p = s->polys;p;p = p->next) { v = p->verts[0]; transpolybegin(R_GetTexture(t->texture), R_GetTexture(t->glowtexture), 0, currententity->render.effects & EF_ADDITIVE ? TPOLYTYPE_ADD : TPOLYTYPE_ALPHA); for (i = 0,v = p->verts[0];i < p->numverts;i++, v += VERTEXSIZE, wv += 6) transpolyvert(wv[0], wv[1], wv[2], v[3], v[4], wv[3], wv[4], wv[5], alpha); transpolyend(); } } } /* ================ DrawTextureChains ================ */ extern qboolean hlbsp; extern char skyname[]; void R_DrawSurf(msurface_t *s, int isbmodel, int vertexlit) { texture_t *t; if (s->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY) { skyisvisible = true; if (!hlbsp) // LordHavoc: HalfLife maps have freaky skypolys... RSurf_DrawSky(s, false); return; } t = R_TextureAnimation (s->texinfo->texture); if (s->flags & SURF_DRAWTURB) { RSurf_DrawWater(s, t, false, s->flags & SURF_DRAWNOALPHA ? 255 : r_wateralpha.value*255.0f); return; } if (vertexlit) RSurf_DrawWallVertex(s, t, false, false); else RSurf_DrawWall(s, t, false); } void DrawTextureChains (void) { int n; msurface_t *s; texture_t *t; for (n = 0;n < cl.worldmodel->numtextures;n++) { if (!cl.worldmodel->textures[n] || !(s = cl.worldmodel->textures[n]->texturechain)) continue; cl.worldmodel->textures[n]->texturechain = NULL; // for (;s;s = s->texturechain) // R_DrawSurf(s, false, gl_vertex.value); // LordHavoc: decide the render type only once, because the surface properties were determined by texture anyway // sky if (s->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY) { skyisvisible = true; if (!hlbsp) // LordHavoc: HalfLife maps have freaky skypolys... for (;s;s = s->texturechain) RSurf_DrawSky(s, false); continue; } t = R_TextureAnimation (cl.worldmodel->textures[n]); // subdivided water surface warp if (s->flags & SURF_DRAWTURB) { int alpha = s->flags & SURF_DRAWNOALPHA ? 255 : r_wateralpha.value*255.0f; for (;s;s = s->texturechain) RSurf_DrawWater(s, t, false, alpha); continue; } if (gl_vertex.value) for (;s;s = s->texturechain) RSurf_DrawWallVertex(s, t, false, false); else for (;s;s = s->texturechain) RSurf_DrawWall(s, t, false); } } void R_NoVisMarkLights (vec3_t lightorigin, dlight_t *light, int bit, int bitindex, model_t *model); /* ================= R_DrawBrushModel ================= */ void R_DrawBrushModel (entity_t *e) { int i; vec3_t mins, maxs; msurface_t *s; model_t *clmodel; int rotated, vertexlit = false; texture_t *t; vec3_t org; currententity = e; clmodel = e->render.model; if (e->render.angles[0] || e->render.angles[1] || e->render.angles[2]) { rotated = true; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { mins[i] = e->render.origin[i] - clmodel->radius; maxs[i] = e->render.origin[i] + clmodel->radius; } } else { rotated = false; VectorAdd (e->render.origin, clmodel->mins, mins); VectorAdd (e->render.origin, clmodel->maxs, maxs); } if (R_CullBox (mins, maxs)) return; c_bmodels++; VectorSubtract (r_refdef.vieworg, e->render.origin, modelorg); if (rotated) { vec3_t temp; vec3_t forward, right, up; VectorCopy (modelorg, temp); AngleVectors (e->render.angles, forward, right, up); modelorg[0] = DotProduct (temp, forward); modelorg[1] = -DotProduct (temp, right); modelorg[2] = DotProduct (temp, up); } s = &clmodel->surfaces[clmodel->firstmodelsurface]; // calculate dynamic lighting for bmodel if it's not an // instanced model for (i = 0;i < MAX_DLIGHTS;i++) { if (!cl_dlights[i].radius) continue; VectorSubtract(cl_dlights[i].origin, currententity->render.origin, org); R_NoVisMarkLights (org, &cl_dlights[i], 1<<(i&31), i >> 5, clmodel); } vertexlit = modelalpha != 1 || clmodel->firstmodelsurface == 0 || (currententity->render.effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT) || currententity->render.colormod[0] != 1 || currententity->render.colormod[2] != 1 || currententity->render.colormod[2] != 1; e->render.angles[0] = -e->render.angles[0]; // stupid quake bug softwaretransformforentity (e); e->render.angles[0] = -e->render.angles[0]; // stupid quake bug // draw texture for (i = 0;i < clmodel->nummodelsurfaces;i++, s++) { if (((s->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) == 0) == (PlaneDiff(modelorg, s->plane) >= 0)) { // R_DrawSurf(s, true, vertexlit || s->texinfo->texture->transparent); if (s->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY) { RSurf_DrawSky(s, true); continue; } t = R_TextureAnimation (s->texinfo->texture); if (s->flags & SURF_DRAWTURB) { RSurf_DrawWater(s, t, true, s->flags & SURF_DRAWNOALPHA ? 255 : r_wateralpha.value*255.0f); continue; } if (vertexlit || s->texinfo->texture->transparent) RSurf_DrawWallVertex(s, t, true, true); else RSurf_DrawWall(s, t, true); } } UploadLightmaps(); } /* ============================================================= WORLD MODEL ============================================================= */ void R_StoreEfrags (efrag_t **ppefrag); void R_NewWorldNode () { int l, texsort = gl_texsort.value, vertex = gl_vertex.value; mleaf_t *leaf; msurface_t *surf, **mark, **endmark; for (l = 0, leaf = cl.worldmodel->leafs;l < cl.worldmodel->numleafs;l++, leaf++) { if ((leaf->visframe == r_visframecount) && (leaf->efrags || leaf->nummarksurfaces)) { if (R_CullBox(leaf->minmaxs, leaf->minmaxs+3)) continue; c_leafs++; // deal with model fragments in this leaf if (leaf->efrags) R_StoreEfrags (&leaf->efrags); if (leaf->nummarksurfaces) { mark = leaf->firstmarksurface; endmark = mark + leaf->nummarksurfaces; do { surf = *mark++; // make sure surfaces are only processed once if (surf->worldnodeframe == r_framecount) continue; surf->worldnodeframe = r_framecount; if (PlaneDist(modelorg, surf->plane) < surf->plane->dist) { if ( (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)) { surf->visframe = r_framecount; c_faces++; if (texsort) { surf->texturechain = surf->texinfo->texture->texturechain; surf->texinfo->texture->texturechain = surf; } else R_DrawSurf(surf, false, vertex); } } else { if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)) { surf->visframe = r_framecount; c_faces++; if (texsort) { surf->texturechain = surf->texinfo->texture->texturechain; surf->texinfo->texture->texturechain = surf; } else R_DrawSurf(surf, false, vertex); } } } while (mark < endmark); } } } } struct nodestack_s { int side; mnode_t *node; int noclipping; } nodestack[8192]; /* ================ R_WorldNode ================ */ void R_WorldNode () { int side, texsort = gl_texsort.value, vertex = gl_vertex.value, ca, cb, cc, cd, noclipping = false, oldclip = r_oldclip.value; struct nodestack_s *nstack; mnode_t *node; mleaf_t *pleaf; msurface_t *surf, *endsurf, **mark, **endmark; nstack = nodestack; if (!(node = cl.worldmodel->nodes)) return; while(1) { if (oldclip) { if (R_CullBox(node->minmaxs, node->minmaxs+3)) { backupstack: if (nstack <= nodestack) break; nstack--; node = nstack->node; side = nstack->side; noclipping = nstack->noclipping; goto loc0; } } else if (!noclipping) { ca = frustum[0].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(node->minmaxs, node->minmaxs+3, &frustum[0]);if (ca == 2) goto backupstack; // completely clipped away cb = frustum[1].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(node->minmaxs, node->minmaxs+3, &frustum[1]);if (cb == 2) goto backupstack; // completely clipped away cc = frustum[2].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(node->minmaxs, node->minmaxs+3, &frustum[2]);if (cc == 2) goto backupstack; // completely clipped away cd = frustum[3].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(node->minmaxs, node->minmaxs+3, &frustum[3]);if (cd == 2) goto backupstack; // completely clipped away if (ca == 0 && cb == 0 && cc == 0 && cd == 0) noclipping = true; // not clipped at all, no need to clip any children of this node // partially clipped node } // if a leaf node, draw stuff if (node->contents < 0) { if (node->contents != CONTENTS_SOLID) { pleaf = (mleaf_t *)node; c_leafs++; if (pleaf->nummarksurfaces) { mark = pleaf->firstmarksurface; endmark = mark + pleaf->nummarksurfaces; do { (*mark)->visframe = r_framecount; mark++; } while (mark < endmark); } // deal with model fragments in this leaf if (pleaf->efrags) R_StoreEfrags (&pleaf->efrags); } if (nstack <= nodestack) break; nstack--; node = nstack->node; side = nstack->side; noclipping = nstack->noclipping; goto loc0; } c_nodes++; // node is just a decision point, so go down the apropriate sides // find which side of the node we are on side = PlaneDist(modelorg, node->plane) < node->plane->dist; // recurse down the children, front side first if (node->children[side]->visframe == r_visframecount) { nstack->node = node; nstack->side = !side; // go down back side when we come back up nstack->noclipping = noclipping; nstack++; node = node->children[side]; continue; } side = !side; loc0: // draw stuff if (node->numsurfaces) { surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface; endsurf = surf + node->numsurfaces; if (texsort) { if (side) { do { if (surf->visframe == r_framecount && !(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)) { c_faces++; surf->texturechain = surf->texinfo->texture->texturechain; surf->texinfo->texture->texturechain = surf; } else surf->visframe = -1; // LordHavoc: mark as not visible, so lighting will not touch it surf++; } while (surf < endsurf); } else { do { if (surf->visframe == r_framecount && (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)) { c_faces++; surf->texturechain = surf->texinfo->texture->texturechain; surf->texinfo->texture->texturechain = surf; } else surf->visframe = -1; // LordHavoc: mark as not visible, so lighting will not touch it surf++; } while (surf < endsurf); } } else { if (side) { do { if (surf->visframe == r_framecount && !(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)) { c_faces++; R_DrawSurf(surf, false, vertex); } else surf->visframe = -1; // LordHavoc: mark as not visible, so lighting will not touch it surf++; } while (surf < endsurf); } else { do { if (surf->visframe == r_framecount && (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)) { c_faces++; R_DrawSurf(surf, false, vertex); } else surf->visframe = -1; // LordHavoc: mark as not visible, so lighting will not touch it surf++; } while (surf < endsurf); } } } // recurse down the back side if (node->children[side]->visframe == r_visframecount) { node = node->children[side]; continue; } if (nstack <= nodestack) break; nstack--; node = nstack->node; side = nstack->side; noclipping = nstack->noclipping; goto loc0; } } /* ============= R_DrawWorld ============= */ void R_DrawWorld (void) { entity_t ent; memset (&ent, 0, sizeof(ent)); ent.render.model = cl.worldmodel; ent.render.colormod[0] = ent.render.colormod[1] = ent.render.colormod[2] = 1; modelalpha = ent.render.alpha = 1; ent.render.scale = 1; VectorCopy (r_refdef.vieworg, modelorg); currententity = &ent; softwaretransformidentity(); // LordHavoc: clear transform if (cl.worldmodel) { if (r_newworldnode.value) R_NewWorldNode (); else R_WorldNode (); } R_PushDlights (); // now mark the lit surfaces DrawTextureChains (); } /* =============== R_MarkLeaves =============== */ void R_MarkLeaves (void) { byte *vis; mnode_t *node; int i; if (r_oldviewleaf == r_viewleaf && !r_novis.value) return; r_visframecount++; r_oldviewleaf = r_viewleaf; if (r_novis.value) { for (i=0 ; inumleafs ; i++) { node = (mnode_t *)&cl.worldmodel->leafs[i+1]; do { if (node->visframe == r_visframecount) break; node->visframe = r_visframecount; node = node->parent; } while (node); } } else { vis = Mod_LeafPVS (r_viewleaf, cl.worldmodel); for (i=0 ; inumleafs ; i++) { if (vis[i>>3] & (1<<(i&7))) { node = (mnode_t *)&cl.worldmodel->leafs[i+1]; do { if (node->visframe == r_visframecount) break; node->visframe = r_visframecount; node = node->parent; } while (node); } } } } /* ============================================================================= LIGHTMAP ALLOCATION ============================================================================= */ // returns a texture number and the position inside it int AllocBlock (int w, int h, short *x, short *y) { int i, j; int best, best2; int texnum; for (texnum=0 ; texnum= best) break; if (allocated[texnum][i+j] > best2) best2 = allocated[texnum][i+j]; } if (j == w) { // this is a valid spot *x = i; *y = best = best2; } } if (best + h > BLOCK_HEIGHT) continue; if (nosubimagefragments || nosubimage) { if (!lightmaps[texnum]) { lightmaps[texnum] = qmalloc(BLOCK_WIDTH*BLOCK_HEIGHT*4); memset(lightmaps[texnum], 0, BLOCK_WIDTH*BLOCK_HEIGHT*4); } } // LordHavoc: clear texture to blank image, fragments are uploaded using subimage else if (!allocated[texnum][0]) { byte blank[BLOCK_WIDTH*BLOCK_HEIGHT*4]; memset(blank, 0, sizeof(blank)); if(r_upload.value) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lightmap_textures + texnum); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); if (lightmaprgba) glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, blank); else glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, blank); } } for (i=0 ; iedges; lnumverts = fa->numedges; vertpage = 0; // // draw texture // poly = Hunk_AllocName (sizeof(glpoly_t) + (lnumverts-4) * VERTEXSIZE*sizeof(float), "surfaces"); poly->next = fa->polys; poly->flags = fa->flags; fa->polys = poly; poly->numverts = lnumverts; for (i=0 ; isurfedges[fa->firstedge + i]; if (lindex > 0) { r_pedge = &pedges[lindex]; vec = r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[0]].position; } else { r_pedge = &pedges[-lindex]; vec = r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[1]].position; } s = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[0]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[0][3]; t = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[1]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[1][3]; VectorCopy (vec, poly->verts[i]); poly->verts[i][3] = s / fa->texinfo->texture->width; poly->verts[i][4] = t / fa->texinfo->texture->height; // // lightmap texture coordinates // s -= fa->texturemins[0]; t -= fa->texturemins[1]; s += 8; t += 8; // LordHavoc: calc lightmap data offset j = (bound(0l, (int)t>>4, fa->extents[1]>>4) * ((fa->extents[0]>>4)+1) + bound(0l, (int)s>>4, fa->extents[0]>>4)) * 3; poly->verts[i][7] = j; s += fa->light_s*16; s /= BLOCK_WIDTH*16; //fa->texinfo->texture->width; t += fa->light_t*16; t /= BLOCK_HEIGHT*16; //fa->texinfo->texture->height; poly->verts[i][5] = s; poly->verts[i][6] = t; } // // remove co-linear points - Ed // /* if (!gl_keeptjunctions.value) { for (i = 0 ; i < lnumverts ; ++i) { vec3_t v1, v2; float *prev, *this, *next; prev = poly->verts[(i + lnumverts - 1) % lnumverts]; this = poly->verts[i]; next = poly->verts[(i + 1) % lnumverts]; VectorSubtract( this, prev, v1 ); VectorNormalize( v1 ); VectorSubtract( next, prev, v2 ); VectorNormalize( v2 ); // skip co-linear points #define COLINEAR_EPSILON 0.001 if ((fabs( v1[0] - v2[0] ) <= COLINEAR_EPSILON) && (fabs( v1[1] - v2[1] ) <= COLINEAR_EPSILON) && (fabs( v1[2] - v2[2] ) <= COLINEAR_EPSILON)) { int j; for (j = i + 1; j < lnumverts; ++j) { int k; for (k = 0; k < VERTEXSIZE; ++k) poly->verts[j - 1][k] = poly->verts[j][k]; } --lnumverts; ++nColinElim; // retry next vertex next time, which is now current vertex --i; } } } */ poly->numverts = lnumverts; } /* ======================== GL_CreateSurfaceLightmap ======================== */ void GL_CreateSurfaceLightmap (msurface_t *surf) { int smax, tmax; if (surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWSKY|SURF_DRAWTURB)) return; smax = (surf->extents[0]>>4)+1; tmax = (surf->extents[1]>>4)+1; surf->lightmaptexturenum = AllocBlock (smax, tmax, &surf->light_s, &surf->light_t); if (nosubimage || nosubimagefragments) return; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lightmap_textures + surf->lightmaptexturenum); smax = ((surf->extents[0]>>4)+lightmapalign) & lightmapalignmask; if (lightmaprgba) { R_BuildLightMap (surf, templight, smax * 4); if(r_upload.value) glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, surf->light_s, surf->light_t, smax, tmax, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, templight); } else { R_BuildLightMap (surf, templight, smax * 3); if(r_upload.value) glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, surf->light_s, surf->light_t, smax, tmax, GL_RGB , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, templight); } } /* ================== GL_BuildLightmaps Builds the lightmap texture with all the surfaces from all brush models ================== */ void GL_BuildLightmaps (void) { int i, j; model_t *m; memset (allocated, 0, sizeof(allocated)); r_framecount = 1; // no dlightcache if (gl_nosubimagefragments.value) nosubimagefragments = 1; else nosubimagefragments = 0; if (gl_nosubimage.value) nosubimage = 1; else nosubimage = 0; if (gl_lightmaprgba.value) { lightmaprgba = true; lightmapbytes = 4; } else { lightmaprgba = false; lightmapbytes = 3; } // LordHavoc: NVIDIA seems to have a broken glTexSubImage2D, // it needs to be aligned on 4 pixel boundaries... // so I implemented an adjustable lightmap alignment if (gl_lightmapalign.value < 1) gl_lightmapalign.value = 1; if (gl_lightmapalign.value > 16) gl_lightmapalign.value = 16; lightmapalign = 1; while (lightmapalign < gl_lightmapalign.value) lightmapalign <<= 1; gl_lightmapalign.value = lightmapalign; lightmapalignmask = ~(lightmapalign - 1); if (nosubimagefragments || nosubimage) { lightmapalign = 1; lightmapalignmask = ~0; } if (!lightmap_textures) lightmap_textures = R_GetTextureSlots(MAX_LIGHTMAPS); for (j=1 ; jname[0] == '*') continue; r_pcurrentvertbase = m->vertexes; currentmodel = m; for (i=0 ; inumsurfaces ; i++) { if ( m->surfaces[i].flags & SURF_DRAWTURB ) continue; if ( m->surfaces[i].flags & SURF_DRAWSKY ) continue; GL_CreateSurfaceLightmap (m->surfaces + i); BuildSurfaceDisplayList (m->surfaces + i); } } if (nosubimage || nosubimagefragments) { if(r_upload.value) if (gl_mtexable) qglSelectTexture(gl_mtex_enum+1); for (i = 0;i < MAX_LIGHTMAPS;i++) { if (!allocated[i][0]) break; lightmapupdate[i][0] = BLOCK_HEIGHT; lightmapupdate[i][1] = 0; if(r_upload.value) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lightmap_textures + i); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); if (lightmaprgba) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, lightmaps[i]); else glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, BLOCK_WIDTH, BLOCK_HEIGHT, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, lightmaps[i]); } } if(r_upload.value) if (gl_mtexable) qglSelectTexture(gl_mtex_enum+0); } }