# CSQC ``` // input: // self .void() predraw; // input: // time // self .void() think; // 0 = keydown, key, character (EXT_CSQC) // 1 = keyup, key, character (EXT_CSQC) // 2 = mousemove relative, x, y (EXT_CSQC) // 3 = mousemove absolute, x, y (DP_CSQC) bool CSQC_InputEvent(int eventtype, int x, int y); void CSQC_UpdateView(int vid_width, int vid_height, bool notmenu); // catch commands registered with registercommand bool CSQC_ConsoleCommand(string cmd); bool CSQC_Parse_TempEntity(); bool CSQC_Parse_StuffCmd(string msg); bool CSQC_Parse_Print(string msg); bool CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint(string msg); bool CSQC_Event_Sound(int ent, int channel, string sample, float volume, float attenuation, vector pos, float speed, int flags); entity CSQC_Ent_Spawn(int entnum); void CSQC_Ent_Update(bool isnew); void CSQC_Ent_Remove(); void CSQC_Init(float apilevel, string enginename, float engineversion); void CSQC_Shutdown(); // input: // time // self // v_forward: forward // v_right: right // v_up: up // output: // origin // v_forward: forward // v_right: right // v_up: up // trace_endpos: visorigin .vector camera_transform(vector pos, vector ang); // control start position of sound() // calculated as ofs = time - sound_starttime float sound_starttime; ``` # SVQC Main loop: * SV_Physics() * StartFrame() * if (force_retouch) * foreach entity: * .touch() * foreach client: * PlayerPreThink() * .think() * PlayerPostThink() * foreach nonclient: * .think() * EndFrame() ``` .entity clientcamera; // input: // time // self void ClientDisconnect(); // input: // time void SV_Shutdown(); // input: // time void SV_PausedTic(float elapsed); // input: // time // self void SV_ChangeTeam(int color); // input: // time // self void ClientKill(); // input: // time // self void RestoreGame(); // Called when a client connects to the server // input: // time // self // parm1..n void ClientConnect(); // Called when a client spawns in the server // input: // time // self // parm1..n void PutClientInServer(); // return false to remove .bool SendEntity(entity to, int sf); // input: // time // self void SV_OnEntityPreSpawnFunction(); // input: // time // self void SV_OnEntityNoSpawnFunction(); // input: // time // self void SV_OnEntityPostSpawnFunction(); // input: // time // output: // parm1..n void SetNewParms(); // Runs every frame // input: // .bool customizeentityforclient(); // input: // time // self // output: // parm1..n void SetChangeParms(); // input: // time // self // other // trace_allsolid // trace_startsolid // trace_fraction // trace_inwater // trace_inopen // trace_endpos: self.origin // trace_plane_normal // trace_plane_dist // trace_ent: other // trace_dpstartcontents // trace_dphitcontents // trace_dphitq3surfaceflags // trace_dphittexturename .void touch(); // when .watertype changes: .void contentstransition(int prev, int current); // input: // time // self // other .void blocked(); // input: // time // self .void movetypesteplandevent(vector vel); // input: // time // self void PlayerPreThink(); // input: // time // self void PlayerPostThink(); // input: // time // frametime void StartFrame(); // input: // time void EndFrame(); // input: // time // self void SV_PlayerPhysics(); // input: // time // self void SV_ParseClientCommand(string cmd); // qcstatus server field string worldstatus; .string clientstatus; ``` # MENUQC ``` void m_keydown(int key, int ascii); void m_keyup(int key, int ascii); void m_draw(int width, int height); void m_toggle(int mode); int m_gethostcachecategory(int entry); void m_shutdown(); void m_init(); ``` # All ``` void URI_Get_Callback(int id, int status, string data); void GameCommand(string cmd); ``` # Misc ## Trace ### tracebox void tracebox(vector v1, vector min, vector max, vector v2, int tryents, entity ignoreentity); attempt to move an object from v1 to v2 of given size tryents: * MOVE_NORMAL (0) * MOVE_NOMONSTERS (1): ignore monsters * MOVE_MISSILE (2): +15 to every extent * MOVE_WORLDONLY (3): ignore everything except bsp * MOVE_HITMODEL (4): hit model, not bbox ### traceline void traceline(vector v1, vector v2, int tryents, entity ignoreentity); degenerate case of tracebox when min and max are equal ### result globals bool trace_allsolid; trace never left solid bool trace_startsolid; trace started inside solid float trace_fraction; distance before collision: 0..1, 1 if no collision vector trace_endpos; v1 + (v2 - v1) * trace_fraction vector trace_plane_normal; normalized plane normal, '0 0 0' if no collision. May be present if edges touch without clipping, use `trace_fraction < 1` as a determinant instead float trace_plane_dist; entity trace_ent; entity hit, if any bool trace_inopen; bool trace_inwater; int trace_dpstartcontents; DPCONTENTS_ value at start position of trace int trace_dphitcontents; DPCONTENTS_ value of impacted surface (not contents at impact point, just contents of the surface that was hit) int trace_dphitq3surfaceflags; Q3SURFACEFLAG_ value of impacted surface string trace_dphittexturename; texture name of impacted surface int trace_networkentity;