#ifndef COMMAND_COMMON_H #define COMMAND_COMMON_H #if defined(CSQC) #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #include "../../common/util-pre.qh" #include "../sys-pre.qh" #include "../../dpdefs/progsdefs.qc" #include "../../dpdefs/dpextensions.qc" #include "../sys-post.qh" #include "../../warpzonelib/anglestransform.qh" #include "../../warpzonelib/mathlib.qh" #include "../../warpzonelib/common.qh" #include "../../warpzonelib/util_server.qh" #include "../../warpzonelib/server.qh" #include "../../common/constants.qh" #include "../../common/stats.qh" #include "../../common/teams.qh" #include "../../common/util.qh" #include "../../common/nades.qh" #include "../../common/buffs.qh" #include "../../common/test.qh" #include "../../common/counting.qh" #include "../../common/urllib.qh" #include "../../common/command/markup.qh" #include "../../common/command/rpn.qh" #include "../../common/command/generic.qh" #include "../../common/command/shared_defs.qh" #include "../../common/net_notice.qh" #include "../../common/animdecide.qh" #include "../../common/monsters/monsters.qh" #include "../../common/monsters/sv_monsters.qh" #include "../../common/monsters/spawn.qh" #include "../../common/weapons/config.qh" #include "../../common/weapons/weapons.qh" #include "../weapons/accuracy.qh" #include "../weapons/common.qh" #include "../weapons/csqcprojectile.qh" #include "../weapons/hitplot.qh" #include "../weapons/selection.qh" #include "../weapons/spawning.qh" #include "../weapons/throwing.qh" #include "../weapons/tracing.qh" #include "../weapons/weaponstats.qh" #include "../weapons/weaponsystem.qh" #include "../t_items.qh" #include "../autocvars.qh" #include "../constants.qh" #include "../defs.qh" #include "../../common/notifications.qh" #include "../../common/deathtypes.qh" #include "../mutators/mutators_include.qh" #include "../tturrets/include/turrets_early.qh" #include "../vehicles/vehicles_def.qh" #include "../campaign.qh" #include "../../common/campaign_common.qh" #include "../../common/mapinfo.qh" #endif // ============================================================ // Shared declarations for server commands, written by Samual // Last updated: December 30th, 2011 // ============================================================ // client verification results const float CLIENT_ACCEPTABLE = 1; const float CLIENT_DOESNT_EXIST = -1; const float CLIENT_NOT_REAL = -2; const float CLIENT_NOT_BOT = -3; // definitions for timeouts const float TIMEOUT_INACTIVE = 0; const float TIMEOUT_LEADTIME = 1; const float TIMEOUT_ACTIVE = 2; // timeout which pauses the game by setting the slowmo value extremely low. const float TIMEOUT_SLOWMO_VALUE = 0.0001; // global timeout information declarations entity timeout_caller; // contains the entity of the player who started the last timeout entity timeout_handler; // responsible for centerprinting the timeout countdowns and playing sounds float sys_frametime; // gets initialised in worldspawn, saves the value from autocvar_sys_ticrate float orig_slowmo; // contains the value of autocvar_slowmo so that, after timeout finished, it isn't set to slowmo 1 necessarily float timeout_time; // contains the time in seconds that the active timeout has left float timeout_leadtime; // contains the number of seconds left of the leadtime (before the timeout starts) float timeout_status; // (values: 0, 1, 2) contains whether a timeout is not active (0), was called but still at leadtime (1) or is active (2) .float allowed_timeouts; // contains the number of allowed timeouts for each player .vector lastV_angle; //used when pausing the game in order to force the player to keep his old view angle fixed // allow functions to be used in other code like g_world.qc and teamplay.qc void timeout_handler_think(); // used by common/command/generic.qc:GenericCommand_dumpcommands to list all commands into a .txt file void CommonCommand_macro_write_aliases(float fh); // keep track of the next token to use for argc float next_token; #endif