#include "pathlib.qh" #include "_.qh" #include "g_subs.qh" #define medium spawnshieldtime //#define DEBUGPATHING #ifdef DEBUGPATHING float edge_show(vector point,float fsize); void mark_error(vector where,float lifetime); void mark_info(vector where,float lifetime); entity mark_misc(vector where,float lifetime); void pathlib_showpath(entity start) { entity e; e = start; while(e.path_next) { te_lightning1(e,e.origin,e.path_next.origin); e = e.path_next; } } void path_dbg_think() { pathlib_showpath(self); self.nextthink = time + 1; } void __showpath2_think() { mark_info(self.origin,1); if(self.path_next) { self.path_next.think = __showpath2_think; self.path_next.nextthink = time + 0.15; } else { self.owner.think = __showpath2_think; self.owner.nextthink = time + 0.15; } } void pathlib_showpath2(entity path) { path.think = __showpath2_think; path.nextthink = time; } #endif void pathlib_deletepath(entity start) { entity e; e = findchainentity(owner, start); while(e) { e.think = SUB_Remove; e.nextthink = time; e = e.chain; } } float fsnap(float val,float fsize) { return rint(val / fsize) * fsize; } vector vsnap(vector point,float fsize) { vector vret; vret.x = rint(point.x / fsize) * fsize; vret.y = rint(point.y / fsize) * fsize; vret.z = ceil(point.z / fsize) * fsize; return vret; } float walknode_stepsize; vector walknode_stepup; vector walknode_maxdrop; vector walknode_boxup; vector walknode_boxmax; vector walknode_boxmin; float pathlib_movenode_goodnode; float floor_ok(vector point) { float pc; if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY) return 0; pc = pointcontents(point); switch(pc) { case CONTENT_SOLID: case CONTENT_SLIME: case CONTENT_LAVA: case CONTENT_SKY: return 0; case CONTENT_EMPTY: if(pointcontents(point - '0 0 1') != CONTENT_SOLID) return 0; break; case CONTENT_WATER: return 1; } if(pointcontents(point - '0 0 1') == CONTENT_SOLID) return 1; return 0; } #define _pcheck(p) traceline(p+z_up,p-z_down,MOVE_WORLDONLY,self); if (!floor_ok(trace_endpos)) return 1 float edge_check(vector point,float fsize) { vector z_up,z_down; z_up = '0 0 1' * fsize; z_down = '0 0 1' * fsize; _pcheck(point + ('1 1 0' * fsize)); _pcheck(point + ('1 -1 0' * fsize)); _pcheck(point + ('1 0 0' * fsize)); _pcheck(point + ('0 1 0' * fsize)); _pcheck(point + ('0 -1 0' * fsize)); _pcheck(point + ('-1 0 0' * fsize)); _pcheck(point + ('-1 1 0' * fsize)); _pcheck(point + ('-1 -1 0' * fsize)); return 0; } #ifdef DEBUGPATHING #define _pshow(p) mark_error(p,10) float edge_show(vector point,float fsize) { _pshow(point + ('1 1 0' * fsize)); _pshow(point + ('1 -1 0' * fsize)); _pshow(point + ('1 0 0' * fsize)); _pshow(point + ('0 1 0' * fsize)); _pshow(point + ('0 -1 0' * fsize)); _pshow(point + ('-1 0 0' * fsize)); _pshow(point + ('-1 1 0' * fsize)); _pshow(point + ('-1 -1 0' * fsize)); return 0; } #endif var vector pathlib_movenode(vector start,vector end,float doedge); vector pathlib_wateroutnode(vector start,vector end,float doedge) { vector surface; pathlib_movenode_goodnode = 0; end.x = fsnap(end.x, pathlib_gridsize); end.y = fsnap(end.y, pathlib_gridsize); traceline(end + ('0 0 0.25' * pathlib_gridsize),end - ('0 0 1' * pathlib_gridsize),MOVE_WORLDONLY,self); end = trace_endpos; if(pointcontents(end - '0 0 1') != CONTENT_SOLID) return end; for(surface = start ; surface.z < (end.z + 32); ++surface.z) { if(pointcontents(surface) == CONTENT_EMPTY) break; } if(pointcontents(surface + '0 0 1') != CONTENT_EMPTY) return end; tracebox(start + '0 0 64', walknode_boxmin,walknode_boxmax, end + '0 0 64', MOVE_WORLDONLY, self); if(trace_fraction == 1) pathlib_movenode_goodnode = 1; if(fabs(surface.z - end.z) > 32) pathlib_movenode_goodnode = 0; return end; } vector pathlib_swimnode(vector start,vector end,float doedge) { pathlib_movenode_goodnode = 0; if(pointcontents(start) != CONTENT_WATER) return end; end.x = fsnap(end.x, pathlib_gridsize); end.y = fsnap(end.y, pathlib_gridsize); if(pointcontents(end) == CONTENT_EMPTY) return pathlib_wateroutnode( start, end, doedge); tracebox(start, walknode_boxmin,walknode_boxmax, end, MOVE_WORLDONLY, self); if(trace_fraction == 1) pathlib_movenode_goodnode = 1; return end; } vector pathlib_flynode(vector start,vector end) { pathlib_movenode_goodnode = 0; end.x = fsnap(end.x, pathlib_gridsize); end.y = fsnap(end.y, pathlib_gridsize); tracebox(start, walknode_boxmin,walknode_boxmax, end, MOVE_WORLDONLY, self); if(trace_fraction == 1) pathlib_movenode_goodnode = 1; return end; } vector pathlib_walknode(vector start,vector end,float doedge) { vector direction,point,last_point,s,e; float steps, distance, i,laststep; pathlib_movenode_goodnode = 0; s = start; e = end; e.z = 0; s.z = 0; direction = normalize(s - e); distance = vlen(start - end); laststep = distance / walknode_stepsize; steps = floor(laststep); laststep = laststep - steps; point = start; s = point + walknode_stepup; e = point - walknode_maxdrop; traceline(s, e,MOVE_WORLDONLY,self); if(trace_fraction == 1.0) return trace_endpos; if (floor_ok(trace_endpos) == 0) return trace_endpos; last_point = trace_endpos; for(i = 0; i < steps; ++i) { point = last_point + direction * walknode_stepsize; s = point + walknode_stepup; e = point - walknode_maxdrop; traceline(s, e,MOVE_WORLDONLY,self); if(trace_fraction == 1.0) return trace_endpos; point = trace_endpos; if (!floor_ok(trace_endpos)) return trace_endpos; tracebox(last_point + walknode_boxup, walknode_boxmin,walknode_boxmax, point + walknode_boxup, MOVE_WORLDONLY, self); if(trace_fraction != 1.0) return trace_endpos; if(doedge) if(edge_check(point,pathlib_edge_check_size)) return trace_endpos; last_point = point; } point = last_point + direction * walknode_stepsize * laststep; point.x = fsnap(point.x, pathlib_gridsize); point.y = fsnap(point.y, pathlib_gridsize); s = point + walknode_stepup; e = point - walknode_maxdrop; traceline(s, e,MOVE_WORLDONLY,self); if(trace_fraction == 1.0) return trace_endpos; point = trace_endpos; if (!floor_ok(trace_endpos)) return trace_endpos; tracebox(last_point + walknode_boxup, walknode_boxmin,walknode_boxmax, point + walknode_boxup, MOVE_WORLDONLY, self); if(trace_fraction != 1.0) return trace_endpos; pathlib_movenode_goodnode = 1; return point; } var float pathlib_cost(entity parent,vector to, float static_cost); float pathlib_g_static(entity parent,vector to, float static_cost) { if(inwater(to)) return parent.pathlib_node_g + static_cost * pathlib_movecost_waterfactor; else return parent.pathlib_node_g + static_cost; } float pathlib_g_static_water(entity parent,vector to, float static_cost) { if(inwater(to)) return parent.pathlib_node_g + static_cost * pathlib_movecost_waterfactor; else return parent.pathlib_node_g + static_cost; } float pathlib_g_euclidean(entity parent,vector to, float static_cost) { return parent.pathlib_node_g + vlen(parent.origin - to); } float pathlib_g_euclidean_water(entity parent,vector to, float static_cost) { if(inwater(to)) return parent.pathlib_node_g + vlen(parent.origin - to) * pathlib_movecost_waterfactor; else return parent.pathlib_node_g + vlen(parent.origin - to); } var float(vector from,vector to) pathlib_heuristic; /** Manhattan Menas we expect to move up,down left or right No diagonal moves espected. (like moving bewteen city blocks) **/ float pathlib_h_manhattan(vector a,vector b) { //h(n) = D * (abs(n.x-goal.x) + abs(n.y-goal.y)) float h; h = fabs(a.x - b.x); h += fabs(a.y - b.y); h *= pathlib_gridsize; return h; } /** This heuristic consider both stright and disagonal moves to have teh same cost. **/ float pathlib_h_diagonal(vector a,vector b) { //h(n) = D * max(abs(n.x-goal.x), abs(n.y-goal.y)) float h,x,y; x = fabs(a.x - b.x); y = fabs(a.y - b.y); h = pathlib_movecost * max(x,y); return h; } /** This heuristic only considers the stright line distance. Will usualy mean a lower H then G meaning A* Will speand more and run slower. **/ float pathlib_h_euclidean(vector a,vector b) { return vlen(a - b); } /** This heuristic consider both stright and disagonal moves, But has a separate cost for diagonal moves. **/ float pathlib_h_diagonal2(vector a,vector b) { float h_diag,h_str,h,x,y; /* h_diagonal(n) = min(abs(n.x-goal.x), abs(n.y-goal.y)) h_straight(n) = (abs(n.x-goal.x) + abs(n.y-goal.y)) h(n) = D2 * h_diagonal(n) + D * (h_straight(n) - 2*h_diagonal(n))) */ x = fabs(a.x - b.x); y = fabs(a.y - b.y); h_diag = min(x,y); h_str = x + y; h = pathlib_movecost_diag * h_diag; h += pathlib_movecost * (h_str - 2 * h_diag); return h; } /** This heuristic consider both stright and disagonal moves, But has a separate cost for diagonal moves. **/ float pathlib_h_diagonal2sdp(vector preprev,vector prev,vector point,vector end) { float h_diag,h_str,h,x,y,z; //h_diagonal(n) = min(abs(n.x-goal.x), abs(n.y-goal.y)) //h_straight(n) = (abs(n.x-goal.x) + abs(n.y-goal.y)) //h(n) = D2 * h_diagonal(n) + D * (h_straight(n) - 2*h_diagonal(n))) x = fabs(point.x - end.x); y = fabs(point.y - end.y); z = fabs(point.z - end.z); h_diag = min3(x,y,z); h_str = x + y + z; h = pathlib_movecost_diag * h_diag; h += pathlib_movecost * (h_str - 2 * h_diag); float m; vector d1,d2; d1 = normalize(preprev - point); d2 = normalize(prev - point); m = vlen(d1-d2); //bprint("pathlib_h_diagonal2sdp-M = ",ftos(m),"\n"); return h * m; } float pathlib_h_diagonal3(vector a,vector b) { float h_diag,h_str,h,x,y,z; //h_diagonal(n) = min(abs(n.x-goal.x), abs(n.y-goal.y)) //h_straight(n) = (abs(n.x-goal.x) + abs(n.y-goal.y)) //h(n) = D2 * h_diagonal(n) + D * (h_straight(n) - 2*h_diagonal(n))) x = fabs(a.x - b.x); y = fabs(a.y - b.y); z = fabs(a.z - b.z); h_diag = min3(x,y,z); h_str = x + y + z; h = pathlib_movecost_diag * h_diag; h += pathlib_movecost * (h_str - 2 * h_diag); return h; } const float PATHLIB_NODEEXPIRE = 0.05; float pathlib_scraplist_cnt; entity newnode() { entity n; #ifdef PATHLIB_USE_NODESCRAP if(pathlib_scraplist_cnt) { n = findentity(world,owner,scraplist); if(n) { --pathlib_scraplist_cnt; ++pathlib_recycle_cnt; return n; } else pathlib_scraplist_cnt = 0; } #endif ++pathlib_made_cnt; n = spawn(); n.think = SUB_Remove; n.nextthink = time + PATHLIB_NODEEXPIRE; return n; } void dumpnode(entity n) { #ifdef PATHLIB_USE_NODESCRAP ++pathlib_scraplist_cnt; n.path_next = world; n.path_prev = world; n.is_path_node = false; n.owner = scraplist; #else //n.is_path_node = false; n.think = SUB_Remove; n.nextthink = time; #endif } entity pathlib_mknode(vector where,entity parent) { entity node; node = newnode(); node.is_path_node = true; node.owner = openlist; node.path_prev = parent; setorigin(node, where); ++pathlib_open_cnt; node.medium = pointcontents(where); return node; } var float pathlib_expandnode(entity node, vector start, vector goal); float pathlib_expandnode_star(entity node, vector start, vector goal); float pathlib_expandnode_box(entity node, vector start, vector goal); var float pathlib_makenode(entity parent,vector start, vector to, vector goal,float cost); float pathlib_makenode_adaptive(entity parent,vector start, vector to, vector goal,float cost) { entity node; float h,g,f,doedge; vector where; ++pathlib_searched_cnt; if(inwater(parent.origin)) { pathlib_expandnode = pathlib_expandnode_box; pathlib_movenode = pathlib_swimnode; doedge = 0; } else { if(inwater(to)) { pathlib_expandnode = pathlib_expandnode_box; pathlib_movenode = pathlib_swimnode; doedge = 0; } else { pathlib_expandnode = pathlib_expandnode_star; pathlib_movenode = pathlib_walknode; doedge = 1; } } where = pathlib_movenode(parent.origin,to,0); if (!pathlib_movenode_goodnode) return 0; if(doedge) if(edge_check(where,pathlib_edge_check_size)) return 0; if(parent.path_prev) pathlib_h_diagonal2sdp(parent.path_prev.origin,parent.origin,where,goal); h = pathlib_heuristic(where,goal); g = pathlib_cost(parent,where,cost); f = g + h; node = findradius(where,pathlib_gridsize * 0.75); while(node) { if(node.is_path_node == true) { ++pathlib_merge_cnt; if(node.owner == openlist) { if(node.pathlib_node_g > g) { node.pathlib_node_h = h; node.pathlib_node_g = g; node.pathlib_node_f = f; node.path_prev = parent; } if (!best_open_node) best_open_node = node; else if(best_open_node.pathlib_node_f > node.pathlib_node_f) best_open_node = node; } return 1; } node = node.chain; } node = pathlib_mknode(where,parent); node.pathlib_node_h = h; node.pathlib_node_g = g; node.pathlib_node_f = f; if (!best_open_node) best_open_node = node; else if(best_open_node.pathlib_node_f > node.pathlib_node_f) best_open_node = node; return 1; } entity pathlib_getbestopen() { entity node; entity bestnode; if(best_open_node) { ++pathlib_bestcash_hits; pathlib_bestcash_saved += pathlib_open_cnt; return best_open_node; } node = findchainentity(owner,openlist); if(!node) return world; bestnode = node; while(node) { ++pathlib_bestopen_seached; if(node.pathlib_node_f < bestnode.pathlib_node_f) bestnode = node; node = node.chain; } return bestnode; } void pathlib_close_node(entity node,vector goal) { if(node.owner == closedlist) { dprint("Pathlib: Tried to close a closed node!\n"); return; } if(node == best_open_node) best_open_node = world; ++pathlib_closed_cnt; --pathlib_open_cnt; node.owner = closedlist; if(vlen(node.origin - goal) <= pathlib_gridsize) { vector goalmove; goalmove = pathlib_walknode(node.origin,goal,1); if(pathlib_movenode_goodnode) { goal_node = node; pathlib_foundgoal = true; } } } float pathlib_expandnode_star(entity node, vector start, vector goal) { vector point; vector where; float nodecnt = 0; where = node.origin; v_forward = '1 0 0'; v_right = '0 1 0'; // Forward point = where + v_forward * pathlib_gridsize; nodecnt += pathlib_makenode(node,start,point,goal,pathlib_movecost); // Back point = where - v_forward * pathlib_gridsize; nodecnt += pathlib_makenode(node,start,point,goal,pathlib_movecost); // Right point = where + v_right * pathlib_gridsize; nodecnt += pathlib_makenode(node,start,point,goal,pathlib_movecost); // Left point = where - v_right * pathlib_gridsize; nodecnt += pathlib_makenode(node,start,point,goal,pathlib_movecost); // Forward-right point = where + v_forward * pathlib_gridsize + v_right * pathlib_gridsize; nodecnt += pathlib_makenode(node,start,point,goal,pathlib_movecost_diag); // Forward-left point = where + v_forward * pathlib_gridsize - v_right * pathlib_gridsize; nodecnt += pathlib_makenode(node,start,point,goal,pathlib_movecost_diag); // Back-right point = where - v_forward * pathlib_gridsize + v_right * pathlib_gridsize; nodecnt += pathlib_makenode(node,start,point,goal,pathlib_movecost_diag); // Back-left point = where - v_forward * pathlib_gridsize - v_right * pathlib_gridsize; nodecnt += pathlib_makenode(node,start,point,goal,pathlib_movecost_diag); return pathlib_open_cnt; } float pathlib_expandnode_box(entity node, vector start, vector goal) { vector v; for(v.z = node.origin.z - pathlib_gridsize; v.z <= node.origin.z + pathlib_gridsize; v.z += pathlib_gridsize) for(v.y = node.origin.y - pathlib_gridsize; v.y <= node.origin.y + pathlib_gridsize; v.y += pathlib_gridsize) for(v.x = node.origin.x - pathlib_gridsize; v.x <= node.origin.x + pathlib_gridsize; v.x += pathlib_gridsize) { if(vlen(v - node.origin)) pathlib_makenode(node,start,v,goal,pathlib_movecost); } return pathlib_open_cnt; } void pathlib_cleanup() { entity node; node = findfloat(world,is_path_node, true); while(node) { dumpnode(node); node = findfloat(node,is_path_node, true); } if(openlist) remove(openlist); if(closedlist) remove(closedlist); best_open_node = world; openlist = world; closedlist = world; } var float buildpath_nodefilter(vector n,vector c,vector p); float buildpath_nodefilter_directional(vector n,vector c,vector p) { vector d1,d2; d2 = normalize(p - c); d1 = normalize(c - n); if(vlen(d1-d2) < 0.25) return 1; return 0; } float buildpath_nodefilter_moveskip(vector n,vector c,vector p) { pathlib_walknode(p,n,1); if(pathlib_movenode_goodnode) return 1; return 0; } entity path_build(entity next, vector where, entity prev, entity start) { entity path; if(prev && next) if(buildpath_nodefilter) if(buildpath_nodefilter(next.origin,where,prev.origin)) return next; path = spawn(); path.owner = start; path.path_next = next; setorigin(path,where); if(!next) path.classname = "path_end"; else { if(!prev) path.classname = "path_start"; else path.classname = "path_node"; } return path; } entity pathlib_astar(vector from,vector to) { entity path, start, end, open, n, ln; float ptime, ftime, ctime; ptime = gettime(GETTIME_REALTIME); pathlib_cleanup(); // Select water<->land capable node make/link pathlib_makenode = pathlib_makenode_adaptive; // Select XYZ cost estimate pathlib_heuristic = pathlib_h_diagonal3; // Select distance + waterfactor cost pathlib_cost = pathlib_g_euclidean_water; // Select star expander pathlib_expandnode = pathlib_expandnode_star; // Select walk simulation movement test pathlib_movenode = pathlib_walknode; // Filter final nodes by direction buildpath_nodefilter = buildpath_nodefilter_directional; // If the start is in water we need diffrent settings if(inwater(from)) { // Select volumetric node expaner pathlib_expandnode = pathlib_expandnode_box; // Water movement test pathlib_movenode = pathlib_swimnode; } if (!openlist) openlist = spawn(); if (!closedlist) closedlist = spawn(); if (!scraplist) scraplist = spawn(); pathlib_closed_cnt = 0; pathlib_open_cnt = 0; pathlib_made_cnt = 0; pathlib_merge_cnt = 0; pathlib_searched_cnt = 0; pathlib_bestopen_seached = 0; pathlib_bestcash_hits = 0; pathlib_bestcash_saved = 0; pathlib_recycle_cnt = 0; pathlib_gridsize = 128; pathlib_movecost = pathlib_gridsize; pathlib_movecost_diag = vlen(('1 1 0' * pathlib_gridsize)); pathlib_movecost_waterfactor = 1.1; pathlib_foundgoal = 0; walknode_boxmax = self.maxs * 1.5; walknode_boxmin = self.mins * 1.5; pathlib_edge_check_size = (vlen(walknode_boxmin - walknode_boxmax) * 0.5); walknode_boxup = '0 0 2' * self.maxs.z; walknode_stepsize = 32; walknode_stepup = '0 0 1' * walknode_stepsize; walknode_maxdrop = '0 0 3' * walknode_stepsize; from.x = fsnap(from.x,pathlib_gridsize); from.y = fsnap(from.y,pathlib_gridsize); to.x = fsnap(to.x,pathlib_gridsize); to.y = fsnap(to.y,pathlib_gridsize); dprint("AStar init. ", ftos(pathlib_scraplist_cnt), " nodes on scrap\n"); path = pathlib_mknode(from,world); pathlib_close_node(path,to); if(pathlib_foundgoal) { dprint("AStar: Goal found on first node!\n"); open = spawn(); open.owner = open; open.classname = "path_end"; setorigin(open,path.origin); pathlib_cleanup(); return open; } if(pathlib_expandnode(path,from,to) <= 0) { dprint("AStar path fail.\n"); pathlib_cleanup(); return world; } best_open_node = pathlib_getbestopen(); n = best_open_node; pathlib_close_node(best_open_node,to); if(inwater(n.origin)) pathlib_expandnode_box(n,from,to); else pathlib_expandnode_star(n,from,to); while(pathlib_open_cnt) { best_open_node = pathlib_getbestopen(); n = best_open_node; pathlib_close_node(best_open_node,to); if(inwater(n.origin)) pathlib_expandnode_box(n,from,to); else pathlib_expandnode(n,from,to); if(pathlib_foundgoal) { dprint("Target found. Rebuilding and filtering path...\n"); ftime = gettime(GETTIME_REALTIME); ptime = ftime - ptime; start = path_build(world,path.origin,world,world); end = path_build(world,goal_node.origin,world,start); ln = end; open = goal_node; for(open = goal_node; open.path_prev != path; open = open.path_prev) { n = path_build(ln,open.origin,open.path_prev,start); ln.path_prev = n; ln = n; } start.path_next = n; n.path_prev = start; ftime = gettime(GETTIME_REALTIME) - ftime; ctime = gettime(GETTIME_REALTIME); pathlib_cleanup(); ctime = gettime(GETTIME_REALTIME) - ctime; #ifdef DEBUGPATHING pathlib_showpath2(start); dprint("Time used - pathfinding: ", ftos(ptime),"\n"); dprint("Time used - rebuild & filter: ", ftos(ftime),"\n"); dprint("Time used - cleanup: ", ftos(ctime),"\n"); dprint("Time used - total: ", ftos(ptime + ftime + ctime),"\n"); dprint("Time used - # frames: ", ftos(ceil((ptime + ftime + ctime) / sys_frametime)),"\n\n"); dprint("Nodes - created: ", ftos(pathlib_made_cnt),"\n"); dprint("Nodes - open: ", ftos(pathlib_open_cnt),"\n"); dprint("Nodes - merged: ", ftos(pathlib_merge_cnt),"\n"); dprint("Nodes - closed: ", ftos(pathlib_closed_cnt),"\n"); dprint("Nodes - searched: ", ftos(pathlib_searched_cnt),"\n"); if(pathlib_recycle_cnt) dprint("Nodes - make/reuse: ", ftos(pathlib_made_cnt / pathlib_recycle_cnt),"\n"); if(pathlib_recycle_cnt) dprint("Nodes - reused: ", ftos(pathlib_recycle_cnt),"\n"); dprint("Nodes bestopen searched: ", ftos(pathlib_bestopen_seached),"\n"); dprint("Nodes bestcash - hits: ", ftos(pathlib_bestcash_hits),"\n"); dprint("Nodes bestcash - save: ", ftos(pathlib_bestcash_saved),"\n"); dprint("AStar done. ", ftos(pathlib_scraplist_cnt), " nodes on scrap\n\n"); #endif return start; } } dprint("A* Faild to find a path! Try a smaller gridsize.\n"); pathlib_cleanup(); return world; }