#include "aim.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // traces multiple trajectories to find one that will impact the target // 'end' vector is the place it aims for, // returns true only if it hit targ (don't target non-solid entities) float findtrajectorywithleading(vector org, vector m1, vector m2, entity targ, float shotspeed, float shotspeedupward, float maxtime, float shotdelay, entity ignore) { float c, savesolid, shottime; vector dir, end, v, o; if (shotspeed < 1) return false; // could cause division by zero if calculated if (targ.solid < SOLID_BBOX) // SOLID_NOT and SOLID_TRIGGER return false; // could never hit it if (!tracetossent) tracetossent = new(tracetossent); tracetossent.owner = ignore; setsize(tracetossent, m1, m2); savesolid = targ.solid; targ.solid = SOLID_NOT; o = (targ.absmin + targ.absmax) * 0.5; shottime = ((vlen(o - org) / shotspeed) + shotdelay); v = targ.velocity * shottime + o; tracebox(o, targ.mins, targ.maxs, v, false, targ); v = trace_endpos; end = v + (targ.mins + targ.maxs) * 0.5; float shotdistance = max(0.001, vlen(end - org)); if ((shotdistance / shotspeed + 0.2) > maxtime) { // out of range targ.solid = savesolid; return false; } if (!tracetossfaketarget) tracetossfaketarget = new(tracetossfaketarget); tracetossfaketarget.solid = savesolid; set_movetype(tracetossfaketarget, targ.move_movetype); _setmodel(tracetossfaketarget, targ.model); // no low precision tracetossfaketarget.model = targ.model; tracetossfaketarget.modelindex = targ.modelindex; setsize(tracetossfaketarget, targ.mins, targ.maxs); setorigin(tracetossfaketarget, v); c = 0; dir = (end - org) / shotdistance; // same as dir = normalize(end - org); but cheaper vector test_dir = dir; vector test_dir_normalized = dir; while (c < 10) // 10 traces { setorigin(tracetossent, org); // reset tracetossent.velocity = findtrajectory_velocity = test_dir_normalized * shotspeed + shotspeedupward * '0 0 1'; tracetoss(tracetossent, ignore); // love builtin functions... if (trace_ent == tracetossfaketarget) // done { targ.solid = savesolid; // make it disappear tracetossfaketarget.solid = SOLID_NOT; set_movetype(tracetossfaketarget, MOVETYPE_NONE); tracetossfaketarget.model = ""; tracetossfaketarget.modelindex = 0; // relink to remove it from physics considerations setorigin(tracetossfaketarget, v); return true; } test_dir.z += 0.1; // aim up a little more test_dir_normalized = normalize(test_dir); c = c + 1; } targ.solid = savesolid; // make it disappear tracetossfaketarget.solid = SOLID_NOT; set_movetype(tracetossfaketarget, MOVETYPE_NONE); tracetossfaketarget.model = ""; tracetossfaketarget.modelindex = 0; // relink to remove it from physics considerations setorigin(tracetossfaketarget, v); // leave a valid one even if it won't reach findtrajectory_velocity = dir * shotspeed + shotspeedupward * '0 0 1'; return false; } bool bot_shouldattack(entity this, entity targ) { if (targ.team == this.team) { if (targ == this) return false; if (teamplay) if (targ.team != 0) return false; } if(STAT(FROZEN, targ)) return false; if(teamplay) { if(targ.team==0) return false; } else if (autocvar_bot_ignore_bots && IS_BOT_CLIENT(targ)) return false; if (!targ.takedamage) return false; if (IS_DEAD(targ)) return false; if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CHAT(targ) && !autocvar_bot_typefrag) return false; if(targ.flags & FL_NOTARGET) return false; if(targ.alpha <= 0.1 && targ.alpha != 0) return false; // invisible via alpha if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BotShouldAttack, this, targ)) return false; return true; } // this function should be called after bot_aim so the aim is reset the next frame void bot_aim_reset(entity this) { this.bot_mouseaim = this.v_angle; this.bot_olddesiredang = this.v_angle; this.bot_aimdir_executed = true; this.bot_badaimtime = 0; this.bot_aimthinktime = time; this.bot_prevaimtime = time; this.bot_1st_order_aimfilter = '0 0 0'; this.bot_2nd_order_aimfilter = '0 0 0'; this.bot_3th_order_aimfilter = '0 0 0'; this.bot_4th_order_aimfilter = '0 0 0'; this.bot_5th_order_aimfilter = '0 0 0'; this.bot_firetimer = 0; } void bot_aimdir(entity this, vector v, float maxfiredeviation) { float dist, delta_t, blend; vector desiredang, diffang; this.bot_aimdir_executed = true; //dprint("aim ", this.netname, ": old:", vtos(this.v_angle)); // make sure v_angle is sane first this.v_angle_y = this.v_angle.y - floor(this.v_angle.y / 360) * 360; this.v_angle_z = 0; // make work bot_aim_reset even if called before this function if (this.bot_prevaimtime == time) return; // if skill is high enough bots will not have any aim smoothing or aim errors if (SUPERBOT) { this.v_angle = vectoangles(normalize(v)); this.v_angle.x *= -1; makevectors(this.v_angle); shotorg = this.origin + this.view_ofs; shotdir = v_forward; // bot will fire on the next tick this.bot_firetimer = time + 0.001; return; } // invalid aim dir (can happen when bot overlaps target) if(!v) return; float skill_save = skill; // allow turning in a more natural way when bot is walking if (!this.enemy) skill = max(4, skill); // get the desired angles to aim at //dprint(" at:", vtos(v)); //v = normalize(v); //te_lightning2(NULL, this.origin + this.view_ofs, this.origin + this.view_ofs + v * 200); if (time >= this.bot_badaimtime) { this.bot_badaimtime = max(this.bot_badaimtime + 0.2 + 0.3 * random(), time); int f = bound(0, 1 - 0.1 * (skill + this.bot_offsetskill), 1); this.bot_badaimoffset = randomvec() * f * autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_offset; this.bot_badaimoffset.x *= 0.7; // smaller vertical offset } float enemy_factor = ((this.enemy) ? 5 : 2); // apply enemy_factor every frame so that the bigger offset is applied instantly when the bot aims to a new target desiredang = vectoangles(v) + this.bot_badaimoffset * enemy_factor; //dprint(" desired:", vtos(desiredang)); if (desiredang.x >= 180) desiredang.x = desiredang.x - 360; desiredang.x = bound(-90, 0 - desiredang.x, 90); desiredang.z = this.v_angle.z; //dprint(" / ", vtos(desiredang)); //// pain throws off aim //if (this.bot_painintensity) //{ // // shake from pain // desiredang = desiredang + randomvec() * this.bot_painintensity * 0.2; //} // calculate turn angles diffang = (desiredang - this.bot_olddesiredang); // wrap yaw turn diffang.y = diffang.y - floor(diffang.y / 360) * 360; if (diffang.y >= 180) diffang.y = diffang.y - 360; this.bot_olddesiredang = desiredang; //dprint(" diff:", vtos(diffang)); delta_t = time-this.bot_prevaimtime; this.bot_prevaimtime = time; // Here we will try to anticipate the comming aiming direction this.bot_1st_order_aimfilter= this.bot_1st_order_aimfilter + (diffang * (1 / delta_t) - this.bot_1st_order_aimfilter) * bound(0, autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_1st,1); this.bot_2nd_order_aimfilter= this.bot_2nd_order_aimfilter + (this.bot_1st_order_aimfilter - this.bot_2nd_order_aimfilter) * bound(0, autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_2nd,1); this.bot_3th_order_aimfilter= this.bot_3th_order_aimfilter + (this.bot_2nd_order_aimfilter - this.bot_3th_order_aimfilter) * bound(0, autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_3th,1); this.bot_4th_order_aimfilter= this.bot_4th_order_aimfilter + (this.bot_3th_order_aimfilter - this.bot_4th_order_aimfilter) * bound(0, autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_4th,1); this.bot_5th_order_aimfilter= this.bot_5th_order_aimfilter + (this.bot_4th_order_aimfilter - this.bot_5th_order_aimfilter) * bound(0, autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_order_filter_5th,1); //blend = (bound(0,skill,10)*0.1)*((1-bound(0,skill,10)*0.05) ** 2.5)*5.656854249; //Plot formule before changing ! blend = bound(0,skill+this.bot_aimskill,10)*0.1; desiredang = desiredang + blend * ( this.bot_1st_order_aimfilter * autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_1st + this.bot_2nd_order_aimfilter * autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_2nd + this.bot_3th_order_aimfilter * autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_3th + this.bot_4th_order_aimfilter * autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_4th + this.bot_5th_order_aimfilter * autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_5th ); desiredang.x = bound(-90, desiredang.x, 90); // calculate turn angles diffang = desiredang - this.bot_mouseaim; // wrap yaw turn diffang.y = diffang.y - floor(diffang.y / 360) * 360; if (diffang.y >= 180) diffang.y = diffang.y - 360; //dprint(" diff:", vtos(diffang)); if (time >= this.bot_aimthinktime) { this.bot_aimthinktime = max(this.bot_aimthinktime + 0.5 - 0.05*(skill+this.bot_thinkskill), time); this.bot_mouseaim = this.bot_mouseaim + diffang * (1-random()*0.1*bound(1,10-(skill+this.bot_thinkskill),10)); } //this.v_angle = this.v_angle + diffang * bound(0, r * frametime * (skill * 0.5 + 2), 1); diffang = this.bot_mouseaim - desiredang; // wrap yaw turn diffang.y = diffang.y - floor(diffang.y / 360) * 360; if (diffang.y >= 180) diffang.y = diffang.y - 360; desiredang = desiredang + diffang * bound(0,autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_think,1); // calculate turn angles diffang = desiredang - this.v_angle; // wrap yaw turn diffang.y = diffang.y - floor(diffang.y / 360) * 360; if (diffang.y >= 180) diffang.y = diffang.y - 360; //dprint(" diff:", vtos(diffang)); // jitter tracking dist = vlen(diffang); //diffang = diffang + randomvec() * (dist * 0.05 * (3.5 - bound(0, skill, 3))); // turn float r, fixedrate, blendrate; fixedrate = autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_fixedrate / bound(1,dist,1000); blendrate = autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_blendrate; r = max(fixedrate, blendrate); //this.v_angle = this.v_angle + diffang * bound(frametime, r * frametime * (2+skill*skill*0.05-random()*0.05*(10-skill)), 1); r = bound(delta_t, r * delta_t * (2 + ((skill + this.bot_mouseskill) ** 3) * 0.005 - random()), 1); this.v_angle += diffang * (r + (1 - r) * bound(0, 1 - autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_mouse, 1)); this.v_angle_z = 0; this.v_angle_y = this.v_angle.y - floor(this.v_angle.y / 360) * 360; //dprint(" turn:", vtos(this.v_angle)); skill = skill_save; if (maxfiredeviation <= 0) return; if (!autocvar_bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance) { this.bot_firetimer = time + 0.2; return; } makevectors(this.v_angle); shotorg = this.origin + this.view_ofs; shotdir = v_forward; // decide whether to fire this time // v is the calculated trajectory, shotdir is bot view direction // NOTE: checking if (v * shotdir > cos(maxfiredeviation * DEG2RAD)) would be cheaper // but it gets evaluated to true even if v and shotdir have nearly opposite direction vector deviation = vectoangles(v) - vectoangles(shotdir); while (deviation.x < -180) deviation.x += 360; while (deviation.x > 180) deviation.x -= 360; while (deviation.y < -180) deviation.y += 360; while (deviation.y > 180) deviation.y -= 360; if (fabs(deviation.x) < maxfiredeviation && fabs(deviation.y) < maxfiredeviation) { traceline(shotorg, shotorg + shotdir * 1000, false, NULL); if (vdist(trace_endpos - shotorg, <, 500 + 500 * bound(0, skill + this.bot_aggresskill, 10)) || random() * random() > bound(0, (skill + this.bot_aggresskill) * 0.05, 1)) { this.bot_firetimer = time + bound(0.1, 0.5 - (skill + this.bot_aggresskill) * 0.05, 0.5); } } } vector bot_shotlead(vector targorigin, vector targvelocity, float shotspeed, float shotdelay) { // Try to add code here that predicts gravity effect here, no clue HOW to though ... well not yet atleast... return targorigin + targvelocity * (shotdelay + vlen(targorigin - shotorg) / shotspeed); } bool bot_aim(entity this, .entity weaponentity, float shotspeed, float shotspeedupward, float maxshottime, bool applygravity, bool shot_accurate) { float hf, distanceratio; vector v; hf = this.dphitcontentsmask; this.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE; float speed_factor = W_WeaponSpeedFactor(this); shotspeed *= speed_factor; shotspeedupward *= speed_factor; if (!shotspeed) { LOG_TRACE("bot_aim: WARNING: weapon ", this.(weaponentity).m_weapon.m_name, " shotspeed is zero!"); shotspeed = 1000000; } if (!maxshottime) { LOG_TRACE("bot_aim: WARNING: weapon ", this.(weaponentity).m_weapon.m_name, " maxshottime is zero!"); maxshottime = 1; } makevectors(this.v_angle); shotorg = this.origin + this.view_ofs; shotdir = v_forward; vector enemy_org = (this.enemy.absmin + this.enemy.absmax) * 0.5; v = bot_shotlead(enemy_org, this.enemy.velocity, shotspeed, this.bot_aimlatency); // this formula was created starting from empiric values of distance and max hit angle // with a player as target (32 qu wide) from the center of it right in front of the bot // distance: 32 50 75 100 150 200 300 400 500 // max ang: 44 24 15.1 10.5 6.5 4.9 3.1 2.3 1.8 float dist = max(10, vlen(v - shotorg)); float maxfiredeviation = 1000 / (dist - 9) - 0.35; float f = (shot_accurate) ? 1 : 1.6; f += bound(0, (10 - (skill + this.bot_aimskill)) * 0.3, 3); maxfiredeviation = min(90, maxfiredeviation * f); if (applygravity && this.enemy) { if (!findtrajectorywithleading(shotorg, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', this.enemy, shotspeed, shotspeedupward, maxshottime, 0, this)) { this.dphitcontentsmask = hf; return false; } bot_aimdir(this, findtrajectory_velocity - shotspeedupward * '0 0 1', maxfiredeviation); } else { bot_aimdir(this, v - shotorg, maxfiredeviation); //dprint("AIM: ");dprint(vtos(enemy_org));dprint(" + ");dprint(vtos(this.enemy.velocity));dprint(" * ");dprint(ftos(this.bot_aimlatency + vlen(this.enemy.origin - shotorg) / shotspeed));dprint(" = ");dprint(vtos(v));dprint(" : aimdir = ");dprint(vtos(normalize(v - shotorg)));dprint(" : ");dprint(vtos(shotdir));dprint("\n"); //traceline(shotorg, shotorg + shotdir * 10000, false, this); //if (trace_ent.takedamage) //if (trace_fraction < 1) //if (!bot_shouldattack(this, trace_ent)) // return false; traceline(shotorg, enemy_org, false, this); if (trace_fraction < 1) if (trace_ent != this.enemy) if (!bot_shouldattack(this, trace_ent)) { this.dphitcontentsmask = hf; return false; } } if (time > this.bot_firetimer) { this.dphitcontentsmask = hf; return false; } //if (r > maxshottime * shotspeed) // return false; this.dphitcontentsmask = hf; return true; }