#include "sv_invasion.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include IntrusiveList g_invasion_roundends; IntrusiveList g_invasion_waves; IntrusiveList g_invasion_spawns; STATIC_INIT(g_invasion) { g_invasion_roundends = IL_NEW(); g_invasion_waves = IL_NEW(); g_invasion_spawns = IL_NEW(); } float autocvar_g_invasion_round_timelimit; float autocvar_g_invasion_spawnpoint_spawn_delay; float autocvar_g_invasion_warmup; int autocvar_g_invasion_monster_count; bool autocvar_g_invasion_zombies_only; float autocvar_g_invasion_spawn_delay; bool victent_present; .bool inv_endreached; bool inv_warning_shown; // spammy void target_invasion_roundend_use(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger) { if(!IS_PLAYER(actor)) { return; } actor.inv_endreached = true; int plnum = 0; int realplnum = 0; // let's not count bots FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), { ++realplnum; if(it.inv_endreached) ++plnum; }); if(plnum < ceil(realplnum * min(1, this.count))) // 70% of players return; this.winning = true; } spawnfunc(target_invasion_roundend) { if(!g_invasion) { delete(this); return; } victent_present = true; // a victory entity is present, we don't need to rely on monster count TODO: merge this with the intrusive list (can check empty) if(!this.count) { this.count = 0.7; } // require at least 70% of the players to reach the end before triggering victory this.use = target_invasion_roundend_use; IL_PUSH(g_invasion_roundends, this); } spawnfunc(invasion_wave) { if(!g_invasion) { delete(this); return; } IL_PUSH(g_invasion_waves, this); } spawnfunc(invasion_spawnpoint) { if(!g_invasion) { delete(this); return; } this.classname = "invasion_spawnpoint"; IL_PUSH(g_invasion_spawns, this); } void ClearWinners(); // Invasion stage mode winning condition: If the attackers triggered a round end (by fulfilling all objectives) // they win. int WinningCondition_Invasion() { WinningConditionHelper(NULL); // set worldstatus int status = WINNING_NO; if(autocvar_g_invasion_type == INV_TYPE_STAGE) { SetWinners(inv_endreached, true); int found = 0; IL_EACH(g_invasion_roundends, true, { ++found; if(it.winning) { bprint("Invasion: round completed.\n"); // winners already set (TODO: teamplay support) status = WINNING_YES; break; } }); if(!found) status = WINNING_YES; // just end it? TODO: should warn mapper! } else if(autocvar_g_invasion_type == INV_TYPE_HUNT) { ClearWinners(); int found = 0; // NOTE: this ends the round if no monsters are placed IL_EACH(g_monsters, !(it.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_RESPAWNED), { ++found; }); if(found <= 0) { FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && !IS_DEAD(it), { it.winning = true; }); status = WINNING_YES; } } return status; } Monster invasion_PickMonster(int supermonster_count) { RandomSelection_Init(); FOREACH(Monsters, it != MON_Null, { if((it.spawnflags & MON_FLAG_HIDDEN) || (it.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_PASSIVE) || (it.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_FLY) || (it.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_SWIM) || (it.spawnflags & MONSTER_SIZE_QUAKE) || ((it.spawnflags & MON_FLAG_SUPERMONSTER) && supermonster_count >= 1)) continue; if(autocvar_g_invasion_zombies_only && !(it.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_UNDEAD)) continue; RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, 1, 1); }); return RandomSelection_chosen_ent; } entity invasion_PickSpawn() { RandomSelection_Init(); IL_EACH(g_invasion_spawns, true, { RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, 1, ((time < it.spawnshieldtime) ? 0.2 : 1)); // give recently used spawnpoints a very low rating it.spawnshieldtime = time + autocvar_g_invasion_spawnpoint_spawn_delay; }); return RandomSelection_chosen_ent; } entity invasion_GetWaveEntity(int wavenum) { IL_EACH(g_invasion_waves, it.cnt == wavenum, { return it; // found one }); // if no specific one is found, find the last existing wave ent entity best = NULL; IL_EACH(g_invasion_waves, it.cnt <= wavenum, { if(!best || it.cnt > best.cnt) best = it; }); return best; } void invasion_SpawnChosenMonster(Monster mon) { entity monster; entity spawn_point = invasion_PickSpawn(); entity wave_ent = invasion_GetWaveEntity(inv_roundcnt); string tospawn = ""; if(wave_ent && wave_ent.spawnmob && wave_ent.spawnmob != "") { RandomSelection_Init(); FOREACH_WORD(wave_ent.spawnmob, true, { RandomSelection_AddString(it, 1, 1); }); tospawn = RandomSelection_chosen_string; } if(spawn_point == NULL) { if(!inv_warning_shown) { inv_warning_shown = true; LOG_TRACE("Warning: couldn't find any invasion_spawnpoint spawnpoints, attempting to spawn monsters in random locations"); } entity e = spawn(); setsize(e, mon.m_mins, mon.m_maxs); if(MoveToRandomMapLocation(e, DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, DPCONTENTS_SLIME | DPCONTENTS_LAVA | DPCONTENTS_SKY | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_DONOTENTER, Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY, 10, 1024, 256)) monster = spawnmonster(e, tospawn, mon, NULL, NULL, e.origin, false, false, 2); else { delete(e); return; } } else // if spawnmob field falls through (unset), fallback to mon (relying on spawnmonster for that behaviour) monster = spawnmonster(spawn(), ((spawn_point.spawnmob && spawn_point.spawnmob != "") ? spawn_point.spawnmob : tospawn), mon, spawn_point, spawn_point, spawn_point.origin, false, false, 2); if(!monster) return; monster.spawnshieldtime = time; if(spawn_point) { if(spawn_point.target_range) monster.target_range = spawn_point.target_range; monster.target2 = spawn_point.target2; } if(teamplay) { if(spawn_point && spawn_point.team && inv_monsters_perteam[spawn_point.team] > 0) monster.team = spawn_point.team; else { RandomSelection_Init(); if(inv_monsters_perteam[NUM_TEAM_1] > 0) RandomSelection_AddFloat(NUM_TEAM_1, 1, 1); if(inv_monsters_perteam[NUM_TEAM_2] > 0) RandomSelection_AddFloat(NUM_TEAM_2, 1, 1); if(invasion_teams >= 3) if(inv_monsters_perteam[NUM_TEAM_3] > 0) { RandomSelection_AddFloat(NUM_TEAM_3, 1, 1); } if(invasion_teams >= 4) if(inv_monsters_perteam[NUM_TEAM_4] > 0) { RandomSelection_AddFloat(NUM_TEAM_4, 1, 1); } monster.team = RandomSelection_chosen_float; } monster_setupcolors(monster); if(monster.sprite) { WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(monster.sprite, RADARICON_DANGER, ((monster.team) ? Team_ColorRGB(monster.team) : '1 0 0')); monster.sprite.team = 0; monster.sprite.SendFlags |= 1; } } if(monster.monster_attack) IL_REMOVE(g_monster_targets, monster); monster.monster_attack = false; // it's the player's job to kill all the monsters if(inv_roundcnt >= inv_maxrounds) monster.spawnflags |= MONSTERFLAG_MINIBOSS; // last round spawns minibosses } void invasion_SpawnMonsters(int supermonster_count) { Monster chosen_monster = invasion_PickMonster(supermonster_count); invasion_SpawnChosenMonster(chosen_monster); } bool Invasion_CheckWinner() { if(round_handler_GetEndTime() > 0 && round_handler_GetEndTime() - time <= 0) { IL_EACH(g_monsters, true, { Monster_Remove(it); }); IL_CLEAR(g_monsters); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_ROUND_OVER); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_ROUND_OVER); round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_invasion_warmup, autocvar_g_invasion_round_timelimit); return 1; } float total_alive_monsters = 0, supermonster_count = 0, red_alive = 0, blue_alive = 0, yellow_alive = 0, pink_alive = 0; IL_EACH(g_monsters, GetResource(it, RES_HEALTH) > 0, { if(it.monsterdef.spawnflags & MON_FLAG_SUPERMONSTER) ++supermonster_count; ++total_alive_monsters; if(teamplay) switch(it.team) { case NUM_TEAM_1: ++red_alive; break; case NUM_TEAM_2: ++blue_alive; break; case NUM_TEAM_3: ++yellow_alive; break; case NUM_TEAM_4: ++pink_alive; break; } }); if((total_alive_monsters + inv_numkilled) < inv_maxspawned && inv_maxcurrent < inv_maxspawned) { if(time >= inv_lastcheck) { invasion_SpawnMonsters(supermonster_count); inv_lastcheck = time + autocvar_g_invasion_spawn_delay; } return 0; } if(inv_numspawned < 1) return 0; // nothing has spawned yet if(teamplay) { if(((red_alive > 0) + (blue_alive > 0) + (yellow_alive > 0) + (pink_alive > 0)) > 1) return 0; } else if(inv_numkilled < inv_maxspawned) return 0; entity winner = NULL; float winning_score = 0, winner_team = 0; if(teamplay) { if(red_alive > 0) { winner_team = NUM_TEAM_1; } if(blue_alive > 0) { if(winner_team) { winner_team = 0; } else { winner_team = NUM_TEAM_2; } } if(yellow_alive > 0) { if(winner_team) { winner_team = 0; } else { winner_team = NUM_TEAM_3; } } if(pink_alive > 0) { if(winner_team) { winner_team = 0; } else { winner_team = NUM_TEAM_4; } } } else { FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), { float cs = GameRules_scoring_add(it, KILLS, 0); if(cs > winning_score) { winning_score = cs; winner = it; } }); } IL_EACH(g_monsters, true, { Monster_Remove(it); }); IL_CLEAR(g_monsters); if(teamplay) { if(winner_team) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_CENTER, APP_TEAM_NUM(winner_team, CENTER_ROUND_TEAM_WIN)); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, APP_TEAM_NUM(winner_team, INFO_ROUND_TEAM_WIN)); } } else if(winner) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_ROUND_PLAYER_WIN, winner.netname); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_ROUND_PLAYER_WIN, winner.netname); } round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_invasion_warmup, autocvar_g_invasion_round_timelimit); return 1; } bool Invasion_CheckPlayers() { return true; } void Invasion_RoundStart() { int numplayers = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), { it.player_blocked = false; ++numplayers; }); if(inv_roundcnt < inv_maxrounds) inv_roundcnt += 1; // a limiter to stop crazy counts inv_monsterskill = inv_roundcnt + max(1, numplayers * 0.3); inv_maxcurrent = 0; inv_numspawned = 0; inv_numkilled = 0; inv_maxspawned = rint(max(autocvar_g_invasion_monster_count, autocvar_g_invasion_monster_count * (inv_roundcnt * 0.5))); if(teamplay) { DistributeEvenly_Init(inv_maxspawned, invasion_teams); inv_monsters_perteam[NUM_TEAM_1] = DistributeEvenly_Get(1); inv_monsters_perteam[NUM_TEAM_2] = DistributeEvenly_Get(1); if(invasion_teams >= 3) inv_monsters_perteam[NUM_TEAM_3] = DistributeEvenly_Get(1); if(invasion_teams >= 4) inv_monsters_perteam[NUM_TEAM_4] = DistributeEvenly_Get(1); } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, MonsterDies) { entity frag_target = M_ARGV(0, entity); entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity); if(!(frag_target.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_RESPAWNED)) { if(autocvar_g_invasion_type == INV_TYPE_ROUND) { inv_numkilled += 1; inv_maxcurrent -= 1; } if(teamplay) { inv_monsters_perteam[frag_target.team] -= 1; } if(IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker)) { if(SAME_TEAM(frag_attacker, frag_target)) // in non-teamplay modes, same team = same player, so this works GameRules_scoring_add(frag_attacker, KILLS, -1); else { GameRules_scoring_add(frag_attacker, KILLS, +1); if(teamplay) TeamScore_AddToTeam(frag_attacker.team, ST_INV_KILLS, +1); } } } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, MonsterSpawn) { entity mon = M_ARGV(0, entity); mon.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP | DPCONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; if(autocvar_g_invasion_type == INV_TYPE_HUNT) return false; // allowed if(!(mon.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_SPAWNED)) return true; if(!(mon.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_RESPAWNED)) { inv_numspawned += 1; inv_maxcurrent += 1; } mon.monster_skill = inv_monsterskill; if(mon.monsterdef.spawnflags & MON_FLAG_SUPERMONSTER) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_INVASION_SUPERMONSTER, mon.monster_name); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, SV_StartFrame) { if(autocvar_g_invasion_type != INV_TYPE_ROUND) return; // uses map spawned monsters monsters_total = inv_maxspawned; // TODO: make sure numspawned never exceeds maxspawned monsters_killed = inv_numkilled; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, PlayerRegen) { // no regeneration in invasion, regardless of the game type return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, PlayerSpawn) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(player.bot_attack) IL_REMOVE(g_bot_targets, player); player.bot_attack = false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, Damage_Calculate) { entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity); entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity); float frag_damage = M_ARGV(4, float); vector frag_force = M_ARGV(6, vector); if(IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker) && IS_PLAYER(frag_target) && frag_attacker != frag_target) { frag_damage = 0; frag_force = '0 0 0'; M_ARGV(4, float) = frag_damage; M_ARGV(6, vector) = frag_force; } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, BotShouldAttack) { entity targ = M_ARGV(1, entity); if(!IS_MONSTER(targ)) return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, SetStartItems) { if(autocvar_g_invasion_type == INV_TYPE_ROUND) { start_health = 200; start_armorvalue = 200; } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, AccuracyTargetValid) { entity frag_target = M_ARGV(1, entity); if(IS_MONSTER(frag_target)) return MUT_ACCADD_INVALID; return MUT_ACCADD_INDIFFERENT; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, AllowMobSpawning) { // monster spawning disabled during an invasion M_ARGV(1, string) = "You cannot spawn monsters during an invasion!"; return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, CheckRules_World) { if(autocvar_g_invasion_type == INV_TYPE_ROUND) return false; M_ARGV(0, float) = WinningCondition_Invasion(); return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams, CBC_ORDER_EXCLUSIVE) { M_ARGV(0, float) = invasion_teams; return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(inv, AllowMobButcher) { M_ARGV(0, string) = "This command does not work during an invasion!"; return true; } void invasion_ScoreRules(int inv_teams) { GameRules_score_enabled(false); GameRules_scoring(inv_teams, 0, 0, { if (inv_teams) { field_team(ST_INV_KILLS, "frags", SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY); } field(SP_KILLS, "frags", ((inv_teams) ? SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY : SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY)); }); } void invasion_DelayedInit(entity this) // Do this check with a delay so we can wait for teams to be set up. { if(autocvar_g_invasion_type == INV_TYPE_HUNT || autocvar_g_invasion_type == INV_TYPE_STAGE) cvar_set("fraglimit", "0"); if(autocvar_g_invasion_teams) { invasion_teams = BITS(bound(2, autocvar_g_invasion_teams, 4)); } else invasion_teams = 0; independent_players = 1; // to disable extra useless scores invasion_ScoreRules(invasion_teams); independent_players = 0; if(autocvar_g_invasion_type == INV_TYPE_ROUND) { round_handler_Spawn(Invasion_CheckPlayers, Invasion_CheckWinner, Invasion_RoundStart); round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_invasion_warmup, autocvar_g_invasion_round_timelimit); inv_roundcnt = 0; inv_maxrounds = 15; // 15? } } void invasion_Initialize() { InitializeEntity(NULL, invasion_DelayedInit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE); }