/* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foliage code for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory by ydnar@splashdamage.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* marker */ #define SURFACE_FOLIAGE_C /* dependencies */ #include "q3map2.h" #define MAX_FOLIAGE_INSTANCES 8192 static int numFoliageInstances; static foliageInstance_t foliageInstances[ MAX_FOLIAGE_INSTANCES ]; /* SubdivideFoliageTriangle_r() recursively subdivides a triangle until the triangle is smaller than the desired density, then pseudo-randomly sets a point */ static void SubdivideFoliageTriangle_r( mapDrawSurface_t *ds, foliage_t *foliage, bspDrawVert_t **tri ) { bspDrawVert_t mid, *tri2[ 3 ]; int max; /* limit test */ if( numFoliageInstances >= MAX_FOLIAGE_INSTANCES ) return; /* plane test */ { vec4_t plane; /* make a plane */ if( !PlaneFromPoints( plane, tri[ 0 ]->xyz, tri[ 1 ]->xyz, tri[ 2 ]->xyz ) ) return; /* if normal is too far off vertical, then don't place an instance */ if( plane[ 2 ] < 0.5f ) return; } /* subdivide calc */ { int i; float *a, *b, dx, dy, dz, dist, maxDist; foliageInstance_t *fi; /* get instance */ fi = &foliageInstances[ numFoliageInstances ]; /* find the longest edge and split it */ max = -1; maxDist = 0.0f; VectorClear( fi->xyz ); VectorClear( fi->normal ); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { /* get verts */ a = tri[ i ]->xyz; b = tri[ (i + 1) % 3 ]->xyz; /* get dists */ dx = a[ 0 ] - b[ 0 ]; dy = a[ 1 ] - b[ 1 ]; dz = a[ 2 ] - b[ 2 ]; dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) + (dz * dz); /* longer? */ if( dist > maxDist ) { maxDist = dist; max = i; } /* add to centroid */ VectorAdd( fi->xyz, tri[ i ]->xyz, fi->xyz ); VectorAdd( fi->normal, tri[ i ]->normal, fi->normal ); } /* is the triangle small enough? */ if( maxDist <= (foliage->density * foliage->density) ) { float alpha, odds, r; /* get average alpha */ if( foliage->inverseAlpha == 2 ) alpha = 1.0f; else { alpha = ((float) tri[ 0 ]->color[ 0 ][ 3 ] + (float) tri[ 1 ]->color[ 0 ][ 3 ] + (float) tri[ 2 ]->color[ 0 ][ 3 ]) / 765.0f; if( foliage->inverseAlpha == 1 ) alpha = 1.0f - alpha; if( alpha < 0.75f ) return; } /* roll the dice */ odds = foliage->odds * alpha; r = Random(); if( r > odds ) return; /* scale centroid */ VectorScale( fi->xyz, 0.33333333f, fi->xyz ); if( VectorNormalize( fi->normal, fi->normal ) == 0.0f ) return; /* add to count and return */ numFoliageInstances++; return; } } /* split the longest edge and map it */ LerpDrawVert( tri[ max ], tri[ (max + 1) % 3 ], &mid ); /* recurse to first triangle */ VectorCopy( tri, tri2 ); tri2[ max ] = ∣ SubdivideFoliageTriangle_r( ds, foliage, tri2 ); /* recurse to second triangle */ VectorCopy( tri, tri2 ); tri2[ (max + 1) % 3 ] = ∣ SubdivideFoliageTriangle_r( ds, foliage, tri2 ); } /* GenFoliage() generates a foliage file for a bsp */ void Foliage( mapDrawSurface_t *src ) { int i, j, k, x, y, pw[ 5 ], r, oldNumMapDrawSurfs; mapDrawSurface_t *ds; shaderInfo_t *si; foliage_t *foliage; mesh_t srcMesh, *subdivided, *mesh; bspDrawVert_t *verts, *dv[ 3 ], *fi; vec3_t scale; m4x4_t transform; /* get shader */ si = src->shaderInfo; if( si == NULL || si->foliage == NULL ) return; /* do every foliage */ for( foliage = si->foliage; foliage != NULL; foliage = foliage->next ) { /* zero out */ numFoliageInstances = 0; /* map the surface onto the lightmap origin/cluster/normal buffers */ switch( src->type ) { case SURFACE_META: case SURFACE_FORCED_META: case SURFACE_TRIANGLES: /* get verts */ verts = src->verts; /* map the triangles */ for( i = 0; i < src->numIndexes; i += 3 ) { dv[ 0 ] = &verts[ src->indexes[ i ] ]; dv[ 1 ] = &verts[ src->indexes[ i + 1 ] ]; dv[ 2 ] = &verts[ src->indexes[ i + 2 ] ]; SubdivideFoliageTriangle_r( src, foliage, dv ); } break; case SURFACE_PATCH: /* make a mesh from the drawsurf */ srcMesh.width = src->patchWidth; srcMesh.height = src->patchHeight; srcMesh.verts = src->verts; subdivided = SubdivideMesh( srcMesh, 8, 512 ); /* fit it to the curve and remove colinear verts on rows/columns */ PutMeshOnCurve( *subdivided ); mesh = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( subdivided ); FreeMesh( subdivided ); /* get verts */ verts = mesh->verts; /* map the mesh quads */ for( y = 0; y < (mesh->height - 1); y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < (mesh->width - 1); x++ ) { /* set indexes */ pw[ 0 ] = x + (y * mesh->width); pw[ 1 ] = x + ((y + 1) * mesh->width); pw[ 2 ] = x + 1 + ((y + 1) * mesh->width); pw[ 3 ] = x + 1 + (y * mesh->width); pw[ 4 ] = x + (y * mesh->width); /* same as pw[ 0 ] */ /* set radix */ r = (x + y) & 1; /* get drawverts and map first triangle */ dv[ 0 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ]; dv[ 1 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 1 ] ]; dv[ 2 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ]; SubdivideFoliageTriangle_r( src, foliage, dv ); /* get drawverts and map second triangle */ dv[ 0 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ]; dv[ 1 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ]; dv[ 2 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 3 ] ]; SubdivideFoliageTriangle_r( src, foliage, dv ); } } /* free the mesh */ FreeMesh( mesh ); break; default: break; } /* any origins? */ if( numFoliageInstances < 1 ) continue; /* remember surface count */ oldNumMapDrawSurfs = numMapDrawSurfs; /* set transform matrix */ VectorSet( scale, foliage->scale, foliage->scale, foliage->scale ); m4x4_scale_for_vec3( transform, scale ); /* add the model to the bsp */ InsertModel( foliage->model, 0, transform, NULL, NULL, src->entityNum, src->castShadows, src->recvShadows, 0, src->lightmapScale ); /* walk each new surface */ for( i = oldNumMapDrawSurfs; i < numMapDrawSurfs; i++ ) { /* get surface */ ds = &mapDrawSurfs[ i ]; /* set up */ ds->type = SURFACE_FOLIAGE; ds->numFoliageInstances = numFoliageInstances; /* a wee hack */ ds->patchWidth = ds->numFoliageInstances; ds->patchHeight = ds->numVerts; /* set fog to be same as source surface */ ds->fogNum = src->fogNum; /* add a drawvert for every instance */ verts = safe_malloc( (ds->numVerts + ds->numFoliageInstances) * sizeof( *verts ) ); memset( verts, 0, (ds->numVerts + ds->numFoliageInstances) * sizeof( *verts ) ); memcpy( verts, ds->verts, ds->numVerts * sizeof( *verts ) ); free( ds->verts ); ds->verts = verts; /* copy the verts */ for( j = 0; j < ds->numFoliageInstances; j++ ) { /* get vert (foliage instance) */ fi = &ds->verts[ ds->numVerts + j ]; /* copy xyz and normal */ VectorCopy( foliageInstances[ j ].xyz, fi->xyz ); VectorCopy( foliageInstances[ j ].normal, fi->normal ); /* ydnar: set color */ for( k = 0; k < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; k++ ) { fi->color[ k ][ 0 ] = 255; fi->color[ k ][ 1 ] = 255; fi->color[ k ][ 2 ] = 255; fi->color[ k ][ 3 ] = 255; } } /* increment */ ds->numVerts += ds->numFoliageInstances; } } }