// ================================================ // Unified notification system, written by Samual // Last updated: February, 2013 // ================================================ // main types/groups of notifications #define MSG_INFO 1 // "Global" information messages (sent to console, and notify panel if it has an icon) #define MSG_CENTER 2 // "Personal" centerprint messages #define MSG_WEAPON 3 // "Personal" weapon messages (like "You got the Nex", sent to weapon notify panel) #define MSG_DEATH 4 // "Personal" AND "Global" death messages #ifndef MENUQC // SERVER AND CLIENT ONLY #define NO_MSG -12345 // ping of bots defined for extra frag message notification information #define BOT_PING -1 #define EIGHT_VARS_TO_VARARGS_VARLIST \ VARITEM(1, 0, s1) \ VARITEM(2, 0, XPD(s1, s2)) \ VARITEM(3, 0, XPD(s1, s2, s3)) \ VARITEM(4, 0, XPD(s1, s2, s3, s4)) \ VARITEM(0, 1, f1) \ VARITEM(1, 1, XPD(s1, f1)) \ VARITEM(2, 1, XPD(s1, s2, f1)) \ VARITEM(3, 1, XPD(s1, s2, s3, f1)) \ VARITEM(4, 1, XPD(s1, s2, s3, s4, f1)) \ VARITEM(0, 2, XPD(f1, f2)) \ VARITEM(1, 2, XPD(s1, f1, f2)) \ VARITEM(2, 2, XPD(s1, s2, f1, f2)) \ VARITEM(3, 2, XPD(s1, s2, s3, f1, f2)) \ VARITEM(4, 2, XPD(s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2)) \ VARITEM(0, 3, XPD(f1, f2, f3)) \ VARITEM(1, 3, XPD(s1, f1, f2, f3)) \ VARITEM(2, 3, XPD(s1, s2, f1, f2, f3)) \ VARITEM(3, 3, XPD(s1, s2, s3, f1, f2, f3)) \ VARITEM(4, 3, XPD(s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3)) \ VARITEM(0, 4, XPD(f1, f2, f3, f4)) \ VARITEM(1, 4, XPD(s1, f1, f2, f3, f4)) \ VARITEM(2, 4, XPD(s1, s2, f1, f2, f3, f4)) \ VARITEM(3, 4, XPD(s1, s2, s3, f1, f2, f3, f4)) \ VARITEM(4, 4, XPD(s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4)) #define ARG_BOTH 1 #define ARG_CSQC 2 #define ARG_SVQC 3 #define NOTIF_ARGUMENT_LIST \ ARG_CASE(ARG_BOTH, "s1", s1) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_BOTH, "s2", s2) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_BOTH, "s3", s3) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_BOTH, "s4", s4) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_BOTH, "f1", ftos(f1)) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_BOTH, "f2", ftos(f2)) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_BOTH, "f3", ftos(f3)) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_BOTH, "f4", ftos(f4)) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_BOTH, "f1/100", ftos(f1/100)) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_BOTH, "f2/100", ftos(f2/100)) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_CSQC, "pass_key", ((((tmp_s = getcommandkey("pass", "+use")) != "pass") && !(strstrofs(tmp_s, "not bound", 0) >= 0)) ? sprintf(CCR(_(" ^F1(Press %s)")), tmp_s) : "")) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_CSQC, "frag_ping", ((f2 != BOT_PING) ? sprintf(CCR(_("\n(Ping ^2%d^BG)")), f2) : "")) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_CSQC, "frag_stats", sprintf(CCR(_("\n(Health ^1%d^BG / Armor ^2%d^BG)%s")), f1, f2, ((f3 != BOT_PING) ? sprintf(CCR(_(" (Ping ^2%d^BG)")), f3) : ""))) \ /*ARG_CASE(ARG_CSQC, "frag_pos", ((Should_Print_Score_Pos(f1)) ? sprintf("\n^BG%s", Read_Score_Pos(f1)) : ""))*/ \ ARG_CASE(ARG_CSQC, "spree_cen", (((f1 == 3) || (f1 == 5) || (f1 == 10) || (f1 == 15) || (f1 == 20) || (f1 == 25) || (f1 == 30)) ? sprintf(normal_or_gentle(_("%d frag spree! "), _("%d score spree! ")), f1) : "")) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_CSQC, "spree_inf", (((f1 == 3) || (f1 == 5) || (f1 == 10) || (f1 == 15) || (f1 == 20) || (f1 == 25) || (f1 == 30)) ? sprintf(normal_or_gentle(_("%d frag spree! "), _("%d score spree! ")), f1) : "")) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_CSQC, "spree_end", ((f1 >= 3) ? sprintf(normal_or_gentle(_(", ending their %d frag spree"), _(", ending their %d score spree")), f1) : "")) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_CSQC, "spree_lost", ((f1 >= 3) ? sprintf(normal_or_gentle(_(", losing their %d frag spree"), _(", losing their %d score spree")), f1) : "")) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_CSQC, "death_team", Team_ColoredFullName(f1 - 1)) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_CSQC, "weapon_name", ftos(f1)) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_SVQC, "spree_inf", (((f1 == 3) || (f1 == 5) || (f1 == 10) || (f1 == 15) || (f1 == 20) || (f1 == 25) || (f1 == 30)) ? sprintf(normal_or_gentle(_("%d frag spree! "), _("%d score spree! ")), f1) : "")) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_SVQC, "spree_end", ((f1 >= 3) ? sprintf(normal_or_gentle(_(", ending their %d frag spree"), _(", ending their %d score spree")), f1) : "")) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_SVQC, "spree_lost", ((f1 >= 3) ? sprintf(normal_or_gentle(_(", losing their %d frag spree"), _(", losing their %d score spree")), f1) : "")) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_SVQC, "death_team", Team_ColoredFullName(f1)) \ ARG_CASE(ARG_SVQC, "weapon_name", ftos(f1)) entity Get_Notif_Ent(float net_type, float net_name); string Get_Notif_Name(float net_type, float net_name); float Get_Notif_Infval(float net_type, float net_name); float Get_Notif_Cenval(float net_type, float net_name); float Get_Notif_Strnum(float net_type, float net_name); float Get_Notif_Flnum(float net_type, float net_name); string arg_slot[7]; void Local_Notification(float net_type, float net_name, ...count); void Local_Notification_Without_VarArgs(float net_type, float net_name, float stringcount, float floatcount, string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4); #ifdef CSQC // CLIENT ONLY #define KN_MAX_ENTRIES 10 float kn_index; float killnotify_times[KN_MAX_ENTRIES]; string killnotify_icon[KN_MAX_ENTRIES]; string killnotify_attackers[KN_MAX_ENTRIES]; string killnotify_victims[KN_MAX_ENTRIES]; void HUD_Notify_Push(string icon, string attacker, string victim); void Read_Notification(float is_new); #endif // ifdef CSQC #ifdef SVQC // SERVER ONLY #define NOTIF_ONE 1 #define NOTIF_ONE_ONLY 2 #define NOTIF_TEAM 3 #define NOTIF_TEAM_EXCEPT 4 #define NOTIF_ANY 5 #define NOTIF_ANY_EXCEPT 6 #define IFSTR(num) ((num < notif.nent_stringcount) ? ...(num, string) : "") #define IFFL(num) ((((notif.nent_stringcount-1) + num) < count) ? ...(((notif.nent_stringcount-1) + num), float) : 0) void Send_Notification(float broadcast, entity client, float net_type, float net_name, ...count); void Send_Notification_Without_VarArgs(float broadcast, entity client, float net_type, float net_name, float stringcount, float floatcount, string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4); void Send_Notification_Legacy_Wrapper(float broadcast, entity client, float net_type, float net_name, string s1, string s2, float f1, float f2, float f3); void Send_CSQC_Centerprint_Generic(entity e, float id, string s, float duration, float countdown_num); void Send_CSQC_Centerprint_Generic_Expire(entity e, float id); #endif // ifdef SVQC #endif // ifndef MENUQC // MENU, SERVER, AND CLIENT void Dump_Notifications(float fh, float alsoprint); // ==================================== // Notifications List and Information // ==================================== /* List of all notifications (including identifiers and display information) Possible Tokens: name, infoname, centername, strnum, flnum, args, hudargs, icon, cpid, durcnt, normal, gentle Format Specifications: MSG_INFO: name: VAR: Name of notification strnum: FLOAT: Number of STRING arguments (so that networking knows how many to send/receive) flnum: FLOAT: Number of FLOAT arguments (so that networking knows how many to send/receive) args: MISC: Arguments for sprintf(string, args), if no args needed then use "" hudargs: XPD(STRING, STRING): arguments for names in notify messages icon: STRING: icon string name for the hud notify panel, "" if no icon is used normal: STRING: Normal message (string for sprintf when gentle messages are NOT enabled) gentle: STRING: Gentle message (string for sprintf when gentle messages ARE enabled) MSG_CENTER: name: VAR: Name of notification strnum: FLOAT: Number of STRING arguments (so that networking knows how many to send/receive) flnum: FLOAT: Number of FLOAT arguments (so that networking knows how many to send/receive) args: MISC: Arguments for sprintf(string, args), if no args needed then use "" cpid: FLOAT: centerprint ID number (CPID_*), NO_CPID if no CPID is needed durcnt: XPD(FLOAT, FLOAT): Duration/Countdown: extra arguments for centerprint messages normal: STRING: Normal message (string for sprintf when gentle messages are NOT enabled) gentle: STRING: Gentle message (string for sprintf when gentle messages ARE enabled) MSG_WEAPON: MSG_DEATH: name: VAR: Name of chaining notification infoname: VAR: Name of info notification for reference centername: VAR: Name of centerprint notification for reference Messages with ^F1, ^BG, ^TC, etc etc in them will replace those strings with colors according to the cvars the user has chosen. This allows for users to create unique color profiles for their HUD, giving more customization options to HUD designers and end users who want such a feature. Check out the definitions in util.qc/util.qh/teams.qh for string CCR(...) and string TCR(...) to better understand how these code replacements work. Guidlines for notification declaration (please try and follow these): Specific rules: -ALWAYS start the string with a color, preferably background. -ALWAYS reset a color after a name (this way they don't set it for the whole string). -NEVER re-declare an event twice. -NEVER add or remove tokens from the format, it SHOULD already work. -MSG_INFO messages must ALWAYS end with a new line: \n -MSG_INFO hudargs must always be ATTACKER -> VICTIM -MSG_CENTER should NOT end with a new line General rules: -Be clean and simple with your notification naming, nothing too long for the name field... Abbreviations are your friend. :D -Keep the spacing as clean as possible... if the arguments are abnormally long, it's okay to go out of line a bit... but try and keep it clean still. -Sort the notifications in the most appropriate order for their tasks. -ARIRE unir frk jvgu lbhe bja zbgure. (gvc sbe zvxrrhfn) -- Don't pay attention to this ^_^ Final note: DO NOT PROVIDE MORE ARGUMENTS THAN NECESSARY FOR THE NOTIFICATION YOU'RE CALLING! The system is designed to save as much networking bandwidth as possible, so please dynamically control your argument sending to fit *exactly* what is required. If you send a notification with mismatching arguments, Send_Notification() will error. */ #define MULTITEAM_INFO(prefix,teams,strnum,flnum,args,hudargs,icon,normal,gentle) \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(prefix##RED, strnum, flnum, args, hudargs, sprintf(icon, strtolower(STR_TEAM_1)), TCR(normal, COL_TEAM_1, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_1)), TCR(gentle, COL_TEAM_1, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_1))) \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(prefix##BLUE, strnum, flnum, args, hudargs, sprintf(icon, strtolower(STR_TEAM_2)), TCR(normal, COL_TEAM_2, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_2)), TCR(gentle, COL_TEAM_2, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_2))) \ #if teams >= 3 \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(prefix##YELLOW, strnum, flnum, args, hudargs, sprintf(icon, strtolower(STR_TEAM_3)), TCR(normal, COL_TEAM_3, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_3)), TCR(gentle, COL_TEAM_3, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_3))) \ #endif \ #if teams >= 4 \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(prefix##PINK, strnum, flnum, args, hudargs, sprintf(icon, strtolower(STR_TEAM_4)), TCR(normal, COL_TEAM_4, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_4)), TCR(gentle, COL_TEAM_4, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_4))) \ #endif #define MSG_INFO_NOTIFICATIONS \ /*MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_EMPTY, 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "")*/ \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_FLAGRETURN_DROPPED_, 2, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGThe ^TC^TT^BG flag was dropped in the base and returned itself\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_FLAGRETURN_DAMAGED_, 2, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGThe ^TC^TT^BG flag was destroyed and returned to base\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_FLAGRETURN_SPEEDRUN_, 2, 0, 1, "f1/100", "", "", _("^BGThe ^TC^TT^BG flag became impatient after ^F1%.2f^BG seconds and returned itself\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_FLAGRETURN_NEEDKILL_, 2, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGThe ^TC^TT^BG flag fell somewhere it couldn't be reached and returned to base\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_FLAGRETURN_ABORTRUN_, 2, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGThe ^TC^TT^BG flag was returned to base by its owner\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_FLAGRETURN_TIMEOUT_, 2, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGThe ^TC^TT^BG flag has returned to the base\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_PICKUP_, 2, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "notify_%s_taken", _("^BG%s^BG got the ^TC^TT^BG flag\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_RETURN_, 2, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "notify_%s_returned", _("^BG%s^BG returned the ^TC^TT^BG flag\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_LOST_, 2, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "notify_%s_lost", _("^BG%s^BG lost the ^TC^TT^BG flag\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_CAPTURE_, 2, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "notify_%s_captured", _("^BG%s^BG captured the ^TC^TT^BG flag\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_CAPTURE_TIME_, 2, 1, 1, "s1 f1/100", "s1", "notify_%s_captured", _("^BG%s^BG captured the ^TC^TT^BG flag in ^F1%.2f^BG seconds\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_CAPTURE_BROKEN_, 2, 2, 2, "s1 f1/100 s2 f2/100", "s1", "notify_%s_captured", _("^BG%s^BG captured the ^TC^TT^BG flag in ^F1%.2f^BG seconds, breaking ^BG%s^BG's previous record of ^F2%.2f^BG seconds\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_CTF_CAPTURE_UNBROKEN_, 2, 2, 2, "s1 f1/100 s2 f2/100", "s1", "notify_%s_captured", _("^BG%s^BG captured the ^TC^TT^BG flag in ^F2%.2f^BG seconds, failing to break ^BG%s^BG's previous record of ^F1%.2f^BG seconds\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_DEATH_TEAMKILL_, 4, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_teamkill_%s", _("^BG%s^K1 was betrayed by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_FIRSTBLOOD, 2, 0, "s2", "", "", _("^BG%s^K1 drew first blood\n"), _("^F1%s^K1 got the first score\n")) \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_CUSTOM, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s1", "notify_void", _("^BG%s^K1 %s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_selfkill", _("^BG%s^K1 died%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_VOID, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_void", _("^BG%s^K1 was in the wrong place%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_SUICIDE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_selfkill", _("^BG%s^K1 couldn't take it anymore%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_NOAMMO, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_outofammo", _("^BG%s^K1 died%s. What's the point of living without ammo?\n"), _("^F1%s^K1 ran out of ammo%s\n")) \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_ROT, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 rotted away%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_CAMP, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_camping", _("^BG%s^K1 thought they found a nice camping ground%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_BETRAYAL, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_teamkill_red", _("^BG%s^K1 became enemies with the Lord of Teamplay%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TEAMCHANGE, 1, 1, "s1 death_team", "", "", _("^BG%s^K1 switched to the %s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_AUTOTEAMCHANGE, 1, 1, "s1 death_team", "", "", _("^BG%s^K1 was moved into the %s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_FALL, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_fall", _("^BG%s^K1 hit the ground with a crunch%s\n"), _("^F1%s^K1 hit the ground with a bit too much force%s\n")) \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_DROWN, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_water", _("^BG%s^K1 couldn't catch their breath%s\n"), _("^F1%s^K1 was in the water for too long%s\n")) \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_FIRE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 became a bit too crispy%s\n"), _("^F1%s^K1 felt a little hot%s\n")) \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_LAVA, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_lava", _("^BG%s^K1 turned into hot slag%s\n"), _("^F1%s^K1 found a hot place%s\n")) \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_SLIME, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_slime", _("^BG%s^K1 was slimed%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_SHOOTING_STAR, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_shootingstar", _("^BG%s^K1 became a shooting star%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_SWAMP, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_slime", _("^BG%s^K1 is now preserved for centuries to come%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_CHEAT, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_selfkill", _("^BG%s^K1 unfairly eliminated themself%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TOUCHEXPLODE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 died in an accident%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 ran into a turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_EWHEEL, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was blasted away by an eWheel turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_FLAC, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 got caught up in the FLAC turret fire%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_MACHINEGUN, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was riddled full of holes by a Machinegun turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER_GUN, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 got served a lead enrichment by a Walker turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER_MEELE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was impaled by a Walker turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER_ROCKET, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was blasted away by a Walker turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_HELLION, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was blasted away by a Hellion turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_HK, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 could not hide from the Hunter turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_MLRS, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 got turned into smoldering gibs by an MLRS turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_PLASMA, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 got served some superheated plasma from a turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_PHASER, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was phased out by a turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_TESLA, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was electrocuted by a Tesla turret%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_TELEFRAG, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_telefrag", _("^BG%s^K1 was telefragged by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), _("^F1%s^K1 tried to occupy ^BG%s^K1's teleport destination space\n")) \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_FALL, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_fall", _("^BG%s^K1 was grounded by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_DROWN, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_water", _("^BG%s^K1 was drowned by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_LAVA, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_lava", _("^BG%s^K1 was cooked by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_SLIME, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_slime", _("^BG%s^K1 was slimed by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_SHOOTING_STAR, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_shootingstar", _("^BG%s^K1 was shot into space by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_SWAMP, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_slime", _("^BG%s^K1 was preserved by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VOID, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_void", _("^BG%s^K1 was thrown into a world of hurt by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_TOUCHEXPLODE, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 died in an accident with ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_CHEAT, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was unfairly eliminated by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_FIRE, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was burnt up into a crisp by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), _("^F1%s^K1 felt a little hot from ^BG%s^K1's fire^K1%s\n")) \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_CRUSH, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was crushed by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_SPID_MINIGUN, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 got shredded by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_SPID_ROCKET, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was blasted to bits by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_SPID_DEATH, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 got caught in the blast when ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_WAKI_GUN, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was bolted down by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_WAKI_ROCKET, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 couldn't find shelter from ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_WAKI_DEATH, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 got caught in the blast when ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_CANNON, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 couldn't resist ^BG%s^K1 purple blobs%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_BOMB, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was cluster bombed by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_FRAGMENT, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was cluster bombed by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_DEATH, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 got caught in the blast when ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_GUN, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 foobar by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_RAY, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 foobar by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_RAY_HEAL, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 foobar by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_DEATH, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 foobar by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_FREEZETAG_ROUND_WIN_, 4, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^TC^TT^BG team wins the round, all other teams were frozen\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_FREEZETAG_REVIVE, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "", "", _("^BG%s^K3 was revived by ^BG%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_FREEZETAG_FREEZE, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "", "", _("^BG%s^K1 was frozen by ^BG%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_FREEZETAG_SELF, 1, 0, "s1", "", "", _("^BG%s^K1 froze themself\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_GODMODE_OFF, 0, 1, "f1", "", "", _("^BGGodmode saved you %d units of damage, cheater!\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_JOIN_CONNECT, 1, 0, "s1", "", "", _("^BG%s^F3 connected%s\n"), "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_JOIN_CONNECT_TEAM_, 4, 1, 0, "s1", "", "", _("^BG%s^F3 connected and joined the ^TC^TT\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_JOIN_PLAY, 1, 0, "s1", "", "", _("^BG%s^F3 is now playing\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_KEEPAWAY_DROPPED, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "notify_balldropped", _("^BG%s^BG has dropped the ball!\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_KEEPAWAY_PICKUP, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "notify_ballpickedup", _("^BG%s^BG has picked up the ball!\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_LMS_NOLIVES, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "", _("^BG%s^F3 has no more lives left\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_LMS_FORFEIT, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "", _("^BG%s^F3 forfeited\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_POWERDOWN_INVISIBILITY, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2Invisibility has worn off\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_POWERDOWN_SHIELD, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2Shield has worn off\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_POWERDOWN_SPEED, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2Speed has worn off\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_POWERDOWN_STRENGTH, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2Strength has worn off\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_POWERUP_INVISIBILITY, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2You are invisible\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_POWERUP_SHIELD, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2Shield surrounds you\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_POWERUP_SPEED, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2You are on speed\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_POWERUP_STRENGTH, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2Strength infuses your weapons with devastating power\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_QUIT_DISCONNECT, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "", _("^BG%s^F3 disconnected\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_QUIT_KICK_IDLING, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "", _("^BG%s^F3 was kicked for idling\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_QUIT_KICK_SPECTATING, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2You were kicked from the server because you are a spectator and spectators aren't allowed at the moment.\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_QUIT_SPECTATE, 1, 0, "s1", "s1", "", _("^BG%s^F3 is now spectating\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_RACE_FAIL, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "s1", "race_newfail", "", "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_RACE_NEW_RECORD, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "s1", "race_newrecordserver", "", "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_RACE_NEW_TIME, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "s1", "race_newtime", "", "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_RACE_NEW_RANK, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "s1", "race_newrankyellow", "", "") \ MULTITEAM_INFO(INFO_SCORES_, 4, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^TC^TT ^BGteam scores!\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_SPECTATE_WARNING, 0, 1, "f1", "", "", _("^F2You have to become a player within the next %d seconds, otherwise you will be kicked, because spectating isn't allowed at this time!\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_SUPERWEAPON_BROKEN, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2Superweapons have broken down\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_SUPERWEAPON_PICKUP, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2You now have a superweapon\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_SUPERWEAPON_LOST, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F2Superweapons have been lost\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_VERSION_BETA, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "", "", _("\{1}^F4NOTE: ^BGThe server is running ^F1Xonotic %s (beta)^BG, you have ^F2Xonotic %s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_VERSION_OLD, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "", "", _("\{1}^F4NOTE: ^BGThe server is running ^F1Xonotic %s^BG, you have ^F2Xonotic %s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_VERSION_OUTDATED, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "", "", _("\{1}^F4NOTE: ^F1Xonotic %s^BG is out, and you still have ^F2Xonotic %s^BG - get the update from ^F3http://www.xonotic.org/^BG!\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WATERMARK, 1, 0, "s1", "", "", _("^F3SVQC Build information: ^F4%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_THINKING_WITH_PORTALS, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "notify_selfkill", _("^BG%s^K1 is now thinking with portals%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_CRYLINK_SUICIDE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weaponcrylink", _("^BG%s^K1 felt the strong pull of their Crylink%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_CRYLINK_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponcrylink", _("^BG%s^K1 felt the strong pull of ^BG%s^K1's Crylink%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_ELECTRO_SUICIDE_ORBS, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weaponelectro", _("^BG%s^K1 could not remember where they put their Electro plasma%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_ELECTRO_SUICIDE_BOLT, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weaponelectro", _("^BG%s^K1 played with Electro plasma%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_BOLT, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponelectro", _("^BG%s^K1 was blasted by ^BG%s^K1's Electro bolt%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_ORBS, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponelectro", _("^BG%s^K1 got too close to ^BG%s^K1's Electro plasma%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_COMBO, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponelectro", _("^BG%s^K1 felt the electrifying air of ^BG%s^K1's Electro combo%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_FIREBALL_SUICIDE_FIREMINE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weaponfireball", _("^BG%s^K1 forgot about their firemine%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_FIREBALL_SUICIDE_BLAST, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weaponfireball", _("^BG%s^K1 should have used a smaller gun%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_FIREBALL_MURDER_FIREMINE, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponfireball", _("^BG%s^K1 got burnt by ^BG%s^K1's firemine%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_FIREBALL_MURDER_BLAST, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponfireball", _("^BG%s^K1 got too close to ^BG%s^K1's fireball%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_MORTAR_SUICIDE_EXPLODE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weapongrenadelauncher", _("^BG%s^K1 blew themself up with their own Mortar%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_MORTAR_SUICIDE_BOUNCE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weapongrenadelauncher", _("^BG%s^K1 didn't see their own Mortar grenade%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_MORTAR_MURDER_EXPLODE, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weapongrenadelauncher", _("^BG%s^K1 ate ^BG%s^K1's Mortar grenade%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_MORTAR_MURDER_BOUNCE, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weapongrenadelauncher", _("^BG%s^K1 got too close to ^BG%s^K1's Mortar grenade%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_HAGAR_SUICIDE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weaponhagar", _("^BG%s^K1 played with tiny Hagar rockets%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_HAGAR_MURDER_BURST, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponhagar", _("^BG%s^K1 was pummeled by a burst of ^BG%s^K1's Hagar rockets%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_HAGAR_MURDER_SPRAY, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponhagar", _("^BG%s^K1 was pummeled by ^BG%s^K1's Hagar rockets%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_HLAC_SUICIDE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weaponhlac", _("^BG%s^K1 got a little jumpy with their HLAC%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_HLAC_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponhlac", _("^BG%s^K1 was cut down with ^BG%s^K1's HLAC%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_HOOK_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponhook", _("^BG%s^K1 was caught in ^BG%s^K1's Hook gravity bomb%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_LASER_SUICIDE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weaponlaser", _("^BG%s^K1 shot themself to hell with their Laser%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_LASER_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponlaser", _("^BG%s^K1 was shot to death by ^BG%s^K1's Laser%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_MINELAYER_SUICIDE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weaponminelayer", _("^BG%s^K1 forgot about their mine%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_MINELAYER_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponminelayer", _("^BG%s^K1 got too close to ^BG%s^K1's mine%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_MINSTANEX_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponminstanex", _("^BG%s^K1 has been vaporized by ^BG%s^K1's Minstanex%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_NEX_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponnex", _("^BG%s^K1 has been vaporized by ^BG%s^K1's Nex%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_HAIL_PIERCING, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponrifle", _("^BG%s^K1 failed to hide from ^BG%s^K1's Rifle bullet hail%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_HAIL, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponrifle", _("^BG%s^K1 died in ^BG%s^K1's Rifle bullet hail%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_PIERCING, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponrifle", _("^BG%s^K1 failed to hide from ^BG%s^K1's Rifle%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponrifle", _("^BG%s^K1 was sniped with a Rifle by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_HEADSHOT, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_headshot", _("^BG%s^K1 was shot in the head with a Rifle by ^BG%s^K1%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER_SUICIDE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weaponrocketlauncher", _("^BG%s^K1 blew themself up with their Rocketlauncher%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER_MURDER_DIRECT, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponrocketlauncher", _("^BG%s^K1 ate ^BG%s^K1's rocket%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER_MURDER_SPLASH, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponrocketlauncher", _("^BG%s^K1 got too close ^BG%s^K1's rocket%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_SEEKER_SUICIDE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weaponseeker", _("^BG%s^K1 played with tiny Seeker rockets%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_SEEKER_MURDER_TAG, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponseeker", _("^BG%s^K1 was tagged by ^BG%s^K1's Seeker%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_SEEKER_MURDER_SPRAY, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponseeker", _("^BG%s^K1 was pummeled by ^BG%s^K1's Seeker rockets%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_MURDER_SLAP, 2, 1, "s2 s1 spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_melee_shotgun", _("^BG%s^K1 slapped ^BG%s^K1 around a bit with a large Shotgun%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponshotgun", _("^BG%s^K1 was gunned down by ^BG%s^K1's Shotgun%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_TUBA_SUICIDE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weapontuba", _("^BG%s^K1 hurt their own ears with the @!#%%'n Tuba%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_TUBA_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weapontuba", _("^BG%s^K1 died of ^BG%s^K1's great playing on the @!#%%'n Tuba%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_ACCORDEON_SUICIDE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weapontuba", _("^BG%s^K1 hurt their own ears with the @!#%%'n Accordeon%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_ACCORDEON_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weapontuba", _("^BG%s^K1 died of ^BG%s^K1's great playing on the @!#%%'n Accordeon%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_KLEINBOTTLE_SUICIDE, 1, 1, "s1 spree_end", "s1", "weapontuba", _("^BG%s^K1 hurt their own ears with the @!#%%'n Klein Bottle%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_KLEINBOTTLE_MURDER, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weapontuba", _("^BG%s^K1 died of ^BG%s^K1's great playing on the @!#%%'n Klein Bottle%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_UZI_MURDER_SNIPE, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponuzi", _("^BG%s^K1 was sniped by ^BG%s^K1's Machine Gun%s\n"), "") \ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(INFO_WEAPON_UZI_MURDER_SPRAY, 2, 1, "s1 s2 spree_end", "s2 s1", "weaponuzi", _("^BG%s^K1 was riddled full of holes by ^BG%s^K1's Machine Gun%s\n"), "") #define MULTITEAM_CENTER(prefix,teams,strnum,flnum,args,cpid,durcnt,normal,gentle) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(prefix##RED, strnum, flnum, args, cpid, durcnt, TCR(normal, COL_TEAM_1, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_1)), TCR(gentle, COL_TEAM_1, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_1))) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(prefix##BLUE, strnum, flnum, args, cpid, durcnt, TCR(normal, COL_TEAM_2, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_2)), TCR(gentle, COL_TEAM_2, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_2))) \ #if teams >= 3 \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(prefix##YELLOW, strnum, flnum, args, cpid, durcnt, TCR(normal, COL_TEAM_3, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_3)), TCR(gentle, COL_TEAM_3, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_3))) \ #endif \ #if teams >= 4 \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(prefix##PINK, strnum, flnum, args, cpid, durcnt, TCR(normal, COL_TEAM_4, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_4)), TCR(gentle, COL_TEAM_4, strtoupper(STR_TEAM_4))) \ #endif #define MSG_CENTER_NOTIFICATIONS \ /*MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_EMPTY, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), "null", "")*/ \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_ASSAULT_ATTACKING, 0, 0, "", CPID_ASSAULT_ROLE, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYou are attacking!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_ASSAULT_DEFENDING, 0, 0, "", CPID_ASSAULT_ROLE, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYou are defending!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_CAPTURESHIELD_SHIELDED, 0, 0, "", CPID_CTF_CAPSHIELD, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYou are now ^F1shielded^BG from the flag\n^BGfor ^F2too many unsuccessful attempts^BG to capture.\n^BGMake some defensive scores before trying again."), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_CAPTURESHIELD_FREE, 0, 0, "", CPID_CTF_CAPSHIELD, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYou are now free.\n^BGFeel free to ^F2try to capture^BG the flag again\n^BGif you think you will succeed."), "") \ MULTITEAM_CENTER(CENTER_CTF_PASS_OTHER_, 2, 2, 0, "s1 s2", CPID_CTF_PASS, XPD(0, 0), _("^BG%s^BG passed the ^TC^TT^BG flag to %s"), "") \ MULTITEAM_CENTER(CENTER_CTF_PASS_SENT_, 2, 1, 0, "s1", CPID_CTF_PASS, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYou passed the ^TC^TT^BG flag to %s"), "") \ MULTITEAM_CENTER(CENTER_CTF_PASS_RECEIVED_, 2, 1, 0, "s1", CPID_CTF_PASS, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYou received the ^TC^TT^BG flag from %s"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_PASS_REQUESTING, 1, 0, "s1", CPID_CTF_PASS, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGRequesting %s^BG to pass you the flag"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_PASS_REQUESTED, 1, 0, "s1 pass_key", CPID_CTF_PASS, XPD(0, 0), _("^BG%s^BG requests you to pass the flag%s"), "") \ MULTITEAM_CENTER(CENTER_CTF_RETURN_, 2, 0, 0, "", CPID_CTF_LOWPRIO, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYou returned the ^TC^TT^BG flag!"), "") \ MULTITEAM_CENTER(CENTER_CTF_CAPTURE_, 2, 0, 0, "", CPID_CTF_LOWPRIO, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYou captured the ^TC^TT^BG flag!"), "") \ MULTITEAM_CENTER(CENTER_CTF_PICKUP_, 2, 0, 0, "", CPID_CTF_LOWPRIO, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYou got the ^TC^TT^BG flag!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_PICKUP_TEAM, 1, 0, "s1", CPID_CTF_LOWPRIO, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYour %steam mate^BG got the flag! Protect them!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_PICKUP_TEAM_VERBOSE, 2, 0, "s1 s2 s1", CPID_CTF_LOWPRIO, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYour %steam mate (^BG%s%s)^BG got the flag! Protect them!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_PICKUP_ENEMY, 1, 0, "s1", CPID_CTF_LOWPRIO, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGThe %senemy^BG got your flag! Retrieve it!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_PICKUP_ENEMY_VERBOSE, 2, 0, "s1 s2 s1", CPID_CTF_LOWPRIO, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGThe %senemy (^BG%s%s)^BG got your flag! Retrieve it!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_STALEMATE_CARRIER, 0, 0, "", CPID_STALEMATE, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGStalemate! Enemies can now see you on radar!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_STALEMATE_OTHER, 0, 0, "", CPID_STALEMATE, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGStalemate! Flag carriers can now be seen by enemies on radar!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_CTF_FLAG_THROW_PUNISH, 0, 1, "f1", CPID_CTF_LOWPRIO, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGToo many flag throws! Throwing disabled for %d seconds."), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_CUSTOM, 2, 0, "s2", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You were %s"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You killed your own dumb self!"), _("^K1You need to be more careful!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_VOID, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1Watch your step!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_SUICIDE, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You committed suicide!"), _("^K1You ended it all!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_NOAMMO, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You were killed for running out of ammo..."), _("^K1You are respawning for running out of ammo...")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_ROT, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You grew too old without taking your medicine"), _("^K1You need to preserve your health")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_CAMP, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1Die camper!"), _("^K1Reconsider your tactics, camper!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_BETRAYAL, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1Don't shoot your team mates!"), _("^K1Don't go against your team mates!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TEAMCHANGE, 0, 1, "death_team", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYou are now on: %s"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_AUTOTEAMCHANGE, 0, 1, "death_team", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGYou have been moved into a different team\nYou are now on: %s"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_FALL, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You hit the ground with a crunch!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_DROWN, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You couldn't catch your breath in time!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_FIRE, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You got a little bit too crispy!"), _("^K1You felt a little too hot!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_LAVA, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You couldn't stand the heat!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_SLIME, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You melted away in slime!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_SHOOTING_STAR, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You became a shooting star!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_SWAMP, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You got stuck in a swamp!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_CHEAT, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You unfairly eliminated yourself!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TOUCHEXPLODE, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You died in an accident!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You were fragged by a turret!"), _("^K1You had an unfortunate run in with a turret!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_EWHEEL, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You were fragged by an eWheel turret!"), _("^K1You had an unfortunate run in with an eWheel turret!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You were fragged by a Walker turret!"), _("^K1You had an unfortunate run in with a Walker turret!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAG, 1, 1, "spree_cen s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K3%sYou fragged ^BG%s"), _("^K3%sYou scored against ^BG%s")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You were fragged by ^BG%s"), _("^K1You were scored against by ^BG%s")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG, 1, 1, "spree_cen s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1%sYou typefragged ^BG%s"), _("^K1%sYou scored against ^BG%s^K1 while they were typing")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You were typefragged by ^BG%s"), _("^K1You were scored against by ^BG%s^K1 while typing!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAG_FIRST, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K3First blood! You fragged ^BG%s"), _("^K3First score! You scored against ^BG%s")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED_FIRST, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1First victim! You were fragged by ^BG%s"), _("^K1First casualty! You were scored against by ^BG%s")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG_FIRST, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1First blood! You typefragged ^BG%s"), _("^K1First score! You scored against ^BG%s^K1 while they were typing")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED_FIRST, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1First victim! You were typefragged by ^BG%s"), _("^K1First casualty! You were scored against by ^BG%s^K1 while typing!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAG_VERBOSE, 1, 2, "spree_cen s1 frag_ping", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K3%sYou fragged ^BG%s^BG%s"), _("^K3%sYou scored against ^BG%s^BG%s")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED_VERBOSE, 1, 3, "s1 frag_stats", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You were fragged by ^BG%s^BG%s"), _("^K1You were scored against by ^BG%s^BG%s")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG_VERBOSE, 1, 2, "spree_cen s1 frag_ping", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1%sYou typefragged ^BG%s^BG%s"), _("^K1%sYou scored against ^BG%s^K1 while they were typing^BG%s")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED_VERBOSE, 1, 3, "s1 frag_stats", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You were typefragged by ^BG%s^BG%s"), _("^K1You were scored against by ^BG%s^K1 while typing^BG%s")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAG_FIRST_VERBOSE, 1, 1, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K3First blood! You fragged ^BG%s"), _("^K3First score! You scored against ^BG%s")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED_FIRST_VERBOSE, 1, 3, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1First victim! You were fragged by ^BG%s"), _("^K1First casualty! You were scored against by ^BG%s")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG_FIRST_VERBOSE, 1, 1, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1First blood! You typefragged ^BG%s"), _("^K1First score! You scored against ^BG%s^K1 while they were typing")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED_FIRST_VERBOSE, 1, 3, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1First victim! You were typefragged by ^BG%s"), _("^K1First casualty! You were scored against by ^BG%s^K1 while typing!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_TEAMKILL_FRAG, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1Moron! You fragged ^BG%s^K1, a team mate!"), _("^K1Moron! You went against ^BG%sK1, a team mate!")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DEATH_TEAMKILL_FRAGGED, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You were fragged by ^BG%s^K1, a team mate"), _("^K1You were scored against by ^BG%s^K1, a team mate")) \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_DISCONNECT_IDLING, 0, 1, "", CPID_IDLING, XPD(0, f1), _("^K1Stop idling!\n^BGDisconnecting in ^COUNT..."), "") \ MULTITEAM_CENTER(CENTER_FREEZETAG_ROUND_WIN_, 4, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^TC^TT^BG team wins the round, all other teams were frozen"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_SPAWN_LATE, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You spawned after the round started, you'll spawn as frozen"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_REVIVE, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K3You revived ^BG%s"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_REVIVED, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K3You were revived by ^BG%s"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_SELF, 0, 0, "", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You froze yourself"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_FREEZE, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K3You froze ^BG%s"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_FREEZETAG_FROZEN, 1, 0, "s1", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You were frozen by ^BG%s"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_KEEPAWAY_DROPPED, 1, 0, "s1", CPID_KEEPAWAY, XPD(0, 0), _("^BG%s^BG has dropped the ball!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_KEEPAWAY_PICKUP, 1, 0, "s1", CPID_KEEPAWAY, XPD(0, 0), _("^BG%s^BG has picked up the ball!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_KEEPAWAY_WARN, 0, 0, "", CPID_KA_WARN, XPD(0, 0), _("^BGKilling people while you don't have the ball gives no points!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_LMS_CAMPCHECK, 0, 0, "", CPID_LMS_CAMP, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1Don't camp!"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_JOIN_NOSPAWNS, 0, 0, "", CPID_PREVENT_JOIN, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1No spawnpoints available!\nHope your team can fix it..."), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_JOIN_PREVENT, 0, 0, "", CPID_PREVENT_JOIN, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You may not join the game at this time.\nThe player limit reached maximum capacity."), "") \ MULTITEAM_CENTER(CENTER_TEAMCHANGE_, 4, 0, 1, "", CPID_TEAMCHANGE, XPD(0, f1), _("^BGChanging to ^TC^TT^BG in ^COUNT"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_TEAMCHANGE_SPECTATE, 0, 1, "", CPID_TEAMCHANGE, XPD(0, f1), _("^BGSpectating in ^COUNT"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_TEAMCHANGE_AUTO, 0, 1, "", CPID_TEAMCHANGE, XPD(0, f1), _("^BGChanging team in ^COUNT"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_TEAMCHANGE_SUICIDE, 0, 1, "", CPID_TEAMCHANGE, XPD(0, f1), _("^K1Suicide in ^COUNT"), "") \ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(CENTER_WEAPON_MARBLES_LOST, 1, 1, "s1 weapon_name", NO_CPID, XPD(0, 0), _("^K1You lost your marbles against ^BG%s^K1 using the ^BG%s!"), "") #define MSG_WEAPON_NOTIFICATIONS \ /*MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_EMPTY, NO_MSG, NO_MSG)*/ \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_THINKING_WITH_PORTALS, INFO_WEAPON_THINKING_WITH_PORTALS, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_CRYLINK_SUICIDE, INFO_WEAPON_CRYLINK_SUICIDE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_CRYLINK_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_CRYLINK_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_ELECTRO_SUICIDE_ORBS, INFO_WEAPON_ELECTRO_SUICIDE_ORBS, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_ELECTRO_SUICIDE_BOLT, INFO_WEAPON_ELECTRO_SUICIDE_BOLT, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_BOLT, INFO_WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_BOLT, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_ORBS, INFO_WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_ORBS, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_COMBO, INFO_WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_COMBO, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_FIREBALL_SUICIDE_FIREMINE, INFO_WEAPON_FIREBALL_SUICIDE_FIREMINE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_FIREBALL_SUICIDE_BLAST, INFO_WEAPON_FIREBALL_SUICIDE_BLAST, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_FIREBALL_MURDER_FIREMINE, INFO_WEAPON_FIREBALL_MURDER_FIREMINE, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_FIREBALL_MURDER_BLAST, INFO_WEAPON_FIREBALL_MURDER_BLAST, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_MORTAR_SUICIDE_EXPLODE, INFO_WEAPON_MORTAR_SUICIDE_EXPLODE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_MORTAR_SUICIDE_BOUNCE, INFO_WEAPON_MORTAR_SUICIDE_BOUNCE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_MORTAR_MURDER_EXPLODE, INFO_WEAPON_MORTAR_MURDER_EXPLODE, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_MORTAR_MURDER_BOUNCE, INFO_WEAPON_MORTAR_MURDER_BOUNCE, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_HAGAR_SUICIDE, INFO_WEAPON_HAGAR_SUICIDE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_HAGAR_MURDER_BURST, INFO_WEAPON_HAGAR_MURDER_BURST, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_HAGAR_MURDER_SPRAY, INFO_WEAPON_HAGAR_MURDER_SPRAY, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_HLAC_SUICIDE, INFO_WEAPON_HLAC_SUICIDE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_HLAC_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_HLAC_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_HOOK_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_HOOK_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_LASER_SUICIDE, INFO_WEAPON_LASER_SUICIDE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_LASER_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_LASER_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_MINELAYER_SUICIDE, INFO_WEAPON_MINELAYER_SUICIDE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_MINELAYER_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_MINELAYER_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_MINSTANEX_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_MINSTANEX_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_NEX_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_NEX_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_HAIL_PIERCING, INFO_WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_HAIL_PIERCING, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_HAIL, INFO_WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_HAIL, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_PIERCING, INFO_WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_PIERCING, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_HEADSHOT, INFO_WEAPON_RIFLE_MURDER_HEADSHOT, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER_SUICIDE, INFO_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER_SUICIDE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER_MURDER_DIRECT, INFO_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER_MURDER_DIRECT, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER_MURDER_SPLASH, INFO_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER_MURDER_SPLASH, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_SEEKER_SUICIDE, INFO_WEAPON_SEEKER_SUICIDE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_SEEKER_MURDER_TAG, INFO_WEAPON_SEEKER_MURDER_TAG, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_SEEKER_MURDER_SPRAY, INFO_WEAPON_SEEKER_MURDER_SPRAY, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_SHOTGUN_MURDER_SLAP, INFO_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_MURDER_SLAP, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_SHOTGUN_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_TUBA_SUICIDE, INFO_WEAPON_TUBA_SUICIDE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_TUBA_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_TUBA_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_ACCORDEON_SUICIDE, INFO_WEAPON_ACCORDEON_SUICIDE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_ACCORDEON_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_ACCORDEON_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_KLEINBOTTLE_SUICIDE, INFO_WEAPON_KLEINBOTTLE_SUICIDE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_KLEINBOTTLE_MURDER, INFO_WEAPON_KLEINBOTTLE_MURDER, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_UZI_MURDER_SNIPE, INFO_WEAPON_UZI_MURDER_SNIPE, NO_MSG) \ MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(WEAPON_UZI_MURDER_SPRAY, INFO_WEAPON_UZI_MURDER_SPRAY, NO_MSG) #define MSG_DEATH_NOTIFICATIONS \ /*MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_EMPTY, NO_MSG, NO_MSG)*/ \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_CUSTOM, INFO_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_CUSTOM) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_GENERIC, INFO_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_GENERIC) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_VOID, INFO_DEATH_SELF_VOID, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_VOID) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_SUICIDE, INFO_DEATH_SELF_SUICIDE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_SUICIDE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_NOAMMO, INFO_DEATH_SELF_NOAMMO, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_NOAMMO) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_ROT, INFO_DEATH_SELF_ROT, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_ROT) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_CAMP, INFO_DEATH_SELF_CAMP, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_CAMP) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_BETRAYAL, INFO_DEATH_SELF_BETRAYAL, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_BETRAYAL) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TEAMCHANGE, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TEAMCHANGE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TEAMCHANGE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_AUTOTEAMCHANGE, INFO_DEATH_SELF_AUTOTEAMCHANGE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_AUTOTEAMCHANGE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_FALL, INFO_DEATH_SELF_FALL, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_FALL) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_DROWN, INFO_DEATH_SELF_DROWN, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_DROWN) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_FIRE, INFO_DEATH_SELF_FIRE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_FIRE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_LAVA, INFO_DEATH_SELF_LAVA, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_LAVA) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_SLIME, INFO_DEATH_SELF_SLIME, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_SLIME) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_SHOOTING_STAR, INFO_DEATH_SELF_SHOOTING_STAR, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_SHOOTING_STAR) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_SWAMP, INFO_DEATH_SELF_SWAMP, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_SWAMP) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_CHEAT, INFO_DEATH_SELF_CHEAT, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_CHEAT) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TOUCHEXPLODE, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TOUCHEXPLODE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TOUCHEXPLODE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_EWHEEL, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_EWHEEL, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_EWHEEL) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_FLAC, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_FLAC, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_MACHINEGUN, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_MACHINEGUN, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER_GUN, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER_GUN, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER_MEELE, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER_MEELE, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER_ROCKET, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER_ROCKET, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_WALKER) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_HELLION, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_HELLION, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_HK, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_HK, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_MLRS, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_MLRS, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_PLASMA, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_PLASMA, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_PHASER, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_PHASER, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_TURRET_TESLA, INFO_DEATH_SELF_TURRET_TESLA, CENTER_DEATH_SELF_TURRET) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_TELEFRAG, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_TELEFRAG, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_FALL, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_FALL, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_DROWN, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_DROWN, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_LAVA, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_LAVA, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_SLIME, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_SLIME, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_SHOOTING_STAR, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_SHOOTING_STAR, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_SWAMP, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_SWAMP, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VOID, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VOID, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_TOUCHEXPLODE, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_TOUCHEXPLODE, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_CHEAT, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_CHEAT, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_FIRE, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_FIRE, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_CRUSH, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_CRUSH, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_SPID_MINIGUN, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_SPID_MINIGUN, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_SPID_ROCKET, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_SPID_ROCKET, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_SPID_DEATH, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_SPID_DEATH, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_WAKI_GUN, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_WAKI_GUN, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_WAKI_ROCKET, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_WAKI_ROCKET, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_WAKI_DEATH, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_WAKI_DEATH, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_CANNON, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_CANNON, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_BOMB, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_BOMB, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_FRAGMENT, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_FRAGMENT, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_DEATH, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_RAPT_DEATH, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_GUN, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_GUN, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_RAY, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_RAY, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_RAY_HEAL, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_RAY_HEAL, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_DEATH, INFO_DEATH_MURDER_VH_BUMB_DEATH, NO_MSG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_FRAG, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_FRAG_FIRST, INFO_DEATH_FIRSTBLOOD, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAG_FIRST) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED_FIRST, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED_FIRST) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG_FIRST, INFO_DEATH_FIRSTBLOOD, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG_FIRST) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED_FIRST, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED_FIRST) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_FRAG_VERBOSE, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAG_VERBOSE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED_VERBOSE, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED_VERBOSE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG_VERBOSE, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG_VERBOSE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED_VERBOSE, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED_VERBOSE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_FRAG_FIRST_VERBOSE, INFO_DEATH_FIRSTBLOOD, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAG_FIRST_VERBOSE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED_FIRST_VERBOSE, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_FRAGGED_FIRST_VERBOSE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG_FIRST_VERBOSE, INFO_DEATH_FIRSTBLOOD, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAG_FIRST_VERBOSE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED_FIRST_VERBOSE, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_MURDER_TYPEFRAGGED_FIRST_VERBOSE) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_TEAMKILL_FRAG, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_TEAMKILL_FRAG) \ MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_TEAMKILL_FRAGGED, NO_MSG, CENTER_DEATH_TEAMKILL_FRAGGED) // ==================================== // Initialization/Create Declarations // ==================================== #ifndef MENUQC // Menu doesn't need init #define NOTIF_FIRST 1 #define NOTIF_MAX 1024 // limit of recursive functions with ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION var float notif_error = FALSE; float NOTIF_INFO_COUNT; float NOTIF_CENTER_COUNT; float NOTIF_WEAPON_COUNT; float NOTIF_DEATH_COUNT; float NOTIF_CPID_COUNT; entity msg_info_notifs[NOTIF_MAX]; entity msg_center_notifs[NOTIF_MAX]; entity msg_weapon_notifs[NOTIF_MAX]; entity msg_death_notifs[NOTIF_MAX]; .float nent_broadcast; .entity nent_client; .float nent_net_type; .float nent_net_name; .string nent_strings[4]; .float nent_floats[4]; .string nent_name; .float nent_enabled; .float nent_infoname; .float nent_centername; .float nent_stringcount; .float nent_floatcount; .string nent_args; .string nent_hudargs; .string nent_icon; .float nent_cpid; .string nent_durcnt; .string nent_string; // notif.nent_args = strzone(args); \ // notif.nent_hudargs = strzone(hudargs); \ // if(durcnt != "") { notif.nent_durcnt = durcnt; } \ string Process_Notif_Line(float check_newline, string input, string notiftype, string notifname, string stringtype) { if(check_newline) if(substring(input, (strlen(input) - 1), 1) != "\n") { print(sprintf("^1MISSING/BROKEN NEW LINE AT END OF NOTIFICATION: ^7net_type = MSG_%s, net_name = %s, string = %s.\n", notiftype, notifname, stringtype)); notif_error = TRUE; return strcat(input, "\n"); } return input; } string Process_Notif_Args(float is_hudargs, string args, string notiftype, string notifname) { string selected, remaining = args; float sel_num = 0; float maxargs = (is_hudargs ? 2 : 7); for(;(remaining != "");) { selected = car(remaining); remaining = cdr(remaining); if(sel_num == maxargs) { print(sprintf("^1NOTIFICATION HAS TOO MANY ARGUMENTS: ^7net_type = MSG_%s, net_name = %s, max %s = %d.\n", notiftype, notifname, (is_hudargs ? "hudargs" : "args"), maxargs)); notif_error = TRUE; break; } switch(strtolower(selected)) { #define ARG_CASE(prog,selected,result) case selected: { ++sel_num; break; } NOTIF_ARGUMENT_LIST #undef ARG_CASE default: { print(sprintf("^1NOTIFICATION WITH UNKNOWN TOKEN IN ARGUMENT STRING: ^7net_type = MSG_%s, net_name = %s, %s = '%s'.\n", notiftype, notifname, (is_hudargs ? "hudargs" : "args"), selected)); notif_error = TRUE; break; } } } return args; } #define ADD_AUTOCVAR(name) var float autocvar_notification_##name = TRUE; #define CREATE_NOTIF_ENTITY(type,name,infoname,centername,strnum,flnum,args,hudargs,icon,cpid,durcnt,normal,gentle,check_newline,subcalls) \ entity notif = spawn(); \ msg_##type##_notifs[name - 1] = notif; \ notif.classname = "msg_#type#_notification"; \ notif.nent_name = strzone(#name); \ notif.nent_enabled = autocvar_notification_##name; \ #if subcalls \ #if (infoname == NO_MSG) && (centername == NO_MSG) \ print(sprintf("^1NOTIFICATION WITH NO SUBCALLS: ^7net_type = MSG_%s, net_name = %s.\n", strtoupper(#type), #name)); \ notif_error = TRUE; \ #else \ float infoname_stringcount = 0, infoname_floatcount = 0, centername_stringcount = 0, centername_floatcount = 0; \ #if (infoname != NO_MSG) \ notif.nent_infoname = infoname; \ infoname_stringcount = msg_info_notifs[infoname - 1].nent_stringcount; \ infoname_floatcount = msg_info_notifs[infoname - 1].nent_floatcount; \ #endif \ #if (centername != NO_MSG) \ notif.nent_centername = centername; \ centername_stringcount = msg_center_notifs[centername - 1].nent_stringcount; \ centername_floatcount = msg_center_notifs[centername - 1].nent_floatcount; \ #endif \ notif.nent_stringcount = max(infoname_stringcount, centername_stringcount); \ notif.nent_floatcount = max(infoname_floatcount, centername_floatcount); \ #endif \ #else \ notif.nent_stringcount = strnum; \ notif.nent_floatcount = flnum; \ if(args != "") { notif.nent_args = strzone(Process_Notif_Args(FALSE, args, strtoupper(#type), #name)); } \ if(hudargs != "") { notif.nent_hudargs = strzone(Process_Notif_Args(TRUE, hudargs, strtoupper(#type), #name)); } \ if(icon != "") { notif.nent_icon = strzone(icon); } \ if(GENTLE) \ { \ if(gentle != "") { notif.nent_string = strzone(CCR(Process_Notif_Line(check_newline, gentle, strtoupper(#type), #name, "GENTLE"))); } \ else if(normal != "") { notif.nent_string = strzone(CCR(Process_Notif_Line(check_newline, normal, strtoupper(#type), #name, "NORMAL"))); } \ } \ else if(normal != "") { notif.nent_string = strzone(CCR(Process_Notif_Line(check_newline, normal, strtoupper(#type), #name, "NORMAL"))); } \ if(notif.nent_string == "") { print(sprintf("^1EMPTY NOTIFICATION: ^7net_type = MSG_%s, net_name = %s.\n", strtoupper(#type), #name)); notif_error = TRUE; } \ #endif #define MSG_INFO_NOTIF(name,strnum,flnum,args,hudargs,icon,normal,gentle) \ ADD_AUTOCVAR(name) \ float name; \ void RegisterNotification_##name() \ { \ SET_FIELD_COUNT(name, NOTIF_FIRST, NOTIF_INFO_COUNT) \ CHECK_MAX_COUNT(name, NOTIF_MAX, NOTIF_INFO_COUNT, "notifications") \ CREATE_NOTIF_ENTITY(info, name, NO_MSG, NO_MSG, \ strnum, flnum, args, hudargs, icon, NO_MSG, NO_MSG, \ normal, gentle, 1, 0) \ } \ ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION(RegisterNotifications, RegisterNotification_##name) #define MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(name,strnum,flnum,args,cpid,durcnt,normal,gentle) \ ADD_AUTOCVAR(name) \ float name; \ float cpid; \ void RegisterNotification_##name() \ { \ SET_FIELD_COUNT(name, NOTIF_FIRST, NOTIF_CENTER_COUNT) \ SET_FIELD_COUNT(cpid, NOTIF_FIRST, NOTIF_CPID_COUNT) \ CHECK_MAX_COUNT(name, NOTIF_MAX, NOTIF_CENTER_COUNT, "notifications") \ CREATE_NOTIF_ENTITY(center, name, NO_MSG, NO_MSG, \ strnum, flnum, args, "", "", cpid, durcnt, \ normal, gentle, 0, 0) \ } \ ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION(RegisterNotifications, RegisterNotification_##name) #define MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF(name,infoname,centername) \ ADD_AUTOCVAR(name) \ float name; \ void RegisterNotification_##name() \ { \ SET_FIELD_COUNT(name, NOTIF_FIRST, NOTIF_WEAPON_COUNT) \ CHECK_MAX_COUNT(name, NOTIF_MAX, NOTIF_WEAPON_COUNT, "notifications") \ CREATE_NOTIF_ENTITY(weapon, name, infoname, centername, \ NO_MSG, NO_MSG, "", "", "", NO_MSG, NO_MSG, \ "", "", 0, 1) \ } \ ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION(RegisterNotifications, RegisterNotification_##name) #define MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(name,infoname,centername) \ ADD_AUTOCVAR(name) \ float name; \ void RegisterNotification_##name() \ { \ SET_FIELD_COUNT(name, NOTIF_FIRST, NOTIF_DEATH_COUNT) \ CHECK_MAX_COUNT(name, NOTIF_MAX, NOTIF_DEATH_COUNT, "notifications") \ CREATE_NOTIF_ENTITY(death, name, infoname, centername, \ NO_MSG, NO_MSG, "", "", "", NO_MSG, NO_MSG, \ "", "", 0, 1) \ } \ ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION(RegisterNotifications, RegisterNotification_##name) // NOW we actually activate the declarations MSG_INFO_NOTIFICATIONS MSG_CENTER_NOTIFICATIONS MSG_WEAPON_NOTIFICATIONS MSG_DEATH_NOTIFICATIONS //ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION(RegisterNotifications, RegisterNotification_Done) #undef MSG_INFO_NOTIF #undef MSG_CENTER_NOTIF #undef MSG_WEAPON_NOTIF #undef MSG_DEATH_NOTIF #undef ADD_AUTOCVAR #endif // ifndef MENUQC