// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BEGIN REQUIRED CSQC FUNCTIONS //include "main.qh" entity clearentity_ent; void clearentity(entity e) { if not(clearentity_ent) { clearentity_ent = spawn(); clearentity_ent.classname = "clearentity"; } float n = e.entnum; copyentity(clearentity_ent, e); e.entnum = n; } #define DP_CSQC_ENTITY_REMOVE_IS_B0RKED void menu_show_error() { drawstring('0 200 0', _("ERROR - MENU IS VISIBLE BUT NO MENU WAS DEFINED!"), '8 8 0', '1 0 0', 1, 0); } // CSQC_Init : Called every time the CSQC code is initialized (essentially at map load) // Useful for precaching things void menu_sub_null() { } #ifdef USE_FTE float __engine_check; #endif void precache_playermodel(string m) { string f; if(substring(m, -9,5) == "_lod1") return; if(substring(m, -9,5) == "_lod2") return; precache_model(m); f = strcat(substring(m, 0, -5), "_lod1", substring(m, -4, -1)); if(fexists(f)) precache_model(f); f = strcat(substring(m, 0, -5), "_lod2", substring(m, -4, -1)); if(fexists(f)) precache_model(f); /* float globhandle, i, n; globhandle = search_begin(strcat(m, "_*.sounds"), TRUE, FALSE); if (globhandle < 0) return; n = search_getsize(globhandle); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { //print(search_getfilename(globhandle, i), "\n"); f = search_getfilename(globhandle, i); PrecachePlayerSounds(f); } search_end(globhandle); */ } void precache_all_playermodels(string pattern) { float globhandle, i, n; string f; globhandle = search_begin(pattern, TRUE, FALSE); if (globhandle < 0) return; n = search_getsize(globhandle); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { //print(search_getfilename(globhandle, i), "\n"); f = search_getfilename(globhandle, i); precache_playermodel(f); } search_end(globhandle); } string forcefog; void WaypointSprite_Load(); void ConsoleCommand_macro_init(); void CSQC_Init(void) { prvm_language = cvar_string("prvm_language"); cl_simple_items = autocvar_cl_simple_items; #ifdef USE_FTE #pragma target ID __engine_check = checkextension("DP_SV_WRITEPICTURE"); if(!__engine_check) { print(_("^3Your engine build is outdated\n^3This Server uses a newer QC VM. Please update!\n")); localcmd("\ndisconnect\n"); return; } #pragma target FTE #endif check_unacceptable_compiler_bugs(); #ifdef WATERMARK print(sprintf(_("^4CSQC Build information: ^1%s\n"), WATERMARK())); #endif float i; #ifdef COMPAT_XON050_ENGINE // old engine lacks implementation of player_localnum player_localnum = player_localentnum - 1; #endif binddb = db_create(); tempdb = db_create(); ClientProgsDB = db_load("client.db"); compressShortVector_init(); drawfont = FONT_USER+1; menu_visible = FALSE; menu_show = menu_show_error; menu_action = menu_sub_null; for(i = 0; i < 255; ++i) if(getplayerkeyvalue(i, "viewentity") == "") break; maxclients = i; //registercommand("hud_configure"); //registercommand("hud_save"); //registercommand("menu_action"); ConsoleCommand_macro_init(); registercvar("hud_usecsqc", "1"); registercvar("scoreboard_columns", "default"); gametype = 0; // hud_fields uses strunzone on the titles! for(i = 0; i < MAX_HUD_FIELDS; ++i) hud_title[i] = strzone("(null)"); postinit = false; calledhooks = 0; teams = Sort_Spawn(); players = Sort_Spawn(); GetTeam(COLOR_SPECTATOR, true); // add specs first // needs to be done so early because of the constants they create RegisterWeapons(); RegisterGametypes(); WaypointSprite_Load(); // precaches precache_model("null"); precache_sound("misc/hit.wav"); precache_sound("misc/typehit.wav"); if (autocvar_cl_precacheplayermodels) { precache_all_playermodels("models/player/*.zym"); precache_all_playermodels("models/player/*.dpm"); precache_all_playermodels("models/player/*.md3"); precache_all_playermodels("models/player/*.psk"); precache_all_playermodels("models/player/*.iqm"); } Projectile_Precache(); Hook_Precache(); GibSplash_Precache(); Casings_Precache(); DamageInfo_Precache(); Vehicles_Precache(); turrets_precache(); Announcer_Precache(); Tuba_Precache(); if(autocvar_cl_reticle) { if(autocvar_cl_reticle_item_normal) { precache_pic("gfx/reticle_normal"); } if(autocvar_cl_reticle_item_nex) { precache_pic("gfx/reticle_nex"); } } get_mi_min_max_texcoords(1); // try the CLEVER way first minimapname = strcat("gfx/", mi_shortname, "_radar.tga"); shortmapname = mi_shortname; if(precache_pic(minimapname) == "") { // but maybe we have a non-clever minimap minimapname = strcat("gfx/", mi_shortname, "_mini.tga"); if(precache_pic(minimapname) == "") minimapname = ""; // FAIL else get_mi_min_max_texcoords(0); // load new texcoords } mi_center = (mi_min + mi_max) * 0.5; mi_scale = mi_max - mi_min; minimapname = strzone(minimapname); WarpZone_Init(); hud_configure_prev = -1; tab_panel = -1; draw_currentSkin = strzone(strcat("gfx/menu/", cvar_string("menu_skin"))); } // CSQC_Shutdown : Called every time the CSQC code is shutdown (changing maps, quitting, etc) void Shutdown(void) { #ifdef USE_FTE #pragma TARGET id if(!__engine_check) return 0; #pragma TARGET fte #endif WarpZone_Shutdown(); remove(teams); remove(players); db_close(binddb); db_close(tempdb); if(autocvar_cl_db_saveasdump) db_dump(ClientProgsDB, "client.db"); else db_save(ClientProgsDB, "client.db"); db_close(ClientProgsDB); if(camera_active) cvar_set("chase_active",ftos(chase_active_backup)); // unset the event chasecam's chase_active if(autocvar_chase_active < 0) cvar_set("chase_active", "0"); if not(isdemo()) { if not(calledhooks & HOOK_START) localcmd("\n_cl_hook_gamestart nop\n"); if not(calledhooks & HOOK_END) localcmd("\ncl_hook_gameend\n"); } } .float has_team; float SetTeam(entity o, float Team) { entity tm; if(teamplay) { switch(Team) { case -1: case COLOR_TEAM1: case COLOR_TEAM2: case COLOR_TEAM3: case COLOR_TEAM4: break; default: if(GetTeam(Team, false) == world) { print(sprintf(_("trying to switch to unsupported team %d\n"), Team)); Team = COLOR_SPECTATOR; } break; } } else { switch(Team) { case -1: case 0: break; default: if(GetTeam(Team, false) == world) { print(sprintf(_("trying to switch to unsupported team %d\n"), Team)); Team = COLOR_SPECTATOR; } break; } } if(Team == -1) // leave { if(o.has_team) { tm = GetTeam(o.team, false); tm.team_size -= 1; o.has_team = 0; return TRUE; } } else { if not(o.has_team) { o.team = Team; tm = GetTeam(Team, true); tm.team_size += 1; o.has_team = 1; return TRUE; } else if(Team != o.team) { tm = GetTeam(o.team, false); tm.team_size -= 1; o.team = Team; tm = GetTeam(Team, true); tm.team_size += 1; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void Playerchecker_Think() { float i; entity e; for(i = 0; i < maxclients; ++i) { e = playerslots[i]; if(GetPlayerName(i) == "") { if(e.sort_prev) { // player disconnected SetTeam(e, -1); RemovePlayer(e); e.sort_prev = world; //e.gotscores = 0; } } else { if not(e.sort_prev) { // player connected if not(e) playerslots[i] = e = spawn(); e.sv_entnum = i; e.ping = 0; e.ping_packetloss = 0; e.ping_movementloss = 0; //e.gotscores = 0; // we might already have the scores... SetTeam(e, GetPlayerColor(i)); // will not hurt; later updates come with HUD_UpdatePlayerTeams RegisterPlayer(e); HUD_UpdatePlayerPos(e); } } } self.nextthink = time + 0.2; } void Porto_Init(); void TrueAim_Init(); void PostInit(void) { localcmd(strcat("\nscoreboard_columns_set ", autocvar_scoreboard_columns, ";\n")); entity playerchecker; playerchecker = spawn(); playerchecker.think = Playerchecker_Think; playerchecker.nextthink = time + 0.2; Porto_Init(); TrueAim_Init(); postinit = true; } float button_zoom; // CSQC_InputEvent : Used to perform actions based on any key pressed, key released and mouse on the client. // Return value should be 1 if CSQC handled the input, otherwise return 0 to have the input passed to the engine. // All keys are in ascii. // bInputType = 0 is key pressed, 1 is key released, 2 is mouse input. // In the case of keyboard input, nPrimary is the ascii code, and nSecondary is 0. // In the case of mouse input, nPrimary is xdelta, nSecondary is ydelta. float CSQC_InputEvent(float bInputType, float nPrimary, float nSecondary) { float bSkipKey; bSkipKey = false; if (HUD_Panel_InputEvent(bInputType, nPrimary, nSecondary)) return true; if (MapVote_InputEvent(bInputType, nPrimary, nSecondary)) return true; if(menu_visible) if(menu_action(bInputType, nPrimary, nSecondary)) return TRUE; return bSkipKey; } // END REQUIRED CSQC FUNCTIONS // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BEGIN OPTIONAL CSQC FUNCTIONS void Ent_RemoveEntCS() { entcs_receiver[self.sv_entnum] = world; } void Ent_ReadEntCS() { float sf; InterpolateOrigin_Undo(); self.classname = "entcs_receiver"; sf = ReadByte(); if(sf & 1) self.sv_entnum = ReadByte(); if(sf & 2) { self.origin_x = ReadShort(); self.origin_y = ReadShort(); self.origin_z = ReadShort(); } if(sf & 4) { self.angles_y = ReadByte() * 360.0 / 256; self.angles_x = self.angles_z = 0; } if(sf & 8) self.healthvalue = ReadByte() * 10; if(sf & 16) self.armorvalue = ReadByte() * 10; entcs_receiver[self.sv_entnum] = self; self.entremove = Ent_RemoveEntCS; InterpolateOrigin_Note(); } void Ent_Remove(); void Ent_RemovePlayerScore() { float i; if(self.owner) { SetTeam(self.owner, -1); self.owner.gotscores = 0; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) self.owner.(scores[i]) = 0; // clear all scores } } void Ent_ReadPlayerScore() { float i, n; float isNew; entity o; // damnit -.- don't want to go change every single .sv_entnum in hud.qc AGAIN // (no I've never heard of M-x replace-string, sed, or anything like that) isNew = !self.owner; // workaround for DP bug n = ReadByte()-1; #ifdef DP_CSQC_ENTITY_REMOVE_IS_B0RKED if(!isNew && n != self.sv_entnum) { //print(_("A CSQC entity changed its owner!\n")); print(sprintf(_("A CSQC entity changed its owner! (edict: %d, classname: %s)\n"), num_for_edict(self), self.classname)); isNew = true; Ent_Remove(); self.enttype = ENT_CLIENT_SCORES; } #endif self.sv_entnum = n; if not(playerslots[self.sv_entnum]) playerslots[self.sv_entnum] = spawn(); o = self.owner = playerslots[self.sv_entnum]; o.sv_entnum = self.sv_entnum; o.gotscores = 1; //if not(o.sort_prev) // RegisterPlayer(o); //playerchecker will do this for us later, if it has not already done so float sf, lf; #if MAX_SCORE <= 8 sf = ReadByte(); lf = ReadByte(); #else sf = ReadShort(); lf = ReadShort(); #endif float p; for(i = 0, p = 1; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i, p *= 2) if(sf & p) { if(lf & p) o.(scores[i]) = ReadInt24_t(); else o.(scores[i]) = ReadChar(); } if(o.sort_prev) HUD_UpdatePlayerPos(o); // if not registered, we cannot do this yet! self.entremove = Ent_RemovePlayerScore; } void Ent_ReadTeamScore() { float i; entity o; self.team = ReadByte(); o = self.owner = GetTeam(self.team, true); // these team numbers can always be trusted float sf, lf; #if MAX_TEAMSCORE <= 8 sf = ReadByte(); lf = ReadByte(); #else sf = ReadShort(); lf = ReadShort(); #endif float p; for(i = 0, p = 1; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i, p *= 2) if(sf & p) { if(lf & p) o.(teamscores[i]) = ReadInt24_t(); else o.(teamscores[i]) = ReadChar(); } HUD_UpdateTeamPos(o); } void Ent_ClientData() { float f; float newspectatee_status; f = ReadByte(); scoreboard_showscores_force = (f & 1); if(f & 2) { newspectatee_status = ReadByte(); if(newspectatee_status == player_localnum + 1) newspectatee_status = -1; // observing } else newspectatee_status = 0; spectatorbutton_zoom = (f & 4); if(f & 8) { angles_held_status = 1; angles_held_x = ReadAngle(); angles_held_y = ReadAngle(); angles_held_z = 0; } else angles_held_status = 0; if(newspectatee_status != spectatee_status) { // clear race stuff race_laptime = 0; race_checkpointtime = 0; } if (autocvar_hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_gfx) { if ( (spectatee_status == -1 && newspectatee_status > 0) //before observing, now spectating || (spectatee_status > 0 && newspectatee_status > 0 && spectatee_status != newspectatee_status) //changed spectated player ) prev_p_health = -1; else if(spectatee_status && !newspectatee_status) //before observing/spectating, now playing prev_health = -1; } spectatee_status = newspectatee_status; // non-COMPAT_XON050_ENGINE: we could get rid of spectatee_status, and derive it from player_localentnum and player_localnum } void Ent_Nagger() { float nags, i, j, b, f; nags = ReadByte(); // NAGS NAGS NAGS NAGS NAGS NAGS NADZ NAGS NAGS NAGS if(!(nags & 4)) { if(vote_called_vote) strunzone(vote_called_vote); vote_called_vote = string_null; vote_active = 0; } else { vote_active = 1; } if(nags & 64) { vote_yescount = ReadByte(); vote_nocount = ReadByte(); vote_needed = ReadByte(); vote_highlighted = ReadChar(); } if(nags & 128) { if(vote_called_vote) strunzone(vote_called_vote); vote_called_vote = strzone(ColorTranslateRGB(ReadString())); } if(nags & 1) { for(j = 0; j < maxclients; ++j) if(playerslots[j]) playerslots[j].ready = 1; for(i = 1; i <= maxclients; i += 8) { f = ReadByte(); for(j = i-1, b = 1; b < 256; b *= 2, ++j) if not(f & b) if(playerslots[j]) playerslots[j].ready = 0; } } ready_waiting = (nags & 1); ready_waiting_for_me = (nags & 2); vote_waiting = (nags & 4); vote_waiting_for_me = (nags & 8); warmup_stage = (nags & 16); } void Ent_RandomSeed() { float s; prandom_debug(); s = ReadShort(); psrandom(s); } void Ent_ReadAccuracy(void) { float sf, f, w, b; sf = ReadInt24_t(); if(sf == 0) { for(w = 0; w <= WEP_LAST - WEP_FIRST; ++w) weapon_accuracy[w] = -1; return; } for(w = 0, f = 1; w <= WEP_LAST - WEP_FIRST; ++w, f *= 2) { if(sf & f) { b = ReadByte(); if(b == 0) weapon_accuracy[w] = -1; else if(b == 255) weapon_accuracy[w] = 1.0; // no better error handling yet, sorry else weapon_accuracy[w] = (b - 1.0) / 100.0; } } } // CSQC_Ent_Update : Called every frame that the server has indicated an update to the SSQC / CSQC entity has occured. // The only parameter reflects if the entity is "new" to the client, meaning it just came into the client's PVS. void Ent_RadarLink(); void Ent_Init(); void Ent_ScoresInfo(); void CSQC_Ent_Update(float bIsNewEntity) { float t; float savetime; t = ReadByte(); // set up the "time" global for received entities to be correct for interpolation purposes savetime = time; if(servertime) { time = servertime; } else { serverprevtime = time; serverdeltatime = getstatf(STAT_MOVEVARS_TICRATE) * getstatf(STAT_MOVEVARS_TIMESCALE); time = serverprevtime + serverdeltatime; } #ifdef DP_CSQC_ENTITY_REMOVE_IS_B0RKED if(self.enttype) { if(t != self.enttype || bIsNewEntity) { //print(_("A CSQC entity changed its type!\n")); print(sprintf(_("A CSQC entity changed its type! (edict: %d, server: %d, type: %d -> %d)\n"), num_for_edict(self), self.entnum, self.enttype, t)); Ent_Remove(); clearentity(self); bIsNewEntity = 1; } } else { if(!bIsNewEntity) { print(sprintf(_("A CSQC entity appeared out of nowhere! (edict: %d, server: %d, type: %d)\n"), num_for_edict(self), self.entnum, t)); bIsNewEntity = 1; } } #endif self.enttype = t; switch(t) { case ENT_CLIENT_ENTCS: Ent_ReadEntCS(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_SCORES: Ent_ReadPlayerScore(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_TEAMSCORES: Ent_ReadTeamScore(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_POINTPARTICLES: Ent_PointParticles(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_RAINSNOW: Ent_RainOrSnow(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_LASER: Ent_Laser(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_NAGGER: Ent_Nagger(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_WAYPOINT: Ent_WaypointSprite(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_RADARLINK: Ent_RadarLink(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_PROJECTILE: Ent_Projectile(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_GIBSPLASH: Ent_GibSplash(bIsNewEntity); break; case ENT_CLIENT_DAMAGEINFO: Ent_DamageInfo(bIsNewEntity); break; case ENT_CLIENT_CASING: Ent_Casing(bIsNewEntity); break; case ENT_CLIENT_INIT: Ent_Init(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_SCORES_INFO: Ent_ScoresInfo(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_MAPVOTE: Ent_MapVote(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_CLIENTDATA: Ent_ClientData(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_RANDOMSEED: Ent_RandomSeed(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_WALL: Ent_Wall(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_MODELEFFECT: Ent_ModelEffect(bIsNewEntity); break; case ENT_CLIENT_TUBANOTE: Ent_TubaNote(bIsNewEntity); break; case ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE: WarpZone_Read(bIsNewEntity); break; case ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE_CAMERA: WarpZone_Camera_Read(bIsNewEntity); break; case ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE_TELEPORTED: WarpZone_Teleported_Read(bIsNewEntity); break; case ENT_CLIENT_TRIGGER_MUSIC: Ent_ReadTriggerMusic(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_HOOK: Ent_ReadHook(bIsNewEntity, ENT_CLIENT_HOOK); break; case ENT_CLIENT_LGBEAM: Ent_ReadHook(bIsNewEntity, ENT_CLIENT_LGBEAM); break; case ENT_CLIENT_GAUNTLET: Ent_ReadHook(bIsNewEntity, ENT_CLIENT_GAUNTLET); break; case ENT_CLIENT_ACCURACY: Ent_ReadAccuracy(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_AUXILIARYXHAIR: Net_AuXair2(bIsNewEntity); break; case ENT_CLIENT_TURRET: ent_turret(); break; case ENT_CLIENT_MODEL: CSQCModel_Read(bIsNewEntity); break; case ENT_CLIENT_ITEM: ItemRead(bIsNewEntity); break; case ENT_CLIENT_BUMBLE_RAYGUN: bumble_raygun_read(bIsNewEntity); break; default: //error(strcat(_("unknown entity type in CSQC_Ent_Update: %d\n"), self.enttype)); error(sprintf(_("Unknown entity type in CSQC_Ent_Update (enttype: %d, edict: %d, classname: %s)\n"), self.enttype, num_for_edict(self), self.classname)); break; } time = savetime; } // Destructor, but does NOT deallocate the entity by calling remove(). Also // used when an entity changes its type. For an entity that someone interacts // with others, make sure it can no longer do so. void Ent_Remove() { if(self.entremove) self.entremove(); self.enttype = 0; self.classname = ""; self.draw = menu_sub_null; self.entremove = menu_sub_null; // TODO possibly set more stuff to defaults } // CSQC_Ent_Remove : Called when the server requests a SSQC / CSQC entity to be removed. Essentially call remove(self) as well. void CSQC_Ent_Remove() { if(wasfreed(self)) { print("WARNING: CSQC_Ent_Remove called for already removed entity. Packet loss?\n"); return; } if(self.enttype) Ent_Remove(); remove(self); } void Gamemode_Init() { if not(isdemo()) { if(!(calledhooks & HOOK_START)) localcmd("\n_cl_hook_gamestart ", MapInfo_Type_ToString(gametype), "\n"); calledhooks |= HOOK_START; } } // CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd : Provides the stuffcmd string in the first parameter that the server provided. To execute standard behavior, simply execute localcmd with the string. void CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd(string strMessage) { localcmd(strMessage); } // CSQC_Parse_Print : Provides the print string in the first parameter that the server provided. To execute standard behavior, simply execute print with the string. void CSQC_Parse_Print(string strMessage) { print(ColorTranslateRGB(strMessage)); } // CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint : Provides the centerprint_hud string in the first parameter that the server provided. void CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint(string strMessage) { centerprint_hud(strMessage); } string notranslate_fogcmd1 = "\nfog "; string notranslate_fogcmd2 = "\nr_fog_exp2 0\nr_drawfog 1\n"; void Fog_Force() { // TODO somehow thwart prvm_globalset client ... if(forcefog != "") localcmd(strcat(notranslate_fogcmd1, forcefog, notranslate_fogcmd2)); } void Gamemode_Init(); void Ent_ScoresInfo() { float i; self.classname = "ent_client_scores_info"; gametype = ReadInt24_t(); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) { scores_label[i] = strzone(ReadString()); scores_flags[i] = ReadByte(); } for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) { teamscores_label[i] = strzone(ReadString()); teamscores_flags[i] = ReadByte(); } HUD_InitScores(); Gamemode_Init(); } void Ent_Init() { self.classname = "ent_client_init"; nb_pb_period = ReadByte() / 32; //Accuracy of 1/32th hook_shotorigin[0] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); hook_shotorigin[1] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); hook_shotorigin[2] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); hook_shotorigin[3] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); electro_shotorigin[0] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); electro_shotorigin[1] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); electro_shotorigin[2] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); electro_shotorigin[3] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); gauntlet_shotorigin[0] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); gauntlet_shotorigin[1] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); gauntlet_shotorigin[2] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); gauntlet_shotorigin[3] = decompressShotOrigin(ReadInt24_t()); if(forcefog) strunzone(forcefog); forcefog = strzone(ReadString()); armorblockpercent = ReadByte() / 255.0; g_weaponswitchdelay = ReadByte() / 255.0; g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncefactor = ReadCoord(); g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncestop = ReadCoord(); g_balance_electro_secondary_bouncefactor = ReadCoord(); g_balance_electro_secondary_bouncestop = ReadCoord(); nex_scope = !ReadByte(); rifle_scope = !ReadByte(); serverflags = ReadByte(); minelayer_maxmines = ReadByte(); hagar_maxrockets = ReadByte(); g_trueaim_minrange = ReadCoord(); g_balance_porto_secondary = ReadByte(); if(!postinit) PostInit(); } void Net_ReadRace() { float b; b = ReadByte(); switch(b) { case RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_QUALIFYING: race_checkpoint = ReadByte(); race_time = ReadInt24_t(); race_previousbesttime = ReadInt24_t(); if(race_previousbestname) strunzone(race_previousbestname); race_previousbestname = strzone(ColorTranslateRGB(ReadString())); race_checkpointtime = time; if(race_checkpoint == 0 || race_checkpoint == 254) { race_penaltyaccumulator = 0; race_laptime = time; // valid } break; case RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_CLEAR: race_laptime = 0; race_checkpointtime = 0; break; case RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_NEXT_SPEC_QUALIFYING: race_laptime = ReadCoord(); race_checkpointtime = -99999; // fall through case RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_NEXT_QUALIFYING: race_nextcheckpoint = ReadByte(); race_nextbesttime = ReadInt24_t(); if(race_nextbestname) strunzone(race_nextbestname); race_nextbestname = strzone(ColorTranslateRGB(ReadString())); break; case RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_RACE: race_mycheckpoint = ReadByte(); race_mycheckpointtime = time; race_mycheckpointdelta = ReadInt24_t(); race_mycheckpointlapsdelta = ReadByte(); if(race_mycheckpointlapsdelta >= 128) race_mycheckpointlapsdelta -= 256; if(race_mycheckpointenemy) strunzone(race_mycheckpointenemy); race_mycheckpointenemy = strzone(ColorTranslateRGB(ReadString())); break; case RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_RACE_BY_OPPONENT: race_othercheckpoint = ReadByte(); race_othercheckpointtime = time; race_othercheckpointdelta = ReadInt24_t(); race_othercheckpointlapsdelta = ReadByte(); if(race_othercheckpointlapsdelta >= 128) race_othercheckpointlapsdelta -= 256; if(race_othercheckpointenemy) strunzone(race_othercheckpointenemy); race_othercheckpointenemy = strzone(ColorTranslateRGB(ReadString())); break; case RACE_NET_PENALTY_RACE: race_penaltyeventtime = time; race_penaltytime = ReadShort(); //race_penaltyaccumulator += race_penaltytime; if(race_penaltyreason) strunzone(race_penaltyreason); race_penaltyreason = strzone(ReadString()); break; case RACE_NET_PENALTY_QUALIFYING: race_penaltyeventtime = time; race_penaltytime = ReadShort(); race_penaltyaccumulator += race_penaltytime; if(race_penaltyreason) strunzone(race_penaltyreason); race_penaltyreason = strzone(ReadString()); break; case RACE_NET_SERVER_RECORD: race_server_record = ReadInt24_t(); break; case RACE_NET_SPEED_AWARD: race_speedaward = ReadInt24_t(); if(race_speedaward_holder) strunzone(race_speedaward_holder); race_speedaward_holder = strzone(ReadString()); break; case RACE_NET_SPEED_AWARD_BEST: race_speedaward_alltimebest = ReadInt24_t(); if(race_speedaward_alltimebest_holder) strunzone(race_speedaward_alltimebest_holder); race_speedaward_alltimebest_holder = strzone(ReadString()); break; case RACE_NET_SERVER_RANKINGS: float pos, prevpos, del; pos = ReadShort(); prevpos = ReadShort(); del = ReadShort(); // move other rankings out of the way float i; if (prevpos) { for (i=prevpos-1;i>pos-1;--i) { grecordtime[i] = grecordtime[i-1]; if(grecordholder[i]) strunzone(grecordholder[i]); grecordholder[i] = strzone(grecordholder[i-1]); } } else if (del) { // a record has been deleted by the admin for (i=pos-1; i<= RANKINGS_CNT-1; ++i) { if (i == RANKINGS_CNT-1) { // clear out last record grecordtime[i] = 0; if (grecordholder[i]) strunzone(grecordholder[i]); grecordholder[i] = string_null; } else { grecordtime[i] = grecordtime[i+1]; if (grecordholder[i]) strunzone(grecordholder[i]); grecordholder[i] = strzone(grecordholder[i+1]); } } } else { // player has no ranked record yet for (i=RANKINGS_CNT-1;i>pos-1;--i) { grecordtime[i] = grecordtime[i-1]; if(grecordholder[i]) strunzone(grecordholder[i]); grecordholder[i] = strzone(grecordholder[i-1]); } } // store new ranking if(grecordholder[pos-1] != "") strunzone(grecordholder[pos-1]); grecordholder[pos-1] = strzone(ReadString()); grecordtime[pos-1] = ReadInt24_t(); if(grecordholder[pos-1] == GetPlayerName(player_localnum)) race_myrank = pos; break; case RACE_NET_SERVER_STATUS: race_status = ReadShort(); if(race_status_name) strunzone(race_status_name); race_status_name = strzone(ReadString()); } } void Net_ReadSpawn() { zoomin_effect = 1; current_viewzoom = 0.6; } void Net_TeamNagger() { teamnagger = 1; } void Net_ReadPingPLReport() { float e, pi, pl, ml; e = ReadByte(); pi = ReadShort(); pl = ReadByte(); ml = ReadByte(); if not(playerslots[e]) return; playerslots[e].ping = pi; playerslots[e].ping_packetloss = pl / 255.0; playerslots[e].ping_movementloss = ml / 255.0; } void Net_WeaponComplain() { complain_weapon = ReadByte(); if(complain_weapon_name) strunzone(complain_weapon_name); complain_weapon_name = strzone(ReadString()); complain_weapon_type = ReadByte(); complain_weapon_time = time; weapontime = time; // ping the weapon panel } // CSQC_Parse_TempEntity : Handles all temporary entity network data in the CSQC layer. // You must ALWAYS first acquire the temporary ID, which is sent as a byte. // Return value should be 1 if CSQC handled the temporary entity, otherwise return 0 to have the engine process the event. float CSQC_Parse_TempEntity() { float bHandled; bHandled = true; // Acquire TE ID float nTEID; nTEID = ReadByte(); // NOTE: Could just do return instead of break... switch(nTEID) { case TE_CSQC_TARGET_MUSIC: Net_TargetMusic(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_PICTURE: Net_MapVote_Picture(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_RACE: Net_ReadRace(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_SPAWN: Net_ReadSpawn(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_ZCURVEPARTICLES: Net_ReadZCurveParticles(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_NEXGUNBEAMPARTICLE: Net_ReadNexgunBeamParticle(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_TEAMNAGGER: Net_TeamNagger(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_LIGHTNINGARC: Net_ReadLightningarc(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_PINGPLREPORT: Net_ReadPingPLReport(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_ANNOUNCE: Announcer_Play(ReadString()); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_KILLNOTIFY: HUD_KillNotify(ReadString(), ReadString(), ReadString(), ReadShort(), ReadByte()); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_KILLCENTERPRINT: HUD_KillCenterprint(ReadString(), ReadString(), ReadShort(), ReadByte()); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_CENTERPRINT_GENERIC: float id; string s; id = ReadByte(); s = ReadString(); if (id != 0 && s != "") centerprint_generic(id, s, ReadByte(), ReadByte()); else centerprint_generic(id, s, 0, 0); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_WEAPONCOMPLAIN: Net_WeaponComplain(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_VEHICLESETUP: Net_VehicleSetup(); bHandled = true; break; case TE_CSQC_SVNOTICE: cl_notice_read(); bHandled = true; break; default: // No special logic for this temporary entity; return 0 so the engine can handle it bHandled = false; break; } return bHandled; } string getcommandkey(string text, string command) { string keys; float n, j, k, l; if (!autocvar_hud_showbinds) return text; keys = db_get(binddb, command); if (!keys) { n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(command, 0)); // uses '...' strings for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) { k = stof(argv(j)); if(k != -1) { if ("" == keys) keys = keynumtostring(k); else keys = strcat(keys, ", ", keynumtostring(k)); ++l; if (autocvar_hud_showbinds_limit > 0 && autocvar_hud_showbinds_limit >= l) break; } } db_put(binddb, command, keys); } if ("" == keys) { if (autocvar_hud_showbinds > 1) return sprintf(_("%s (not bound)"), text); else return text; } else if (autocvar_hud_showbinds > 1) return sprintf(_("%s (%s)"), text, keys); else return keys; }