#include "banning.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include "banning.qh" #include "common.qh" #include "../player.qh" #include "../ipban.qh" #include // ===================================================== // Banning and kicking command code, written by Samual // Last updated: December 29th, 2011 // ===================================================== void BanCommand_ban(int request, int argc, string command) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argc >= 2) { string ip = argv(1); float reason_arg, bantime; string reason; reason_arg = 2; GET_BAN_ARG(bantime, autocvar_g_ban_default_bantime); GET_BAN_REASON(reason, "No reason provided"); Ban_Insert(ip, bantime, reason, 1); return; } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd ban address [bantime] [reason]"); LOG_HELP(" 'address' is the IP address or range of the player to ban,"); LOG_HELP(" 'bantime' is the amount of time that the ban is active (default if not provided),"); LOG_HELP(" and 'reason' is the string to label the ban with as reason for banning."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2banlist, kickban, unban^7"); return; } } } void BanCommand_banlist(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { Ban_View(); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd banlist"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2ban, kickban, unban^7"); return; } } } void BanCommand_kickban(int request, int argc, string command) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argc >= 2) { entity client = GetIndexedEntity(argc, 1); float accepted = VerifyKickableEntity(client); float reason_arg, bantime, masksize; string reason; if (accepted > 0) { reason_arg = next_token; GET_BAN_ARG(bantime, autocvar_g_ban_default_bantime); GET_BAN_ARG(masksize, autocvar_g_ban_default_masksize); GET_BAN_REASON(reason, "No reason provided"); Ban_KickBanClient(client, bantime, masksize, reason); return; } else { LOG_INFO("kickban: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, argv(1)), "."); } } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd kickban client [bantime] [masksize] [reason]"); LOG_HELP(" 'client' is the entity number or name of the player to ban,"); LOG_HELP(" 'bantime' is the amount of time that the ban is active (default if not provided),"); LOG_HELP(" 'masksize' is the range of the IP address (1-thru-4, default if not provided),"); LOG_HELP(" and 'reason' is the string to label the ban with as reason for banning."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2ban, banlist, unban^7"); return; } } } void BanCommand_mute(int request, int argc, string command) // TODO: Add a sort of mute-"ban" which allows players to be muted based on IP/cryptokey { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argc >= 2) { entity client = GetFilteredEntity(argv(1)); float accepted = VerifyClientEntity(client, true, false); if (accepted > 0) { CS(client).muted = true; return; } else { LOG_INFO("mute: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, argv(1)), "."); } } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd mute client"); LOG_HELP(" 'client' is the entity number or name of the player to mute."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2unmute^7"); return; } } } void BanCommand_unban(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1)) { float tmp_number = -1; string tmp_string; if (substring(argv(1), 0, 1) == "#") { tmp_string = substring(argv(1), 1, -1); if (tmp_string != "") // is it all one token? like #1 tmp_number = stof(tmp_string); else if (argc > 2) // no, it's two tokens? # 1 tmp_number = stof(argv(2)); else tmp_number = -1; } else // maybe it's ONLY a number? { tmp_number = stof(argv(1)); if ((tmp_number == 0) && (argv(1) != "0")) tmp_number = -1; } if (tmp_number >= 0) { Ban_Delete(tmp_number); return; } } } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd unban banid"); LOG_HELP(" Where 'banid' is the ID of the ban of which to remove."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2ban, banlist, kickban^7"); return; } } } void BanCommand_unmute(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argc >= 2) { entity client = GetFilteredEntity(argv(1)); float accepted = VerifyClientEntity(client, true, false); if (accepted > 0) { CS(client).muted = false; return; } else { LOG_INFO("unmute: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, argv(1)), "."); } } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd unmute client"); LOG_HELP(" 'client' is the entity number or name of the player to unmute."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2mute^7"); return; } } } /* use this when creating a new command, making sure to place it in alphabetical order... also, ** ADD ALL NEW COMMANDS TO commands.cfg WITH PROPER ALIASES IN THE SAME FASHION! void BanCommand_(int request) { switch(request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd "); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); return; } } } */ // ================================== // Macro system for server commands // ================================== // Do not hard code aliases for these, instead create them in commands.cfg... also: keep in alphabetical order, please ;) #define BAN_COMMANDS(request, arguments, command) \ BAN_COMMAND("ban", BanCommand_ban(request, arguments, command), "Ban an IP address or a range of addresses (like 1.2.3)") \ BAN_COMMAND("banlist", BanCommand_banlist(request), "List all existing bans") \ BAN_COMMAND("kickban", BanCommand_kickban(request, arguments, command), "Disconnect a client and ban it at the same time") \ BAN_COMMAND("mute", BanCommand_mute(request, arguments, command), "Disallow a client from talking by muting them") \ BAN_COMMAND("unban", BanCommand_unban(request, arguments), "Remove an existing ban") \ BAN_COMMAND("unmute", BanCommand_unmute(request, arguments), "Unmute a client") \ /* nothing */ void BanCommand_macro_help() { #define BAN_COMMAND(name, function, description) \ { if (strtolower(description) != "") { LOG_INFO(" ^2", name, "^7: ", description); } } BAN_COMMANDS(0, 0, ""); #undef BAN_COMMAND } float BanCommand_macro_command(int argc, string command) { #define BAN_COMMAND(name, function, description) \ { if (name == strtolower(argv(0))) { function; return true; } } BAN_COMMANDS(CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND, argc, command); #undef BAN_COMMAND return false; } float BanCommand_macro_usage(int argc) { #define BAN_COMMAND(name, function, description) \ { if (name == strtolower(argv(1))) { function; return true; } } BAN_COMMANDS(CMD_REQUEST_USAGE, argc, ""); #undef BAN_COMMAND return false; } void BanCommand_macro_write_aliases(float fh) { #define BAN_COMMAND(name, function, description) \ { if (strtolower(description) != "") { CMD_Write_Alias("qc_cmd_sv", name, description); } } BAN_COMMANDS(0, 0, ""); #undef BAN_COMMAND } float BanCommand(string command) { int argc = tokenize_console(command); // Guide for working with argc arguments by example: // argc: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 // argv: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 // cmd vote - master - login - password if (BanCommand_macro_command(argc, command)) // continue as usual and scan for normal commands return true; // handled by one of the above GenericCommand_* functions return false; }