/* ================== Misc HUD functions ================== */ // a border picture is a texture containing nine parts: // 1/4 width: left part // 1/2 width: middle part (stretched) // 1/4 width: right part // divided into // 1/4 height: top part // 1/2 height: middle part (stretched) // 1/4 height: bottom part void draw_BorderPicture(vector theOrigin, string pic, vector theSize, vector theColor, float theAlpha, vector theBorderSize) { vector dX, dY; vector width, height; vector bW, bH; //pic = draw_UseSkinFor(pic); width = eX * theSize_x; height = eY * theSize_y; if(theSize_x <= theBorderSize_x * 2) { // not wide enough... draw just left and right then bW = eX * (0.25 * theSize_x / (theBorderSize_x * 2)); if(theSize_y <= theBorderSize_y * 2) { // not high enough... draw just corners bH = eY * (0.25 * theSize_y / (theBorderSize_y * 2)); drawsubpic(theOrigin, width * 0.5 + height * 0.5, pic, '0 0 0', bW + bH, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + width * 0.5, width * 0.5 + height * 0.5, pic, eX - bW, bW + bH, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + height * 0.5, width * 0.5 + height * 0.5, pic, eY - bH, bW + bH, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + theSize * 0.5, width * 0.5 + height * 0.5, pic, eX + eY - bW - bH, bW + bH, theColor, theAlpha, 0); } else { dY = theBorderSize_x * eY; drawsubpic(theOrigin, width * 0.5 + dY, pic, '0 0 0', '0 0.25 0' + bW, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + width * 0.5, width * 0.5 + dY, pic, '0 0 0' + eX - bW, '0 0.25 0' + bW, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + dY, width * 0.5 + height - 2 * dY, pic, '0 0.25 0', '0 0.5 0' + bW, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + width * 0.5 + dY, width * 0.5 + height - 2 * dY, pic, '0 0.25 0' + eX - bW, '0 0.5 0' + bW, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + height - dY, width * 0.5 + dY, pic, '0 0.75 0', '0 0.25 0' + bW, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + width * 0.5 + height - dY, width * 0.5 + dY, pic, '0 0.75 0' + eX - bW, '0 0.25 0' + bW, theColor, theAlpha, 0); } } else { if(theSize_y <= theBorderSize_y * 2) { // not high enough... draw just top and bottom then bH = eY * (0.25 * theSize_y / (theBorderSize_y * 2)); dX = theBorderSize_x * eX; drawsubpic(theOrigin, dX + height * 0.5, pic, '0 0 0', '0.25 0 0' + bH, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + dX, width - 2 * dX + height * 0.5, pic, '0.25 0 0', '0.5 0 0' + bH, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + width - dX, dX + height * 0.5, pic, '0.75 0 0', '0.25 0 0' + bH, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + height * 0.5, dX + height * 0.5, pic, '0 0 0' + eY - bH, '0.25 0 0' + bH, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + dX + height * 0.5, width - 2 * dX + height * 0.5, pic, '0.25 0 0' + eY - bH, '0.5 0 0' + bH, theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + width - dX + height * 0.5, dX + height * 0.5, pic, '0.75 0 0' + eY - bH, '0.25 0 0' + bH, theColor, theAlpha, 0); } else { dX = theBorderSize_x * eX; dY = theBorderSize_x * eY; drawsubpic(theOrigin, dX + dY, pic, '0 0 0', '0.25 0.25 0', theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + dX, width - 2 * dX + dY, pic, '0.25 0 0', '0.5 0.25 0', theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + width - dX, dX + dY, pic, '0.75 0 0', '0.25 0.25 0', theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + dY, dX + height - 2 * dY, pic, '0 0.25 0', '0.25 0.5 0', theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + dY + dX, width - 2 * dX + height - 2 * dY, pic, '0.25 0.25 0', '0.5 0.5 0', theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + dY + width - dX, dX + height - 2 * dY, pic, '0.75 0.25 0', '0.25 0.5 0', theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + height - dY, dX + dY, pic, '0 0.75 0', '0.25 0.25 0', theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + height - dY + dX, width - 2 * dX + dY, pic, '0.25 0.75 0', '0.5 0.25 0', theColor, theAlpha, 0); drawsubpic(theOrigin + height - dY + width - dX, dX + dY, pic, '0.75 0.75 0', '0.25 0.25 0', theColor, theAlpha, 0); } } } // drawpic wrapper to draw an image as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box void drawpic_aspect(vector pos, string pic, vector sz, vector color, float alpha, float drawflag) { vector imgsize; imgsize = drawgetimagesize(pic); float imgaspect; imgaspect = imgsize_x/imgsize_y; vector oldsz; oldsz = sz; float aspect; aspect = sz_x/sz_y; if(aspect > imgaspect) { sz_x = sz_y * imgaspect; drawpic(pos + eX * (oldsz_x - sz_x) * 0.5, pic, sz, color, alpha, drawflag); } else { sz_y = sz_x / imgaspect; drawpic(pos + eY * (oldsz_y - sz_y) * 0.5, pic, sz, color, alpha, drawflag); } } // draw HUD element with image from gfx/hud/hud_skin/foo.tga if it exists, otherwise gfx/hud/default/foo.tga void drawpic_skin(vector pos, string pic, vector sz, vector color, float alpha, float drawflag) { drawpic_aspect(pos, strcat("gfx/hud/", cvar_string("hud_skin"), "/", pic), sz, color, alpha, drawflag); } // TODO: aspect! void drawpic_skin_expanding(vector pos, string pic, vector sz, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag, float fadelerp) { drawpic_expanding(pos, strcat("gfx/hud/", cvar_string("hud_skin"), "/", pic), sz, rgb, alpha, flag, fadelerp); } void drawpic_skin_expanding_two(vector pos, string pic, vector sz, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag, float fadelerp) { drawpic_expanding_two(pos, strcat("gfx/hud/", cvar_string("hud_skin"), "/", pic), sz, rgb, alpha, flag, fadelerp); } // return HUD background color vector HUD_GetBgColor() { vector color; if (teamplay) GetTeamRGB(myteam) * hud_color_bg_team; else { // allow custom HUD colors in non-teamgames color_x = cvar("hud_color_bg_r"); color_y = cvar("hud_color_bg_g"); color_z = cvar("hud_color_bg_b"); } return color; } // return accuracy text color vector HUD_AccuracyColor(float accuracy) { vector rgb; float yellow_accuracy = cvar("hud_weaponicons_accuracy_yellow"); // value at which this function returns yellow if(accuracy >= 100) { rgb_x = 0; rgb_y = 1; } else if(accuracy > yellow_accuracy) { rgb_x = 1 - (accuracy-yellow_accuracy)/(100-yellow_accuracy); // red value between 1 -> 0 rgb_y = 1; } else { rgb_x = 1; rgb_y = accuracy/yellow_accuracy; // green value between 0 -> 1 } rgb_z = 0; return rgb; } // draw number in the XSCALE font void HUD_DrawXNum (vector pos, float num, float digits, float showsign, float lettersize, vector rgb, float highlighted, float stroke, float alpha, float dflags) { float l, i; string str, tmp, l_length; float minus, plus; vector vsize, num_color; vsize_x = vsize_y = lettersize; vsize_z = 0; // showsign 1: always prefix with minus sign (useful in race distribution display) // showsign 2: always prefix with plus sign (useful in race distribution display) // showsign 3: prefix with minus sign if negative, plus sign if positive (useful in score distribution display) if((showsign == 2 && num >= 0) || (num > 0 && showsign == 3)) { plus = true; pos_x -= lettersize; } else plus = false; if(num < 0 || (num < 0 && showsign == 3) || (showsign == 1 && num <= 0)) { minus = true; num = -num; pos_x -= lettersize; } else minus = false; if(digits < 0) { tmp = ftos(num); digits = -digits; str = strcat(substring("0000000000", 0, digits - strlen(tmp)), tmp); } else str = ftos(num); l = strlen(str); l_length = ftos(l); if(l > digits) { str = substring(str, l-digits, 999); l = strlen(str); } else if(l < digits) pos_x += (digits-l) * lettersize; if (highlighted == 1) { vector hl_size; hl_size_x = vsize_x * l + vsize_x * 0.2; hl_size_y = vsize_y * 1.1; hl_size_z = 0; if(minus) hl_size_x = hl_size_x + vsize_x; vector hl_pos; hl_pos_x = pos_x - lettersize/10; hl_pos_y = pos_y - lettersize/20; hl_pos_z = 0; drawpic_skin(hl_pos, strcat("num_leading_", l_length), hl_size, '1 1 1', alpha, dflags); } if (stroke == 1) num_color = '1 1 1'; else num_color = rgb; if(minus) { if (stroke == 1) drawpic_skin(pos, "num_minus_stroke", vsize, rgb, alpha, dflags); drawpic_skin(pos, "num_minus", vsize, num_color, alpha, dflags); pos_x += lettersize; } else if(plus) { if (stroke == 1) drawpic_skin(pos, "num_plus_stroke", vsize, rgb, alpha, dflags); drawpic_skin(pos, "num_plus", vsize, num_color, alpha, dflags); pos_x += lettersize; } for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { tmp = substring(str, i, 1); if (stroke == 1) drawpic_skin(pos, strcat("num_", tmp, "_stroke"), vsize, rgb, alpha, dflags); drawpic_skin(pos, strcat("num_", tmp), vsize, num_color, alpha, dflags); pos_x += lettersize; } } vector HUD_Get_Num_Color (float x, float maxvalue) { vector color; if(x > maxvalue) { color_x = 0; color_y = 1; color_z = 0; } else if(x > maxvalue * 0.75) { color_x = 0.4 - (x-150)*0.02 * 0.4; //red value between 0.4 -> 0 color_y = 0.9 + (x-150)*0.02 * 0.1; // green value between 0.9 -> 1 color_z = 0; } else if(x > maxvalue * 0.5) { color_x = 1 - (x-100)*0.02 * 0.6; //red value between 1 -> 0.4 color_y = 1 - (x-100)*0.02 * 0.1; // green value between 1 -> 0.9 color_z = 1 - (x-100)*0.02; // blue value between 1 -> 0 } else if(x > maxvalue * 0.25) { color_x = 1; color_y = 1; color_z = 0.2 + (x-50)*0.02 * 0.8; // blue value between 0.2 -> 1 } else if(x > maxvalue * 0.1) { color_x = 1; color_y = (x-20)*90/27/100; // green value between 0 -> 1 color_z = (x-20)*90/27/100 * 0.2; // blue value between 0 -> 0.2 } else { color_x = 1; color_y = 0; color_z = 0; } return color; } // color the number differently based on how big it is (used in the health/armor panel) void HUD_DrawXNum_Colored (vector pos, float x, float digits, float lettersize, float alpha) { vector color; color = HUD_Get_Num_Color (x, 200); HUD_DrawXNum(pos, x, digits, 0, lettersize, color, 0, 0, alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } float stringwidth_colors(string s, vector theSize) { return stringwidth(s, TRUE, theSize); } float stringwidth_nocolors(string s, vector theSize) { return stringwidth(s, FALSE, theSize); } #define CENTERPRINT_MAX_LINES 30 string centerprint_messages[CENTERPRINT_MAX_LINES]; float centerprint_width[CENTERPRINT_MAX_LINES]; vector centerprint_start; float centerprint_expire; float centerprint_num; float centerprint_offset_hint; vector centerprint_fontsize; void centerprint(string strMessage) { float i, j, n, hcount; string s; centerprint_fontsize = HUD_GetFontsize("scr_centersize"); centerprint_expire = min(centerprint_expire, time); // if any of the returns happens, this message will fade out if(cvar("scr_centertime") <= 0) return; if(strMessage == "") return; // strip trailing newlines j = strlen(strMessage) - 1; while(substring(strMessage, j, 1) == "\n" && j >= 0) j = j - 1; strMessage = substring(strMessage, 0, j + 1); if(strMessage == "") return; // strip leading newlines and remember them, they are a hint that the message should be lower on the screen j = 0; while(substring(strMessage, j, 1) == "\n" && j < strlen(strMessage)) j = j + 1; strMessage = substring(strMessage, j, strlen(strMessage) - j); centerprint_offset_hint = j; if(strMessage == "") return; // if we get here, we have a message. Initialize its height. centerprint_num = 0; n = tokenizebyseparator(strMessage, "\n"); i = hcount = 0; for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) { getWrappedLine_remaining = argv(j); while(getWrappedLine_remaining) { s = getWrappedLine(vid_conwidth * 0.75, centerprint_fontsize, stringwidth_colors); if(centerprint_messages[i]) strunzone(centerprint_messages[i]); centerprint_messages[i] = strzone(s); centerprint_width[i] = stringwidth(s, TRUE, centerprint_fontsize); ++i; // half height for empty lines looks better if(s == "") hcount += 0.5; else hcount += 1; if(i >= CENTERPRINT_MAX_LINES) break; } } float h, havail; h = centerprint_fontsize_y*hcount; havail = vid_conheight; if(cvar("con_chatpos") < 0) havail -= (-cvar("con_chatpos") + cvar("con_chat")) * cvar("con_chatsize"); // avoid overlapping chat if(havail > vid_conheight - 70) havail = vid_conheight - 70; // avoid overlapping HUD centerprint_start_x = 0; #if 0 float forbiddenmin, forbiddenmax, allowedmin, allowedmax, preferred; // here, the centerprint would cover the crosshair. REALLY BAD. forbiddenmin = vid_conheight * 0.5 - h - 16; forbiddenmax = vid_conheight * 0.5 + 16; allowedmin = scoreboard_bottom; allowedmax = havail - h; preferred = (havail - h)/2; // possible orderings (total: 4! / 4 = 6) // allowedmin allowedmax forbiddenmin forbiddenmax // forbiddenmin forbiddenmax allowedmin allowedmax if(allowedmax < forbiddenmin || allowedmin > forbiddenmax) { // forbidden doesn't matter in this case centerprint_start_y = bound(allowedmin, preferred, allowedmax); } // allowedmin forbiddenmin allowedmax forbiddenmax else if(allowedmin < forbiddenmin && allowedmax < forbiddenmax) { centerprint_start_y = bound(allowedmin, preferred, forbiddenmin); } // allowedmin forbiddenmin forbiddenmax allowedmax else if(allowedmin < forbiddenmin) { // make sure the forbidden zone is not covered if(preferred > (forbiddenmin + forbiddenmax) * 0.5) centerprint_start_y = bound(allowedmin, preferred, forbiddenmin); else centerprint_start_y = bound(forbiddenmax, preferred, allowedmin); } // forbiddenmin allowedmin allowedmax forbiddenmax else if(allowedmax < forbiddenmax) { // it's better to leave the allowed zone (overlap with scoreboard) than // to cover the forbidden zone (crosshair) if(preferred > (forbiddenmin + forbiddenmax) * 0.5) centerprint_start_y = forbiddenmax; else centerprint_start_y = forbiddenmin; } // forbiddenmin allowedmin forbiddenmax allowedmax else { centerprint_start_y = bound(forbiddenmax, preferred, allowedmax); } #else centerprint_start_y = min( max( max(scoreboard_bottom, vid_conheight * 0.5 + 16), (havail - h)/2 ), havail - h ); #endif centerprint_num = i; centerprint_expire = time + cvar("scr_centertime"); } void HUD_DrawCenterPrint (void) { float i; vector pos; string ts; float a; //if(time > centerprint_expire) // return; //a = bound(0, 1 - 2 * (time - centerprint_expire), 1); a = bound(0, 1 - 4 * (time - centerprint_expire), 1); //sz = 1.2 / (a + 0.2); if(a <= 0) return; pos = centerprint_start; for (i=0; i 0) { timestr = strcat("+", ftos_decimals(+mytime, TIME_DECIMALS)); col = "^1"; } else if(mytime == 0) { timestr = "+0.0"; col = "^3"; } else { timestr = strcat("-", ftos_decimals(-mytime, TIME_DECIMALS)); col = "^2"; } if(lapdelta > 0) { lapstr = strcat(" (-", ftos(lapdelta), "L)"); col = "^2"; } else if(lapdelta < 0) { lapstr = strcat(" (+", ftos(-lapdelta), "L)"); col = "^1"; } } else if(histime > 0) // anticipation { if(mytime >= histime) timestr = strcat("+", ftos_decimals(mytime - histime, TIME_DECIMALS)); else timestr = TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(TIME_ENCODE(histime)); col = "^3"; } else col = "^7"; if(cp == 254) cpname = "Start line"; else if(cp == 255) cpname = "Finish line"; else if(cp) cpname = strcat("Intermediate ", ftos(cp)); else cpname = "Finish line"; if(histime < 0) return strcat(col, cpname); else if(hisname == "") return strcat(col, cpname, " (", timestr, ")"); else return strcat(col, cpname, " (", timestr, " ", strcat(hisname, col, lapstr), ")"); } // Check if the given name already exist in race rankings? In that case, where? (otherwise return 0) float race_CheckName(string net_name) { float i; for (i=RANKINGS_CNT-1;i>=0;--i) if(grecordholder[i] == net_name) return i+1; return 0; } /* ================== HUD panels ================== */ // Save the config void HUD_Panel_ExportCfg(string cfgname) { float fh; fh = fopen(strcat("hud_", cvar_string("hud_skin"), "_", cfgname, ".cfg"), FILE_WRITE); if(fh >= 0) { fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_skin \"", cvar_string("hud_skin"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_bg \"", cvar_string("hud_bg"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_bg_color \"", cvar_string("hud_bg_color"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_bg_color_team \"", cvar_string("hud_bg_color_team"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_bg_alpha \"", cvar_string("hud_bg_alpha"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_bg_border \"", cvar_string("hud_bg_border"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_bg_padding \"", cvar_string("hud_bg_padding"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_fg_alpha \"", cvar_string("hud_fg_alpha"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, "\n"); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_dock \"", cvar_string("hud_dock"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_dock_color \"", cvar_string("hud_dock_color"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_dock_color_team \"", cvar_string("hud_dock_color_team"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_dock_alpha \"", ftos(cvar("hud_dock_alpha")), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, "\n"); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_alpha ", ftos(cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha")), "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_strength_color \"", cvar_string("hud_progressbar_strength_color"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_shield_color \"", cvar_string("hud_progressbar_shield_color"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_health_color \"", cvar_string("hud_progressbar_health_color"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_armor_color \"", cvar_string("hud_progressbar_armor_color"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_fuel_color \"", cvar_string("hud_progressbar_fuel_color"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_nexball_color \"", cvar_string("hud_progressbar_nexball_color"), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, "\n"); // common cvars for all panels float i; for (i = 0; i < HUD_PANEL_NUM; ++i) { fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), " ", ftos(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i)))), "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_pos \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_pos")), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_size \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_size")), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg")), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg_color \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg_color")), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg_color_team \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg_color_team")), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg_alpha \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg_alpha")), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg_border \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg_border")), "\"", "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg_padding \"", cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_bg_padding")), "\"", "\n")); switch(i) { case 0: fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_accuracy_yellow ", ftos(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_accuracy_yellow"))), "\n")); break; case 1: fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_onlycurrent ", ftos(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_onlycurrent"))), "\n")); break; case 2: fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_flip ", ftos(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_flip"))), "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_mirror ", ftos(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_mirror"))), "\n")); break; case 3: fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_flip ", ftos(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_flip"))), "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_mirror ", ftos(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_mirror"))), "\n")); break; case 4: fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_flip ", ftos(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_flip"))), "\n")); fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_info_top ", ftos(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_info_top"))), "\n")); break; case 6: fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_foreground_alpha ", ftos(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_foreground_alpha"))), "\n")); case 9: fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_alreadyvoted_alpha ", ftos(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(i), "_alreadyvoted_alpha"))), "\n")); break; } fputs(fh, "\n"); } print("^2Successfully exported to hud_", cvar_string("hud_skin"), "_", cfgname, ".cfg! (Note: It's saved in data/data/)\n"); } fclose(fh); } // return active status of panel float HUD_Panel_CheckActive(float id) { if (cvar_or(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id)), 1)) return 1; return 0; } // return size of given panel vector HUD_Panel_GetSize(float id) { vector mySize; mySize = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_size"))); mySize = eX * mySize_x * vid_conwidth + eY * mySize_y * vid_conheight; if(disable_menu_alphacheck == 2 && id == highlightedPanel) { vector menu_enable_maxsize, menu_enable_size; menu_enable_maxsize = '0 0 0'; // shut up FTEQCC menu_enable_maxsize_x = 0.3 * vid_conwidth; menu_enable_maxsize_y = 0.18 * vid_conheight; if(mySize_x > mySize_y) { if(mySize_y > menu_enable_maxsize_y) { menu_enable_size_y = menu_enable_maxsize_y; menu_enable_size_x = mySize_x * (menu_enable_maxsize_y/mySize_y); mySize = (1 - cvar("_menu_alpha")) * mySize + (cvar("_menu_alpha")) * menu_enable_size; } } else { if(mySize_x > menu_enable_maxsize_x) { menu_enable_size_x = menu_enable_maxsize_x; menu_enable_size_y = mySize_y * (menu_enable_maxsize_x/mySize_x); mySize = (1 - cvar("_menu_alpha")) * mySize + (cvar("_menu_alpha")) * menu_enable_size; } } } return mySize; } // return pos of given panel vector HUD_Panel_GetPos(float id) { vector pos; pos = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_pos"))); pos = eX * pos_x * vid_conwidth + eY * pos_y * vid_conheight; if(disable_menu_alphacheck == 2 && id == highlightedPanel) { vector mySize, menu_enable_panelpos; mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); if(mySize_x > mySize_y) menu_enable_panelpos = eX * 0.5 * vid_conwidth - eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * 0.82 * vid_conheight; else menu_enable_panelpos = eY * 0.5 * vid_conheight - eY * 0.5 * mySize_y + eX * 0.7 * vid_conwidth; pos = (1 - cvar("_menu_alpha")) * pos + (cvar("_menu_alpha")) * menu_enable_panelpos; } return pos; } float HUD_Panel_GetBorder(float id) { string border; border = cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_border")); if(border == "") border = cvar_string("hud_bg_border"); return stof(border); } vector HUD_Panel_GetColor(float id) { float f; vector color_vec; string color; // fetch per-panel color if(teamplay && cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_color_team")) != "") { f = stof(getplayerkey(self.sv_entnum, "colors")); color = vtos(colormapPaletteColor(mod(f, 16), 1) * cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_color_team"))); } else color = cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_color")); color_vec = stov(color); if(color == "") { // fetch default color color = cvar_string("hud_bg_color"); color_vec = stov(color); if(teamplay && cvar(strcat("hud_bg_color_team"))) { f = stof(getplayerkey(self.sv_entnum, "colors")); color_vec = colormapPaletteColor(mod(f, 16), 1) * cvar("hud_bg_color_team"); } else if(color == "shirt") { f = stof(getplayerkey(self.sv_entnum, "colors")); color_vec = colormapPaletteColor(floor(f / 16), 0); } else if(color == "pants") { f = stof(getplayerkey(self.sv_entnum, "colors")); color_vec = colormapPaletteColor(mod(f, 16), 1); } } else if(color == "shirt") { f = stof(getplayerkey(self.sv_entnum, "colors")); color_vec = colormapPaletteColor(floor(f / 16), 0); } else if(color == "pants") { f = stof(getplayerkey(self.sv_entnum, "colors")); color_vec = colormapPaletteColor(mod(f, 16), 1); } return color_vec; } vector HUD_Panel_Dock_GetColor(void) { float f; vector color_vec; string color; color = cvar_string("hud_dock_color"); color_vec = stov(color); if(teamplay && cvar(strcat("hud_dock_color_team"))) { f = stof(getplayerkey(self.sv_entnum, "colors")); color_vec = colormapPaletteColor(mod(f, 16), 1) * cvar("hud_dock_color_team"); } else if(color == "shirt") { f = stof(getplayerkey(self.sv_entnum, "colors")); color_vec = colormapPaletteColor(floor(f / 16), 0); } else if(color == "pants") { f = stof(getplayerkey(self.sv_entnum, "colors")); color_vec = colormapPaletteColor(mod(f, 16), 1); } return color_vec; } float HUD_Panel_GetBgAlpha(float id) { string alpha; alpha = cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_alpha")); if(alpha == "") alpha = cvar_string("hud_bg_alpha"); if(hud_configure && disable_menu_alphacheck == 2 && highlightedPanel == id) // do not set a minalpha cap when showing the config dialog for this panel alpha = ftos((1 - cvar("_menu_alpha")) * max(cvar("hud_configure_bg_minalpha"), stof(alpha)) + (cvar("_menu_alpha")) * stof(alpha)); else if(hud_configure) alpha = ftos(max(cvar("hud_configure_bg_minalpha"), stof(alpha))); if(hud_configure && !cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id)))) // ALWAYS show disabled panels at 0.25 alpha when in config mode return 0.25; if(disable_menu_alphacheck == 2 && highlightedPanel == id) // don't fade this panel when showing the panel-specific menu dialog return stof(alpha); else return stof(alpha) * menu_fade_alpha; } float HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(float id) { float alpha; alpha = hud_fg_alpha; if(hud_configure && !cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id)))) // ALWAYS show disabled panels at 0.25 alpha when in config mode return 0.25; if(disable_menu_alphacheck == 2 && highlightedPanel == id) // don't fade this panel when showing the panel-specific menu dialog return alpha; else return alpha * menu_fade_alpha; } float HUD_Panel_GetPadding(float id) { string padding; padding = cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding")); if(padding == "") padding = cvar_string("hud_bg_padding"); vector mySize; mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); float smallestsize; smallestsize = min(mySize_x, mySize_y); return min(smallestsize/2 - 5, stof(padding)); } // draw the background/borders void HUD_Panel_DrawBg(float id, vector pos, vector mySize, float alpha) { if(!hud_configure && cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg")) == "0") return; string bg; bg = cvar_string(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg")); if(bg == "") bg = cvar_string("hud_bg"); if(bg == "0" && hud_configure) { bg = "border"; // we probably want to see a background in config mode at all times... } if(bg != "0") { float border; border = max(0.0000001, HUD_Panel_GetBorder(id)); // draw_BorderPicture does not like border = 0 vector color; color = HUD_Panel_GetColor(id); if(alpha) alpha = HUD_Panel_GetBgAlpha(id) * alpha; // allow panels to fade in/out by passing an alpha value else alpha = HUD_Panel_GetBgAlpha(id); draw_BorderPicture(pos - '1 1 0' * border, strcat("gfx/hud/", cvar_string("hud_skin"), "/", bg), mySize + '1 1 0' * 2 * border, color, alpha, '1 1 0' * (border/BORDER_MULTIPLIER)); } } void HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(vector pos, float vertical, vector mySize, vector color, float alpha, float drawflag) { //float drawsubpic(vector position, vector size, string pic, vector srcPosition, vector srcSize, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #328; string pic; pic = strcat("gfx/hud/", cvar_string("hud_skin"), "/"); if(vertical) { drawsubpic(pos, eY * min(mySize_y * 0.5, mySize_x) + eX * mySize_x, strcat(pic, "statusbar_vertical"), '0 0 0', '1 0.25 0', color, alpha, drawflag); if(mySize_y/mySize_x > 2) drawsubpic(pos + eY * mySize_x, eY * (mySize_y - 2 * mySize_x) + eX * mySize_x, strcat(pic, "statusbar_vertical"), '0 0.25 0', '1 0.5 0', color, alpha, drawflag); drawsubpic(pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * min(mySize_y * 0.5, mySize_x), eY * min(mySize_y * 0.5, mySize_x) + eX * mySize_x, strcat(pic, "statusbar_vertical"), '0 0.75 0', '1 0.25 0', color, alpha, drawflag); } else { drawsubpic(pos, eX * min(mySize_x * 0.5, mySize_y) + eY * mySize_y, strcat(pic, "statusbar"), '0 0 0', '0.25 1 0', color, alpha, drawflag); if(mySize_x/mySize_y > 2) drawsubpic(pos + eX * mySize_y, eX * (mySize_x - 2 * mySize_y) + eY * mySize_y, strcat(pic, "statusbar"), '0.25 0 0', '0.5 1 0', color, alpha, drawflag); drawsubpic(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * min(mySize_x * 0.5, mySize_y), eX * min(mySize_x * 0.5, mySize_y) + eY * mySize_y, strcat(pic, "statusbar"), '0.75 0 0', '0.25 1 0', color, alpha, drawflag); } } vector HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(string item) { return stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_progressbar_", item, "_color"))); } // check if move will result in panel being moved into another panel. If so, return snapped vector, otherwise return the given vector vector HUD_Panel_CheckMove(float id, vector myPos, vector mySize) { float i; vector myTarget; myTarget = myPos; vector targPos; vector targSize; vector myCenter; vector targCenter; myCenter = '0 0 0'; // shut up fteqcc, there IS a reference targCenter = '0 0 0'; // shut up fteqcc, there IS a reference for (i = 0; i < HUD_PANEL_NUM; ++i) { if(i == id || !HUD_Panel_CheckActive(i)) continue; targPos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(i) - '1 1 0' * HUD_Panel_GetBorder(id); targSize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(i) + '2 2 0' * HUD_Panel_GetBorder(id); if(myPos_y + mySize_y < targPos_y) continue; if(myPos_y > targPos_y + targSize_y) continue; if(myPos_x + mySize_x < targPos_x) continue; if(myPos_x > targPos_x + targSize_x) continue; // OK, there IS a collision. myCenter_x = myPos_x + 0.5 * mySize_x; myCenter_y = myPos_y + 0.5 * mySize_y; targCenter_x = targPos_x + 0.5 * targSize_x; targCenter_y = targPos_y + 0.5 * targSize_y; if(myCenter_x < targCenter_x && myCenter_y < targCenter_y) // top left (of the target panel) { if(myPos_x + mySize_x - targPos_x < myPos_y + mySize_y - targPos_y) // push it to the side myTarget_x = targPos_x - mySize_x; else // push it upwards myTarget_y = targPos_y - mySize_y; } else if(myCenter_x > targCenter_x && myCenter_y < targCenter_y) // top right { if(targPos_x + targSize_x - myPos_x < myPos_y + mySize_y - targPos_y) // push it to the side myTarget_x = targPos_x + targSize_x; else // push it upwards myTarget_y = targPos_y - mySize_y; } else if(myCenter_x < targCenter_x && myCenter_y > targCenter_y) // bottom left { if(myPos_x + mySize_x - targPos_x < targPos_y + targSize_y - myPos_y) // push it to the side myTarget_x = targPos_x - mySize_x; else // push it downwards myTarget_y = targPos_y + targSize_y; } else if(myCenter_x > targCenter_x && myCenter_y > targCenter_y) // bottom right { if(targPos_x + targSize_x - myPos_x < targPos_y + targSize_y - myPos_y) // push it to the side myTarget_x = targPos_x + targSize_x; else // push it downwards myTarget_y = targPos_y + targSize_y; } } return myTarget; } void HUD_Panel_SetPos(float id, vector pos) { vector oldPos; oldPos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); vector mySize; mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); if(hud_configure_checkcollisions) pos = HUD_Panel_CheckMove(id, pos, mySize); pos_x = bound(0, pos_x, vid_conwidth - mySize_x); pos_y = bound(0, pos_y, vid_conheight - mySize_y); if(cvar("hud_configure_grid")) { pos_x = floor((pos_x/vid_conwidth)/bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_x"), 0.2) + 0.5) * bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_x"), 0.2) * vid_conwidth; pos_y = floor((pos_y/vid_conheight)/bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_y"), 0.2) + 0.5) * bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_y"), 0.2) * vid_conheight; } string s; s = strcat(ftos(pos_x/vid_conwidth), " ", ftos(pos_y/vid_conheight)); cvar_set(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_pos"), s); } // check if resize will result in panel being moved into another panel. If so, return snapped vector, otherwise return the given vector vector HUD_Panel_CheckResize(float id, vector mySize, vector resizeorigin) { float i; float targBorder; vector targPos; vector targSize; vector targEndPos; vector dist; float ratio; ratio = mySize_x/mySize_y; for (i = 0; i < HUD_PANEL_NUM; ++i) { if(i == id || !HUD_Panel_CheckActive(i)) continue; targBorder = HUD_Panel_GetBorder(i); targPos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(i) - '1 1 0' * targBorder; targSize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(i) + '2 2 0' * targBorder; targEndPos = targPos + targSize; // resizeorigin is WITHIN target panel, just abort any collision testing against that particular panel to produce expected behaviour! if(resizeorigin_x > targPos_x && resizeorigin_x < targEndPos_x && resizeorigin_y > targPos_y && resizeorigin_y < targEndPos_y) continue; if (resizeCorner == 1) { // check if this panel is on our way if (resizeorigin_x <= targPos_x) continue; if (resizeorigin_y <= targPos_y) continue; if (targEndPos_x <= resizeorigin_x - mySize_x) continue; if (targEndPos_y <= resizeorigin_y - mySize_y) continue; // there is a collision: // detect which side of the panel we are facing is actually limiting the resizing // (which side the resize direction finds for first) and reduce the size up to there // // dist is the distance between resizeorigin and the "analogous" point of the panel // in this case resizeorigin (bottom-right point) and the bottom-right point of the panel dist_x = resizeorigin_x - targEndPos_x; dist_y = resizeorigin_y - targEndPos_y; if (dist_y < 0 || dist_x / dist_y > ratio) mySize_x = min(mySize_x, dist_x); else mySize_y = min(mySize_y, dist_y); } else if (resizeCorner == 2) { if (resizeorigin_x >= targEndPos_x) continue; if (resizeorigin_y <= targPos_y) continue; if (targPos_x >= resizeorigin_x + mySize_x) continue; if (targEndPos_y <= resizeorigin_y - mySize_y) continue; dist_x = targPos_x - resizeorigin_x; dist_y = resizeorigin_y - targEndPos_y; if (dist_y < 0 || dist_x / dist_y > ratio) mySize_x = min(mySize_x, dist_x); else mySize_y = min(mySize_y, dist_y); } else if (resizeCorner == 3) { if (resizeorigin_x <= targPos_x) continue; if (resizeorigin_y >= targEndPos_y) continue; if (targEndPos_x <= resizeorigin_x - mySize_x) continue; if (targPos_y >= resizeorigin_y + mySize_y) continue; dist_x = resizeorigin_x - targEndPos_x; dist_y = targPos_y - resizeorigin_y; if (dist_y < 0 || dist_x / dist_y > ratio) mySize_x = min(mySize_x, dist_x); else mySize_y = min(mySize_y, dist_y); } else if (resizeCorner == 4) { if (resizeorigin_x >= targEndPos_x) continue; if (resizeorigin_y >= targEndPos_y) continue; if (targPos_x >= resizeorigin_x + mySize_x) continue; if (targPos_y >= resizeorigin_y + mySize_y) continue; dist_x = targPos_x - resizeorigin_x; dist_y = targPos_y - resizeorigin_y; if (dist_y < 0 || dist_x / dist_y > ratio) mySize_x = min(mySize_x, dist_x); else mySize_y = min(mySize_y, dist_y); } if(cvar("hud_configure_checkcollisions_debug")) drawfill(targPos + '1 1 0' * targBorder, targSize - '2 2 0' * targBorder, '1 1 0', .3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } return mySize; } void HUD_Panel_SetPosSize(float id, vector mySize) { vector resizeorigin; resizeorigin = panel_click_resizeorigin; vector myPos; // minimum panel size cap mySize_x = max(0.025 * vid_conwidth, mySize_x); mySize_y = max(0.025 * vid_conheight, mySize_y); if(id == 12) // some panels have their own restrictions, like the chat panel (which actually only moves the engine chat print around). Looks bad if it's too small. { mySize_x = max(17 * cvar("con_chatsize"), mySize_x); mySize_y = max(2 * cvar("con_chatsize") + 2 * HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id), mySize_y); } // collision testing| // -----------------+ // we need to know pos at this stage, but it might still change later if we hit a screen edge/other panel (?) if(resizeCorner == 1) { myPos_x = resizeorigin_x - mySize_x; myPos_y = resizeorigin_y - mySize_y; } else if(resizeCorner == 2) { myPos_x = resizeorigin_x; myPos_y = resizeorigin_y - mySize_y; } else if(resizeCorner == 3) { myPos_x = resizeorigin_x - mySize_x; myPos_y = resizeorigin_y; } else { // resizeCorner == 4 myPos_x = resizeorigin_x; myPos_y = resizeorigin_y; } // left/top screen edges if(myPos_x < 0) mySize_x = mySize_x + myPos_x; if(myPos_y < 0) mySize_y = mySize_y + myPos_y; // bottom/right screen edges if(myPos_x + mySize_x > vid_conwidth) mySize_x = vid_conwidth - myPos_x; if(myPos_y + mySize_y > vid_conheight) mySize_y = vid_conheight - myPos_y; if(cvar("hud_configure_checkcollisions_debug")) drawfill(myPos, mySize, '1 1 1', .2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // before checkresize, otherwise panel can be snapped partially inside another panel or panel aspect ratio can be broken if(cvar("hud_configure_grid")) { mySize_x = floor((mySize_x/vid_conwidth)/bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_x"), 0.2) + 0.5) * bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_x"), 0.2) * vid_conwidth; mySize_y = floor((mySize_y/vid_conheight)/bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_y"), 0.2) + 0.5) * bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_y"), 0.2) * vid_conheight; } if(hud_configure_checkcollisions) mySize = HUD_Panel_CheckResize(id, mySize, resizeorigin); // minimum panel size cap, do this once more so we NEVER EVER EVER have a panel smaller than this, JUST IN CASE above code still makes the panel eg negative (impossible to resize back without changing cvars manually then) mySize_x = max(0.025 * vid_conwidth, mySize_x); mySize_y = max(0.025 * vid_conheight, mySize_y); // do another pos check, as size might have changed by now if(resizeCorner == 1) { myPos_x = resizeorigin_x - mySize_x; myPos_y = resizeorigin_y - mySize_y; } else if(resizeCorner == 2) { myPos_x = resizeorigin_x; myPos_y = resizeorigin_y - mySize_y; } else if(resizeCorner == 3) { myPos_x = resizeorigin_x - mySize_x; myPos_y = resizeorigin_y; } else { // resizeCorner == 4 myPos_x = resizeorigin_x; myPos_y = resizeorigin_y; } if(cvar("hud_configure_checkcollisions_debug")) drawfill(myPos, mySize, '0 1 0', .3, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); string s; s = strcat(ftos(mySize_x/vid_conwidth), " ", ftos(mySize_y/vid_conheight)); cvar_set(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_size"), s); s = strcat(ftos(myPos_x/vid_conwidth), " ", ftos(myPos_y/vid_conheight)); cvar_set(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_pos"), s); } float pressed_key_time; void HUD_Panel_Arrow_Action(float nPrimary) { if (highlightedPanel_prev == -1) return; hud_configure_checkcollisions = (!(hudShiftState & S_CTRL) && cvar("hud_configure_checkcollisions")); float step; if (nPrimary == K_UPARROW || nPrimary == K_DOWNARROW) step = vid_conheight; else step = vid_conwidth; if (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT) step = (step / 256); // more precision else step = (step / 64) * (1 + 2 * (time - pressed_key_time)); highlightedPanel = highlightedPanel_prev; if (hudShiftState & S_ALT) // resize { highlightedAction = 1; if(nPrimary == K_UPARROW) resizeCorner = 1; else if(nPrimary == K_RIGHTARROW) resizeCorner = 2; else if(nPrimary == K_LEFTARROW) resizeCorner = 3; else // if(nPrimary == K_DOWNARROW) resizeCorner = 4; // ctrl+arrow reduces the size, instead of increasing it // Note that ctrl disables collisions check too, but it's fine // since we don't collide with anything reducing the size if (hudShiftState & S_CTRL) { step = -step; resizeCorner = 5 - resizeCorner; } vector mySize; mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(highlightedPanel); panel_click_resizeorigin = HUD_Panel_GetPos(highlightedPanel); if(resizeCorner == 1) { panel_click_resizeorigin += mySize; mySize_y += step; } else if(resizeCorner == 2) { panel_click_resizeorigin_y += mySize_y; mySize_x += step; } else if(resizeCorner == 3) { panel_click_resizeorigin_x += mySize_x; mySize_x += step; } else { // resizeCorner == 4 mySize_y += step; } HUD_Panel_SetPosSize(highlightedPanel, mySize); } else // move { highlightedAction = 2; vector pos; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(highlightedPanel); if(nPrimary == K_UPARROW) pos_y -= step; else if(nPrimary == K_DOWNARROW) pos_y += step; else if(nPrimary == K_LEFTARROW) pos_x -= step; else // if(nPrimary == K_RIGHTARROW) pos_x += step; HUD_Panel_SetPos(highlightedPanel, pos); } } float mouseClicked; float prevMouseClicked; // previous state float prevMouseClickedTime; // time during previous mouse click, to check for doubleclicks vector prevMouseClickedPos; // pos during previous mouse click, to check for doubleclicks float menu_enabled; float menu_enabled_time; float HUD_Panel_InputEvent(float bInputType, float nPrimary, float nSecondary) { if(!hud_configure) return false; // allow console bind to work string con_keys; float keys; con_keys = findkeysforcommand("toggleconsole"); keys = tokenize(con_keys); float hit_con_bind, i; for (i = 0; i < keys; ++i) { if(nPrimary == stof(argv(i))) hit_con_bind = 1; } if(bInputType == 0) { if(nPrimary == K_ALT) hudShiftState |= S_ALT; if(nPrimary == K_CTRL) hudShiftState |= S_CTRL; if(nPrimary == K_SHIFT) hudShiftState |= S_SHIFT; } else if(bInputType == 1) { if(nPrimary == K_ALT) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_ALT); if(nPrimary == K_CTRL) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_CTRL); if(nPrimary == K_SHIFT) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT); } if(nPrimary == K_MOUSE1) { if(bInputType == 0) { // key pressed mouseClicked = 1; return true; } else if(bInputType == 1) {// key released mouseClicked = 0; return true; } } else if(nPrimary == K_ESCAPE) { if (bInputType == 1) return true; disable_menu_alphacheck = 1; menu_enabled = 1; menu_enabled_time = time; localcmd("menu_showhudexit\n"); } else if(nPrimary == K_UPARROW || nPrimary == K_DOWNARROW || nPrimary == K_LEFTARROW || nPrimary == K_RIGHTARROW) { if (bInputType == 1) { pressed_key_time = 0; return true; } else if (pressed_key_time == 0) pressed_key_time = time; HUD_Panel_Arrow_Action(nPrimary); //move or resize panel } else if(hit_con_bind) return false; return true; // Suppress ALL other input } void HUD_Panel_Highlight() { float i, border; vector panelPos; vector panelSize; for(i = 0; i < HUD_PANEL_NUM; ++i) { panelPos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(i); panelSize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(i); border = HUD_Panel_GetBorder(i); // move if(mousepos_x >= panelPos_x && mousepos_y >= panelPos_y && mousepos_x <= panelPos_x + panelSize_x && mousepos_y <= panelPos_y + panelSize_y) { highlightedPanel = i; highlightedAction = 1; panel_click_distance = mousepos - panelPos; return; } // resize from topleft border else if(mousepos_x >= panelPos_x - border && mousepos_y >= panelPos_y - border && mousepos_x <= panelPos_x + 0.5 * panelSize_x && mousepos_y <= panelPos_y + 0.5 * panelSize_y) { highlightedPanel = i; highlightedAction = 2; resizeCorner = 1; panel_click_distance = mousepos - panelPos; panel_click_resizeorigin = panelPos + panelSize; return; } // resize from topright border else if(mousepos_x >= panelPos_x + 0.5 * panelSize_x && mousepos_y >= panelPos_y - border && mousepos_x <= panelPos_x + panelSize_x + border && mousepos_y <= panelPos_y + 0.5 * panelSize_y) { highlightedPanel = i; highlightedAction = 2; resizeCorner = 2; panel_click_distance_x = panelSize_x - mousepos_x + panelPos_x; panel_click_distance_y = mousepos_y - panelPos_y; panel_click_resizeorigin = panelPos + eY * panelSize_y; return; } // resize from bottomleft border else if(mousepos_x >= panelPos_x - border && mousepos_y >= panelPos_y + 0.5 * panelSize_y && mousepos_x <= panelPos_x + 0.5 * panelSize_x && mousepos_y <= panelPos_y + panelSize_y + border) { highlightedPanel = i; highlightedAction = 2; resizeCorner = 3; panel_click_distance_x = mousepos_x - panelPos_x; panel_click_distance_y = panelSize_y - mousepos_y + panelPos_y; panel_click_resizeorigin = panelPos + eX * panelSize_x; return; } // resize from bottomright border else if(mousepos_x >= panelPos_x + 0.5 * panelSize_x && mousepos_y >= panelPos_y + 0.5 * panelSize_y && mousepos_x <= panelPos_x + panelSize_x + border && mousepos_y <= panelPos_y + panelSize_y + border) { highlightedPanel = i; highlightedAction = 2; resizeCorner = 4; panel_click_distance = panelSize - mousepos + panelPos; panel_click_resizeorigin = panelPos; return; } } } void HUD_Panel_Mouse() { // TODO: needs better check... is there any float that contains the current state of the menu? _menu_alpha isn't apparently updated the frame the menu gets enabled if (menu_enabled == 0) // menu dialog closed, enable normal alpha stuff again disable_menu_alphacheck = 0; if (cvar("_menu_alpha") == 0 && time - menu_enabled_time > 0.5) menu_enabled = 0; /* print("Disable menu_alphacheck: ", ftos(disable_menu_alphacheck), "\n"); print("Highlighted: ", ftos(highlightedPanel), "\n"); print("Menu alpha: ", cvar_string("_menu_alpha"), "\n"); */ if(mouseClicked == 0 && disable_menu_alphacheck != 2 && highlightedPanel >= 0) { // don't reset these variables in disable_menu_alphacheck mode 2! highlightedPanel_prev = highlightedPanel; highlightedPanel = -1; highlightedAction = 0; } mousepos = mousepos + getmousepos(); mousepos_x = bound(0, mousepos_x, vid_conwidth); mousepos_y = bound(0, mousepos_y, vid_conheight); drawpic(mousepos, strcat("gfx/menu/", cvar_string("menu_skin"), "/cursor.tga"), '32 32 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(mouseClicked) { if(prevMouseClicked == 0) HUD_Panel_Highlight(); // sets highlightedPanel, highlightedAction, panel_click_distance, panel_click_resizeorigin hud_configure_checkcollisions = (!(hudShiftState & S_CTRL) && cvar("hud_configure_checkcollisions")); if(highlightedAction == 1) HUD_Panel_SetPos(highlightedPanel, mousepos - panel_click_distance); else if(highlightedAction == 2) { vector mySize; if(resizeCorner == 1) { mySize_x = panel_click_resizeorigin_x - (mousepos_x - panel_click_distance_x); mySize_y = panel_click_resizeorigin_y - (mousepos_y - panel_click_distance_y); } else if(resizeCorner == 2) { mySize_x = mousepos_x + panel_click_distance_x - panel_click_resizeorigin_x; mySize_y = panel_click_distance_y + panel_click_resizeorigin_y - mousepos_y; } else if(resizeCorner == 3) { mySize_x = panel_click_resizeorigin_x + panel_click_distance_x - mousepos_x; mySize_y = mousepos_y + panel_click_distance_y - panel_click_resizeorigin_y; } else { // resizeCorner == 4 mySize_x = mousepos_x - (panel_click_resizeorigin_x - panel_click_distance_x); mySize_y = mousepos_y - (panel_click_resizeorigin_y - panel_click_distance_y); } HUD_Panel_SetPosSize(highlightedPanel, mySize); } // doubleclick check if(time - prevMouseClickedTime < 0.4 && prevMouseClicked == 0 && prevMouseClickedPos == mousepos && highlightedPanel >= 0) { mouseClicked = 0; // to prevent spam, I guess. disable_menu_alphacheck = 2; menu_enabled = 1; menu_enabled_time = time; localcmd("menu_showhudoptions ", ftos(highlightedPanel), "\n"); return; } if(prevMouseClicked == 0) { prevMouseClickedTime = time; prevMouseClickedPos = mousepos; } } prevMouseClicked = mouseClicked; } // Weapon icons (#0) // float weaponspace[10]; void HUD_WeaponIcons_Clear() { float idx; for(idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx) weaponspace[idx] = 0; } entity weaponorder[WEP_MAXCOUNT]; void weaponorder_swap(float i, float j, entity pass) { entity h; h = weaponorder[i]; weaponorder[i] = weaponorder[j]; weaponorder[j] = h; } string weaponorder_cmp_str; float weaponorder_cmp(float i, float j, entity pass) { float ai, aj; ai = strstrofs(weaponorder_cmp_str, sprintf(" %d ", weaponorder[i].weapon), 0); aj = strstrofs(weaponorder_cmp_str, sprintf(" %d ", weaponorder[j].weapon), 0); return aj - ai; // the string is in REVERSE order (higher prio at the right is what we want, but higher prio first is the string) } void HUD_WeaponIcons(void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_WEAPONICONS; float alpha, stat_weapons; // "constants" vector pos, mySize, accuracy_color; float i, weapid, fade, weapon_stats, weapon_hit, weapon_damage, weapon_cnt; // variables pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); stat_weapons = getstati(STAT_WEAPONS); for(i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i) { self = get_weaponinfo(i); if(self.impulse >= 0) { weaponorder[weapon_cnt] = self; ++weapon_cnt; } } // TODO make this configurable weaponorder_cmp_str = strcat(" ", weaponorder_byimpulse, " "); heapsort(weapon_cnt, weaponorder_swap, weaponorder_cmp, world); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } // hits weapon_stats = getstati(STAT_DAMAGE_HITS); weapon_number = weapon_stats & 63; weapon_hits[weapon_number-WEP_FIRST] = floor(weapon_stats / 64); // fired weapon_stats = getstati(STAT_DAMAGE_FIRED); weapon_number = weapon_stats & 63; weapon_fired[weapon_number-WEP_FIRST] = floor(weapon_stats / 64); if(cvar_or("hud_weaponicons_fade", 1)) { fade = 3.2 - 2 * (time - weapontime); fade = bound(0.7, fade, 1); } else fade = 1; HUD_WeaponIcons_Clear(); float rows, columns; rows = mySize_y/mySize_x; rows = bound(1, floor((sqrt(4 * (2/1) * rows * WEP_COUNT + rows * rows) + rows + 0.5) / 2), WEP_COUNT); // ^^^ weapon icon aspect goes here columns = ceil(WEP_COUNT/rows); float row, column; for(i = 0; i < weapon_cnt; ++i) { self = weaponorder[i]; weapid = self.impulse; alpha = (self.weapon == activeweapon) ? 1 : 0.6; weapon_hit = weapon_hits[self.weapon-WEP_FIRST]; weapon_damage = weapon_fired[self.weapon-WEP_FIRST]; // draw background behind currently selected weapon if(self.weapon == activeweapon) drawpic_skin(pos + eX * column * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * row * mySize_y*(1/rows), "weapon_current_bg", eX * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * mySize_y*(1/rows), '1 1 1', fade * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // draw the weapon accuracy on the HUD if(hud_accuracy_hud && !(gametype == GAME_RACE || gametype == GAME_CTS)) { if(weapon_damage) weapon_stats = floor(100 * weapon_hit / weapon_damage); accuracy_color = HUD_AccuracyColor(weapon_stats); if(weapon_damage) drawpic_skin(pos + eX * column * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * row * mySize_y*(1/rows), "weapon_accuracy", eX * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * mySize_y*(1/rows), accuracy_color, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // draw the weapon icon if((self.impulse >= 0) && (stat_weapons & self.weapons)) { drawpic_skin(pos + eX * column * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * row * mySize_y*(1/rows), strcat("weapon", self.netname), eX * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * mySize_y*(1/rows), '1 1 1', fade * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(cvar_or("hud_weaponicons_number", 1)) drawstring(pos + eX * column * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * row * mySize_y*(1/rows), ftos(weapid), '1 1 0' * 0.5 * mySize_y*(1/rows), '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic_skin(pos + eX * column * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * row * mySize_y*(1/rows), strcat("weapon", self.netname), eX * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * mySize_y*(1/rows), '0 0 0', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } ++row; if(row >= rows) { row = 0; ++column; } } } // Inventory (#1) // float GetAmmoStat(float i) { switch(i) { case 0: return STAT_SHELLS; case 1: return STAT_NAILS; case 2: return STAT_ROCKETS; case 3: return STAT_CELLS; case 4: return STAT_FUEL; default: return -1; } } float GetAmmoItemCode(float i) { switch(i) { case 0: return IT_SHELLS; case 1: return IT_NAILS; case 2: return IT_ROCKETS; case 3: return IT_CELLS; case 4: return IT_FUEL; default: return -1; } } string GetAmmoPicture(float i) { switch(i) { case 0: return "ammo_shells"; case 1: return "ammo_bullets"; case 2: return "ammo_rockets"; case 3: return "ammo_cells"; case 4: return "ammo_fuel"; default: return ""; } } void HUD_Inventory(void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_INVENTORY; float i; float stat_items; vector pos, mySize, mysize, mypos; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } // ammo stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { float a; a = getstati(GetAmmoStat(i)); // how much ammo do we have of type i? if(hud_configure) a = 100; if(cvar("hud_inventory_onlycurrent")) { if(hud_configure) i = 2; if (stat_items & GetAmmoItemCode(i) || hud_configure) { drawpic_skin(pos, GetAmmoPicture(i), '1 1 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(a < 10) HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * mySize_y + eY * 0.25 * mySize_y, a, strlen(ftos(a)), 0, 0.5 * mySize_y, '0.7 0 0', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * mySize_y + eY * 0.25 * mySize_y, a, strlen(ftos(a)), 0, 0.5 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if(hud_configure) break; } else { if (a > 0) { if(mySize_x/mySize_y >= 10) { // arrange horizontally switch (i) { case 0: mypos_x = pos_x; mypos_y = pos_y; break; // shells case 1: mypos_x = pos_x + 0.25 * mySize_x; mypos_y = pos_y; break; // bullets case 2: mypos_x = pos_x + 0.5 * mySize_x; mypos_y = pos_y; break; // rockets case 3: mypos_x = pos_x + 0.75 * mySize_x; mypos_y = pos_y; break; // cells } mysize_x = 0.25 * mySize_x; mysize_y = mySize_y; } else if(mySize_x/mySize_y >= 2.5) { // arrange in a 2x2 grid switch (i) { case 0: mypos_x = pos_x + 0.5 * mySize_x; mypos_y = pos_y + 0.5 * mySize_y; break; // shells case 1: mypos_x = pos_x + 0.5 * mySize_x; mypos_y = pos_y; break; // bullets case 2: mypos_x = pos_x; mypos_y = pos_y + 0.5 * mySize_y; break; // rockets case 3: mypos_x = pos_x; mypos_y = pos_y; break; // cells } mysize_x = 0.5 * mySize_x; mysize_y = 0.5 * mySize_y; } else { // arrange vertically switch (i) { case 0: mypos_x = pos_x; mypos_y = pos_y; break; // shells case 1: mypos_x = pos_x; mypos_y = pos_y + 0.25 * mySize_y; break; // bullets case 2: mypos_x = pos_x; mypos_y = pos_y + 0.5 * mySize_y; break; // rockets case 3: mypos_x = pos_x; mypos_y = pos_y + 0.75 * mySize_y; break; // cells } mysize_x = mySize_x; mysize_y = 0.25 * mySize_y; } if (stat_items & GetAmmoItemCode(i)) drawpic_skin(mypos, "ammo_current_bg", mysize, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(mypos + eY * 0.05 * mysize_y, GetAmmoPicture(i), '1 1 0' * 0.8 * mysize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if (a < 10) { if(stat_items & GetAmmoItemCode(i)) HUD_DrawXNum(mypos + eX * 0.8 * mysize_y + eY * 0.25 * mysize_y, a, strlen(ftos(a)), 0, 0.5 * mysize_y, '0.7 0 0', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else HUD_DrawXNum(mypos + eX * 0.8 * mysize_y + eY * 0.25 * mysize_y, a, strlen(ftos(a)), 0, 0.5 * mysize_y, '0.7 0 0', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * 0.7, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { if(stat_items & GetAmmoItemCode(i)) HUD_DrawXNum(mypos + eX * 0.8 * mysize_y + eY * 0.25 * mysize_y, a, strlen(ftos(a)), 0, 0.5 * mysize_y, '1 1 1', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else HUD_DrawXNum(mypos + eX * 0.8 * mysize_y + eY * 0.25 * mysize_y, a, strlen(ftos(a)), 0, 0.5 * mysize_y, '0.7 0.7 0.7', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * 0.7, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } } } } // Powerups (#2) // void HUD_Powerups(void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_POWERUPS; float stat_items; stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); if(!hud_configure) { if not(stat_items & IT_STRENGTH) if not(stat_items & IT_INVINCIBLE) return; if (getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0) return; } vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } float strength_time, shield_time; strength_time = bound(0, getstatf(STAT_STRENGTH_FINISHED) - time, 99); shield_time = bound(0, getstatf(STAT_INVINCIBLE_FINISHED) - time, 99); if(hud_configure) { strength_time = 15; shield_time = 27; } float len; vector barpos, barsize; vector picpos; vector numpos; string leftname, rightname; float leftcnt, rightcnt; float leftexact, rightexact; float leftalpha, rightalpha; if (cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_flip"))) { leftname = "strength"; leftcnt = ceil(strength_time); leftexact = strength_time; rightname = "shield"; rightcnt = ceil(shield_time); rightexact = shield_time; } else { leftname = "shield"; leftcnt = ceil(shield_time); leftexact = shield_time; rightname = "strength"; rightcnt = ceil(strength_time); rightexact = strength_time; } leftalpha = bound(0, leftexact, 1); rightalpha = bound(0, rightexact, 1); if (mySize_x/mySize_y > 4) { if(leftcnt) { len = strlen(ftos(leftcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/30); barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/30) + eY * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * mySize_y; numpos = picpos - eX * 2 * 0.5 * mySize_y + eX * (2-len) * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.25 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos; barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/30) + eY * mySize_y; picpos = pos; numpos = picpos + eX * mySize_y - eX * (2-len) * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.25 * mySize_y; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(leftcnt <= 5) drawpic_skin_expanding_two(picpos, leftname, '1 1 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', leftalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (leftcnt - leftexact) / 0.5, 1)); else drawpic_skin(picpos, leftname, '1 1 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', leftalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(numpos, leftcnt, 2, 0, 0.5 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if(rightcnt) { len = strlen(ftos(rightcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/30) + eY * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; numpos = picpos + eX * mySize_y - eX * (2-len) * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.25 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/30); barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/30) + eY * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_y; numpos = picpos - eX * mySize_y + eY * 0.25 * mySize_y; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(rightcnt <= 5) drawpic_skin_expanding_two(picpos, rightname, '1 1 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', rightalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (rightcnt - rightexact) / 0.5, 1)); else drawpic_skin(picpos, rightname, '1 1 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', rightalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(numpos, rightcnt, 2, 0, 0.5 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } else if (mySize_x/mySize_y > 1.5) { if(leftcnt) { len = strlen(ftos(leftcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/30); barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/30) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * mySize_y; numpos = picpos - eX * len * 0.5 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos; barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/30) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; picpos = pos; numpos = picpos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_y; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(leftcnt <= 5) drawpic_skin_expanding_two(picpos, leftname, '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', leftalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (leftcnt - leftexact) / 0.5, 1)); else drawpic_skin(picpos, leftname, '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', leftalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(numpos, leftcnt, len, 0, 0.5 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if(rightcnt) { len = strlen(ftos(rightcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/30) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/30) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; numpos = picpos - eX * len * 0.5 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/30) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; numpos = picpos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_y; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(rightcnt <= 5) drawpic_skin_expanding_two(picpos, rightname, '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', rightalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (rightcnt - rightexact) / 0.5, 1)); else drawpic_skin(picpos, rightname, '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', rightalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(numpos, rightcnt, len, 0, 0.5 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } else { if(leftcnt) { len = strlen(ftos(leftcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos; barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, leftcnt/30); picpos = pos + eX * 0.05 * mySize_x; numpos = pos + eX * ((2-len)/2) * 0.25 * mySize_x + eY * 0.4 * mySize_x; } else { barpos = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * mySize_y * min(1, leftcnt/30); barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, leftcnt/30); picpos = pos + eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y - eY * 0.65 * mySize_x; numpos = pos + eX * ((2-len)/2) * 0.25 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y - eY * 0.25 * mySize_x; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(leftcnt <= 5) drawpic_skin_expanding_two(picpos, leftname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', leftalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (leftcnt - leftexact) / 0.5, 1)); else drawpic_skin(picpos, leftname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', leftalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(numpos, leftcnt, len, 0, 0.25 * mySize_x, '1 1 1', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if(rightcnt) { len = strlen(ftos(rightcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, rightcnt/30); picpos = pos + eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; numpos = pos + eX * ((2-len)/2) * 0.25 * mySize_x + eY * 0.4 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; } else { barpos = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * mySize_y * min(1, rightcnt/30) + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, rightcnt/30); picpos = pos + eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y - eY * 0.65 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; numpos = pos + eX * ((2-len)/2) * 0.25 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y - eY * 0.25 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(rightcnt <= 5) drawpic_skin_expanding_two(picpos, rightname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', rightalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (rightcnt - rightexact) / 0.5, 1)); else drawpic_skin(picpos, rightname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', rightalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(numpos, rightcnt, len, 0, 0.25 * mySize_x, '1 1 1', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } } // Health/armor (#3) // void HUD_HealthArmor(void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_HEALTHARMOR; vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } float armor, health; armor = getstati(STAT_ARMOR); health = getstati(STAT_HEALTH); float fuel; fuel = getstati(GetAmmoStat(4)); // how much fuel do we have? if(hud_configure) { armor = 150; health = 100; fuel = 70; } if(health <= 0) return; float len; vector barpos, barsize; vector picpos; vector numpos; if(cvar("hud_healtharmor") == 2) // combined health and armor display { vector v; v = healtharmor_maxdamage(health, armor, armorblockpercent); float x; x = floor(v_x + 1); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, x/400); barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, x/400) + eY * mySize_y; picpos = pos; numpos = picpos + eX * 1.5 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos; barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, x/400) + eY * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eX * 3 * mySize_y; numpos = pos; } if(v_z) // NOT fully armored { HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("health"), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(picpos, "health", '1 1 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(armor) drawpic_skin(picpos + eX * mySize_y, "armor", '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * armor / health, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("armor"), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(picpos + eX * mySize_y, "health", '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * health / armor, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(armor) drawpic_skin(picpos, "armor", '1 1 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } HUD_DrawXNum_Colored(numpos, x, 3, mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id)); // draw the combined health and armor // fuel if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100); barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos; barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y; } if(fuel) HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel"), HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { string leftname, rightname; float leftcnt, rightcnt; float leftactive, rightactive; float leftalpha, rightalpha; if (cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_flip"))) { // old style layout with armor left/top of health leftname = "armor"; leftcnt = armor; if(leftcnt) leftactive = 1; leftalpha = min((armor+10)/55, 1); rightname = "health"; rightcnt = health; rightactive = 1; rightalpha = 1; } else { leftname = "health"; leftcnt = health; leftactive = 1; leftalpha = 1; rightname = "armor"; rightcnt = armor; if(rightcnt) rightactive = 1; rightalpha = min((armor+10)/55, 1); } if (mySize_x/mySize_y > 5) { if(leftactive) { len = strlen(ftos(leftcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/200); barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/200) + eY * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * mySize_y; numpos = picpos - eX * 3 * 0.5 * mySize_y + eX * (3-len) * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.25 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos; barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/200) + eY * mySize_y; picpos = pos; numpos = picpos + eX * mySize_y + eY * 0.25 * mySize_y; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(picpos, leftname, '1 1 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', leftalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum_Colored(numpos, leftcnt, len, 0.5 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id)); } if(rightactive) { len = strlen(ftos(rightcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eY * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; numpos = picpos + eX * mySize_y - eX * (3-len) * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.25 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200); barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eY * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_y; numpos = picpos - eX * 1.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.25 * mySize_y; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(picpos, rightname, '1 1 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', rightalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum_Colored(numpos, rightcnt, 3, 0.5 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id)); } if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100); barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos; barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y; } if(fuel) HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel"), HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if (mySize_x/mySize_y > 2) { if(leftactive) { len = strlen(ftos(leftcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/200); barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/200) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * mySize_y; numpos = picpos - eX * len * 0.5 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos; barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/200) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; picpos = pos; numpos = picpos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_y; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(picpos, leftname, '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', leftalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum_Colored(numpos, leftcnt, len, 0.5 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id)); } if(rightactive) { len = strlen(ftos(rightcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; numpos = picpos - eX * len * 0.5 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; picpos = pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; numpos = picpos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_y; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(picpos, rightname, '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', rightalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum_Colored(numpos, rightcnt, len, 0.5 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id)); } if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100); barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.1 * mySize_y; } else { barpos = pos; barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.1 * mySize_y; } if(fuel) HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel"), HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { if(leftactive) { len = strlen(ftos(leftcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos; barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, leftcnt/200); picpos = pos + eX * 0.05 * mySize_x; numpos = pos + eX * ((3-len)/2) * 0.25 * mySize_x + eY * 0.4 * mySize_x; } else { barpos = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * mySize_y * min(1, leftcnt/200); barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, leftcnt/200); picpos = pos + eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y - eY * 0.566 * mySize_x; numpos = pos + eX * ((3-len)/2) * 0.25 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y - eY * 0.166 * mySize_x; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(picpos, leftname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', leftalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum_Colored(numpos, leftcnt, len, 0.166 * mySize_x, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id)); } if(rightactive) { len = strlen(ftos(rightcnt)); if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, rightcnt/200); picpos = pos + eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; numpos = pos + eX * ((3-len)/2) * 0.25 * mySize_x + eY * 0.4 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; } else { barpos = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * mySize_y * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, rightcnt/200); picpos = pos + eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y - eY * 0.566 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; numpos = pos + eX * ((3-len)/2) * 0.25 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y - eY * 0.166 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(picpos, rightname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', rightalpha * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum_Colored(numpos, rightcnt, len, 0.166 * mySize_x, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id)); } if(cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_mirror"))) { barpos = pos; barsize = eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, fuel/100); } else { barpos = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * mySize_y * min(1, fuel/100); barsize = eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, fuel/100); } if(fuel) HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel"), HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } } // ___TODO___ !!! // Notification area (#4) // string Weapon_SuicideMessage(float deathtype) { w_deathtype = deathtype; get_weaponinfo(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype)).weapon_func(WR_SUICIDEMESSAGE); return w_deathtypestring; } string Weapon_KillMessage(float deathtype) { w_deathtype = deathtype; get_weaponinfo(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype)).weapon_func(WR_KILLMESSAGE); return w_deathtypestring; } float killnotify_times[10]; float killnotify_deathtype[10]; float killnotify_actiontype[10]; // 0 = "Y [used by] X", 1 = "X [did action to] Y" string killnotify_attackers[10]; string killnotify_victims[10]; void HUD_KillNotify_Push(string attacker, string victim, float actiontype, float wpn) { float i; for (i = 9; i > 0; --i) { killnotify_times[i] = killnotify_times[i-1]; killnotify_deathtype[i] = killnotify_deathtype[i-1]; killnotify_actiontype[i] = killnotify_actiontype[i-1]; if(killnotify_attackers[i]) strunzone(killnotify_attackers[i]); killnotify_attackers[i] = strzone(killnotify_attackers[i-1]); if(killnotify_victims[i]) strunzone(killnotify_victims[i]); killnotify_victims[i] = strzone(killnotify_victims[i-1]); } killnotify_times[0] = time; killnotify_deathtype[0] = wpn; killnotify_actiontype[0] = actiontype; if(killnotify_attackers[0]) strunzone(killnotify_attackers[0]); killnotify_attackers[0] = strzone(attacker); if(killnotify_victims[0]) strunzone(killnotify_victims[0]); killnotify_victims[0] = strzone(victim); } void HUD_KillNotify(string s1, string s2, string s3, float type, float msg) { float w; float alsoprint; alsoprint = (cvar("hud_notify_print") || !HUD_Panel_CheckActive(4)); // print message to console if: notify panel disabled, or cvar to do so enabled if(msg == MSG_SUICIDE) { // TODO: cl_gentle w = DEATH_WEAPONOF(type); if(WEP_VALID(w)) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if (alsoprint) print("^1", s1, "^1 ", Weapon_SuicideMessage(type), "\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_KILL) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_KILL); if (alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 couldn't take it anymore\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_ROT) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if (alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 died\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_NOAMMO) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_NOAMMO); if (alsoprint) print ("^7",s1, "^7 committed suicide. What's the point of living without ammo?\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_CAMP) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_CAMP); if (alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 thought they found a nice camping ground\n"); } else if (type == KILL_TEAM_RED || type == KILL_TEAM_BLUE) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, type); if (alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 didn't become friends with the Lord of Teamplay\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_CHEAT) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if (alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 unfairly eliminated themself\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_FIRE) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if (alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 burned to death\n"); } else if (type != DEATH_TEAMCHANGE && type != DEATH_QUIET) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if (alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 couldn't resist the urge to self-destruct\n"); } if (stof(s2) > 2) // killcount > 2 print ("^1",s1,"^1 ended it all after a ",s2," kill spree\n"); } else if(msg == MSG_KILL) { w = DEATH_WEAPONOF(type); if(WEP_VALID(w)) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, w); if (alsoprint) print("^1", s1, "^1 ", Weapon_KillMessage(type), "\n"); } else if(type == KILL_TEAM_RED || type == KILL_TEAM_BLUE || type == KILL_TEAM_SPREE) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, s2, 1, type); if(alsoprint) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) { print ("^1", s1, "^1 took action against a team mate\n"); } else { print ("^1", s1, "^1 mows down a team mate\n"); } } if (stof(s2) > 2 && type == KILL_TEAM_SPREE) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print ("^1",s1,"^1 ended a ",s3," scoring spree by going against a team mate\n"); else print ("^1",s1,"^1 ended a ",s3," kill spree by killing a team mate\n"); } else if (stof(s2) > 2) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print ("^1",s1,"'s ^1",s3," scoring spree was ended by a team mate!\n"); else print ("^1",s1,"'s ^1",s3," kill spree was ended by a team mate!\n"); } } else if(type == KILL_FIRST_BLOOD) print("^1",s1, "^1 drew first blood", "\n"); // TODO: icon! else if (type == DEATH_TELEFRAG) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was telefragged by ", s2, "\n"); else if (type == DEATH_DROWN) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_DROWN); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was drowned by ", s2, "\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_SLIME) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_SLIME); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was slimed by ", s2, "\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_LAVA) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_LAVA); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was cooked by ", s2, "\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_FALL) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_FALL); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was grounded by ", s2, "\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_SHOOTING_STAR) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_SHOOTING_STAR); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was shot into space by ", s2, "\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_SWAMP) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was conserved by ", s2, "\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_HURTTRIGGER) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_HURTTRIGGER); if(alsoprint) print("^1",s1, "^1 was thrown into a world of hurt by ", s2, "\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_SBCRUSH) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was crushed by ^1", s2, "\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_SBMINIGUN) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 got shredded by ^1", s2, "\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_SBROCKET) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was blased to bits by ^1", s2, "\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_SBBLOWUP) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 got caught in the destruction of ^1", s2, "'s vehicle\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_WAKIGUN) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was bolted down by ^1", s2, "\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_WAKIROCKET) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 could find no shelter from ^1", s2, "'s rockets\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_WAKIBLOWUP) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 dies when ^1", s2, "'s wakizashi dies.\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_TURRET) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was pushed into the line of fire by ^1", s2, "\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_TOUCHEXPLODE) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was pushed into an accident by ^1", s2, "\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_CHEAT) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was unfairly eliminated by ^1", s2, "\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_FIRE) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was burnt to death by ^1", s2, "\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_CUSTOM) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_CUSTOM); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 ", s2, "\n"); } else { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s2, s1, 1, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was fragged by ", s2, "\n"); } } else if(msg == MSG_SPREE) { if(type == KILL_END_SPREE) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print ("^1",s1,"'s ^1", s2, " scoring spree was ended by ", s3, "\n"); else print ("^1",s1,"'s ^1", s2, " kill spree was ended by ", s3, "\n"); } else if(type == KILL_SPREE) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print ("^1",s1,"^1 made ",s2," scores in a row\n"); else print ("^1",s1,"^1 has ",s2," frags in a row\n"); } else if(type == KILL_SPREE_3) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print (s1,"^7 made a ^1TRIPLE SCORE\n"); else print (s1,"^7 made a ^1TRIPLE FRAG\n"); } else if(type == KILL_SPREE_5) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print (s1,"^7 unleashes ^1SCORING RAGE\n"); else print (s1,"^7 unleashes ^1RAGE\n"); } else if(type == KILL_SPREE_10) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print (s1,"^7 made ^1TEN SCORES IN A ROW!\n"); else print (s1,"^7 starts the ^1MASSACRE!\n"); } else if(type == KILL_SPREE_15) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print (s1,"^7 made ^1FIFTEEN SCORES IN A ROW!\n"); else print (s1,"^7 executes ^1MAYHEM!\n"); } else if(type == KILL_SPREE_20) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print (s1,"^7 made ^1TWENTY SCORES IN A ROW!\n"); else print (s1,"^7 is a ^1BERSERKER!\n"); } else if(type == KILL_SPREE_25) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print (s1,"^7 made ^1TWENTY FIFE SCORES IN A ROW!\n"); else print (s1,"^7 inflicts ^1CARNAGE!\n"); } else if(type == KILL_SPREE_30) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print (s1,"^7 made ^1THIRTY SCORES IN A ROW!\n"); else print (s1,"^7 unleashes ^1ARMAGEDDON!\n"); } } else if(msg == MSG_KILL_ACTION) { // wtf is this? isnt it basically the same as MSG_SUICIDE? if (type == DEATH_DROWN) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_DROWN); if(alsoprint) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was in the water for too long\n"); else print ("^1",s1, "^1 drowned\n"); } } else if (type == DEATH_SLIME) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_SLIME); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was slimed\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_LAVA) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_LAVA); if(alsoprint) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print ("^1",s1, "^1 found a hot place\n"); else print ("^1",s1, "^1 turned into hot slag\n"); } } else if (type == DEATH_FALL) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print ("^1",s1, "^1 tested gravity (and it worked)\n"); else print ("^1",s1, "^1 hit the ground with a crunch\n"); } } else if (type == DEATH_SHOOTING_STAR) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_SHOOTING_STAR); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 became a shooting star\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_SWAMP) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print ("^1",s1, "^1 discovered a swamp\n"); else print ("^1",s1, "^1 is now conserved for centuries to come\n"); } } else if(type == DEATH_TURRET) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was mowed down by a turret \n"); } else if (type == DEATH_CUSTOM) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_CUSTOM); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 ", s2, "\n"); } else if (type == DEATH_HURTTRIGGER) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_HURTTRIGGER); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was in the wrong place\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_TOUCHEXPLODE) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 died in an accident\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_CHEAT) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) print ("^1",s1, "^1 was unfairly eliminated\n"); } else if(type == DEATH_FIRE) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print ("^1",s1, "^1 felt a little hot\n"); else print ("^1",s1, "^1 burnt to death\n"); } } else { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, "", 0, DEATH_GENERIC); if(alsoprint) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print ("^1",s1, "^1 needs a restart\n"); else print ("^1",s1, "^1 died\n"); } } } else if(msg == MSG_KILL_ACTION_SPREE) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) print ("^1",s1,"^1 needs a restart after a ",s2," scoring spree\n"); else print ("^1",s1,"^1 died with a ",s2," kill spree\n"); } else if(msg == MSG_INFO) { if(type == INFO_GOTFLAG) { // here, s2 is the flag name HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, s2, 0, INFO_GOTFLAG); print(s1, "^7 got the ", s2, "\n"); } else if(type == INFO_LOSTFLAG) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, s2, 0, INFO_LOSTFLAG); print(s1, "^7 lost the ", s2, "\n"); } else if(type == INFO_PICKUPFLAG) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, s2, 0, INFO_GOTFLAG); print(s1, "^7 picked up the ", s2, "\n"); } else if(type == INFO_RETURNFLAG) { HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, s2, 0, INFO_RETURNFLAG); print(s1, "^7 returned the ", s2, "\n"); } } } #define DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER NEWLINES void HUD_Centerprint(string s1, string s2, float type, float msg) { if(msg == MSG_SUICIDE) { if (type == DEATH_TEAMCHANGE) { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "You are now on: ", s1)); } else if (type == DEATH_AUTOTEAMCHANGE) { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "You have been moved into a different team to improve team balance\nYou are now on: ", s1)); } else if (type == DEATH_CAMP) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1Reconsider your tactics, camper!")); else centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1Die camper!")); } else if (type == DEATH_NOAMMO) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You are reinserted into the game for running out of ammo...")); else centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You were killed for running out of ammo...")); } else if (type == DEATH_ROT) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You need to preserve your health")); else centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You grew too old without taking your medicine")); } else if (type == KILL_TEAM_RED || type == KILL_TEAM_BLUE) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1Don't go against team mates!")); else centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1Don't shoot your team mates!")); } else if (type == DEATH_QUIET) { // do nothing } else if (type == DEATH_KILL) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You need to be more careful!")); else centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You killed your own dumb self!")); } } else if(msg == MSG_KILL) { if (type == KILL_TEAM_RED || type == KILL_TEAM_BLUE) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1Moron! You went against", s1, ",a team mate!")); } else { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1Moron! You fragged ", s1, ", a team mate!")); } } else if (type == KILL_FIRST_BLOOD) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1First score")); } else { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1First blood")); } } else if (type == KILL_FIRST_VICTIM) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1First casualty")); } else { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1First victim")); } } else if (type == KILL_TYPEFRAG) { // s2 contains "advanced kill messages" such as ping, handicap... if(cvar("cl_gentle")) { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You scored against ^7", s1, "^1 who was typing!", s2)); } else { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You typefragged ^7", s1, s2)); } } else if (type == KILL_TYPEFRAGGED) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You were scored against by ^7", s1, "^1 while you were typing!", s2)); } else { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You were typefragged by ^7", s1, s2)); } } else if (type == KILL_FRAG) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^4You scored against ^7", s1, s2)); } else { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^4You fragged ^7", s1, s2)); } } else if (type == KILL_FRAGGED) { if(cvar("cl_gentle")) { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You were scored against by ^7", s1, s2)); } else { centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1You were fragged by ^7", s1, s2)); } } } else if(msg == MSG_KILL_ACTION) { // TODO: invent more centerprints here? centerprint(strcat(DAMAGE_CENTERPRINT_SPACER, "^1Watch your step!")); } } void HUD_Notify (void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_NOTIFY; vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } float entries, height; entries = bound(1, floor(14 * mySize_y/mySize_x), 12); height = mySize_y/entries; entries -= 2; // top/bottom two lines reserved for info messaged, such as spec instructions vector fontsize; fontsize = '0.5 0.5 0' * height; float a; float when; when = cvar("hud_notify_time"); float fadetime; fadetime = cvar("hud_notify_fadetime"); string s; vector pos_attacker, pos_victim; vector weap_pos; float width_attacker, width_victim; string attacker, victim; float i, j; for(j = 0; j < entries; ++j) { if(cvar("hud_notify_flip")) i = j; else // rather nasty hack for ordering items from the bottom up i = entries - j - 1; if(cvar("hud_notify_info_top")) i += 2; // top/bottom two lines reserved for info messaged, such as spec instructions if(fadetime) { if(killnotify_times[j] + when > time) a = 1; else a = bound(0, (killnotify_times[j] + when + fadetime - time) / fadetime, 1); } else { if(killnotify_times[j] + when > time) a = 1; else a = 0; } // TODO: maybe print in team colors? // TODO: maybe this could be cleaned up somehow... // TODO: less copypaste code below // // Y [used by] X if(killnotify_actiontype[j] == 0 && !hud_configure) { attacker = textShortenToWidth(killnotify_attackers[j], mySize_x - 2 * height, fontsize, stringwidth_colors); width_attacker = stringwidth(attacker, TRUE, fontsize); pos_attacker = pos + eX * 0.5 * (mySize_x - width_attacker + 2 * height) + eY * 0.5 * fontsize_y + eY * i * height; weap_pos = pos + eX * 0.5 * (mySize_x - width_attacker) - eX * height + eY * i * height; if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_GENERIC) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_death", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_NOAMMO) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_outofammo", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_KILL) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_selfkill", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_CAMP) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_camping", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == KILL_TEAM_RED) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_teamkill", '2 1 0' * height, '1 0 0', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == KILL_TEAM_BLUE) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_teamkill", '2 1 0' * height, '0 0 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_DROWN) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_water", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_SLIME) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_slime", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_LAVA) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_lava", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_FALL) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_fall", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_SHOOTING_STAR) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_shootingstar", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_HURTTRIGGER || killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_CUSTOM) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_void", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == INFO_GOTFLAG) { if(killnotify_victims[j] == "^1RED^7 flag") s = "red"; else s = "blue"; drawpic_skin(weap_pos, strcat("flag_", s, "_carrying"), '1 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == INFO_RETURNFLAG) { if(killnotify_victims[j] == "^1RED^7 flag") s = "red"; else s = "blue"; drawpic_skin(weap_pos, strcat("flag_", s, "_taken"), '1 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == INFO_LOSTFLAG) { if(killnotify_victims[j] == "^1RED^7 flag") s = "red"; else s = "blue"; drawpic_skin(weap_pos, strcat("flag_", s, "_lost"), '1 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } // X [did action to] Y else { if(hud_configure) { attacker = textShortenToWidth("Player1", 0.5 * mySize_x - height, fontsize, stringwidth_colors); victim = textShortenToWidth("Player2", 0.5 * mySize_x - height, fontsize, stringwidth_colors); a = bound(0, (when - j) / 4, 1); } else { attacker = textShortenToWidth(killnotify_attackers[j], 0.5 * mySize_x - height, fontsize, stringwidth_colors); victim = textShortenToWidth(killnotify_victims[j], 0.5 * mySize_x - height, fontsize, stringwidth_colors); } width_attacker = stringwidth(attacker, TRUE, fontsize); width_victim = stringwidth(victim, TRUE, fontsize); pos_attacker = pos + eX * 0.5 * ((0.5 * mySize_x - height) - width_attacker) + eY * 0.5 * fontsize_y + eY * i * height; pos_victim = pos + eX * 0.5 * ((0.5 * mySize_x - height) - width_victim) + eY * 0.5 * fontsize_y + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eX * height + eY * i * height; weap_pos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * height + eY * i * height; if(hud_configure) // example actions for config mode { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, strcat("weapon", "electro"), '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_victim, victim, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(WEP_VALID(killnotify_deathtype[j])) { self = get_weaponinfo(killnotify_deathtype[j]); drawpic_skin(weap_pos, strcat("weapon", self.netname), '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_victim, victim, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == KILL_TEAM_RED) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_teamkill", '2 1 0' * height, '1 0 0', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_victim, victim, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == KILL_TEAM_BLUE) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_teamkill", '2 1 0' * height, '0 0 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_victim, victim, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_DROWN) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_water", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_victim, victim, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_SLIME) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_slime", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_victim, victim, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_LAVA) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_lava", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_victim, victim, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_FALL) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_fall", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_victim, victim, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_SHOOTING_STAR) { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_shootingstar", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_victim, victim, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_HURTTRIGGER || killnotify_deathtype[j] == DEATH_CUSTOM) // DEATH_CUSTOM is also void, right? { drawpic_skin(weap_pos, "notify_void", '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_attacker, attacker, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos_victim, victim, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } } // Info messages // entity tm; vector o; o = pos; if(cvar("hud_notify_info_top")) o = pos + eY; else o = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * 2 * height; if(spectatee_status && !intermission) { //drawfont = hud_bigfont; if(spectatee_status == -1) s = "^1Observing"; else s = GetPlayerName(spectatee_status - 1); //s = textShortenToWidth(s, mySize_y, 0.5 * height, stringwidth_colors); //drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eY * 0.25 * height, s, 0.5 * height, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); //drawfont = hud_font; // spectator text in the upper right corner if(spectatee_status == -1) s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("primary fire", "+attack"), "^1 to spectate"); else s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("primary fire", "+attack"), "^1 for another player"); drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o += eY * fontsize_y; if(spectatee_status == -1) s = strcat("^1Use ^3", getcommandkey("next weapon", "weapnext"), "^1 or ^3", getcommandkey("previous weapon", "weapprev"), "^1 to change the speed"); else s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("secondary fire", "+attack2"), "^1 to observe"); drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o += eY * fontsize_y; s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("server info", "+show_info"), "^1 for gamemode info"); drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o += eY * fontsize_y; if(gametype == GAME_ARENA) s = "^1Wait for your turn to join"; else if(gametype == GAME_LMS) { entity sk; sk = playerslots[player_localentnum - 1]; if(sk.(scores[ps_primary]) >= 666) s = "^1Match has already begun"; else if(sk.(scores[ps_primary]) > 0) s = "^1You have no more lives left"; else s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("jump", "+jump"), "^1 to join"); } else s = strcat("^1Press ^3", getcommandkey("jump", "+jump"), "^1 to join"); drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o += eY * fontsize_y; //show restart countdown: if (time < getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)) { float countdown; //we need to ceil, otherwise the countdown would be off by .5 when using round() countdown = ceil(getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time); s = strcat("^1Game starts in ^3", ftos(countdown), "^1 seconds"); drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o += eY * fontsize_y; } } if(warmup_stage && !intermission) { s = "^2Currently in ^1warmup^2 stage!"; drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o += eY * fontsize_y; } string blinkcolor; if(mod(time, 1) >= 0.5) blinkcolor = "^1"; else blinkcolor = "^3"; if(ready_waiting && !intermission && !spectatee_status) { if(ready_waiting_for_me) { if(warmup_stage) s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), blinkcolor, " to end warmup"); else s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), blinkcolor, " once you are ready"); } else { if(warmup_stage) s = strcat("^2Waiting for others to ready up to end warmup..."); else s = strcat("^2Waiting for others to ready up..."); } drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o += eY * fontsize_y; } else if(warmup_stage && !intermission && !spectatee_status) { s = strcat("^2Press ^3", getcommandkey("ready", "ready"), "^2 to end warmup"); drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o += eY * fontsize_y; } if(teamplay && !intermission && !spectatee_status && gametype != GAME_CA && teamnagger) { float ts_min, ts_max; tm = teams.sort_next; if (tm) { for(; tm.sort_next; tm = tm.sort_next) { if(!tm.team_size || tm.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; if(!ts_min) ts_min = tm.team_size; else ts_min = min(ts_min, tm.team_size); if(!ts_max) ts_max = tm.team_size; else ts_max = max(ts_max, tm.team_size); } if ((ts_max - ts_min) > 1) { s = strcat(blinkcolor, "Teamnumbers are unbalanced!"); tm = GetTeam(myteam, false); if (tm) if (tm.team != COLOR_SPECTATOR) if (tm.team_size == ts_max) s = strcat(s, " Press ^3", getcommandkey("team menu", "menu_showteamselect"), blinkcolor, " to adjust"); drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o += eY * fontsize_y; } } } if(hud_configure) { s = "^7Press ^3ESC ^7to show HUD options."; drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o += eY * fontsize_y; s = "^3Doubleclick a panel for panel-specific options."; drawcolorcodedstring(o, s, fontsize, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o += eY * fontsize_y; } } // Timer (#5) // string seconds_tostring(float sec) { float minutes; minutes = floor(sec / 60); sec -= minutes * 60; string s; s = ftos(100 + sec); return strcat(ftos(minutes), ":", substring(s, 1, 3)); } void HUD_Timer(void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_TIMER; vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } string timer; float timelimit, elapsedTime, timeleft, minutesLeft; timelimit = getstatf(STAT_TIMELIMIT); timeleft = max(0, timelimit * 60 + getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time); timeleft = ceil(timeleft); minutesLeft = floor(timeleft / 60); vector timer_color; if(minutesLeft >= 5 || warmup_stage || timelimit == 0) //don't use red or yellow in warmup or when there is no timelimit timer_color = '1 1 1'; //white else if(minutesLeft >= 1) timer_color = '1 1 0'; //yellow else timer_color = '1 0 0'; //red if (cvar("hud_timer_increment") || timelimit == 0 || warmup_stage) { if (time < getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)) { //while restart is still active, show 00:00 timer = seconds_tostring(0); } else { elapsedTime = floor(time - getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)); //127 timer = seconds_tostring(elapsedTime); } } else { timer = seconds_tostring(timeleft); } drawstring_aspect(pos, timer, mySize, mySize_y, timer_color, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_TIMER), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // Radar (#6) // void HUD_Radar(void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_RADAR; vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } local float color1, color2; // color already declared as a global in hud.qc local vector rgb; local entity tm; float scale2d, normalsize, bigsize; float f; teamradar_origin2d = pos + 0.5 * mySize; teamradar_size2d = mySize; if(minimapname == "") return; teamradar_loadcvars(); switch(hud_radar_zoommode) { default: case 0: f = current_zoomfraction; break; case 1: f = 1 - current_zoomfraction; break; case 2: f = 0; break; case 3: f = 1; break; } switch(hud_radar_rotation) { case 0: teamradar_angle = view_angles_y - 90; break; default: teamradar_angle = 90 * hud_radar_rotation; break; } scale2d = vlen_maxnorm2d(mi_picmax - mi_picmin); teamradar_size2d = mySize; teamradar_extraclip_mins = teamradar_extraclip_maxs = '0 0 0'; // we always center // pixels per world qu to match the teamradar_size2d_x range in the longest dimension if(hud_radar_rotation == 0) { // max-min distance must fit the radar in any rotation bigsize = vlen_minnorm2d(teamradar_size2d) * scale2d / (1.05 * vlen2d(mi_max - mi_min)); } else { vector c0, c1, c2, c3, span; c0 = rotate(mi_min, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD); c1 = rotate(mi_max, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD); c2 = rotate('1 0 0' * mi_min_x + '0 1 0' * mi_max_y, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD); c3 = rotate('1 0 0' * mi_max_x + '0 1 0' * mi_min_y, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD); span = '0 0 0'; span_x = max4(c0_x, c1_x, c2_x, c3_x) - min4(c0_x, c1_x, c2_x, c3_x); span_y = max4(c0_y, c1_y, c2_y, c3_y) - min4(c0_y, c1_y, c2_y, c3_y); // max-min distance must fit the radar in x=x, y=y bigsize = min( teamradar_size2d_x * scale2d / (1.05 * span_x), teamradar_size2d_y * scale2d / (1.05 * span_y) ); } normalsize = vlen_maxnorm2d(teamradar_size2d) * scale2d / hud_radar_scale; if(bigsize > normalsize) normalsize = bigsize; teamradar_size = f * bigsize + (1 - f) * normalsize; teamradar_origin3d_in_texcoord = teamradar_3dcoord_to_texcoord( f * (mi_min + mi_max) * 0.5 + (1 - f) * view_origin); color1 = GetPlayerColor(player_localentnum-1); rgb = GetTeamRGB(color1); drawsetcliparea( pos_x, pos_y, mySize_x, mySize_y ); draw_teamradar_background(hud_radar_background_alpha, hud_radar_foreground_alpha); for(tm = world; (tm = find(tm, classname, "radarlink")); ) draw_teamradar_link(tm.origin, tm.velocity, tm.team); for(tm = world; (tm = findflags(tm, teamradar_icon, 0xFFFFFF)); ) draw_teamradar_icon(tm.origin, tm.teamradar_icon, tm, tm.teamradar_color, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id)); for(tm = world; (tm = find(tm, classname, "entcs_receiver")); ) { color2 = GetPlayerColor(tm.sv_entnum); //if(color == COLOR_SPECTATOR || color == color2) draw_teamradar_player(tm.origin, tm.angles, GetTeamRGB(color2)); } draw_teamradar_player(view_origin, view_angles, '1 1 1'); drawresetcliparea(); }; // Score (#7) // void HUD_Score(void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_SCORE; vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } float score, distribution, leader; float score_len, distr_len; vector distribution_color; entity tm, pl, me; me = (spectatee_status > 0) ? playerslots[spectatee_status - 1] : playerslots[player_localentnum - 1]; // TODO... this (race part) still uses constant coordinates :/ if((scores_flags[ps_primary] & SFL_TIME) && !teamplay) { // race/cts record display on HUD /*pl = players.sort_next; if(pl == me) pl = pl.sort_next; if(scores_flags[ps_primary] & SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST) if(pl.scores[ps_primary] == 0) pl = world; score = me.(scores[ps_primary]); float racemin, racesec, racemsec; float distsec, distmsec, minusplus; racemin = floor(score/(60 * TIME_FACTOR)); racesec = floor((score - racemin*(60 * TIME_FACTOR))/TIME_FACTOR); racemsec = score - racemin*60*TIME_FACTOR - racesec*TIME_FACTOR; if (pl && ((!(scores_flags[ps_primary] & SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST)) || score)) { // distribution display distribution = me.(scores[ps_primary]) - pl.(scores[ps_primary]); if (distribution < TIME_FACTOR && distribution > -TIME_FACTOR) distmsec = fabs(distribution); else { distsec = floor(fabs(distribution)/TIME_FACTOR); distmsec = fabs(distribution) - distsec*TIME_FACTOR; if (distribution < 0) distsec = -distsec; } if (distribution <= 0) { distribution_color = eY; minusplus = 1; // minusplus 1: always prefix with minus sign } else { distribution_color = eX; minusplus = 2; // minusplus 1: always prefix with plus sign } HUD_DrawXNum(bottomright - '0 48 0' - '16 0 0' * TIME_DECIMALS, distmsec, -TIME_DECIMALS, 0, 16, distribution_color, 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(bottomright - '68 48 0' - '16 0 0' * TIME_DECIMALS, distsec, 4, minusplus, 16, distribution_color, 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(bottomright - '10 48 0' - '16 0 0' * TIME_DECIMALS, "num_dot", '16 16 0', distribution_color, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } // race record display if (distribution <= 0 || distribution == score) // draw the highlight background behind the timer if we have the lead drawpic_skin(bottomright - '0 32 0' - '32 0 0' * (4 + TIME_DECIMALS), "num_leading_4", '0 28 0' + '32 0 0' * (4 + TIME_DECIMALS), '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(bottomright - '0 32 0' - TIME_DECIMALS * '30 0 0', racemsec, -TIME_DECIMALS, 0, 30, '1 1 1', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(bottomright - '0 32 0' - TIME_DECIMALS * '30 0 0' - '66 0 0', racesec, -2, 0, 30, '1 1 1', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(bottomright - '0 32 0' - TIME_DECIMALS * '30 0 0' - '18 0 0', "num_dot", '30 30 0', '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); HUD_DrawXNum(bottomright - '0 32 0' - TIME_DECIMALS * '30 0 0' - '132 0 0', racemin, -2, 0, 30, '1 1 1', 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(bottomright - '0 32 0' - TIME_DECIMALS * '30 0 0' - '84 0 0', "num_colon", '30 30 0', '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); */ } else if (!teamplay) { // non-teamgames // me vector := [team/connected frags id] pl = players.sort_next; if(pl == me) pl = pl.sort_next; if(hud_configure) distribution = 42; else if(pl) distribution = me.(scores[ps_primary]) - pl.(scores[ps_primary]); else distribution = 0; score = me.(scores[ps_primary]); if(hud_configure) score = 123; if(distribution >= 5) { distribution_color = eY; leader = 1; } else if(distribution >= 0) { distribution_color = '1 1 1'; leader = 1; } else if(distribution >= -5) distribution_color = '1 1 0'; else distribution_color = eX; score_len = strlen(ftos(score)); distr_len = strlen(ftos(distribution)); HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 3 * 0.33 * mySize_y, distribution, 3, 3, 0.33 * mySize_y, distribution_color, 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if (leader) drawpic_skin(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * score_len * mySize_y - eX * 3 * 0.33 * mySize_y, strcat("num_leading_", ftos(score_len)), eX * score_len * mySize_y + eY * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 3 * mySize_y - eX * 3 * 0.33 * mySize_y, score, 3, 0, mySize_y, distribution_color, 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { // teamgames float max_fragcount; max_fragcount = -99; float teamnum; for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) { if(tm.team == COLOR_SPECTATOR || (!tm.team_size && !hud_configure)) // no players? don't display continue; score = tm.(teamscores[ts_primary]); if(hud_configure) score = 123; leader = 0; score_len = strlen(ftos(score)); if (score > max_fragcount) max_fragcount = score; if(tm.team == myteam) { if (max_fragcount == score) leader = 1; if (leader) drawpic_skin(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * score_len * mySize_y - eX * 3 * 0.33 * mySize_y, strcat("num_leading_", ftos(score_len)), eX * score_len * mySize_y + eY * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 3 * mySize_y - eX * 3 * 0.33 * mySize_y, score, 3, 0, mySize_y, GetTeamRGB(tm.team) * 0.8, 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { if (max_fragcount == score) leader = 1; if (leader) drawpic_skin(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 0.33 * score_len * mySize_y + eY * 0.33 * mySize_y * teamnum, strcat("num_leading_", ftos(score_len)), eX * 0.33 * score_len * mySize_y + eY * 0.33 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawXNum(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 3 * 0.33 * mySize_y + eY * 0.33 * mySize_y * teamnum, score, 3, 0, 0.33 * mySize_y, GetTeamRGB(tm.team) * 0.8, 0, 0, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); teamnum += 1; } } } } // Race timer (#8) // void HUD_RaceTimer (void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_RACETIMER; vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } drawfont = hud_bigfont; float a, t; string s, forcetime; if(hud_configure) { s = "0:13:37"; drawstring(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, FALSE, '0.60 0.60 0' * mySize_y), s, '0.60 0.60 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); s = "^1Intermediate 1 (+15.42)"; drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '1 1 0' * 0.20 * mySize_y) + eY * 0.60 * mySize_y, s, '1 1 0' * 0.20 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); s = strcat("^1PENALTY: ", ftos_decimals(20 * 0.1, 1), " (missing a checkpoint)"); drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '1 1 0' * 0.20 * mySize_y) + eY * 0.80 * mySize_y, s, '1 1 0' * 0.20 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(race_checkpointtime) { a = bound(0, 2 - (time - race_checkpointtime), 1); s = ""; forcetime = ""; if(a > 0) // just hit a checkpoint? { if(race_checkpoint != 254) { if(race_time && race_previousbesttime) s = MakeRaceString(race_checkpoint, TIME_DECODE(race_time) - TIME_DECODE(race_previousbesttime), 0, 0, race_previousbestname); else s = MakeRaceString(race_checkpoint, 0, -1, 0, race_previousbestname); if(race_time) forcetime = TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(race_time); } } else { if(race_laptime && race_nextbesttime && race_nextcheckpoint != 254) { a = bound(0, 2 - ((race_laptime + TIME_DECODE(race_nextbesttime)) - (time + TIME_DECODE(race_penaltyaccumulator))), 1); if(a > 0) // next one? { s = MakeRaceString(race_nextcheckpoint, (time + TIME_DECODE(race_penaltyaccumulator)) - race_laptime, TIME_DECODE(race_nextbesttime), 0, race_nextbestname); } } } if(s != "" && a > 0) { dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0) //drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 16 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y) + eY * 0.6 * mySize_y, s, '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if(race_penaltytime) { a = bound(0, 2 - (time - race_penaltyeventtime), 1); if(a > 0) { s = strcat("^1PENALTY: ", ftos_decimals(race_penaltytime * 0.1, 1), " (", race_penaltyreason, ")"); dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0) //drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 32 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y) + eY * 0.8 * mySize_y, s, '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } if(forcetime != "") { a = bound(0, (time - race_checkpointtime) / 0.5, 1); //drawstring_expanding(m - '16 0 0' * stringwidth(forcetime, FALSE), forcetime, '32 32 0', '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), 0, a); drawstring_expanding(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(forcetime, FALSE, '1 1 0' * 0.6 * mySize_y), forcetime, '1 1 0' * 0.6 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), 0, a); } else a = 1; if(race_laptime && race_checkpoint != 255) { s = TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(TIME_ENCODE(time + TIME_DECODE(race_penaltyaccumulator) - race_laptime)); //drawstring(m - '16 0 0' * stringwidth(s, FALSE), s, '32 32 0', '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, FALSE, '0.6 0.6 0' * mySize_y), s, '0.6 0.6 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } else { if(race_mycheckpointtime) { a = bound(0, 2 - (time - race_mycheckpointtime), 1); s = MakeRaceString(race_mycheckpoint, TIME_DECODE(race_mycheckpointdelta), -!race_mycheckpointenemy, race_mycheckpointlapsdelta, race_mycheckpointenemy); dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0) //drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 16 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y) + eY * 0.6 * mySize_y, s, '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if(race_othercheckpointtime && race_othercheckpointenemy != "") { a = bound(0, 2 - (time - race_othercheckpointtime), 1); s = MakeRaceString(race_othercheckpoint, -TIME_DECODE(race_othercheckpointdelta), -!race_othercheckpointenemy, race_othercheckpointlapsdelta, race_othercheckpointenemy); dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0) //drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 0 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y) + eY * 0.6 * mySize_y, s, '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if(race_penaltytime && !race_penaltyaccumulator) { t = race_penaltytime * 0.1 + race_penaltyeventtime; a = bound(0, (1 + t - time), 1); if(a > 0) { if(time < t) s = strcat("^1PENALTY: ", ftos_decimals(t - time, 1), " (", race_penaltyreason, ")"); else s = strcat("^2PENALTY: 0.0 (", race_penaltyreason, ")"); dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // work around DP bug (set OFS_PARAM5 to 0) //drawcolorcodedstring(m - '0 32 0' - '8 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE), s, '16 16 0', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - '0.5 0 0' * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y) + eY * 0.6 * mySize_y, s, '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } } drawfont = hud_font; } // Vote window (#9) // float vote_yescount; float vote_nocount; float vote_needed; float vote_highlighted; // currently selected vote float vote_active; // is there an active vote? float vote_prev; // previous state of vote_active to check for a change float vote_alpha; float vote_change; // "time" when vote_active changed void HUD_VoteWindow(void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_VOTE; vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); string s; float a; if(vote_active != vote_prev) { vote_change = time; vote_prev = vote_active; } if(vote_active || hud_configure) vote_alpha = bound(0, (time - vote_change) * 2, 1); else vote_alpha = bound(0, 1 - (time - vote_change) * 2, 1); if(hud_configure) { vote_yescount = 3; vote_nocount = 2; vote_needed = 4; } if(!vote_alpha) return; a = vote_alpha * bound(cvar_or("hud_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha", 0.75), 1 - vote_highlighted, 1); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, a); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } drawpic_skin(pos, "voteprogress_back", mySize, '1 1 1', a * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); s = "A vote has been called for: "; drawstring(pos + '0.5 0 0' * mySize_x + '0 0.1 0' * mySize_y - eX * stringwidth(s, FALSE, '1 1 0' * 0.5 * mySize_y*(1/5)), s, '1 1 0' * mySize_y*(1/5), '1 1 1', a * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); s = textShortenToWidth(vote_called_vote, mySize_x * 0.96, '1 1 0' * mySize_y*(1/5), stringwidth_colors); // TODO: broken? if(hud_configure) s = "Configure the HUD"; drawcolorcodedstring(pos + '0.52 0 0' * mySize_x + '0 0.3 0' * mySize_y - eX * stringwidth(s, FALSE, '1 1 0' * 0.5 * mySize_y*(1/6)), s, '1 1 0' * mySize_y*(1/6), a * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // print the yes/no counts s = strcat("Yes: ", ftos(vote_yescount)); drawstring(pos + '0 0.6 0' * mySize_y + '0.02 0 0' * mySize_x, s, '1 1 0' * mySize_y*(1/6) , eY, a * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); s = strcat("No: ", ftos(vote_nocount)); drawstring(pos + '0 0.6 0' * mySize_y + '0.98 0 0' * mySize_x - eX * stringwidth(s, FALSE, '1 1 0' * mySize_y*(1/6)), s, '1 1 0' * mySize_y*(1/6), eX, a * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // draw the progress bars drawsetcliparea(pos_x, pos_y, mySize_x * 0.5 * (vote_yescount/vote_needed), mySize_y); drawpic_skin(pos, "voteprogress_prog", mySize, eY, a * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawsetcliparea(pos_x + mySize_x - mySize_x * 0.5 * (vote_nocount/vote_needed), pos_y, mySize_x * 0.5, mySize_y); drawpic_skin(pos, "voteprogress_prog", mySize, eX, a * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // draw the highlights if(vote_highlighted == 1) { drawsetcliparea(pos_x, pos_y, mySize_x * 0.5, mySize_y); drawpic_skin(pos, "voteprogress_voted", mySize, eY, a * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(vote_highlighted == 2) { drawsetcliparea(pos_x + 0.5 * mySize_x, pos_y, mySize_x * 0.5, mySize_y); drawpic_skin(pos, "voteprogress_voted", mySize, eX, a * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } drawresetcliparea(); if(!vote_active) { vote_highlighted = 0; } } // Mod icons panel (#10) // float mod_active; // is there any active mod icon? // CTF HUD modicon section float redflag_prevframe, blueflag_prevframe; // status during previous frame float redflag_prevstatus, blueflag_prevstatus; // last remembered status float redflag_statuschange_time, blueflag_statuschange_time; // time when the status changed void HUD_Mod_CTF_Reset(void) { redflag_prevstatus = blueflag_prevstatus = redflag_prevframe = blueflag_prevframe = redflag_statuschange_time = blueflag_statuschange_time = 0; } void HUD_Mod_CTF(vector pos, vector mySize) { vector redflag_pos, blueflag_pos; vector flag_size; float f; // every function should have that float redflag, blueflag; // current status float redflag_statuschange_elapsedtime, blueflag_statuschange_elapsedtime; // time since the status changed float stat_items; stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); redflag = (stat_items/IT_RED_FLAG_TAKEN) & 3; blueflag = (stat_items/IT_BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN) & 3; if(redflag || blueflag) mod_active = 1; else mod_active = 0; if(hud_configure) { redflag = 1; blueflag = 2; } // when status CHANGES, set old status into prevstatus and current status into status if (redflag != redflag_prevframe) { redflag_statuschange_time = time; redflag_prevstatus = redflag_prevframe; redflag_prevframe = redflag; } if (blueflag != blueflag_prevframe) { blueflag_statuschange_time = time; blueflag_prevstatus = blueflag_prevframe; blueflag_prevframe = blueflag; } redflag_statuschange_elapsedtime = time - redflag_statuschange_time; blueflag_statuschange_elapsedtime = time - blueflag_statuschange_time; float BLINK_FACTOR = 0.15; float BLINK_BASE = 0.85; // note: // RMS = sqrt(BLINK_BASE^2 + 0.5 * BLINK_FACTOR^2) // thus // BLINK_BASE = sqrt(RMS^2 - 0.5 * BLINK_FACTOR^2) // ensure RMS == 1 float BLINK_FREQ = 5; // circle frequency, = 2*pi*frequency in hertz string red_icon, red_icon_prevstatus; float red_alpha, red_alpha_prevstatus; red_alpha = red_alpha_prevstatus = 1; switch(redflag) { case 1: red_icon = "flag_red_taken"; break; case 2: red_icon = "flag_red_lost"; break; case 3: red_icon = "flag_red_carrying"; red_alpha = BLINK_BASE + BLINK_FACTOR * cos(time * BLINK_FREQ); break; default: if((stat_items & IT_CTF_SHIELDED) && (myteam == COLOR_TEAM2)) red_icon = "flag_red_shielded"; else red_icon = string_null; break; } switch(redflag_prevstatus) { case 1: red_icon_prevstatus = "flag_red_taken"; break; case 2: red_icon_prevstatus = "flag_red_lost"; break; case 3: red_icon_prevstatus = "flag_red_carrying"; red_alpha_prevstatus = BLINK_BASE + BLINK_FACTOR * cos(time * BLINK_FREQ); break; default: if(redflag == 3) red_icon_prevstatus = "flag_red_carrying"; // make it more visible else if((stat_items & IT_CTF_SHIELDED) && (myteam == COLOR_TEAM2)) red_icon_prevstatus = "flag_red_shielded"; else red_icon_prevstatus = string_null; break; } string blue_icon, blue_icon_prevstatus; float blue_alpha, blue_alpha_prevstatus; blue_alpha = blue_alpha_prevstatus = 1; switch(blueflag) { case 1: blue_icon = "flag_blue_taken"; break; case 2: blue_icon = "flag_blue_lost"; break; case 3: blue_icon = "flag_blue_carrying"; blue_alpha = BLINK_BASE + BLINK_FACTOR * cos(time * BLINK_FREQ); break; default: if((stat_items & IT_CTF_SHIELDED) && (myteam == COLOR_TEAM1)) blue_icon = "flag_blue_shielded"; else blue_icon = string_null; break; } switch(blueflag_prevstatus) { case 1: blue_icon_prevstatus = "flag_blue_taken"; break; case 2: blue_icon_prevstatus = "flag_blue_lost"; break; case 3: blue_icon_prevstatus = "flag_blue_carrying"; blue_alpha_prevstatus = BLINK_BASE + BLINK_FACTOR * cos(time * BLINK_FREQ); break; default: if(blueflag == 3) blue_icon_prevstatus = "flag_blue_carrying"; // make it more visible else if((stat_items & IT_CTF_SHIELDED) && (myteam == COLOR_TEAM1)) blue_icon_prevstatus = "flag_blue_shielded"; else blue_icon_prevstatus = string_null; break; } if(mySize_x > mySize_y) { if (myteam == COLOR_TEAM1) { // always draw own flag on left redflag_pos = pos; blueflag_pos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; } else { blueflag_pos = pos; redflag_pos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x; } flag_size = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y; } else { if (myteam == COLOR_TEAM1) { // always draw own flag on left redflag_pos = pos; blueflag_pos = pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; } else { blueflag_pos = pos; redflag_pos = pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y; } flag_size = eY * 0.5 * mySize_y + eX * mySize_x; } f = bound(0, redflag_statuschange_elapsedtime*2, 1); if(red_icon_prevstatus && f < 1) drawpic_skin_expanding(redflag_pos, red_icon_prevstatus, flag_size, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * red_alpha_prevstatus, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, f); if(red_icon) drawpic_skin(redflag_pos, red_icon, flag_size, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * red_alpha * f, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); f = bound(0, blueflag_statuschange_elapsedtime*2, 1); if(blue_icon_prevstatus && f < 1) drawpic_skin_expanding(blueflag_pos, blue_icon_prevstatus, flag_size, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * blue_alpha_prevstatus, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, f); if(blue_icon) drawpic_skin(blueflag_pos, blue_icon, flag_size, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * blue_alpha * f, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // Keyhunt HUD modicon section float kh_runheretime; void HUD_Mod_KH_Reset(void) { kh_runheretime = 0; } void HUD_Mod_KH(vector pos, vector mySize) { mod_active = 1; // keyhunt should never hide the mod icons panel float kh_keys; float keyteam; float a, aa; vector p, pa, kh_size, kh_asize; kh_keys = getstati(STAT_KH_KEYS); p_x = pos_x; if(mySize_x > mySize_y) { p_y = pos_y + 0.25 * mySize_y; pa = p - eY * 0.25 * mySize_y; kh_size_x = mySize_x * 0.25; kh_size_y = 0.75 * mySize_y; kh_asize_x = mySize_x * 0.25; kh_asize_y = mySize_y * 0.25; } else { p_y = pos_y + 0.125 * mySize_y; pa = p - eY * 0.125 * mySize_y; kh_size_x = mySize_x * 0.5; kh_size_y = 0.375 * mySize_y; kh_asize_x = mySize_x * 0.5; kh_asize_y = mySize_y * 0.125; } float i, key; float keycount; keycount = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { key = floor(kh_keys / pow(32, i)) & 31; keyteam = key - 1; if(keyteam == 30 && keycount <= 4) keycount += 4; if(keyteam == myteam || keyteam == -1 || keyteam == 30) keycount += 1; } // this yields 8 exactly if "RUN HERE" shows if(keycount == 8) { if(!kh_runheretime) kh_runheretime = time; pa_y -= fabs(sin((time - kh_runheretime) * 3.5)) * 6; // make the arrows jump in case of RUN HERE } else kh_runheretime = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { key = floor(kh_keys / pow(32, i)) & 31; keyteam = key - 1; switch(keyteam) { case 30: // my key keyteam = myteam; a = 1; aa = 1; break; case -1: // no key a = 0; aa = 0; break; default: // owned or dropped a = 0.2; aa = 0.5; break; } a = a * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS); aa = aa * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS); if(a > 0) { switch(keyteam) { case COLOR_TEAM1: drawpic_skin(pa, "kh_redarrow", kh_asize, '1 1 1', aa, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // show 30% alpha key break; case COLOR_TEAM2: drawpic_skin(pa, "kh_bluearrow", kh_asize, '1 1 1', aa, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // show 30% alpha key break; case COLOR_TEAM3: drawpic_skin(pa, "kh_yellowarrow", kh_asize, '1 1 1', aa, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // show 30% alpha key break; case COLOR_TEAM4: drawpic_skin(pa, "kh_pinkarrow", kh_asize, '1 1 1', aa, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // show 30% alpha key break; default: break; } switch(i) // YAY! switch(i) inside a for loop for i. DailyWTF, here we come! { case 0: drawpic_skin(p, "kh_red", kh_size, '1 1 1', a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // show 30% alpha key break; case 1: drawpic_skin(p, "kh_blue", kh_size, '1 1 1', a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // show 30% alpha key break; case 2: drawpic_skin(p, "kh_yellow", kh_size, '1 1 1', a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // show 30% alpha key break; case 3: drawpic_skin(p, "kh_pink", kh_size, '1 1 1', a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // show 30% alpha key break; } } if(mySize_x > mySize_y) { p_x += 0.25 * mySize_x; pa_x += 0.25 * mySize_x; } else { if(i == 1) { p_y = pos_y + 0.625 * mySize_y; pa_y = pos_y + 0.5 * mySize_y; p_x = pos_x; pa_x = pos_x; } else { p_x += 0.5 * mySize_x; pa_x += 0.5 * mySize_x; } } } } // Nexball HUD mod icon void HUD_Mod_NexBall(vector pos, vector mySize) { float stat_items, nb_pb_starttime, dt, p; stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); nb_pb_starttime = getstatf(STAT_NB_METERSTART); if (stat_items & IT_KEY1) mod_active = 1; else mod_active = 0; //Manage the progress bar if any if (nb_pb_starttime > 0) { dt = mod(time - nb_pb_starttime, nb_pb_period); // one period of positive triangle p = 2 * dt / nb_pb_period; if (p > 1) p = 2 - p; //Draw the filling vector barsize; float vertical; if(mySize_x > mySize_y) { barsize = eX * p * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y; vertical = 0; } else { barsize = eX * mySize_x + eY * p * mySize_y; vertical = 1; } HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(pos, vertical, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("nexball"), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if (stat_items & IT_KEY1) drawpic_skin(pos, "nexball_carrying", eX * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // Race/CTS HUD mod icons float crecordtime_prev; // last remembered crecordtime float crecordtime_change_time; // time when crecordtime last changed float srecordtime_prev; // last remembered srecordtime float srecordtime_change_time; // time when srecordtime last changed float race_status_time; float race_status_prev; string race_status_name_prev; void HUD_Mod_Race(vector pos, vector mySize) { mod_active = 1; // race should never hide the mod icons panel entity me; me = playerslots[player_localentnum - 1]; float t, score; float f; // yet another function has this score = me.(scores[ps_primary]); if not((scores_flags[ps_primary] & SFL_TIME) && !teamplay) // race/cts record display on HUD return; // no records in the actual race drawfont = hud_bigfont; // clientside personal record string rr; if(gametype == GAME_CTS) rr = CTS_RECORD; else rr = RACE_RECORD; t = stof(db_get(ClientProgsDB, strcat(shortmapname, rr, "time"))); if(score && (score < t || !t)) { db_put(ClientProgsDB, strcat(shortmapname, rr, "time"), ftos(score)); if(cvar("cl_autodemo_delete_keeprecords")) { f = cvar("cl_autodemo_delete"); f &~= 1; cvar_set("cl_autodemo_delete", ftos(f)); // don't delete demo with new record! } } if(t != crecordtime_prev) { crecordtime_prev = t; crecordtime_change_time = time; } f = time - crecordtime_change_time; if (f > 1) { drawstring_aspect(pos, "Personal best ", eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * 0.25 * mySize_y, 0.15 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(pos + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y, TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t), '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawstring(pos, "Personal best ", '1 1 0' * 0.15 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(pos + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y, TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t), '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring_expanding(pos, "Personal best ", '1 1 0' * 0.15 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, f); drawstring_expanding(pos + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y, TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t), '1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, f); } // server record t = race_server_record; if(t != srecordtime_prev) { srecordtime_prev = t; srecordtime_change_time = time; } f = time - srecordtime_change_time; if (f > 1) { drawstring(pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, "Server best ", '1 1 0' * 0.15 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y, TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t),'1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawstring(pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, "Server best ", '1 1 0' * 0.15 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y, TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t),'1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring_expanding(pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, "Server best ", '1 1 0' * 0.15 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, f); drawstring_expanding(pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y, TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t),'1 1 0' * 0.2 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, f); } if (race_status != race_status_prev || race_status_name != race_status_name_prev) { race_status_time = time + 5; race_status_prev = race_status; if (race_status_name_prev) strunzone(race_status_name_prev); race_status_name_prev = strzone(race_status_name); } pos_x += mySize_x/2; // race "awards" float a; a = bound(0, race_status_time - time, 1); string s; s = textShortenToWidth(race_status_name, mySize_y, '1 1 0' * 0.1 * mySize_y, stringwidth_colors); float rank; if(race_status > 0) rank = race_CheckName(race_status_name); string rankname; rankname = race_PlaceName(rank); vector namepos; namepos = pos + '0.5 0.9 0' * mySize_y - eX * stringwidth(s, TRUE, '1 1 0' * 0.1 * mySize_y); vector rankpos; rankpos = pos + '0.5 0.25 0' * mySize_y - eX * stringwidth(rankname, TRUE, '1 1 0' * 0.15 * mySize_y); if(race_status == 0) drawpic_skin(pos, "race_newfail", '1 1 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else if(race_status == 1) { drawpic_skin(pos, "race_newtime", '1 1 0' * 0.9 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(namepos, s, '1 1 0' * 0.1 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(rankpos, rankname, '1 1 0' * 0.15 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(race_status == 2) { if(race_status_name == GetPlayerName(player_localentnum -1) || !race_myrank || race_myrank < rank) drawpic_skin(pos, "race_newrankgreen", '1 1 0' * 0.9 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic_skin(pos, "race_newrankyellow", '1 1 0' * 0.9 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(namepos, s, '1 1 0' * 0.1 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(rankpos, rankname, '1 1 0' * 0.15 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(race_status == 3) { drawpic_skin(pos, "race_newrecordserver", '1 1 0' * 0.9 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawcolorcodedstring(namepos, s, '1 1 0' * 0.1 * mySize_y, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(rankpos, rankname, '1 1 0' * 0.15 * mySize_y, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if (race_status_time - time <= 0) { race_status_prev = -1; race_status = -1; if(race_status_name) strunzone(race_status_name); race_status_name = string_null; if(race_status_name_prev) strunzone(race_status_name_prev); race_status_name_prev = string_null; } drawfont = hud_font; } float mod_prev; // previous state of mod_active to check for a change float mod_alpha; float mod_change; // "time" when mod_active changed void HUD_ModIcons(void) { if (gametype != GAME_KEYHUNT && gametype != GAME_CTF && gametype != GAME_NEXBALL && gametype != GAME_CTS && gametype != GAME_RACE && !hud_configure) return; float id = HUD_PANEL_MODICONS; vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); if(mod_active != mod_prev) { mod_change = time; mod_prev = mod_active; } if(mod_active || hud_configure) mod_alpha = bound(0, (time - mod_change) * 2, 1); else mod_alpha = bound(0, 1 - (time - mod_change) * 2, 1); if(mod_alpha) HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, mod_alpha); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } // these MUST be ran in order to update mod_active if(gametype == GAME_KEYHUNT) HUD_Mod_KH(pos, mySize); else if(gametype == GAME_CTF || hud_configure) HUD_Mod_CTF(pos, mySize); // forcealpha only needed for ctf icons, as only they are shown in config mode else if(gametype == GAME_NEXBALL) HUD_Mod_NexBall(pos, mySize); else if(gametype == GAME_CTS || gametype == GAME_RACE) HUD_Mod_Race(pos, mySize); } // Draw pressed keys (#11) // void HUD_DrawPressedKeys(void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_PRESSEDKEYS; vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } vector keysize; keysize = eX * mySize_x * (1/3) + eY * mySize_y * 0.5; float pressedkeys; pressedkeys = getstatf(STAT_PRESSED_KEYS); drawpic_skin(pos, ((pressedkeys & KEY_CROUCH) ? "key_crouch_inv.tga" : "key_crouch.tga"), keysize, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(pos + eX * mySize_x * (1/3), ((pressedkeys & KEY_FORWARD) ? "key_forward_inv.tga" : "key_forward.tga"), keysize, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(pos + eX * mySize_x * (2/3), ((pressedkeys & KEY_JUMP) ? "key_jump_inv.tga" : "key_jump.tga"), keysize, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, ((pressedkeys & KEY_LEFT) ? "key_left_inv.tga" : "key_left.tga"), keysize, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y + eX * mySize_x * (1/3), ((pressedkeys & KEY_BACKWARD) ? "key_backward_inv.tga" : "key_backward.tga"), keysize, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic_skin(pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y + eX * mySize_x * (2/3), ((pressedkeys & KEY_RIGHT) ? "key_right_inv.tga" : "key_right.tga"), keysize, '1 1 1', HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // Handle chat as a panel (#12) // void HUD_Chat(void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_CHAT; vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } cvar_set("con_chatrect", "1"); cvar_set("con_chatrect_x", ftos(pos_x/vid_conwidth)); cvar_set("con_chatrect_y", ftos(pos_y/vid_conheight)); cvar_set("con_chatwidth", ftos(mySize_x/vid_conwidth)); cvar_set("con_chat", ftos(floor(mySize_y/cvar("con_chatsize") - 0.5))); if(hud_configure) { float chatsize; chatsize = cvar("con_chatsize"); cvar_set("con_chatrect_x", "9001"); // over 9000, we'll fake it instead for more control over alpha and such float i, a; for(i = 0; i < cvar("con_chat"); ++i) { if(i == cvar("con_chat") - 1) a = HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id); else a = HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id) * floor(((i + 1) * 7 + cvar("con_chattime"))/45); drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eY * i * chatsize, textShortenToWidth("^3Player^7: This is the chat area.", mySize_x, '1 1 0' * chatsize, stringwidth_colors), '1 1 0' * chatsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } } // Engine info panel (#13) // float prevfps; float prevfps_time; float framecounter; float frametimeavg; float frametimeavg1; // 1 frame ago float frametimeavg2; // 2 frames ago void HUD_EngineInfo(void) { float id = HUD_PANEL_ENGINEINFO; vector pos, mySize; pos = HUD_Panel_GetPos(id); mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, 0); float padding; padding = HUD_Panel_GetPadding(id); if(padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding; } if(cvar("hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage")) { frametimeavg = (frametimeavg + frametimeavg1 + frametimeavg2 + frametime)/4; // average three frametimes into framecounter for slightly more stable fps readings :P frametimeavg2 = frametimeavg1; frametimeavg1 = frametimeavg; float weight; weight = cvar("hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage_new_weight"); if(frametime > 0.0001) // filter out insane values which sometimes seem to occur and throw off the average? If you are getting 10,000 fps or more, then you don't need a framerate counter. { if(fabs(prevfps - (1/frametimeavg)) > prevfps * cvar("hud_engineinfo_framecounter_exponentialmovingaverage_instantupdate_change_threshold")) // if there was a big jump in fps, just force prevfps at current (1/frametime) to make big updates instant prevfps = (1/frametime); prevfps = (1 - weight) * prevfps + weight * (1/frametimeavg); // framecounter just used so there's no need for a new variable, think of it as "frametime average" } } else { framecounter += 1; if(time - prevfps_time > cvar("hud_engineinfo_framecounter_time")) { prevfps = framecounter/cvar("hud_engineinfo_framecounter_time"); framecounter = 0; prevfps_time = time; } } vector color; color = HUD_Get_Num_Color (prevfps, 100); drawstring_aspect(pos, strcat("FPS: ", ftos_decimals(prevfps, cvar("hud_engineinfo_framecounter_decimals"))), mySize, mySize_y, color, HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(id), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } /* ================== Main HUD system ================== */ void HUD_ShowSpeed(void) { vector numsize; float pos, conversion_factor; string speed, zspeed, unit; switch(cvar("cl_showspeed_unit")) { default: case 0: unit = ""; conversion_factor = 1.0; break; case 1: unit = " qu/s"; conversion_factor = 1.0; break; case 2: unit = " m/s"; conversion_factor = 0.0254; break; case 3: unit = " km/h"; conversion_factor = 0.0254 * 3.6; break; case 4: unit = " mph"; conversion_factor = 0.0254 * 3.6 * 0.6213711922; break; case 5: unit = " knots"; conversion_factor = 0.0254 * 1.943844492; // 1 m/s = 1.943844492 knots, because 1 knot = 1.852 km/h break; } speed = strcat(ftos(floor( vlen(pmove_vel - pmove_vel_z * '0 0 1') * conversion_factor + 0.5 )), unit); numsize_x = numsize_y = cvar("cl_showspeed_size"); pos = (vid_conheight - numsize_y) * cvar("cl_showspeed_position"); drawfont = hud_bigfont; drawstringcenter(eX + pos * eY, speed, numsize, '1 1 1', hud_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if (cvar("cl_showspeed_z") == 1) { zspeed = strcat(ftos(fabs(floor( pmove_vel_z * conversion_factor + 0.5 ))), unit); drawstringcenter(eX + pos * eY + numsize_y * eY, zspeed, numsize * 0.5, '1 1 1', hud_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } drawfont = hud_font; } vector acc_prevspeed; float acc_prevtime; float acc_avg; void HUD_ShowAcceleration(void) { float acceleration, sz, scale, alpha, f; vector pos, top, rgb; top_x = vid_conwidth/2; top_y = 0; f = time - acc_prevtime; if(cvar("cl_showacceleration_z")) acceleration = (vlen(pmove_vel) - vlen(acc_prevspeed)) * (1 / f); else acceleration = (vlen(pmove_vel - '0 0 1' * pmove_vel_z) - vlen(acc_prevspeed - '0 0 1' * acc_prevspeed_z)) * (1 / f); acc_prevspeed = pmove_vel; acc_prevtime = time; f = bound(0, f * 10, 1); acc_avg = acc_avg * (1 - f) + acceleration * f; acceleration = acc_avg / getstatf(STAT_MOVEVARS_MAXSPEED); pos = top - sz/2 * eY + (cvar("cl_showacceleration_position") * vid_conheight) * eY; sz = cvar("cl_showacceleration_size"); scale = cvar("cl_showacceleration_scale"); alpha = cvar("cl_showacceleration_alpha"); if (cvar("cl_showacceleration_color_custom")) rgb = stov(cvar_string("cl_showacceleration_color")); else { rgb = '1 1 1'; if (acceleration < 0) { rgb = '1 .5 .5' - '0 .5 .5' * bound(0, -acceleration * 0.2, 1); } else if (acceleration > 0) { rgb = '.5 1 .5' - '.5 0 .5' * bound(0, +acceleration * 0.2, 1); } } if (acceleration > 0) HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(pos, 0, acceleration * scale * '40 0 0' + sz * eY, rgb, alpha * hud_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else if (acceleration < 0) HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(pos + acceleration * scale * '40 0 0', 0, -acceleration * scale * '40 0 0' + sz * eY, rgb, alpha * hud_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } void HUD_Reset (void) { // reset gametype specific icons if(gametype == GAME_KEYHUNT) HUD_Mod_KH_Reset(); else if(gametype == GAME_CTF) HUD_Mod_CTF_Reset(); } void HUD_Main (void) { if(disable_menu_alphacheck == 1) menu_fade_alpha = 1; else menu_fade_alpha = (1 - cvar("_menu_alpha")); hud_fg_alpha = cvar("hud_fg_alpha"); hud_border_thickness = bound(0, cvar("hud_border_thickness"), 5); hud_accuracy_border_thickness = bound(0, cvar_or("hud_accuracy_border_thickness", 1), 5); hud_color_bg_team = cvar("hud_color_bg_team"); hud_fontsize = HUD_GetFontsize("hud_fontsize"); hud_fontsize_spec = HUD_GetFontsize("hud_fontsize_spec"); hud_configure = cvar("_hud_configure"); // Drawing stuff // HUD configure visible grid if(hud_configure && cvar("hud_configure_grid") && cvar("hud_configure_grid_alpha")) { float i; // x-axis for(i = 0; i < 1/bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_x"), 0.2); ++i) { drawfill(eX * i * vid_conwidth * bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_x"), 0.2), eX + eY * vid_conheight, '0.5 0.5 0.5', cvar("hud_configure_grid_alpha"), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // y-axis for(i = 0; i < 1/bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_y"), 0.2); ++i) { drawfill(eY * i * vid_conheight * bound(0.005, cvar("hud_configure_grid_y"), 0.2), eY + eX * vid_conwidth, '0.5 0.5 0.5', cvar("hud_configure_grid_alpha"), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } if(cvar_string("hud_dock") != "") drawpic('0 0 0', strcat("gfx/hud/", cvar_string("hud_skin"), "/", cvar_string("hud_dock")), eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, HUD_Panel_Dock_GetColor(), cvar("hud_dock_alpha") * menu_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // no aspect ratio forcing on dock... if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_RADAR) || hud_configure) if(cvar_string("hud_radar") != "0" && (cvar("hud_radar") == 2 || teamplay)) HUD_Radar(); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_WEAPONICONS) || hud_configure) HUD_WeaponIcons(); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_INVENTORY) || hud_configure) HUD_Inventory(); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_POWERUPS) || hud_configure) HUD_Powerups(); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_HEALTHARMOR) || hud_configure) HUD_HealthArmor(); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_NOTIFY) || hud_configure) HUD_Notify(); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_TIMER) || hud_configure) HUD_Timer(); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_SCORE) || hud_configure) HUD_Score(); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_RACETIMER) || hud_configure) if(gametype == GAME_RACE || gametype == GAME_CTS || hud_configure) HUD_RaceTimer(); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_VOTE) || hud_configure) HUD_VoteWindow(); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_MODICONS) || hud_configure) HUD_ModIcons(); // TODO hud'ify if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_PRESSEDKEYS) || hud_configure) if(spectatee_status > 0 || cvar("hud_pressedkeys") >= 2 || hud_configure) HUD_DrawPressedKeys(); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_CHAT) || hud_configure) HUD_Chat(); else cvar_set("con_chatrect", "0"); if(HUD_Panel_CheckActive(HUD_PANEL_ENGINEINFO) || hud_configure) HUD_EngineInfo(); // TODO hud_'ify these if (cvar("cl_showspeed")) HUD_ShowSpeed(); if (cvar("cl_showacceleration")) HUD_ShowAcceleration(); if (hud_configure && spectatee_status) // try to join if we are in hud_configure mode, but still spectating (in order to get rid of motd and such) localcmd("cmd selectteam auto; cmd join\n"); if (!hud_configure) // hud config mode disabled, enable normal alpha stuff again disable_menu_alphacheck = 0; }