void thrown_wep_think() { self.nextthink = time; if(self.oldorigin != self.origin) { self.SendFlags |= ISF_LOCATION; self.oldorigin = self.origin; } self.owner = world; float timeleft = self.savenextthink - time; if(timeleft > 1) SUB_SetFade(self, self.savenextthink - 1, 1); else if(timeleft > 0) SUB_SetFade(self, time, timeleft); else SUB_VanishOrRemove(self); } // returns amount of ammo used as string, or -1 for failure, or 0 for no ammo count string W_ThrowNewWeapon(entity own, float wpn, float doreduce, vector org, vector velo) { entity oldself, wep; float wa, thisammo, i, j; string s; var .float ammofield; wep = spawn(); setorigin(wep, org); wep.classname = "droppedweapon"; wep.velocity = velo; wep.owner = wep.enemy = own; wep.flags |= FL_TOSSED; wep.colormap = own.colormap; if(WepSet_FromWeapon(wpn) & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) { if(own.items & IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS) { wep.superweapons_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time; } else { float superweapons = 1; for(i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i) if(WepSet_FromWeapon(i) & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) if(own.weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(i)) ++superweapons; if(superweapons <= 1) { wep.superweapons_finished = own.superweapons_finished; own.superweapons_finished = 0; } else { float timeleft = own.superweapons_finished - time; float weptimeleft = timeleft / superweapons; wep.superweapons_finished = time + weptimeleft; own.superweapons_finished -= weptimeleft; } } } wa = W_AmmoItemCode(wpn); if(wa == 0) { oldself = self; self = wep; weapon_defaultspawnfunc(wpn); self = oldself; if(startitem_failed) return string_null; wep.glowmod = own.weaponentity_glowmod; wep.think = thrown_wep_think; wep.savenextthink = wep.nextthink; wep.nextthink = min(wep.nextthink, time + 0.5); wep.pickup_anyway = TRUE; // these are ALWAYS pickable return ""; } else { s = ""; oldself = self; self = wep; weapon_defaultspawnfunc(wpn); self = oldself; if(startitem_failed) return string_null; if(doreduce && g_weapon_stay == 2) { for(i = 0, j = 1; i < 24; ++i, j *= 2) { if(wa & j) { ammofield = Item_CounterField(j); // if our weapon is loaded, give its load back to the player if(self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) > 0) { own.ammofield += self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]); self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = -1; // schedule the weapon for reloading } wep.ammofield = 0; } } } else if(doreduce) { for(i = 0, j = 1; i < 24; ++i, j *= 2) { if(wa & j) { ammofield = Item_CounterField(j); // if our weapon is loaded, give its load back to the player if(self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) > 0) { own.ammofield += self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]); self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = -1; // schedule the weapon for reloading } thisammo = min(own.ammofield, wep.ammofield); wep.ammofield = thisammo; own.ammofield -= thisammo; s = strcat(s, " and ", ftos(thisammo), " ", Item_CounterFieldName(j)); } } s = substring(s, 5, -1); } wep.glowmod = own.weaponentity_glowmod; wep.think = thrown_wep_think; wep.savenextthink = wep.nextthink; wep.nextthink = min(wep.nextthink, time + 0.5); wep.pickup_anyway = TRUE; // these are ALWAYS pickable return s; } } float W_IsWeaponThrowable(float w) { float wa; if (!autocvar_g_pickup_items) return 0; if (g_weaponarena) return 0; if (g_cts) return 0; if (g_nexball && w == WEP_MORTAR) return 0; if(w == 0) return 0; wa = W_AmmoItemCode(w); if(start_weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(w)) { // start weapons that take no ammo can't be dropped (this prevents dropping the laser, as long as it continues to use no ammo) if(start_items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) return 0; if(wa == 0) return 0; } return 1; } // toss current weapon void W_ThrowWeapon(vector velo, vector delta, float doreduce) { float w; string a; w = self.weapon; if (w == 0) return; // just in case if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon)) return; if(!autocvar_g_weapon_throwable) return; if(self.weaponentity.state != WS_READY) return; if(!W_IsWeaponThrowable(w)) return; if(!(self.weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(w))) return; self.weapons &= ~WepSet_FromWeapon(w); W_SwitchWeapon_Force(self, w_getbestweapon(self)); a = W_ThrowNewWeapon(self, w, doreduce, self.origin + delta, velo); if(!a) return; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, self, MSG_MULTI, ITEM_WEAPON_DROP, a, w); }