/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // QERadiant PlugIns // // #ifndef __QERPLUGIN_H__ #define __QERPLUGIN_H__ #include "uilib/uilib.h" #include "generic/constant.h" // ======================================== // GTK+ helper functions // NOTE: parent can be 0 in all functions but it's best to set them // this API does not depend on gtk+ or glib enum EMessageBoxType { eMB_OK, eMB_OKCANCEL, eMB_YESNO, eMB_YESNOCANCEL, eMB_NOYES, }; enum EMessageBoxIcon { eMB_ICONDEFAULT, eMB_ICONERROR, eMB_ICONWARNING, eMB_ICONQUESTION, eMB_ICONASTERISK, }; enum EMessageBoxReturn { eIDOK, eIDCANCEL, eIDYES, eIDNO, }; // simple Message Box, see above for the 'type' flags typedef EMessageBoxReturn ( *PFN_QERAPP_MESSAGEBOX )( ui::Window parent, const char* text, const char* caption /* = "NetRadiant"*/, EMessageBoxType type /* = eMB_OK*/, EMessageBoxIcon icon /* = eMB_ICONDEFAULT*/ ); // file and directory selection functions return null if the user hits cancel // - 'title' is the dialog title (can be null) // - 'path' is used to set the initial directory (can be null) // - 'pattern': the first pattern is for the win32 mode, then comes the Gtk pattern list, see Radiant source for samples typedef const char* ( *PFN_QERAPP_FILEDIALOG )( ui::Window parent, bool open, const char* title, const char* path /* = 0*/, const char* pattern /* = 0*/, bool want_load /* = false*/, bool want_import /* = false*/, bool want_save /* = false*/ ); // returns a gchar* string that must be g_free'd by the user typedef char* ( *PFN_QERAPP_DIRDIALOG )( ui::Window parent, const char* title /* = "Choose Directory"*/, const char* path /* = 0*/ ); // return true if the user closed the dialog with 'Ok' // 'color' is used to set the initial value and store the selected value template class BasicVector3; typedef BasicVector3 Vector3; typedef bool ( *PFN_QERAPP_COLORDIALOG )( ui::Window parent, Vector3& color, const char* title /* = "Choose Color"*/ ); // load a .bmp file and create a GtkImage widget from it // NOTE: 'filename' is relative to /plugins/bitmaps/ typedef ui::Image ( *PFN_QERAPP_NEWIMAGE )( const char* filename ); // ======================================== namespace scene { class Node; } class ModuleObserver; #include "signal/signalfwd.h" #include "windowobserver.h" #include "generic/vector.h" typedef SignalHandler3 MouseEventHandler; typedef SignalFwd::handler_id_type MouseEventHandlerId; enum VIEWTYPE { YZ = 0, XZ = 1, XY = 2 }; // the radiant core API struct _QERFuncTable_1 { INTEGER_CONSTANT( Version, 1 ); STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "radiant" ); const char* ( *getEnginePath )( ); const char* ( *getLocalRcPath )( ); const char* ( *getGameToolsPath )( ); const char* ( *getAppPath )( ); const char* ( *getDataPath )( ); const char* ( *getSettingsPath )( ); const char* ( *getMapsPath )( ); const char* ( *getGameFile )( ); const char* ( *getGameName )( ); const char* ( *getGameMode )( ); const char* ( *getMapName )( ); scene::Node& ( *getMapWorldEntity )( ); float ( *getGridSize )(); const char* ( *getGameDescriptionKeyValue )(const char* key); const char* ( *getRequiredGameDescriptionKeyValue )(const char* key); SignalHandlerId ( *XYWindowDestroyed_connect )( const SignalHandler& handler ); void ( *XYWindowDestroyed_disconnect )( SignalHandlerId id ); MouseEventHandlerId ( *XYWindowMouseDown_connect )( const MouseEventHandler& handler ); void ( *XYWindowMouseDown_disconnect )( MouseEventHandlerId id ); VIEWTYPE ( *XYWindow_getViewType )(); Vector3 ( *XYWindow_windowToWorld )( const WindowVector& position ); const char* ( *TextureBrowser_getSelectedShader )( ); // GTK+ functions PFN_QERAPP_MESSAGEBOX m_pfnMessageBox; PFN_QERAPP_FILEDIALOG m_pfnFileDialog; PFN_QERAPP_DIRDIALOG m_pfnDirDialog; PFN_QERAPP_COLORDIALOG m_pfnColorDialog; PFN_QERAPP_NEWIMAGE m_pfnNewImage; }; #include "modulesystem.h" template class GlobalModule; typedef GlobalModule<_QERFuncTable_1> GlobalRadiantModule; template class GlobalModuleRef; typedef GlobalModuleRef<_QERFuncTable_1> GlobalRadiantModuleRef; inline _QERFuncTable_1& GlobalRadiant(){ return GlobalRadiantModule::getTable(); } #endif