#include "cl_minigames.qh" // Draw a square in the center of the avaliable area void minigame_hud_simpleboard(vector pos, vector mySize, string board_texture) { if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0" && panel.current_panel_bg != "") draw_BorderPicture(pos - '1 1 0' * panel_bg_border, panel.current_panel_bg, mySize + '1 1 0' * 2 * panel_bg_border, panel_bg_color, panel_bg_alpha, '1 1 0' * (panel_bg_border/BORDER_MULTIPLIER)); drawpic(pos, board_texture, mySize, '1 1 1', panel_bg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // De-normalize (2D vector) v from relative coordinate inside pos mySize vector minigame_hud_denormalize(vector v, vector pos, vector mySize) { v_x = pos_x + v_x * mySize_x; v_y = pos_y + v_y * mySize_y; return v; } // De-normalize (2D vector) v from relative size inside pos mySize vector minigame_hud_denormalize_size(vector v, vector pos, vector mySize) { v_x = v_x * mySize_x; v_y = v_y * mySize_y; return v; } // Normalize (2D vector) v to relative coordinate inside pos mySize vector minigame_hud_normalize(vector v, vector pos, vector mySize) { v_x = ( v_x - pos_x ) / mySize_x; v_y = ( v_y - pos_y ) / mySize_y; return v; } // Check if the mouse is inside the given area bool minigame_hud_mouse_in(vector pos, vector sz) { return mousepos_x >= pos_x && mousepos_x < pos_x + sz_x && mousepos_y >= pos_y && mousepos_y < pos_y + sz_y ; } void initialize_minigames() { entity last_minig = world; entity minig; #define MINIGAME(name,nicename) \ minig = spawn(); \ minig.classname = "minigame_descriptor"; \ minig.netname = strzone(strtolower(#name)); \ minig.message = nicename; \ minig.minigame_hud_board = name##_hud_board; \ minig.minigame_hud_status = name##_hud_status; \ minig.minigame_event = name##_client_event; \ if ( !last_minig ) minigame_descriptors = minig; \ else last_minig.list_next = minig; \ last_minig = minig; REGISTERED_MINIGAMES #undef MINIGAME } string minigame_texture_skin(string skinname, string name) { return sprintf("gfx/hud/%s/minigames/%s", skinname, name); } string minigame_texture(string name) { string path = minigame_texture_skin(autocvar_menu_skin,name); if ( precache_pic(path) == "" ) path = minigame_texture_skin("default", name); return path; } #define FIELD(Flags, Type, Name) MSLE_CLEAN_##Type(self.Name) #define MSLE_CLEAN_String(x) strunzone(x); #define MSLE_CLEAN_Byte(x) #define MSLE_CLEAN_Char(x) #define MSLE_CLEAN_Short(x) #define MSLE_CLEAN_Coord(x) #define MSLE_CLEAN_Angle(x) #define MSLE_CLEAN_Float(x) #define MSLE_CLEAN_Vector(x) #define MSLE_CLEAN_Vector2D(x) #define MSLE(Name,Fields) \ void msle_entremove_##Name() { strunzone(self.netname); Fields } MINIGAME_SIMPLELINKED_ENTITIES #undef MSLE #undef FIELD void minigame_autoclean_entity(entity e) { dprint("CL Auto-cleaned: ",ftos(num_for_edict(e)), " (",e.classname,")\n"); remove(e); } void HUD_MinigameMenu_CurrentButton(); bool auto_close_minigamemenu; void deactivate_minigame() { if ( !active_minigame || active_minigame != self ) return; active_minigame.minigame_event(active_minigame,"deactivate"); entity e = world; while( (e = findentity(e, owner, self)) ) if ( e.minigame_autoclean ) { minigame_autoclean_entity(e); } minigame_self = world; active_minigame = world; if ( auto_close_minigamemenu ) { HUD_MinigameMenu_Close(); auto_close_minigamemenu = 0; } else HUD_MinigameMenu_CurrentButton(); } void activate_minigame(entity minigame) { if ( !minigame ) { deactivate_minigame(); return; } if ( !minigame.descriptor || minigame.classname != "minigame" ) { dprint("Trying to activate unregistered minigame ",minigame.netname," in client\n"); return; } if ( minigame == active_minigame ) return; if ( active_minigame ) { entity olds = minigame_self; deactivate_minigame(); minigame_self = olds; } if ( minigame_self.owner != minigame ) minigame_self = world; active_minigame = minigame; active_minigame.minigame_event(active_minigame,"activate"); if ( HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() ) HUD_MinigameMenu_CurrentButton(); else { auto_close_minigamemenu = 1; HUD_MinigameMenu_Open(); } } void minigame_player_entremove() { if ( self.owner == active_minigame && self.minigame_playerslot == player_localentnum ) deactivate_minigame(); } vector ReadVector2D() { vector v; v_x = ReadCoord(); v_y = ReadCoord(); v_z = 0; return v; } vector ReadVector() { vector v; v_x = ReadCoord(); v_y = ReadCoord(); v_z = ReadCoord(); return v; } string() ReadString_Raw = #366; string ReadString_Zoned() { return strzone(ReadString_Raw()); } #define ReadFloat ReadCoord #define ReadString ReadString_Zoned #define FIELD(Flags, Type,Name) if ( sf & (Flags) ) self.Name = Read##Type(); #define MSLE(Name,Fields) \ else if ( self.classname == #Name ) { \ if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE ) { \ minigame_read_owner(); \ self.entremove = msle_entremove_##Name; \ } \ minigame_ent = self.owner; \ Fields \ } void minigame_read_owner() { string owner_name = ReadString_Raw(); self.owner = world; do self.owner = find(self.owner,netname,owner_name); while ( self.owner && self.owner.classname != "minigame" ); if ( !self.owner ) dprint("Got a minigame entity without a minigame!\n"); } void ent_read_minigame() { float sf = ReadByte(); if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE ) { self.classname = msle_classname(ReadShort()); self.netname = ReadString_Zoned(); } entity minigame_ent = world; if ( self.classname == "minigame" ) { minigame_ent = self; if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE ) { self.entremove = deactivate_minigame; self.descriptor = minigame_get_descriptor(ReadString_Raw()); if ( !self.descriptor ) dprint("Got a minigame without a client-side descriptor!\n"); else self.minigame_event = self.descriptor.minigame_event; } if ( sf & MINIG_SF_UPDATE ) self.minigame_flags = ReadLong(); } else if ( self.classname == "minigame_player" ) { float activate = 0; if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE ) { self.entremove = minigame_player_entremove; minigame_read_owner(); float ent = ReadLong(); self.minigame_playerslot = ent; dprint("Player: ",GetPlayerName(ent-1),"\n"); activate = (ent == player_localnum+1 && self.owner && self.owner != active_minigame); } minigame_ent = self.owner; if ( sf & MINIG_SF_UPDATE ) self.team = ReadByte(); if ( activate ) { minigame_self = self; activate_minigame(self.owner); } } MINIGAME_SIMPLELINKED_ENTITIES if ( minigame_ent ) minigame_ent.minigame_event(minigame_ent,"network_receive",self,sf); if ( sf & MINIG_SF_CREATE ) { dprint("CL Reading entity: ",ftos(num_for_edict(self)), " classname:",self.classname," enttype:",ftos(self.enttype) ); dprint(" sf:",ftos(sf)," netname:",self.netname,"\n\n"); } } #undef ReadFloat #undef ReadString #undef FIELD #undef MSLE string minigame_getWrappedLine(float w, vector theFontSize, textLengthUpToWidth_widthFunction_t tw) { int last_word; string s; int take_until; int skip = 0; s = getWrappedLine_remaining; if(w <= 0) { getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null; return s; // the line has no size ANYWAY, nothing would be displayed. } take_until = textLengthUpToWidth(s, w, theFontSize, tw); if ( take_until > strlen(s) ) take_until = strlen(s); for ( int i = 0; i < take_until; i++ ) if ( substring(s,i,1) == "\n" ) { take_until = i; skip = 1; break; } if ( take_until > 0 || skip > 0 ) { if ( skip == 0 && take_until < strlen(s) ) { last_word = take_until; while(last_word > 0 && substring(s, last_word, 1) != " ") --last_word; if ( last_word != 0 ) { take_until = last_word; skip = 1; } } getWrappedLine_remaining = substring(s, take_until+skip, strlen(s) - (take_until+skip)); if(getWrappedLine_remaining == "") getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null; else if (tw("^7", theFontSize) == 0) getWrappedLine_remaining = strcat(find_last_color_code(substring(s, 0, take_until)), getWrappedLine_remaining); return substring(s, 0, take_until); } else { getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null; return s; } } vector minigame_drawstring_wrapped( float maxwidth, vector pos, string text, vector fontsize, vector color, float theAlpha, int drawflags, float align ) { getWrappedLine_remaining = text; vector mypos = pos; while ( getWrappedLine_remaining ) { string line = minigame_getWrappedLine(maxwidth,fontsize,stringwidth_nocolors); if ( line == "" ) break; mypos_x = pos_x + (maxwidth - stringwidth_nocolors(line, fontsize)) * align; drawstring(mypos, line, fontsize, color, theAlpha, drawflags); mypos_y += fontsize_y; } mypos_x = maxwidth; mypos_y -= pos_y; return mypos; } vector minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_wrapped( float maxwidth, vector pos, string text, vector fontsize, float theAlpha, int drawflags, float align ) { getWrappedLine_remaining = text; vector mypos = pos; while ( getWrappedLine_remaining ) { string line = minigame_getWrappedLine(maxwidth,fontsize,stringwidth_colors); if ( line == "" ) break; mypos_x = pos_x + (maxwidth - stringwidth_colors(line, fontsize)) * align; drawcolorcodedstring(mypos, line, fontsize, theAlpha, drawflags); mypos_y += fontsize_y; } mypos_x = maxwidth; mypos_y -= pos_y; return mypos; } void minigame_drawstring_trunc(float maxwidth, vector pos, string text, vector fontsize, vector color, float theAlpha, int drawflags ) { string line = textShortenToWidth(text,maxwidth,fontsize,stringwidth_nocolors); drawstring(pos, line, fontsize, color, theAlpha, drawflags); } void minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_trunc(float maxwidth, vector pos, string text, vector fontsize, float theAlpha, int drawflags ) { string line = textShortenToWidth(text,maxwidth,fontsize,stringwidth_colors); drawcolorcodedstring(pos, line, fontsize, theAlpha, drawflags); } void minigame_drawpic_centered( vector pos, string texture, vector sz, vector color, float thealpha, int drawflags ) { drawpic( pos-sz/2, texture, sz, color, thealpha, drawflags ); } // Workaround because otherwise variadic arguments won't work properly // It could be a bug in the compiler or in darkplaces void minigame_cmd_workaround(float dummy, string...cmdargc) { string cmd; cmd = "cmd minigame "; float i; for ( i = 0; i < cmdargc; i++ ) cmd = strcat(cmd,...(i,string)); localcmd(strcat(cmd,"\n")); } // Prompt the player to play in the current minigame // (ie: it's their turn and they should get back to the minigame) void minigame_prompt() { if ( active_minigame && ! HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() ) { HUD_Notify_Push(sprintf("minigames/%s/icon_notif",active_minigame.descriptor.netname), _("It's your turn"), ""); } }