#include "sv_vehicles.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include bool SendAuxiliaryXhair(entity this, entity to, int sf) { WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_AUXILIARYXHAIR); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.cnt); if(sf & 2) { WriteVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin); } if(sf & 4) { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, rint(this.colormod_x * 255)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, rint(this.colormod_y * 255)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, rint(this.colormod_z * 255)); } return true; } bool AuxiliaryXhair_customize(entity this, entity client) { entity e = WaypointSprite_getviewentity(client); entity axh = e.(AuxiliaryXhair[this.cnt]); return axh.owner == this.owner; // cheaply check if the client's axh owner is the same as our real owner } .vector axh_prevorigin; .vector axh_prevcolors; void UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(entity own, vector loc, vector clr, int axh_id) { if(!IS_REAL_CLIENT(own)) return; axh_id = bound(0, axh_id, MAX_AXH); entity axh = own.(AuxiliaryXhair[axh_id]); if(axh == NULL || wasfreed(axh)) // MADNESS? THIS IS QQQQCCCCCCCCC (wasfreed, why do you exsist? Mario: because of sloppy code like this) { axh = new(auxiliary_xhair); axh.cnt = axh_id; //axh.drawonlytoclient = own; // not spectatable setcefc(axh, AuxiliaryXhair_customize); axh.owner = own; Net_LinkEntity(axh, false, 0, SendAuxiliaryXhair); } if(loc != axh.axh_prevorigin) { setorigin(axh, loc); axh.SendFlags |= 2; } if(clr != axh.axh_prevcolors) { axh.colormod = clr; axh.SendFlags |= 4; } own.(AuxiliaryXhair[axh_id]) = axh; // set it anyway...? } void CSQCVehicleSetup(entity own, int vehicle_id) { if(!IS_REAL_CLIENT(own)) return; msg_entity = own; WriteHeader(MSG_ONE, TE_CSQC_VEHICLESETUP); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, vehicle_id); if(vehicle_id == 0 || vehicle_id == HUD_NORMAL) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_AXH; ++i) { entity axh = own.(AuxiliaryXhair[i]); own.(AuxiliaryXhair[i]) = NULL; if(axh.owner == own && axh != NULL && !wasfreed(axh)) delete(axh); } } } void vehicles_locktarget(entity this, float incr, float decr, float _lock_time) { if(this.lock_target && IS_DEAD(this.lock_target)) { this.lock_target = NULL; this.lock_strength = 0; this.lock_time = 0; } if(this.lock_time > time) { if(this.lock_target) if(this.lock_soundtime < time) { this.lock_soundtime = time + 0.5; play2(this.owner, "vehicles/locked.wav"); } return; } if(trace_ent != NULL) { if(SAME_TEAM(trace_ent, this)) trace_ent = NULL; if(IS_DEAD(trace_ent)) trace_ent = NULL; if(!(IS_VEHICLE(trace_ent) || IS_TURRET(trace_ent))) trace_ent = NULL; if(trace_ent.alpha <= 0.5 && trace_ent.alpha != 0) trace_ent = NULL; // invisible } if(this.lock_target == NULL && trace_ent != NULL) this.lock_target = trace_ent; if(this.lock_target && trace_ent == this.lock_target) { if(this.lock_strength != 1 && this.lock_strength + incr >= 1) { play2(this.owner, "vehicles/lock.wav"); this.lock_soundtime = time + 0.8; } else if (this.lock_strength != 1 && this.lock_soundtime < time) { play2(this.owner, "vehicles/locking.wav"); this.lock_soundtime = time + 0.3; } } // Have a locking target // Trace hit current target if(trace_ent == this.lock_target && trace_ent != NULL) { this.lock_strength = min(this.lock_strength + incr, 1); if(this.lock_strength == 1) this.lock_time = time + _lock_time; } else { if(trace_ent) this.lock_strength = max(this.lock_strength - decr * 2, 0); else this.lock_strength = max(this.lock_strength - decr, 0); if(this.lock_strength == 0) this.lock_target = NULL; } } // projectile handling void vehicles_projectile_damage(entity this, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype, .entity weaponentity, vector hitloc, vector force) { // Ignore damage from oterh projectiles from my owner (dont mess up volly's) if(inflictor.owner == this.owner) return; TakeResource(this, RES_HEALTH, damage); this.velocity += force; if(GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) < 1) { this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; this.event_damage = func_null; setthink(this, adaptor_think2use); this.nextthink = time; } } void vehicles_projectile_explode(entity this, entity toucher) { if(this.owner && toucher != NULL) { if(toucher == this.owner.vehicle) return; if(toucher == this.owner.vehicle.tur_head) return; } PROJECTILE_TOUCH(this, toucher); this.event_damage = func_null; RadiusDamage (this, this.realowner, this.shot_dmg, 0, this.shot_radius, this, NULL, this.shot_force, this.projectiledeathtype, DMG_NOWEP, toucher); delete(this); } void vehicles_projectile_explode_think(entity this) { vehicles_projectile_explode(this, NULL); } void vehicles_projectile_explode_use(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger) { vehicles_projectile_explode(this, trigger); } entity vehicles_projectile(entity this, entity _mzlfx, Sound _mzlsound, vector _org, vector _vel, float _dmg, float _radi, float _force, float _size, int _deahtype, float _projtype, float _health, bool _cull, bool _clianim, entity _owner) { TC(Sound, _mzlsound); entity proj = new(vehicles_projectile); PROJECTILE_MAKETRIGGER(proj); setorigin(proj, _org); proj.shot_dmg = _dmg; proj.shot_radius = _radi; proj.shot_force = _force; proj.projectiledeathtype = _deahtype; proj.solid = SOLID_BBOX; set_movetype(proj, MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE); proj.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; IL_PUSH(g_projectiles, proj); IL_PUSH(g_bot_dodge, proj); proj.bot_dodge = true; proj.bot_dodgerating = _dmg; proj.velocity = _vel; settouch(proj, vehicles_projectile_explode); proj.use = vehicles_projectile_explode_use; proj.owner = this; proj.realowner = _owner; setthink(proj, SUB_Remove); proj.nextthink = time + 30; if(_health) { proj.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; proj.event_damage = vehicles_projectile_damage; SetResourceExplicit(proj, RES_HEALTH, _health); } else proj.flags |= FL_NOTARGET; if(_mzlsound != SND_Null) sound (this, CH_WEAPON_A, _mzlsound, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); if(_mzlfx != EFFECT_Null) Send_Effect(_mzlfx, proj.origin, proj.velocity, 1); setsize (proj, '-1 -1 -1' * _size, '1 1 1' * _size); CSQCProjectile(proj, _clianim, _projtype, _cull); return proj; } void vehicles_gib_explode(entity this) { sound (this, CH_SHOTS, SND_ROCKET_IMPACT, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); Send_Effect(EFFECT_EXPLOSION_SMALL, randomvec() * 80 + (this.origin + '0 0 100'), '0 0 0', 1); Send_Effect(EFFECT_EXPLOSION_SMALL, this.wp00.origin + '0 0 64', '0 0 0', 1); delete(this); } void vehicles_gib_touch(entity this, entity toucher) { vehicles_gib_explode(this); } void vehicles_gib_think(entity this) { this.alpha -= 0.1; if(this.cnt >= time) delete(this); else this.nextthink = time + 0.1; } entity vehicle_tossgib(entity this, entity _template, vector _vel, string _tag, bool _burn, bool _explode, float _maxtime, vector _rot) { entity _gib = new(vehicle_gib); _setmodel(_gib, _template.model); vector org = gettaginfo(this, gettagindex(this, _tag)); setorigin(_gib, org); _gib.velocity = _vel; set_movetype(_gib, MOVETYPE_TOSS); _gib.solid = SOLID_CORPSE; _gib.colormod = '-0.5 -0.5 -0.5'; _gib.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; _gib.avelocity = _rot; if(_burn) _gib.effects |= EF_FLAME; if(_explode) { setthink(_gib, vehicles_gib_explode); _gib.nextthink = time + random() * _explode; settouch(_gib, vehicles_gib_touch); } else { _gib.cnt = time + _maxtime; setthink(_gib, vehicles_gib_think); _gib.nextthink = time + _maxtime - 1; _gib.alpha = 1; } return _gib; } bool vehicle_addplayerslot( entity _owner, entity _slot, int _hud, Model _hud_model, bool(entity,float) _framefunc, void(entity,bool) _exitfunc, float(entity, entity) _enterfunc) { if(!(_owner.vehicle_flags & VHF_MULTISLOT)) _owner.vehicle_flags |= VHF_MULTISLOT; _slot.PlayerPhysplug = _framefunc; _slot.vehicle_exit = _exitfunc; _slot.vehicle_enter = _enterfunc; STAT(HUD, _slot) = _hud; _slot.vehicle_flags = VHF_PLAYERSLOT; _slot.vehicle_viewport = new(vehicle_viewport); _slot.vehicle_hudmodel = new(vehicle_hudmodel); _slot.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = _slot; _slot.vehicle_viewport.effects = (EF_ADDITIVE | EF_DOUBLESIDED | EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_NODEPTHTEST | EF_NOGUNBOB | EF_NOSHADOW | EF_LOWPRECISION | EF_SELECTABLE | EF_TELEPORT_BIT); setmodel(_slot.vehicle_hudmodel, _hud_model); setmodel(_slot.vehicle_viewport, MDL_Null); setattachment(_slot.vehicle_hudmodel, _slot, ""); setattachment(_slot.vehicle_viewport, _slot.vehicle_hudmodel, ""); return true; } vector vehicle_aimturret(entity _vehic, vector _target, entity _turrret, string _tagname, float _pichlimit_min, float _pichlimit_max, float _rotlimit_min, float _rotlimit_max, float _aimspeed, float dt) { vector vtmp, vtag; float ftmp; vtag = gettaginfo(_turrret, gettagindex(_turrret, _tagname)); vtmp = vectoangles(normalize(_target - vtag)); vtmp = AnglesTransform_ToAngles(AnglesTransform_LeftDivide(AnglesTransform_FromAngles(_vehic.angles), AnglesTransform_FromAngles(vtmp))) - _turrret.angles; vtmp = AnglesTransform_Normalize(vtmp, true); ftmp = _aimspeed * dt; vtmp_y = bound(-ftmp, vtmp_y, ftmp); vtmp_x = bound(-ftmp, vtmp_x, ftmp); _turrret.angles_y = bound(_rotlimit_min, _turrret.angles_y + vtmp_y, _rotlimit_max); _turrret.angles_x = bound(_pichlimit_min, _turrret.angles_x + vtmp_x, _pichlimit_max); return vtag; } void vehicles_reset_colors(entity this, entity player) { int eff = 0, cmap; const vector cmod = '0 0 0'; if(this.team && teamplay) cmap = 1024 + (this.team - 1) * 17; else if(player) cmap = player.colormap; else cmap = 1024; if(autocvar_g_nodepthtestplayers) eff |= EF_NODEPTHTEST; if(autocvar_g_fullbrightplayers) eff |= EF_FULLBRIGHT; // Find all ents attacked to main model and setup effects, colormod etc. FOREACH_ENTITY_ENT(tag_entity, this, { if(it == this.vehicle_shieldent) continue; it.effects = eff; it.colormod = cmod; it.colormap = cmap; it.alpha = 1; }); // Also check head tags FOREACH_ENTITY_ENT(tag_entity, this.tur_head, { if(it == this.vehicle_shieldent) continue; it.effects = eff; it.colormod = cmod; it.colormap = cmap; it.alpha = 1; }); this.vehicle_hudmodel.effects = this.effects = eff; // | EF_LOWPRECISION; this.vehicle_hudmodel.colormod = this.colormod = cmod; this.vehicle_hudmodel.colormap = this.colormap = cmap; this.vehicle_viewport.effects = (EF_ADDITIVE | EF_DOUBLESIDED | EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_NODEPTHTEST | EF_NOGUNBOB | EF_NOSHADOW | EF_LOWPRECISION | EF_SELECTABLE | EF_TELEPORT_BIT); this.alpha = 1; this.avelocity = '0 0 0'; this.velocity = '0 0 0'; this.effects = eff; Vehicle info = this.vehicledef; //REGISTRY_GET(Vehicles, this.vehicleid); info.vr_setcolors(info, this); } void vehicles_clearreturn(entity veh) { // Remove "return helper" entities, if any. IL_EACH(g_vehicle_returners, it.wp00 == veh, { it.classname = ""; setthink(it, SUB_Remove); it.nextthink = time + 0.1; IL_REMOVE(g_vehicle_returners, it); if(it.waypointsprite_attached) WaypointSprite_Kill(it.waypointsprite_attached); }); } void vehicles_spawn(entity this); void vehicles_return(entity this) { Send_Effect(EFFECT_TELEPORT, this.wp00.origin + '0 0 64', '0 0 0', 1); setthink(this.wp00, vehicles_spawn); this.wp00.nextthink = time; if(this.waypointsprite_attached) WaypointSprite_Kill(this.waypointsprite_attached); delete(this); } void vehicles_showwp_goaway(entity this) { if(this.waypointsprite_attached) WaypointSprite_Kill(this.waypointsprite_attached); delete(this); } void vehicles_showwp(entity this) { entity ent = this; if(ent.cnt) { setthink(ent, vehicles_return); ent.nextthink = ent.cnt; } else { setthink(ent, vehicles_return); ent.nextthink = time + 1; ent = spawn(); ent.team = this.wp00.team; ent.wp00 = this.wp00; setorigin(ent, this.wp00.pos1); ent.nextthink = time + 5; setthink(ent, vehicles_showwp_goaway); } vector rgb; if(teamplay && ent.team) rgb = Team_ColorRGB(ent.team); else rgb = '1 1 1'; entity wp = WaypointSprite_Spawn(WP_Vehicle, 0, 0, ent, '0 0 64', NULL, 0, ent, waypointsprite_attached, true, RADARICON_Vehicle); wp.wp_extra = ent.wp00.vehicleid; wp.colormod = rgb; if(ent.waypointsprite_attached) { WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(ent.waypointsprite_attached, ent.wp00.team, SPRITERULE_DEFAULT); if(this == NULL) WaypointSprite_UpdateBuildFinished(ent.waypointsprite_attached, ent.nextthink); WaypointSprite_Ping(ent.waypointsprite_attached); } } void vehicles_setreturn(entity veh) { vehicles_clearreturn(veh); entity ret = new(vehicle_return); IL_PUSH(g_vehicle_returners, ret); ret.wp00 = veh; ret.team = veh.team; setthink(ret, vehicles_showwp); if(IS_DEAD(veh)) { ret.cnt = time + veh.respawntime; ret.nextthink = min(time + veh.respawntime, time + veh.respawntime - 5); } else { ret.nextthink = min(time + veh.respawntime, time + veh.respawntime - 1); } setorigin(ret, veh.pos1 + '0 0 96'); } void vehicle_use(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger) { LOG_DEBUG("vehicle ", this.netname, " used by ", actor.classname); this.tur_head.team = actor.team; if(this.tur_head.team == 0) this.active = ACTIVE_NOT; else this.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE; if(this.active == ACTIVE_ACTIVE && !IS_DEAD(this) && !game_stopped) { LOG_DEBUG("Respawning vehicle: ", this.netname); if(this.effects & EF_NODRAW) { setthink(this, vehicles_spawn); this.nextthink = time + 3; } else { vehicles_setreturn(this); vehicles_reset_colors(this, actor); } } } void vehicles_regen(entity this, float timer, .float regen_field, float field_max, float rpause, float regen, float delta_time, float _healthscale) { if(this.(regen_field) < field_max) if(timer + rpause < time) { if(_healthscale) regen = regen * (GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) / this.max_health); this.(regen_field) = min(this.(regen_field) + regen * delta_time, field_max); if(this.owner) this.owner.(regen_field) = (this.(regen_field) / field_max) * 100; } } void vehicles_regen_resource(entity this, float timer, .float regen_field, float field_max, float rpause, float regen, float delta_time, float _healthscale, Resource resource) { float resource_amount = GetResource(this, resource); if(resource_amount < field_max) if(timer + rpause < time) { if(_healthscale) regen = regen * (resource_amount / this.max_health); SetResource(this, resource, min(resource_amount + regen * delta_time, field_max)); if(this.owner) this.owner.(regen_field) = (GetResource(this, resource) / field_max) * 100; } } void shieldhit_think(entity this) { this.alpha -= 0.1; if (this.alpha <= 0) { // setmodel(this, MDL_Null); this.alpha = -1; this.effects |= EF_NODRAW; } else { this.nextthink = time + 0.1; } } void vehicles_painframe(entity this) { int myhealth = ((this.owner) ? this.owner.vehicle_health : ((GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) / this.max_health) * 100)); if(myhealth <= 50) if(this.pain_frame < time) { float _ftmp = myhealth / 50; this.pain_frame = time + max(0.1, 0.1 + (random() * 0.5 * _ftmp)); Send_Effect(EFFECT_SMOKE_SMALL, (this.origin + (randomvec() * 80)), '0 0 0', 1); if(this.vehicle_flags & VHF_DMGSHAKE) this.velocity += randomvec() * 30; if(this.vehicle_flags & VHF_DMGROLL) { if(this.vehicle_flags & VHF_DMGHEADROLL) this.tur_head.angles += randomvec(); else this.angles += randomvec(); } } } void vehicles_frame(entity this, entity actor) { vehicles_painframe(this); } void vehicles_damage(entity this, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype, .entity weaponentity, vector hitloc, vector force) { this.dmg_time = time; // WEAPONTODO if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_VORTEX)) damage *= autocvar_g_vehicles_vortex_damagerate; else if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_MACHINEGUN)) damage *= autocvar_g_vehicles_machinegun_damagerate; else if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_RIFLE)) damage *= autocvar_g_vehicles_rifle_damagerate; else if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_VAPORIZER)) damage *= autocvar_g_vehicles_vaporizer_damagerate; else if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_SEEKER)) damage *= autocvar_g_vehicles_tag_damagerate; else if(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype) != WEP_Null) damage *= autocvar_g_vehicles_weapon_damagerate; this.enemy = attacker; this.pain_finished = time; if((this.vehicle_flags & VHF_HASSHIELD) && (this.vehicle_shield > 0)) { if (wasfreed(this.vehicle_shieldent) || this.vehicle_shieldent == NULL) { this.vehicle_shieldent = new(vehicle_shieldent); this.vehicle_shieldent.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; setmodel(this.vehicle_shieldent, MDL_VEH_SHIELD); setattachment(this.vehicle_shieldent, this, ""); setorigin(this.vehicle_shieldent, real_origin(this) - this.origin); this.vehicle_shieldent.scale = 256 / vlen(this.maxs - this.mins); setthink(this.vehicle_shieldent, shieldhit_think); } this.vehicle_shieldent.colormod = '1 1 1'; this.vehicle_shieldent.alpha = 0.45; this.vehicle_shieldent.angles = vectoangles(normalize(hitloc - (this.origin + this.vehicle_shieldent.origin))) - this.angles; this.vehicle_shieldent.nextthink = time; this.vehicle_shieldent.effects &= ~EF_NODRAW; this.vehicle_shield -= damage; if(this.vehicle_shield < 0) { TakeResource(this, RES_HEALTH, fabs(this.vehicle_shield)); this.vehicle_shieldent.colormod = '2 0 0'; this.vehicle_shield = 0; this.vehicle_shieldent.alpha = 0.75; if(sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker)) spamsound (this, CH_PAIN, SND_ONS_HIT2, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // FIXME: PLACEHOLDER } else if(sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker)) spamsound (this, CH_PAIN, SND_ONS_ELECTRICITY_EXPLODE, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // FIXME: PLACEHOLDER } else { TakeResource(this, RES_HEALTH, damage); if(sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker)) spamsound (this, CH_PAIN, SND_ONS_HIT2, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // FIXME: PLACEHOLDER } if(this.damageforcescale < 1 && this.damageforcescale > 0) this.velocity += force * this.damageforcescale; else this.velocity += force; if(GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) <= 0) { if(this.owner) { if(this.vehicle_flags & VHF_DEATHEJECT) vehicles_exit(this, VHEF_EJECT); else vehicles_exit(this, VHEF_RELEASE); } antilag_clear(this, this); Vehicle info = this.vehicledef; //REGISTRY_GET(Vehicles, this.vehicleid); info.vr_death(info, this); vehicles_setreturn(this); } } bool vehicles_heal(entity targ, entity inflictor, float amount, float limit) { float true_limit = ((limit != RES_LIMIT_NONE) ? limit : targ.max_health); if(GetResource(targ, RES_HEALTH) <= 0 || GetResource(targ, RES_HEALTH) >= true_limit) return false; GiveResourceWithLimit(targ, RES_HEALTH, amount, true_limit); if(targ.owner) targ.owner.vehicle_health = (GetResource(targ, RES_HEALTH) / targ.max_health) * 100; return true; } bool vehicles_crushable(entity e) { if(IS_PLAYER(e) && time >= e.vehicle_enter_delay) return true; if(IS_MONSTER(e)) return true; return false; } void vehicles_impact(entity this, float _minspeed, float _speedfac, float _maxpain) { if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT) return; if(this.play_time < time) { if(vdist(this.velocity - this.oldvelocity, >, _minspeed)) { float wc = vlen(this.velocity - this.oldvelocity); float take = min(_speedfac * wc, _maxpain); Damage(this, NULL, NULL, take, DEATH_FALL.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); this.play_time = time + 0.25; } } } // vehicle enter/exit handling vector vehicles_findgoodexit(entity this, entity player, vector prefer_spot) { // TODO: we actually want the player's size here tracebox(this.origin + '0 0 32', PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, prefer_spot, MOVE_NORMAL, player); if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid) return prefer_spot; float mysize = 1.5 * vlen(this.maxs - this.mins); vector v; vector v2 = 0.5 * (this.absmin + this.absmax); for(int i = 0; i < autocvar_g_vehicles_exit_attempts; ++i) { v = randomvec(); v_z = 0; v = v2 + normalize(v) * mysize; tracebox(v2, PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, v, MOVE_NORMAL, player); if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid) return v; } return this.origin; } .int old_vehicle_flags; void vehicles_exit(entity vehic, bool eject) { entity player = vehic.owner; if(vehicles_exit_running) { LOG_TRACE("^1vehicles_exit already running! this is not good..."); return; } vehicles_exit_running = true; if(vehic.vehicle_flags & VHF_PLAYERSLOT) { vehic.vehicle_exit(vehic, eject); vehicles_exit_running = false; return; } if (player) { if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(player)) { msg_entity = player; WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEWPORT); WriteEntity( MSG_ONE, player); // NOTE: engine networked WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEWANGLES); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, vehic.angles_y); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); } setsize(player, STAT(PL_MIN, player), STAT(PL_MAX, player)); player.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; player.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; set_movetype(player, MOVETYPE_WALK); player.effects &= ~EF_NODRAW; player.teleportable = TELEPORT_NORMAL; player.alpha = default_player_alpha; player.PlayerPhysplug = func_null; player.vehicle = NULL; player.view_ofs = STAT(PL_VIEW_OFS, player); player.event_damage = PlayerDamage; STAT(HUD, player) = HUD_NORMAL; for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++ slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon = vehic.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon; delete(vehic.(weaponentity)); // no longer needed } player.last_vehiclecheck = time + 3; player.vehicle_enter_delay = time + 2; CSQCVehicleSetup(player, HUD_NORMAL); Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CPID_VEHICLES); Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CPID_VEHICLES_OTHER); // kill all vehicle notifications when exiting a vehicle? } vehic.flags |= FL_NOTARGET; if(!IS_DEAD(vehic)) vehic.avelocity = '0 0 0'; vehic.tur_head.nodrawtoclient = NULL; if(!teamplay) vehic.team = 0; WaypointSprite_Kill(vehic.wps_intruder); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(VehicleExit, player, vehic); vehic.team = vehic.tur_head.team; if(vehic.old_vehicle_flags & VHF_SHIELDREGEN) vehic.vehicle_flags |= VHF_SHIELDREGEN; vehic.old_vehicle_flags = 0; sound (vehic, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, SND_Null, 1, ATTEN_NORM); vehic.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = vehic; vehic.phase = time + 1; vehic.vehicle_exit(vehic, eject); vehicles_setreturn(vehic); vehicles_reset_colors(vehic, NULL); vehic.owner = NULL; CSQCMODEL_AUTOINIT(vehic); if(player) player.oldorigin = player.origin; // player's location is set by the exit functions, so we need to do this after everything vehicles_exit_running = false; } void vehicles_touch(entity this, entity toucher) { if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(VehicleTouch, this, toucher)) return; // Vehicle currently in use if(this.owner) { if(toucher != NULL) if((this.origin_z + this.maxs_z) > (toucher.origin_z)) if(vehicles_crushable(toucher)) if(!weaponLocked(this.owner)) { if(vdist(this.velocity, >=, autocvar_g_vehicles_crush_minspeed)) Damage(toucher, this, this.owner, autocvar_g_vehicles_crush_dmg, DEATH_VH_CRUSH.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, '0 0 0', normalize(toucher.origin - this.origin) * autocvar_g_vehicles_crush_force); return; // Dont do selfdamage when hitting "soft targets". } if(this.play_time < time) { Vehicle info = this.vehicledef; //REGISTRY_GET(Vehicles, this.vehicleid); info.vr_impact(info, this); } return; } if(autocvar_g_vehicles_enter) return; vehicles_enter(toucher, this); } bool vehicle_impulse(entity this, int imp) { entity v = this.vehicle; if (!v) return false; if (IS_DEAD(v)) return false; bool(entity,int) f = v.vehicles_impulse; if (f && f(this,imp)) return true; switch (imp) { case IMP_weapon_drop.impulse: { stuffcmd(this, "\ntoggle cl_eventchase_vehicle\nset _vehicles_shownchasemessage 1\n"); return true; } } return false; } void vehicles_enter(entity pl, entity veh) { // Remove this when bots know how to use vehicles if((IS_BOT_CLIENT(pl) && !autocvar_g_vehicles_allow_bots)) return; if((!IS_PLAYER(pl)) || (veh.phase >= time) || (pl.vehicle_enter_delay >= time) || (STAT(FROZEN, pl)) || (IS_DEAD(pl)) || (pl.vehicle) ) { return; } Vehicle info = veh.vehicledef; //REGISTRY_GET(Vehicles, veh.vehicleid); if(autocvar_g_vehicles_enter) // vehicle's touch function should handle this if entering via use key is disabled (TODO) if(veh.vehicle_flags & VHF_MULTISLOT) if(veh.owner && SAME_TEAM(pl, veh)) { // we don't need a return value or anything here // if successful the owner check below will prevent anything weird info.vr_gunner_enter(info, veh, pl); } if(veh.owner) return; // got here and didn't enter the gunner, return if(teamplay) if(veh.team) if(DIFF_TEAM(pl, veh)) if(autocvar_g_vehicles_steal) { FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && SAME_TEAM(it, veh), Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, it, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_VEHICLE_STEAL)); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, pl, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_VEHICLE_STEAL_SELF); veh.vehicle_shield = 0; veh.old_vehicle_flags = veh.vehicle_flags; // make a backup just so we're not permanently crippling this vehicle veh.vehicle_flags &= ~VHF_SHIELDREGEN; if (autocvar_g_vehicles_steal_show_waypoint) { entity wp = WaypointSprite_Spawn(WP_VehicleIntruder, 0, 0, pl, '0 0 68', NULL, veh.team, veh, wps_intruder, true, RADARICON_DANGER); wp.colormod = Team_ColorRGB(pl.team); } } else return; RemoveGrapplingHooks(pl); veh.vehicle_ammo1 = 0; veh.vehicle_ammo2 = 0; veh.vehicle_reload1 = 0; veh.vehicle_reload2 = 0; veh.vehicle_energy = 0; veh.owner = pl; pl.vehicle = veh; // .viewmodelforclient works better. //veh.vehicle_hudmodel.drawonlytoclient = veh.owner; veh.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = pl; UNSET_DUCKED(pl); pl.view_ofs = STAT(PL_VIEW_OFS, pl); setsize(pl, STAT(PL_MIN, pl), STAT(PL_MAX, pl)); veh.event_damage = vehicles_damage; veh.event_heal = vehicles_heal; veh.nextthink = 0; pl.items &= ~IT_USING_JETPACK; pl.angles = veh.angles; pl.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; pl.solid = SOLID_NOT; pl.disableclientprediction = 1; // physics is no longer run, so this won't be reset set_movetype(pl, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP); pl.teleportable = false; pl.alpha = -1; pl.event_damage = func_null; pl.view_ofs = '0 0 0'; veh.colormap = pl.colormap; if(veh.tur_head) veh.tur_head.colormap = pl.colormap; for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; veh.(weaponentity) = new(temp_wepent); veh.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon = pl.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon; } STAT(HUD, pl) = veh.vehicleid; pl.PlayerPhysplug = veh.PlayerPhysplug; pl.vehicle_ammo1 = veh.vehicle_ammo1; pl.vehicle_ammo2 = veh.vehicle_ammo2; pl.vehicle_reload1 = veh.vehicle_reload1; pl.vehicle_reload2 = veh.vehicle_reload2; pl.vehicle_energy = veh.vehicle_energy; // Cant do this, hides attached objects too. //veh.exteriormodeltoclient = veh.owner; //veh.tur_head.exteriormodeltoclient = veh.owner; UNSET_ONGROUND(pl); UNSET_ONGROUND(veh); veh.team = pl.team; veh.flags -= FL_NOTARGET; vehicles_reset_colors(veh, pl); if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(pl)) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, pl, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_VEHICLE_ENTER); msg_entity = pl; WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEWPORT); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, veh.vehicle_viewport); // NOTE: engine networked WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEWANGLES); if(veh.tur_head) { WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, veh.tur_head.angles_x + veh.angles_x); // tilt WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, veh.tur_head.angles_y + veh.angles_y); // yaw WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // roll } else { WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, veh.angles_x * -1); // tilt WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, veh.angles_y); // yaw WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // roll } } vehicles_clearreturn(veh); CSQCVehicleSetup(pl, veh.vehicleid); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(VehicleEnter, pl, veh); CSQCModel_UnlinkEntity(veh); info.vr_enter(info, veh); antilag_clear(pl, CS(pl)); } void vehicles_think(entity this) { this.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_vehicles_thinkrate; if(this.owner) STAT(VEHICLESTAT_W2MODE, this.owner) = STAT(VEHICLESTAT_W2MODE, this); Vehicle info = this.vehicledef; //REGISTRY_GET(Vehicles, this.vehicleid); info.vr_think(info, this); vehicles_painframe(this); CSQCMODEL_AUTOUPDATE(this); } void vehicles_reset(entity this) { if(this.owner) vehicles_exit(this, VHEF_RELEASE); vehicles_clearreturn(this); if(this.active != ACTIVE_NOT) vehicles_spawn(this); } // initialization void vehicles_spawn(entity this) { LOG_DEBUG("Spawning vehicle: ", this.classname); // disown & reset this.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = this; this.owner = NULL; settouch(this, vehicles_touch); this.event_damage = vehicles_damage; this.event_heal = vehicles_heal; this.reset = vehicles_reset; this.iscreature = true; this.teleportable = false; // no teleporting for vehicles, too buggy this.damagedbycontents = true; set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_WALK); this.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; this.deadflag = DEAD_NO; if(!this.bot_attack) IL_PUSH(g_bot_targets, this); this.bot_attack = true; this.flags = FL_NOTARGET; this.avelocity = '0 0 0'; this.velocity = '0 0 0'; setthink(this, vehicles_think); this.nextthink = time; // Reset locking this.lock_strength = 0; this.lock_target = NULL; this.misc_bulletcounter = 0; // Return to spawn this.angles = this.pos2; setorigin(this, this.pos1); // Show it Send_Effect(EFFECT_TELEPORT, this.origin + '0 0 64', '0 0 0', 1); if(this.vehicle_controller) this.team = this.vehicle_controller.team; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), { for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; if(it.(weaponentity).hook.aiment == this) RemoveHook(it.(weaponentity).hook); } }); Vehicle info = this.vehicledef; //REGISTRY_GET(Vehicles, this.vehicleid); info.vr_spawn(info, this); vehicles_reset_colors(this, NULL); CSQCMODEL_AUTOINIT(this); } bool vehicle_initialize(entity this, Vehicle info, bool nodrop) { if(!autocvar_g_vehicles) return false; if(!info.vehicleid) return false; if(!this.tur_head) info.vr_precache(info); if(this.targetname && this.targetname != "") { this.vehicle_controller = find(NULL, target, this.targetname); if(!this.vehicle_controller) { LOG_DEBUG("^1WARNING: ^7Vehicle with invalid .targetname"); this.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE; } else { this.team = this.vehicle_controller.team; this.use = vehicle_use; if(teamplay) { if(this.vehicle_controller.team == 0) this.active = ACTIVE_NOT; else this.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE; } } } else { this.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE; } if(this.team && (!teamplay || !autocvar_g_vehicles_teams)) this.team = 0; if(this.mdl == "" || !this.mdl) _setmodel(this, info.model); else _setmodel(this, this.mdl); this.vehicle_flags |= VHF_ISVEHICLE; this.vehicle_viewport = new(vehicle_viewport); this.vehicle_hudmodel = new(vehicle_hudmodel); this.tur_head = new(tur_head); this.tur_head.owner = this; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; this.bot_attack = true; IL_PUSH(g_bot_targets, this); this.iscreature = true; this.teleportable = false; // no teleporting for vehicles, too buggy this.damagedbycontents = true; IL_PUSH(g_damagedbycontents, this); this.vehicleid = info.vehicleid; this.vehicledef = info; this.PlayerPhysplug = info.PlayerPhysplug; this.event_damage = func_null; this.event_heal = func_null; settouch(this, vehicles_touch); setthink(this, vehicles_spawn); this.nextthink = time; this.effects = EF_NODRAW; this.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_SOLID; if(autocvar_g_playerclip_collisions) this.dphitcontentsmask |= DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; if(autocvar_g_nodepthtestplayers) this.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST; if(autocvar_g_fullbrightplayers) this.effects |= EF_FULLBRIGHT; _setmodel(this.vehicle_hudmodel, info.hud_model); setmodel(this.vehicle_viewport, MDL_Null); if(info.head_model != "") { _setmodel(this.tur_head, info.head_model); setattachment(this.tur_head, this, info.tag_head); setattachment(this.vehicle_hudmodel, this.tur_head, info.tag_hud); setattachment(this.vehicle_viewport, this.vehicle_hudmodel, info.tag_view); } else { setattachment(this.tur_head, this, ""); setattachment(this.vehicle_hudmodel, this, info.tag_hud); setattachment(this.vehicle_viewport, this.vehicle_hudmodel, info.tag_view); } setsize(this, info.m_mins, info.m_maxs); info.vr_setup(info, this); if(!nodrop) { setorigin(this, this.origin); tracebox(this.origin + '0 0 100', info.m_mins, info.m_maxs, this.origin - '0 0 10000', MOVE_WORLDONLY, this); setorigin(this, trace_endpos); } this.pos1 = this.origin; this.pos2 = this.angles; this.tur_head.team = this.team; if(this.active == ACTIVE_NOT) this.nextthink = 0; // wait until activated else if(autocvar_g_vehicles_delayspawn) this.nextthink = time + this.respawntime + (random() * autocvar_g_vehicles_delayspawn_jitter); else this.nextthink = time + game_starttime; if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(VehicleInit, this)) return false; return true; }