#define HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_NONE 0 #define HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_DEFENSE 2 #define HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_MIDDLE 4 #define HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_OFFENSE 8 #define HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_CARRIER 16 #define HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_RETRIEVER 32 #define HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_ESCORT 64 .void() havocbot_role; .void() havocbot_previous_role; void() havocbot_role_ctf_middle; void() havocbot_role_ctf_defense; void() havocbot_role_ctf_offense; void() havocbot_role_ctf_carrier; void() havocbot_role_ctf_retriever; void() havocbot_role_ctf_escort; void(entity bot) havocbot_ctf_reset_role; void(float ratingscale, vector org, float sradius) havocbot_goalrating_items; void(float ratingscale, vector org, float sradius) havocbot_goalrating_enemyplayers; .float havocbot_cantfindflag; .float havocbot_role_timeout; .entity ctf_worldflagnext; .entity basewaypoint; entity ctf_worldflaglist; vector havocbot_ctf_middlepoint; float havocbot_ctf_middlepoint_radius; entity havocbot_ctf_find_flag(entity bot) { entity f; f = ctf_worldflaglist; while (f) { if (bot.team == f.team) return f; f = f.ctf_worldflagnext; } return world; }; entity havocbot_ctf_find_enemy_flag(entity bot) { entity f; f = ctf_worldflaglist; while (f) { if (bot.team != f.team) return f; f = f.ctf_worldflagnext; } return world; }; float havocbot_ctf_teamcount(entity bot, vector org, float radius) { if not(teamplay) return 0; float c; entity head; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) { if(head.team!=bot.team || head.deadflag != DEAD_NO || head == bot) continue; if(vlen(head.origin - org) < radius) ++c; } return c; }; void havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourflag(float ratingscale) { entity head; head = ctf_worldflaglist; while (head) { if (self.team == head.team) break; head = head.ctf_worldflagnext; } if (head) navigation_routerating(head, ratingscale, 10000); }; void havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourbase(float ratingscale) { entity head; head = ctf_worldflaglist; while (head) { if (self.team == head.team) break; head = head.ctf_worldflagnext; } if not(head) return; navigation_routerating(head.basewaypoint, ratingscale, 10000); }; void havocbot_goalrating_ctf_enemyflag(float ratingscale) { entity head; head = ctf_worldflaglist; while (head) { if (self.team != head.team) break; head = head.ctf_worldflagnext; } if (head) navigation_routerating(head, ratingscale, 10000); }; void havocbot_goalrating_ctf_enemybase(float ratingscale) { if not(bot_waypoints_for_items) { havocbot_goalrating_ctf_enemyflag(ratingscale); return; } entity head; head = havocbot_ctf_find_enemy_flag(self); if not(head) return; navigation_routerating(head.basewaypoint, ratingscale, 10000); }; void havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourstolenflag(float ratingscale) { entity mf; mf = havocbot_ctf_find_flag(self); if(mf.cnt == FLAG_BASE) return; if(mf.tag_entity) navigation_routerating(mf.tag_entity, ratingscale, 10000); }; void havocbot_goalrating_ctf_droppedflags(float ratingscale, vector org, float radius) { entity head; head = ctf_worldflaglist; while (head) { // flag is out in the field if(head.cnt != FLAG_BASE) if(head.tag_entity==world) // dropped { if(radius) { if(vlen(org-head.origin) 0) navigation_routerating(head, t * ratingscale, 500); } head = head.chain; } }; void havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(entity bot, float role) { dprint(strcat(bot.netname," switched to ")); switch(role) { case HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_CARRIER: dprint("carrier"); bot.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_ctf_carrier; bot.havocbot_role_timeout = 0; bot.havocbot_cantfindflag = time + 10; bot.bot_strategytime = 0; break; case HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_DEFENSE: dprint("defense"); bot.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_ctf_defense; bot.havocbot_role_timeout = 0; break; case HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_MIDDLE: dprint("middle"); bot.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_ctf_middle; bot.havocbot_role_timeout = 0; break; case HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_OFFENSE: dprint("offense"); bot.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_ctf_offense; bot.havocbot_role_timeout = 0; break; case HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_RETRIEVER: dprint("retriever"); bot.havocbot_previous_role = bot.havocbot_role; bot.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_ctf_retriever; bot.havocbot_role_timeout = time + 10; bot.bot_strategytime = 0; break; case HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_ESCORT: dprint("escort"); bot.havocbot_previous_role = bot.havocbot_role; bot.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_ctf_escort; bot.havocbot_role_timeout = time + 30; bot.bot_strategytime = 0; break; } dprint("\n"); }; void havocbot_role_ctf_carrier() { if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (self.flagcarried == world) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (self.bot_strategytime < time) { self.bot_strategytime = time + autocvar_bot_ai_strategyinterval; navigation_goalrating_start(); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourbase(50000); if(self.health<100) havocbot_goalrating_ctf_carrieritems(1000, self.origin, 1000); navigation_goalrating_end(); if (self.navigation_hasgoals) self.havocbot_cantfindflag = time + 10; else if (time > self.havocbot_cantfindflag) { // Can't navigate to my own base, suicide! // TODO: drop it and wander around Damage(self, self, self, 100000, DEATH_KILL, self.origin, '0 0 0'); return; } } }; void havocbot_role_ctf_escort() { entity mf, ef; if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (self.flagcarried) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(self, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_CARRIER); return; } // If enemy flag is back on the base switch to previous role ef = havocbot_ctf_find_enemy_flag(self); if(ef.cnt==FLAG_BASE) { self.havocbot_role = self.havocbot_previous_role; self.havocbot_role_timeout = 0; return; } // If the flag carrier reached the base switch to defense mf = havocbot_ctf_find_flag(self); if(mf.cnt!=FLAG_BASE) if(vlen(ef.origin - mf.dropped_origin) < 300) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(self, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_DEFENSE); return; } // Set the role timeout if necessary if (!self.havocbot_role_timeout) { self.havocbot_role_timeout = time + random() * 30 + 60; } // If nothing happened just switch to previous role if (time > self.havocbot_role_timeout) { self.havocbot_role = self.havocbot_previous_role; self.havocbot_role_timeout = 0; return; } // Chase the flag carrier if (self.bot_strategytime < time) { self.bot_strategytime = time + autocvar_bot_ai_strategyinterval; navigation_goalrating_start(); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_enemyflag(30000); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourstolenflag(40000); havocbot_goalrating_items(10000, self.origin, 10000); navigation_goalrating_end(); } }; void havocbot_role_ctf_offense() { entity mf, ef; vector pos; if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (self.flagcarried) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(self, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_CARRIER); return; } // Check flags mf = havocbot_ctf_find_flag(self); ef = havocbot_ctf_find_enemy_flag(self); // Own flag stolen if(mf.cnt!=FLAG_BASE) { if(mf.tag_entity) pos = mf.tag_entity.origin; else pos = mf.origin; // Try to get it if closer than the enemy base if(vlen(self.origin-ef.dropped_origin)>vlen(self.origin-pos)) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(self, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_RETRIEVER); return; } } // Escort flag carrier if(ef.cnt!=FLAG_BASE) { if(ef.tag_entity) pos = ef.tag_entity.origin; else pos = ef.origin; if(vlen(pos-mf.dropped_origin)>700) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(self, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_ESCORT); return; } } // About to fail, switch to middlefield if(self.health<50) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(self, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_MIDDLE); return; } // Set the role timeout if necessary if (!self.havocbot_role_timeout) self.havocbot_role_timeout = time + 120; if (time > self.havocbot_role_timeout) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (self.bot_strategytime < time) { self.bot_strategytime = time + autocvar_bot_ai_strategyinterval; navigation_goalrating_start(); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourstolenflag(50000); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_enemybase(20000); havocbot_goalrating_items(5000, self.origin, 1000); havocbot_goalrating_items(1000, self.origin, 10000); navigation_goalrating_end(); } }; // Retriever (temporary role): void havocbot_role_ctf_retriever() { entity mf; if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (self.flagcarried) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(self, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_CARRIER); return; } // If flag is back on the base switch to previous role mf = havocbot_ctf_find_flag(self); if(mf.cnt==FLAG_BASE) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (!self.havocbot_role_timeout) self.havocbot_role_timeout = time + 20; if (time > self.havocbot_role_timeout) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (self.bot_strategytime < time) { float radius; radius = 10000; self.bot_strategytime = time + autocvar_bot_ai_strategyinterval; navigation_goalrating_start(); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourstolenflag(50000); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_droppedflags(40000, self.origin, radius); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_enemybase(30000); havocbot_goalrating_items(500, self.origin, radius); navigation_goalrating_end(); } }; void havocbot_role_ctf_middle() { entity mf; if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (self.flagcarried) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(self, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_CARRIER); return; } mf = havocbot_ctf_find_flag(self); if(mf.cnt!=FLAG_BASE) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(self, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_RETRIEVER); return; } if (!self.havocbot_role_timeout) self.havocbot_role_timeout = time + 10; if (time > self.havocbot_role_timeout) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (self.bot_strategytime < time) { vector org; org = havocbot_ctf_middlepoint; org_z = self.origin_z; self.bot_strategytime = time + autocvar_bot_ai_strategyinterval; navigation_goalrating_start(); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourstolenflag(50000); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_droppedflags(30000, self.origin, 10000); havocbot_goalrating_enemyplayers(10000, org, havocbot_ctf_middlepoint_radius * 0.5); havocbot_goalrating_items(5000, org, havocbot_ctf_middlepoint_radius * 0.5); havocbot_goalrating_items(2500, self.origin, 10000); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_enemybase(2500); navigation_goalrating_end(); } }; void havocbot_role_ctf_defense() { entity mf; if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (self.flagcarried) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(self, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_CARRIER); return; } // If own flag was captured mf = havocbot_ctf_find_flag(self); if(mf.cnt!=FLAG_BASE) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(self, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_RETRIEVER); return; } if (!self.havocbot_role_timeout) self.havocbot_role_timeout = time + 30; if (time > self.havocbot_role_timeout) { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); return; } if (self.bot_strategytime < time) { float radius; vector org; org = mf.dropped_origin; radius = havocbot_ctf_middlepoint_radius; self.bot_strategytime = time + autocvar_bot_ai_strategyinterval; navigation_goalrating_start(); // if enemies are closer to our base, go there entity head, closestplayer; float distance, bestdistance; distance = 10000; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) { if(head.deadflag!=DEAD_NO) continue; distance = vlen(org - head.origin); if(distance1000) if(checkpvs(self.origin,closestplayer)||random()<0.5) havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourbase(30000); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_ourstolenflag(20000); havocbot_goalrating_ctf_droppedflags(20000, org, radius); havocbot_goalrating_enemyplayers(15000, org, radius); havocbot_goalrating_items(10000, org, radius); havocbot_goalrating_items(5000, self.origin, 10000); navigation_goalrating_end(); } }; void havocbot_calculate_middlepoint() { entity f; vector p1, p2; f = ctf_worldflaglist; while (f) { if(p1) p2 = f.origin; else p1 = f.origin; f = f.ctf_worldflagnext; } havocbot_ctf_middlepoint = p1 + ((p2-p1) * 0.5); havocbot_ctf_middlepoint_radius = vlen(p2-p1) * 0.5; }; void havocbot_ctf_reset_role(entity bot) { float cdefense, cmiddle, coffense; entity mf, ef, head; float c; if(bot.deadflag != DEAD_NO) return; if(vlen(havocbot_ctf_middlepoint)==0) havocbot_calculate_middlepoint(); // Check ctf flags if (bot.flagcarried) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(bot, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_CARRIER); return; } mf = havocbot_ctf_find_flag(bot); ef = havocbot_ctf_find_enemy_flag(bot); // Retrieve stolen flag if(mf.cnt!=FLAG_BASE) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(bot, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_RETRIEVER); return; } // If enemy flag is taken go to the middle to intercept pursuers if(ef.cnt!=FLAG_BASE) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(bot, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_MIDDLE); return; } // if there is only me on the team switch to offense c = 0; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) if(head.team==bot.team) ++c; if(c==1) { havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(bot, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_OFFENSE); return; } // Evaluate best position to take // Count mates on middle position cmiddle = havocbot_ctf_teamcount(bot, havocbot_ctf_middlepoint, havocbot_ctf_middlepoint_radius * 0.5); // Count mates on defense position cdefense = havocbot_ctf_teamcount(bot, mf.dropped_origin, havocbot_ctf_middlepoint_radius * 0.5); // Count mates on offense position coffense = havocbot_ctf_teamcount(bot, ef.dropped_origin, havocbot_ctf_middlepoint_radius); if(cdefense<=coffense) havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(bot, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_DEFENSE); else if(coffense<=cmiddle) havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(bot, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_OFFENSE); else havocbot_role_ctf_setrole(bot, HAVOCBOT_CTF_ROLE_MIDDLE); }; void havocbot_chooserole_ctf() { havocbot_ctf_reset_role(self); };