#include "radarmap.qh" #ifdef RADARMAP #include #include #include "../world.qh" #include #include #include // =============================================== // Generates radar map images for use in the HUD // =============================================== float FullTraceFraction(vector a, vector mi, vector ma, vector b) { vector c; float white, black; white = 0.001; black = 0.001; c = a; float n, m; n = m = 0; while (vdist(c - b, >, 1)) { ++m; tracebox(c, mi, ma, b, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL); ++n; if (!trace_startsolid) { black += vlen(trace_endpos - c); c = trace_endpos; } n += tracebox_inverted(c, mi, ma, b, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL, false, NULL); white += vlen(trace_endpos - c); c = trace_endpos; } if (n > 200) LOG_TRACE("HOLY SHIT! FullTraceFraction: ", ftos(n), " total traces, ", ftos(m), " iterations"); return white / (black + white); } float RadarMapAtPoint_Trace(float e, float f, float w, float h, float zmin, float zsize, float q) { vector a, b, mi, ma; mi = '0 0 0'; ma = '1 0 0' * w + '0 1 0' * h; a = '1 0 0' * e + '0 1 0' * f + '0 0 1' * zmin; b = '1 0 0' * e + '0 1 0' * f + '0 0 1' * (zsize + zmin); return FullTraceFraction(a, mi, ma, b); } float RadarMapAtPoint_LineBlock(float e, float f, float w, float h, float zmin, float zsize, float q) { vector o, mi, ma; float i, r; vector dz; q = 256 * q - 1; // 256q-1 is the ideal sample count to map equal amount of sample values to one pixel value mi = '0 0 0'; dz = (zsize / q) * '0 0 1'; ma = '1 0 0' * w + '0 1 0' * h + dz; o = '1 0 0' * e + '0 1 0' * f + '0 0 1' * zmin; if (e < world.absmin.x - w) return 0; if (f < world.absmin.y - h) return 0; if (e > world.absmax.x) return 0; if (f > world.absmax.y) return 0; r = 0; for (i = 0; i < q; ++i) { vector v1, v2; v1 = v2 = o + dz * i + mi; v1_x += random() * (ma.x - mi.x); v1_y += random() * (ma.y - mi.y); v1_z += random() * (ma.z - mi.z); v2_x += random() * (ma.x - mi.x); v2_y += random() * (ma.y - mi.y); v2_z += random() * (ma.z - mi.z); traceline(v1, v2, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL); if (trace_startsolid || trace_fraction < 1) ++r; } return r / q; } float RadarMapAtPoint_Block(float e, float f, float w, float h, float zmin, float zsize, float q) { vector o, mi, ma; float i, r; vector dz; q = 256 * q - 1; // 256q-1 is the ideal sample count to map equal amount of sample values to one pixel value mi = '0 0 0'; dz = (zsize / q) * '0 0 1'; ma = '1 0 0' * w + '0 1 0' * h + dz; o = '1 0 0' * e + '0 1 0' * f + '0 0 1' * zmin; if (e < world.absmin.x - w) return 0; if (f < world.absmin.y - h) return 0; if (e > world.absmax.x) return 0; if (f > world.absmax.y) return 0; r = 0; for (i = 0; i < q; ++i) { tracebox(o + dz * i, mi, ma, o + dz * i, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL); if (trace_startsolid) ++r; } return r / q; } float RadarMapAtPoint_Sample(float e, float f, float w, float h, float zmin, float zsize, float q) { vector a, b, mi, ma; q *= 4; // choose q so it matches the regular algorithm in speed q = 256 * q - 1; // 256q-1 is the ideal sample count to map equal amount of sample values to one pixel value mi = '0 0 0'; ma = '1 0 0' * w + '0 1 0' * h; a = '1 0 0' * e + '0 1 0' * f + '0 0 1' * zmin; b = '1 0 0' * w + '0 1 0' * h + '0 0 1' * zsize; float c, i; c = 0; for (i = 0; i < q; ++i) { vector v; v.x = a.x + random() * b.x; v.y = a.y + random() * b.y; v.z = a.z + random() * b.z; traceline(v, v, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL); if (trace_startsolid) ++c; } return c / q; } void sharpen_set(int b, float v) { sharpen_buffer[b + 2 * RADAR_WIDTH_MAX] = v; } float sharpen_getpixel(int b, int c) { if (b < 0) return 0; if (b >= RADAR_WIDTH_MAX) return 0; if (c < 0) return 0; if (c > 2) return 0; return sharpen_buffer[b + c * RADAR_WIDTH_MAX]; } float sharpen_get(float b, float a) { float sum = sharpen_getpixel(b, 1); if (a == 0) return sum; sum *= (8 + 1 / a); sum -= sharpen_getpixel(b - 1, 0); sum -= sharpen_getpixel(b - 1, 1); sum -= sharpen_getpixel(b - 1, 2); sum -= sharpen_getpixel(b + 1, 0); sum -= sharpen_getpixel(b + 1, 1); sum -= sharpen_getpixel(b + 1, 2); sum -= sharpen_getpixel(b, 0); sum -= sharpen_getpixel(b, 2); return bound(0, sum * a, 1); } void sharpen_shift(int w) { for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i) { sharpen_buffer[i] = sharpen_buffer[i + RADAR_WIDTH_MAX]; sharpen_buffer[i + RADAR_WIDTH_MAX] = sharpen_buffer[i + 2 * RADAR_WIDTH_MAX]; sharpen_buffer[i + 2 * RADAR_WIDTH_MAX] = 0; } } void sharpen_init(int w) { for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i) { sharpen_buffer[i] = 0; sharpen_buffer[i + RADAR_WIDTH_MAX] = 0; sharpen_buffer[i + 2 * RADAR_WIDTH_MAX] = 0; } } void RadarMap_Next() { if (radarmapper.count & 4) { localcmd("quit\n"); } else if (radarmapper.count & 2) { localcmd(strcat("defer 1 \"sv_cmd radarmap --flags ", ftos(radarmapper.count), strcat(" --res ", ftos(radarmapper.size.x), " ", ftos(radarmapper.size.y), " --sharpen ", ftos(radarmapper.ltime), " --qual ", ftos(radarmapper.size.z)), "\"\n")); GotoNextMap(0); } delete(radarmapper); radarmapper = NULL; } void RadarMap_Think(entity this) { // rough map entity // cnt: current line // size: pixel width/height // maxs: cell width/height // frame: counter float i, x, l; string si; if (this.frame == 0) { // initialize get_mi_min_max_texcoords(1); this.mins = mi_picmin; this.maxs_x = (mi_picmax.x - mi_picmin.x) / this.size.x; this.maxs_y = (mi_picmax.y - mi_picmin.y) / this.size.y; this.maxs_z = mi_max.z - mi_min.z; LOG_INFO("Picture mins/maxs: ", ftos(this.maxs.x), " and ", ftos(this.maxs.y), " should match"); this.netname = strzone(strcat("gfx/", mi_shortname, "_radar.xpm")); if (!(this.count & 1)) { this.cnt = fopen(this.netname, FILE_READ); if (this.cnt < 0) this.cnt = fopen(strcat("gfx/", mi_shortname, "_radar.tga"), FILE_READ); if (this.cnt < 0) this.cnt = fopen(strcat("gfx/", mi_shortname, "_radar.png"), FILE_READ); if (this.cnt < 0) this.cnt = fopen(strcat("gfx/", mi_shortname, "_radar.jpg"), FILE_READ); if (this.cnt < 0) this.cnt = fopen(strcat("gfx/", mi_shortname, "_mini.tga"), FILE_READ); if (this.cnt < 0) this.cnt = fopen(strcat("gfx/", mi_shortname, "_mini.png"), FILE_READ); if (this.cnt < 0) this.cnt = fopen(strcat("gfx/", mi_shortname, "_mini.jpg"), FILE_READ); if (this.cnt >= 0) { fclose(this.cnt); LOG_INFO(this.netname, " already exists, aborting (you may want to specify --force)"); RadarMap_Next(); return; } } this.cnt = fopen(this.netname, FILE_WRITE); if (this.cnt < 0) { LOG_INFO("Error writing ", this.netname); delete(this); radarmapper = NULL; return; } LOG_INFO("Writing to ", this.netname, "..."); fputs(this.cnt, "/* XPM */\n"); fputs(this.cnt, "static char *RadarMap[] = {\n"); fputs(this.cnt, "/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */\n"); fputs(this.cnt, strcat("\"", ftos(this.size.x), " ", ftos(this.size.y), " 256 2\",\n")); for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { si = substring(doublehex, i * 2, 2); fputs(this.cnt, strcat("\"", si, " c #", si, si, si, "\",\n")); } this.frame += 1; this.nextthink = time; sharpen_init(this.size.x); } else if (this.frame <= this.size.y) { // fill the sharpen buffer with this line sharpen_shift(this.size.x); i = this.count & 24; switch (i) { case 0: default: for (x = 0; x < this.size.x; ++x) { l = RadarMapAtPoint_Block(this.mins.x + x * this.maxs.x, this.mins.y + (this.size.y - this.frame) * this.maxs.y, this.maxs.x, this.maxs.y, this.mins.z, this.maxs.z, this.size.z); sharpen_set(x, l); } break; case 8: for (x = 0; x < this.size.x; ++x) { l = RadarMapAtPoint_Trace(this.mins.x + x * this.maxs.x, this.mins.y + (this.size.y - this.frame) * this.maxs.y, this.maxs.x, this.maxs.y, this.mins.z, this.maxs.z, this.size.z); sharpen_set(x, l); } break; case 16: for (x = 0; x < this.size.x; ++x) { l = RadarMapAtPoint_Sample(this.mins.x + x * this.maxs.x, this.mins.y + (this.size.y - this.frame) * this.maxs.y, this.maxs.x, this.maxs.y, this.mins.z, this.maxs.z, this.size.z); sharpen_set(x, l); } break; case 24: for (x = 0; x < this.size.x; ++x) { l = RadarMapAtPoint_LineBlock(this.mins.x + x * this.maxs.x, this.mins.y + (this.size.y - this.frame) * this.maxs.y, this.maxs.x, this.maxs.y, this.mins.z, this.maxs.z, this.size.z); sharpen_set(x, l); } break; } // do we have enough lines? if (this.frame >= 2) { // write a pixel line fputs(this.cnt, "\""); for (x = 0; x < this.size.x; ++x) { l = sharpen_get(x, this.ltime); fputs(this.cnt, substring(doublehex, 2 * floor(l * 256.0), 2)); } if (this.frame == this.size.y) { fputs(this.cnt, "\"\n"); } else { fputs(this.cnt, "\",\n"); LOG_INFO(ftos(this.size.y - this.frame), " lines left"); } } // is this the last line? then write back the missing line if (this.frame == this.size.y) { sharpen_shift(this.size.x); // write a pixel line fputs(this.cnt, "\""); for (x = 0; x < this.size.x; ++x) { l = sharpen_get(x, this.ltime); fputs(this.cnt, substring(doublehex, 2 * floor(l * 256.0), 2)); } if (this.frame == this.size.y) { fputs(this.cnt, "\"\n"); } else { fputs(this.cnt, "\",\n"); LOG_INFO(ftos(this.size.y - this.frame), " lines left"); } } this.frame += 1; this.nextthink = time; } else { // close the file fputs(this.cnt, "};\n"); fclose(this.cnt); LOG_INFO("Finished. Please edit data/", this.netname, " with an image editing application and place it in the TGA format in the gfx folder."); RadarMap_Next(); } } bool RadarMap_Make(int argc) { float i; if (!radarmapper) { radarmapper = new(radarmapper); setthink(radarmapper, RadarMap_Think); radarmapper.nextthink = time; radarmapper.count = 8; // default to the --trace method, as it is faster now radarmapper.ltime = 1; radarmapper.size = '512 512 1'; for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { switch (argv(i)) { case "--force": { radarmapper.count |= 1; break; } case "--loop": { radarmapper.count |= 2; break; } case "--quit": { radarmapper.count |= 4; break; } case "--block": { radarmapper.count &= ~24; break; } case "--trace": { radarmapper.count &= ~24; radarmapper.count |= 8; break; } case "--sample": { radarmapper.count &= ~24; radarmapper.count |= 16; break; } case "--lineblock": { radarmapper.count |= 24; break; } case "--flags": { ++i; radarmapper.count = stof(argv(i)); break; } // for the recursive call case "--sharpen": { ++i; radarmapper.ltime = stof(argv(i)); break; } // for the recursive call case "--res": // minor alias case "--resolution": { ++i; radarmapper.size_x = stof(argv(i)); ++i; radarmapper.size_y = stof(argv(i)); break; } case "--qual": // minor alias case "--quality": { ++i; radarmapper.size_z = stof(argv(i)); break; } default: i = argc; delete(radarmapper); radarmapper = NULL; break; } } if (radarmapper) // after doing the arguments, see if we successfully went forward. { LOG_INFO("Radarmap entity spawned."); return true; // if so, don't print usage. } } return false; } #endif