#include "sv_race.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define autocvar_g_race_laps_limit cvar("g_race_laps_limit") float autocvar_g_race_qualifying_timelimit; float autocvar_g_race_qualifying_timelimit_override; int autocvar_g_race_teams; // legacy bot roles .float race_checkpoint; void havocbot_role_race(entity this) { if(IS_DEAD(this)) return; if (navigation_goalrating_timeout(this)) { navigation_goalrating_start(this); bool raw_touch_check = true; int cp = this.race_checkpoint; LABEL(search_racecheckpoints) IL_EACH(g_racecheckpoints, true, { if(it.cnt == cp || cp == -1) { // redirect bot to next goal if it touched the waypoint of an untouchable checkpoint // e.g. checkpoint in front of Stormkeep's warpzone // the same workaround is applied in CTS game mode if (raw_touch_check && vdist(this.origin - it.nearestwaypoint.origin, <, 30)) { cp = race_NextCheckpoint(cp); raw_touch_check = false; goto search_racecheckpoints; } navigation_routerating(this, it, 1000000, 5000); } }); navigation_goalrating_end(this); navigation_goalrating_timeout_set(this); } } void race_ScoreRules() { GameRules_score_enabled(false); GameRules_scoring(race_teams, 0, 0, { if (race_teams) { field_team(ST_RACE_LAPS, "laps", SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY); field(SP_RACE_LAPS, "laps", SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY); field(SP_RACE_TIME, "time", SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY | SFL_LOWER_IS_BETTER | SFL_TIME); field(SP_RACE_FASTEST, "fastest", SFL_LOWER_IS_BETTER | SFL_TIME); } else if (g_race_qualifying) { field(SP_RACE_FASTEST, "fastest", SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY | SFL_LOWER_IS_BETTER | SFL_TIME); } else { field(SP_RACE_LAPS, "laps", SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY); field(SP_RACE_TIME, "time", SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY | SFL_LOWER_IS_BETTER | SFL_TIME); field(SP_RACE_FASTEST, "fastest", SFL_LOWER_IS_BETTER | SFL_TIME); } }); } void race_EventLog(string mode, entity actor) // use an alias for easy changing and quick editing later { if(autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":race:", mode, ":", ((actor != NULL) ? (strcat(":", ftos(actor.playerid))) : ""))); } float WinningCondition_Race(float fraglimit) { float wc; float n, c; n = 0; c = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), { ++n; if(CS(it).race_completed) ++c; }); if(n && (n == c)) return WINNING_YES; wc = WinningCondition_Scores(fraglimit, 0); // ALWAYS initiate overtime, unless EVERYONE has finished the race! if(wc == WINNING_YES || wc == WINNING_STARTSUDDENDEATHOVERTIME) // do NOT support equality when the laps are all raced! return WINNING_STARTSUDDENDEATHOVERTIME; else return WINNING_NEVER; } float WinningCondition_QualifyingThenRace(float limit) { float wc; wc = WinningCondition_Scores(limit, 0); // NEVER initiate overtime if(wc == WINNING_YES || wc == WINNING_STARTSUDDENDEATHOVERTIME) { return WINNING_YES; } return wc; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, ClientKill) { if(g_race_qualifying) M_ARGV(1, float) = 0; // killtime } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, AbortSpeedrun) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(autocvar_g_allow_checkpoints) race_PreparePlayer(player); // nice try } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, PlayerPhysics) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); float dt = M_ARGV(1, float); player.race_movetime_frac += dt; float f = floor(player.race_movetime_frac); player.race_movetime_frac -= f; player.race_movetime_count += f; player.race_movetime = player.race_movetime_frac + player.race_movetime_count; #ifdef SVQC if(IS_PLAYER(player)) { if (player.race_penalty) if (time > player.race_penalty) player.race_penalty = 0; if(player.race_penalty) { player.velocity = '0 0 0'; set_movetype(player, MOVETYPE_NONE); player.disableclientprediction = 2; } } #endif // force kbd movement for fairness float wishspeed; vector wishvel; // if record times matter // ensure nothing EVIL is being done (i.e. div0_evade) // this hinders joystick users though // but it still gives SOME analog control wishvel.x = fabs(CS(player).movement.x); wishvel.y = fabs(CS(player).movement.y); if(wishvel.x != 0 && wishvel.y != 0 && wishvel.x != wishvel.y) { wishvel.z = 0; wishspeed = vlen(wishvel); if(wishvel.x >= 2 * wishvel.y) { // pure X motion if(CS(player).movement.x > 0) CS(player).movement_x = wishspeed; else CS(player).movement_x = -wishspeed; CS(player).movement_y = 0; } else if(wishvel.y >= 2 * wishvel.x) { // pure Y motion CS(player).movement_x = 0; if(CS(player).movement.y > 0) CS(player).movement_y = wishspeed; else CS(player).movement_y = -wishspeed; } else { // diagonal if(CS(player).movement.x > 0) CS(player).movement_x = M_SQRT1_2 * wishspeed; else CS(player).movement_x = -M_SQRT1_2 * wishspeed; if(CS(player).movement.y > 0) CS(player).movement_y = M_SQRT1_2 * wishspeed; else CS(player).movement_y = -M_SQRT1_2 * wishspeed; } } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, reset_map_global) { float s; Score_NicePrint(NULL); race_ClearRecords(); PlayerScore_Sort(race_place, 0, 1, 0); FOREACH_CLIENT(true, { if(it.race_place) { s = GameRules_scoring_add(it, RACE_FASTEST, 0); if(!s) it.race_place = 0; } race_EventLog(ftos(it.race_place), it); }); if(g_race_qualifying == 2) { g_race_qualifying = 0; independent_players = 0; cvar_set("fraglimit", ftos(race_fraglimit)); cvar_set("leadlimit", ftos(race_leadlimit)); cvar_set("timelimit", ftos(race_timelimit)); race_ScoreRules(); } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, ClientConnect) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); race_PreparePlayer(player); player.race_checkpoint = -1; string rr = RACE_RECORD; if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(player)) { msg_entity = player; race_send_recordtime(MSG_ONE); race_send_speedaward(MSG_ONE); speedaward_alltimebest = stof(db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), rr, "speed/speed"))); speedaward_alltimebest_holder = uid2name(db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), rr, "speed/crypto_idfp"))); race_send_speedaward_alltimebest(MSG_ONE); float i; int m = min(RANKINGS_CNT, autocvar_g_cts_send_rankings_cnt); race_send_rankings_cnt(MSG_ONE); for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i) { race_SendRankings(i, 0, 0, MSG_ONE); } } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, MakePlayerObserver) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(g_race_qualifying) { if(GameRules_scoring_add(player, RACE_FASTEST, 0)) player.frags = FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME; else player.frags = FRAGS_SPECTATOR; } race_PreparePlayer(player); player.race_checkpoint = -1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, PlayerSpawn) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); entity spawn_spot = M_ARGV(1, entity); if(spawn_spot.target == "") // Emergency: this wasn't a real spawnpoint. Can this ever happen? race_PreparePlayer(player); // if we need to respawn, do it right player.race_respawn_checkpoint = player.race_checkpoint; player.race_respawn_spotref = spawn_spot; player.race_place = 0; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, PutClientInServer) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(IS_PLAYER(player)) if(!game_stopped) { if(CS(player).killcount == FRAGS_SPECTATOR /* initial spawn */ || g_race_qualifying) // spawn race_PreparePlayer(player); else // respawn race_RetractPlayer(player); race_AbandonRaceCheck(player); } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, PlayerDies) { entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity); frag_target.respawn_flags |= RESPAWN_FORCE; race_AbandonRaceCheck(frag_target); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, HavocBot_ChooseRole) { entity bot = M_ARGV(0, entity); bot.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_race; return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, GetPressedKeys) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(CS(player).cvar_cl_allow_uidtracking == 1 && CS(player).cvar_cl_allow_uid2name == 1) { if (!player.stored_netname) player.stored_netname = strzone(uid2name(player.crypto_idfp)); if(player.stored_netname != player.netname) { db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat("/uid2name/", player.crypto_idfp), player.netname); strcpy(player.stored_netname, player.netname); } } if (!IS_OBSERVER(player)) { if(vdist(player.velocity - player.velocity_z * '0 0 1', >, speedaward_speed)) { speedaward_speed = vlen(player.velocity - player.velocity_z * '0 0 1'); speedaward_holder = player.netname; speedaward_uid = player.crypto_idfp; speedaward_lastupdate = time; } if (speedaward_speed > speedaward_lastsent && time - speedaward_lastupdate > 1) { string rr = RACE_RECORD; race_send_speedaward(MSG_ALL); speedaward_lastsent = speedaward_speed; if (speedaward_speed > speedaward_alltimebest && speedaward_uid != "") { speedaward_alltimebest = speedaward_speed; speedaward_alltimebest_holder = speedaward_holder; speedaward_alltimebest_uid = speedaward_uid; db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), rr, "speed/speed"), ftos(speedaward_alltimebest)); db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), rr, "speed/crypto_idfp"), speedaward_alltimebest_uid); race_send_speedaward_alltimebest(MSG_ALL); } } } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, ForbidPlayerScore_Clear) { if(g_race_qualifying) return true; // in qualifying, you don't lose score by observing } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams, CBC_ORDER_EXCLUSIVE) { M_ARGV(0, float) = race_teams; return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, Scores_CountFragsRemaining) { // announce remaining frags if not in qualifying mode if(!g_race_qualifying) return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, GetRecords) { int record_page = M_ARGV(0, int); string ret_string = M_ARGV(1, string); for(int i = record_page * 200; i < MapInfo_count && i < record_page * 200 + 200; ++i) { if(MapInfo_Get_ByID(i)) { float r = race_readTime(MapInfo_Map_bspname, 1); if(!r) continue; string h = race_readName(MapInfo_Map_bspname, 1); ret_string = strcat(ret_string, strpad(32, MapInfo_Map_bspname), " ", strpad(-8, TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(r)), " ", h, "\n"); } } M_ARGV(1, string) = ret_string; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, HideTeamNagger) { return true; // doesn't work so well } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, FixClientCvars) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); stuffcmd(player, "cl_cmd settemp cl_movecliptokeyboard 2\n"); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, CheckRules_World) { float checkrules_timelimit = M_ARGV(1, float); float checkrules_fraglimit = M_ARGV(2, float); if(checkrules_timelimit >= 0) { if(!g_race_qualifying) { M_ARGV(0, float) = WinningCondition_Race(checkrules_fraglimit); return true; } else if(g_race_qualifying == 2) { M_ARGV(0, float) = WinningCondition_QualifyingThenRace(checkrules_fraglimit); return true; } } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(rc, ReadLevelCvars) { if(g_race_qualifying == 2) warmup_stage = 0; } void race_Initialize() { race_ScoreRules(); if(g_race_qualifying == 2) warmup_stage = 0; radar_showenemies = true; } void rc_SetLimits() { int fraglimit_override, leadlimit_override; float timelimit_override, qualifying_override; if(autocvar_g_race_teams) { GameRules_teams(true); race_teams = BITS(bound(2, autocvar_g_race_teams, 4)); } else race_teams = 0; qualifying_override = autocvar_g_race_qualifying_timelimit_override; fraglimit_override = autocvar_g_race_laps_limit; leadlimit_override = 0; // currently not supported by race timelimit_override = autocvar_timelimit_override; float want_qualifying = ((qualifying_override >= 0) ? qualifying_override : autocvar_g_race_qualifying_timelimit) > 0; if(autocvar_g_campaign) { g_race_qualifying = 1; independent_players = 1; } else if(want_qualifying) { g_race_qualifying = 2; independent_players = 1; race_fraglimit = (fraglimit_override >= 0) ? fraglimit_override : autocvar_fraglimit; race_leadlimit = (leadlimit_override >= 0) ? leadlimit_override : autocvar_leadlimit; race_timelimit = (timelimit_override >= 0) ? timelimit_override : autocvar_timelimit; qualifying_override = (qualifying_override >= 0) ? qualifying_override : autocvar_g_race_qualifying_timelimit; fraglimit_override = 0; leadlimit_override = 0; timelimit_override = qualifying_override; } else g_race_qualifying = 0; GameRules_limit_score(fraglimit_override); GameRules_limit_lead(leadlimit_override); GameRules_limit_time(timelimit_override); GameRules_limit_time_qualifying(qualifying_override); }