#ifndef DEFS_H #define DEFS_H #if defined(CSQC) #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #endif //NOTE: THIS IS AN INTERFACE FILE. DO NOT EDIT. //MODIFYING THIS FILE CAN RESULT IN CRC ERRORS. //YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. //feel free to look though. :) /* ============================================================================== SOURCE FOR GLOBALVARS_T C STRUCTURE ============================================================================== */ // // system globals // //entity self; //entity other; //entity world; //float time; //float frametime; //int player_localentnum; //the entnum of the VIEW entity //int player_localnum; //the playernum //float maxclients; //a constant filled in by the engine. gah, portability eh? //float clientcommandframe; //player movement //float servercommandframe; //clientframe echoed off the server //string mapname; // // global variables set by built in functions // //vector v_forward, v_up, v_right; // set by makevectors() // set by traceline / tracebox //float trace_allsolid; //float trace_startsolid; //float trace_fraction; //vector trace_endpos; //vector trace_plane_normal; //float trace_plane_dist; //entity trace_ent; //float trace_inopen; //float trace_inwater; // // required prog functions // void() CSQC_Init; void() CSQC_Shutdown; float(float f, float t, float n) CSQC_InputEvent; void(float w, float h) CSQC_UpdateView; bool(string s) CSQC_ConsoleCommand; //these fields are read and set by the default player physics //vector pmove_org; //vector pmove_vel; //vector pmove_mins; //vector pmove_maxs; //retrieved from the current movement commands (read by player physics) //float input_timelength; //vector input_angles; //vector input_movevalues; //forwards, right, up. //int input_buttons; //attack, use, jump (default physics only uses jump) //float movevar_gravity; //float movevar_stopspeed; //float movevar_maxspeed; //float movevar_spectatormaxspeed; //used by NOCLIP movetypes. //float movevar_accelerate; //float movevar_airaccelerate; //float movevar_wateraccelerate; //float movevar_friction; //float movevar_waterfriction; //float movevar_entgravity; //the local player's gravity field. Is a multiple (1 is the normal value) //================================================ //void end_sys_globals; // flag for structure dumping //================================================ /* ============================================================================== SOURCE FOR ENTVARS_T C STRUCTURE ============================================================================== */ // // system fields (*** = do not set in prog code, maintained by C code) // .int modelindex; // *** model index in the precached list .vector absmin, absmax; // *** origin + mins / maxs .int entnum; // *** the ent number as on the server .float drawmask; .void() predraw; .float movetype; .float solid; .vector origin; // *** .vector oldorigin; // *** .vector velocity; .vector angles; .vector avelocity; .string classname; // spawn function .string model; .int frame; .int skin; .int effects; .vector mins, maxs; // bounding box extents reletive to origin .vector size; // maxs - mins .void() touch; .void() use; .void() think; .void() blocked; // for doors or plats, called when can't push other .float nextthink; .entity chain; .string netname; .entity enemy; .int flags; .int colormap; .entity owner; // who launched a missile //================================================ //void end_sys_fields; // flag for structure dumping //================================================ // Additional OPTIONAL Fields and Globals //float intermission; float scoreboard_showscores; float scoreboard_showaccuracy; .string message; .int renderflags; // float coop; // float deathmatch; float dmg_take; // float dmg_save; // vector dmg_origin; // Darkplaces Render Modifications #if 0 .float alpha; .float renderflags; .vector colormod; .float scale; #endif // Basic variables .float enttype; // entity type sent from server .int sv_entnum; // entity number sent from server .int team; .int team_size; float vid_conwidth, vid_conheight; int binddb; // QUALIFYING float race_checkpoint; float race_time; float race_laptime; float race_checkpointtime; float race_previousbesttime; string race_previousbestname; float race_nextcheckpoint; float race_nextbesttime; string race_nextbestname; float race_penaltyaccumulator; // qualifying: total penalty time in tenths float race_penaltyeventtime; // time when the player got the penalty float race_penaltytime; // duration of penalty time, in tenths string race_penaltyreason; // reason for penalty float race_server_record; // server record float race_speedaward; string race_speedaward_holder; float race_speedaward_alltimebest; string race_speedaward_alltimebest_holder; // RACE float race_mycheckpoint; float race_mycheckpointtime; float race_mycheckpointdelta; float race_mycheckpointlapsdelta; string race_mycheckpointenemy; float race_othercheckpoint; float race_othercheckpointtime; float race_othercheckpointdelta; float race_othercheckpointlapsdelta; string race_othercheckpointenemy; float scoreboard_showscores_force; float race_status; string race_status_name; float race_myrank; // Nexball float nb_pb_period; // Spectating float spectatee_status; // short mapname string shortmapname; // database for misc stuff int tempdb; int ClientProgsDB; vector hook_shotorigin[4]; vector lightning_shotorigin[4]; #ifdef BLURTEST float blurtest_time0, blurtest_time1, blurtest_radius, blurtest_power; #endif float servertime, serverprevtime, serverdeltatime; float ticrate; .float damageforcescale; const float MIN_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS = 2; const float MAX_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS = 16; .float damageextraradius; .void(float thisdmg, int hittype, vector org, vector thisforce) event_damage; // only for Porto float angles_held_status; vector angles_held; // weapons .bool silent; int w_deathtype; float w_issilent, w_random; vector w_org, w_backoff; float rifle_scope; float vortex_scope; float minelayer_maxmines; float hagar_maxrockets; float bgmtime; string weaponorder_byimpulse; string weaponorder_bypriority; float vortex_charge_movingavg; int serverflags; float uid2name_dialog; .bool csqcmodel_isdead; // used by shownames and miscfunctions (float getplayerisdead(float) {}) to know when a player is dead #define player_currententnum (spectatee_status > 0 ? spectatee_status : player_localnum + 1) float g_balance_porto_secondary; #endif