/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #include "progsvm.h" static const char *prvm_opnames[] = { "^5DONE", "MUL_F", "MUL_V", "MUL_FV", "MUL_VF", "DIV", "ADD_F", "ADD_V", "SUB_F", "SUB_V", "^2EQ_F", "^2EQ_V", "^2EQ_S", "^2EQ_E", "^2EQ_FNC", "^2NE_F", "^2NE_V", "^2NE_S", "^2NE_E", "^2NE_FNC", "^2LE", "^2GE", "^2LT", "^2GT", "^6FIELD_F", "^6FIELD_V", "^6FIELD_S", "^6FIELD_ENT", "^6FIELD_FLD", "^6FIELD_FNC", "^1ADDRESS", "STORE_F", "STORE_V", "STORE_S", "STORE_ENT", "STORE_FLD", "STORE_FNC", "^1STOREP_F", "^1STOREP_V", "^1STOREP_S", "^1STOREP_ENT", "^1STOREP_FLD", "^1STOREP_FNC", "^5RETURN", "^2NOT_F", "^2NOT_V", "^2NOT_S", "^2NOT_ENT", "^2NOT_FNC", "^5IF", "^5IFNOT", "^3CALL0", "^3CALL1", "^3CALL2", "^3CALL3", "^3CALL4", "^3CALL5", "^3CALL6", "^3CALL7", "^3CALL8", "^1STATE", "^5GOTO", "^2AND", "^2OR", "BITAND", "BITOR", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "STORE_I", NULL, NULL, "ADD_I", "ADD_FI", "ADD_IF", "SUB_I", "SUB_FI", "SUB_IF", "CONV_IF", "CONV_FI", NULL, NULL, "LOAD_I", "STOREP_I", NULL, NULL, "BITAND_I", "BITOR_I", "MUL_I", "DIV_I", "EQ_I", "NE_I", NULL, NULL, "NOT_I", "DIV_VF", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "STORE_P", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "LE_I", "GE_I", "LT_I", "GT_I", "LE_IF", "GE_IF", "LT_IF", "GT_IF", "LE_FI", "GE_FI", "LT_FI", "GT_FI", "EQ_IF", "EQ_FI", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "MUL_IF", "MUL_FI", "MUL_VI", NULL, "DIV_IF", "DIV_FI", "BITAND_IF", "BITOR_IF", "BITAND_FI", "BITOR_FI", "AND_I", "OR_I", "AND_IF", "OR_IF", "AND_FI", "OR_FI", "NE_IF", "NE_FI", "GSTOREP_I", "GSTOREP_F", "GSTOREP_ENT", "GSTOREP_FLD", "GSTOREP_S", "GSTOREP_FNC", "GSTOREP_V", "GADDRESS", "GLOAD_I", "GLOAD_F", "GLOAD_FLD", "GLOAD_ENT", "GLOAD_S", "GLOAD_FNC", "BOUNDCHECK", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "GLOAD_V", }; //============================================================================= /* ================= PRVM_PrintStatement ================= */ extern cvar_t prvm_coverage; extern cvar_t prvm_statementprofiling; extern cvar_t prvm_timeprofiling; static void PRVM_PrintStatement(prvm_prog_t *prog, mstatement_t *s) { size_t i; int opnum = (int)(s - prog->statements); char valuebuf[MAX_INPUTLINE]; const char *opname; Con_Printf("s%i: ", opnum); if( prog->statement_linenums ) { if ( prog->statement_columnnums ) Con_Printf( "%s:%i:%i: ", PRVM_GetString( prog, prog->xfunction->s_file ), prog->statement_linenums[ opnum ], prog->statement_columnnums[ opnum ] ); else Con_Printf( "%s:%i: ", PRVM_GetString( prog, prog->xfunction->s_file ), prog->statement_linenums[ opnum ] ); } if (prvm_statementprofiling.integer) Con_Printf("%7.0f ", prog->statement_profile[s - prog->statements]); if ( (unsigned)s->op < sizeof(prvm_opnames)/sizeof(prvm_opnames[0]) && prvm_opnames[s->op]) opname = prvm_opnames[s->op]; else opname = valuebuf, dpsnprintf(valuebuf, sizeof(valuebuf), "OPCODE_%u", (unsigned)s->op); Con_Printf("%s ", opname); i = strlen(opname); // don't count a preceding color tag when padding the name if (opname[0] == STRING_COLOR_TAG) i -= 2; for ( ; i<10 ; i++) Con_Print(" "); if (s->operand[0] >= 0) Con_Printf( "%s", PRVM_GlobalString(prog, s->operand[0], valuebuf, sizeof(valuebuf))); if (s->operand[1] >= 0) Con_Printf(", %s", PRVM_GlobalString(prog, s->operand[1], valuebuf, sizeof(valuebuf))); if (s->operand[2] >= 0) Con_Printf(", %s", PRVM_GlobalString(prog, s->operand[2], valuebuf, sizeof(valuebuf))); if (s->jumpabsolute >= 0) Con_Printf(", statement %i", s->jumpabsolute); Con_Print("\n"); } void PRVM_PrintFunctionStatements (prvm_prog_t *prog, const char *name) { int i, firststatement, endstatement; mfunction_t *func; func = PRVM_ED_FindFunction (prog, name); if (!func) { Con_Printf("%s progs: no function named %s\n", prog->name, name); return; } firststatement = func->first_statement; if (firststatement < 0) { Con_Printf("%s progs: function %s is builtin #%i\n", prog->name, name, -firststatement); return; } // find the end statement endstatement = prog->numstatements; for (i = 0;i < prog->numfunctions;i++) if (endstatement > prog->functions[i].first_statement && firststatement < prog->functions[i].first_statement) endstatement = prog->functions[i].first_statement; // now print the range of statements Con_Printf("%s progs: disassembly of function %s (statements %i-%i, locals %i-%i):\n", prog->name, name, firststatement, endstatement, func->parm_start, func->parm_start + func->locals - 1); prog->xfunction = func; for (i = firststatement;i < endstatement;i++) { PRVM_PrintStatement(prog, prog->statements + i); if (!(prvm_coverage.integer & 4)) prog->statement_profile[i] = 0; } if (prvm_coverage.integer & 4) Con_Printf("Collecting statement coverage, not flushing statement profile.\n"); } /* ============ PRVM_PrintFunction_f ============ */ void PRVM_PrintFunction_f(cmd_state_t *cmd) { prvm_prog_t *prog; if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) != 3) { Con_Printf("usage: prvm_printfunction \n"); return; } if (!(prog = PRVM_FriendlyProgFromString(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1)))) return; PRVM_PrintFunctionStatements(prog, Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2)); } /* ============ PRVM_StackTrace ============ */ void PRVM_StackTrace (prvm_prog_t *prog) { mfunction_t *f; int i; prog->stack[prog->depth].s = prog->xstatement; prog->stack[prog->depth].f = prog->xfunction; for (i = prog->depth;i > 0;i--) { f = prog->stack[i].f; if (!f) Con_Print("\n"); else { if (prog->statement_linenums) { if (prog->statement_columnnums) Con_Printf("%12s:%i:%i : %s : statement %i\n", PRVM_GetString(prog, f->s_file), prog->statement_linenums[prog->stack[i].s], prog->statement_columnnums[prog->stack[i].s], PRVM_GetString(prog, f->s_name), prog->stack[i].s - f->first_statement); else Con_Printf("%12s:%i : %s : statement %i\n", PRVM_GetString(prog, f->s_file), prog->statement_linenums[prog->stack[i].s], PRVM_GetString(prog, f->s_name), prog->stack[i].s - f->first_statement); } else Con_Printf("%12s : %s : statement %i\n", PRVM_GetString(prog, f->s_file), PRVM_GetString(prog, f->s_name), prog->stack[i].s - f->first_statement); } } } void PRVM_ShortStackTrace(prvm_prog_t *prog, char *buf, size_t bufsize) { mfunction_t *f; int i; char vabuf[1024]; char *p; if(prog) { i = dpsnprintf(buf, bufsize, "(%s) ", prog->name); p = buf + max(0, i); } else { dp_strlcpy(buf, "", bufsize); return; } prog->stack[prog->depth].s = prog->xstatement; prog->stack[prog->depth].f = prog->xfunction; for (i = prog->depth;i > 0;i--) { f = prog->stack[i].f; p = dp_stpecpy( p, buf + bufsize, f ? va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s:%s(%i) ", PRVM_GetString(prog, f->s_file), PRVM_GetString(prog, f->s_name), prog->stack[i].s - f->first_statement) : " " ); if (p == buf + bufsize) break; } } static void PRVM_CallProfile (prvm_prog_t *prog) { mfunction_t *f, *best; int i; double max; double sum; double newprofiletime; Con_Printf( "%s Call Profile:\n", prog->name ); sum = 0; do { max = 0; best = NULL; for (i=0 ; inumfunctions ; i++) { f = &prog->functions[i]; if (max < f->totaltime) { max = f->totaltime; best = f; } } if (best) { sum += best->totaltime; Con_Printf("%9.4f %s\n", best->totaltime, PRVM_GetString(prog, best->s_name)); best->totaltime = 0; } } while (best); newprofiletime = Sys_DirtyTime(); Con_Printf("Total time since last profile reset: %9.4f\n", newprofiletime - prog->profiletime); Con_Printf(" - used by QC code of this VM: %9.4f\n", sum); prog->profiletime = newprofiletime; } void PRVM_Profile (prvm_prog_t *prog, int maxfunctions, double mintime, int sortby) { mfunction_t *f, *best; int i, num; double max; if(!prvm_timeprofiling.integer) mintime *= 10000000; // count each statement as about 0.1µs if(prvm_timeprofiling.integer) Con_Printf( "%s Profile:\n[CallCount] [Time] [BuiltinTm] [Statement] [BuiltinCt] [TimeTotal] [StmtTotal] [BltnTotal] [self]\n", prog->name ); // 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 123.45% else Con_Printf( "%s Profile:\n[CallCount] [Statement] [BuiltinCt] [StmtTotal] [BltnTotal] [self]\n", prog->name ); // 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 123.45% num = 0; do { max = 0; best = NULL; for (i=0 ; inumfunctions ; i++) { f = &prog->functions[i]; if(prvm_timeprofiling.integer) { if(sortby) { if(f->first_statement < 0) { if (max < f->tprofile) { max = f->tprofile; best = f; } } else { if (max < f->tprofile_total) { max = f->tprofile_total; best = f; } } } else { if (max < f->tprofile + f->tbprofile) { max = f->tprofile + f->tbprofile; best = f; } } } else { if(sortby) { if (max < f->profile_total + f->builtinsprofile_total + f->callcount) { max = f->profile_total + f->builtinsprofile_total + f->callcount; best = f; } } else { if (max < f->profile + f->builtinsprofile + f->callcount) { max = f->profile + f->builtinsprofile + f->callcount; best = f; } } } } if (best) { if (num < maxfunctions && max > mintime) { if(prvm_timeprofiling.integer) { if (best->first_statement < 0) Con_Printf("%11.0f %11.6f ------------- builtin ------------- %11.6f ----------- builtin ----------- %s\n", best->callcount, best->tprofile, best->tprofile, PRVM_GetString(prog, best->s_name)); // %11.6f 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 %11.6f 12345678901 12345678901 123.45% else Con_Printf("%11.0f %11.6f %11.6f %11.0f %11.0f %11.6f %11.0f %11.0f %6.2f%% %s\n", best->callcount, best->tprofile, best->tbprofile, best->profile, best->builtinsprofile, best->tprofile_total, best->profile_total, best->builtinsprofile_total, (best->tprofile_total > 0) ? ((best->tprofile) * 100.0 / (best->tprofile_total)) : -99.99, PRVM_GetString(prog, best->s_name)); } else { if (best->first_statement < 0) Con_Printf("%11.0f ----------------------- builtin ----------------------- %s\n", best->callcount, PRVM_GetString(prog, best->s_name)); // 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 123.45% else Con_Printf("%11.0f %11.0f %11.0f %11.0f %11.0f %6.2f%% %s\n", best->callcount, best->profile, best->builtinsprofile, best->profile_total, best->builtinsprofile_total, (best->profile + best->builtinsprofile) * 100.0 / (best->profile_total + best->builtinsprofile_total), PRVM_GetString(prog, best->s_name)); } } num++; best->profile = 0; best->tprofile = 0; best->tbprofile = 0; best->builtinsprofile = 0; best->profile_total = 0; best->tprofile_total = 0; best->builtinsprofile_total = 0; best->callcount = 0; } } while (best); } /* ============ PRVM_CallProfile_f ============ */ void PRVM_CallProfile_f(cmd_state_t *cmd) { prvm_prog_t *prog; if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) != 2) { Con_Print("prvm_callprofile \n"); return; } if (!(prog = PRVM_FriendlyProgFromString(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1)))) return; PRVM_CallProfile(prog); } /* ============ PRVM_Profile_f ============ */ void PRVM_Profile_f(cmd_state_t *cmd) { prvm_prog_t *prog; int howmany; if (prvm_coverage.integer & 1) { Con_Printf("Collecting function coverage, cannot profile - sorry!\n"); return; } howmany = 1<<30; if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 3) howmany = atoi(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2)); else if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) != 2) { Con_Print("prvm_profile \n"); return; } if (!(prog = PRVM_FriendlyProgFromString(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1)))) return; PRVM_Profile(prog, howmany, 0, 0); } void PRVM_ChildProfile_f(cmd_state_t *cmd) { prvm_prog_t *prog; int howmany; if (prvm_coverage.integer & 1) { Con_Printf("Collecting function coverage, cannot profile - sorry!\n"); return; } howmany = 1<<30; if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 3) howmany = atoi(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2)); else if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) != 2) { Con_Print("prvm_childprofile \n"); return; } if (!(prog = PRVM_FriendlyProgFromString(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1)))) return; PRVM_Profile(prog, howmany, 0, 1); } void PRVM_PrintState(prvm_prog_t *prog, int stack_index) { int i; mfunction_t *func = prog->xfunction; int st = prog->xstatement; if (stack_index > 0 && stack_index <= prog->depth) { func = prog->stack[prog->depth - stack_index].f; st = prog->stack[prog->depth - stack_index].s; } if (prog->statestring) { Con_Printf("Caller-provided information: %s\n", prog->statestring); } if (func) { for (i = -7; i <= 0;i++) if (st + i >= func->first_statement) PRVM_PrintStatement(prog, prog->statements + st + i); } PRVM_StackTrace(prog); } extern cvar_t prvm_errordump; void PRVM_Crash(void) { prvm_prog_t *prog; char vabuf[1024]; int i; // determine which program crashed for (i = 0; i < PRVM_PROG_MAX; ++i) if (PRVM_GetProg(i)->loaded && PRVM_GetProg(i)->depth > 0) break; if (i >= PRVM_PROG_MAX) return; // none of them crashed prog = PRVM_GetProg(i); Con_Printf("QuakeC crash report for %s:\n", prog->name); PRVM_PrintState(prog, 0); // don't call graceful shutdown on crash if (prog == SVVM_prog) PRVM_serverfunction(SV_Shutdown) = 0; else if (prog == CLVM_prog) PRVM_clientfunction(CSQC_Shutdown) = 0; if(prvm_errordump.integer && (prog == SVVM_prog || prog == CLVM_prog)) { // make a savegame SV_Savegame_to(prog, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "crash-%s.dmp", prog->name)); } // dump the stack so host_error can shutdown functions // and free memory, unset prog->loaded, etc PRVM_Prog_Reset(prog); } /* ============================================================================ PRVM_ExecuteProgram The interpretation main loop ============================================================================ */ /* ==================== PRVM_EnterFunction Returns the new program statement counter ==================== */ static int PRVM_EnterFunction (prvm_prog_t *prog, mfunction_t *f) { int i, j, c, o; if (!f) prog->error_cmd("PRVM_EnterFunction: NULL function in %s", prog->name); prog->stack[prog->depth].s = prog->xstatement; prog->stack[prog->depth].f = prog->xfunction; prog->stack[prog->depth].profile_acc = -f->profile; prog->stack[prog->depth].tprofile_acc = -f->tprofile + -f->tbprofile; prog->stack[prog->depth].builtinsprofile_acc = -f->builtinsprofile; prog->depth++; if (prog->depth >=PRVM_MAX_STACK_DEPTH) prog->error_cmd("stack overflow"); // save off any locals that the new function steps on c = f->locals; if (prog->localstack_used + c > PRVM_LOCALSTACK_SIZE) prog->error_cmd("PRVM_ExecuteProgram: locals stack overflow in %s", prog->name); for (i=0 ; i < c ; i++) prog->localstack[prog->localstack_used+i] = prog->globals.ip[f->parm_start + i]; prog->localstack_used += c; // copy parameters o = f->parm_start; for (i=0 ; inumparms ; i++) { for (j=0 ; jparm_size[i] ; j++) { prog->globals.ip[o] = prog->globals.ip[OFS_PARM0+i*3+j]; o++; } } ++f->recursion; prog->xfunction = f; return f->first_statement - 1; // offset the s++ } /* ==================== PRVM_LeaveFunction ==================== */ static int PRVM_LeaveFunction (prvm_prog_t *prog) { int i, c; mfunction_t *f; if (prog->depth <= 0) prog->error_cmd("prog stack underflow in %s", prog->name); if (!prog->xfunction) prog->error_cmd("PR_LeaveFunction: NULL function in %s", prog->name); // restore locals from the stack c = prog->xfunction->locals; prog->localstack_used -= c; if (prog->localstack_used < 0) prog->error_cmd("PRVM_ExecuteProgram: locals stack underflow in %s", prog->name); for (i=0 ; i < c ; i++) prog->globals.ip[prog->xfunction->parm_start + i] = prog->localstack[prog->localstack_used+i]; // up stack prog->depth--; f = prog->xfunction; --f->recursion; prog->xfunction = prog->stack[prog->depth].f; prog->stack[prog->depth].profile_acc += f->profile; prog->stack[prog->depth].tprofile_acc += f->tprofile + f->tbprofile; prog->stack[prog->depth].builtinsprofile_acc += f->builtinsprofile; if(prog->depth > 0) { prog->stack[prog->depth-1].profile_acc += prog->stack[prog->depth].profile_acc; prog->stack[prog->depth-1].tprofile_acc += prog->stack[prog->depth].tprofile_acc; prog->stack[prog->depth-1].builtinsprofile_acc += prog->stack[prog->depth].builtinsprofile_acc; } if(!f->recursion) { // if f is already on the call stack... // we cannot add this profile data to it now // or we would add it more than once // so, let's only add to the function's profile if it is the outermost call f->profile_total += prog->stack[prog->depth].profile_acc; f->tprofile_total += prog->stack[prog->depth].tprofile_acc; f->builtinsprofile_total += prog->stack[prog->depth].builtinsprofile_acc; } return prog->stack[prog->depth].s; } void PRVM_Init_Exec(prvm_prog_t *prog) { // dump the stack prog->depth = 0; prog->localstack_used = 0; // reset the string table // nothing here yet } /* ================== Coverage ================== */ // Note: in these two calls, prog->xfunction is assumed to be sane. static const char *PRVM_WhereAmI(char *buf, size_t bufsize, prvm_prog_t *prog, mfunction_t *func, int statement) { if (prog->statement_linenums) { if (prog->statement_columnnums) return va(buf, bufsize, "%s:%i:%i(%s, %i)", PRVM_GetString(prog, func->s_file), prog->statement_linenums[statement], prog->statement_columnnums[statement], PRVM_GetString(prog, func->s_name), statement - func->first_statement); else return va(buf, bufsize, "%s:%i(%s, %i)", PRVM_GetString(prog, func->s_file), prog->statement_linenums[statement], PRVM_GetString(prog, func->s_name), statement - func->first_statement); } else return va(buf, bufsize, "%s(%s, %i)", PRVM_GetString(prog, func->s_file), PRVM_GetString(prog, func->s_name), statement - func->first_statement); } static void PRVM_FunctionCoverageEvent(prvm_prog_t *prog, mfunction_t *func) { ++prog->functions_covered; Con_Printf("prvm_coverage: %s just called %s for the first time. Coverage: %.2f%%.\n", prog->name, PRVM_GetString(prog, func->s_name), prog->functions_covered * 100.0 / prog->numfunctions); } void PRVM_ExplicitCoverageEvent(prvm_prog_t *prog, mfunction_t *func, int statement) { char vabuf[128]; ++prog->explicit_covered; Con_Printf("prvm_coverage: %s just executed a coverage() statement at %s for the first time. Coverage: %.2f%%.\n", prog->name, PRVM_WhereAmI(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), prog, func, statement), prog->explicit_covered * 100.0 / prog->numexplicitcoveragestatements); } static void PRVM_StatementCoverageEvent(prvm_prog_t *prog, mfunction_t *func, int statement) { char vabuf[128]; ++prog->statements_covered; Con_Printf("prvm_coverage: %s just executed a statement at %s for the first time. Coverage: %.2f%%.\n", prog->name, PRVM_WhereAmI(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), prog, func, statement), prog->statements_covered * 100.0 / prog->numstatements); } #if defined (__GNUC__) || (__clang__) || (__TINYC__) # ifndef CONFIG_PEDANTIC # define HAVE_COMPUTED_GOTOS 1 # endif #endif #define OPA ((prvm_eval_t *)&globals[st->operand[0]]) #define OPB ((prvm_eval_t *)&globals[st->operand[1]]) #define OPC ((prvm_eval_t *)&globals[st->operand[2]]) extern cvar_t prvm_traceqc; extern cvar_t prvm_statementprofiling; extern qbool prvm_runawaycheck; #ifdef PROFILING #ifdef CONFIG_MENU /* ==================== MVM_ExecuteProgram ==================== */ void MVM_ExecuteProgram (prvm_prog_t *prog, func_t fnum, const char *errormessage) { mstatement_t *st, *startst; mfunction_t *func, *enterfunc; prvm_edict_t *ed; prvm_eval_t *ptr; int jumpcount, cachedpr_trace, exitdepth; int restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize; double calltime; double tm, starttm; prvm_vec_t tempfloat; // these may become out of date when a builtin is called, and are updated accordingly prvm_vec_t *cached_edictsfields = prog->edictsfields.fp; unsigned int cached_entityfields = prog->entityfields; unsigned int cached_entityfields_3 = prog->entityfields - 3; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea = prog->entityfieldsarea; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea_entityfields = prog->entityfieldsarea - prog->entityfields; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea_3 = prog->entityfieldsarea - 3; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea_entityfields_3 = prog->entityfieldsarea - prog->entityfields - 3; unsigned int cached_max_edicts = prog->max_edicts; // these do not change mstatement_t *cached_statements = prog->statements; qbool cached_allowworldwrites = prog->allowworldwrites; unsigned int cached_flag = prog->flag; prvm_vec_t *globals = prog->globals.fp; calltime = Sys_DirtyTime(); if (!fnum || fnum >= (unsigned int)prog->numfunctions) { if (PRVM_allglobaledict(self)) PRVM_ED_Print(prog, PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(PRVM_allglobaledict(self)), NULL); prog->error_cmd("MVM_ExecuteProgram: %s", errormessage); } func = &prog->functions[fnum]; // after executing this function, delete all tempstrings it created restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize = prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize; prog->trace = prvm_traceqc.integer; // we know we're done when pr_depth drops to this exitdepth = prog->depth; // make a stack frame st = &prog->statements[PRVM_EnterFunction(prog, func)]; // save the starting statement pointer for profiling // (when the function exits or jumps, the (st - startst) integer value is // added to the function's profile counter) startst = st; starttm = calltime; // instead of counting instructions, we count jumps jumpcount = 0; // add one to the callcount of this function because otherwise engine-called functions aren't counted if (prog->xfunction->callcount++ == 0 && (prvm_coverage.integer & 1)) PRVM_FunctionCoverageEvent(prog, prog->xfunction); chooseexecprogram: cachedpr_trace = prog->trace; if (prog->trace || prog->watch_global_type != ev_void || prog->watch_field_type != ev_void || prog->break_statement >= 0) { #define PRVMSLOWINTERPRETER 1 if (prvm_timeprofiling.integer) { #define PRVMTIMEPROFILING 1 #include "prvm_execprogram.h" #undef PRVMTIMEPROFILING } else { #include "prvm_execprogram.h" } #undef PRVMSLOWINTERPRETER } else { if (prvm_timeprofiling.integer) { #define PRVMTIMEPROFILING 1 #include "prvm_execprogram.h" #undef PRVMTIMEPROFILING } else { #include "prvm_execprogram.h" } } cleanup: if (developer_insane.integer && prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize > restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize) Con_DPrintf("MVM_ExecuteProgram: %s used %i bytes of tempstrings\n", PRVM_GetString(prog, prog->functions[fnum].s_name), prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize - restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize); // delete tempstrings created by this function prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize = restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize; tm = Sys_DirtyTime() - calltime;if (tm < 0 || tm >= 1800) tm = 0; func->totaltime += tm; if (prog == SVVM_prog) SV_FlushBroadcastMessages(); } #endif // CONFIG_MENU /* ==================== CLVM_ExecuteProgram ==================== */ void CLVM_ExecuteProgram (prvm_prog_t *prog, func_t fnum, const char *errormessage) { mstatement_t *st, *startst; mfunction_t *func, *enterfunc; prvm_edict_t *ed; prvm_eval_t *ptr; int jumpcount, cachedpr_trace, exitdepth; int restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize; double calltime; double tm, starttm; prvm_vec_t tempfloat; // these may become out of date when a builtin is called, and are updated accordingly prvm_vec_t *cached_edictsfields = prog->edictsfields.fp; unsigned int cached_entityfields = prog->entityfields; unsigned int cached_entityfields_3 = prog->entityfields - 3; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea = prog->entityfieldsarea; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea_entityfields = prog->entityfieldsarea - prog->entityfields; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea_3 = prog->entityfieldsarea - 3; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea_entityfields_3 = prog->entityfieldsarea - prog->entityfields - 3; unsigned int cached_max_edicts = prog->max_edicts; // these do not change mstatement_t *cached_statements = prog->statements; qbool cached_allowworldwrites = prog->allowworldwrites; unsigned int cached_flag = prog->flag; prvm_vec_t *globals = prog->globals.fp; calltime = Sys_DirtyTime(); if (!fnum || fnum >= (unsigned int)prog->numfunctions) { if (PRVM_allglobaledict(self)) PRVM_ED_Print(prog, PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(PRVM_allglobaledict(self)), NULL); prog->error_cmd("CLVM_ExecuteProgram: %s", errormessage); } func = &prog->functions[fnum]; // after executing this function, delete all tempstrings it created restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize = prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize; prog->trace = prvm_traceqc.integer; // we know we're done when pr_depth drops to this exitdepth = prog->depth; // make a stack frame st = &prog->statements[PRVM_EnterFunction(prog, func)]; // save the starting statement pointer for profiling // (when the function exits or jumps, the (st - startst) integer value is // added to the function's profile counter) startst = st; starttm = calltime; // instead of counting instructions, we count jumps jumpcount = 0; // add one to the callcount of this function because otherwise engine-called functions aren't counted if (prog->xfunction->callcount++ == 0 && (prvm_coverage.integer & 1)) PRVM_FunctionCoverageEvent(prog, prog->xfunction); chooseexecprogram: cachedpr_trace = prog->trace; if (prog->trace || prog->watch_global_type != ev_void || prog->watch_field_type != ev_void || prog->break_statement >= 0) { #define PRVMSLOWINTERPRETER 1 if (prvm_timeprofiling.integer) { #define PRVMTIMEPROFILING 1 #include "prvm_execprogram.h" #undef PRVMTIMEPROFILING } else { #include "prvm_execprogram.h" } #undef PRVMSLOWINTERPRETER } else { if (prvm_timeprofiling.integer) { #define PRVMTIMEPROFILING 1 #include "prvm_execprogram.h" #undef PRVMTIMEPROFILING } else { #include "prvm_execprogram.h" } } cleanup: if (developer_insane.integer && prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize > restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize) Con_DPrintf("CLVM_ExecuteProgram: %s used %i bytes of tempstrings\n", PRVM_GetString(prog, prog->functions[fnum].s_name), prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize - restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize); // delete tempstrings created by this function prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize = restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize; tm = Sys_DirtyTime() - calltime;if (tm < 0 || tm >= 1800) tm = 0; func->totaltime += tm; if (prog == SVVM_prog) SV_FlushBroadcastMessages(); } #endif // PROFILING /* ==================== SVVM_ExecuteProgram ==================== */ #ifdef PROFILING void SVVM_ExecuteProgram (prvm_prog_t *prog, func_t fnum, const char *errormessage) #else void PRVM_ExecuteProgram (prvm_prog_t *prog, func_t fnum, const char *errormessage) #endif { mstatement_t *st, *startst; mfunction_t *func, *enterfunc; prvm_edict_t *ed; prvm_eval_t *ptr; int jumpcount, cachedpr_trace, exitdepth; int restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize; double calltime; double tm, starttm; prvm_vec_t tempfloat; // these may become out of date when a builtin is called, and are updated accordingly prvm_vec_t *cached_edictsfields = prog->edictsfields.fp; unsigned int cached_entityfields = prog->entityfields; unsigned int cached_entityfields_3 = prog->entityfields - 3; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea = prog->entityfieldsarea; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea_entityfields = prog->entityfieldsarea - prog->entityfields; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea_3 = prog->entityfieldsarea - 3; unsigned int cached_entityfieldsarea_entityfields_3 = prog->entityfieldsarea - prog->entityfields - 3; unsigned int cached_max_edicts = prog->max_edicts; // these do not change mstatement_t *cached_statements = prog->statements; qbool cached_allowworldwrites = prog->allowworldwrites; unsigned int cached_flag = prog->flag; prvm_vec_t *globals = prog->globals.fp; calltime = Sys_DirtyTime(); if (!fnum || fnum >= (unsigned int)prog->numfunctions) { if (PRVM_allglobaledict(self)) PRVM_ED_Print(prog, PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(PRVM_allglobaledict(self)), NULL); prog->error_cmd("SVVM_ExecuteProgram: %s", errormessage); } func = &prog->functions[fnum]; // after executing this function, delete all tempstrings it created restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize = prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize; prog->trace = prvm_traceqc.integer; // we know we're done when pr_depth drops to this exitdepth = prog->depth; // make a stack frame st = &prog->statements[PRVM_EnterFunction(prog, func)]; // save the starting statement pointer for profiling // (when the function exits or jumps, the (st - startst) integer value is // added to the function's profile counter) startst = st; starttm = calltime; // instead of counting instructions, we count jumps jumpcount = 0; // add one to the callcount of this function because otherwise engine-called functions aren't counted if (prog->xfunction->callcount++ == 0 && (prvm_coverage.integer & 1)) PRVM_FunctionCoverageEvent(prog, prog->xfunction); chooseexecprogram: cachedpr_trace = prog->trace; if (prog->trace || prog->watch_global_type != ev_void || prog->watch_field_type != ev_void || prog->break_statement >= 0) { #define PRVMSLOWINTERPRETER 1 if (prvm_timeprofiling.integer) { #define PRVMTIMEPROFILING 1 #include "prvm_execprogram.h" #undef PRVMTIMEPROFILING } else { #include "prvm_execprogram.h" } #undef PRVMSLOWINTERPRETER } else { if (prvm_timeprofiling.integer) { #define PRVMTIMEPROFILING 1 #include "prvm_execprogram.h" #undef PRVMTIMEPROFILING } else { #include "prvm_execprogram.h" } } cleanup: if (developer_insane.integer && prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize > restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize) Con_DPrintf("SVVM_ExecuteProgram: %s used %i bytes of tempstrings\n", PRVM_GetString(prog, prog->functions[fnum].s_name), prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize - restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize); // delete tempstrings created by this function prog->tempstringsbuf.cursize = restorevm_tempstringsbuf_cursize; tm = Sys_DirtyTime() - calltime;if (tm < 0 || tm >= 1800) tm = 0; func->totaltime += tm; if (prog == SVVM_prog) SV_FlushBroadcastMessages(); }