#include "../player.qh" #if defined(CSQC) #include #include #include #include "movetypes.qh" #include #include #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #include #endif void _Movetype_WallFriction(entity this, vector stepnormal) // SV_WallFriction { /*float d, i; vector into, side; makevectors(this.v_angle); d = (stepnormal * v_forward) + 0.5; if(d < 0) { i = (stepnormal * this.move_velocity); into = i * stepnormal; side = this.move_velocity - into; this.move_velocity_x = side.x * (1 * d); this.move_velocity_y = side.y * (1 * d); }*/ } vector planes[MAX_CLIP_PLANES]; int _Movetype_FlyMove(entity this, float dt, bool applygravity, vector stepnormal, float stepheight) // SV_FlyMove { int blocked = 0, bumpcount; int i, j, numplanes = 0; float time_left = dt, grav = 0; vector push; vector primal_velocity, original_velocity, restore_velocity; for(i = 0; i < MAX_CLIP_PLANES; ++i) planes[i] = '0 0 0'; if(applygravity) { this.move_didgravity = 1; grav = dt * (PHYS_ENTGRAVITY(this) ? PHYS_ENTGRAVITY(this) : 1) * PHYS_GRAVITY(this); if(!GAMEPLAYFIX_NOGRAVITYONGROUND || !(this.move_flags & FL_ONGROUND)) { if(GAMEPLAYFIX_GRAVITYUNAFFECTEDBYTICRATE) this.move_velocity_z -= grav * 0.5; else this.move_velocity_z -= grav; } } original_velocity = primal_velocity = restore_velocity = this.move_velocity; for(bumpcount = 0;bumpcount < MAX_CLIP_PLANES;bumpcount++) { if(this.move_velocity == '0 0 0') break; push = this.move_velocity * time_left; _Movetype_PushEntity(this, push, true); if(trace_startsolid) { // we got teleported by a touch function // let's abort the move blocked |= 8; break; } // this code is used by MOVETYPE_WALK and MOVETYPE_STEP and SV_UnstickEntity // abort move if we're stuck in the world (and didn't make it out) if(trace_startsolid && trace_allsolid) { this.move_velocity = restore_velocity; return 3; } if(trace_fraction == 1) break; float my_trace_fraction = trace_fraction; vector my_trace_plane_normal = trace_plane_normal; if(trace_plane_normal.z) { if(trace_plane_normal.z > 0.7) { // floor blocked |= 1; if(!trace_ent) { //dprint("_Movetype_FlyMove: !trace_ent\n"); trace_ent = world; } this.move_flags |= FL_ONGROUND; this.move_groundentity = trace_ent; } } else if(stepheight) { // step - handle it immediately vector org = this.move_origin; vector steppush = '0 0 1' * stepheight; _Movetype_PushEntity(this, steppush, true); if(trace_startsolid) { blocked |= 8; break; } _Movetype_PushEntity(this, push, true); if(trace_startsolid) { blocked |= 8; break; } float trace2_fraction = trace_fraction; steppush = '0 0 1' * (org_z - this.move_origin_z); _Movetype_PushEntity(this, steppush, true); if(trace_startsolid) { blocked |= 8; break; } // accept the new position if it made some progress... if(fabs(this.move_origin_x - org_x) >= 0.03125 || fabs(this.move_origin_y - org_y) >= 0.03125) { trace_endpos = this.move_origin; time_left *= 1 - trace2_fraction; numplanes = 0; continue; } else this.move_origin = org; } else { // step - return it to caller blocked |= 2; // save the trace for player extrafriction if(stepnormal) stepnormal = trace_plane_normal; } if(my_trace_fraction >= 0.001) { // actually covered some distance original_velocity = this.move_velocity; numplanes = 0; } time_left *= 1 - my_trace_fraction; // clipped to another plane if(numplanes >= MAX_CLIP_PLANES) { // this shouldn't really happen this.move_velocity = '0 0 0'; blocked = 3; break; } planes[numplanes] = my_trace_plane_normal; numplanes++; // modify original_velocity so it parallels all of the clip planes vector new_velocity = '0 0 0'; for (i = 0;i < numplanes;i++) { new_velocity = _Movetype_ClipVelocity(original_velocity, planes[i], 1); for (j = 0;j < numplanes;j++) { if(j != i) { // not ok if((new_velocity * planes[j]) < 0) break; } } if(j == numplanes) break; } if(i != numplanes) { // go along this plane this.move_velocity = new_velocity; } else { // go along the crease if(numplanes != 2) { this.move_velocity = '0 0 0'; blocked = 7; break; } vector dir = cross(planes[0], planes[1]); // LordHavoc: thanks to taniwha of QuakeForge for pointing out this fix for slowed falling in corners float ilength = sqrt((dir * dir)); if(ilength) ilength = 1.0 / ilength; dir.x *= ilength; dir.y *= ilength; dir.z *= ilength; float d = (dir * this.move_velocity); this.move_velocity = dir * d; } // if current velocity is against the original velocity, // stop dead to avoid tiny occilations in sloping corners if((this.move_velocity * primal_velocity) <= 0) { this.move_velocity = '0 0 0'; break; } } // LordHavoc: this came from QW and allows you to get out of water more easily if(GAMEPLAYFIX_EASIERWATERJUMP(this) && (this.move_flags & FL_WATERJUMP) && !(blocked & 8)) this.move_velocity = primal_velocity; if(applygravity) { if(!GAMEPLAYFIX_NOGRAVITYONGROUND || !(this.move_flags & FL_ONGROUND)) { if(GAMEPLAYFIX_GRAVITYUNAFFECTEDBYTICRATE) this.move_velocity_z -= grav * 0.5f; } } return blocked; } void _Movetype_CheckVelocity(entity this) // SV_CheckVelocity { // if(vlen(this.move_velocity) < 0.0001) // this.move_velocity = '0 0 0'; } bool _Movetype_CheckWater(entity this) // SV_CheckWater { vector point = this.move_origin; point.z += this.mins.z + 1; int nativecontents = pointcontents(point); if(this.move_watertype && this.move_watertype != nativecontents) { // dprintf("_Movetype_CheckWater(): Original: '%d', New: '%d'\n", this.move_watertype, nativecontents); if(this.contentstransition) this.contentstransition(this.move_watertype, nativecontents); } this.move_waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_NONE; this.move_watertype = CONTENT_EMPTY; int supercontents = Mod_Q1BSP_SuperContentsFromNativeContents(nativecontents); if(supercontents & DPCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK) { this.move_watertype = nativecontents; this.move_waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_WETFEET; point.z = this.move_origin.z + (this.mins.z + this.maxs.z) * 0.5; if(Mod_Q1BSP_SuperContentsFromNativeContents(pointcontents(point)) & DPCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK) { this.move_waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING; point.z = this.move_origin.z + this.view_ofs.z; if(Mod_Q1BSP_SuperContentsFromNativeContents(pointcontents(point)) & DPCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK) this.move_waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_SUBMERGED; } } return this.move_waterlevel > 1; } void _Movetype_CheckWaterTransition(entity ent) // SV_CheckWaterTransition { int contents = pointcontents(ent.move_origin); if(!ent.move_watertype) { // just spawned here if(!autocvar_cl_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition) { ent.move_watertype = contents; ent.move_waterlevel = 1; return; } } else if(ent.move_watertype != contents) { // dprintf("_Movetype_CheckWaterTransition(): Origin: %s, Direct: '%d', Original: '%d', New: '%d'\n", vtos(ent.move_origin), pointcontents(ent.move_origin), ent.move_watertype, contents); if(ent.contentstransition) ent.contentstransition(ent.move_watertype, contents); } if(contents <= CONTENT_WATER) { ent.move_watertype = contents; ent.move_waterlevel = 1; } else { ent.move_watertype = CONTENT_EMPTY; ent.move_waterlevel = (autocvar_cl_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition ? 0 : contents); } } void _Movetype_Impact(entity this, entity oth) // SV_Impact { entity oldother = other; if(this.move_touch) { other = oth; WITHSELF(this, this.move_touch()); other = oldother; } if(oth.move_touch) { other = this; WITHSELF(oth, oth.move_touch()); other = oldother; } } void _Movetype_LinkEdict_TouchAreaGrid(entity this) // SV_LinkEdict_TouchAreaGrid { if(this.solid == SOLID_NOT) return; entity oldother = other; FOREACH_ENTITY_RADIUS(0.5 * (this.absmin + this.absmax), 0.5 * vlen(this.absmax - this.absmin), true, { if (it.solid == SOLID_TRIGGER && it != this) if (it.move_nomonsters != MOVE_NOMONSTERS && it.move_nomonsters != MOVE_WORLDONLY) if (it.move_touch && boxesoverlap(it.absmin, it.absmax, this.absmin, this.absmax)) { other = this; trace_allsolid = false; trace_startsolid = false; trace_fraction = 1; trace_inwater = false; trace_inopen = true; trace_endpos = it.move_origin; trace_plane_normal = '0 0 1'; trace_plane_dist = 0; trace_ent = this; WITHSELF(it, it.move_touch()); } }); other = oldother; } void _Movetype_LinkEdict(entity this, bool touch_triggers) // SV_LinkEdict { vector mi, ma; if(this.solid == SOLID_BSP) { // TODO set the absolute bbox mi = this.mins; ma = this.maxs; } else { mi = this.mins; ma = this.maxs; } mi += this.move_origin; ma += this.move_origin; if(this.move_flags & FL_ITEM) { mi.x -= 15; mi.y -= 15; mi.z -= 1; ma.x += 15; ma.y += 15; ma.z += 1; } else { mi.x -= 1; mi.y -= 1; mi.z -= 1; ma.x += 1; ma.y += 1; ma.z += 1; } this.absmin = mi; this.absmax = ma; if(touch_triggers) _Movetype_LinkEdict_TouchAreaGrid(this); } entity _Movetype_TestEntityPosition_ent; bool _Movetype_TestEntityPosition(vector ofs) // SV_TestEntityPosition { entity this = _Movetype_TestEntityPosition_ent; // vector org = this.move_origin + ofs; int cont = this.dphitcontentsmask; this.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID; tracebox(this.move_origin, this.mins, this.maxs, this.move_origin, ((this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY) ? MOVE_WORLDONLY : MOVE_NOMONSTERS), this); this.dphitcontentsmask = cont; if(trace_startsolid) return true; if(vdist(trace_endpos - this.move_origin, >, 0.0001)) this.move_origin = trace_endpos; return false; } bool _Movetype_UnstickEntity(entity this) // SV_UnstickEntity { _Movetype_TestEntityPosition_ent = this; if (!_Movetype_TestEntityPosition(' 0 0 0')) { return true; } #define X(v) if (_Movetype_TestEntityPosition(v)) X('-1 0 0') X(' 1 0 0') X(' 0 -1 0') X(' 0 1 0') X('-1 -1 0') X(' 1 -1 0') X('-1 1 0') X(' 1 1 0') #undef X { #define X(i) \ if (_Movetype_TestEntityPosition('0 0 -1' * i)) \ if (_Movetype_TestEntityPosition('0 0 1' * i)) X(01) X(02) X(03) X(04) X(05) X(06) X(07) X(08) X(09) X(10) X(11) X(12) X(13) X(14) X(15) X(16) X(17) #undef X { LOG_DEBUGF("Can't unstick an entity (edict: %d, classname: %s, origin: %s)\n", etof(this), this.classname, vtos(this.move_origin)); return false; } } LOG_DEBUGF("Sucessfully unstuck an entity (edict: %d, classname: %s, origin: %s)\n", etof(this), this.classname, vtos(this.move_origin)); _Movetype_LinkEdict(this, true); return true; } vector _Movetype_ClipVelocity(vector vel, vector norm, float f) // SV_ClipVelocity { vel -= ((vel * norm) * norm) * f; if(vel.x > -0.1 && vel.x < 0.1) vel.x = 0; if(vel.y > -0.1 && vel.y < 0.1) vel.y = 0; if(vel.z > -0.1 && vel.z < 0.1) vel.z = 0; return vel; } void _Movetype_PushEntityTrace(entity this, vector push) { vector end = this.move_origin + push; int type; if(this.move_nomonsters) type = max(0, this.move_nomonsters); else if(this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE) type = MOVE_MISSILE; else if(this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY) type = MOVE_WORLDONLY; else if(this.solid == SOLID_TRIGGER || this.solid == SOLID_NOT) type = MOVE_NOMONSTERS; else type = MOVE_NORMAL; tracebox(this.move_origin, this.mins, this.maxs, end, type, this); } float _Movetype_PushEntity(entity this, vector push, bool failonstartsolid) // SV_PushEntity { _Movetype_PushEntityTrace(this, push); if(trace_startsolid && failonstartsolid) return trace_fraction; this.move_origin = trace_endpos; if(trace_fraction < 1) if(this.solid >= SOLID_TRIGGER && (!(this.move_flags & FL_ONGROUND) || (this.move_groundentity != trace_ent))) _Movetype_Impact(this, trace_ent); return trace_fraction; } .float ltime; .void() blocked; // matrix version of makevectors, sets v_forward, v_right and v_up void makevectors_matrix(vector myangles) // AngleVectorsFLU { v_forward = v_right = v_up = '0 0 0'; float y = myangles.y * (M_PI * 2 / 360); float sy = sin(y); float cy = cos(y); float p = myangles.x * (M_PI * 2 / 360); float sp = sin(p); float cp = cos(p); if(v_forward) { v_forward.x = cp * cy; v_forward.y = cp * sy; v_forward.z = -sp; } if(v_right || v_up) { if(myangles.z) { float r = myangles.z * (M_PI * 2 / 360); float sr = sin(r); float cr = cos(r); if(v_right) { v_right.x = sr * sp * cy + cr * -sy; v_right.y = sr * sp * sy + cr * cy; v_right.z = sr * cp; } if(v_up) { v_up.x = cr * sp * cy + -sr * -sy; v_up.y = cr * sp * sy + -sr * cy; v_up.z = cr * cp; } } else { if(v_right) { v_right.x = -sy; v_right.y = cy; v_right.z = 0; } if(v_up) { v_up.x = sp * cy; v_up.y = sp * sy; v_up.z = cp; } } } } void _Movetype_Physics_Frame(entity this, float movedt) { this.move_didgravity = -1; switch (this.move_movetype) { case MOVETYPE_PUSH: case MOVETYPE_FAKEPUSH: _Movetype_Physics_Pusher(this, movedt); break; case MOVETYPE_NONE: break; case MOVETYPE_FOLLOW: _Movetype_Physics_Follow(this); break; case MOVETYPE_NOCLIP: _Movetype_CheckWater(this); this.move_origin = this.move_origin + TICRATE * this.move_velocity; this.move_angles = this.move_angles + TICRATE * this.move_avelocity; _Movetype_LinkEdict(this, false); break; case MOVETYPE_STEP: _Movetype_Physics_Step(this, movedt); break; case MOVETYPE_WALK: _Movetype_Physics_Walk(this, movedt); break; case MOVETYPE_TOSS: case MOVETYPE_BOUNCE: case MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE: case MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE: case MOVETYPE_FLY: case MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY: _Movetype_Physics_Toss(this, movedt); _Movetype_LinkEdict(this, true); break; case MOVETYPE_PHYSICS: break; } } void _Movetype_Physics_ClientFrame(entity this, float movedt) { this.move_didgravity = -1; switch (this.move_movetype) { case MOVETYPE_PUSH: case MOVETYPE_FAKEPUSH: _Movetype_Physics_Pusher(this, movedt); break; case MOVETYPE_NONE: break; case MOVETYPE_FOLLOW: _Movetype_Physics_Follow(this); break; case MOVETYPE_NOCLIP: _Movetype_CheckWater(this); this.move_origin = this.move_origin + TICRATE * this.move_velocity; this.move_angles = this.move_angles + TICRATE * this.move_avelocity; _Movetype_LinkEdict(this, false); break; case MOVETYPE_STEP: _Movetype_Physics_Step(this, movedt); break; case MOVETYPE_WALK: case MOVETYPE_FLY: case MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY: _Movetype_Physics_Walk(this, movedt); break; case MOVETYPE_TOSS: case MOVETYPE_BOUNCE: case MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE: case MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE: _Movetype_Physics_Toss(this, movedt); break; case MOVETYPE_PHYSICS: break; } } void Movetype_Physics_NoMatchServer(entity this) // optimized { float movedt = time - this.move_time; this.move_time = time; _Movetype_Physics_Frame(this, movedt); if(wasfreed(this)) return; this.avelocity = this.move_avelocity; this.velocity = this.move_velocity; this.angles = this.move_angles; setorigin(this, this.move_origin); } void Movetype_Physics_MatchServer(entity this, bool sloppy) { Movetype_Physics_MatchTicrate(this, TICRATE, sloppy); } void Movetype_Physics_MatchTicrate(entity this, float tr, bool sloppy) // SV_Physics_Entity { if(tr <= 0) { Movetype_Physics_NoMatchServer(this); return; } float dt = time - this.move_time; int n = max(0, floor(dt / tr)); dt -= n * tr; this.move_time += n * tr; if(!this.move_didgravity) this.move_didgravity = ((this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE || this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_TOSS) && !(this.move_flags & FL_ONGROUND)); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { _Movetype_Physics_Frame(this, tr); if(wasfreed(this)) return; } this.avelocity = this.move_avelocity; if(dt > 0 && this.move_movetype != MOVETYPE_NONE && !(this.move_flags & FL_ONGROUND)) { // now continue the move from move_time to time this.velocity = this.move_velocity; if(this.move_didgravity > 0) { this.velocity_z -= (GAMEPLAYFIX_GRAVITYUNAFFECTEDBYTICRATE ? 0.5 : 1) * dt * (this.gravity ? this.gravity : 1) * PHYS_GRAVITY(this); } this.angles = this.move_angles + dt * this.avelocity; if(sloppy || this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) { setorigin(this, this.move_origin + dt * this.velocity); } else { _Movetype_PushEntityTrace(this, dt * this.velocity); if(!trace_startsolid) setorigin(this, trace_endpos); } if(this.move_didgravity > 0 && GAMEPLAYFIX_GRAVITYUNAFFECTEDBYTICRATE) this.velocity_z -= 0.5 * dt * (this.gravity ? this.gravity : 1) * PHYS_GRAVITY(this); } else { this.velocity = this.move_velocity; this.angles = this.move_angles; setorigin(this, this.move_origin); } }