/** * Special purpose fields: * .delay - time at which to check if zombie's enemy is still in range * .enemy - enemy of this zombie */ // cvars float autocvar_g_monster_zombie; float autocvar_g_monster_zombie_stopspeed; float autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_leap_damage; float autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_leap_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_leap_force; float autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_leap_speed; float autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_stand_damage; float autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_stand_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_zombie_health; float autocvar_g_monster_zombie_speed_walk; float autocvar_g_monster_zombie_speed_run; // zombie animations #define zombie_anim_attackleap 0 #define zombie_anim_attackrun1 1 #define zombie_anim_attackrun2 2 #define zombie_anim_attackrun3 3 #define zombie_anim_attackstanding1 4 #define zombie_anim_attackstanding2 5 #define zombie_anim_attackstanding3 6 #define zombie_anim_blockend 7 #define zombie_anim_blockstart 8 #define zombie_anim_deathback1 9 #define zombie_anim_deathback2 10 #define zombie_anim_deathback3 11 #define zombie_anim_deathfront1 12 #define zombie_anim_deathfront2 13 #define zombie_anim_deathfront3 14 #define zombie_anim_deathleft1 15 #define zombie_anim_deathleft2 16 #define zombie_anim_deathright1 17 #define zombie_anim_deathright2 18 #define zombie_anim_idle 19 #define zombie_anim_painback1 20 #define zombie_anim_painback2 21 #define zombie_anim_painfront1 22 #define zombie_anim_painfront2 23 #define zombie_anim_runbackwards 24 #define zombie_anim_runbackwardsleft 25 #define zombie_anim_runbackwardsright 26 #define zombie_anim_runforward 27 #define zombie_anim_runforwardleft 28 #define zombie_anim_runforwardright 29 #define zombie_anim_spawn 30 const vector ZOMBIE_MIN = '-18 -18 -25'; const vector ZOMBIE_MAX = '18 18 47'; void zombie_spawn(); void spawnfunc_monster_zombie(); void zombie_think(); void zombie_die () { Monster_CheckDropCvars ("zombie"); self.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; self.event_damage = func_null; self.enemy = world; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; self.think = Monster_Fade; self.nextthink = time + 2.1; self.pain_finished = self.nextthink; if (random() > 0.5) self.frame = zombie_anim_deathback1; else self.frame = zombie_anim_deathfront1; monster_hook_death(); // for post-death mods } void zombie_attack_standing() { float rand = random(), dot = 0, bigdmg = 0; self.velocity_x = 0; self.velocity_y = 0; if(self.monster_owner == self.enemy) { self.enemy = world; return; } bigdmg = autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_stand_damage * self.scale; //print("zombie attacks!\n"); makevectors (self.angles); dot = normalize (self.enemy.origin - self.origin) * v_forward; if(dot > 0.3) { Damage(self.enemy, self, self, bigdmg * monster_skill, DEATH_MONSTER_ZOMBIE, self.origin, '0 0 0'); } if(self.enemy.health < 1) self.enemy = world; if (rand < 0.33) self.frame = zombie_anim_attackstanding1; else if (rand < 0.66) self.frame = zombie_anim_attackstanding2; else self.frame = zombie_anim_attackstanding3; self.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_stand_delay; self.attack_finished_single = self.nextthink; } void zombie_attack_leap_touch() { vector angles_face; float bigdmg = autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_leap_damage * self.scale; if (other.deadflag != DEAD_NO) return; if (self.monster_owner == other) return; if (other.takedamage == DAMAGE_NO) return; //void Damage (entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) traceline(self.origin, other.origin, FALSE, self); angles_face = vectoangles(self.moveto - self.origin); angles_face = normalize(angles_face) * autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_leap_force; Damage(other, self, self, bigdmg * monster_skill, DEATH_MONSTER_ZOMBIE, trace_endpos, angles_face); self.touch = MonsterTouch; } float zombie_attack_ranged() { makevectors(self.angles); if(monster_leap(zombie_anim_attackleap, zombie_attack_leap_touch, v_forward * autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_leap_speed + '0 0 200', autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_leap_delay)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void zombie_think() { self.think = zombie_think; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; monster_move(autocvar_g_monster_zombie_speed_run, autocvar_g_monster_zombie_speed_walk, autocvar_g_monster_zombie_stopspeed, zombie_anim_runforward, zombie_anim_runforward, zombie_anim_idle); } void zombie_spawn() { if not(self.health) self.health = autocvar_g_monster_zombie_health * self.scale; self.classname = "monster_zombie"; self.nextthink = time + 2.1; self.pain_finished = self.nextthink; self.frame = zombie_anim_spawn; self.think = zombie_think; self.sprite_height = 50 * self.scale; self.checkattack = GenericCheckAttack; self.attack_melee = zombie_attack_standing; self.attack_ranged = zombie_attack_ranged; self.skin = rint(random() * 4); monster_hook_spawn(); // for post-spawn mods } /*QUAKED monster_zombie (1 0 0) (-18 -18 -25) (18 18 47) Zombie, 60 health points. -------- KEYS -------- -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- MONSTERFLAG_APPEAR: monster will spawn when triggered. ---------NOTES---------- Original Quake 1 zombie entity used a smaller box ('-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'). -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- modeldisabled="models/monsters/zombie.dpm" */ void spawnfunc_monster_zombie() { if not(autocvar_g_monster_zombie) { remove(self); return; } self.monster_spawnfunc = spawnfunc_monster_zombie; if(self.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_APPEAR) { self.think = func_null; self.nextthink = -1; self.use = Monster_Appear; return; } if not (monster_initialize( "Zombie", "models/monsters/zombie.dpm", ZOMBIE_MIN, ZOMBIE_MAX, FALSE, zombie_die, zombie_spawn)) { remove(self); return; } }