// TODO: split target_push and put it in the target folder #ifdef SVQC #include "jumppads.qh" #include "../../movetypes/movetypes.qh" void trigger_push_use() {SELFPARAM(); if(teamplay) { self.team = activator.team; self.SendFlags |= 2; } } #endif REGISTER_NET_LINKED(ENT_CLIENT_TRIGGER_PUSH) REGISTER_NET_LINKED(ENT_CLIENT_TARGET_PUSH) /* trigger_push_calculatevelocity Arguments: org - origin of the object which is to be pushed tgt - target entity (can be either a point or a model entity; if it is the latter, its midpoint is used) ht - jump height, measured from the higher one of org and tgt's midpoint Returns: velocity for the jump the global trigger_push_calculatevelocity_flighttime is set to the total jump time */ vector trigger_push_calculatevelocity(vector org, entity tgt, float ht) { float grav, sdist, zdist, vs, vz, jumpheight; vector sdir, torg; torg = tgt.origin + (tgt.mins + tgt.maxs) * 0.5; grav = PHYS_GRAVITY(other); if(PHYS_ENTGRAVITY(other)) grav *= PHYS_ENTGRAVITY(other); zdist = torg.z - org.z; sdist = vlen(torg - org - zdist * '0 0 1'); sdir = normalize(torg - org - zdist * '0 0 1'); // how high do we need to push the player? jumpheight = fabs(ht); if(zdist > 0) jumpheight = jumpheight + zdist; /* STOP. You will not understand the following equations anyway... But here is what I did to get them. I used the functions s(t) = t * vs z(t) = t * vz - 1/2 grav t^2 and solved for: s(ti) = sdist z(ti) = zdist max(z, ti) = jumpheight From these three equations, you will find the three parameters vs, vz and ti. */ // push him so high... vz = sqrt(fabs(2 * grav * jumpheight)); // NOTE: sqrt(positive)! // we start with downwards velocity only if it's a downjump and the jump apex should be outside the jump! if(ht < 0) if(zdist < 0) vz = -vz; vector solution; solution = solve_quadratic(0.5 * grav, -vz, zdist); // equation "z(ti) = zdist" // ALWAYS solvable because jumpheight >= zdist if(!solution.z) solution_y = solution.x; // just in case it is not solvable due to roundoff errors, assume two equal solutions at their center (this is mainly for the usual case with ht == 0) if(zdist == 0) solution_x = solution.y; // solution_x is 0 in this case, so don't use it, but rather use solution_y (which will be sqrt(0.5 * jumpheight / grav), actually) if(zdist < 0) { // down-jump if(ht < 0) { // almost straight line type // jump apex is before the jump // we must take the larger one trigger_push_calculatevelocity_flighttime = solution.y; } else { // regular jump // jump apex is during the jump // we must take the larger one too trigger_push_calculatevelocity_flighttime = solution.y; } } else { // up-jump if(ht < 0) { // almost straight line type // jump apex is after the jump // we must take the smaller one trigger_push_calculatevelocity_flighttime = solution.x; } else { // regular jump // jump apex is during the jump // we must take the larger one trigger_push_calculatevelocity_flighttime = solution.y; } } vs = sdist / trigger_push_calculatevelocity_flighttime; // finally calculate the velocity return sdir * vs + '0 0 1' * vz; } void trigger_push_touch() {SELFPARAM(); if (this.active == ACTIVE_NOT) return; #ifdef SVQC if (!isPushable(other)) return; #endif if(this.team) if(((this.spawnflags & 4) == 0) == (DIFF_TEAM(this, other))) return; EXACTTRIGGER_TOUCH; if(this.enemy) { other.velocity = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(other.origin, this.enemy, this.height); other.move_velocity = other.velocity; } else if(this.target) { entity e; RandomSelection_Init(); for(e = world; (e = find(e, targetname, this.target)); ) { if(e.cnt) RandomSelection_Add(e, 0, string_null, e.cnt, 1); else RandomSelection_Add(e, 0, string_null, 1, 1); } other.velocity = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(other.origin, RandomSelection_chosen_ent, this.height); other.move_velocity = other.velocity; } else { other.velocity = this.movedir; other.move_velocity = other.velocity; } #ifdef SVQC UNSET_ONGROUND(other); #elif defined(CSQC) other.move_flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND; #endif #ifdef SVQC if (IS_PLAYER(other)) { // reset tracking of oldvelocity for impact damage (sudden velocity changes) other.oldvelocity = other.velocity; if(this.pushltime < time) // prevent "snorring" sound when a player hits the jumppad more than once { // flash when activated Send_Effect(EFFECT_JUMPPAD, other.origin, other.velocity, 1); _sound (other, CH_TRIGGER, this.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); this.pushltime = time + 0.2; } if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(other) || IS_BOT_CLIENT(other)) { bool found = false; for(int i = 0; i < other.jumppadcount && i < NUM_JUMPPADSUSED; ++i) if(other.(jumppadsused[i]) == this) found = true; if(!found) { other.(jumppadsused[other.jumppadcount % NUM_JUMPPADSUSED]) = this; other.jumppadcount = other.jumppadcount + 1; } if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(other)) { if(this.message) centerprint(other, this.message); } else other.lastteleporttime = time; if (other.deadflag == DEAD_NO) animdecide_setaction(other, ANIMACTION_JUMP, true); } else other.jumppadcount = true; // reset tracking of who pushed you into a hazard (for kill credit) other.pushltime = 0; other.istypefrag = 0; } if(this.enemy.target) { activator = other; WITH(entity, self, this.enemy, SUB_UseTargets()); } if (other.flags & FL_PROJECTILE) { other.angles = vectoangles (other.velocity); switch(other.movetype) { case MOVETYPE_FLY: other.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; other.gravity = 1; break; case MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE: other.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; other.gravity = 1; break; } UpdateCSQCProjectile(other); } if (other.flags & FL_ITEM) { ItemUpdate(other); other.SendFlags |= ISF_DROP; } if (this.spawnflags & PUSH_ONCE) { this.touch = func_null; this.think = SUB_Remove_self; this.nextthink = time; } #endif } #ifdef SVQC void trigger_push_link(); void trigger_push_updatelink(); #endif void trigger_push_findtarget() {SELFPARAM(); entity t; vector org; // first calculate a typical start point for the jump org = (self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5; org_z = self.absmax.z - PL_MIN.z; if (self.target) { float n = 0; for(t = world; (t = find(t, targetname, self.target)); ) { ++n; #ifdef SVQC entity e = spawn(); setorigin(e, org); setsize(e, PL_MIN, PL_MAX); e.velocity = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(org, t, self.height); tracetoss(e, e); if(e.movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE) waypoint_spawnforteleporter(self, trace_endpos, vlen(trace_endpos - org) / vlen(e.velocity)); remove(e); #endif } if(!n) { // no dest! #ifdef SVQC objerror ("Jumppad with nonexistant target"); #endif return; } else if(n == 1) { // exactly one dest - bots love that self.enemy = find(world, targetname, self.target); } else { // have to use random selection every single time self.enemy = world; } } #ifdef SVQC else { entity e = spawn(); setorigin(e, org); setsize(e, PL_MIN, PL_MAX); e.velocity = self.movedir; tracetoss(e, e); waypoint_spawnforteleporter(self, trace_endpos, vlen(trace_endpos - org) / vlen(e.velocity)); remove(e); } trigger_push_link(); defer(self, 0.1, trigger_push_updatelink); #endif } #ifdef SVQC float trigger_push_send(entity this, entity to, float sf) { WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_TRIGGER_PUSH); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.team); WriteInt24_t(MSG_ENTITY, self.spawnflags); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.active); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.height); trigger_common_write(self, true); return true; } void trigger_push_updatelink() {SELFPARAM(); self.SendFlags |= 1; } void trigger_push_link() { trigger_link(self, trigger_push_send); } /* * ENTITY PARAMETERS: * * target: target of jump * height: the absolute value is the height of the highest point of the jump * trajectory above the higher one of the player and the target. * the sign indicates whether the highest point is INSIDE (positive) * or OUTSIDE (negative) of the jump trajectory. General rule: use * positive values for targets mounted on the floor, and use negative * values to target a point on the ceiling. * movedir: if target is not set, this * speed * 10 is the velocity to be reached. */ spawnfunc(trigger_push) { SetMovedir(self); trigger_init(self); self.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE; self.use = trigger_push_use; self.touch = trigger_push_touch; // normal push setup if (!self.speed) self.speed = 1000; self.movedir = self.movedir * self.speed * 10; if (!self.noise) self.noise = "misc/jumppad.wav"; precache_sound (self.noise); // this must be called to spawn the teleport waypoints for bots InitializeEntity(self, trigger_push_findtarget, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET); } bool target_push_send(entity this, entity to, float sf) { WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_TARGET_PUSH); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.cnt); WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, self.targetname); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_z); WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles_x); WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles_y); WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles_z); return true; } void target_push_link() {SELFPARAM(); BITSET_ASSIGN(self.effects, EF_NODEPTHTEST); Net_LinkEntity(self, false, 0, target_push_send); //self.SendFlags |= 1; // update } spawnfunc(target_push) { target_push_link(); } spawnfunc(info_notnull) { target_push_link(); } spawnfunc(target_position) { make_pure(this); target_push_link(); } #elif defined(CSQC) NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_TRIGGER_PUSH, bool isnew) { make_pure(this); self.classname = "jumppad"; int mytm = ReadByte(); if(mytm) { self.team = mytm - 1; } self.spawnflags = ReadInt24_t(); self.active = ReadByte(); self.height = ReadCoord(); trigger_common_read(true); self.entremove = trigger_remove_generic; self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; //self.draw = trigger_draw_generic; self.move_touch = trigger_push_touch; self.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; self.move_time = time; defer(self, 0.25, trigger_push_findtarget); return true; } void target_push_remove() {SELFPARAM(); if(self.classname) strunzone(self.classname); self.classname = string_null; if(self.targetname) strunzone(self.targetname); self.targetname = string_null; } NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_TARGET_PUSH, bool isnew) { make_pure(this); self.classname = "push_target"; self.cnt = ReadByte(); self.targetname = strzone(ReadString()); self.origin_x = ReadCoord(); self.origin_y = ReadCoord(); self.origin_z = ReadCoord(); self.angles_x = ReadAngle(); self.angles_y = ReadAngle(); self.angles_z = ReadAngle(); return = true; setorigin(self, self.origin); self.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; self.entremove = target_push_remove; } #endif