/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // gl_vidnt.c -- NT GL vid component #include "quakedef.h" #include #include #include "resource.h" #include extern void S_BlockSound (void); extern HINSTANCE global_hInstance; #ifndef WM_MOUSEWHEEL #define WM_MOUSEWHEEL 0x020A #endif // Tell startup code that we have a client int cl_available = true; int (WINAPI *qwglChoosePixelFormat)(HDC, CONST PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *); int (WINAPI *qwglDescribePixelFormat)(HDC, int, UINT, LPPIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR); //int (WINAPI *qwglGetPixelFormat)(HDC); BOOL (WINAPI *qwglSetPixelFormat)(HDC, int, CONST PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *); BOOL (WINAPI *qwglSwapBuffers)(HDC); HGLRC (WINAPI *qwglCreateContext)(HDC); BOOL (WINAPI *qwglDeleteContext)(HGLRC); HGLRC (WINAPI *qwglGetCurrentContext)(VOID); HDC (WINAPI *qwglGetCurrentDC)(VOID); PROC (WINAPI *qwglGetProcAddress)(LPCSTR); BOOL (WINAPI *qwglMakeCurrent)(HDC, HGLRC); BOOL (WINAPI *qwglSwapIntervalEXT)(int interval); const char *(WINAPI *qwglGetExtensionsStringARB)(HDC hdc); static dllfunction_t wglfuncs[] = { {"wglChoosePixelFormat", (void **) &qwglChoosePixelFormat}, {"wglDescribePixelFormat", (void **) &qwglDescribePixelFormat}, // {"wglGetPixelFormat", (void **) &qwglGetPixelFormat}, {"wglSetPixelFormat", (void **) &qwglSetPixelFormat}, {"wglSwapBuffers", (void **) &qwglSwapBuffers}, {"wglCreateContext", (void **) &qwglCreateContext}, {"wglDeleteContext", (void **) &qwglDeleteContext}, {"wglGetProcAddress", (void **) &qwglGetProcAddress}, {"wglMakeCurrent", (void **) &qwglMakeCurrent}, {"wglGetCurrentContext", (void **) &qwglGetCurrentContext}, {"wglGetCurrentDC", (void **) &qwglGetCurrentDC}, {NULL, NULL} }; static dllfunction_t wglswapintervalfuncs[] = { {"wglSwapIntervalEXT", (void **) &qwglSwapIntervalEXT}, {NULL, NULL} }; qboolean scr_skipupdate; static DEVMODE gdevmode; static qboolean vid_initialized = false; static qboolean vid_wassuspended = false; static int vid_usingmouse; extern qboolean mouseactive; // from in_win.c static HICON hIcon; HWND mainwindow; //HWND WINAPI InitializeWindow (HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow); static int vid_isfullscreen; //void VID_MenuDraw (void); //void VID_MenuKey (int key); //LONG WINAPI MainWndProc (HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //void AppActivate(BOOL fActive, BOOL minimize); //void ClearAllStates (void); //void VID_UpdateWindowStatus (void); //==================================== int window_x, window_y, window_width, window_height; int window_center_x, window_center_y; void IN_ShowMouse (void); void IN_DeactivateMouse (void); void IN_HideMouse (void); void IN_ActivateMouse (void); void IN_MouseEvent (int mstate); void IN_UpdateClipCursor (void); qboolean mouseinitialized; static qboolean dinput; // input code #include #define DINPUT_BUFFERSIZE 16 #define iDirectInputCreate(a,b,c,d) pDirectInputCreate(a,b,c,d) HRESULT (WINAPI *pDirectInputCreate)(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwVersion, LPDIRECTINPUT * lplpDirectInput, LPUNKNOWN punkOuter); // LordHavoc: thanks to backslash for this support for mouse buttons 4 and 5 /* backslash :: imouse explorer buttons */ /* These are #ifdefed out for non-Win2K in the February 2001 version of MS's platform SDK, but we need them for compilation. . . */ #ifndef WM_XBUTTONDOWN #define WM_XBUTTONDOWN 0x020B #define WM_XBUTTONUP 0x020C #endif #ifndef MK_XBUTTON1 #define MK_XBUTTON1 0x0020 #define MK_XBUTTON2 0x0040 // LordHavoc: lets hope this allows more buttons in the future... #define MK_XBUTTON3 0x0080 #define MK_XBUTTON4 0x0100 #define MK_XBUTTON5 0x0200 #define MK_XBUTTON6 0x0400 #define MK_XBUTTON7 0x0800 #endif /* :: backslash */ // mouse variables int mouse_buttons; int mouse_oldbuttonstate; POINT current_pos; int mouse_x, mouse_y, old_mouse_x, old_mouse_y, mx_accum, my_accum; static qboolean restore_spi; static int originalmouseparms[3], newmouseparms[3] = {0, 0, 1}; unsigned int uiWheelMessage; qboolean mouseactive; //qboolean mouseinitialized; static qboolean mouseparmsvalid, mouseactivatetoggle; static qboolean mouseshowtoggle = 1; static qboolean dinput_acquired; static unsigned int mstate_di; // joystick defines and variables // where should defines be moved? #define JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS 0x00000000 // control like a joystick #define JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS 0x00000010 // control like a mouse, spinner, trackball #define JOY_MAX_AXES 6 // X, Y, Z, R, U, V #define JOY_AXIS_X 0 #define JOY_AXIS_Y 1 #define JOY_AXIS_Z 2 #define JOY_AXIS_R 3 #define JOY_AXIS_U 4 #define JOY_AXIS_V 5 enum _ControlList { AxisNada = 0, AxisForward, AxisLook, AxisSide, AxisTurn }; DWORD dwAxisFlags[JOY_MAX_AXES] = { JOY_RETURNX, JOY_RETURNY, JOY_RETURNZ, JOY_RETURNR, JOY_RETURNU, JOY_RETURNV }; DWORD dwAxisMap[JOY_MAX_AXES]; DWORD dwControlMap[JOY_MAX_AXES]; PDWORD pdwRawValue[JOY_MAX_AXES]; // none of these cvars are saved over a session // this means that advanced controller configuration needs to be executed // each time. this avoids any problems with getting back to a default usage // or when changing from one controller to another. this way at least something // works. cvar_t in_joystick = {CVAR_SAVE, "joystick","0"}; cvar_t joy_name = {0, "joyname", "joystick"}; cvar_t joy_advanced = {0, "joyadvanced", "0"}; cvar_t joy_advaxisx = {0, "joyadvaxisx", "0"}; cvar_t joy_advaxisy = {0, "joyadvaxisy", "0"}; cvar_t joy_advaxisz = {0, "joyadvaxisz", "0"}; cvar_t joy_advaxisr = {0, "joyadvaxisr", "0"}; cvar_t joy_advaxisu = {0, "joyadvaxisu", "0"}; cvar_t joy_advaxisv = {0, "joyadvaxisv", "0"}; cvar_t joy_forwardthreshold = {0, "joyforwardthreshold", "0.15"}; cvar_t joy_sidethreshold = {0, "joysidethreshold", "0.15"}; cvar_t joy_pitchthreshold = {0, "joypitchthreshold", "0.15"}; cvar_t joy_yawthreshold = {0, "joyyawthreshold", "0.15"}; cvar_t joy_forwardsensitivity = {0, "joyforwardsensitivity", "-1.0"}; cvar_t joy_sidesensitivity = {0, "joysidesensitivity", "-1.0"}; cvar_t joy_pitchsensitivity = {0, "joypitchsensitivity", "1.0"}; cvar_t joy_yawsensitivity = {0, "joyyawsensitivity", "-1.0"}; cvar_t joy_wwhack1 = {0, "joywwhack1", "0.0"}; cvar_t joy_wwhack2 = {0, "joywwhack2", "0.0"}; qboolean joy_avail, joy_advancedinit, joy_haspov; DWORD joy_oldbuttonstate, joy_oldpovstate; int joy_id; DWORD joy_flags; DWORD joy_numbuttons; static LPDIRECTINPUT g_pdi; static LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE g_pMouse; static JOYINFOEX ji; static HINSTANCE hInstDI; //static qboolean dinput; typedef struct MYDATA { LONG lX; // X axis goes here LONG lY; // Y axis goes here LONG lZ; // Z axis goes here BYTE bButtonA; // One button goes here BYTE bButtonB; // Another button goes here BYTE bButtonC; // Another button goes here BYTE bButtonD; // Another button goes here } MYDATA; static DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT rgodf[] = { { &GUID_XAxis, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, lX), DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { &GUID_YAxis, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, lY), DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { &GUID_ZAxis, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, lZ), 0x80000000 | DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonA), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonB), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonC), 0x80000000 | DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, { 0, FIELD_OFFSET(MYDATA, bButtonD), 0x80000000 | DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0,}, }; #define NUM_OBJECTS (sizeof(rgodf) / sizeof(rgodf[0])) static DIDATAFORMAT df = { sizeof(DIDATAFORMAT), // this structure sizeof(DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT), // size of object data format DIDF_RELAXIS, // absolute axis coordinates sizeof(MYDATA), // device data size NUM_OBJECTS, // number of objects rgodf, // and here they are }; // forward-referenced functions void IN_StartupJoystick (void); void Joy_AdvancedUpdate_f (void); void IN_JoyMove (usercmd_t *cmd); void IN_StartupMouse (void); /* ================ VID_UpdateWindowStatus ================ */ void VID_UpdateWindowStatus (void) { window_center_x = window_x + window_width / 2; window_center_y = window_y + window_height / 2; if (mouseinitialized && mouseactive && !dinput) { RECT window_rect; window_rect.left = window_x; window_rect.top = window_y; window_rect.right = window_x + window_width; window_rect.bottom = window_y + window_height; ClipCursor (&window_rect); } } //==================================== /* ================= VID_GetWindowSize ================= */ void VID_GetWindowSize (int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height) { *x = 0; *y = 0; *width = window_width; *height = window_height; } void VID_Finish (void) { HDC hdc; int vid_usemouse; if (r_render.integer && !scr_skipupdate) { qglFinish(); hdc = GetDC(mainwindow); SwapBuffers(hdc); ReleaseDC(mainwindow, hdc); } // handle the mouse state when windowed if that's changed vid_usemouse = false; if (vid_mouse.integer && !key_consoleactive) vid_usemouse = true; if (vid_isfullscreen) vid_usemouse = true; if (!vid_activewindow) vid_usemouse = false; if (vid_usemouse) { if (!vid_usingmouse) { vid_usingmouse = true; IN_ActivateMouse (); IN_HideMouse(); } } else { if (vid_usingmouse) { vid_usingmouse = false; IN_DeactivateMouse (); IN_ShowMouse(); } } } //========================================================================== qbyte scantokey[128] = { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 ,27 ,'1' ,'2' ,'3' ,'4' ,'5' ,'6' ,'7' ,'8' ,'9' ,'0' ,'-' ,'=' ,K_BACKSPACE,9 ,//0 'q' ,'w' ,'e' ,'r' ,'t' ,'y' ,'u' ,'i' ,'o' ,'p' ,'[' ,']' ,13 ,K_CTRL ,'a' ,'s' ,//1 'd' ,'f' ,'g' ,'h' ,'j' ,'k' ,'l' ,';' ,'\'' ,'`' ,K_SHIFT ,'\\' ,'z' ,'x' ,'c' ,'v' ,//2 'b' ,'n' ,'m' ,',' ,'.' ,'/' ,K_SHIFT,'*' ,K_ALT ,' ' ,0 ,K_F1 ,K_F2 ,K_F3 ,K_F4 ,K_F5 ,//3 K_F6 ,K_F7 ,K_F8 ,K_F9 ,K_F10,K_PAUSE,0 ,K_HOME,K_UPARROW,K_PGUP,K_KP_MINUS,K_LEFTARROW,K_KP_5,K_RIGHTARROW,K_KP_PLUS ,K_END,//4 K_DOWNARROW,K_PGDN,K_INS,K_DEL,0 ,0 ,0 ,K_F11 ,K_F12 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,//5 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,//6 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 //7 }; /* ======= MapKey Map from windows to quake keynums ======= */ int MapKey (int key, int virtualkey) { int result; int modified = (key >> 16) & 255; qboolean is_extended = false; if (modified < 128 && scantokey[modified]) result = scantokey[modified]; else { result = 0; Con_DPrintf("key 0x%02x (0x%8x, 0x%8x) has no translation\n", modified, key, virtualkey); } if (key & (1 << 24)) is_extended = true; if ( !is_extended ) { switch ( result ) { case K_HOME: return K_KP_HOME; case K_UPARROW: return K_KP_UPARROW; case K_PGUP: return K_KP_PGUP; case K_LEFTARROW: return K_KP_LEFTARROW; case K_RIGHTARROW: return K_KP_RIGHTARROW; case K_END: return K_KP_END; case K_DOWNARROW: return K_KP_DOWNARROW; case K_PGDN: return K_KP_PGDN; case K_INS: return K_KP_INS; case K_DEL: return K_KP_DEL; default: return result; } } else { switch ( result ) { case 0x0D: return K_KP_ENTER; case 0x2F: return K_KP_SLASH; case 0xAF: return K_KP_PLUS; } return result; } } /* =================================================================== MAIN WINDOW =================================================================== */ /* ================ ClearAllStates ================ */ void ClearAllStates (void) { Key_ClearStates (); IN_ClearStates (); } extern qboolean host_loopactive; void AppActivate(BOOL fActive, BOOL minimize) /**************************************************************************** * * Function: AppActivate * Parameters: fActive - True if app is activating * * Description: If the application is activating, then swap the system * into SYSPAL_NOSTATIC mode so that our palettes will display * correctly. * ****************************************************************************/ { static BOOL sound_active; vid_activewindow = fActive; vid_hidden = minimize; // enable/disable sound on focus gain/loss if (!vid_activewindow && sound_active) { S_BlockSound (); sound_active = false; } else if (vid_activewindow && !sound_active) { S_UnblockSound (); sound_active = true; } if (fActive) { if (vid_isfullscreen) { if (vid_wassuspended) { vid_wassuspended = false; ChangeDisplaySettings (&gdevmode, CDS_FULLSCREEN); ShowWindow(mainwindow, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } // LordHavoc: from dabb, fix for alt-tab bug in NVidia drivers MoveWindow(mainwindow,0,0,gdevmode.dmPelsWidth,gdevmode.dmPelsHeight,false); } } if (!fActive) { vid_usingmouse = false; IN_DeactivateMouse (); IN_ShowMouse (); if (vid_isfullscreen) { ChangeDisplaySettings (NULL, 0); vid_wassuspended = true; } VID_RestoreSystemGamma(); } } LONG CDAudio_MessageHandler(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); /* main window procedure */ LONG WINAPI MainWndProc (HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LONG lRet = 1; int fActive, fMinimized, temp; char state[256]; char asciichar[4]; int vkey; qboolean down = false; extern unsigned int uiWheelMessage; if ( uMsg == uiWheelMessage ) uMsg = WM_MOUSEWHEEL; switch (uMsg) { case WM_KILLFOCUS: if (vid_isfullscreen) ShowWindow(mainwindow, SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE); break; case WM_CREATE: break; case WM_MOVE: window_x = (int) LOWORD(lParam); window_y = (int) HIWORD(lParam); VID_UpdateWindowStatus (); break; case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: down = true; case WM_KEYUP: case WM_SYSKEYUP: vkey = MapKey(lParam, wParam); GetKeyboardState (state); // alt/ctrl/shift tend to produce funky ToAscii values, // and if it's not a single character we don't know care about it if (vkey == K_ALT || vkey == K_CTRL || vkey == K_SHIFT || ToAscii (wParam, lParam >> 16, state, asciichar, 0) != 1) asciichar[0] = 0; Key_Event (vkey, asciichar[0], down); break; case WM_SYSCHAR: // keep Alt-Space from happening break; // this is complicated because Win32 seems to pack multiple mouse events into // one update sometimes, so we always check all states and look for events case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_XBUTTONDOWN: // backslash :: imouse explorer buttons case WM_XBUTTONUP: // backslash :: imouse explorer buttons case WM_MOUSEMOVE: temp = 0; if (wParam & MK_LBUTTON) temp |= 1; if (wParam & MK_RBUTTON) temp |= 2; if (wParam & MK_MBUTTON) temp |= 4; /* backslash :: imouse explorer buttons */ if (wParam & MK_XBUTTON1) temp |= 8; if (wParam & MK_XBUTTON2) temp |= 16; /* :: backslash */ // LordHavoc: lets hope this allows more buttons in the future... if (wParam & MK_XBUTTON3) temp |= 32; if (wParam & MK_XBUTTON4) temp |= 64; if (wParam & MK_XBUTTON5) temp |= 128; if (wParam & MK_XBUTTON6) temp |= 256; if (wParam & MK_XBUTTON7) temp |= 512; IN_MouseEvent (temp); break; // JACK: This is the mouse wheel with the Intellimouse // Its delta is either positive or neg, and we generate the proper // Event. case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: if ((short) HIWORD(wParam) > 0) { Key_Event(K_MWHEELUP, 0, true); Key_Event(K_MWHEELUP, 0, false); } else { Key_Event(K_MWHEELDOWN, 0, true); Key_Event(K_MWHEELDOWN, 0, false); } break; case WM_SIZE: break; case WM_CLOSE: if (MessageBox (mainwindow, "Are you sure you want to quit?", "Confirm Exit", MB_YESNO | MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) Sys_Quit (); break; case WM_ACTIVATE: fActive = LOWORD(wParam); fMinimized = (BOOL) HIWORD(wParam); AppActivate(!(fActive == WA_INACTIVE), fMinimized); // fix the leftover Alt from any Alt-Tab or the like that switched us away ClearAllStates (); break; //case WM_DESTROY: // PostQuitMessage (0); // break; case MM_MCINOTIFY: lRet = CDAudio_MessageHandler (hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); break; default: /* pass all unhandled messages to DefWindowProc */ lRet = DefWindowProc (hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); break; } /* return 1 if handled message, 0 if not */ return lRet; } int VID_SetGamma(unsigned short *ramps) { HDC hdc = GetDC (NULL); int i = SetDeviceGammaRamp(hdc, ramps); ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc); return i; // return success or failure } int VID_GetGamma(unsigned short *ramps) { HDC hdc = GetDC (NULL); int i = GetDeviceGammaRamp(hdc, ramps); ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc); return i; // return success or failure } static HINSTANCE gldll; int GL_OpenLibrary(const char *name) { Con_Printf("Loading OpenGL driver %s\n", name); GL_CloseLibrary(); if (!(gldll = LoadLibrary(name))) { Con_Printf("Unable to LoadLibrary %s\n", name); return false; } strcpy(gl_driver, name); return true; } void GL_CloseLibrary(void) { FreeLibrary(gldll); gldll = 0; gl_driver[0] = 0; qwglGetProcAddress = NULL; gl_extensions = ""; gl_platform = ""; gl_platformextensions = ""; } void *GL_GetProcAddress(const char *name) { void *p = NULL; if (qwglGetProcAddress != NULL) p = (void *) qwglGetProcAddress(name); if (p == NULL) p = (void *) GetProcAddress(gldll, name); return p; } static void IN_Init(void); void VID_Init(void) { WNDCLASS wc; InitCommonControls(); hIcon = LoadIcon (global_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (IDI_ICON2)); // Register the frame class wc.style = 0; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)MainWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = global_hInstance; wc.hIcon = 0; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL,IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = 0; wc.lpszClassName = "DarkPlacesWindowClass"; if (!RegisterClass (&wc)) Sys_Error("Couldn't register window class\n"); IN_Init(); } int VID_InitMode (int fullscreen, int width, int height, int bpp) { int i; HDC hdc; RECT rect; MSG msg; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = { sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), // size of this pfd 1, // version number PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW // support window | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL // support OpenGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER , // double buffered PFD_TYPE_RGBA, // RGBA type 24, // 24-bit color depth 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // color bits ignored 0, // no alpha buffer 0, // shift bit ignored 0, // no accumulation buffer 0, 0, 0, 0, // accum bits ignored 32, // 32-bit z-buffer 0, // no stencil buffer 0, // no auxiliary buffer PFD_MAIN_PLANE, // main layer 0, // reserved 0, 0, 0 // layer masks ignored }; int pixelformat; DWORD WindowStyle, ExWindowStyle; HGLRC baseRC; int CenterX, CenterY; const char *gldrivername; int depth; if (vid_initialized) Sys_Error("VID_InitMode called when video is already initialised\n"); // if stencil is enabled, ask for alpha too if (bpp >= 32) { pfd.cStencilBits = 8; pfd.cAlphaBits = 8; } else { pfd.cStencilBits = 0; pfd.cAlphaBits = 0; } gldrivername = "opengl32.dll"; i = COM_CheckParm("-gl_driver"); if (i && i < com_argc - 1) gldrivername = com_argv[i + 1]; if (!GL_OpenLibrary(gldrivername)) { Con_Printf("Unable to load GL driver %s\n", gldrivername); return false; } memset(&gdevmode, 0, sizeof(gdevmode)); vid_isfullscreen = false; if (fullscreen) { gdevmode.dmFields = DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT; gdevmode.dmBitsPerPel = bpp; gdevmode.dmPelsWidth = width; gdevmode.dmPelsHeight = height; gdevmode.dmSize = sizeof (gdevmode); if (ChangeDisplaySettings (&gdevmode, CDS_FULLSCREEN) != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { VID_Shutdown(); Con_Printf("Unable to change to requested mode %dx%dx%dbpp\n", width, height, bpp); return false; } vid_isfullscreen = true; WindowStyle = WS_POPUP; ExWindowStyle = WS_EX_TOPMOST; } else { hdc = GetDC (NULL); i = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, RASTERCAPS); depth = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PLANES) * GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL); ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc); if (i & RC_PALETTE) { VID_Shutdown(); Con_Printf ("Can't run in non-RGB mode\n"); return false; } if (bpp > depth) { VID_Shutdown(); Con_Printf ("A higher desktop depth is required to run this video mode\n"); return false; } WindowStyle = WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_BORDER | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX; ExWindowStyle = 0; } rect.top = 0; rect.left = 0; rect.right = width; rect.bottom = height; AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, WindowStyle, false, 0); if (fullscreen) { CenterX = 0; CenterY = 0; } else { CenterX = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - (rect.right - rect.left)) / 2; CenterY = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - (rect.bottom - rect.top)) / 2; } CenterX = max(0, CenterX); CenterY = max(0, CenterY); // x and y may be changed by WM_MOVE messages window_x = CenterX; window_y = CenterY; window_width = width; window_height = height; rect.left += CenterX; rect.right += CenterX; rect.top += CenterY; rect.bottom += CenterY; mainwindow = CreateWindowEx (ExWindowStyle, "DarkPlacesWindowClass", gamename, WindowStyle, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, NULL, NULL, global_hInstance, NULL); if (!mainwindow) { Con_Printf("CreateWindowEx(%d, %s, %s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %p, %p, %d, %p) failed\n", ExWindowStyle, "DarkPlacesWindowClass", gamename, WindowStyle, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, NULL, NULL, global_hInstance, NULL); VID_Shutdown(); return false; } /* if (!fullscreen) SetWindowPos (mainwindow, NULL, CenterX, CenterY, 0, 0,SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_DRAWFRAME); */ ShowWindow (mainwindow, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); UpdateWindow (mainwindow); SendMessage (mainwindow, WM_SETICON, (WPARAM)true, (LPARAM)hIcon); SendMessage (mainwindow, WM_SETICON, (WPARAM)false, (LPARAM)hIcon); VID_UpdateWindowStatus (); // now we try to make sure we get the focus on the mode switch, because // sometimes in some systems we don't. We grab the foreground, then // finish setting up, pump all our messages, and sleep for a little while // to let messages finish bouncing around the system, then we put // ourselves at the top of the z order, then grab the foreground again, // Who knows if it helps, but it probably doesn't hurt SetForegroundWindow (mainwindow); while (PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage (&msg); DispatchMessage (&msg); } Sleep (100); SetWindowPos (mainwindow, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_DRAWFRAME | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOCOPYBITS); SetForegroundWindow (mainwindow); // fix the leftover Alt from any Alt-Tab or the like that switched us away ClearAllStates (); hdc = GetDC(mainwindow); if ((pixelformat = ChoosePixelFormat(hdc, &pfd)) == 0) { VID_Shutdown(); Con_Printf("ChoosePixelFormat(%d, %p) failed\n", hdc, &pfd); return false; } if (SetPixelFormat(hdc, pixelformat, &pfd) == false) { VID_Shutdown(); Con_Printf("SetPixelFormat(%d, %d, %p) failed\n", hdc, pixelformat, &pfd); return false; } if (!GL_CheckExtension("wgl", wglfuncs, NULL, false)) { VID_Shutdown(); Con_Printf("wgl functions not found\n"); return false; } baseRC = qwglCreateContext(hdc); if (!baseRC) { VID_Shutdown(); Con_Printf("Could not initialize GL (wglCreateContext failed).\n\nMake sure you are in 65536 color mode, and try running -window.\n"); return false; } if (!qwglMakeCurrent(hdc, baseRC)) { VID_Shutdown(); Con_Printf("wglMakeCurrent(%d, %d) failed\n", hdc, baseRC); return false; } qglGetString = GL_GetProcAddress("glGetString"); qwglGetExtensionsStringARB = GL_GetProcAddress("wglGetExtensionsStringARB"); if (qglGetString == NULL) { VID_Shutdown(); Con_Printf("glGetString not found\n"); return false; } gl_renderer = qglGetString(GL_RENDERER); gl_vendor = qglGetString(GL_VENDOR); gl_version = qglGetString(GL_VERSION); gl_extensions = qglGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); gl_platform = "WGL"; gl_platformextensions = ""; if (qwglGetExtensionsStringARB) gl_platformextensions = qwglGetExtensionsStringARB(hdc); gl_videosyncavailable = GL_CheckExtension("WGL_EXT_swap_control", wglswapintervalfuncs, NULL, false); ReleaseDC(mainwindow, hdc); GL_Init (); // LordHavoc: special differences for ATI (broken 8bit color when also using 32bit? weird!) if (strncasecmp(gl_vendor,"ATI",3)==0) { if (strncasecmp(gl_renderer,"Rage Pro",8)==0) isRagePro = true; } if (strncasecmp(gl_renderer,"Matrox G200 Direct3D",20)==0) // a D3D driver for GL? sigh... isG200 = true; //vid_menudrawfn = VID_MenuDraw; //vid_menukeyfn = VID_MenuKey; vid_hidden = false; vid_initialized = true; IN_StartupMouse (); IN_StartupJoystick (); return true; } static void IN_Shutdown(void); void VID_Shutdown (void) { HGLRC hRC = 0; HDC hDC = 0; if(vid_initialized == false) return; VID_RestoreSystemGamma(); vid_initialized = false; IN_Shutdown(); if (qwglGetCurrentContext) hRC = qwglGetCurrentContext(); if (qwglGetCurrentDC) hDC = qwglGetCurrentDC(); if (qwglMakeCurrent) qwglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); if (hRC && qwglDeleteContext) qwglDeleteContext(hRC); // close the library before we get rid of the window GL_CloseLibrary(); if (hDC && mainwindow) ReleaseDC(mainwindow, hDC); AppActivate(false, false); if (mainwindow) DestroyWindow(mainwindow); mainwindow = 0; if (vid_isfullscreen) ChangeDisplaySettings (NULL, 0); vid_isfullscreen = false; } /* =========== IN_ShowMouse =========== */ void IN_ShowMouse (void) { if (!mouseshowtoggle) { ShowCursor (true); mouseshowtoggle = 1; } } /* =========== IN_HideMouse =========== */ void IN_HideMouse (void) { if (mouseshowtoggle) { ShowCursor (false); mouseshowtoggle = 0; } } /* =========== IN_ActivateMouse =========== */ void IN_ActivateMouse (void) { mouseactivatetoggle = true; if (mouseinitialized) { if (dinput) { if (g_pMouse) { if (!dinput_acquired) { IDirectInputDevice_Acquire(g_pMouse); dinput_acquired = true; } } else { return; } } else { RECT window_rect; window_rect.left = window_x; window_rect.top = window_y; window_rect.right = window_x + window_width; window_rect.bottom = window_y + window_height; if (mouseparmsvalid) restore_spi = SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, newmouseparms, 0); SetCursorPos (window_center_x, window_center_y); SetCapture (mainwindow); ClipCursor (&window_rect); } mouseactive = true; } } /* =========== IN_DeactivateMouse =========== */ void IN_DeactivateMouse (void) { mouseactivatetoggle = false; if (mouseinitialized) { if (dinput) { if (g_pMouse) { if (dinput_acquired) { IDirectInputDevice_Unacquire(g_pMouse); dinput_acquired = false; } } } else { if (restore_spi) SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, originalmouseparms, 0); ClipCursor (NULL); ReleaseCapture (); } mouseactive = false; } } /* =========== IN_InitDInput =========== */ qboolean IN_InitDInput (void) { HRESULT hr; DIPROPDWORD dipdw = { { sizeof(DIPROPDWORD), // diph.dwSize sizeof(DIPROPHEADER), // diph.dwHeaderSize 0, // diph.dwObj DIPH_DEVICE, // diph.dwHow }, DINPUT_BUFFERSIZE, // dwData }; if (!hInstDI) { hInstDI = LoadLibrary("dinput.dll"); if (hInstDI == NULL) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't load dinput.dll\n"); return false; } } if (!pDirectInputCreate) { pDirectInputCreate = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInstDI,"DirectInputCreateA"); if (!pDirectInputCreate) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't get DI proc addr\n"); return false; } } // register with DirectInput and get an IDirectInput to play with. hr = iDirectInputCreate(global_hInstance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, &g_pdi, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { return false; } // obtain an interface to the system mouse device. hr = IDirectInput_CreateDevice(g_pdi, &GUID_SysMouse, &g_pMouse, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't open DI mouse device\n"); return false; } // set the data format to "mouse format". hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetDataFormat(g_pMouse, &df); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't set DI mouse format\n"); return false; } // set the cooperativity level. hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel(g_pMouse, mainwindow, DISCL_EXCLUSIVE | DISCL_FOREGROUND); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't set DI coop level\n"); return false; } // set the buffer size to DINPUT_BUFFERSIZE elements. // the buffer size is a DWORD property associated with the device hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetProperty(g_pMouse, DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &dipdw.diph); if (FAILED(hr)) { Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't set DI buffersize\n"); return false; } return true; } /* =========== IN_StartupMouse =========== */ void IN_StartupMouse (void) { if (COM_CheckParm ("-nomouse") || COM_CheckParm("-safe")) return; mouseinitialized = true; if (COM_CheckParm ("-dinput")) { dinput = IN_InitDInput (); if (dinput) { Con_SafePrintf ("DirectInput initialized\n"); } else { Con_SafePrintf ("DirectInput not initialized\n"); } } if (!dinput) { mouseparmsvalid = SystemParametersInfo (SPI_GETMOUSE, 0, originalmouseparms, 0); if (mouseparmsvalid) { if ( COM_CheckParm ("-noforcemspd") ) newmouseparms[2] = originalmouseparms[2]; if ( COM_CheckParm ("-noforcemaccel") ) { newmouseparms[0] = originalmouseparms[0]; newmouseparms[1] = originalmouseparms[1]; } if ( COM_CheckParm ("-noforcemparms") ) { newmouseparms[0] = originalmouseparms[0]; newmouseparms[1] = originalmouseparms[1]; newmouseparms[2] = originalmouseparms[2]; } } } mouse_buttons = 10; // if a fullscreen video mode was set before the mouse was initialized, // set the mouse state appropriately if (mouseactivatetoggle) IN_ActivateMouse (); } /* =========== IN_MouseEvent =========== */ void IN_MouseEvent (int mstate) { int i; if (mouseactive && !dinput) { // perform button actions for (i=0 ; i 14000.0) fTemp = 14000.0; // restore direction information fAxisValue = (fAxisValue > 0.0) ? fTemp : -fTemp; } } // convert range from -32768..32767 to -1..1 fAxisValue /= 32768.0; switch (dwAxisMap[i]) { case AxisForward: if ((joy_advanced.integer == 0) && mouselook) { // user wants forward control to become look control if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_pitchthreshold.value) { // if mouse invert is on, invert the joystick pitch value // only absolute control support here (joy_advanced is false) if (m_pitch.value < 0.0) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] -= (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity.value) * aspeed * cl_pitchspeed.value; } else { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity.value) * aspeed * cl_pitchspeed.value; } V_StopPitchDrift(); } else { // no pitch movement // disable pitch return-to-center unless requested by user // *** this code can be removed when the lookspring bug is fixed // *** the bug always has the lookspring feature on if(lookspring.value == 0.0) V_StopPitchDrift(); } } else { // user wants forward control to be forward control if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_forwardthreshold.value) { cmd->forwardmove += (fAxisValue * joy_forwardsensitivity.value) * speed * cl_forwardspeed.value; } } break; case AxisSide: if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_sidethreshold.value) { cmd->sidemove += (fAxisValue * joy_sidesensitivity.value) * speed * cl_sidespeed.value; } break; case AxisTurn: if ((in_strafe.state & 1) || (lookstrafe.integer && mouselook)) { // user wants turn control to become side control if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_sidethreshold.value) { cmd->sidemove -= (fAxisValue * joy_sidesensitivity.value) * speed * cl_sidespeed.value; } } else { // user wants turn control to be turn control if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_yawthreshold.value) { if(dwControlMap[i] == JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS) { cl.viewangles[YAW] += (fAxisValue * joy_yawsensitivity.value) * aspeed * cl_yawspeed.value; } else { cl.viewangles[YAW] += (fAxisValue * joy_yawsensitivity.value) * speed * 180.0; } } } break; case AxisLook: if (mouselook) { if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_pitchthreshold.value) { // pitch movement detected and pitch movement desired by user if(dwControlMap[i] == JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity.value) * aspeed * cl_pitchspeed.value; } else { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity.value) * speed * 180.0; } V_StopPitchDrift(); } else { // no pitch movement // disable pitch return-to-center unless requested by user // *** this code can be removed when the lookspring bug is fixed // *** the bug always has the lookspring feature on if(lookspring.integer == 0) V_StopPitchDrift(); } } break; default: break; } } } static void IN_Init(void) { uiWheelMessage = RegisterWindowMessage ( "MSWHEEL_ROLLMSG" ); // joystick variables Cvar_RegisterVariable (&in_joystick); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_name); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_advanced); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_advaxisx); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_advaxisy); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_advaxisz); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_advaxisr); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_advaxisu); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_advaxisv); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_forwardthreshold); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_sidethreshold); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_pitchthreshold); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_yawthreshold); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_forwardsensitivity); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_sidesensitivity); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_pitchsensitivity); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_yawsensitivity); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_wwhack1); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&joy_wwhack2); Cmd_AddCommand ("joyadvancedupdate", Joy_AdvancedUpdate_f); } static void IN_Shutdown(void) { IN_DeactivateMouse (); IN_ShowMouse (); if (g_pMouse) IDirectInputDevice_Release(g_pMouse); g_pMouse = NULL; if (g_pdi) IDirectInput_Release(g_pdi); g_pdi = NULL; }