// this resets most client cvars and aliases to their defaults // if you want to reset your client to defaults, it's probably a better idea to delete (parts of) config.cfg and restart // changes a cvar and reports it to the server (for the client to notify the server about changes) // DEPRECATED, cvars can be set in the client code to be sent automatically (using REPLICATE) alias setreport "set \"$1\" \"$2\" ; sendcvar \"$1\"" seta cl_firststart "" "how many times the client has been run" seta cl_startcount 0 "how many times the client has been run" // other aliases alias +hook +button6 alias -hook -button6 alias +jetpack +button10 alias -jetpack -button10 alias +dodge +button11 alias -dodge -button11 alias use "impulse 21" // for backwards compatibility // TODO Remove after 0.8 release! cl_particles_forcetraileffects 1 alias dropweapon "impulse 17" // support for servers still using the old centreprint MOTD alias +show_info0 "+button7" alias -show_info0 "-button7" alias +show_info1 "menu_showwelcomedialog" alias -show_info1 "" alias +show_info +show_info$_menu_welcome_dialog_available alias -show_info -show_info$_menu_welcome_dialog_available seta cl_welcome 1 "1: show the Welcome dialog when connecting; 0: show it only when +show_info keybind is pressed" // merge lightmaps up to 2048x2048 textures mod_q3bsp_lightmapmergepower 4 // player defaults _cl_color "112.211" // same effect as 112, but menuqc can detect this as the default and not intentionally set _cl_name "" _cl_playerskin 0 seta cl_reticle 1 "enable zoom reticles" seta cl_reticle_stretch 0 "stretch reticles so they fit the screen (breaks image proportions)" seta cl_reticle_normal 1 "draw an aiming reticle when zooming with the zoom button" seta cl_reticle_normal_alpha 1 "alpha of the normal reticle" seta cl_reticle_weapon 1 "draw custom aiming reticle when zooming with certain weapons" seta cl_reticle_weapon_alpha 1 "alpha of the custom reticle" fov 100 seta cl_velocityzoom_enabled 0 "velocity based zooming of fov" seta cl_velocityzoom_factor 0 "factor of fov zooming (negative values zoom out)" seta cl_velocityzoom_type 3 "how to factor in speed, 1 = all velocity in all directions, 2 = velocity only in forward direction (can be negative), 3 = velocity only in forward direction (limited to forward only)" seta cl_velocityzoom_speed 1000 "target speed for fov factoring" seta cl_velocityzoom_time 0.2 "time value for averaging speed values" seta cl_spawnzoom 1 "zoom effect immediately when a player spawns" seta cl_spawnzoom_speed 1 "speed at which zooming occurs while spawning" seta cl_spawnzoom_factor 2 "factor of zoom while spawning" seta cl_zoomfactor 5 "how much +zoom will zoom (1-30)" seta cl_zoomspeed 8 "how fast it will zoom (0.5-16), negative values mean instant zoom" seta cl_zoomsensitivity 0 "how zoom changes sensitivity (0 = weakest, 1 = strongest)" seta cl_unpress_zoom_on_spawn 1 "automatically unpress zoom when you spawn" seta cl_unpress_zoom_on_death 1 "automatically unpress zoom when you die (and don't allow zoom again while dead)" seta cl_unpress_zoom_on_weapon_switch 1 "automatically unpress zoom when you switch a weapon" seta cl_unpress_attack_on_weapon_switch 0 "automatically unpress fire and fire1 attack buttons when you switch a weapon" seta cl_weapon_switch_reload 1 "When trying to switch to the currently held weapon, reload it" seta cl_weapon_switch_fallback_to_impulse 1 "When trying to switch to a weapon that is not available, switch to an alternative from the same impulse" seta cl_spawn_event_particles 1 "pointparticles effect whenever a player spawns" seta cl_spawn_event_sound 1 "sound effect whenever a player spawns" //seta cl_spawn_point_model 0 "place a model at all spawn points" // still needs a model seta cl_spawn_point_particles 1 "pointparticles effect at all spawn points" // managed by effects-.cfg files seta cl_spawn_point_dist_max 1200 "maximum distance from which spawnpoint particles will be visible" freelook 1 sensitivity 6 v_gamma 1 viewsize 100 bgmvolume 1 // fullscreen 1024x768x32bit vid_bitsperpixel 32 vid_fullscreen 1 vid_width 1024 vid_height 768 vid_pixelheight 1 vid_resizable 0 // cannot be turned on before it is sure it cannot cause a r_restart vid_desktopfullscreen 1 prvm_language en set _menu_prvm_language "" set _menu_vid_width "$vid_width" set _menu_vid_height "$vid_height" set _menu_vid_pixelheight "$vid_pixelheight" set _menu_vid_desktopfullscreen "$vid_desktopfullscreen" seta menu_vid_scale 0 seta menu_vid_allowdualscreenresolution 0 // 2D resolution 800x600 vid_conwidth 800 vid_conheight 600 // menu_conwidth, menu_conheight are set inside quake.rc v_deathtilt 0 // needed for spectators (who are dead to avoid prediction) // create a temporary empty alias for menu_sync so that execution of effects-normal.cfg, hud_luma.cfg // and sRGB-{disable,enable}.cfg on game start doesn't show an error message in the console alias menu_sync "" // will be re-aliased later // we want to use sRGB for our maps! exec sRGB-disable.cfg vid_sRGB_fallback 2 r_hdr_glowintensity 1 // #define Image_LinearFloatFromsRGBFloat(c) (((c) <= 0.04045f) ? (c) * (1.0f / 12.92f) : (float)pow(((c) + 0.055f)*(1.0f/1.055f), 2.4f)) set rpn_sRGB_to_linear "dup 0.055 add 1.055 div 2.4 pow exch 12.92 div dup 0.0031308 gt when" // #define Image_sRGBFloatFromLinearFloat(c) (((c) < 0.0031308f) ? (c) * 12.92f : 1.055f * (float)pow((c), 1.0f/2.4f) - 0.055f) set rpn_linear_to_sRGB "dup 1.0 2.4 div pow 1.055 mul 0.055 sub exch 12.92 mul dup 0.04045 ge when" // -nosRGB to -sRGB sky shader conversion: // // q3map_sunExt 1 0.6875 0.375 340 25 47 0 16 // ^^ elevation // ^^^ sunlight // q3map_skylight 110 3 // ^^^ skylight // // With that, do (the last parameter is the ratio of skylight you assume hits // the surfaces, about 0.25 for inner surfaces near sky, about 1.00 on // terrain): // ]skybox_nosRGB_to_sRGB 340 47 110 0.25 // rpn: still on stack: new_sunlight: // rpn: still on stack: 380.464142 // rpn: still on stack: new_skylight: // rpn: still on stack: 9.32523632 // // The equivalent -sRGB shader then will have: // // q3map_sunExt 1 0.6875 0.375 380.464142 25 47 0 16 // q3map_skylight 9.32523632 3 alias skybox_nosRGB_to_sRGB "rpn $3 402.123 $4 div div $rpn_sRGB_to_linear 402.123 $4 div mul /new_skylight: $3 402.123 $4 div div $1 256 div $2 0.017453 mul sin mul add $rpn_sRGB_to_linear $3 402.123 $4 div div $rpn_sRGB_to_linear sub 256 mul $2 0.017453 mul sin div /new_sunlight:" set cl_orthoview 0 "enable top-down view of the map- meant to be used for radar map images (note: orthoview sets cvars temporarily, requires restart to return them to normal)" set cl_orthoview_nofog 1 "disable fog while in orthoview-- note, should not be enabled on ALL maps, i.e. oilrig works fine with this disabled" // these settings determine how much the view is affected by movement/damage cl_smoothviewheight 0.05 // time of the averaging to the viewheight value so that it creates a smooth transition for crouching and such. 0 for instant transition cl_deathfade 0 // fade screen to dark red when dead, value represents how fast the fade is (higher is faster) cl_bobcycle 0.5 // how long the cycle of up/down view movement takes (only works if cl_bob is not 0), default is 0.6 cl_bob 0 // how much view moves up/down when moving (does not move if cl_bobcycle is 0, but still enables cl_bobmodel), default is 0.02 cl_bob2cycle 1 // how long the cycle of left/right view movement takes (only works if cl_bob2 is not 0), default is 0.6 cl_bob2 0 // how much view moves left/right when moving (does not move if cl_bob2cycle is 0), default is 0.01 cl_bobfall 0.05 "how much the view swings down when falling (influenced by the speed you hit the ground with)" cl_bobfallcycle 3 "speed of the bobfall swing" cl_bobfallspeed 200 "necessary amount of speed for bob-falling to occur" cl_bobmodel 1 // whether to have gun model move around on screen when moving (only works if cl_bob is not 0), default is 1 cl_bobmodel_side 0.2 // amount the gun sways to the sides cl_bobmodel_speed 10 // rate at which the gun sways cl_bobmodel_up 0.1 // amount the gun sways up and down cl_followmodel 1 // enables weapon pushing / pulling effect when walking seta cl_followmodel_speed 0.3 "gun following speed" seta cl_followmodel_limit 135 "gun following limit" seta cl_followmodel_velocity_absolute 0 "make the effect ignore velocity direction changes (side effect: it causes a glitch when teleporting / passing through a warpzone)" seta cl_followmodel_velocity_lowpass 0.05 "gun following velocity lowpass averaging time" seta cl_followmodel_highpass 0.05 "gun following highpass averaging time" seta cl_followmodel_lowpass 0.03 "gun following lowpass averaging time" cl_leanmodel 1 // enables weapon leaning effect when looking around seta cl_leanmodel_speed 0.3 "gun leaning speed" seta cl_leanmodel_limit 30 "gun leaning limit" seta cl_leanmodel_highpass1 0.2 "gun leaning pre-highpass averaging time" seta cl_leanmodel_highpass 0.2 "gun leaning highpass averaging time" seta cl_leanmodel_lowpass 0.05 "gun leaning lowpass averaging time" cl_maxfps_alwayssleep 0 // gives up some processing time to other applications each frame, default is 1 (not necessary since Xonotic caps FPS by default) cl_rollangle 0 // amount of view tilt when strafing, default is 2.0 v_kicktime 0 // how long damage kicks of the view last, default is 0 seconds gl_polyblend 0 // whether to use screen tints, this has now been replaced by a better system in CSQC r_motionblur 0 // motion blur value, default is 0 r_damageblur 0 // motion blur when damaged, default is 0 (removed in Xonotic) net_slist_queriespersecond 60 // to be reduced if any major issues arise (ping times increased etc.) // TODO: revisit bloom settings on the GL32 renderer! r_bloom_blur 4 r_bloom_brighten 1 r_bloom_colorexponent 1 r_bloom_colorscale 1.5 r_bloom_colorsubtract 0.125 r_bloom_resolution 320 r_bloom_scenebrightness 1 seta vid_x11_display "" "xonotic-linux-*.sh will use this to start xonotic on an other/new X display" // This can have three possible settings: // "" run as usual // ":n" use DISPLAY=:n, create it if needed // ":n/layout" use DISPLAY=:n, create it if needed with ServerLayout layout cl_autodemo_nameformat demos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M // taunts and voices seta cl_autotaunt 0 "automatically taunt enemies when fragging them" seta cl_voice_directional 1 "0 = all voices are non-directional, 1 = all voices are directional, 2 = only taunts are directional" seta cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation 0.5 "this defines the distance from which taunts can be heard" seta cl_hitsound 1 "play a hit notifier sound when you have hit an enemy, 1: same pitch 2: decrease pitch with more damage 3: increase pitch with more damage" set cl_hitsound_antispam_time 0.05 "don't play the hitsound more often than this" seta cl_hitsound_min_pitch 0.75 "minimum pitch of hit sound" seta cl_hitsound_max_pitch 1.5 "maximum pitch of hit sound" seta cl_hitsound_nom_damage 25 "damage amount at which hitsound bases pitch off" seta cl_eventchase_spectated_change 0 "camera goes into 3rd person mode for a moment when changing spectated player" seta cl_eventchase_spectated_change_time 1 "how much time the effect lasts when changing spectated player" seta cl_eventchase_death 2 "camera goes into 3rd person mode when the player is dead; set to 2 to active the effect only when the corpse doesn't move anymore" seta cl_eventchase_frozen 0 "camera goes into 3rd person mode when the player is frozen" seta cl_eventchase_nexball 1 "camera goes into 3rd person mode when in nexball game-mode" seta cl_eventchase_distance 140 "final camera distance" seta cl_eventchase_generator_distance 400 "final camera distance while viewing generator explosion" seta cl_eventchase_speed 1.3 "how fast the camera slides back, 0 is instant" seta cl_eventchase_maxs "12 12 8" "max size of eventchase camera bbox" seta cl_eventchase_mins "-12 -12 -8" "min size of eventchase camera bbox" seta cl_eventchase_viewoffset "0 0 20" "viewoffset of eventchase camera" seta cl_eventchase_generator_viewoffset "0 0 80" "viewoffset of eventchase camera while viewing generator explosion" seta cl_eventchase_vehicle 1 "camera goes into 3rd person mode when inside a vehicle" seta cl_eventchase_vehicle_viewoffset "0 0 80" seta cl_eventchase_vehicle_distance 250 seta chase_front 0 "show frontal view when using chase cam" set _vehicles_shownchasemessage 0 seta cl_particles_oldvortexbeam 0 "Uses the old v2.3 Vortex beam instead of the new beam, only works if server allows it (g_allow_oldvortexbeam 1)" seta cl_damageeffect 1 "enable weapon damage effects: 1 enables the feature on skeletal models, 2 on any model" seta cl_damageeffect_ticrate 0.1 "particle spawn rate" seta cl_damageeffect_bones 5 "how many damages to allow on a rigged mesh at once (non-skeletal objects are limited to one)" seta cl_damageeffect_distribute 1 "divide particle intensity if multiple damages are present" seta cl_damageeffect_lifetime 0.1 "how much a damage effect lasts, based on damage amount" seta cl_damageeffect_lifetime_min 3 "minimum lifetime a damage effect may have" seta cl_damageeffect_lifetime_max 6 "maximum lifetime a damage effect may have" set cl_deathglow 2 "number of seconds during which dead bodies glow out" set cl_deathglow_min 0.5 "glow out up to this glow factor" set cl_respawn_ghosts_keepcolors 0 "if enabled respawn ghosts keep body colors" set _teams_available 0 "internal cvar, value is synced from the server to reflect currently available teams to join" cl_movement 1 cl_movement_track_canjump 0 cl_stairsmoothspeed 200 alias wpeditor_menu "quickmenu file \"\" wpeditor.txt" alias g_waypointeditor_spawn "wpeditor spawn" alias g_waypointeditor_remove "wpeditor remove" alias g_waypointeditor_relinkall "wpeditor relinkall" alias g_waypointeditor_saveall "wpeditor saveall" alias g_waypointeditor_unreachable "wpeditor unreachable" alias g_waypointeditor_help "wpeditor" alias g_waypointeditor_menu "wpeditor_menu" alias g_waypointeditor_spawn_x "wpeditor spawn crosshair" alias g_waypointeditor_spawn_jump "wpeditor spawn jump" alias g_waypointeditor_spawn_crouch "wpeditor spawn crouch" alias g_waypointeditor_spawn_support "wpeditor spawn support" alias g_waypointeditor_hardwire "wpeditor hardwire" alias g_waypointeditor_hardwire_x "wpeditor hardwire crosshair" alias g_waypointeditor_lock "wpeditor lock" alias g_waypointeditor_symorigin "wpeditor symorigin $*" alias g_waypointeditor_symaxis "wpeditor symaxis $*" alias navwaypoint_relink g_waypointeditor_spawn alias navwaypoint_remove g_waypointeditor_remove alias navwaypoint_save g_waypointeditor_relinkall alias navwaypoint_spawn g_waypointeditor_saveall alias navwaypoint_unreachable g_waypointeditor_unreachable seta menu_sandbox_spawn_model "" seta menu_sandbox_attach_bone "" seta menu_sandbox_edit_skin 0 seta menu_sandbox_edit_alpha 1 seta menu_sandbox_edit_color_main "1 1 1" seta menu_sandbox_edit_color_glow "1 1 1" seta menu_sandbox_edit_frame 0 seta menu_sandbox_edit_scale 1 seta menu_sandbox_edit_solidity 1 seta menu_sandbox_edit_physics 1 seta menu_sandbox_edit_force 1 seta menu_sandbox_edit_material "" seta menu_monsters_edit_spawn "" seta menu_monsters_edit_skin 0 seta menu_monsters_edit_movetarget 1 // effects r_glsl_vertextextureblend_usebothalphas 1 // allows to abuse texture blending as detail texture mod_q3shader_force_terrain_alphaflag 1 // supposedly now required for r_glsl_vertextextureblend_usebothalphas to work r_glsl_postprocess 0 // but note, hud_postprocessing enables this r_picmipsprites 0 // Xonotic uses sprites that should never be picmipped (team mate, typing, waypoints) r_picmipworld 1 gl_picmip_world 0 gl_picmip_sprites 0 gl_picmip_other 1 // so, picmip -1 is best possible quality r_mipsprites 1 r_mipskins 1 gl_max_lightmapsize 4096 r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps 1 r_shadow_realtime_world_importlightentitiesfrommap 0 // Whether build process uses keepLights is nontransparent and may change, so better make keepLights not matter. cl_decals_fadetime 5 cl_decals_time 1 seta cl_gunalign 3 "Gun alignment; 1 = center, 3 = right, 4 = left; requires reconnect" seta cl_gunoffset "0 0 0" "Adjust the weapon viewmodel position, applies only to your own first person view and is relative to cl_gunalign" seta cl_nogibs 0 "reduce number of violence effects, or remove them totally" seta cl_particlegibs 0 "simpler gibs" seta cl_gibs_damageforcescale 1.5 "force to push around gibs" seta cl_gibs_lifetime 2.5 "average lifetime of gibs" seta cl_gibs_velocity_scale 0.5 "gib throw velocity force scale" seta cl_gibs_velocity_random 2 "gib throw velocity randomness scale" seta cl_gibs_velocity_up 1 "extra z velocity for gibs" seta cl_gibs_ticrate 0.1 "ticrate for gibs" seta cl_gibs_sloppy 1 "sloppy gibs, may temporarily penetrate walls" seta cl_gibs_avelocity_scale 1 "how much angular velocity to use on gibs" seta cl_casings 1 "enable or disable bullet casings" seta cl_casings_shell_time 30 "shell casing lifetime" seta cl_casings_bronze_time 10 "bullet casings lifetime" seta cl_casings_ticrate 0.03125 "ticrate for casings" seta cl_casings_sloppy 1 "sloppy casings, may temporarily penetrate walls" seta cl_projectiles_sloppy 1 "sloppy projectiles, may temporarily penetrate walls" cl_stainmaps 0 cl_particles_smoke 1 gl_vbo 1 // removed in GL32 renderer r_glsl_deluxemapping 1 r_glsl_offsetmapping 0 r_glsl_offsetmapping_lod 1 r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping 0 r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale 0.02 scr_screenshot_jpeg 1 scr_screenshot_jpeg_quality 0.9 cl_sound_wizardhit "" cl_sound_hknighthit "" cl_sound_tink1 weapons/tink1.wav cl_sound_ric1 weapons/ric1.wav cl_sound_ric2 weapons/ric2.wav cl_sound_ric3 weapons/ric3.wav cl_sound_r_exp3 "" seta cl_announcer default "name of the announcer you wish to use from data/sound/announcer" seta cl_announcer_antispam 2 "number of seconds before an announcement of the same sound can be played again" seta cl_announcer_maptime 3 "play announcer sound telling you the remaining maptime - 0: do not play at all, 1: play at one minute, 2: play at five minutes, 3: play both" set snd_cdautopause 0 // aliases: alias +fire +attack alias -fire -attack alias +fire2 +button3 alias -fire2 -button3 alias +attack2 +button3 // old alias from Nexuiz alias -attack2 -button3 // old alias name from Nexuiz alias +crouch +button5 alias -crouch -button5 alias weapnext "_weapnext_${cl_weaponpriority_useforcycling}" alias _weapnext_0 "impulse 18" alias _weapnext_1 "impulse 15" alias _weapnext_2 "impulse 10" alias weaplast "impulse 11" alias weapprev "_weapprev_${cl_weaponpriority_useforcycling}" alias _weapprev_0 "impulse 19" alias _weapprev_1 "impulse 16" alias _weapprev_2 "impulse 12" alias weapbest "impulse 13" // experimental zoom toggle (can be in wrong state at start of a game, though) set _togglezoom + alias +zoom "set _togglezoom -; +button4" alias -zoom "set _togglezoom +; -button4" alias togglezoom "${_togglezoom}zoom" alias reload "impulse 20" // weapons alias weapon_group_1 "impulse 1" alias weapon_group_2 "impulse 2" alias weapon_group_3 "impulse 3" alias weapon_group_4 "impulse 4" alias weapon_group_5 "impulse 5" alias weapon_group_6 "impulse 6" alias weapon_group_7 "impulse 7" alias weapon_group_8 "impulse 8" alias weapon_group_9 "impulse 9" alias weapon_group_0 "impulse 14" // cycles the superweapons cl_curl_enabled 1 cl_curl_maxdownloads 3 cl_curl_maxspeed 0 cl_curl_useragent 1 cl_curl_useragent_append "$g_xonoticversion" seta g_waypointsprite_alpha 1 "This allows the client to control transparency of the waypoint" seta g_waypointsprite_crosshairfadealpha 0.25 "alpha multiplier near crosshair" seta g_waypointsprite_crosshairfadescale 1 "scale multiplier near the crosshair" seta g_waypointsprite_crosshairfadedistance 150 "distance in virtual pixels from crosshair where to start fading" seta g_waypointsprite_distancefadealpha 1 "alpha multiplier near distance" seta g_waypointsprite_distancefadescale 0.7 "scale multiplier near the distance" seta g_waypointsprite_distancefadedistancemultiplier 0.5 "distance in map sizes from distance where to stop fading" set g_waypointsprite_distancealphaexponent 2 seta g_waypointsprite_edgefadealpha 0.5 "alpha multiplier near the edge" seta g_waypointsprite_edgefadedistance 50 "distance in virtual pixels from edge where to start fading" seta g_waypointsprite_edgefadescale 1 "scale multiplier near the edge" seta g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_bottom 0.06 "offset of how close the waypoint can be to the bottom edge of the screen" seta g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_left 0.06 "offset of how close the waypoint can be to the left edge of the screen" seta g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_right 0.06 "offset of how close the waypoint can be to the right edge of the screen" seta g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_top 0.06 "offset of how close the waypoint can be to the top edge of the screen" seta g_waypointsprite_fontsize 12 seta g_waypointsprite_itemstime 2 "show waypoints to indicate that some important items (mega health, large armor) are about to respawn: 1 when spectating, 2 even playing in warmup stage" set g_waypointsprite_minscale 0.5 set g_waypointsprite_minalpha 0.4 set g_waypointsprite_normdistance 512 seta g_waypointsprite_scale 1 set g_waypointsprite_spam 0 "Debugging feature. Set to 10 and load courtfun in race mode to test." set g_waypointsprite_timealphaexponent 1 seta g_waypointsprite_turrets 1 "disable turret waypoints" seta g_waypointsprite_turrets_maxdist 5000 "max distance for turret waypoints" seta g_waypointsprite_turrets_text 0 "show the turret's name in the waypoint" seta g_waypointsprite_turrets_onlyhurt 0 "only show the turret waypoint for a short period after being hurt" seta g_waypointsprite_uppercase 1 seta g_waypointsprite_text 0 "Always show text instead of icons, setting this to 0 will still use text if the icon is unavailable" seta g_waypointsprite_iconsize 32 seta g_waypointsprite_iconcolor 0 "Show the icon at natural color rather than the waypoint's color" alias "g_waypointsprite_personal" "impulse 30" alias "g_waypointsprite_personal_p" "impulse 31" alias "g_waypointsprite_personal_d" "impulse 32" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_helpme" "impulse 33" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_here" "impulse 34" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_here_p" "impulse 35" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_here_d" "impulse 36" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_danger" "impulse 37" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_danger_p" "impulse 38" alias "g_waypointsprite_team_danger_d" "impulse 39" alias "g_waypointsprite_clear_personal" "impulse 47" alias "g_waypointsprite_clear" "impulse 48" alias "g_waypointsprite_toggle" "toggle cl_hidewaypoints" seta cl_hidewaypoints 0 "disable static waypoints, only show team waypoints" seta cl_damagetext "1" "Draw damage dealt where you hit the enemy" seta cl_damagetext_format "-{total}" "How to format the damage text. {health}, {armor}, {total}, {potential}: full damage not capped to target's health, {potential_health}: health damage not capped to target's health" seta cl_damagetext_format_verbose 0 "{health} shows {potential_health} too when they differ; {total} shows {potential} too when they differ" seta cl_damagetext_format_hide_redundant 0 "hide {armor} if 0; hide {potential} and {potential_health} when same as actual" seta cl_damagetext_color "1 1 0" "Damage text color" seta cl_damagetext_color_per_weapon "0" "Damage text uses weapon color" seta cl_damagetext_size_min 10 "Damage text font size for small damage" seta cl_damagetext_size_min_damage 25 "How much damage is considered small" seta cl_damagetext_size_max 16 "Damage text font size for large damage" seta cl_damagetext_size_max_damage 140 "How much damage is considered large" seta cl_damagetext_alpha_start "1" "Damage text initial alpha" seta cl_damagetext_alpha_lifetime "3" "Damage text lifetime in seconds" seta cl_damagetext_velocity_screen "0 0 0" "Damage text move direction (screen coordinates)" seta cl_damagetext_velocity_world "0 0 20" "Damage text move direction (world coordinates relative to player's view)" seta cl_damagetext_offset_screen "0 -45 0" "Damage text offset (screen coordinates)" seta cl_damagetext_offset_world "0 0 0" "Damage text offset (world coordinates relative to player's view)" seta cl_damagetext_accumulate_range "30" "Damage text spawned within this range is accumulated" seta cl_damagetext_accumulate_alpha_rel "0.65" "Only update existing damage text when it's above this much percentage (0 to 1) of the starting alpha" seta cl_damagetext_friendlyfire "1" "0: never show for friendly fire, 1: when more than 0 damage, 2: always" seta cl_damagetext_friendlyfire_color "1 0 0" "Damage text color for friendlyfire" seta cl_damagetext_2d 1 "Show damagetext in 2D coordinates if the enemy's location is not known" seta cl_damagetext_2d_pos "0.47 0.53 0" "2D damage text initial position (X and Y between 0 and 1)" seta cl_damagetext_2d_alpha_start 1 "2D damage text initial alpha" seta cl_damagetext_2d_alpha_lifetime 1.3 "2D damage text lifetime (alpha fading) in seconds" seta cl_damagetext_2d_size_lifetime 3 "2D damage text lifetime (size shrinking) in seconds" seta cl_damagetext_2d_velocity "-25 0 0" "2D damage text move direction (screen coordinates)" seta cl_damagetext_2d_overlap_offset "0 -15 0" "Offset 2D damage text by this much to prevent overlapping (screen coordinates)" seta cl_damagetext_2d_close_range 125 "Always use 2D damagetext for hits closer that this" seta cl_damagetext_2d_out_of_view 1 "Always use 2D damagetext for hits that occurred off-screen" seta cl_vehicles_alarm 0 "Play an alarm sound when the vehicle you are driving is heavily damaged" seta cl_vehicles_hud_tactical 1 seta cl_vehicles_hudscale 0.5 seta cl_vehicles_notify_time 15 seta cl_vehicles_crosshair_size 0.5 seta cl_vehicles_crosshair_colorize 1 r_labelsprites_scale 0.40625 // labels sprites get displayed at 0.5x from 640x480 to 1280x1024, and at 1x from 1600x1200 onwards exec binds-xonotic.cfg seta menu_skin "luma" set menu_slowmo 1 seta menu_sounds 0 "enables menu sound effects. 1 enables click sounds, 2 also enables hover sounds" seta menu_tooltips 1 "menu tooltips: 0 disabled, 1 enabled, 2 also shows cvar or console command (when available) changed or executed by the item" set menu_picmip_bypass 0 "bypass texture quality enforcement based on system resources, not recommended and may cause crashes!" set menu_showboxes 0 "show item bounding boxes (debug)" set menu_cvarlist_onlymodified 0 "show only modified cvars in the cvar list" set menu_force_on_disconnection 1 "force to show the menu after you get disconnected" set _menu_credits_export 0 "set to 1 and restart the menu to export credits to credits.txt (menu will automatically reset to 0)" alias menu_credits_export "_menu_credits_export 1; menu_restart" r_textbrightness 0.2 r_textcontrast 0.8 r_textshadow 0 // safe font defaults r_font_hinting 2 r_font_disable_freetype 0 r_font_size_snapping 4 r_font_postprocess_blur 1 r_font_postprocess_outline 1 // good settings for these fonts con_chat 5 con_chatpos -9 con_chatsize 10 con_chatwidth 0.6 con_notify 0 con_notifysize 10 con_notifyalign 0 con_textsize 10 seta sbar_info_pos 0 "Y-axis distance from lower right corner for engine info prints" // scoreboard seta scoreboard_columns default // keep old scoreboard cvars for compatibility's sake // they've been replaced by hud_panel_scoreboard_* cvars // TODO remove them after a future release (0.8.2+) seta scoreboard_border_thickness 1 "scoreboard border thickness" seta scoreboard_accuracy_border_thickness 1 "accuracy stats border thickness" seta scoreboard_accuracy_doublerows 0 "use two rows instead of one" seta scoreboard_accuracy_nocolors 0 "don't use colors displaying accuracy stats" seta scoreboard_accuracy 1 "show weapon accuracy stats panel on scoreboard; colors can be configured with accuracy_color* cvars" seta scoreboard_color_bg_r 0.125 "red color component of the scoreboard background" seta scoreboard_color_bg_g 0.55 "green color component of the scoreboard background" seta scoreboard_color_bg_b 0.875 "blue color component of the scoreboard background" seta scoreboard_color_bg_team 0.6 "team color multiplier of the scoreboard background" seta scoreboard_alpha_bg 0.7 "scoreboard background alpha" seta scoreboard_alpha_fg 1 "scoreboard foreground alpha" seta scoreboard_alpha_name 0.9 "alpha of player text in scoreboard list other than self" seta scoreboard_alpha_name_self 1 "alpha of player text in scoreboard list of self" seta scoreboard_fadeinspeed 10 "speed at which scoreboard fades in, higher is faster (0 = instant)" seta scoreboard_fadeoutspeed 5 "speed at which scoreboard fades out, higher is faster (0 = instant)" seta scoreboard_highlight 1 "enable highlighting for rows and columns in the scoreboard" seta scoreboard_highlight_alpha 0.08 "highlight alpha value (depends on hud_scoreboard_highlight 1)" seta scoreboard_highlight_alpha_self 0.3 "self highlight alpha value" seta scoreboard_offset_left 0.15 "how far (by percent) the scoreboard is offset from the left screen edge" seta scoreboard_offset_right 0.15 "how far (by percent) the scoreboard is offset from the right screen edge" seta scoreboard_offset_vertical 0.05 "how far (by percent) the scoreboard is offset from the top and bottom of the screen" seta scoreboard_bg_scale 0.25 "scale for the tiled scoreboard background" seta scoreboard_respawntime_decimals 1 "decimal places to show for the respawntime countdown display on the scoreboard" seta scoreboard_dynamichud 0 "apply the dynamic hud effects to the scoreboard" seta accuracy_color_levels "0 20 100" "accuracy values at which a specified color (accuracy_color) will be used. If your accuracy is between 2 of these values then a mix of the Xth and X+1th colors will be used. You can specify up to 10 values, in increasing order" seta accuracy_color0 "1 0 0" seta accuracy_color1 "1 1 0" seta accuracy_color2 "0 1 0" // for menu server list (eventually make them have engine support?) seta menu_slist_showfull 1 "show servers even if they are full and have no slots to join" seta menu_slist_showempty 1 "show servers even if they are no empty and have no opponents to play against" seta menu_slist_showlaggy 0 "show servers even if they are very high latency (see menu_slist_maxping)" seta menu_slist_modfilter "" // set to either: !modname or modname. modname of = means "same as we are running now". // other serverlist cvars seta menu_slist_categories 0 seta menu_slist_categories_onlyifmultiple 1 seta menu_slist_purethreshold 0 seta menu_slist_maxping 300 seta menu_slist_modimpurity 0 seta menu_slist_recommendations 3 seta menu_slist_recommendations_maxping 150 seta menu_slist_recommendations_minfreeslots 1 seta menu_slist_recommendations_minhumans 0 seta menu_slist_recommendations_purethreshold -1 // serverlist category override cvars seta menu_slist_categories_CAT_FAVORITED_override "" seta menu_slist_categories_CAT_RECOMMENDED_override "" seta menu_slist_categories_CAT_NORMAL_override "" seta menu_slist_categories_CAT_SERVERS_override "CAT_NORMAL" seta menu_slist_categories_CAT_XPM_override "" seta menu_slist_categories_CAT_MODIFIED_override "" seta menu_slist_categories_CAT_OVERKILL_override "" seta menu_slist_categories_CAT_INSTAGIB_override "" seta menu_slist_categories_CAT_DEFRAG_override "" seta menu_weaponarena "" seta menu_maxplayers 16 "maxplayers value when the menu starts a game" // useful keybind to maximize the chat area temporarily // HUD code takes care of many of these now... //set _backup_con_chatvars_set 0 //alias _restore_con_chatvars_0 "" //alias _restore_con_chatvars_1 "set _backup_con_chatvars_set 0; con_chatpos $_backup_con_chatpos; con_chat $_backup_con_chat; con_notify $_backup_con_notify; con_chattime $_backup_con_chattime; cl_deathscoreboard $_backup_cl_deathscoreboard; scr_centertime $_backup_scr_centertime;r_track_sprites $_backup_r_track_sprites" //alias _restore_con_chatvars "_restore_con_chatvars_$_backup_con_chatvars_set" //alias _backup_con_chatvars_0 "set _backup_con_chatvars_set 1; set _backup_con_chatpos $con_chatpos; set _backup_con_chat $con_chat; set _backup_con_notify $con_notify; set _backup_con_chattime $con_chattime; set _backup_cl_deathscoreboard $cl_deathscoreboard; set _backup_scr_centertime $scr_centertime;set _backup_r_track_sprites $r_track_sprites" //alias _backup_con_chatvars_1 "" //alias _backup_con_chatvars "_backup_con_chatvars_$_backup_con_chatvars_set" //alias +con_chat_maximize "_backup_con_chatvars; con_chatpos -9; con_chat 100; con_notify 0; con_chattime 3600; cl_deathscoreboard 0; scr_centertime 0; r_track_sprites 0" //alias -con_chat_maximize "_restore_con_chatvars" set _con_chat_maximized 0 set _backup_con_chatvars_set 0 alias _restore_con_chatvars_0 "" alias _restore_con_chatvars_1 "set _backup_con_chatvars_set 0; con_notify $_backup_con_notify; con_chattime $_backup_con_chattime; cl_deathscoreboard $_backup_cl_deathscoreboard; scr_centertime $_backup_scr_centertime;r_track_sprites $_backup_r_track_sprites" alias _restore_con_chatvars "_restore_con_chatvars_$_backup_con_chatvars_set" alias _backup_con_chatvars_0 "set _backup_con_chatvars_set 1; set _backup_con_notify $con_notify; set _backup_con_chattime $con_chattime; set _backup_cl_deathscoreboard $cl_deathscoreboard; set _backup_scr_centertime $scr_centertime;set _backup_r_track_sprites $r_track_sprites" alias _backup_con_chatvars_1 "" alias _backup_con_chatvars "_backup_con_chatvars_$_backup_con_chatvars_set" alias +con_chat_maximize "_con_chat_maximized 1; _backup_con_chatvars; con_notify 0; con_chattime 3600; cl_deathscoreboard 0; scr_centertime 0; r_track_sprites 0" alias -con_chat_maximize "_con_chat_maximized 0; _restore_con_chatvars" // tab completion set con_completion_playdemo *.dem set con_completion_timedemo *.dem set con_completion_ply *.dem set con_completion_tdem *.dem set con_completion_exec *.cfg set con_completion_chmap map set con_completion_devmap map set con_completion_gotomap map set con_completion_vmap map set con_completion_vnextmap map set con_completion_vdomap map set con_completion_playermodel "models/player/*.iqm" // helper // these non-saved engine cvars shall be saved alias makesaved "seta $1 \"${$1 ?}\"" makesaved cl_maxfps_alwayssleep makesaved cl_port makesaved gl_finish makesaved net_slist_queriespersecond makesaved r_ambient makesaved r_drawviewmodel makesaved r_showsurfaces makesaved r_subdivisions_tolerance makesaved skill makesaved vid_gl13 makesaved vid_gl20 makesaved v_idlescale makesaved v_kicktime makesaved music_playlist_list0 makesaved music_playlist_random0 cl_netfps 60 // should match or be a multiple of sys_ticrate _cl_rate 40000 // fast adsl gl_texture_anisotropy 8 seta gl_texturecompression 0 // FIXME the description is wrong - when this is 0, e.g. gl_texturecompression_sky still takes effect gl_texturecompression_color 1 gl_texturecompression_gloss 1 gl_texturecompression_glow 1 gl_texturecompression_lightcubemaps 0 gl_texturecompression_q3bsplightmaps 0 gl_texturecompression_sky 1 cl_maxfps 250 seta menu_mouse_absolute 1 "use the OS mouse pointer motion for menu" seta menu_mouse_speed 1 "speed multiplier for the mouse in the menu (does not affect in-game aiming)" set menu_use_default_hostname 1 alias sethostname "set menu_use_default_hostname 0; hostname $*" seta cl_weaponpriority "vaporizer okhmg okrpc oknex vortex fireball mortar okmachinegun machinegun hagar rifle arc electro devastator crylink minelayer okshotgun shotgun shockwave hlac tuba blaster porto seeker hook" "weapon priority list" seta cl_weaponpriority_useforcycling 0 "when set, weapon cycling by the mouse wheel makes use of the weapon priority list (the special value 2 uses the weapon ID list for cycling)" seta cl_weaponpriority0 "okrpc devastator mortar hagar seeker fireball" "use weapon_priority_0_prev for prev gun from this list, weapon_priority_0_best for best gun, weapon_priority_0_next for next gun. Default value: explosives" seta cl_weaponpriority1 "vaporizer oknex vortex crylink hlac arc electro blaster shockwave" "use weapon_priority_1_prev for prev gun from this list, weapon_priority_1_best for best gun, weapon_priority_1_next for next gun. Default value: energy" seta cl_weaponpriority2 "vaporizer oknex vortex rifle" "use weapon_priority_2_prev for prev gun from this list, weapon_priority_2_best for best gun, weapon_priority_2_next for next gun. Default value: hitscan exact" seta cl_weaponpriority3 "vaporizer okhmg oknex vortex rifle okmachinegun machinegun okshotgun shotgun shockwave" "use weapon_priority_3_prev for prev gun from this list, weapon_priority_3_best for best gun, weapon_priority_3_next for next gun. Default value: hitscan all" seta cl_weaponpriority4 "mortar minelayer hlac hagar crylink seeker okshotgun shotgun shockwave" "use weapon_priority_4_prev for prev gun from this list, weapon_priority_4_best for best gun, weapon_priority_4_next for next gun. Default value: spam weapons" seta cl_weaponpriority5 "blaster shockwave hook porto" "use weapon_priority_5_prev for prev gun from this list, weapon_priority_5_best for best gun, weapon_priority_5_next for next gun. Default value: weapons for moving" seta cl_weaponpriority6 "" "use weapon_priority_6_prev for prev gun from this list, weapon_priority_6_best for best gun, weapon_priority_6_next for next gun" seta cl_weaponpriority7 "" "use weapon_priority_7_prev for prev gun from this list, weapon_priority_7_best for best gun, weapon_priority_7_next for next gun" seta cl_weaponpriority8 "" "use weapon_priority_8_prev for prev gun from this list, weapon_priority_8_best for best gun, weapon_priority_8_next for next gun" seta cl_weaponpriority9 "" "use weapon_priority_9_prev for prev gun from this list, weapon_priority_9_best for best gun, weapon_priority_9_next for next gun" seta cl_weaponimpulsemode 0 "0: only cycle between currently usable weapons in weapon priority order; 1: cycle between all possible weapons on a key in weapon priority order" alias _gl_flashblend_update_00 "gl_flashblend 1" alias _gl_flashblend_update_10 "gl_flashblend 0" alias _gl_flashblend_update_01 "gl_flashblend 0" alias _gl_flashblend_update_11 "gl_flashblend 0" alias gl_flashblend_update "_gl_flashblend_update_$r_shadow_realtime_dlight$r_showsurfaces" set cl_handicap 1 "multiplies damage received and divides damage dealt" seta cl_clippedspectating 1 "movement collision for spectators so that you can't pass through walls and such" seta cl_autoscreenshot 1 "Take a screenshot upon the end of a match... 0 = Disable completely, 1 = Allow sv_autoscreenshot to take a screenshot when requested, 2 = Always take an autoscreenshot anyway." seta cl_jetpack_jump 1 "Activate jetpack by pressing jump in the air. 0 = Disable, 1 = Stop when touching ground, 2 = Enable" seta cl_race_cptimes_showself 1 "Always show your own times as well as the current best on checkpoints in Race/CTS" seta cl_race_cptimes_onlyself 0 "Only show your own times on checkpoints in Race/CTS" seta cl_cts_noautoswitch 0 "Prevent forced switching to new weapons in CTS" set cl_stripcolorcodes 0 "experimental feature (notes: strips ALL color codes from messages!)" // Demo camera set camera_enable 0 "Enables the camera for demo playback" set camera_free 0 "Free camera instead of chasing the player" set camera_reset 0 "Resets the camera position and switch to chase mode" set camera_speed_roll 0.9 "Camera rotation speed" set camera_speed_chase 4 "Camera movement speed on the x/y/z axis while chasing the player" set camera_speed_free 8 "Camera movement speed on the x/y/z axis in free mode" set camera_speed_attenuation 10 "Camera movements attenuation factor. Bigger is smoother. Applies to mouse movements" set camera_mouse_threshold 0.5 "Use to ignore small mouse movements. This allows for smoother camera control" set camera_chase_smoothly 0 "Attenuate player movements (only in chase mode)" set camera_look_player 0 "Always look to the player. Mouse input is ignored in this mode" set camera_look_attenuation 8 "Attenuation of \"looking\" movements, only if camera_look_player is set. Bigger is smoother" set camera_forward_follows 1 "0: Move the camera forwards without changing altitude. 1: Move towards what you are looking" // "Gentle mode": show no blood seta cl_gentle 0 "client side gentle mode, master switch" seta cl_gentle_gibs 0 "client side gentle mode for gibs (cl_nogibs); when set to 1, white smoke replaces gibs, when set to 2, colorful clouds replace gibs" seta cl_gentle_messages 0 "client side gentle mode for frag messages/centerprints" seta cl_gentle_damage 0 "client side gentle mode for damage flash (hud_damage); when set to 1, a white flash replaces the blood image, when set to 2, a randomly colored flash is used instead" set cl_jetpack_attenuation 2 "jetpack sound attenuation" set cl_warpzone_usetrace 1 "do not touch" set cl_effects_lightningarc_simple 0 set cl_effects_lightningarc_segmentlength 64 set cl_effects_lightningarc_drift_start 0.45 set cl_effects_lightningarc_drift_end 0.1 set cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_start 0.25 set cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_add 0.1 set menu_updatecheck_getpacks 1 "get update packs from update server" seta cl_loddistance1 1024 seta cl_loddistance2 3072 seta cl_playerdetailreduction 4 "the higher, the less detailed player models are displayed (LOD)" seta cl_modeldetailreduction 1 "higher values will reduce the detail of non-player and non-weapon models (LOD)" seta cl_casings_maxcount 100 "maximum amount of shell casings (must be at least 1)" seta cl_gibs_maxcount 100 "maximum amount of gibs (must be at least 1)" //cl_gunalign calculator seta menu_cl_gunalign 3 "Gun alignment; 1 = center (if allowed by g_shootfromclient) or right, 2 = center (if allowed by g_shootfromclient) or left, 3 = right only, 4 = left only" alias _gunalign_01 "cl_gunalign 1" alias _gunalign_02 "cl_gunalign 2" alias _gunalign_03 "cl_gunalign 3" alias _gunalign_04 "cl_gunalign 4" alias _gunalign_11 "cl_gunalign 2" alias _gunalign_12 "cl_gunalign 1" alias _gunalign_13 "cl_gunalign 4" alias _gunalign_14 "cl_gunalign 3" alias _gunalign_update "_gunalign_$v_flipped$menu_cl_gunalign" set cl_shootfromfixedorigin "" "dummy cvar, value is synced from the server's g_shootfromfixedorigin setting" set cl_jumpspeedcap_min "" "dummy cvar, value is synced from the server's sv_jumpspeedcap_min setting" set cl_jumpspeedcap_max "" "dummy cvar, value is synced from the server's sv_jumpspeedcap_max setting" set _menu_alpha "" // will be set by menu QC to the current fading of the menu, can be used by CSQC to fade items set _menu_initialized 0 "is 0 on first menu loading, 1 later" seta cl_noantilag 0 "turn this on if you believe antilag is bad" set cl_accuracy_data_share 0 "1 share my weapon accuracy data statistics with other players, 0 keep my weapon accuracy data statistics hidden" set cl_accuracy_data_receive 0 "1 receive weapon accuracy data statistics at the end of the match" set developer_csqcentities 0 "csqc entity spam" seta cl_forceplayermodels 0 "make everyone look like your own model (requires server to have sv_defaultcharacter 0)" seta cl_forceplayercolors 0 "make enemies look like your own color (requires server to have sv_defaultcharacter 0); 1: in all game modes without teams (if cl_forceuniqueplayercolors is 0), 2: always, 3: only in Duel, 4: only in game modes with 2 teams, 5: in team games and Duel" seta cl_forceuniqueplayercolors 0 "assign each enemy unique colors in all game modes without teams except duel (requires server to have sv_defaultcharacter 0)" seta cl_forcemyplayermodel "" "set to the model file name you want to show yourself as (does not affect how enemies look with cl_forceplayermodels)" seta cl_forcemyplayerskin 0 "set to the skin number you want to show yourself as (does not affect how enemies look with cl_forceplayermodels)" seta cl_forcemyplayercolors 0 "set to the color value (encoding is same as _cl_color) for your own player model (ignored in teamplay; does not affect how enemies look with cl_forceplayermodels)" seta cl_movement_errorcompensation 1 "try to compensate for prediction errors and reduce perceived lag" seta cl_movement_intermissionrunning 0 "keep velocity after the match ends, players may appear to continue running while stationary" seta cl_viewmodel_alpha 1 "Maximum opacity of the view model, use a value between 0 and 1" set debugdraw 0 set debugdraw_filter "" set debugdraw_filterout "" set debugtrace 0 // FIXME remove this when the engine feature FINALLY MAYBE works r_glsl_skeletal 0 // FIXME engine description mentions the default should be 1, but sets it to 2 anyway, breaks some maps r_useportalculling 1 // animation tuning set cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_framegroups 0.05 // must be faster than fastest weapon refire set cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_server 0.1 // must be slower than slowest server controlled anim (e.g. animinfo stuff) // autodemo deleting seta cl_autodemo_delete_keeprecords 0 "when 1, records with a newly made race/cts demo are kept even if cl_autodemo_delete is used to delete demos" // freeze camera set cl_lockview 0 "when 1, the camera does not move any more; when 2, you can only control camera angles" // we now use mastervolume volume 1 // sucks less than the old one cl_decals_newsystem 1 scr_conalpha 1 scr_conalpha2factor 0.3 scr_conalpha3factor 1 scr_conalphafactor 0.8 scr_conbrightness 0.35 scr_conscroll2_x 0.11 scr_conscroll2_y 0.2 scr_conscroll3_x 0 scr_conscroll3_y 0 scr_conscroll_x -0.1 scr_conscroll_y -0.3 scr_conforcewhiledisconnected 0 scr_infobar_height 12 // DP cannot properly detect this, so rather turn off the detection r_texture_dds_load_alphamode 2 r_texture_dds_swdecode 1 // SW decode to quarter res if we want to load DDS but don't support the extension for it r_texture_dds_load_logfailure 0 // this engine feature SUCKS set vid_netwmfullscreen 0 // doesn't support non-native res // particles optimization r_drawparticles_nearclip_min 8 r_drawparticles_nearclip_max 16 r_cullentities_trace 0 // exact gloss looks better, e.g. on g-23 r_shadow_glossexact 1 r_shadow_glossintensity 1 // use slightly better lighting than r_fullbright if map has no lightmaps, and for fullbrightplayers r_fullbright_directed 1 r_water_hideplayer 1 // hide your own feet/player model in refraction views, this way you don't see half of your body under water r_water_refractdistort 0.003 set cl_rainsnow_maxdrawdist 1000 // database management set cl_db_saveasdump 0 "write client.db in dump format (loads slower, easier to read/parse)" // uid2name seta cl_allow_uid2name -1 "-1 = ask if the player wants to disable/enable this feature, 0 = disable, 1 = enable uid2name (allows showing your name in race rankings for instance)" seta cl_allow_uidtracking 1 "-1 = ask if the player wants to disable/enable this feature, 0 = disable, 1 = enable uid tracking (allows associating your data with your player ID)" seta cl_allow_uidranking 1 "0 = disable, 1 = enable uid ranking (allows statistics like elo to rank you in leaderboards)" // terms of service seta _termsofservice_accepted 0 // polygonoffset for submodel SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS (only a hack for quake1, we don't need that) r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset 0 r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor 0 // decals: need a higher polygonoffset than default to not compete with _decal surfaces too much r_polygonoffset_decals_offset -28 r_polygonoffset_decals_factor 0 // loading screen scr_loadingscreen_background 0 scr_loadingscreen_barcolor "0 0.5 1" scr_loadingscreen_barheight 12 scr_loadingscreen_count 1 scr_loadingscreen_firstforstartup 1 scr_loadingscreen_scale 999 scr_loadingscreen_scale_base 1 scr_loadingscreen_scale_limit 2 // in-game menu seta menu_gamemenu 1 "1: show in-game menu when esc is pressed; 0: show main menu when esc is pressed" // other config files exec effects-normal.cfg exec crosshairs.cfg exec gamemodes-client.cfg exec notifications.cfg seta cl_physics "default" "client selected physics set" // hud cvar descriptions and common settings exec _hud_common.cfg exec _hud_descriptions.cfg // exec the default skin config // please add any new cvars into the hud_save script in qcsrc/client/hud_config.qc for consistency exec hud_luma.cfg // enable menu syncing - must be after files that call menu_sync on startup - see alias menu_sync "" alias menu_sync "menu_cmd sync" seta cl_items_nofade 0 seta cl_animate_items 1 seta cl_ghost_items 0.45 "enable ghosted items (when between 0 and 1, overrides the alpha value)" seta cl_ghost_items_color "-1 -1 -1" "color of ghosted items (colormod format: 0 0 0 leaves the color unchanged, negative values allowed)" seta cl_ghost_items_vehicle 1 "show ghosted items when inside a vehicle even when the item is available, to indicate that it can't be picked up" seta cl_simple_items 0 "enable simple items (if server allows)" set cl_simpleitems_postfix "_luma" "posfix to add fo model name when simple items are enabled" set cl_weapon_stay_color "2 0.5 0.5" "Color of picked up weapons when g_weapon_stay > 0 (colormod format: 0 0 0 leaves the color unchanged, negative values allowed)" set cl_weapon_stay_alpha 0.75 "Alpha of picked up weapons when g_weapon_stay > 0" seta cl_arcbeam_simple 1 "use a simplified beam for the Arc instead of accurate flexible poly drawing (improves performance and visuals slightly)" seta cl_arcbeam_teamcolor 1 "color the Arc beam based on the player's colors" seta cl_grapplehook_alpha 1 "opacity of the grappling hook chain" seta cl_vaporizerbeam_particle 0 "use a legacy particle effect for the vaporizer beam instead of a rendered poly, may not reflect accurate colors" seta cl_vaporizerbeam_lifetime 0.8 "time it takes for the vaporizer beam to fade completely" seta cl_vaporizerbeam_colorboost 0.7 "saturation of the vaporizer beam's color based on the player color" seta cl_showspectators 0 "Show who's spectating you if server has sv_showspectators enabled" set cl_rollkillspeed 10 // Facility for config.cfg use ONLY. // Interpreted in post-config.cfg. seta menu_forced_saved_cvars "" "These cvars will always be saved, despite engine/Xonotic cvar saving status" set menu_reverted_nonsaved_cvars "" "These cvars are currently marked as saved in the flags, but have been reverted and won't stay saved. INTERNAL USE ONLY."