#ifdef REGISTER_WEAPON REGISTER_WEAPON(SEEKER, w_seeker, IT_ROCKETS, 8, WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED | WEP_FLAG_RELOADABLE | WEP_TYPE_SPLASH, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_MID, "seeker", "seeker", _("T.A.G. Seeker")) #else #ifdef SVQC //.float proxytime; = autoswitch //.float tl; = wait .entity tag_target, wps_tag_tracker; .float tag_time; // ============================ // Begin: Missile functions, these are general functions to be manipulated by other code // ============================ void Seeker_Missile_Explode () { self.event_damage = func_null; RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_damage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other); remove (self); } void Seeker_Missile_Touch() { PROJECTILE_TOUCH; Seeker_Missile_Explode(); } void Seeker_Missile_Think() { entity e; vector desireddir, olddir, newdir, eorg; float turnrate; float dist; float spd; if (time > self.cnt) { self.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_SPLASH; Seeker_Missile_Explode(); } spd = vlen(self.velocity); spd = bound( spd - autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_decel * frametime, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_max, spd + autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_accel * frametime ); if (self.enemy != world) if (self.enemy.takedamage != DAMAGE_AIM || self.enemy.deadflag != DEAD_NO) self.enemy = world; if (self.enemy != world) { e = self.enemy; eorg = 0.5 * (e.absmin + e.absmax); turnrate = autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_turnrate; // how fast to turn desireddir = normalize(eorg - self.origin); olddir = normalize(self.velocity); // get my current direction dist = vlen(eorg - self.origin); // Do evasive maneuvers for world objects? ( this should be a cpu hog. :P ) if (autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_smart && (dist > autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_mindist)) { // Is it a better idea (shorter distance) to trace to the target itself? if ( vlen(self.origin + olddir * self.wait) < dist) traceline(self.origin, self.origin + olddir * self.wait, FALSE, self); else traceline(self.origin, eorg, FALSE, self); // Setup adaptive tracelength self.wait = bound(autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_min, vlen(self.origin - trace_endpos), self.wait = autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_max); // Calc how important it is that we turn and add this to the desierd (enemy) dir. desireddir = normalize(((trace_plane_normal * (1 - trace_fraction)) + (desireddir * trace_fraction)) * 0.5); } newdir = normalize(olddir + desireddir * turnrate); // take the average of the 2 directions; not the best method but simple & easy self.velocity = newdir * spd; // make me fly in the new direction at my flight speed } else dist = 0; // Proxy if (autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy) { if ( dist <= autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_maxrange) { if (self.autoswitch == 0) { self.autoswitch = time + autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_delay; } else { if (self.autoswitch <= time) { Seeker_Missile_Explode(); self.autoswitch = 0; } } } else { if (self.autoswitch != 0) self.autoswitch = 0; } } /////////////// if (self.enemy.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { self.enemy = world; self.cnt = time + 1 + (random() * 4); self.nextthink = self.cnt; return; } //self.angles = vectoangles(self.velocity); // turn model in the new flight direction self.nextthink = time;// + 0.05; // csqc projectiles UpdateCSQCProjectile(self); } void Seeker_Missile_Damage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) { if (self.health <= 0) return; if (!W_CheckProjectileDamage(inflictor.realowner, self.realowner, deathtype, -1)) // no exceptions return; // g_projectiles_damage says to halt if (self.realowner == attacker) self.health = self.health - (damage * 0.25); else self.health = self.health - damage; if (self.health <= 0) W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(attacker, Seeker_Missile_Explode); } /* void Seeker_Missile_Animate() { self.frame = self.frame +1; self.nextthink = time + 0.05; if (self.enemy != world) if (self.enemy.takedamage != DAMAGE_AIM || self.enemy.deadflag != DEAD_NO) self.enemy = world; if(self.frame == 5) { self.think = Seeker_Missile_Think; self.nextthink = time;// + cvar("g_balance_seeker_missile_activate_delay"); // cant dealy with csqc projectiles if (autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy) self.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE; else self.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE; } UpdateCSQCProjectile(self); } */ void Seeker_Fire_Missile(vector f_diff, entity m_target) { entity missile; W_DecreaseAmmo(ammo_rockets, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo); makevectors(self.v_angle); W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize (self, '-2 -2 -2', '2 2 2', FALSE, 2, "weapons/seeker_fire.wav", CH_WEAPON_A, 0); w_shotorg += f_diff; pointparticles(particleeffectnum("seeker_muzzleflash"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1); //self.detornator = FALSE; missile = spawn(); missile.owner = missile.realowner = self; missile.classname = "seeker_missile"; missile.bot_dodge = TRUE; missile.bot_dodgerating = autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_damage; missile.think = Seeker_Missile_Think; missile.touch = Seeker_Missile_Touch; missile.event_damage = Seeker_Missile_Damage; missile.nextthink = time;// + 0.2;// + cvar("g_balance_seeker_missile_activate_delay"); missile.cnt = time + autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_lifetime; missile.enemy = m_target; missile.solid = SOLID_BBOX; missile.scale = 2; missile.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; missile.health = autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_health; missile.damageforcescale = autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_damageforcescale; missile.damagedbycontents = TRUE; //missile.think = Seeker_Missile_Animate; // csqc projectiles. if (missile.enemy != world) missile.projectiledeathtype = WEP_SEEKER | HITTYPE_SECONDARY; else missile.projectiledeathtype = WEP_SEEKER; setorigin (missile, w_shotorg); setsize (missile, '-4 -4 -4', '4 4 4'); missile.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE; missile.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; missile.missile_flags = MIF_SPLASH | MIF_GUIDED_TAG; W_SETUPPROJECTILEVELOCITY_UP(missile, g_balance_seeker_missile); missile.angles = vectoangles (missile.velocity); CSQCProjectile(missile, FALSE, PROJECTILE_SEEKER, TRUE); other = missile; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(EditProjectile); } // ============================ // Begin: FLAC, close range attack meant for defeating rockets which are coming at you. // ============================ void Seeker_Flac_Explode () { self.event_damage = func_null; RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_damage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other); remove (self); } void Seeker_Flac_Touch() { PROJECTILE_TOUCH; Seeker_Flac_Explode(); } void Seeker_Fire_Flac() { entity missile; vector f_diff; float c; W_DecreaseAmmo(ammo_rockets, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo); c = mod(self.bulletcounter, 4); switch(c) { case 0: f_diff = '-1.25 -3.75 0'; break; case 1: f_diff = '+1.25 -3.75 0'; break; case 2: f_diff = '-1.25 +3.75 0'; break; case 3: default: f_diff = '+1.25 +3.75 0'; break; } W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize (self, '-2 -2 -2', '2 2 2', FALSE, 2, "weapons/flac_fire.wav", CH_WEAPON_A, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_damage); w_shotorg += f_diff; pointparticles(particleeffectnum("hagar_muzzleflash"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1); missile = spawn (); missile.owner = missile.realowner = self; missile.classname = "missile"; missile.bot_dodge = TRUE; missile.bot_dodgerating = autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_damage; missile.touch = Seeker_Flac_Explode; missile.use = Seeker_Flac_Explode; missile.think = adaptor_think2use_hittype_splash; missile.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime + autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime_rand; missile.solid = SOLID_BBOX; missile.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; missile.projectiledeathtype = WEP_SEEKER; missile.projectiledeathtype = WEP_SEEKER | HITTYPE_SECONDARY; missile.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; missile.missile_flags = MIF_SPLASH; // csqc projectiles //missile.angles = vectoangles (missile.velocity); //missile.scale = 0.4; // BUG: the model is too big setorigin (missile, w_shotorg); setsize (missile, '-2 -2 -2', '2 2 2'); W_SETUPPROJECTILEVELOCITY_UP(missile, g_balance_seeker_flac); CSQCProjectile(missile, TRUE, PROJECTILE_FLAC, TRUE); other = missile; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(EditProjectile); } // ============================ // Begin: Tag and rocket controllers // ============================ entity Seeker_Tagged_Info(entity isowner, entity istarget) { entity tag; for(tag = world; (tag = find(tag, classname, "tag_tracker")); ) if ((tag.realowner == isowner) && (tag.tag_target == istarget)) return tag; return world; } void Seeker_Attack() { entity tracker, closest_target; closest_target = world; for(tracker = world; (tracker = find(tracker, classname, "tag_tracker")); ) if (tracker.realowner == self) { if (closest_target) { if (vlen(self.origin - tracker.tag_target.origin) < vlen(self.origin - closest_target.origin)) closest_target = tracker.tag_target; } else closest_target = tracker.tag_target; } traceline(self.origin + self.view_ofs, closest_target.origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self); if ((!closest_target) || ((trace_fraction < 1) && (trace_ent != closest_target))) closest_target = world; Seeker_Fire_Missile('0 0 0', closest_target); } void Seeker_Vollycontroller_Think() // TODO: Merge this with Seeker_Attack { float c; entity oldself,oldenemy; self.cnt = self.cnt - 1; if((!(self.realowner.items & IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO) && self.realowner.ammo_rockets < autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo) || (self.cnt <= -1) || (self.realowner.deadflag != DEAD_NO) || (self.realowner.switchweapon != WEP_SEEKER)) { remove(self); return; } self.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_delay * W_WeaponRateFactor(); oldself = self; self = self.realowner; oldenemy = self.enemy; self.enemy = oldself.enemy; c = mod(self.cnt, 4); switch(c) { case 0: Seeker_Fire_Missile('-1.25 -3.75 0', self.enemy); break; case 1: Seeker_Fire_Missile('+1.25 -3.75 0', self.enemy); break; case 2: Seeker_Fire_Missile('-1.25 +3.75 0', self.enemy); break; case 3: default: Seeker_Fire_Missile('+1.25 +3.75 0', self.enemy); break; } self.enemy = oldenemy; self = oldself; } void Seeker_Tracker_Think() { // commit suicide if: You die OR target dies OR you switch away from the seeker OR commit suicide if lifetime is up if ((self.realowner.deadflag != DEAD_NO) || (self.tag_target.deadflag != DEAD_NO) || (self.realowner.switchweapon != WEP_SEEKER) || (time > self.tag_time + autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_tracker_lifetime)) { if (self) { WaypointSprite_Kill(self.tag_target.wps_tag_tracker); remove(self); } return; } // Update the think method information self.nextthink = time; } // ============================ // Begin: Tag projectile // ============================ void Seeker_Tag_Explode () { //if(other==self.realowner) // return; Damage_DamageInfo(self.origin, 0, 0, 0, self.velocity, WEP_SEEKER | HITTYPE_BOUNCE, other.species, self); remove (self); } void Seeker_Tag_Damage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) { if (self.health <= 0) return; self.health = self.health - damage; if (self.health <= 0) Seeker_Tag_Explode(); } void Seeker_Tag_Touch() { vector dir; vector org2; entity e; PROJECTILE_TOUCH; dir = normalize (self.realowner.origin - self.origin); org2 = findbetterlocation (self.origin, 8); te_knightspike(org2); self.event_damage = func_null; Damage_DamageInfo(self.origin, 0, 0, 0, self.velocity, WEP_SEEKER | HITTYPE_BOUNCE | HITTYPE_SECONDARY, other.species, self); if (other.takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM && other.deadflag == DEAD_NO) { // check to see if this person is already tagged by me entity tag = Seeker_Tagged_Info(self.realowner, other); if (tag != world) { if (other.wps_tag_tracker && (autocvar_g_balance_seeker_type == 1)) // don't attach another waypointsprite without killing the old one first WaypointSprite_Kill(other.wps_tag_tracker); tag.tag_time = time; } else { //sprint(self.realowner, strcat("You just tagged ^2", other.netname, "^7 with a tracking device!\n")); e = spawn(); e.cnt = autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_count; e.classname = "tag_tracker"; e.owner = self.owner; e.realowner = self.realowner; if (autocvar_g_balance_seeker_type == 1) { e.tag_target = other; e.tag_time = time; e.think = Seeker_Tracker_Think; } else { e.enemy = other; e.think = Seeker_Vollycontroller_Think; } e.nextthink = time; } if (autocvar_g_balance_seeker_type == 1) { WaypointSprite_Spawn("tagged-target", autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_tracker_lifetime, 0, other, '0 0 64', self.realowner, 0, other, wps_tag_tracker, TRUE, RADARICON_TAGGED, '0.5 1 0'); WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(other.wps_tag_tracker, 0, SPRITERULE_DEFAULT); } } remove(self); return; } void Seeker_Fire_Tag() { entity missile; W_DecreaseAmmo(ammo_rockets, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo); W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize (self, '-2 -2 -2', '2 2 2', FALSE, 2, "weapons/tag_fire.wav", CH_WEAPON_A, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_damage * autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_count); missile = spawn(); missile.owner = missile.realowner = self; missile.classname = "seeker_tag"; missile.bot_dodge = TRUE; missile.bot_dodgerating = 50; missile.touch = Seeker_Tag_Touch; missile.think = SUB_Remove; missile.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_lifetime; missile.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; missile.solid = SOLID_BBOX; missile.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; missile.event_damage = Seeker_Tag_Damage; missile.health = autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_health; missile.damageforcescale = autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_damageforcescale; setorigin (missile, w_shotorg); setsize (missile, '-2 -2 -2', '2 2 2'); missile.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; //missile.missile_flags = MIF_..?; missile.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; W_SETUPPROJECTILEVELOCITY(missile, g_balance_seeker_tag); missile.angles = vectoangles (missile.velocity); CSQCProjectile(missile, TRUE, PROJECTILE_TAG, FALSE); // has sound other = missile; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(EditProjectile); } // ============================ // Begin: Genereal weapon functions // ============================ void spawnfunc_weapon_seeker (void) { weapon_defaultspawnfunc(WEP_SEEKER); } float w_seeker(float req) { float ammo_amount; if (req == WR_AIM) { if (autocvar_g_balance_seeker_type == 1) if (Seeker_Tagged_Info(self, self.enemy) != world) self.BUTTON_ATCK = bot_aim(autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_max, 0, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_lifetime, FALSE); else self.BUTTON_ATCK2 = bot_aim(autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_speed, 0, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_lifetime, FALSE); else self.BUTTON_ATCK = bot_aim(autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_speed, 0, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_lifetime, FALSE); } else if (req == WR_THINK) { if(autocvar_g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo && self.clip_load < min(autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo)) // forced reload weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_RELOAD); else if (self.BUTTON_ATCK) { if (autocvar_g_balance_seeker_type == 1) { if (weapon_prepareattack(0, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_refire)) { Seeker_Attack(); weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE2, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_animtime, w_ready); } } else { if (weapon_prepareattack(0, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_refire)) { Seeker_Fire_Tag(); weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE2, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_animtime, w_ready); } } } else if (self.BUTTON_ATCK2) { if (autocvar_g_balance_seeker_type == 1) { if (weapon_prepareattack(0, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_refire)) { Seeker_Fire_Tag(); weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE2, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_animtime, w_ready); } } else { if (weapon_prepareattack(0, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_refire)) { Seeker_Fire_Flac(); weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE2, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_animtime, w_ready); } } } } else if (req == WR_PRECACHE) { precache_model ("models/weapons/g_seeker.md3"); precache_model ("models/weapons/v_seeker.md3"); precache_model ("models/weapons/h_seeker.iqm"); precache_sound ("weapons/tag_fire.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/flac_fire.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/seeker_fire.wav"); //precache_sound ("weapons/reload.wav"); // until weapons have individual reload sounds, precache the reload sound somewhere else } else if (req == WR_SETUP) { weapon_setup(WEP_SEEKER); self.current_ammo = ammo_rockets; } else if (req == WR_CHECKAMMO1) { if (autocvar_g_balance_seeker_type == 1) { ammo_amount = self.ammo_rockets >= autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo; ammo_amount += self.(weapon_load[WEP_SEEKER]) >= autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo; } else { ammo_amount = self.ammo_rockets >= autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo; ammo_amount += self.(weapon_load[WEP_SEEKER]) >= autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo; } return ammo_amount; } else if (req == WR_CHECKAMMO2) { if (autocvar_g_balance_seeker_type == 1) { ammo_amount = self.ammo_rockets >= autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo; ammo_amount += self.(weapon_load[WEP_SEEKER]) >= autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo; } else { ammo_amount = self.ammo_rockets >= autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo; ammo_amount += self.(weapon_load[WEP_SEEKER]) >= autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo; } return ammo_amount; } else if (req == WR_RELOAD) { W_Reload(min(autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo), autocvar_g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_reload_time, "weapons/reload.wav"); } return TRUE; } #endif #ifdef CSQC float w_seeker(float req) { if(req == WR_IMPACTEFFECT) { vector org2; org2 = w_org + w_backoff * 6; if(w_deathtype & HITTYPE_BOUNCE) { if(w_deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY) { if(!w_issilent) sound(self, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/tag_impact.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } else { pointparticles(particleeffectnum("hagar_explode"), org2, '0 0 0', 1); if(!w_issilent) { if (w_random<0.15) sound(self, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/tagexp1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); else if (w_random<0.7) sound(self, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/tagexp2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); else sound(self, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/tagexp3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } } } else { pointparticles(particleeffectnum("hagar_explode"), org2, '0 0 0', 1); if(!w_issilent) { if (w_random<0.15) sound(self, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/seekerexp1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); else if (w_random<0.7) sound(self, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/seekerexp2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); else sound(self, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/seekerexp3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } } } else if(req == WR_PRECACHE) { precache_sound("weapons/seekerexp1.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/seekerexp2.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/seekerexp3.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/tagexp1.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/tagexp2.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/tagexp3.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/tag_impact.wav"); } else if (req == WR_SUICIDEMESSAGE) w_deathtypestring = _("%s played with tiny seeker rockets"); else if (req == WR_KILLMESSAGE) { if(w_deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY) w_deathtypestring = _("%s was tagged with a seeker by %s"); else w_deathtypestring = _("%s was pummeled with seeker rockets by %s"); } return TRUE; } #endif #endif