#include "teamplay.qh" #include "client.qh" #include "race.qh" #include "scores.qh" #include "scores_rules.qh" #include "bot/api.qh" #include "command/vote.qh" #include "mutators/_mod.qh" #include "../common/deathtypes/all.qh" #include "../common/gamemodes/_mod.qh" #include "../common/teams.qh" void TeamchangeFrags(entity e) { PlayerScore_Clear(e); } void LogTeamchange(float player_id, float team_number, float type) { if(!autocvar_sv_eventlog) return; if(player_id < 1) return; GameLogEcho(strcat(":team:", ftos(player_id), ":", ftos(team_number), ":", ftos(type))); } void default_delayedinit(entity this) { if(!scores_initialized) ScoreRules_generic(); } void ActivateTeamplay() { serverflags |= SERVERFLAG_TEAMPLAY; teamplay = 1; cvar_set("teamplay", "2"); // DP needs this for sending proper getstatus replies. } void InitGameplayMode() { VoteReset(); // find out good world mins/maxs bounds, either the static bounds found by looking for solid, or the mapinfo specified bounds get_mi_min_max(1); world.mins = mi_min; world.maxs = mi_max; // currently, NetRadiant's limit is 131072 qu for each side // distance from one corner of a 131072qu cube to the opposite corner is approx. 227023 qu // set the distance according to map size but don't go over the limit to avoid issues with float precision // in case somebody makes extremely large maps max_shot_distance = min(230000, vlen(world.maxs - world.mins)); MapInfo_LoadMapSettings(mapname); serverflags &= ~SERVERFLAG_TEAMPLAY; teamplay = 0; cvar_set("teamplay", "0"); // DP needs this for sending proper getstatus replies. if (!cvar_value_issafe(world.fog)) { LOG_INFO("The current map contains a potentially harmful fog setting, ignored\n"); world.fog = string_null; } if(MapInfo_Map_fog != "") if(MapInfo_Map_fog == "none") world.fog = string_null; else world.fog = strzone(MapInfo_Map_fog); clientstuff = strzone(MapInfo_Map_clientstuff); MapInfo_ClearTemps(); gamemode_name = MapInfo_Type_ToText(MapInfo_LoadedGametype); cache_mutatormsg = strzone(""); cache_lastmutatormsg = strzone(""); InitializeEntity(NULL, default_delayedinit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE_FALLBACK); } string GetClientVersionMessage(entity this) { if (CS(this).version_mismatch) { if(CS(this).version < autocvar_gameversion) { return strcat("This is Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion, "\n^3Your client version is outdated.\n\n\n### YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PLAY ON THIS SERVER ###\n\n\nPlease update!!!^8"); } else { return strcat("This is Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion, "\n^3This server is using an outdated Xonotic version.\n\n\n ### THIS SERVER IS INCOMPATIBLE AND THUS YOU CANNOT JOIN ###.^8"); } } else { return strcat("Welcome to Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion); } } string getwelcomemessage(entity this) { MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildMutatorsPrettyString, ""); string modifications = M_ARGV(0, string); if(g_weaponarena) { if(g_weaponarena_random) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", ", ftos(g_weaponarena_random), " of ", g_weaponarena_list, " Arena"); else modifications = strcat(modifications, ", ", g_weaponarena_list, " Arena"); } else if(cvar("g_balance_blaster_weaponstartoverride") == 0) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", No start weapons"); if(cvar("sv_gravity") < stof(cvar_defstring("sv_gravity"))) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Low gravity"); if(g_weapon_stay && !g_cts) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Weapons stay"); if(g_jetpack) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Jet pack"); if(autocvar_g_powerups == 0) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", No powerups"); if(autocvar_g_powerups > 0) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Powerups"); modifications = substring(modifications, 2, strlen(modifications) - 2); string versionmessage = GetClientVersionMessage(this); string s = strcat(versionmessage, "^8\n^8\nmatch type is ^1", gamemode_name, "^8\n"); if(modifications != "") s = strcat(s, "^8\nactive modifications: ^3", modifications, "^8\n"); if(cache_lastmutatormsg != autocvar_g_mutatormsg) { if(cache_lastmutatormsg) strunzone(cache_lastmutatormsg); if(cache_mutatormsg) strunzone(cache_mutatormsg); cache_lastmutatormsg = strzone(autocvar_g_mutatormsg); cache_mutatormsg = strzone(cache_lastmutatormsg); } if (cache_mutatormsg != "") { s = strcat(s, "\n\n^8special gameplay tips: ^7", cache_mutatormsg); } string mutator_msg = ""; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildGameplayTipsString, mutator_msg); mutator_msg = M_ARGV(0, string); s = strcat(s, mutator_msg); // trust that the mutator will do proper formatting string motd = autocvar_sv_motd; if (motd != "") { s = strcat(s, "\n\n^8MOTD: ^7", strreplace("\\n", "\n", motd)); } return s; } void setcolor(entity this, int clr) { #if 0 this.clientcolors = clr; this.team = (clr & 15) + 1; #else builtin_setcolor(this, clr); #endif } void SetPlayerColors(entity player, float _color) { float pants = _color & 0x0F; float shirt = _color & 0xF0; if (teamplay) { setcolor(player, 16 * pants + pants); } else { setcolor(player, shirt + pants); } } bool SetPlayerTeamSimple(entity player, int team_num) { if (player.team == team_num) { // This is important when players join the game and one of their color // matches the team color while other doesn't. For example [BOT]Lion. SetPlayerColors(player, team_num - 1); return true; } if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Player_ChangeTeam, player, Team_TeamToNumber( player.team), Team_TeamToNumber(team_num)) == true) { // Mutator has blocked team change. return false; } int old_team = player.team; SetPlayerColors(player, team_num - 1); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Player_ChangedTeam, player, old_team, player.team); return true; } bool SetPlayerTeam(entity player, int destination_team, int source_team, bool no_print) { int team_num = Team_NumberToTeam(destination_team); if (!SetPlayerTeamSimple(player, team_num)) { return false; } LogTeamchange(player.playerid, player.team, 3); // log manual team join if (no_print) { return true; } bprint(playername(player, false), "^7 has changed from ", Team_NumberToColoredFullName(source_team), "^7 to ", Team_NumberToColoredFullName(destination_team), "\n"); return true; } // set c1...c4 to show what teams are allowed void CheckAllowedTeams(entity for_whom) { int teams_mask = 0; c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = -1; num_bots_team1 = num_bots_team2 = num_bots_team3 = num_bots_team4 = 0; string teament_name = string_null; bool mutator_returnvalue = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(CheckAllowedTeams, teams_mask, teament_name, for_whom); teams_mask = M_ARGV(0, float); teament_name = M_ARGV(1, string); if(!mutator_returnvalue) { if(teams_mask & BIT(0)) c1 = 0; if(teams_mask & BIT(1)) c2 = 0; if(teams_mask & BIT(2)) c3 = 0; if(teams_mask & BIT(3)) c4 = 0; } // find out what teams are allowed if necessary if(teament_name) { entity head = find(NULL, classname, teament_name); while(head) { switch(head.team) { case NUM_TEAM_1: c1 = 0; break; case NUM_TEAM_2: c2 = 0; break; case NUM_TEAM_3: c3 = 0; break; case NUM_TEAM_4: c4 = 0; break; } head = find(head, classname, teament_name); } } // TODO: Balance quantity of bots across > 2 teams when bot_vs_human is set (and remove next line) if(AvailableTeams() == 2) if(autocvar_bot_vs_human && for_whom) { if(autocvar_bot_vs_human > 0) { // find last team available if(IS_BOT_CLIENT(for_whom)) { if(c4 >= 0) { c3 = c2 = c1 = -1; } else if(c3 >= 0) { c4 = c2 = c1 = -1; } else { c4 = c3 = c1 = -1; } // no further cases, we know at least 2 teams exist } else { if(c1 >= 0) { c2 = c3 = c4 = -1; } else if(c2 >= 0) { c1 = c3 = c4 = -1; } else { c1 = c2 = c4 = -1; } // no further cases, bots have one of the teams } } else { // find first team available if(IS_BOT_CLIENT(for_whom)) { if(c1 >= 0) { c2 = c3 = c4 = -1; } else if(c2 >= 0) { c1 = c3 = c4 = -1; } else { c1 = c2 = c4 = -1; } // no further cases, we know at least 2 teams exist } else { if(c4 >= 0) { c3 = c2 = c1 = -1; } else if(c3 >= 0) { c4 = c2 = c1 = -1; } else { c4 = c3 = c1 = -1; } // no further cases, bots have one of the teams } } } if(!for_whom) return; // if player has a forced team, ONLY allow that one if(for_whom.team_forced == NUM_TEAM_1 && c1 >= 0) c2 = c3 = c4 = -1; else if(for_whom.team_forced == NUM_TEAM_2 && c2 >= 0) c1 = c3 = c4 = -1; else if(for_whom.team_forced == NUM_TEAM_3 && c3 >= 0) c1 = c2 = c4 = -1; else if(for_whom.team_forced == NUM_TEAM_4 && c4 >= 0) c1 = c2 = c3 = -1; } float PlayerValue(entity p) { return 1; // FIXME: it always returns 1... } // c1...c4 should be set to -1 (not allowed) or 0 (allowed). // teams that are allowed will now have their player counts stored in c1...c4 void GetTeamCounts(entity ignore) { if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetTeamCounts) == true) { if (c1 >= 0) { MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetTeamCount, NUM_TEAM_1, ignore, c1, num_bots_team1, lowest_human_team1, lowest_bot_team1); c1 = M_ARGV(2, float); num_bots_team1 = M_ARGV(3, float); lowest_human_team1 = M_ARGV(4, entity); lowest_bot_team1 = M_ARGV(5, entity); } if (c2 >= 0) { MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetTeamCount, NUM_TEAM_2, ignore, c2, num_bots_team2, lowest_human_team2, lowest_bot_team2); c2 = M_ARGV(2, float); num_bots_team2 = M_ARGV(3, float); lowest_human_team2 = M_ARGV(4, entity); lowest_bot_team2 = M_ARGV(5, entity); } if (c3 >= 0) { MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetTeamCount, NUM_TEAM_3, ignore, c3, num_bots_team3, lowest_human_team3, lowest_bot_team3); c3 = M_ARGV(2, float); num_bots_team3 = M_ARGV(3, float); lowest_human_team3 = M_ARGV(4, entity); lowest_bot_team3 = M_ARGV(5, entity); } if (c4 >= 0) { MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetTeamCount, NUM_TEAM_4, ignore, c4, num_bots_team4, lowest_human_team4, lowest_bot_team4); c4 = M_ARGV(2, float); num_bots_team4 = M_ARGV(3, float); lowest_human_team4 = M_ARGV(4, entity); lowest_bot_team4 = M_ARGV(5, entity); } } else { float value, bvalue; // now count how many players are on each team already float lowest_human_score1 = FLOAT_MAX; float lowest_bot_score1 = FLOAT_MAX; float lowest_human_score2 = FLOAT_MAX; float lowest_bot_score2 = FLOAT_MAX; float lowest_human_score3 = FLOAT_MAX; float lowest_bot_score3 = FLOAT_MAX; float lowest_human_score4 = FLOAT_MAX; float lowest_bot_score4 = FLOAT_MAX; FOREACH_CLIENT(true, { float t; if (IS_PLAYER(it) || it.caplayer) { t = it.team; } else if (it.team_forced > 0) { t = it.team_forced; // reserve the spot } else { continue; } if (it == ignore) { continue; } value = PlayerValue(it); if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(it)) { bvalue = value; } else { bvalue = 0; } if (value == 0) { continue; } switch (t) { case NUM_TEAM_1: { if (c1 < 0) { break; } c1 += value; num_bots_team1 += bvalue; float temp_score = PlayerScore_Get(it, SP_SCORE); if (!bvalue) { if (temp_score < lowest_human_score1) { lowest_human_team1 = it; lowest_human_score1 = temp_score; } break; } if (temp_score < lowest_bot_score1) { lowest_bot_team1 = it; lowest_bot_score1 = temp_score; } break; } case NUM_TEAM_2: { if (c2 < 0) { break; } c2 += value; num_bots_team2 += bvalue; float temp_score = PlayerScore_Get(it, SP_SCORE); if (!bvalue) { if (temp_score < lowest_human_score2) { lowest_human_team2 = it; lowest_human_score2 = temp_score; } break; } if (temp_score < lowest_bot_score2) { lowest_bot_team2 = it; lowest_bot_score2 = temp_score; } break; } case NUM_TEAM_3: { if (c3 < 0) { break; } c3 += value; num_bots_team3 += bvalue; float temp_score = PlayerScore_Get(it, SP_SCORE); if (!bvalue) { if (temp_score < lowest_human_score3) { lowest_human_team3 = it; lowest_human_score3 = temp_score; } break; } if (temp_score < lowest_bot_score3) { lowest_bot_team3 = it; lowest_bot_score3 = temp_score; } break; } case NUM_TEAM_4: { if (c4 < 0) { break; } c4 += value; num_bots_team4 += bvalue; float temp_score = PlayerScore_Get(it, SP_SCORE); if (!bvalue) { if (temp_score < lowest_human_score4) { lowest_human_team4 = it; lowest_human_score4 = temp_score; } break; } if (temp_score < lowest_bot_score4) { lowest_bot_team4 = it; lowest_bot_score4 = temp_score; } break; } } }); } // if the player who has a forced team has not joined yet, reserve the spot if(autocvar_g_campaign) { switch(autocvar_g_campaign_forceteam) { case 1: if(c1 == num_bots_team1) ++c1; break; case 2: if(c2 == num_bots_team2) ++c2; break; case 3: if(c3 == num_bots_team3) ++c3; break; case 4: if(c4 == num_bots_team4) ++c4; break; } } } bool IsTeamSmallerThanTeam(int team_a, int team_b, entity player, bool use_score) { if (team_a == team_b) { return false; } // we assume that CheckAllowedTeams and GetTeamCounts have already been called int num_players_team_a = -1, num_players_team_b = -1; int num_bots_team_a = 0, num_bots_team_b = 0; float score_team_a = 0, score_team_b = 0; switch (team_a) { case 1: { num_players_team_a = c1; num_bots_team_a = num_bots_team1; score_team_a = team1_score; break; } case 2: { num_players_team_a = c2; num_bots_team_a = num_bots_team2; score_team_a = team2_score; break; } case 3: { num_players_team_a = c3; num_bots_team_a = num_bots_team3; score_team_a = team3_score; break; } case 4: { num_players_team_a = c4; num_bots_team_a = num_bots_team4; score_team_a = team4_score; break; } } switch (team_b) { case 1: { num_players_team_b = c1; num_bots_team_b = num_bots_team1; score_team_b = team1_score; break; } case 2: { num_players_team_b = c2; num_bots_team_b = num_bots_team2; score_team_b = team2_score; break; } case 3: { num_players_team_b = c3; num_bots_team_b = num_bots_team3; score_team_b = team3_score; break; } case 4: { num_players_team_b = c4; num_bots_team_b = num_bots_team4; score_team_b = team4_score; break; } } // invalid if (num_players_team_a < 0 || num_players_team_b < 0) { return false; } if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(player) && bots_would_leave) { num_players_team_a -= num_bots_team_a; num_players_team_b -= num_bots_team_b; } if (!use_score) { return num_players_team_a < num_players_team_b; } if (num_players_team_a < num_players_team_b) { return true; } if (num_players_team_a > num_players_team_b) { return false; } return score_team_a < score_team_b; } bool IsTeamEqualToTeam(int team_a, int team_b, entity player, bool use_score) { if (team_a == team_b) { return true; } // we assume that CheckAllowedTeams and GetTeamCounts have already been called int num_players_team_a = -1, num_players_team_b = -1; int num_bots_team_a = 0, num_bots_team_b = 0; float score_team_a = 0, score_team_b = 0; switch (team_a) { case 1: { num_players_team_a = c1; num_bots_team_a = num_bots_team1; score_team_a = team1_score; break; } case 2: { num_players_team_a = c2; num_bots_team_a = num_bots_team2; score_team_a = team2_score; break; } case 3: { num_players_team_a = c3; num_bots_team_a = num_bots_team3; score_team_a = team3_score; break; } case 4: { num_players_team_a = c4; num_bots_team_a = num_bots_team4; score_team_a = team4_score; break; } } switch (team_b) { case 1: { num_players_team_b = c1; num_bots_team_b = num_bots_team1; score_team_b = team1_score; break; } case 2: { num_players_team_b = c2; num_bots_team_b = num_bots_team2; score_team_b = team2_score; break; } case 3: { num_players_team_b = c3; num_bots_team_b = num_bots_team3; score_team_b = team3_score; break; } case 4: { num_players_team_b = c4; num_bots_team_b = num_bots_team4; score_team_b = team4_score; break; } } // invalid if (num_players_team_a < 0 || num_players_team_b < 0) return false; if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(player) && bots_would_leave) { num_players_team_a -= num_bots_team_a; num_players_team_b -= num_bots_team_b; } if (!use_score) { return num_players_team_a == num_players_team_b; } if (num_players_team_a != num_players_team_b) { return false; } return score_team_a == score_team_b; } int FindBestTeams(entity player, bool use_score) { if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(FindBestTeams, player) == true) { return M_ARGV(1, float); } int team_bits = 0; int previous_team = 0; if (c1 >= 0) { team_bits = BIT(0); previous_team = 1; } if (c2 >= 0) { if (previous_team == 0) { team_bits = BIT(1); previous_team = 2; } else if (IsTeamSmallerThanTeam(2, previous_team, player, use_score)) { team_bits = BIT(1); previous_team = 2; } else if (IsTeamEqualToTeam(2, previous_team, player, use_score)) { team_bits |= BIT(1); previous_team = 2; } } if (c3 >= 0) { if (previous_team == 0) { team_bits = BIT(2); previous_team = 3; } else if (IsTeamSmallerThanTeam(3, previous_team, player, use_score)) { team_bits = BIT(2); previous_team = 3; } else if (IsTeamEqualToTeam(3, previous_team, player, use_score)) { team_bits |= BIT(2); previous_team = 3; } } if (c4 >= 0) { if (previous_team == 0) { team_bits = BIT(3); } else if (IsTeamSmallerThanTeam(4, previous_team, player, use_score)) { team_bits = BIT(3); } else if (IsTeamEqualToTeam(4, previous_team, player, use_score)) { team_bits |= BIT(3); } } return team_bits; } // returns # of smallest team (1, 2, 3, 4) // NOTE: Assumes CheckAllowedTeams has already been called! int FindSmallestTeam(entity player, float ignore_player) { // count how many players are in each team if (ignore_player) { GetTeamCounts(player); } else { GetTeamCounts(NULL); } int team_bits = FindBestTeams(player, true); if (team_bits == 0) { error(sprintf("No teams available for %s\n", MapInfo_Type_ToString(MapInfo_CurrentGametype()))); } RandomSelection_Init(); if ((team_bits & BIT(0)) != 0) { RandomSelection_AddFloat(1, 1, 1); } if ((team_bits & BIT(1)) != 0) { RandomSelection_AddFloat(2, 1, 1); } if ((team_bits & BIT(2)) != 0) { RandomSelection_AddFloat(3, 1, 1); } if ((team_bits & BIT(3)) != 0) { RandomSelection_AddFloat(4, 1, 1); } return RandomSelection_chosen_float; } int JoinBestTeam(entity this, bool only_return_best, bool force_best_team) { // don't join a team if we're not playing a team game if (!teamplay) { return 0; } // find out what teams are available CheckAllowedTeams(this); int selected_team; // if we don't care what team he ends up on, put him on whatever team he entered as. // if he's not on a valid team, then let other code put him on the smallest team if (!force_best_team) { if( c1 >= 0 && this.team == NUM_TEAM_1) selected_team = this.team; else if(c2 >= 0 && this.team == NUM_TEAM_2) selected_team = this.team; else if(c3 >= 0 && this.team == NUM_TEAM_3) selected_team = this.team; else if(c4 >= 0 && this.team == NUM_TEAM_4) selected_team = this.team; else selected_team = -1; if (selected_team > 0) { if (!only_return_best) { SetPlayerTeamSimple(this, selected_team); // when JoinBestTeam is called by client.qc/ClientKill_Now_TeamChange the players team is -1 and thus skipped // when JoinBestTeam is called by client.qc/ClientConnect the player_id is 0 the log attempt is rejected LogTeamchange(this.playerid, this.team, 99); } return selected_team; } // otherwise end up on the smallest team (handled below) } int best_team = FindSmallestTeam(this, true); if (only_return_best || this.bot_forced_team) { return best_team; } best_team = Team_NumberToTeam(best_team); if (best_team == -1) { error("JoinBestTeam: invalid team\n"); } int old_team = Team_TeamToNumber(this.team); TeamchangeFrags(this); SetPlayerTeamSimple(this, best_team); LogTeamchange(this.playerid, this.team, 2); // log auto join if (!IS_BOT_CLIENT(this)) { AutoBalanceBots(old_team, Team_TeamToNumber(best_team)); } if (!IS_DEAD(this) && (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Player_ChangeTeamKill, this) == false)) { Damage(this, this, this, 100000, DEATH_TEAMCHANGE.m_id, this.origin, '0 0 0'); } return best_team; } void SV_ChangeTeam(entity this, float _color) { float source_color, destination_color, source_team, destination_team; // in normal deathmatch we can just apply the color and we're done if(!teamplay) SetPlayerColors(this, _color); if(!IS_CLIENT(this)) { // since this is an engine function, and gamecode doesn't have any calls earlier than this, do the connecting message here Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_CONNECTING, this.netname); return; } if(!teamplay) return; source_color = this.clientcolors & 0x0F; destination_color = _color & 0x0F; source_team = Team_TeamToNumber(source_color + 1); destination_team = Team_TeamToNumber(destination_color + 1); CheckAllowedTeams(this); if (destination_team == 1 && c1 < 0) destination_team = 4; if (destination_team == 4 && c4 < 0) destination_team = 3; if (destination_team == 3 && c3 < 0) destination_team = 2; if (destination_team == 2 && c2 < 0) destination_team = 1; // not changing teams if (source_color == destination_color) { SetPlayerTeam(this, destination_team, source_team, true); return; } if((autocvar_g_campaign) || (autocvar_g_changeteam_banned && CS(this).wasplayer)) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_TEAMCHANGE_NOTALLOWED); return; // changing teams is not allowed } // autocvar_g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance only makes sense if autocvar_g_balance_teams is on, as it makes the team selection dialog pointless if (autocvar_g_balance_teams && autocvar_g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance) { GetTeamCounts(this); if ((BIT(destination_team - 1) & FindBestTeams(this, false)) == 0) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_TEAMCHANGE_LARGERTEAM); return; } } if(IS_PLAYER(this) && source_team != destination_team) { // reduce frags during a team change TeamchangeFrags(this); } if (!SetPlayerTeam(this, destination_team, source_team, !IS_CLIENT(this))) { return; } AutoBalanceBots(source_team, destination_team); if (!IS_PLAYER(this) || (source_team == destination_team)) { return; } // kill player when changing teams if (IS_DEAD(this) || (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Player_ChangeTeamKill, this) == true)) { return; } Damage(this, this, this, 100000, DEATH_TEAMCHANGE.m_id, this.origin, '0 0 0'); } void AutoBalanceBots(int source_team, int destination_team) { if ((source_team == -1) || (destination_team == -1)) { return; } if (!autocvar_g_balance_teams || !autocvar_g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance) { return; } int num_players_source_team = 0; int num_players_destination_team = 0; entity lowest_bot_destination_team = NULL; switch (source_team) { case 1: { num_players_source_team = c1; break; } case 2: { num_players_source_team = c2; break; } case 3: { num_players_source_team = c3; break; } case 4: { num_players_source_team = c4; break; } } switch (destination_team) { case 1: { num_players_destination_team = c1; lowest_bot_destination_team = lowest_bot_team1; break; } case 2: { num_players_destination_team = c2; lowest_bot_destination_team = lowest_bot_team2; break; } case 3: { num_players_destination_team = c3; lowest_bot_destination_team = lowest_bot_team3; break; } case 4: { num_players_destination_team = c4; lowest_bot_destination_team = lowest_bot_team4; break; } } if ((num_players_destination_team <= num_players_source_team) || (lowest_bot_destination_team == NULL)) { return; } SetPlayerTeamSimple(lowest_bot_destination_team, Team_NumberToTeam(source_team)); if (IS_DEAD(lowest_bot_destination_team) || (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK( Player_ChangeTeamKill, lowest_bot_destination_team) == true)) { return; } Damage(lowest_bot_destination_team, lowest_bot_destination_team, lowest_bot_destination_team, 100000, DEATH_TEAMCHANGE.m_id, lowest_bot_destination_team.origin, '0 0 0'); }