#ifndef SPIDER_H #define SPIDER_H #ifndef MENUQC MODEL(MON_SPIDER, "models/monsters/spider.dpm"); #endif CLASS(Spider, Monster) ATTRIB(Spider, spawnflags, int, MON_FLAG_MELEE | MON_FLAG_RANGED | MON_FLAG_RIDE); ATTRIB(Spider, mins, vector, '-18 -18 -25'); ATTRIB(Spider, maxs, vector, '18 18 30'); #ifndef MENUQC ATTRIB(Spider, m_model, Model, MDL_MON_SPIDER); #endif ATTRIB(Spider, netname, string, "spider"); ATTRIB(Spider, monster_name, string, _("Spider")); ENDCLASS(Spider) REGISTER_MONSTER(SPIDER, NEW(Spider)) { #ifndef MENUQC this.mr_precache(this); #endif } #include "../../weapons/all.qh" CLASS(SpiderAttack, PortoLaunch) /* flags */ ATTRIB(SpiderAttack, spawnflags, int, WEP_TYPE_OTHER | WEP_FLAG_HIDDEN | WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED); /* impulse */ ATTRIB(SpiderAttack, impulse, int, 9); /* refname */ ATTRIB(SpiderAttack, netname, string, "spider"); /* wepname */ ATTRIB(SpiderAttack, message, string, _("Spider attack")); ENDCLASS(SpiderAttack) REGISTER_WEAPON(SPIDER_ATTACK, NEW(SpiderAttack)); #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION #ifdef SVQC .float spider_web_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_web_damagetime; float autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_web_speed; float autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_web_speed_up; float autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_web_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_bite_damage; float autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_bite_delay; void M_Spider_Attack_Web(); METHOD(SpiderAttack, wr_think, void(SpiderAttack thiswep, entity actor, int fire)) { bool isPlayer = IS_PLAYER(actor); if (fire & 1) if ((!isPlayer && time >= actor.spider_web_delay) || weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, false, autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_web_delay)) { if (!isPlayer) { actor.spider_web_delay = time + 3; setanim(actor, actor.anim_shoot, true, true, true); actor.attack_finished_single = time + (autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_web_delay); actor.anim_finished = time + 1; } if (isPlayer) actor.enemy = Monster_FindTarget(actor); W_SetupShot_Dir(actor, v_forward, false, 0, W_Sound("electro_fire"), CH_WEAPON_B, 0); if (!isPlayer) w_shotdir = normalize((actor.enemy.origin + '0 0 10') - actor.origin); M_Spider_Attack_Web(); weapon_thinkf(actor, WFRAME_FIRE1, 0, w_ready); return; } if (fire & 2) if (!isPlayer || weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, true, 0.5)) { if (isPlayer) { actor.enemy = Monster_FindTarget(actor); actor.attack_range = 60; } Monster_Attack_Melee(actor.enemy, (autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_bite_damage), ((random() > 0.5) ? self.anim_melee : self.anim_shoot), self.attack_range, (autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_bite_delay), DEATH_MONSTER_SPIDER.m_id, true); weapon_thinkf(actor, WFRAME_FIRE2, 0, w_ready); } } float autocvar_g_monster_spider_health; float autocvar_g_monster_spider_damageforcescale = 0.6; float autocvar_g_monster_spider_speed_stop; float autocvar_g_monster_spider_speed_run; float autocvar_g_monster_spider_speed_walk; /* const float spider_anim_idle = 0; const float spider_anim_walk = 1; const float spider_anim_attack = 2; const float spider_anim_attack2 = 3; */ void M_Spider_Attack_Web_Explode() {SELFPARAM(); entity e; if(self) { Send_Effect(EFFECT_ELECTRO_IMPACT, self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); RadiusDamage(self, self.realowner, 0, 0, 25, world, world, 25, self.projectiledeathtype, world); for(e = findradius(self.origin, 25); e; e = e.chain) if(e != self) if(e.takedamage && e.deadflag == DEAD_NO) if(e.health > 0) if(e.monsterid != MON_SPIDER.monsterid) e.spider_slowness = time + (autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_web_damagetime); remove(self); } } void M_Spider_Attack_Web_Touch() { PROJECTILE_TOUCH; M_Spider_Attack_Web_Explode(); } void adaptor_think2use_hittype_splash(); void M_Spider_Attack_Web() {SELFPARAM(); monster_makevectors(self.enemy); sound(self, CH_SHOTS, SND_ELECTRO_FIRE2, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); entity proj = spawn (); proj.classname = "plasma"; proj.owner = proj.realowner = self; proj.use = M_Spider_Attack_Web_Explode; proj.think = adaptor_think2use_hittype_splash; proj.bot_dodge = true; proj.bot_dodgerating = 0; proj.nextthink = time + 5; PROJECTILE_MAKETRIGGER(proj); proj.projectiledeathtype = DEATH_MONSTER_SPIDER.m_id; setorigin(proj, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(self)); //proj.glow_size = 50; //proj.glow_color = 45; proj.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; W_SetupProjVelocity_Explicit(proj, v_forward, v_up, (autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_web_speed), (autocvar_g_monster_spider_attack_web_speed_up), 0, 0, false); proj.touch = M_Spider_Attack_Web_Touch; setsize(proj, '-4 -4 -4', '4 4 4'); proj.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; proj.damageforcescale = 0; proj.health = 500; proj.event_damage = func_null; proj.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; proj.damagedbycontents = true; proj.bouncefactor = 0.3; proj.bouncestop = 0.05; proj.missile_flags = MIF_SPLASH | MIF_ARC; CSQCProjectile(proj, true, PROJECTILE_ELECTRO, true); } bool M_Spider_Attack(int attack_type, entity targ) {SELFPARAM(); switch(attack_type) { Weapon wep = WEP_SPIDER_ATTACK; case MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE: { wep.wr_think(wep, self, 2); return true; } case MONSTER_ATTACK_RANGED: { wep.wr_think(wep, self, 1); return true; } } return false; } spawnfunc(monster_spider) { Monster_Spawn(MON_SPIDER.monsterid); } #endif // SVQC #ifdef SVQC METHOD(Spider, mr_think, bool(Spider thismon)) { return true; } METHOD(Spider, mr_pain, bool(Spider thismon)) { return true; } METHOD(Spider, mr_death, bool(Spider thismon)) { SELFPARAM(); setanim(self, self.anim_melee, false, true, true); self.angles_x = 180; return true; } #endif #ifndef MENUQC METHOD(Spider, mr_anim, bool(Spider thismon)) { SELFPARAM(); vector none = '0 0 0'; self.anim_walk = animfixfps(self, '1 1 1', none); self.anim_idle = animfixfps(self, '0 1 1', none); self.anim_melee = animfixfps(self, '2 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate self.anim_shoot = animfixfps(self, '3 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate self.anim_run = animfixfps(self, '1 1 1', none); return true; } #endif #ifdef SVQC spawnfunc(item_health_medium); METHOD(Spider, mr_setup, bool(Spider thismon)) { SELFPARAM(); if(!self.health) self.health = (autocvar_g_monster_spider_health); if(!self.speed) { self.speed = (autocvar_g_monster_spider_speed_walk); } if(!self.speed2) { self.speed2 = (autocvar_g_monster_spider_speed_run); } if(!self.stopspeed) { self.stopspeed = (autocvar_g_monster_spider_speed_stop); } if(!self.damageforcescale) { self.damageforcescale = (autocvar_g_monster_spider_damageforcescale); } self.monster_loot = spawnfunc_item_health_medium; self.monster_attackfunc = M_Spider_Attack; return true; } METHOD(Spider, mr_precache, bool(Spider thismon)) { return true; } #endif #endif