float VoteCheckNasty(string cmd) { if(strstrofs(cmd, ";", 0) >= 0) return TRUE; if(strstrofs(cmd, "\n", 0) >= 0) return TRUE; if(strstrofs(cmd, "\r", 0) >= 0) return TRUE; if(strstrofs(cmd, "$", 0) >= 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; } string GetKickVoteVictim_newcommand; string GetKickVoteVictim_reason; entity GetKickVoteVictim(string vote, string cmd, entity caller) { float tokens; string ns; entity e; string reason; tokens = tokenize_console(vote); ns = ""; e = GetCommandPlayerSlotTargetFromTokenizedCommand(tokens, 1); if(e) { if(ParseCommandPlayerSlotTarget_firsttoken < tokens) GetKickVoteVictim_reason = substring(vote, argv_start_index(ParseCommandPlayerSlotTarget_firsttoken), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(ParseCommandPlayerSlotTarget_firsttoken)); else GetKickVoteVictim_reason = ""; reason = ""; if(cmd != "vdo" || GetKickVoteVictim_reason == "") reason = "~"; // by convention, ~ prefixes a "unverified" kickban which will not be networked if(substring(GetKickVoteVictim_reason, 0, 1) == "~") { reason = "~"; GetKickVoteVictim_reason = substring(GetKickVoteVictim_reason, 1, strlen(GetKickVoteVictim_reason) - 1); } if(caller) reason = strcat(reason, "player ", strdecolorize(caller.netname)); else reason = strcat(reason, "console vote"); if(GetKickVoteVictim_reason != "") reason = strcat(reason, ": ", strdecolorize(GetKickVoteVictim_reason)); if not(cvar_value_issafe(reason)) reason = uri_escape(reason); GetKickVoteVictim_newcommand = strcat(argv(0), " # ", ftos(num_for_edict(e))); if(argv(0) == "kickban") { GetKickVoteVictim_newcommand = strcat(GetKickVoteVictim_newcommand, " ", ftos(autocvar_g_ban_default_bantime), " ", ftos(autocvar_g_ban_default_masksize), " ", reason); } else if(argv(0) == "kick") { GetKickVoteVictim_newcommand = strcat(GetKickVoteVictim_newcommand, " ", reason); } return e; } print_to(caller, strcat("Usage: ", cmd, " ", argv(0), " #playernumber (as in \"status\")\n")); return world; } string RemapVote_display; string RemapVote_vote; float RemapVote(string vote, string cmd, entity e) { float vote_argc; entity victim; vote_argc = tokenize_console(vote); if(!VoteAllowed(argv(0), cmd)) return FALSE; // VoteAllowed tokenizes! vote_argc = tokenize_console(vote); // remap chmap to gotomap (forces intermission) if(vote_argc < 2) if(argv(0) == "chmap" || argv(0) == "gotomap" || argv(0) == "kick" || argv(0) == "kickban") // won't work without arguments return FALSE; if(argv(0) == "chmap") { vote = strcat("gotomap ", substring(vote, argv_start_index(1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(1))); vote_argc = tokenize_console(vote); } if(argv(0) == "gotomap") { if(!(vote = ValidateMap(substring(vote, argv_start_index(1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(1)), e))) return FALSE; vote = strcat("gotomap ", vote); vote_argc = tokenize_console(vote); // ValidateMap may have done some stuff to it } // make kick and kickban votes a bit nicer (and reject them if formatted badly) if(argv(0) == "kick" || argv(0) == "kickban") { if(!(victim = GetKickVoteVictim(vote, cmd, e))) return FALSE; RemapVote_vote = GetKickVoteVictim_newcommand; RemapVote_display = strcat("^1", vote, " (^7", victim.netname, "^1): ", GetKickVoteVictim_reason); } else { RemapVote_vote = vote; RemapVote_display = strzone(strcat("^1", vote)); } return TRUE; } void VoteDialog_UpdateHighlight(float selected) { WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, TE_CSQC_VOTE); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 1); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, selected); } void VoteDialog_Reset() { WriteByte(MSG_ALL, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(MSG_ALL, TE_CSQC_VOTERESET); } float GameCommand_Vote(string s, entity e) { local float playercount; float argc; argc = tokenize_console(s); if(argv(0) == "help") { print_to(e, " vote COMMANDS ARGUMENTS. See 'vhelp' for more info."); return TRUE; } else if(argv(0) == "vote") { if(argv(1) == "") { print_to(e, "^1You have to supply a vote command. See 'vhelp' for more info."); } else if(argv(1) == "help") { VoteHelp(e); } else if(argv(1) == "status") { if(votecalled) { print_to(e, strcat("^7Vote for ", votecalledvote_display, "^7 called by ^7", VoteNetname(votecaller), "^7.")); } else { print_to(e, "^1No vote called."); } } else if(argv(1) == "call") { if(!e || autocvar_sv_vote_call) { if(autocvar_sv_vote_nospectators && e && e.classname != "player") { print_to(e, "^1Error: Only players can call a vote."); // TODO invent a cvar name for allowing votes by spectators during warmup anyway } else if(timeoutStatus) { //don't allow a vote call during a timeout print_to(e, "^1Error: You can not call a vote while a timeout is active."); } else if(votecalled) { print_to(e, "^1There is already a vote called."); } else { local string vote; vote = VoteParse(s, argc); if(vote == "") { print_to(e, "^1Your vote is empty. See 'vhelp' for more info."); } else if(e && time < e.vote_next) { print_to(e, strcat("^1You have to wait ^2", ftos(ceil(e.vote_next - time)), "^1 seconds before you can again call a vote.")); } else if(VoteCheckNasty(vote)) { print_to(e, "Syntax error in command. See 'vhelp' for more info."); } else if(RemapVote(vote, "vcall", e)) { votecalledvote = strzone(RemapVote_vote); votecalledvote_display = strzone(RemapVote_display); votecalled = TRUE; votecalledmaster = FALSE; votefinished = time + autocvar_sv_vote_timeout; votecaller = e; // remember who called the vote if(e) { e.vote_vote = 1; // of course you vote yes e.vote_next = time + autocvar_sv_vote_wait; } bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(votecaller), "^2 calls a vote for ", votecalledvote_display, "\n"); if(autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vcall:", ftos(votecaller.playerid), ":", votecalledvote_display)); VoteCount(); // needed if you are the only one Nagger_VoteChanged(); msg_entity = e; VoteDialog_UpdateHighlight(1); local entity player; FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(player) { ++playercount; } if(playercount > 1) // don't announce a "vote now" sound if player is alone Announce("votecall"); } else { print_to(e, "^1This vote is not ok. See 'vhelp' for more info."); } } } else { print_to(e, "^1Vote calling is NOT allowed."); } } else if(argv(1) == "stop") { if(!votecalled) { print_to(e, "^1No vote called."); } else if(e == votecaller) { // the votecaller can stop a vote VoteDialog_Reset(); VoteStop(e); } else if(!e) { // server admin / console can too VoteDialog_Reset(); VoteStop(e); } else if(e.vote_master) { // masters can too VoteDialog_Reset(); VoteStop(e); } else { print_to(e, "^1You are not allowed to stop that Vote."); } } else if(argv(1) == "master") { if(autocvar_sv_vote_master) { if(votecalled) { print_to(e, "^1There is already a vote called."); } else { votecalled = TRUE; votecalledmaster = TRUE; votecalledvote = strzone("XXX"); votecalledvote_display = strzone("^3master"); votefinished = time + autocvar_sv_vote_timeout; votecaller = e; // remember who called the vote if(e) { e.vote_vote = 1; // of course you vote yes e.vote_next = time + autocvar_sv_vote_wait; } bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(votecaller), "^2 calls a vote to become ^3master^2.\n"); if(autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vcall:", ftos(votecaller.playerid), ":", votecalledvote_display)); VoteCount(); // needed if you are the only one Nagger_VoteChanged(); } } else { print_to(e, "^1Vote to become master is NOT allowed."); } } else if(argv(1) == "do") { if(!e || e.vote_master) { local string dovote; dovote = VoteParse(s, argc); if(dovote == "") { print_to(e, "^1Your command was empty. See 'vhelp' for more info."); } else if(VoteCheckNasty(dovote)) { print_to(e, "Syntax error in command. See 'vhelp' for more info."); } else if(RemapVote(dovote, "vdo", e)) { // strcat seems to be necessary bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(e), "^2 used their ^3master^2 status to do \"^2", RemapVote_display, "^2\".\n"); if(autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vdo:", ftos(e.playerid), ":", RemapVote_display)); localcmd(strcat(RemapVote_vote, "\n")); } else { print_to(e, "^1This command is not ok. See 'vhelp' for more info."); } } else { print_to(e, "^1You are NOT a master. You might need to login or vote to become master first. See 'vhelp' for more info."); } } else if(argv(1) == "login") { local string masterpwd; masterpwd = autocvar_sv_vote_master_password; if(masterpwd != "") { local float granted; granted = (masterpwd == argv(2)); if (e) e.vote_master = granted; if(granted) { print("Accepted master login from ", VoteNetname(e), "\n"); bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(e), "^2 logged in as ^3master^2\n"); if(autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vlogin:", ftos(e.playerid))); } else print("REJECTED master login from ", VoteNetname(e), "\n"); } else print_to(e, "^1Login to become master is NOT allowed."); } else if(argv(1) == "yes") { if(!votecalled) { print_to(e, "^1No vote called."); } else if (!e) { print_to(e, "^1You can't vote from the server console."); } else if(e.vote_vote == 0 || autocvar_sv_vote_change) { msg_entity = e; VoteDialog_UpdateHighlight(1); print_to(e, "^1You accepted the vote."); e.vote_vote = 1; if(!autocvar_sv_vote_singlecount) { VoteCount(); } } else { print_to(e, "^1You have already voted."); } } else if(argv(1) == "no") { if(!votecalled) { print_to(e, "^1No vote called."); } else if (!e) { print_to(e, "^1You can't vote from the server console."); } else if(e.vote_vote == 0 || autocvar_sv_vote_change) { msg_entity = e; VoteDialog_UpdateHighlight(2); print_to(e, "^1You rejected the vote."); e.vote_vote = -1; if(!autocvar_sv_vote_singlecount) { VoteCount(); } } else { print_to(e, "^1You have already voted."); } } else if(argv(1) == "abstain" || argv(1) == "dontcare") { if(!votecalled) { print_to(e, "^1No vote called."); } else if (!e) { print_to(e, "^1You can't vote from the server console."); } else if(e.vote_vote == 0 || autocvar_sv_vote_change) { msg_entity = e; VoteDialog_UpdateHighlight(3); print_to(e, "^1You abstained from your vote."); e.vote_vote = -2; if(!autocvar_sv_vote_singlecount) { VoteCount(); } } else { print_to(e, "^1You have already voted."); } } else { // ignore this? print_to(e, "^1Unknown vote command."); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void VoteHelp(entity e) { local string vmasterdis; if(!autocvar_sv_vote_master) { vmasterdis = " ^1(disabled)"; } local string vlogindis; if("" == autocvar_sv_vote_master_password) { vlogindis = " ^1(disabled)"; } local string vcalldis; if(!autocvar_sv_vote_call) { vcalldis = " ^1(disabled)"; } print_to(e, "^7You can use voting with \"^2cmd vote help^7\" \"^2cmd vote status^7\" \"^2cmd vote call ^3COMMAND ARGUMENTS^7\" \"^2cmd vote stop^7\" \"^2cmd vote master^7\" \"^2cmd vote login^7\" \"^2cmd vote do ^3COMMAND ARGUMENTS^7\" \"^2cmd vote yes^7\" \"^2cmd vote no^7\" \"^2cmd vote abstain^7\" \"^2cmd vote dontcare^7\"."); print_to(e, "^7Or if your version is up to date you can use these aliases \"^2vhelp^7\" \"^2vstatus^7\" \"^2vcall ^3COMMAND ARGUMENTS^7\" \"^2vstop^7\" \"^2vmaster^7\" \"^2vlogin^7\" \"^2vdo ^3COMMAND ARGUMENTS^7\" \"^2vyes^7\" \"^2vno^7\" \"^2abstain^7\" \"^2vdontcare^7\"."); print_to(e, "^7\"^2help^7\" shows this info."); print_to(e, "^7\"^2status^7\" shows if there is a vote called and who called it."); print_to(e, strcat("^7\"^2call^7\" is used to call a vote. See the list of allowed commands.", vcalldis, "^7")); print_to(e, "^7\"^2stop^7\" can be used by the vote caller or an admin to stop a vote and maybe correct it."); print_to(e, strcat("^7\"^2master^7\" call a vote to become master who can execute commands without a vote", vmasterdis, "^7")); print_to(e, strcat("^7\"^2login^7\" login to become master who can execute commands without a vote.", vlogindis, "^7")); print_to(e, "^7\"^2do^7\" executes a command if you are a master. See the list of allowed commands."); print_to(e, "^7\"^2yes^7\", \"^2no^7\", \"^2abstain^7\" and \"^2dontcare^7\" to make your vote."); print_to(e, "^7If enough of the players vote yes the vote is accepted."); print_to(e, "^7If enough of the players vote no the vote is rejected."); print_to(e, strcat("^7If neither the vote will timeout after ", ftos(autocvar_sv_vote_timeout), "^7 seconds.")); print_to(e, "^7You can call a vote for or execute these commands:"); print_to(e, strcat("^3", autocvar_sv_vote_commands, "^7 and maybe further ^3arguments^7")); } string VoteNetname(entity e) { if(e) { return e.netname; } else { if(autocvar_sv_adminnick != "") { return autocvar_sv_adminnick; } else { return autocvar_hostname; } } } string ValidateMap(string m, entity e) { m = MapInfo_FixName(m); if(!m) { print_to(e, "This map is not available on this server."); return string_null; } if(!autocvar_sv_vote_override_mostrecent) if(Map_IsRecent(m)) { print_to(e, "This server does not allow for recent maps to be played again. Please be patient for some rounds."); return string_null; } if(!MapInfo_CheckMap(m)) { print_to(e, strcat("^1Invalid mapname, \"^3", m, "^1\" does not support the current game mode.")); return string_null; } return m; } void VoteThink() { if(votefinished > 0) // a vote was called if(time > votefinished) // time is up { VoteCount(); } } string VoteParse(string all, float argc) { if(argc < 3) return ""; return substring(all, argv_start_index(2), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(2)); } float VoteCommandInList(string votecommand, string list) { string l; l = strcat(" ", list, " "); if(strstrofs(l, strcat(" ", votecommand, " "), 0) >= 0) return TRUE; // if gotomap is allowed, chmap is too, and vice versa if(votecommand == "gotomap") if(strstrofs(l, " chmap ", 0) >= 0) return TRUE; if(votecommand == "chmap") if(strstrofs(l, " gotomap ", 0) >= 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; } float VoteAllowed(string votecommand, string cmd) { if(VoteCommandInList(votecommand, autocvar_sv_vote_commands)) return TRUE; if(cmd == "vdo") { if(VoteCommandInList(votecommand, autocvar_sv_vote_master_commands)) return TRUE; } else { if(VoteCommandInList(votecommand, autocvar_sv_vote_only_commands)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void VoteReset() { local entity player; FOR_EACH_CLIENT(player) { player.vote_vote = 0; } if(votecalled) { strunzone(votecalledvote); strunzone(votecalledvote_display); } votecalled = FALSE; votecalledmaster = FALSE; votefinished = 0; votecalledvote = string_null; votecalledvote_display = string_null; } void VoteAccept() { bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(votecaller), "^2's vote for ^1", votecalledvote_display, "^2 was accepted\n"); if(votecalledmaster) { if(votecaller) { votecaller.vote_master = 1; } } else { localcmd(strcat(votecalledvote, "\n")); } if(votecaller) { votecaller.vote_next = 0; // people like your votes, // no wait for next vote } VoteReset(); Announce("voteaccept"); } void VoteReject() { bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(votecaller), "^2's vote for ", votecalledvote_display, "^2 was rejected\n"); VoteReset(); Announce("votefail"); } void VoteTimeout() { bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(votecaller), "^2's vote for ", votecalledvote_display, "^2 timed out\n"); VoteReset(); Announce("votefail"); } void VoteStop(entity stopper) { bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteNetname(stopper), "^2 stopped ^3", VoteNetname(votecaller), "^2's vote\n"); if(autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vstop:", ftos(stopper.playerid))); if(stopper == votecaller) { // no wait for next vote so you can correct your vote if(votecaller) { votecaller.vote_next = time + autocvar_sv_vote_stop; } } VoteReset(); } void VoteSpam(float yescount, float nocount, float abstaincount, float notvoters, float mincount, string result) { string s; if(mincount >= 0) { s = strcat("\{1}^2* vote results: ^1", ftos(yescount), "^2:^1"); s = strcat(s, ftos(nocount), "^2 (^1"); s = strcat(s, ftos(mincount), "^2 needed), ^1"); s = strcat(s, ftos(abstaincount), "^2 didn't care, ^1"); s = strcat(s, ftos(notvoters), "^2 didn't vote\n"); } else { s = strcat("\{1}^2* vote results: ^1", ftos(yescount), "^2:^1"); s = strcat(s, ftos(nocount), "^2, ^1"); s = strcat(s, ftos(abstaincount), "^2 didn't care, ^1"); s = strcat(s, ftos(notvoters), "^2 didn't have to vote\n"); } bprint(s); if(autocvar_sv_eventlog) { s = strcat(":vote:v", result, ":", ftos(yescount)); s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(nocount)); s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(abstaincount)); s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(notvoters)); s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(mincount)); GameLogEcho(s); } } void VoteDialog_Update(float msg, float vyes, float vno, float needed) { WriteByte(msg, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(msg, TE_CSQC_VOTE); WriteByte(msg, 0); WriteByte(msg, vyes); WriteByte(msg, vno); WriteByte(msg, needed); } void VoteCount() { local float playercount; playercount = 0; local float yescount; yescount = 0; local float nocount; nocount = 0; local float abstaincount; abstaincount = 0; local entity player; //same for real players local float realplayercount; local float realplayeryescount; local float realplayernocount; local float realplayerabstaincount; realplayercount = realplayernocount = realplayerabstaincount = realplayeryescount = 0; FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(player) { if(player.vote_vote == -1) { ++nocount; } else if(player.vote_vote == 1) { ++yescount; } else if(player.vote_vote == -2) { ++abstaincount; } ++playercount; //do the same for real players if(player.classname == "player") { if(player.vote_vote == -1) { ++realplayernocount; } else if(player.vote_vote == 1) { ++realplayeryescount; } else if(player.vote_vote == -2) { ++realplayerabstaincount; } ++realplayercount; } } //in tournament mode, if we have at least one player then don't make the vote dependent on spectators (so specs don't have to press F1) if(autocvar_sv_vote_nospectators) if(realplayercount > 0) { yescount = realplayeryescount; nocount = realplayernocount; abstaincount = realplayerabstaincount; playercount = realplayercount; } float votefactor, simplevotefactor; votefactor = bound(0.5, autocvar_sv_vote_majority_factor, 0.999); simplevotefactor = autocvar_sv_vote_simple_majority_factor; float needed; needed = floor((playercount - abstaincount) * max(votefactor, simplevotefactor)) + 1; VoteDialog_Update(MSG_ALL, yescount, nocount, needed); if(votecalledmaster && playercount == 1) { // if only one player is on the server becoming vote // master is not allowed. This could be used for // trolling or worse. 'self' is the user who has // called the vote because this function is called // by SV_ParseClientCommand. Maybe all voting should // be disabled for a single player? print_to(votecaller, "^1You are the only player on this server so you can not become vote master."); if(votecaller) { votecaller.vote_next = 0; } VoteReset(); } else { if(yescount > (playercount - abstaincount) * votefactor) { VoteSpam(yescount, nocount, abstaincount, playercount - yescount - nocount - abstaincount, -1, "yes"); VoteAccept(); VoteDialog_Reset(); } else if(nocount >= (playercount - abstaincount) * (1 - votefactor)) // that means, yescount cannot reach minyes any more { VoteSpam(yescount, nocount, abstaincount, playercount - yescount - nocount - abstaincount, -1, "no"); VoteReject(); VoteDialog_Reset(); } else if(time > votefinished) { if(simplevotefactor) { string result; simplevotefactor = bound(votefactor, simplevotefactor, 0.999); if(yescount > (yescount + nocount) * simplevotefactor) result = "yes"; else if(yescount + nocount > 0) result = "no"; else result = "timeout"; VoteSpam(yescount, nocount, abstaincount, playercount - yescount - nocount - abstaincount, floor(min((playercount - abstaincount) * votefactor, (yescount + nocount) * simplevotefactor)) + 1, result); if(result == "yes") VoteAccept(); else if(result == "no") VoteReject(); else VoteTimeout(); } else { VoteSpam(yescount, nocount, abstaincount, playercount - yescount - nocount - abstaincount, floor((playercount - abstaincount) * votefactor) + 1, "timeout"); VoteTimeout(); } VoteDialog_Reset(); } } }