#include "sv_instagib.qh" #include #include #include #include #include "../random_items/sv_random_items.qh" bool autocvar_g_instagib_damagedbycontents = true; bool autocvar_g_instagib_blaster_keepdamage = false; bool autocvar_g_instagib_blaster_keepforce = false; bool autocvar_g_instagib_mirrordamage; bool autocvar_g_instagib_friendlypush = true; //int autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_drop; bool autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_convert_cells; bool autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_convert_rockets; bool autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_convert_shells; bool autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_convert_bullets; bool autocvar_g_instagib_allow_jetpacks; /// \brief Returns a random classname of the instagib item. /// \param[in] prefix Prefix of the cvars that hold probabilities. /// \return Random classname of the instagib item. string RandomItems_GetRandomInstagibItemClassName(string prefix) { RandomSelection_Init(); IL_EACH(g_instagib_items, Item_IsDefinitionAllowed(it), { string cvar_name = sprintf("g_%s_%s_probability", prefix, it.m_canonical_spawnfunc); if (!(cvar_type(cvar_name) & CVAR_TYPEFLAG_EXISTS)) { LOG_WARNF("Random items: cvar %s doesn't exist.", cvar_name); continue; } RandomSelection_AddString(it.m_canonical_spawnfunc, cvar(cvar_name), 1); }); return RandomSelection_chosen_string; } .float instagib_nextthink; .float instagib_needammo; void instagib_stop_countdown(entity e) { if (!e.instagib_needammo) return; Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, e, MSG_CENTER, CPID_INSTAGIB_FINDAMMO); e.instagib_needammo = false; } void instagib_countdown(entity this) { float hp = GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH); float dmg = (hp <= 10) ? 5 : 10; Damage(this, this, this, dmg, DEATH_NOAMMO.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); entity annce = (hp <= 5) ? ANNCE_INSTAGIB_TERMINATED : Announcer_PickNumber(CNT_NORMAL, ceil(hp / 10)); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_ANNCE, annce); if (hp > 80) { if (hp <= 90) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_INSTAGIB_FINDAMMO); else Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_MULTI, MULTI_INSTAGIB_FINDAMMO); } } void instagib_ammocheck(entity this) { if(time < this.instagib_nextthink) return; if(!IS_PLAYER(this)) return; // not a player if(IS_DEAD(this) || game_stopped) instagib_stop_countdown(this); else if (GetResource(this, RES_CELLS) > 0 || (this.items & IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO) || (this.flags & FL_GODMODE)) instagib_stop_countdown(this); else if(autocvar_g_rm && autocvar_g_rm_laser) { if(!this.instagib_needammo) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_INSTAGIB_DOWNGRADE); this.instagib_needammo = true; } } else { this.instagib_needammo = true; instagib_countdown(this); } this.instagib_nextthink = time + 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, MatchEnd) { FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), { instagib_stop_countdown(it); }); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, RandomItems_GetRandomItemClassName) { M_ARGV(1, string) = RandomItems_GetRandomInstagibItemClassName( M_ARGV(0, string)); return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, MonsterDropItem) { entity item = M_ARGV(1, entity); item.itemdef = ITEM_VaporizerCells; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, MonsterSpawn) { entity mon = M_ARGV(0, entity); // always refill ammo if(mon.monsterdef == MON_MAGE) mon.skin = 1; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, MakePlayerObserver) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); instagib_stop_countdown(player); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, ForbidRandomStartWeapons) { return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, PlayerSpawn) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); player.effects |= EF_FULLBRIGHT; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, PlayerPreThink) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); instagib_ammocheck(player); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, PlayerRegen) { // no regeneration in instagib return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, PlayerDamage_SplitHealthArmor) { M_ARGV(4, float) = M_ARGV(7, float); // take = damage M_ARGV(5, float) = 0; // save } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon) { // weapon dropping on death handled by FilterItem return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, Damage_Calculate) { entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity); entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity); float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float); float frag_damage = M_ARGV(4, float); float frag_mirrordamage = M_ARGV(5, float); vector frag_force = M_ARGV(6, vector); if(autocvar_g_friendlyfire == 0 && SAME_TEAM(frag_target, frag_attacker) && IS_PLAYER(frag_target) && IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker)) frag_damage = 0; if(IS_PLAYER(frag_target)) { if(frag_deathtype == DEATH_FALL.m_id) frag_damage = 0; // never count fall damage if(!autocvar_g_instagib_damagedbycontents) switch(DEATH_ENT(frag_deathtype)) { case DEATH_DROWN: case DEATH_SLIME: case DEATH_LAVA: frag_damage = 0; break; } if(IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker)) if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(frag_deathtype, WEP_VAPORIZER)) { if(!autocvar_g_instagib_friendlypush && SAME_TEAM(frag_target, frag_attacker)) frag_force = '0 0 0'; float armor = GetResource(frag_target, RES_ARMOR); if(armor) { armor -= 1; SetResource(frag_target, RES_ARMOR, armor); frag_damage = 0; frag_target.hitsound_damage_dealt += 1; frag_attacker.hitsound_damage_dealt += 1; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, frag_target, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_INSTAGIB_LIVES_REMAINING, armor); } } if(IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker) && DEATH_ISWEAPON(frag_deathtype, WEP_BLASTER)) { if(!autocvar_g_instagib_blaster_keepdamage || frag_attacker == frag_target) { frag_damage = 0; if(!autocvar_g_instagib_mirrordamage) frag_mirrordamage = 0; // never do mirror damage on enemies } if(frag_target != frag_attacker) { if(!autocvar_g_instagib_blaster_keepforce) frag_force = '0 0 0'; } } } if(!autocvar_g_instagib_mirrordamage) // only apply the taking lives hack if we don't want to support real damage mirroring if(IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker)) if(frag_mirrordamage > 0) { // just lose extra LIVES, don't kill the player for mirror damage float armor = GetResource(frag_attacker, RES_ARMOR); if(armor > 0) { armor -= 1; SetResource(frag_attacker, RES_ARMOR, armor); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, frag_attacker, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_INSTAGIB_LIVES_REMAINING, armor); frag_attacker.hitsound_damage_dealt += frag_mirrordamage; } frag_mirrordamage = 0; } if(frag_target.alpha && frag_target.alpha < 1) if(IS_PLAYER(frag_target)) yoda = 1; M_ARGV(4, float) = frag_damage; M_ARGV(5, float) = frag_mirrordamage; M_ARGV(6, vector) = frag_force; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, SetStartItems, CBC_ORDER_LAST) { start_health = warmup_start_health = 100; start_armorvalue = warmup_start_armorvalue = 0; start_ammo_shells = warmup_start_ammo_shells = 0; start_ammo_nails = warmup_start_ammo_nails = 0; start_ammo_cells = warmup_start_ammo_cells = cvar("g_instagib_ammo_start"); start_ammo_plasma = warmup_start_ammo_plasma = 0; start_ammo_rockets = warmup_start_ammo_rockets = 0; //start_ammo_fuel = warmup_start_ammo_fuel = 0; start_weapons = warmup_start_weapons = WEPSET(VAPORIZER); start_items |= IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, SetWeaponArena) { // turn weapon arena off M_ARGV(0, string) = "off"; } void instagib_replace_item_with(entity this, GameItem def) { entity new_item = spawn(); switch (def) { case ITEM_Invisibility: new_item.invisibility_finished = autocvar_g_instagib_invisibility_time; break; case ITEM_Speed: new_item.speed_finished = autocvar_g_instagib_speed_time; break; } Item_CopyFields(this, new_item); StartItem(new_item, def); } const int INSTAGIB_POWERUP_COUNT = 3; GameItem instagib_remaining_powerups[INSTAGIB_POWERUP_COUNT]; // replaces item with a random powerup selected among the less spawned ones void instagib_replace_item_with_random_powerup(entity item) { static int remaining_powerups_count = INSTAGIB_POWERUP_COUNT; if (remaining_powerups_count == 0) remaining_powerups_count = INSTAGIB_POWERUP_COUNT; if (remaining_powerups_count == INSTAGIB_POWERUP_COUNT) { instagib_remaining_powerups[0] = ITEM_Invisibility; instagib_remaining_powerups[1] = ITEM_ExtraLife; instagib_remaining_powerups[2] = ITEM_Speed; } float r = floor(random() * remaining_powerups_count); instagib_replace_item_with(item, instagib_remaining_powerups[r]); for(int i = r; i < INSTAGIB_POWERUP_COUNT - 1; ++i) instagib_remaining_powerups[i] = instagib_remaining_powerups[i + 1]; --remaining_powerups_count; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, FilterItem) { entity item = M_ARGV(0, entity); switch (item.itemdef) { case ITEM_Strength: case ITEM_Shield: case ITEM_HealthMega: case ITEM_ArmorMega: if(autocvar_g_powerups) instagib_replace_item_with_random_powerup(item); return true; case ITEM_Invisibility: case ITEM_ExtraLife: case ITEM_Speed: return false; case ITEM_Cells: if(autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_convert_cells) instagib_replace_item_with(item, ITEM_VaporizerCells); return true; case ITEM_Rockets: if(autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_convert_rockets) instagib_replace_item_with(item, ITEM_VaporizerCells); return true; case ITEM_Shells: if(autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_convert_shells) instagib_replace_item_with(item, ITEM_VaporizerCells); return true; case ITEM_Bullets: if(autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_convert_bullets) instagib_replace_item_with(item, ITEM_VaporizerCells); return true; case ITEM_Jetpack: case ITEM_JetpackRegen: return !autocvar_g_instagib_allow_jetpacks; } switch (item.weapon) { case WEP_VAPORIZER.m_id: if (ITEM_IS_LOOT(item)) { SetResource(item, RES_CELLS, autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_drop); return false; } break; case WEP_DEVASTATOR.m_id: case WEP_VORTEX.m_id: instagib_replace_item_with(item, ITEM_VaporizerCells); return true; } float cells = GetResource(item, RES_CELLS); if(cells > autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_drop && item.classname != "item_vaporizer_cells") SetResource(item, RES_CELLS, autocvar_g_instagib_ammo_drop); if(cells && !item.weapon) return false; return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, PlayerDies) { float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float); if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(frag_deathtype, WEP_VAPORIZER)) M_ARGV(4, float) = 1000; // always gib if it was a vaporizer death } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, ItemTouch) { if(MUTATOR_RETURNVALUE) return false; entity item = M_ARGV(0, entity); entity toucher = M_ARGV(1, entity); if(GetResource(item, RES_CELLS)) { // play some cool sounds ;) float hp = GetResource(toucher, RES_HEALTH); if (IS_CLIENT(toucher)) { if(hp <= 5) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, toucher, MSG_ANNCE, ANNCE_INSTAGIB_LASTSECOND); else if(hp < 50) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, toucher, MSG_ANNCE, ANNCE_INSTAGIB_NARROWLY); } if(hp < 100) SetResource(toucher, RES_HEALTH, 100); return MUT_ITEMTOUCH_CONTINUE; } if(item.itemdef == ITEM_ExtraLife) { GiveResource(toucher, RES_ARMOR, autocvar_g_instagib_extralives); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, toucher, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_EXTRALIVES, autocvar_g_instagib_extralives); Inventory_pickupitem(item.itemdef, toucher); return MUT_ITEMTOUCH_PICKUP; } return MUT_ITEMTOUCH_CONTINUE; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, BuildMutatorsString) { M_ARGV(0, string) = strcat(M_ARGV(0, string), ":instagib"); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, BuildMutatorsPrettyString) { M_ARGV(0, string) = strcat(M_ARGV(0, string), ", InstaGib"); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mutator_instagib, SetModname) { M_ARGV(0, string) = "InstaGib"; return true; }