#include "gibs.qh" #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION REGISTER_NET_TEMP(net_gibsplash) #ifdef SVQC .int state; bool Violence_GibSplash_SendEntity(entity this, entity to, int sf) { int channel = MSG_ONE; msg_entity = to; WriteHeader(channel, net_gibsplash); WriteByte(channel, this.state); // actually type WriteByte(channel, bound(1, this.cnt * 16, 255)); // gibbage amount multiplier WriteShort(channel, floor(this.origin.x / 4)); // not using a coord here, as gibs don't need this accuracy WriteShort(channel, floor(this.origin.y / 4)); // not using a coord here, as gibs don't need this accuracy WriteShort(channel, floor(this.origin.z / 4)); // not using a coord here, as gibs don't need this accuracy WriteShort(channel, this.oldorigin.x); // acrually compressed velocity return true; } void Violence_GibSplash_At(vector org, vector dir, float type, float amount, entity gibowner, entity attacker) { if(g_cts) // no gibs in CTS return; entity e = new(gibsplash); e.cnt = amount; e.state = type; // should stay smaller than 15 if(!sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, gibowner) || !sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker)) e.state |= 0x40; // "silence" bit e.state |= 8 * gibowner.species; // gib type, ranges from 0 to 15 // if this is a copied dead body, send the num of its player instead // TODO: remove this field, read from model txt files if(gibowner.classname == "body") e.team = etof(gibowner.enemy); else e.team = etof(gibowner); setorigin(e, org); e.velocity = dir; e.oldorigin_x = compressShortVector(e.velocity); FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), Violence_GibSplash_SendEntity(e, it, 0)); remove(e); } void Violence_GibSplash(entity source, float type, float amount, entity attacker) { Violence_GibSplash_At(source.origin + source.view_ofs, source.velocity, type, amount, source, attacker); } #endif #ifdef CSQC .vector colormod; .bool silent; #include "rubble.qh" #include .float scale; .float alpha; .float cnt; .float gravity; void Gib_Delete(entity this) { remove(this); } string species_prefix(int specnum); void Gib_setmodel(entity gib, string mdlname, int specnum) { switch(specnum) { case SPECIES_ROBOT_RUSTY: case SPECIES_ROBOT_SHINY: case SPECIES_ROBOT_SOLID: if(specnum != SPECIES_ROBOT_SOLID || mdlname == "models/gibs/chunk.mdl") { if(mdlname == "models/gibs/bloodyskull.md3") setmodel(gib, MDL_GIB_ROBO); else setmodel(gib, MDL_GIB_ROBO_RANDOM()); if(specnum == SPECIES_ROBOT_SHINY) { gib.skin = 1; gib.colormod = '2 2 2'; } gib.scale = 1; break; } default: _setmodel(gib, mdlname); gib.skin = specnum; break; } } void new_te_bloodshower (int ef, vector org, float explosionspeed, int howmany) { float i, pmod; pmod = autocvar_cl_particles_quality; for (i = 0; i < 50 * pmod; ++i) __pointparticles(ef, org, randomvec() * explosionspeed, howmany / 50); } void SUB_RemoveOnNoImpact() { SELFPARAM(); if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT) Gib_Delete(self); } void Gib_Touch() {SELFPARAM(); // TODO maybe bounce of walls, make more gibs, etc. if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT) { Gib_Delete(self); return; } if(!self.silent) sound(self, CH_PAIN, SND_GIB_SPLAT_RANDOM(), VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); __pointparticles(_particleeffectnum(strcat(species_prefix(self.cnt), "blood")), self.origin + '0 0 1', '0 0 30', 10); Gib_Delete(self); } void Gib_Draw(entity this) { vector oldorg; oldorg = this.origin; Movetype_Physics_MatchTicrate(this, autocvar_cl_gibs_ticrate, autocvar_cl_gibs_sloppy); if(wasfreed(this)) return; if(gettouch(this) == Gib_Touch) // don't do this for the "chunk" thingie... // TODO somehow make it spray in a direction dependent on this.angles __trailparticles(this, _particleeffectnum(strcat(species_prefix(this.cnt), EFFECT_TR_SLIGHTBLOOD.eent_eff_name)), oldorg, this.origin); else __trailparticles(this, _particleeffectnum(strcat(species_prefix(this.cnt), EFFECT_TR_BLOOD.eent_eff_name)), oldorg, this.origin); this.renderflags = 0; // make gibs die faster at low view quality // if view_quality is 0.5, we want to have them die twice as fast this.nextthink -= frametime * (1 / bound(0.01, view_quality, 1.00) - 1); this.alpha = bound(0, this.nextthink - time, 1); if(this.alpha < ALPHA_MIN_VISIBLE) { this.drawmask = 0; Gib_Delete(this); } } void TossGib (string mdlname, vector safeorg, vector org, vector vconst, vector vrand, int specnum, bool destroyontouch, bool issilent) { entity gib; // TODO remove some gibs according to cl_nogibs gib = RubbleNew("gib"); gib.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; gib.gravity = 1; gib.solid = SOLID_CORPSE; gib.cnt = specnum; gib.silent = issilent; Gib_setmodel(gib, mdlname, specnum); setsize (gib, '-8 -8 -8', '8 8 8'); gib.draw = Gib_Draw; if(destroyontouch) settouch(gib, Gib_Touch); else settouch(gib, SUB_RemoveOnNoImpact); // don't spawn gibs inside solid - just don't if(org != safeorg) { tracebox(safeorg, gib.mins, gib.maxs, org, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, gib); org = trace_endpos; } gib.move_origin = org; setorigin(gib, org); gib.move_velocity = vconst * autocvar_cl_gibs_velocity_scale + vrand * autocvar_cl_gibs_velocity_random + '0 0 1' * autocvar_cl_gibs_velocity_up; gib.move_avelocity = prandomvec() * vlen(gib.move_velocity) * autocvar_cl_gibs_avelocity_scale; gib.move_time = time; gib.damageforcescale = autocvar_cl_gibs_damageforcescale; gib.nextthink = time + autocvar_cl_gibs_lifetime * (1 + prandom() * 0.15); gib.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; RubbleLimit("gib", autocvar_cl_gibs_maxcount, Gib_Delete); } NET_HANDLE(net_gibsplash, bool isNew) { Net_Accept(net_gibsplash); string gentle_prefix = "morphed_"; int type = ReadByte(); // gibbage type int amount = ReadByte() / 16.0; // gibbage amount vector org; org.x = ReadShort() * 4 + 2; org.y = ReadShort() * 4 + 2; org.z = ReadShort() * 4 + 2; vector vel = decompressShortVector(ReadShort()); return = true; float cl_gentle_gibs = autocvar_cl_gentle_gibs; if(cl_gentle_gibs || autocvar_cl_gentle) type |= 0x80; // set gentle bit if(type & 0x80) { if(cl_gentle_gibs == 2) gentle_prefix = ""; else if(cl_gentle_gibs == 3) gentle_prefix = "happy_"; } else if(autocvar_cl_particlegibs) { type |= 0x80; gentle_prefix = "particlegibs_"; } if (!(cl_gentle_gibs || autocvar_cl_gentle)) amount *= 1 - autocvar_cl_nogibs; if(autocvar_ekg) amount *= 5; if(amount <= 0 || !isNew) return; setorigin(this, org); // for the sounds int specnum = (type & 0x78) / 8; // blood/gibmodel type: using four bits (0..7, bit indexes 3,4,5) bool issilent = (type & 0x40); type = type & 0x87; // remove the species bits: bit 7 = gentle, bit 0,1,2 = kind of gib string specstr = species_prefix(specnum); switch(type) { case 0x01: if(!issilent) sound (this, CH_PAIN, SND_GIB, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); if(prandom() < amount) TossGib ("models/gibs/eye.md3", org, org, vel, prandomvec() * 150, specnum, 0, issilent); new_te_bloodshower(_particleeffectnum(strcat(specstr, "bloodshower")), org, 1200, amount); if(prandom() < amount) TossGib ("models/gibs/bloodyskull.md3", org, org + 16 * prandomvec(), vel, prandomvec() * 100, specnum, 0, issilent); for(int c = 0; c < amount; ++c) { int randomvalue = amount - c; if(prandom() < randomvalue) TossGib ("models/gibs/arm.md3", org, org + 16 * prandomvec() + '0 0 8', vel, prandomvec() * (prandom() * 120 + 90), specnum,0, issilent); if(prandom() < randomvalue) TossGib ("models/gibs/arm.md3", org, org + 16 * prandomvec() + '0 0 8', vel, prandomvec() * (prandom() * 120 + 90), specnum,0, issilent); if(prandom() < randomvalue) TossGib ("models/gibs/chest.md3", org, org + 16 * prandomvec(), vel, prandomvec() * (prandom() * 120 + 80), specnum,0, issilent); if(prandom() < randomvalue) TossGib ("models/gibs/smallchest.md3", org, org + 16 * prandomvec(), vel, prandomvec() * (prandom() * 120 + 80), specnum,0, issilent); if(prandom() < randomvalue) TossGib ("models/gibs/leg1.md3", org, org + 16 * prandomvec() + '0 0 -5', vel, prandomvec() * (prandom() * 120 + 85), specnum,0, issilent); if(prandom() < randomvalue) TossGib ("models/gibs/leg2.md3", org, org + 16 * prandomvec() + '0 0 -5', vel, prandomvec() * (prandom() * 120 + 85), specnum,0, issilent); // these splat on impact if(prandom() < randomvalue) TossGib ("models/gibs/chunk.mdl", org, org + 16 * prandomvec(), vel, prandomvec() * 450, specnum,1, issilent); if(prandom() < randomvalue) TossGib ("models/gibs/chunk.mdl", org, org + 16 * prandomvec(), vel, prandomvec() * 450, specnum,1, issilent); if(prandom() < randomvalue) TossGib ("models/gibs/chunk.mdl", org, org + 16 * prandomvec(), vel, prandomvec() * 450, specnum,1, issilent); if(prandom() < randomvalue) TossGib ("models/gibs/chunk.mdl", org, org + 16 * prandomvec(), vel, prandomvec() * 450, specnum,1, issilent); } break; case 0x02: __pointparticles(_particleeffectnum(strcat(specstr, "blood")), org, vel, amount * 16); break; case 0x03: if(prandom() < amount) TossGib ("models/gibs/chunk.mdl", org, org, vel, prandomvec() * (prandom() * 30 + 20), specnum, 1, issilent); // TODO maybe adjust to more randomization? break; case 0x81: __pointparticles(_particleeffectnum(strcat(gentle_prefix, "damage_dissolve")), org, vel, amount); break; case 0x82: __pointparticles(_particleeffectnum(strcat(gentle_prefix, "damage_hit")), org, vel, amount * 16); break; case 0x83: // no gibs in gentle mode, sorry break; } remove(this); } #endif #endif