extern cvar_t prvm_garbagecollection_enable; int i; // NEED to reset startst after calling this! startst may or may not be clobbered! #define ADVANCE_PROFILE_BEFORE_JUMP() \ prog->xfunction->profile += (st - startst); \ if (prvm_statementprofiling.integer || (prvm_coverage.integer & 4)) { \ /* All statements from startst+1 to st have been hit. */ \ while (++startst <= st) { \ if (prog->statement_profile[startst - cached_statements]++ == 0 && (prvm_coverage.integer & 4)) \ PRVM_StatementCoverageEvent(prog, prog->xfunction, startst - cached_statements); \ } \ /* Observe: startst now is clobbered (now at st+1)! */ \ } #ifdef PRVMTIMEPROFILING #define PRE_ERROR() \ ADVANCE_PROFILE_BEFORE_JUMP(); \ prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; \ tm = Sys_DirtyTime(); \ prog->xfunction->tprofile += (tm - starttm >= 0 && tm - starttm < 1800) ? (tm - starttm) : 0; \ startst = st; \ starttm = tm #else #define PRE_ERROR() \ ADVANCE_PROFILE_BEFORE_JUMP(); \ prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; \ startst = st #endif // This code isn't #ifdef/#define protectable, don't try. #if HAVE_COMPUTED_GOTOS && !(PRVMSLOWINTERPRETER || PRVMTIMEPROFILING) // NOTE: Due to otherwise duplicate labels, only ONE interpreter path may // ever hit this! # define USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS 1 #endif #if USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS // Must exactly match opcode_e enum in pr_comp.h static const void *dispatchtable[] = { &&handle_OP_DONE, &&handle_OP_MUL_F, &&handle_OP_MUL_V, &&handle_OP_MUL_FV, &&handle_OP_MUL_VF, &&handle_OP_DIV_F, &&handle_OP_ADD_F, &&handle_OP_ADD_V, &&handle_OP_SUB_F, &&handle_OP_SUB_V, &&handle_OP_EQ_F, &&handle_OP_EQ_V, &&handle_OP_EQ_S, &&handle_OP_EQ_E, &&handle_OP_EQ_FNC, &&handle_OP_NE_F, &&handle_OP_NE_V, &&handle_OP_NE_S, &&handle_OP_NE_E, &&handle_OP_NE_FNC, &&handle_OP_LE, &&handle_OP_GE, &&handle_OP_LT, &&handle_OP_GT, &&handle_OP_LOAD_F, &&handle_OP_LOAD_V, &&handle_OP_LOAD_S, &&handle_OP_LOAD_ENT, &&handle_OP_LOAD_FLD, &&handle_OP_LOAD_FNC, &&handle_OP_ADDRESS, &&handle_OP_STORE_F, &&handle_OP_STORE_V, &&handle_OP_STORE_S, &&handle_OP_STORE_ENT, &&handle_OP_STORE_FLD, &&handle_OP_STORE_FNC, &&handle_OP_STOREP_F, &&handle_OP_STOREP_V, &&handle_OP_STOREP_S, &&handle_OP_STOREP_ENT, &&handle_OP_STOREP_FLD, &&handle_OP_STOREP_FNC, &&handle_OP_RETURN, &&handle_OP_NOT_F, &&handle_OP_NOT_V, &&handle_OP_NOT_S, &&handle_OP_NOT_ENT, &&handle_OP_NOT_FNC, &&handle_OP_IF, &&handle_OP_IFNOT, &&handle_OP_CALL0, &&handle_OP_CALL1, &&handle_OP_CALL2, &&handle_OP_CALL3, &&handle_OP_CALL4, &&handle_OP_CALL5, &&handle_OP_CALL6, &&handle_OP_CALL7, &&handle_OP_CALL8, &&handle_OP_STATE, &&handle_OP_GOTO, &&handle_OP_AND, &&handle_OP_OR, &&handle_OP_BITAND, &&handle_OP_BITOR, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &&handle_OP_STORE_I, NULL, NULL, &&handle_OP_ADD_I, &&handle_OP_ADD_FI, &&handle_OP_ADD_IF, &&handle_OP_SUB_I, &&handle_OP_SUB_FI, &&handle_OP_SUB_IF, &&handle_OP_CONV_IF, &&handle_OP_CONV_FI, NULL, NULL, &&handle_OP_LOAD_I, &&handle_OP_STOREP_I, NULL, NULL, &&handle_OP_BITAND_I, &&handle_OP_BITOR_I, &&handle_OP_MUL_I, &&handle_OP_DIV_I, &&handle_OP_EQ_I, &&handle_OP_NE_I, NULL, NULL, &&handle_OP_NOT_I, &&handle_OP_DIV_VF, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &&handle_OP_STORE_P, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &&handle_OP_LE_I, &&handle_OP_GE_I, &&handle_OP_LT_I, &&handle_OP_GT_I, &&handle_OP_LE_IF, &&handle_OP_GE_IF, &&handle_OP_LT_IF, &&handle_OP_GT_IF, &&handle_OP_LE_FI, &&handle_OP_GE_FI, &&handle_OP_LT_FI, &&handle_OP_GT_FI, &&handle_OP_EQ_IF, &&handle_OP_EQ_FI, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &&handle_OP_MUL_IF, &&handle_OP_MUL_FI, &&handle_OP_MUL_VI, NULL, &&handle_OP_DIV_IF, &&handle_OP_DIV_FI, &&handle_OP_BITAND_IF, &&handle_OP_BITOR_IF, &&handle_OP_BITAND_FI, &&handle_OP_BITOR_FI, &&handle_OP_AND_I, &&handle_OP_OR_I, &&handle_OP_AND_IF, &&handle_OP_OR_IF, &&handle_OP_AND_FI, &&handle_OP_OR_FI, &&handle_OP_NE_IF, &&handle_OP_NE_FI, &&handle_OP_GSTOREP_I, &&handle_OP_GSTOREP_F, &&handle_OP_GSTOREP_ENT, &&handle_OP_GSTOREP_FLD, &&handle_OP_GSTOREP_S, &&handle_OP_GSTOREP_FNC, &&handle_OP_GSTOREP_V, &&handle_OP_GADDRESS, &&handle_OP_GLOAD_I, &&handle_OP_GLOAD_F, &&handle_OP_GLOAD_FLD, &&handle_OP_GLOAD_ENT, &&handle_OP_GLOAD_S, &&handle_OP_GLOAD_FNC, &&handle_OP_BOUNDCHECK, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &&handle_OP_GLOAD_V }; #define DISPATCH_OPCODE() \ goto *dispatchtable[(++st)->op] #define HANDLE_OPCODE(opcode) handle_##opcode DISPATCH_OPCODE(); // jump to first opcode #else // USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS #define DISPATCH_OPCODE() break #define HANDLE_OPCODE(opcode) case opcode #if PRVMSLOWINTERPRETER { if (prog->watch_global_type != ev_void) { prvm_eval_t *g = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->watch_global); prog->xstatement = st + 1 - cached_statements; PRVM_Watchpoint(prog, 1, "Global watchpoint hit by engine", prog->watch_global_type, &prog->watch_global_value, g); } if (prog->watch_field_type != ev_void && prog->watch_edict < prog->max_edicts) { prvm_eval_t *g = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(prog->edicts + prog->watch_edict, prog->watch_field); prog->xstatement = st + 1 - cached_statements; PRVM_Watchpoint(prog, 1, "Entityfield watchpoint hit by engine", prog->watch_field_type, &prog->watch_edictfield_value, g); } } #endif while (1) { st++; #endif // USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS #if !USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS #if PRVMSLOWINTERPRETER if (prog->trace) PRVM_PrintStatement(prog, st); if (prog->break_statement >= 0) if ((st - cached_statements) == prog->break_statement) { prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; PRVM_Breakpoint(prog, prog->break_stack_index, "Breakpoint hit"); } #endif switch (st->op) { #endif HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_ADD_F): OPC->_float = OPA->_float + OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_ADD_V): OPC->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0] + OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPA->vector[1] + OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPA->vector[2] + OPB->vector[2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_SUB_F): OPC->_float = OPA->_float - OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_SUB_V): OPC->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0] - OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPA->vector[1] - OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPA->vector[2] - OPB->vector[2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_MUL_F): OPC->_float = OPA->_float * OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_MUL_V): OPC->_float = OPA->vector[0]*OPB->vector[0] + OPA->vector[1]*OPB->vector[1] + OPA->vector[2]*OPB->vector[2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_MUL_FV): tempfloat = OPA->_float; OPC->vector[0] = tempfloat * OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = tempfloat * OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = tempfloat * OPB->vector[2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_MUL_VF): tempfloat = OPB->_float; OPC->vector[0] = tempfloat * OPA->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = tempfloat * OPA->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = tempfloat * OPA->vector[2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_DIV_F): if( OPB->_float != 0.0f ) { OPC->_float = OPA->_float / OPB->_float; } else { PRE_ERROR(); VM_Warning(prog, "Attempted division of %f by zero\n", OPA->_float); OPC->_float = 0.0f; } DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_BITAND): OPC->_float = (prvm_int_t)OPA->_float & (prvm_int_t)OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_BITOR): OPC->_float = (prvm_int_t)OPA->_float | (prvm_int_t)OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GE): OPC->_float = OPA->_float >= OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LE): OPC->_float = OPA->_float <= OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GT): OPC->_float = OPA->_float > OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LT): OPC->_float = OPA->_float < OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_AND): OPC->_float = PRVM_FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPA->_int) && PRVM_FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPB->_int); // TODO change this back to float, and add AND_I to be used by fteqcc for anything not a float DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_OR): OPC->_float = PRVM_FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPA->_int) || PRVM_FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPB->_int); // TODO change this back to float, and add OR_I to be used by fteqcc for anything not a float DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NOT_F): OPC->_float = !PRVM_FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPA->_int); DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NOT_V): OPC->_float = !OPA->vector[0] && !OPA->vector[1] && !OPA->vector[2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NOT_S): OPC->_float = !OPA->string || !*PRVM_GetString(prog, OPA->string); DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NOT_FNC): OPC->_float = !OPA->function; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NOT_ENT): OPC->_float = (OPA->edict == 0); DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_EQ_F): OPC->_float = OPA->_float == OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_EQ_V): OPC->_float = (OPA->vector[0] == OPB->vector[0]) && (OPA->vector[1] == OPB->vector[1]) && (OPA->vector[2] == OPB->vector[2]); DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_EQ_S): OPC->_float = !strcmp(PRVM_GetString(prog, OPA->string),PRVM_GetString(prog, OPB->string)); DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_EQ_E): OPC->_float = OPA->_int == OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_EQ_FNC): OPC->_float = OPA->function == OPB->function; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NE_F): OPC->_float = OPA->_float != OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NE_V): OPC->_float = (OPA->vector[0] != OPB->vector[0]) || (OPA->vector[1] != OPB->vector[1]) || (OPA->vector[2] != OPB->vector[2]); DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NE_S): OPC->_float = strcmp(PRVM_GetString(prog, OPA->string),PRVM_GetString(prog, OPB->string)); DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NE_E): OPC->_float = OPA->_int != OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NE_FNC): OPC->_float = OPA->function != OPB->function; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); //================== HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STORE_F): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STORE_ENT): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STORE_FLD): // integers HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STORE_FNC): // pointers OPB->_int = OPA->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STORE_S): // refresh the garbage collection on the string - this guards // against a certain sort of repeated migration to earlier // points in the scan that could otherwise result in the string // being freed for being unused if(prvm_garbagecollection_enable.integer) PRVM_GetString(prog, OPA->_int); OPB->_int = OPA->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STORE_V): OPB->ivector[0] = OPA->ivector[0]; OPB->ivector[1] = OPA->ivector[1]; OPB->ivector[2] = OPA->ivector[2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STOREP_F): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STOREP_ENT): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STOREP_FLD): // integers HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STOREP_FNC): // pointers if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int - cached_entityfields >= cached_entityfieldsarea_entityfields) { if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int >= cached_entityfieldsarea) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to write to an out of bounds edict (%i)", prog->name, (int)OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int < cached_entityfields && !cached_allowworldwrites) { PRE_ERROR(); VM_Warning(prog, "Attempted assignment to world.%s (edictnum 0 field %i)\n", PRVM_GetString(prog, PRVM_ED_FieldAtOfs(prog, OPB->_int)->s_name), (int)OPB->_int); } } ptr = (prvm_eval_t *)(cached_edictsfields + OPB->_int); ptr->_int = OPA->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STOREP_S): if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int - cached_entityfields >= cached_entityfieldsarea_entityfields) { if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int >= cached_entityfieldsarea) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to write to an out of bounds edict (%i)", prog->name, (int)OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int < cached_entityfields && !cached_allowworldwrites) { PRE_ERROR(); VM_Warning(prog, "Attempted assignment to world.%s (edictnum 0 field %i)\n", PRVM_GetString(prog, PRVM_ED_FieldAtOfs(prog, OPB->_int)->s_name), (int)OPB->_int); } } // refresh the garbage collection on the string - this guards // against a certain sort of repeated migration to earlier // points in the scan that could otherwise result in the string // being freed for being unused if(prvm_garbagecollection_enable.integer) PRVM_GetString(prog, OPA->_int); ptr = (prvm_eval_t *)(cached_edictsfields + OPB->_int); ptr->_int = OPA->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STOREP_V): if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int - cached_entityfields > (prvm_uint_t)cached_entityfieldsarea_entityfields_3) { if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int > cached_entityfieldsarea_3) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to write to an out of bounds edict (%i)", prog->name, (int)OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int < cached_entityfields && !cached_allowworldwrites) { PRE_ERROR(); VM_Warning(prog, "Attempted assignment to world.%s (edictnum 0 field %i)\n", PRVM_GetString(prog, PRVM_ED_FieldAtOfs(prog, OPB->_int)->s_name), (int)OPB->_int); } } ptr = (prvm_eval_t *)(cached_edictsfields + OPB->_int); ptr->ivector[0] = OPA->ivector[0]; ptr->ivector[1] = OPA->ivector[1]; ptr->ivector[2] = OPA->ivector[2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_ADDRESS): if ((prvm_uint_t)OPA->edict >= cached_max_edicts) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to address an out of bounds edict number", prog->name); goto cleanup; } if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int >= cached_entityfields) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to address an invalid field (%i) in an edict", prog->name, (int)OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } #if 0 if (OPA->edict == 0 && !cached_allowworldwrites) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("Forbidden assignment to world (edictnum 0) in %s", prog->name); goto cleanup; } #endif OPC->_int = OPA->edict * cached_entityfields + OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LOAD_F): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LOAD_FLD): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LOAD_ENT): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LOAD_FNC): if ((prvm_uint_t)OPA->edict >= cached_max_edicts) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to read an out of bounds edict number", prog->name); goto cleanup; } if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int >= cached_entityfields) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to read an invalid field in an edict (%i)", prog->name, (int)OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } ed = PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(OPA->edict); OPC->_int = ((prvm_eval_t *)(ed->fields.ip + OPB->_int))->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LOAD_S): if ((prvm_uint_t)OPA->edict >= cached_max_edicts) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to read an out of bounds edict number", prog->name); goto cleanup; } if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int >= cached_entityfields) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to read an invalid field in an edict (%i)", prog->name, (int)OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } ed = PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(OPA->edict); OPC->_int = ((prvm_eval_t *)(ed->fields.ip + OPB->_int))->_int; // refresh the garbage collection on the string - this guards // against a certain sort of repeated migration to earlier // points in the scan that could otherwise result in the string // being freed for being unused if(prvm_garbagecollection_enable.integer) PRVM_GetString(prog, OPC->_int); DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LOAD_V): if ((prvm_uint_t)OPA->edict >= cached_max_edicts) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to read an out of bounds edict number", prog->name); goto cleanup; } if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int > cached_entityfields_3) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to read an invalid field in an edict (%i)", prog->name, (int)OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } ed = PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(OPA->edict); ptr = (prvm_eval_t *)(ed->fields.ip + OPB->_int); OPC->ivector[0] = ptr->ivector[0]; OPC->ivector[1] = ptr->ivector[1]; OPC->ivector[2] = ptr->ivector[2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); //================== HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_IFNOT): //spike FIXME -- dp redefined IFNOT[_I] as IFNOT_F, which breaks if(0x80000000) //spike FIXME -- you should add separate IFNOT_I/IFNOT_F opcodes and remap IFNOT_I to ITNOT_F in v6 progs for compat. if(!FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPA->_int)) // TODO add an "int-if", and change this one to OPA->_float // although mostly unneeded, thanks to the only float being false being 0x0 and 0x80000000 (negative zero) // and entity, string, field values can never have that value { ADVANCE_PROFILE_BEFORE_JUMP(); st = cached_statements + st->jumpabsolute - 1; // offset the st++ startst = st; // no bounds check needed, it is done when loading progs if (++jumpcount == 10000000 && prvm_runawaycheck) { prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; PRVM_Profile(prog, 1<<30, 1000000, 0); prog->error_cmd("%s runaway loop counter hit limit of %d jumps\ntip: read above for list of most-executed functions", prog->name, jumpcount); } } DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_IF): //spike FIXME -- dp redefined IF[_I] as IF_F if(FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPA->_int)) // TODO add an "int-if", and change this one, as well as the FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT usages, to OPA->_float // although mostly unneeded, thanks to the only float being false being 0x0 and 0x80000000 (negative zero) // and entity, string, field values can never have that value { ADVANCE_PROFILE_BEFORE_JUMP(); st = cached_statements + st->jumpabsolute - 1; // offset the st++ startst = st; // no bounds check needed, it is done when loading progs if (++jumpcount == 10000000 && prvm_runawaycheck) { prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; PRVM_Profile(prog, 1<<30, 0.01, 0); prog->error_cmd("%s runaway loop counter hit limit of %d jumps\ntip: read above for list of most-executed functions", prog->name, jumpcount); } } DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GOTO): ADVANCE_PROFILE_BEFORE_JUMP(); st = cached_statements + st->jumpabsolute - 1; // offset the st++ startst = st; // no bounds check needed, it is done when loading progs if (++jumpcount == 10000000 && prvm_runawaycheck) { prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; PRVM_Profile(prog, 1<<30, 0.01, 0); prog->error_cmd("%s runaway loop counter hit limit of %d jumps\ntip: read above for list of most-executed functions", prog->name, jumpcount); } DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_CALL0): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_CALL1): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_CALL2): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_CALL3): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_CALL4): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_CALL5): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_CALL6): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_CALL7): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_CALL8): #ifdef PRVMTIMEPROFILING tm = Sys_DirtyTime(); prog->xfunction->tprofile += (tm - starttm >= 0 && tm - starttm < 1800) ? (tm - starttm) : 0; starttm = tm; #endif ADVANCE_PROFILE_BEFORE_JUMP(); startst = st; prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; prog->argc = st->op - OP_CALL0; if (!OPA->function) { prog->error_cmd("NULL function in %s", prog->name); } if(!OPA->function || OPA->function < 0 || OPA->function >= prog->numfunctions) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted CALL outside the program", prog->name); goto cleanup; } enterfunc = &prog->functions[OPA->function]; if (enterfunc->callcount++ == 0 && (prvm_coverage.integer & 1)) PRVM_FunctionCoverageEvent(prog, enterfunc); if (enterfunc->first_statement < 0) { // negative first_statement values are built in functions int builtinnumber = -enterfunc->first_statement; prog->xfunction->builtinsprofile++; if (builtinnumber < prog->numbuiltins && prog->builtins[builtinnumber]) { prog->builtins[builtinnumber](prog); #ifdef PRVMTIMEPROFILING tm = Sys_DirtyTime(); enterfunc->tprofile += (tm - starttm >= 0 && tm - starttm < 1800) ? (tm - starttm) : 0; prog->xfunction->tbprofile += (tm - starttm >= 0 && tm - starttm < 1800) ? (tm - starttm) : 0; starttm = tm; #endif // builtins may cause ED_Alloc() to be called, update cached variables cached_edictsfields = prog->edictsfields.fp; cached_entityfields = prog->entityfields; cached_entityfields_3 = prog->entityfields - 3; cached_entityfieldsarea = prog->entityfieldsarea; cached_entityfieldsarea_entityfields = prog->entityfieldsarea - prog->entityfields; cached_entityfieldsarea_3 = prog->entityfieldsarea - 3; cached_entityfieldsarea_entityfields_3 = prog->entityfieldsarea - prog->entityfields - 3; cached_max_edicts = prog->max_edicts; // these do not change //cached_statements = prog->statements; //cached_allowworldwrites = prog->allowworldwrites; //cached_flag = prog->flag; // if prog->trace changed we need to change interpreter path if (prog->trace != cachedpr_trace) goto chooseexecprogram; } else prog->error_cmd("No such builtin #%i in %s. This program is corrupt or incompatible with DarkPlaces (or this version of it)", builtinnumber, prog->name); } else st = cached_statements + PRVM_EnterFunction(prog, enterfunc); startst = st; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_DONE): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_RETURN): #ifdef PRVMTIMEPROFILING tm = Sys_DirtyTime(); prog->xfunction->tprofile += (tm - starttm >= 0 && tm - starttm < 1800) ? (tm - starttm) : 0; starttm = tm; #endif ADVANCE_PROFILE_BEFORE_JUMP(); prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; prog->globals.ip[OFS_RETURN ] = prog->globals.ip[st->operand[0] ]; prog->globals.ip[OFS_RETURN+1] = prog->globals.ip[st->operand[0]+1]; prog->globals.ip[OFS_RETURN+2] = prog->globals.ip[st->operand[0]+2]; st = cached_statements + PRVM_LeaveFunction(prog); startst = st; if (prog->depth <= exitdepth) goto cleanup; // all done DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STATE): if(cached_flag & PRVM_OP_STATE) { ed = PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(PRVM_gameglobaledict(self)); PRVM_gameedictfloat(ed,nextthink) = PRVM_gameglobalfloat(time) + 0.1; PRVM_gameedictfloat(ed,frame) = OPA->_float; PRVM_gameedictfunction(ed,think) = OPB->function; } else { PRE_ERROR(); prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; prog->error_cmd("OP_STATE not supported by %s", prog->name); } DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_ADD_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int + OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_ADD_IF): OPC->_float = OPA->_int + (prvm_int_t) OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_ADD_FI): OPC->_float = OPA->_float + (prvm_vec_t) OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_SUB_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int - OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_SUB_IF): OPC->_float = OPA->_int - (prvm_int_t) OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_SUB_FI): OPC->_float = OPA->_float - (prvm_vec_t) OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_MUL_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int * OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_MUL_IF): OPC->_float = OPA->_int * (prvm_int_t) OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_MUL_FI): OPC->_float = OPA->_float * (prvm_vec_t) OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_MUL_VI): OPC->vector[0] = (prvm_vec_t) OPB->_int * OPA->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = (prvm_vec_t) OPB->_int * OPA->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = (prvm_vec_t) OPB->_int * OPA->vector[2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_DIV_VF): { float temp = 1.0f / OPB->_float; OPC->vector[0] = temp * OPA->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = temp * OPA->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = temp * OPA->vector[2]; } DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_DIV_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int / OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_DIV_IF): OPC->_float = OPA->_int / (prvm_int_t) OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_DIV_FI): OPC->_float = OPA->_float / (prvm_vec_t) OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_CONV_IF): OPC->_float = OPA->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_CONV_FI): OPC->_int = OPA->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_BITAND_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int & OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_BITOR_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int | OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_BITAND_IF): OPC->_int = OPA->_int & (prvm_int_t)OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_BITOR_IF): OPC->_int = OPA->_int | (prvm_int_t)OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_BITAND_FI): OPC->_int = (prvm_int_t)OPA->_float & OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_BITOR_FI): OPC->_int = (prvm_int_t)OPA->_float | OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GE_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int >= OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LE_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int <= OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GT_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int > OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LT_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int < OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_AND_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int && OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_OR_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int || OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GE_IF): OPC->_int = (prvm_vec_t)OPA->_int >= OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LE_IF): OPC->_int = (prvm_vec_t)OPA->_int <= OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GT_IF): OPC->_int = (prvm_vec_t)OPA->_int > OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LT_IF): OPC->_int = (prvm_vec_t)OPA->_int < OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_AND_IF): OPC->_int = (prvm_vec_t)OPA->_int && OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_OR_IF): OPC->_int = (prvm_vec_t)OPA->_int || OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GE_FI): OPC->_int = OPA->_float >= (prvm_vec_t)OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LE_FI): OPC->_int = OPA->_float <= (prvm_vec_t)OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GT_FI): OPC->_int = OPA->_float > (prvm_vec_t)OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LT_FI): OPC->_int = OPA->_float < (prvm_vec_t)OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_AND_FI): OPC->_int = OPA->_float && (prvm_vec_t)OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_OR_FI): OPC->_int = OPA->_float || (prvm_vec_t)OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NOT_I): OPC->_int = !OPA->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_EQ_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int == OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_EQ_IF): OPC->_int = (prvm_vec_t)OPA->_int == OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_EQ_FI): OPC->_int = OPA->_float == (prvm_vec_t)OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NE_I): OPC->_int = OPA->_int != OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NE_IF): OPC->_int = (prvm_vec_t)OPA->_int != OPB->_float; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_NE_FI): OPC->_int = OPA->_float != (prvm_vec_t)OPB->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STORE_I): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STORE_P): OPB->_int = OPA->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_STOREP_I): #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int + 4 > pr_edictareasize) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to write to an out of bounds edict", prog->name); goto cleanup; } #endif ptr = (prvm_eval_t *)(prog->edictsfields.ip + OPB->_int); ptr->_int = OPA->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_LOAD_I): #if PRBOUNDSCHECK if (OPA->edict < 0 || OPA->edict >= prog->max_edicts) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to read an out of bounds edict number", prog->name); goto cleanup; } if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int >= progs->entityfields.ip) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to read an invalid field in an edict", prog->name); goto cleanup; } #endif ed = PRVM_PROG_TO_EDICT(OPA->edict); OPC->_int = ((prvm_eval_t *)((int *)ed->fields.ip + OPB->_int))->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GSTOREP_I): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GSTOREP_F): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GSTOREP_ENT): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GSTOREP_FLD): // integers HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GSTOREP_S): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GSTOREP_FNC): // pointers if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int >= prog->numglobals) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to write to an invalid indexed global", prog->name); goto cleanup; } prog->globals.ip[OPB->_int] = OPA->_int; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GSTOREP_V): if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int + 2 >= prog->numglobals) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to write to an invalid indexed global", prog->name); goto cleanup; } prog->globals.ip[OPB->_int ] = OPA->ivector[0]; prog->globals.ip[OPB->_int+1] = OPA->ivector[1]; prog->globals.ip[OPB->_int+2] = OPA->ivector[2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GADDRESS): i = OPA->_int + (prvm_int_t) OPB->_float; if (i < 0 || i >= prog->numglobaldefs) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to address an out of bounds global", prog->name); goto cleanup; } OPC->_int = prog->globals.ip[i]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GLOAD_I): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GLOAD_F): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GLOAD_FLD): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GLOAD_ENT): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GLOAD_S): HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GLOAD_FNC): if (OPA->_int < 0 || OPA->_int >= prog->numglobals) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to read an invalid indexed global", prog->name); goto cleanup; } OPC->_int = prog->globals.ip[OPA->_int]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_GLOAD_V): if (OPA->_int < 0 || OPA->_int + 2 >= prog->numglobals) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("%s attempted to read an invalid indexed global", prog->name); goto cleanup; } OPC->ivector[0] = prog->globals.ip[OPA->_int ]; OPC->ivector[1] = prog->globals.ip[OPA->_int+1]; OPC->ivector[2] = prog->globals.ip[OPA->_int+2]; DISPATCH_OPCODE(); HANDLE_OPCODE(OP_BOUNDCHECK): if ((unsigned int)OPA->_int < (unsigned int)st->operand[2] || (unsigned int)OPA->_int >= (unsigned int)st->operand[1]) { PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("Progs boundcheck failed in %s, value is < %" PRVM_PRIi " or >= %" PRVM_PRIi, prog->name, OPC->_int, OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } DISPATCH_OPCODE(); #if !USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS default: PRE_ERROR(); prog->error_cmd("Bad opcode %i in %s. This program is corrupt or incompatible with DarkPlaces (or this version of it)", st->op, prog->name); goto cleanup; } #if PRVMSLOWINTERPRETER { if (prog->watch_global_type != ev_void) { prvm_eval_t *g = PRVM_GLOBALFIELDVALUE(prog->watch_global); prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; PRVM_Watchpoint(prog, 0, "Global watchpoint hit", prog->watch_global_type, &prog->watch_global_value, g); } if (prog->watch_field_type != ev_void && prog->watch_edict < prog->max_edicts) { prvm_eval_t *g = PRVM_EDICTFIELDVALUE(prog->edicts + prog->watch_edict, prog->watch_field); prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; PRVM_Watchpoint(prog, 0, "Entityfield watchpoint hit", prog->watch_field_type, &prog->watch_edictfield_value, g); } } #endif } #endif // !USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS #undef DISPATCH_OPCODE #undef HANDLE_OPCODE #undef USE_COMPUTED_GOTOS #undef PRE_ERROR #undef ADVANCE_PROFILE_BEFORE_JUMP