// HARDWIRED LINKS // shortcut to mega health '230.1 -877.8 536.0'*'127.7 -1151.8 440.0' // shortcut to vortex '953.7 284.8 536.0'*'888.8 642.7 408.0' // shortcut from big armor level to jumppad near Machine Gun '-332.1 -122.0 536.0'*'-511.0 376.0 125.5' // shortcut from big armor level to near jumppad near Machine Gun '-332.1 -122.0 536.0'*'-392.5 429.8 152.0' // SPECIAL LINKS (saved in the waypoint editor, comments not allowed) *'1111.5 176.6 536.0'*'1542.6 674.9 344.0' *'-1000.6 170.3 218.9'*'-984.9 -377.5 216.0'