#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my %types; my %types_override; open my $fh, '<', '../../xonotic-data.pk3dir/qcsrc/server/qc.asm' or die "must have qc.asm in server qc"; while(<$fh>) { chomp; if(/^\.(\w+) (\w+);$/) { if($1 eq "float") { $types{$2} = "real"; } elsif($1 eq "string") { $types{$2} = "string"; } elsif($1 eq "vector") { $types{$2} = "real3"; } } } # specialization $types{angle} = "direction"; $types{angles} = "angles"; $types{_color} = "color"; $types{colormod} = "color"; $types{killtarget} = "target"; $types{model2} = "model"; $types{model} = "model"; $types{noise} = "sound"; $types{noise1} = "sound"; $types{noise2} = "sound"; $types{noise3} = "sound"; $types{target2} = "target"; $types{target3} = "target"; $types{target4} = "target"; $types{targetname} = "targetname"; $types{target} = "target"; # missing definition in QC, q3map2 only $types{_ambient} = "real"; $types{_anglescale} = "real"; $types{author} = "string"; $types{_blocksize} = "integer3"; $types{_castshadows} = "boolean"; $types{_celshader} = "texture"; $types{_clonename} = "targetname"; $types{_clone} = "target"; $types{_description} = "string"; $types{_deviance} = "real"; $types{fade} = "real"; $types{_farplanedist} = "real"; $types{_filterradius} = "real"; $types{_floodlight} = "string"; $types{_frame} = "real"; $types{gridsize} = "integer3"; $types{_ignoreleaks} = "boolean"; $types{_indexmap} = "texture"; $types{key1} = "string"; $types{key2} = "string"; $types{_layers} = "integer"; $types{_lightmapscale} = "real"; $types{light} = "real"; $types{max} = "real3"; $types{_mingridlight} = "real"; $types{_minlight} = "real"; $types{min} = "real3"; $types{modelscale_vec} = "real3"; $types{_noshadersun} = "boolean"; $types{_offsets} = "string"; $types{_receiveshadows} = "boolean"; $types{_remap} = "array"; $types{_samples} = "integer"; $types{_scale} = "real"; $types{_shader} = "texture"; $types{_sun} = "boolean"; # XML types: # angle specialisation of real - Yaw angle # angles specialisation of real3 - Pitch Yaw Roll # array an array of strings - value is a semi-colon-delimited string # boolean an integer - shows as a checkbox - true = non-zero # color specialisation of real3 - RGB floating-point colour # direction specialisation of real - Yaw angle, -1 = down, -2 = up # integer2 two integer values # integer3 three integer values # integer an integer value # model the VFS path to a model file # skin the VFS path to a skin file # sound the VFS path to a sound file # target a string that uniquely identifies an entity or group of entities # targetname a string that uniquely identifies an entity or group of entities # texture the VFS path to a texture file or a shader name print < EOF my $closetag; my @spawnflags; my $class; while() { chomp; s/&/&/g; s//>/g; s/"/"/g; if(/^\/\*QUAKED (\S+) \((\S+ \S+ \S+)\) \((\S+ \S+ \S+)\) \((\S+ \S+ \S+)\) ?(.*)/) { $class = $1; print "\n"; $closetag = ""; @spawnflags = split / /, $5; } elsif(/^\/\*QUAKED (\S+) \((\S+ \S+ \S+)\) \? ?(.*)/) { $class = $1; print "\n"; $closetag = ""; @spawnflags = split / /, $3; } elsif(/^\*\/$/) { print "$closetag\n"; } elsif(/^([0-9a-z_]*): +(.*)/) { my $type = $types_override{$class}{$1} || $types{$1}; warn "No type for $1" if not defined $type; print "<$type key=\"$1\" name=\"$1\">$2\n"; } elsif(/^([0-9A-Z_]*): +(.*)/) { my $bit = [grep { $spawnflags[$_] eq $1; } 0..@spawnflags-1]->[0]; warn "Cannot find bit $1 in @spawnflags\n" if not defined $bit; print "$2\n"; } else { print "$_\n"; } } print < EOF